HAPPY WORLD + Happy Zone - OH NO ( True Ending / Secrets ) Manly Let's Play [ 2 ]

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hey everyone this is a manly badass aroun welcome back to happy world previously happy world wasn't too happy as we got the worst ending possible now we've gone back to hopefully make things happy in the world the happy world so let's go to the purple place first and just double down on the stuff rather than just like collecting you as an item I'm a coast whoa tell me your story purple person I just linger around and you just tell me your story as I'm blue now no no you told me like help you buy oh no I'm doing is it listen to every note in Toulouse no more so you might just literally linger into a Sangha silver I'll just try that [Music] you [Music] whoa well [Music] well what sting went down [Music] I was just chillin take artifact sure hey that's me take I'll take both of you I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to take but you know I have no idea what happened here I got really weird real fast here I have to keep your task into the next world maybe I just skip it at the artifact [Music] no I do have to do it in the end [Music] are you tied twice this is weird this is different something's not right whoop 2x clan [Music] I lost my mind you find it for me were you the skinless woman oh I'm stinking angry uh-oh Gua it's the purple guy you pee I'm having so much fun aren't you I guess we like joy that robot night having fun I'm not sure where your mind is I feel like I said more of a philosophical question we're back maybe we'll be in the next world your mind that is [Music] it's like each world we go to if we do the thing properly that they will populate that world per se [Music] whoa white whoo whoops never leave me no okay well whoop - never leave me I have a feeling I'm never gonna be able leave hi are you never leave me well what's expert day and visitor are you here to stay you could leave I'll be very sad it's what's going on do I stay do I have to I guess I get the next relic instead of isn't blue and red though I didn't say white goodbye whoop - what are you doing yes what what are you doing stay with me forever there's never day in can Sookie oh sorry - dig in Sookie oh I meant happy world [Music] you can tell what my computer's call now why are you running away for that you're gonna pay manly badass zero oh crap it's shut down the game okay so that was an experience let's not discuss it ever happening ever again life goes on I bet there's a secret warp over there I just noticed it but to get to it I probably have to like drop come on I missed maybe I just like no momentum whatsoever almost yeah I mean like no momentum got it walk to the party zone yeah it's a party Sam oh man simply pop out whoo-hoo yeah whoo bippity bop I'll go token go token go token [Music] there I'm done secret okay now let's go hang out with blue I'm sad help I just need to listen to all their songs to fully [Music] you [Music] well the music stopped thank you for listening to my depressive melody here's your second piece Lisa's one wasn't as dark as the purple world whoops whoops good luck on your journey goodbye blue world [Music] no time to go back so a little bit of lore they mentioned like certain artifacts can hijack the portals so that's kind of what happening when I pick up these artifacts here no no one I jacked me this time just need read now oh yes world of terrible people hey I just realized this I can hop up here for you was this multiverse what if we're just in a computer what is the meaning of lit what does it her do was not even any games or platforming true with this multiverse what it's like the proof I'm a computer game is the effect I repeat the same dialogue when encountered that doesn't make sense what a sad jump [Music] alright let's hang out Fred [Music] being like the angry one you like the most upbeat Infinium oh yeah it's anger and a positivity [Music] so this one went black there it is again why could he just been like blues world but ears hurt that's what it feels like hey [Music] he's gonna leave [Music] give what where is my there it is [Music] you have been positive but no [Music] okay walk to the hub with the other artifact I'm not that any question that world yet the furnace yes at the furnace Elsa was on the file the furnace key what is this this is weird walk to the shop no it's blue my supposed to walk to blue oh god is flashing [Music] this is a much different shop than the last one hey I'm scared please help me welcome to shop just take this journal I stole from someone's house okay this file I just opened up says people are on to me I can't sleep stealing energy by myself ain't something to get from me maybe I convinced someone from outer world the control token and I tricked them into creat an energy for Me's I proceeded swipe it right from them they won't even know it's that's the Journal of the skinless woman [Music] yeah okay so we'll whoop tableau now this is a very interesting game to say at least well blue was going I didn't I'd like some grim dark outcome hey blue why are you here I don't deserve to be paid attention to you can go really I'm not worth it I'm pathetic I was too weak for this world I couldn't handle the truth I lost it all I was unhappy I'm just not meant to be happy I should have saw it coming the world just wants to wipe me house well someone does anyway so I fulfilled its wish [Music] white the war so what's red story gonna be [Music] Oh God why are you always doing this read in the best hero it's off a son we're not happy we're just robots an enemy and landscape we don't have three well you're gonna make anyone happy she's a fraud she tricked you to do her bidding and now she's gonna destroy us all it's the end of the world as we know it that was weird go away was waiting for you well purple would be waiting for me oh you only come back I see how it is [Music] now most bluefangs what a guys possess purple now you will finally understand [Music] wait gal to the files [Music] see how this game is crazy that was a crack of the multiverse it shows people a true nature of this multiverse and just in a computer program I'm not real nothing is real mammy badass zero we could not handle this information you have no idea that's why she wants to destroy the multiverse and she's gonna use her death machine to do it it's in the room behind me I want you to destroy it as much as I want this Pam and I could never exchange my own piece for the lives of others that's just not how I am I've always been a good person a heart of gold but it's broken will you destroy the death machine for me I see you shouldn't be here then [Music] yes I'm glad you did good luck this is just never trap all right and I get to destroy congratulate averse yeah my gratitude yeah boy this multiverse is saved you can do you ruin everything Hey that's right now what so I saved the multiverse everyone just lives weirdest thing to do the positive energy quest [Music] hey it's wake take this key and go to hub sure I'm gonna figure out what that thing is for how unlock it there's the hub where are we now I see you are here to fix two broken ones okay take these two hearts and take them to the broken ones we're the broken ones now fix them green and red maybe [Music] [Music] Oh sticking angry so my guys we knew I can do an X planned [Music] [Music] can I heal your heart know who is broken hearts so confused yeah so let me knew that someone's lost guys like scare them away okay just get along you'll find something fix I found Kingdom Hearts faster the squares to can develop Kingdom Hearts Murray thank you it's with a better ah it was a ghost so near the heart sick and like pass on and reincarnate how about you what do you want huh fix looks like Union Kingdom Hearts 3 oh [Music] my gosh manly badass hero I I you saved me thank you thank you isn't even enough to you the pain is ending you here my Savior I thought would be stuck in this furnace forever this is a miracle I love you whoa I wish I could stay with you huh but it's too late I'm reincarnating it goodbye manly bass hero maybe we'll meet again in the next life the oh nice music just an traumatically ends now it's a truly a happy world [Music] now what no I just explored and once is happy [Music] but they like the post game of undertale and it looks pretty missable here it did [Music] happy party okay feel alone facade [Music] that's a joke at the end of the game there was no happy party it's a happy world but there's no happy party so I believe it's more secrets in the game one of them does have to do with something about the machines and a link near them too long and it's a lot of things for time base in this game like everything we will do exactly that [Music] well so it opened up the download to a happy world site where I can download happy zone a self-esteem about making others happy I guess I'm in the happy zone hey everybody we're in the happy so home it's a token it's got no life soulless air you trust me tried to destroy the world earlier I'm lonely when I come to my house sure you be [Music] yeah it's a number HUBZone well custom multiverse it's an alternate universe welcome to my home zone hope you like it it's great let's go to this is where I pretend to eat I miss being alive oh yeah you're dead too aren't you it's just like a who oh that's scruffy maybe just the cutest thing I guess beauties in the gonna have a holder this is the structure machine well that's my token machine that's how you were made basically on your goddess hehe [Music] what's going on what's going on Hey cut out that was weird this weird man [Music] okay now where I tried warping into you what yes this was just Louie just a question mark so that one was a gag there was no happy world happy party world it's absolutely nothing so I think that's actually all this game has to offer now so we're gonna play the game never get the pop-up from and this is I believe an older game that the creator's made so it's not super secret true ending kind of thing this is just an older game I think came out like might even be earlier than this root game it was released yeah so I'm just gonna play just kind of see what the the prototype of the previous game was really and because you know I made a pop up in the middle of my virtual game let's let her character I like this guy he looks like he knows what's up he looks like the type that would go into restaurant be like your Yelp reviews say only four point five that's not perfect I will be a very harsh judge that's the type of guy this guy is never guy that goes into your house pushes your table breaks her plates and then plays your n64 and beats you in Mario Party that guy he is perfect in every way look here's the purple ghost what was it ghost hi I'm suicidal a pet frog passed away will you find his corpse sure thank you hey what's up I'm the happy guy how you doing welcome the happy world hi pretty I don't know do you think I'd be older poor papal I can't imagine this pain [Music] maybe maybe we'll find the Frog corpse in the shop they show frog corpse Oh God your let's go to the plane there is the Frog right yeah the frogs right here I'm a dead frog whoa I got a dead frog I can see how they greatly expanded upon the concept for this key into happy world happy zone yep I found a dead frog thanks so much I love you wait it's a little too quick let's go to a shop zone and buy you prettiness hey cat guy are you doing go away or closed I need to buy prettiness for this person maybe with some self-confidence are you selling any damn hey chefs has a shop not open now what do i do Malfoy I want to be a pretty princess now okay so you want to be a princess something stepped on the owl thing okay let's go back to the shop so maybe it's open now are you open yet [Music] listen I'm phasing for you because I'm very upset I am stuck I'm gonna glitch right for you walls and get my stuff I need oh is it cost over here because I'm blue but I want to be pink will you get me a pink Ghost dive from the shop tone sure I could just paint ghost die thank you thank you oh please get my dye from the shop zone cut off token [Music] so me stuff you bastard you're welcome to shop zone huh may I take your order sorry I don't just give amount I gonna have to pay think you best like selecting it too fast what this is girl in the shop form can you ask her what she thinks of me okay okay then go do it go at first I thought the two little things in your mouth over your eyes but now I realize the truth little small dots your eyes in those little circles instead like dimples or something hey what's up who are you sometimes I wonder if I would make a girl hey you can't I'm gonna be a pretty pretty princess no I need I don't need I don't care about that try to ask you about give me this one give me not the cat I'm just being I'm being a biggie presumptions like all the Catholics here at calico know it's the human oh yeah Oh cat from shop zone looks like I'm chewing on her back I think he's really cute I mean he's a cat well she would talk to me if only he knew what so she's an animal girl and she likes you go talk to her and it's misunderstandings because they're annoying she really likes me oh gosh by your eyes dots will let me know here's a pink ghost I Thanks oh no it's dark don't get back are you it's a pinko style your pink ghost now let's go you can get die thank you I looking match the house so much I love you Oh everyone loves me hey I'm manly bass zero isn't someone new over there just stop touching me I just roll away hey what's up you God I lost my skin will you find it for me sure thank you I think it's in the forest zone so the forest zone so as far as I know like I said this game was made before happy world this was kind of prototype but they they are Kanna coal in the sense that they take place at the same time or something who are you he's like a heart and you're an artifact ok we clicked it an artifact that'll be useful because it belongs in a museum I got some skin too [Music] we fall off the world to collecting an artifact and skin in the forest so and for like ten trees where's the money zone it's just a zone just full to plenty may I'd be really convenient the only one person lives there some garlic some kind of annoying voice welcome to the money zone I see you're too poor because you don't come from the money zone but I do they may not be serious did you get it yeah I think your skin was just a palette of color thank you so much graduations you made everyone happy you can go now you did it thank you emoji face it's something that goes no [Music] everyone's happy happy zone what's up loving me how are you doing you happy no not to you have self-confidence will you be happy stop all right let's just go I'm not sure what I was expecting coming in this house and then wash smacking a plate I felt like we made our teleport out and like go home hey there it is there's the exit I just need to go flying off no why don't you put the exit over there ah got it Oh shucks what's this like a bowling ball go do it I'm gonna let's be a montage in itself okay let's go doodle and I'm suddenly low-quality like a western cartoon I'm so ugly you stop it wait do I just am I stuck here forever I'll go back to the happy zone let's place so I guess that's it for that the game just shut itself down probably the critter confirms that doodle zone is an exit point for happy zone so we exit the machine maybe we went to the happy world who knows hey everyone this is manly badass hero and that's it for the happy world series or not so happy world depending what ending you get a little bit of a little bit of funny advertising there cuz but default you're gonna get that ending and well it wasn't so happy but you know the everything that's fine but anyway so storyline wise I'm not again to that like I'm not gonna discuss the law or anything I don't think I mean there is lore there is Menace stuff but a lot of its just a vehicle for the gameplay or like the quirkiness of the game so I see a lot people comparing this to lob over stuff like anything undertale pets cop Doki Doki I'm Irish where the pegs pets cough Ignis coming from I see that one all the time down and it's I mean there's some similarities in the meta part but for the most part aesthetically and I think what the game is going for and I said is kinda like a certain era of peace to Japanese games that were very quirky they have a certain graphical style where moving was very rounded rounded edges cutesy almost not quite like clay but they had that kind of soft look to it like almost a toy and this game just had it everywhere and everywhere especially the worm world you can really see it right there and in the final world as soon as you start getting some actual shapes you can kind of see the aesthetic come out and that's why I think the the Menna game in itself is a little more of a leans towards the parody aspect not a full-on parody like a comedy or anything but more of like I said it's a vehicle it's a vehicle for the whole weirdness and everything the little creepy scenes or once again like I said just they're all vehicles deliver the quirkiness so it's a little bit weird for the sake of weird which is perfectly fine I thought the entire game was charming I think the game is I mean the sandwich came to play there but the game is I think kind of legitimately good and like it is a legitimate kind of treat work so I liked it I'm not sure maybe when degree especially if you're looking for more or even guys for that but I'm just coming at it is what it is and I liked it like I said that's why I won't discuss law or anything there's some whole reincarnation thing and I think the games are maybe not connected they've made multiple games of this kind of styled world but I don't think like I said there's no connected plot they're just they're funny they're kind of funny games but yeah that's all I can really say about this now so anyway if you go for watch you play in the happy world series I'll see you guys later and take it easy [Music]
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 113,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Happy World, Happy World Let's Play, Happy World Ending, Happy World True Ending, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Happy Zone, Happy Zone Let's Play, True Ending, Ending, Finale, Secrets, Adventure Game
Id: lq56VmpT8fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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