Jason Bytes Back Ep. 55 - Plex vs Emby? Bad Electrician..

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what's up youtube welcome to jason bites back episode numero sequente cinco i actually think i said that right that's a first or that's a new no [Music] if you guys are unfamiliar with jason bites back it is the series of which i go through the last 30 days of comments i read questions comments respond questions comments sometimes sarcastically sometimes truthfully it just it's kind of a 50 50 mix as always this series is brought to you by my awesome patreon subscribers the 5 and 10 of which will be listed at the end of this video so thank you very much my patreon subscribers for throwing money at me like a cheap hooker before i start this off i do want to say this is the last jason bites back that will be pre-recorded for the year that's right this is the december jason bites back and new year's live stream is right around the corner which will start technically on new year's eve central standard time at 11 p.m so if you are willing to watch a very sad person just sitting by himself drinking alone on the internet hey feel free to tune in 11 cst i say this every year but i'm going to try to not get alcohol poisoning it's a bad thing but i you know once you just start it's just hard to stop but while i'm on that topic i will here shortly start recording some of the pre-recorded pop-ups that you get that i did last year in the year before that's like the custom pop-ups like no donation yeah i'm going to try not to make it as annoying and put some different parameters on it but if you guys have any ideas anything you want to see for certain increments of donation super chats let me know in the comments down below so strap your butts to the chair and let's jump right in to the first question and or comment from marcus he asked why add another device to the equation and not just buy a tv with plex built in been using my vizio tv for years with no issues who wants to read a movie that's the subtitle reference you only talked about the plug and play clients and never talk about the option that are built into the tv well marcus that is actually a very valid point what that really stems too is that most of my tvs in my house are super old i don't really recycle go through a lot of tvs i have most of my tvs are 1080p i only have one 4k and that's really just what it is i have old tvs that while they do have technically you know smart applications they just don't run very quickly with the built or with the plex app that you can download via the smart browser now i'm sure that whenever i get a new tv like i do want a big old upgraded 4k tv downstairs and my home theater system set up i'm sure that i'll at least try that out but to go through and test each single one and judge every brand and every model on the performance of the you know built-in capabilities of said tv that would just not really be a feasible thing for me however i will say that when i do get a new tv it has smart features built in that i can download the app and see how the plex runs natively on it see if it's super sluggish which is what my experience has been in the past i will make sure to make a video still a valid point just kind of difficult on the the small scale that my channel is next question is from oz lux uh he or she says i love that you decided to zip tie your gate instead of moving the entire thing a meter to the side i understand where you're coming from the reason why i decided to zip tie my gate closed is location location location so the sun as it hits it peaks over my roof i have a chimney i have a tree and things just kind of like just flow in a certain direction so if i would have moved it way far over to the left bear in mind this is literally just a temporary testing solar setup thing just to review these solar panels if i would have moved it more to the left i would cut more tree and more chimney shadows and if i would have moved it more to the right then i would have caught more attention from the neighbors so this was a very strategic placement to try to get as much testing as i can with the solar panels to avoid the cairns that might be like oh you're obstructing the view that sort of thing thankfully i haven't actually got a complaint yet i think most of my neighbors are not really like legit karen's but there is like an hoa enforcement truck that drives by every freaking week so the more in line it is with the street the easier it is for he or she to be able to see it and send me a notice and say you can't do that it's ugly so i put it in the middle of fence the gate happened to be there and really it's a garbage fence anyways it's a long story behind it but it needs ripped out and replaced with a full backyard fence instead of just the one fence section in the backyard next question is from purebred aussie says no everything should go through the shunt everything period do not connect anything directly to the battery okay well i mean you know technically based off what you said you have to connect the shunt directly to the battery so just kidding just kidding yes you're right i have been learning as i go and i got this inverter then i started building my solar setup and and kind of wiring things and then i was adding things and like there was a series of events where it's like i'm waiting on different parts from amazon waiting this deciding to add that literally i just set up this whole thing and by the time i got to a point where i was like satisfied with the setup to start running the test and collecting data and things like that i stepped back and said wow all of this is wrong the parts are there but it needs rewired and i have since then rewired it i took all of them down or all the stuff down and rewired it i got the batteries going on a negative side going to the shunt going to the to the block the district the distribution block which then goes to the inverter the dc converter and everything else and then on the other side i got the fuse that connects directly to the battery the fuse goes to the block etc so i've went through and redone the wiring and it has been a learning thing but it was also more of a parts thing it's like this is what i have available right now so you're absolutely right and having a shunt especially because it's a victron and i can connect it online and i can kind of see what's going on with my batteries with an app or just anywhere in the world is really kind of cool i even like installed this monitor in my computer room that's wired to a raspberry pi that monitors everything and that's kind of cool i don't know this whole this whole solar adventure is just stimulating stimulating i want to use the word moist because next question is from nathan p suplex cerberus embarrassing have you thought of ripping the guts out of zeus and rebuilding it you can get rid of those nas units then question mark well no i mean yeah well not really nathan p here's the thing zeus super outdated right i could rip out the guts probably rebuild it do some things with it if i wanted to but i just haven't really had any kind of motivation to go down that path instead i rebuilt a new server the loki build where i powder coated and kind of did that because it held more hard drives realistically i could rebuild zeus add some better hardware to it make use of all the drive bays but i i just i don't know i don't know if i really want to not yet anyway at the moment zeus is literally just sitting on the ground doing absolutely nothing it probably needs to be sold i said i wanted to sell it and i think i had one person that said they'd buy it or something but i never followed up on it and it's really i don't know i really should probably just sell it instead of just storing it but if you've seen the videos of me building it i built like this custom wall with you know noctua fans it's not pretty so it's hard for me to stomach selling that because i know it's not stock because i messed with it so i mean it works yeah it's kind of like a convoluted thing but in the end of the day it's still sitting on the ground and maybe one day i'll get a wild hair up my buttocks and rebuild it with something new and will not replace my synology nasa's because i do like my synology nas the software the backups all that other stuff just just kind of nice not gonna lie it's nice having a balance you know pre-built home built whatever like it's nice just mixing it up and next question is from sean three davis that's about solar again says as a hobby we'll have fun learn a lot and spend way more money than you will ever save it's probably true uh honestly i have a i have the t-shirt i don't that t-shirt that is on i'm gonna remove that that thing sucks don't buy it otherwise cut your losses get proper full house solar and powerwall or other non-lead acid house sized battery sun chargers battery battery is a big ups for the house problem solved that's the goal sean is to use battery solar etc to make my house run itself and hopefully last through at least half the night before having to switch to grid power that's going to be expensive batteries are freaking through the roof right now and they're just expensive anyways and you know i got this this testing set up right now i have it sufficiently powering a laptop with the 27 2070 super that's mining cryptocurrency so i am technically able to sustain that during most days not as big of a scale as i would have hoped especially in 900 worth of batteries that can only last like five hours but you know eventually i'm a scale-up at the moment i'm at a point in my life which you know the future x is watching but i'm at a point in my life where i got to just you know kind of cut back up quite a bit on on spending money so i got it to where i can get it tested data collected etc but the end game goal is to use eventually very little grid power just very little next question is from patrick joseph he says this is the jankiest i have ever seen i can't i can't disagree with that i agree i take pride in my okay that's it jankiest he has ever seen it's almost an accomplishment next question and or comment is from kenneth he says hey jason do you need to add all four wd red pro 16 terabyte drives to the nasd s920 plus all at the same time or can you start with one drive and then add them other three at a later time uh kenneth when it comes to the synology i don't know if they've made an update where you can expand maybe you can but as far as i know when you're rebuilding because the way it's set up or building your uh raid i think you just have to add them have them add them all at the same time because it builds your raid 5 or whatever you choose and it builds everything at the same time as far as i know and i have not looked into this they have not added an option to expand an existing array built in with the raid 5 and all that yet i could be completely wrong it's been a while it's one of those things i just kind of like set up add all the drives at once and never look back if i were you i would just add them all at the same time next question or comment is from christian viola he says how about plex versus mb 2021 well it's at the end of 2021 december now uh so i do not see plex versus mb in 2021 that's probably not going to be a thing however if there is enough demand maybe early 2022 i will consider a plex versus mb showdown maybe talk about some transcoding compatibility codecs like loading times all kinds of things let me know in the comments down below what things you would like compared directly between plex and mb if that's even something you want maybe everyone just likes plex and nobody even cares about envy i don't know let me know in the comments down below next question and or comment is from command shift he says i feel like sense would have been a better way of doing it it doesn't require all of those adapters just the two power clamps and after a while it can adapt and detect what kinds of devices are drawing power and how much it's actually real crazy how it works command shift i've seen the sense like or okay so i've seen parts of what the sense does and an explanation of basically how it identifies things in your power grid and like says okay well this came on it used a certain amount of power identify what it is or we think it's this confirm that's what it is your dryer for example your stove your computer etc that's been interesting you kind of have to power things on and off a couple times for it to just learn things and that is that is intriguing to say the least so moving on down the line at some point i might actually get a sense and run it concurrently with the emporia thing that i have just to kind of compare the two and see you know what they're saying so the one where you have the emporia one that you have to add all those sensors i it was kind of a pain in the butt it's a lot of wires it's kind of a cluster f in there if you know what i mean um so i'm not opposed to trying out since i'm going to be honest it's it seems intriguing to me next question is from mr bret uh brett hoog brad hoogie mr brett who he says as an electrician this hurts me on so many levels not that i'm saying you did a bad job you did what you could but code rules in canada are being broken with this cool though and i love for this to become a thing and i think the product could use improvement but please hire someone who's no who knows what they're doing in a panel dangerous well brett you say rules were broken i would love to hear you and other people like exactly the things that i did wrong according to the code that could be fixed like please let me know uh if there are things that i can go through and just easily like change like maybe i didn't drop this wire over here or do this or stuff like that like let me know i mean obviously the entire thing can't be a code violation i don't think so um but if you want to look at my local codes sedgwick county in kansas that's the local electrical code so i know every state or county or whatever has kind of their own little thing but let me know i'm not in canada but i'd be interested to see what code violations i have i know because i don't know that much about code then i broke some but just saying hey you did it wrong that doesn't contribute anything at that point you're just a keyboard warrior just throwing hate for no reason so uh i i hope that's not your intention so if you have advice or things that should change to fix it to make it safer let me know next question is from uh matthew this is pure madness when you're messing around with the servers and plex and stuff like that i can learn from you and have some fun because you know what you are talking about and the worst thing that can happen for you or for me that follows your lead is frying a cpu or losing some data not a big deal that is what i like okay first mistake assuming i know what i'm doing terrible idea follows up with messing around with high voltage is plain stupid i don't have fun because it's freaking dangerous and i don't learn anything because you don't know what you're talking about sorry mate buy g thumb down here bye bye g thumb down big oh big thump i gotcha yeah well matthew i'm sorry there's different personality types for everybody out there there's some people that say i don't know how to do something therefore i don't want to try there's some people that say i don't know how to do something so i'm going to do it until i fail and then hopefully learn and then figure it out and now i kind of sort of know how to do something and then there's people who are like i don't know how to do something i'm going to pay somebody to teach me how to do it so hopefully i can do it correctly i follow more along the lines of yolo let's figure this out i don't want to be scared of stuff if you have limitations sometimes you just have to try them out that's just what it is take music for example i have legitimately sat down for hours trying to make my own like beats or intro jingles or whatever and you know what i realized i completely suck at it after hours of watching videos and trying it and just trying to dabble into it i lack the capacity to make music on any level even if it's like for an intro i just suck no talent whatsoever but i can say i tried so i respect you for having the res the the respect for the high voltage stuff i'm playing with and knowing that you probably don't want to mess with it but just that's just a different personality type maybe you're scared of it and you don't want to try to learn new things you know your own way that's fine i'm not judging you for that but me hold my beer next question or comment is from darren no you don't need batteries behind batteries if your inverter battery switch was blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay gist of it is i made a comment that said i need a ups behind my inverter that's backed up or powered by batteries that was a comment specifically on that inverter which is going to be here very soon in december on my review with the sun gold power inverter that i installed basically the switch time on that thing is god i don't know half a second 40 milliseconds something like i have no idea but it's long enough to to make a computer shut down and power cycle so uh i don't know if that goes back to like a quality a capacitor a switch automatic transfer switch things like that i know that there's more to that but you're right a higher tr a higher quality something something something is going to be able to handle that power transfer so fast that it will not power down a computer i have plenty of ups's that do that this inverter just doesn't so maybe down the line that's going to be a high focus like you mentioned 20 millisecond uh there's victron did you mention okay well there's victron uh inverters ones that would tie in really good with the system that i'm using to monitor my entire system remotely that claim to have like a 20 millisecond flip time which is fast enough for computer to not get power cycled so later on down the line knowing what i know now that is definitely going to be a focus although i i can say having more batteries back up other batteries is not necessarily a terrible thing next question and or comment and the last question and or comment is from maxtery says is that poe switch still alive yes it is if you guys are not familiar about two or three years ago i put a poe switch in my attic so i could run poe security cameras around my house it's worked flawlessly i bought a usb laptop cooler to have some fans underneath it hasn't skipped a beat never went out never had a problem i think one time i had to restart it when i had a power loss and some light flickerings and some things went weird and i had to remove the power and you know just manually reboot it but other than that has not missed a beat it's been through brutally cold winters and brutally hot summers never once has it failed i still want to swap it out for some unifi flexes but it's just so hard when you know it works really well it's crazy i even ran you know the the power line to power that i don't know the entire thing was kind of jank i get that but it still works it has been the backbone of the of my security cameras so hey you know go me well guys that is it for today as always if you have any questions comments or concerns make sure to post them in the comments section in this video i usually try to check this first for any kind of good questions or comments that i want to read in next month's jason bytes back again five and ten dollar baller patreon subscribers are listed at the end of this video because you guys are crazy enough to give me money every month to watch the shenanigans that i get into even though the last month or two has been solely focused on solar and power and batteries and just doing really dumb things with high voltage electricity thank you for following my shenanigans everybody patreon or not so like and subscribe and have yourself a great day speaking of battery and power i have finally gotten to the point i can't say that this has happened before but this was sent to me a while ago and i was like yeah i'll check it out it's just another power bank right there's plenty of i got plenty of these i got like 10 of them and i was like go check it out but then i got so intertwined with solar installations and actual solar panels and real batteries and and all that kind of thing like this is this is going to be high on the list i have to i have to address this i'm going to start this probably this weekend or maybe even tomorrow i i guess you can say these get less exciting all not that they don't have the usage like the portable on the go i mean you're not gonna take your full-on home system on the go so they definitely have the usages but it's just less exciting i think to get into something like this when when your in-game goal is to power your house and this is more like for camping so this is going to be a thing this is a thousand watts i don't know much anything else with it let's read it off uh 1100 watts yeah 1100 watts with 992 watt hours so yeah you know i don't know we'll see that's going to be next on the list that's where i'm at at this point these batteries they were fun but i feel like i've evolved and now i need more batteries i can't afford to purchase new batteries anytime soon but i just need batteries that i can hook up to my solar thing that's pretty much the new thing batteries and solar panels yeah i'ma hold out a sign like a homeless person be like we'll work for batteries and by work i mean not anything labor intensive wait never mind okay yeah
Channel: Byte My Bits
Views: 9,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jason Bytes Back, plex vs emby, home solar, battery backup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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