Omar Ibn Al Khattab (ra) - The Convert Who Changed The World | The Firsts

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some people were starting to think it's it was a conspiracy why are they waiting so long to get to um but again to set the premise of the series we have been talking about the first meaning those who embraced islam by order speaking about the struggle as it was unfolding and the capacity of these companions in regards to their embracing islam and of course with um his islam completely changes the course of history forever so this is the most consequential conversion to islam in the history of islam after the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam himself receiving revelation the consequences of his shahada changed the entire course a page is turned in the seerah books of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and we understand something new about this community that laid the foundation for us to benefit from until today and um of course is the last of the four in terms of the order of embracing islam and the last of the you know the prominence muhajiri the prominent people of mecca prominent in regards to the sera books the names that are well known to us when you look at the order of people embracing islam um is the last of the group of muhajireen as we know them who embraces islam and who changes the way that islam functions in the world as a community of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and of course he is very beloved for good reason and i'll say this subhanallah that the love that people have for um it reminds me first and foremost of the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that if allah loves someone he calls jibreel and he says i love this person so love this person so jibreel loves this person and by the way we'll see that in the initial conversion of um jibril loves the person and islam calls out to allah to the inhabitants of the heavens and says that allah loves this person so love this person so all of the inhabitants of the heavens love that person as well and then allah allows that to translate into the love of the righteous for that person on earth the love that the muslims have for um is divine it is something that allah has put in our hearts that when we hear his name there's a sense of pride a sense of attachment when you're reading any story of the seerah as soon as you hear his name come in you know that things are about to get interesting right you know that this part of the story is going to get interesting and you're ready to hear what's next you read about the history of um the system that he established the justice of um and it is nothing but love that comes in the hearts of the muslims so let's talk about him and i know that many of us have heard the story of his conversion and i want to emphasize from the start inshaallah ta'ala that if you go back and look at some of the biographies that we covered of people that maybe were not as well known to you we will start to connect a few more dots inshallah and we'll talk about some points of context that aren't typically mentioned in a lecture about the conversion of america so there will be tidbits that i want you to hang on to and hopefully this will force you to go back and watch some of the lectures that it may have been some time uh you know of people that we cover and their stories are deeply interconnected with um so his name is um we covered someone early on in the series whose name is connected to that who do you hear one of the first people that we covered in this series was the man who the prophet saws said when we come on the day of judgment may allah make us amongst those lined up behind our prophet sallallahu alaihi and we see the nations lined up behind their prophets this man will be standing alone [Music] because he believed and he acted upon his belief before the prophet salallahu received revelation and he was persecuted for that so basically he had the journey of a sahabi without ever getting to be a real sahabi because he did not live to see the prophet saws receive revelation this is the cousin of um his first cousin in fact and as we know his greatest persecutor was the father of um was the one that would beat zaid when zaid would speak in front of the ka'ba about following the religion of ibrahim salam and about the importance of monotheism al-khattab said get this out of here why this is distracting quraish this is harming our idols this is an insult to our culture it's an insult to our forefathers and he would be the one that would beat zaid so much that zade could no longer bear to come out and live in mecca so the father of um and that's the father's tribe and is a small tribe sub-tribe of quraish so they are qurashi but they're not one of the large tribes a very small tribe from quraish of course just to describe him physically what do you think when you hear the name of um strength big and strong right so big that when he would ride on an animal his feet would touch the ground sometimes because of how strong he was how big he was so big that when he walked on the road the kids would run away because they would be afraid of him even if he meant no harm everything about him represents a paul bunyan-like physical stature right someone who was just absolutely huge so um description extremely tall very strong okay he had a reddish skin color meaning he was fair skinned he had a white color with a reddish hint to it but then you'll find sometimes he's described as the opposite and they say because in the year of the famine abstained from food and because of his abstaining particularly from meat that he actually changed colors subhanallah you actually find that his color changed in the midst of that that period of his life so he's described as both he had very big deep set eyes you looked at his eyes and they were very big and they were deep set they they stood out from his face from his facial features large hands uh large feet a deep voice one of the funny narrations that i came across is that one time the imam allah has a narration that one time someone there was a barber that was cutting omar's hair and um just spoke to tell him something and he fainted because he got afraid because of how deep the voice of umar was so the depth of the voice of omar was that you could hear him from far away far away and his voice would echo from its depth so he had a deep deep voice the ground under him would tremble his his voice would cause the environment around him uh to tremble and this is a you know something that is not looked down upon in the deen when you look at um his strength and this is of course from the beauty of the prophet salallahu is that he put everyone on a track when they became muslim that fit their strengths and that was for their benefit and for the benefit of the community he would not try to tame um when he became muslim but he directed omar's his energy and his strength towards that which was righteous and that which was good and there's a narration here from about the character of the deen in that sense one time our mother saw a group of men walking very slow you know bent over bad posture like me right just kind of like walking like this and uh said what's going on with these guys what is it with them they said ya ya there's one narration one says so they're ascetics they're people who have abstained from the dunya they are reciters quran meaning they recite at night they recite all night they don't sleep at night so masha'allah they don't eat they don't drink they're very weak they're very pious they're very humble and allah his response was don't you know don't don't do this to our religion don't don't kill our deen for us don't bring this type of behavior to our deen and she said the master of all those who would recite at night no one prayed more than omar no one was more humble than um when he walked he walked fast you would not know from his piety and his asceticism you wouldn't see him walking like why are you walking so slow you know my back hurts i've been praying pm all night it's been it's been rough with all the tahajjud you know my knees heard from tahadud no um would walk very fast [Music] when he spoke he made sure everyone heard him he didn't have a low voice he wasn't arrogant but his voice was confidence that's who he was that was the character of deen in um when he spoke he spoke authoritatively he was not afraid of to project his voice and when he hit he hit hard there was no weakness in the punch or the hit of um islam did not do away with any of that with umar but now when he walked he did not walk with personal pride he walked out of the confidence and for the sake of allah he spoke in one narration when he fed he fed generously right he didn't hold back anything of his uh of his uh wealth when he spent for the sake of allah subhanahu wa with adam so we move on um because when you think of the islam of umar you think of an older person right one of the the leaders of quraish in terms of his uh his status and the reality is is that he was in his mid-20s okay so he was about 24 years old when the prophet salallahu received revelation even down to 21 years old and when we're looking at some of these sahaba that embraced islam at 17 18 19 years old was in his early 20s and um was a camel herder for his father and a traitor as well so we said he was born in mecca and benu adi despite being a small clan they used to participate in some of the arbitration and some of the uh the the the reparations when there were issues amongst the different tribes of quraish his mother her name was [Music] and she was from the tribe of banu mahzum which is the tribe of abu jahl the tribe of abu jahl the tribe of khalid and this is significance because hamtama was the niece of abu jahl so abu dhabi was actually omar's uncle okay and he would refer to him as such and abu jahad would refer to him as his nephew because of his mother so he's got his foot in both of these tribes in vanuati small but powerful not necessarily influential respected they kind of have their space carved out and then his his foot as well in the door when it comes to benu now his father was uh known for one thing and one thing only which is very significant harshness extremely harsh man ruthless he was ruthless with his family he was ruthless with the strangers he was ruthless with everybody around him and this shows up in multiple narrations first and foremost from um himself used to come to the valley a valley on the outskirts of mecca and he would look out and he would say la ilaha the most high exalting allah subhanahu ta'ala the one who gives to whom he wills when he wills and he said i remember when i used to work in these valleys and herd sheep and camels for my father and for my uncles and for my aunts and my father my father was was so rough he was ruthless he would exhaust me if i did my work right and he would beat me if i did my work wrong and he says you know in different narrations he says that my father used to used to overwork me and he used to be an abusive man with his tongue and with his hands subhanallah another narration from abdulrahman he said that um mentioned that he would make me heard the sheep and he would make me gather the firewood but every time he mentions he mentions he was an abusive man so um who grew up with it with a hatred of sorts for his father because his father used to beat him severely and he used to beat others as we see so he was known for his roughness his harshness and this was something that he himself experienced first and this was something that that zayd ibn abraham nafel of course experienced as well now uh what we keep on hearing though is that um also took from this a sense of humility that i was just someone that used to herd sheep and camels and so there are so many different narrations of um reflecting on his time as a sheep herder and as a camel herder and uh you know we take first and foremost that you don't need to be resigned to the weaknesses of your parents or circumstances um could have easily been a cruel man for the rest of his life and justified that by saying what my father was cruel with me i grew up in cruel circumstances instead we'll see um take a a particular affinity towards radha towards justice he did not want to inherit the cruelty of his father and that son so when um would show his anger especially after islam it was injustice and it was for righteous causes and it did not transgress into vul into oppression however when it comes to his being a shepherd multiple times where um would call to attention that he used to just be a shepherd to himself and to his society and this is throughout islam who says that one time he stood up on the member and he said call the adam this is when he was the khalifah now when you call the athan outside of salah time what does that indicate maybe war we're under siege an army has come it's something extremely important so there is something that requires us to call the adhan now call the people to prayer now so they all gather to hear what um has to say he said bismuth rasulullah so he started off in the name of allah and with the praise of allah subhanahu ta'ala and salawat on the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he says my name is umar i used to be called umair which is little umar and i used to be a barefoot shepherd that would tend to the sheep of my father and of my aunts from banu mahzum and they would give me just a handful of dates that would suffice me for the day it just gets down i'm not i've been out for the allah and who said i did you really just call all the people for this and um i noticed something in myself i was receiving the wealth coming from all over the world because islam had spread under um and my nephs myself spoke to me and said look at you masha allah self-talk right you're amir al-mu'm the leader of the believers you are this you are that so he said i wanted to teach my nephew lesson so this was me talking down my nups putting my naps back in its place another narration remember we talked about last week versus a woman an elderly woman in the streets of mecca or medina at that time and she calls out to omar and she says he's the leader of the the muslims she says little umar i remember when he used to be barefoot and tending to the sheep and to the shepherds and to the to the camels as a shepherd in mecca in the valleys of mecca so fear allah subhanahu ta'ala with those who are now under your care and um would break down crying and they said to this old woman they said you know calm down why are you doing this to amir mohammed and they're they're both trying to calm her down and they're telling um why are you so moved by this elderly woman why don't you just tell her to stop why don't you send her away why are you so humbled when she speaks he says you know who that is that is the woman who allah heard from above seven heavens the woman who came pleading to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam if allah heard her above seven heavens you want me to not hear her so he was always humbled by his background and one specific thing and then i'll move on from this inshallah ta'ala he says that he used to tend to the sheep of his aunts from zoom as well so it wasn't just his father but also his aunts from al-mahzum which was the tribe of as we said abu jahad and of course the gem of this that the scholars mentioned is that the prophets were shepherds the prophet saws said that all of the prophets were shepherds and that there are certain leadership qualities that come out of being a shepherd right caring for the flock so um had that experience as a young man growing up of taking care of the flock and that is very much needed when you become in charge of a group of people to know how to take care of the flock because people are very much so like the flock right they they go with the flow and you have to you know care for them and be tender with them and bring them along and make sure that you exhibit the right behavior to keep them together and to protect them from their outside enemies so anyway that is his profession as a young man now what he did as he grew up was he started to supplement his income through different ways one of them is that um who would enter into wrestling competitions so he used to fight and he would enter into the wrestling competitions of his time and um was known to not lose any type of battle so he was known for his strength and he would overcome people in in in fighting and wrestling and he would earn money in that way another thing that um did which is significant is that he learned how to read and write in his teenage years which was very rare amongst quraish you know sometimes you think about um you think maybe you know someone who's brute who's you know ignorant kind of impulsive doesn't have you know high intelligence that's kind of the portrayal right of a person who jumps and no um was extremely intelligent very very learned smart and he was only amongst they said among 17 people from quraish that had embraced islam that knew how to read he knew poetry and he developed an understanding of the poetry at the time and guess what because of just how competitive he was what did um he basically entered into the dis battles of his time which means that he would use poetry to insult people and they would insult back and he would basically po out poetry you and defeat you in poetry and he'd make money off of that too so he would out wrestle he would out poetry you he knew how to defeat you with his strength and with his speech he just knew how to overcome people in every way the only thing that he was not so successful at was being a merchant buying and selling they said he wasn't the best merchant he did go out on trade routes he went to rome and he went to persia by the way as a kid so he went out and he saw the world in the various trade routes but he wasn't necessarily successful in his trade so what does he what does he attain amongst quraish as well with his skill set he was known as the safir of quraysh he was the ambassador of quraish he would defend quraish against everyone else how when there was any type of poetry when there was any type of competition amongst the tribes when the outsiders came to mecca um was basically the flag bearer of quraysh he would go out and he would boast about quraysh's superiority over everybody else most people would boast about the superiority of their specific tribes would defend all of and all of quresh saw him as their spokesperson to address the outsider or the insider about the superiority of quraysh and of course combined both being intelligent and intimidating right so he combined the two things that would be necessary for that role and everybody loved him as a result of that now let's continue onwards insha'allah some of the context when we come into islam we said that his uncle is abu jahl his mother's tribe is benu mahzum would also play a role in some of the harassment of the early muslims he just really didn't like islam he did not like the prophet saw sallam's message he did not like what he saw as a disruption to society being together now there's something really important here about um that distinguishes him from abuja in this regard feared for losing his edge or losing the edge of the tribe that the tribe would lose some ground banu mahzum would lose some ground to benue hashem banu mahzum being a sub-tribe had to maintain superiority in mecca and that's why he didn't want to give the prophet salla islam any type of room to breathe or to preach he did not want banu hashem to gain leverage over benu did not care about his tribe he cared about his people as a whole he cared about society as a whole and so this is something that might be a little bit hard for some of us to appreciate on a first reading of that his objection to islam actually came from a pretty noble place it was not ego it was not well he's the child of this person and i'm the child of that person it was this person is dividing our families this person is weakening us as a society because of all of the division that's being caused and because of that our enemies are making a mockery of us our idols are insulted our forefathers are insulted realize when he used to defend corey she had to defend all of their culture all of their religious practices everything and here muhammad's message is splitting them apart so he did not like the disruptiveness of islam more than anything else what is this that has come between us as tribes and mecca and is disrupting us and that was the source of his persecution okay of the muslims which is very different from abu jahl who acts from a place of pure ego and that i should be the one in charge and if we had a prophet he should be from benue zoom and we can never give benue any leverage over us and so i'm going to turn all of society against these people and torture them so that my tribe can have superiority there's a difference between the two motivations in that regard however at the end of the day the two biggest people in mecca from a psy's perspective were abu jahl and um and they are persecuting the muslims omar not but still he is amongst the persecutors now before um even embraces islam from his family we know that his sister fatima bintal khattab embraced islam fatima bintal khattab embraced islam and she was the wife of saeed ibn zaid may allah be pleased with them both all right so fatimah precedes him in islam we have a feeling that his wife whose name we mentioned last week and you want to remember zainab bint madharoon the sister of uthmanaban naroon zaina bint madharun we have a feeling that she also embraced islam prior to the allah that she embraced islam zainab had she embraced islam did not tell um that she embraced islam and then there is an older brother of um this is a very interesting man subhanallah but his personality very quiet very much isolated from society subhanallah sometimes you look at your kids and it's like how did how are they brother and sister right they have such different personalities zaid was very quiet not very involved in the affairs of quraish but islam appealed to him right away and he embraced islam and he embraced it secretly and the only thing we know about zaid is his embracing islam and then his death subhanallah nothing in between like he embraced islam quietly stayed around the prophet saws he is from amongst the firsts even before um but we can't do a biography about him because there's so little about him was also very tall like um and uh you know someone that that could have been very influential in society but did not take that role and he surpassed omar in islam and he surpassed [Music] in martyrdom zaid died in the battle of yamama against musadam and kadab he was martyred fighting against the muslim al-qaeda and um who of course fought in that battle alongside zaid he came to zaid at the at the battlefield and there was a strong scent of musk from the body of zade the wind was blowing and you just smelled the musk from his body the martyr zaid and um you beat me to islam and then you beat me to martyrdom subhanallah what a man you know this is omar's brother don't hear much about him in the background but he proceeded omar to islam and he proceeded to and um when the wind used to blow he used to say i can still smell this the scent of zade like the wind would remind him of the musk from the from from the body of his brother who died shahid in the battle of yama so those are that is his his brother that is his sister that both embraced islam before him now let's talk about his marriages really quick we mentioned zainab bin smith who was the mother of abdullah ibn and the mother of hafsah may allah be pleased with them so an amazing woman to have raised those kids all right uh he also would would marry at some point atika bint zaid ibn ahmed nafe so he married the daughter of uh zaid abnormal who was also the sister of saeed benze he also would marry at some point um the daughter of areev the granddaughter of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he married her because he wanted a connection to the prophet saws he wanted to have that that shared lineage of albeit with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in that regard and he also married um who was the widow of ekrama ibn abi jahal of course the son of abu jahl would become muslim and would die as a martyr one he was martyred married his his widow as well so these are some of the spouses of um throughout his life so what's the story of him becoming muslim some of this you've heard i'm sure some of it you have not but let's sort of break it down how allah was putting islam in front of um time and time and time again and how he was different how he was different the first narration is from a woman by the name of um abdullah bint abi hathma um abdullah she was one of the persecuted muslims and she was one of those who escaped with her husband to habasha to abyssinia because of the harshness of the persecution she describes this incident she says that we used to be you know abused by um society and he was amongst those who were harshest on us for being muslim and then one day uh me and my husband we were getting ready to go to abyssinia amer my husband left to go do something and i was the only one in front of my house and i was getting our luggage ready so that we could make the migration so um he rides by and he looks to me and he says where are you going so she said i responded in anger to him right like you know what i'm sick of you we've we've had enough of you so she said to him that we are searching throughout throughout the land of allah so that we will no longer be harmed for worshiping allah because you and your people have made it too hard for us to live in this land um was hurt and um he puts his head down and he says may allah be with you and your husband and he rides off that was not the answer she was expecting she was expecting allah i know to throw a curse word back maybe hit her spit her in her direction that was not what she was expecting from um so she said he looked hurt i saw this these are her words a softness from him that i never saw before i never saw the softness from um came home and i said to him you should have seen omar his softness and his sadness for us when i told him that we are leaving so she said um looked at me my husband looked at me and said like let's make sure we're talking about the the same omar here ibn i said yeah um and he laughed and he said so you think he's going to become muslim and abdullah said yeah maybe and he was the one that said the famous words the hamar of al-khattab the donkey of al-khattab will become the donkey of his father will become muslim before him you have hope in him are you crazy right subhanallah i mean and if that's not a lesson in never x someone out pass a judgment on them that they're done as long as their soul is still in their body you never know who's going to embrace islam you never know who has hope this is the story this man who's a noble sahabi one of the those that migrated to habesha thought umar yeah right no way there's no tense he has no redeeming quality he's harsh he's rude he's abusive no good in um and here we are talking about um today one of the greatest muslims to ever walk the face of the earth so that's the first thing the second one is an incident that's not as well known and it's going to the second half of this narration he mentions he says that i was once in front of the kaaba and a man brought his brought his animal and he slaughtered his animal so he was sacrificing to the idols and he said then a a a a person or some being that we could not see an unseen being screamed at him i've never heard a a scream as loud as the shout at that man so um is in front of the kaaba and he's watching this man come to sacrifice an animal to an idol and he hears a voice yelling at that man he said interesting subhan allah the words mean you know you wicked an affair has risen amongst you that will be successful an eloquent man amongst you who says so he says that those that were around they basically got up and ran away they were shocked by what they just heard he said except for me he said i stood there and i said i'm going to see where that voice came from i want to know what just happens so he said another time the voice came out and called out yeah he said that the same thing was said he said that it happened a third time and he said so i stood up and when i stood up i heard a few days later that a man has come out amongst us claiming prophethood so he said this was a few days before the prophet saw some claim prophethood that this incident happened around the kaaba and he said i witnessed that incident as a young man i didn't make much of it one of those things i just passed off and i did not want to know what happened now the third narration which is the most interesting of them all it's my favorite narration about the psychology of allah is putting islam in front of him where he cannot deny what is happening in front of him says that i was far away from islam i didn't really care for religion i was driving people away from it i really had no interest in this deen whatsoever and he said and i was addicted to drinking i used to love to drink subhanallah just like hamza allahu ta'ala his weakness in jharya's weakness in the days of ignorance he used to drink a lot he used to drink a lot so he said i used to love to drink and i would gather with people who would drink alcohol so his social gatherings his hanging out at night was people that would get together and they would drink hammer so he said one night i went out he's 25 years old by the way all right when this is happening 25 to 27 years old again don't think um 50 year old 60 year old no he's much younger the prophet saws and some of the others in that ranking young man he said so one night i went out and i couldn't find any of my drinking buddies there was no one around to drink so he said i went to one person who i know could make the comment and i thought maybe maybe he'll figure this out maybe he'll maybe he'll have something for me and i went to him and he had none with him so i basically didn't have my drinking buddies nor did i have anything to drink so he said i said to myself i guess i'll go to the cab and make the laugh right so sort of like religion as the last option let me go keep myself busy back then that was sort of you know something that they would do around the idols ah you know what let me go make the loft so he said it was late at night i couldn't find anyone to drink with he was sober which was not his normal state and i went to the kaaba to make tawaf and i saw the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam standing by himself praying in front of the kaaba subhanallah the incident look how look how specific this is he said that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to pray towards what what was his qibla al-aqsa so he was praying towards asham he was praying towards jerusalem and he would put the kaaba between him and al-aqsa so he wasn't actually praying to the kaaba sallallahu right or in the direction of the kaaba he was really praying in the direction of and aqsa but the prophet said son would situate himself at that time where the kaaba was between him and al-aqsa so he was praying towards both sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he said and he was standing right between yamani so the yemeni corner and the black stone so he's giving you the exact details of where he was standing uh in front of the kaaba and the prophet salallahu was there and he was standing right in front of the kaaba okay so he's not far back from it he's right in front of it and no one else was around it's late at night this was kind of a strange scene to see the prophet saw he said i'm out there at this time no one was with him so subhan allah in this moment imagine it's just the prophet saws he could have killed him and he could have hid that he killed him right hid the evidence he could have done something at that time he could have attacked the prophet saws something could have happened but um he tries something else said you know what let me listen to him tonight let me get an idea of what he's actually saying because up until now he never really heard him read quran he didn't really care for anything the prophet saws was actually saying or what his message was about he said let me go and listen to him and see what he's saying so um so i went to the opposite side of the kaaba all right think about the cabin now i went to the opposite side he said and i entered myself under its tiap so under the cloth of the kaaba and he said i started to go around the kaaba right under the cloth until he said i was right in front of the prophet salallahu the cloth of the kaaba and he's giving you the incident he says the only thing between me and the prophet saw sallam was just the cloth of the subhanallah what an incident so i'm standing in front of him hiding under the cloth of the kaaba and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is reciting quran so um so i started to listen to him for some time and he said it started to to get to my heart and i thought to myself i've never heard anything more beautiful than this can you imagine just you and the prophet saws in front of the kaaba by the way imagine what it was like to be in front of the prophet saws on him reading the quran by himself in front of the kaaba and um standing there and he's saying oh my god this is beautiful i've never heard anything so beautiful and then he's talking to himself he says i said to myself he said this man is truly a poet the way quraish says about him because um was a literate man he appreciated right compositions and poetry and words he says what a poet this man is like i'm just appreciating right now his poetry he says then the prophet salallahu was reciting and immediately as soon as i thought that [Music] [Music] was like he was reading his mind immediately the words came from the prophet saw he just happened to be reading that this is but the words of a noble messenger and these are not the words of a poet little do you believe answered the objection of um [Music] i said to myself a sorcerer he knows what's going through my head right now what are the next words and these are not the words of a soothsayer or a sorcerer little do you remember [Music] let me get out of here so he got out of that situation he even mentions how like he got sick for some time like he was so shocked by the incident that happened between him and the prophet saws like he couldn't make sense of what happened now he could have gone to the prophet saws and said you know what i'm ready to be muslim now but instead he's confused he's lost believing in islam would mean undoing his entire reputation in society and everything that he's known for right the strong guy that keeps society together that advocates for quraysh that all all of these different things this would ruin it all for him so um that i was really conflicted confused he said islam had entered his heart but at the same time he was still fighting with it right he's fighting with it on the inside so then he said i went out and abu jahl was addressing the leaders of quraysh oh leaders of quraysh who will kill muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam for us he's divided our tribes he has insulted our idols and whoever kills him will have a hundred red camels from me and all the gold and silver that they can imagine now why did abu jahad do this some of the contexts that we'll learn in the story is that this could have been because the islam of hemza radhiallahu ta'ala already has sort of started the new page in the seerah that really that really scared these leaders of quraysh because hamza of the allah becoming muslim was a game changer already and so now we really have to kill him because we're afraid at this point if we don't now that hamza has embraced islam there's a new class of people that might embrace us not but in any case we don't know that for sure what we do know is that um said you know what i'm going to do it so he said my uncle i've got it i'm going to go out and i'm going to kill the prophet sallallahu alaihi he pulls out his sword and he starts to march towards the prophet salallahu's house and they said that um who's walking briskly he's not even trying to hide his intentions his sword is like out you could see him angry and he's saying as he is walking woe to muhammad sallallahu for what he has done to us what he brought to us i'm going to make sure mecca goes back to the way it used to be right this is not about arrogance ego for him this is i'm sick of this disruption in society it's messing with my head now it's messed with mecca it's time to end this fitna that's how he's looking at it right i want to end this fitna in mecca this descension in mecca by just killing the prophet sallallahu alaihi and getting it over with okay so he's walking he's storming and there's a young man by the name of nuremberg is also from banu adi and he's also a secret muslim so he's from umar's tribe and he's also secretly a muslim and he sees walking that way and he says where are you going you don't have that sword out for a small reason you're clearly determined to go do something and um says i'm going to go kill muhammad sallallahu alaihi and bring mecca back to the way that it used to be so now nurem is really concerned he's trying to think of a diversion so first he tries to reason with um he says but what about the nobility of muhammad isn't he a sadhu a truthful one a trustworthy one who always did good for his people he's not a bad man right shouldn't we consider his character and the person that he is and then he says to him and if that does not get you you've lost your mind your umar if you think that banu abdul men abdi manaf meaning the tribe of the prophet saws is going to let you walk after you kill the prophet sallam at the end of the day tribalism will come into play here that's what brought hamz out initially in the first place right that benu abu jahl insulted the prophet saws it was tribalism at first so he said do you think benue abdi manaf is going to let you get away with killing muhammad sallam so um who is looking at him and i'm going to smart and he says could it be that you too have apostate and when he's saying saba you've apostated meaning from our ways right and says of course not you know no no no it's not that um he points his sword towards him and he says he said if i find out that you you really are one of them i'm actually going to kill you before i go kill him and that's where nurem says you want me to tell you something really amazing now he's desperate i'm trying to get him away from the prophet saws you think i'm the problem you're worried about me becoming muslim this affair has already reached your home um who says who from my house who says to him your sister fatima and your brother-in-law saeed they've become muslim and they follow muhammad sallasam and his religion so before you take care of muhammad allah don't you take care of your own family first what's na'im trying to do he's trying to buy time to go run to the prophet sallam and hide the prophet saws away from um and in the process he knows that umar is a proud man the only thing that's going to stop him is your own family right you're a hypocrite you want to go handle the prophet's life and what about your own family so um who turns around and he rushes to the house of fatima been talked goes running to the prophet sallam to tell the prophet salallahu sallam what happened um goes towards the house of fatima his sister when he gets to the door he can hear humming the quran being recited so um who bangs on the door and who was teaching his sister and his brother-in-law quran doesn't you know i told you some of the old biographies will connect was there teaching fatima and saeed the quran and he was the reciter in the house now omar is omar and khabab come on who's going to protect right belongs to the most persecuted class in mecca so if omar finds khabab he's going to tear him to pieces at this point up until now by the way unlike abu jahl um has never killed anyone he's beaten he's spit he's cursed he's been abusive but he hasn't been to the viciousness of abu jahl but this is a different moment he's ready to kill the prophet saws so he's going to kill whoever's in front of him right so um goes and he hides in the house somewhere and you know where omar will not be able to find him fatima opens the door um who bursts in and he says what is it that i was hearing he said nothing he said no no i was hearing something being recited i was hearing humming what was i hearing they said nothing and he said is it true that you have apostated salbati you've apostated and you followed muhammad sallallahu alaihi watanaf enemy of yourself so you're speaking to a sister very harshly is it true and fatima is kind of frozen she doesn't know how to answer um i know because umar was extremely full of rage at this point and said steps forward and he says so what would you say or um if the truth was in other than your religion when omar heard that from saeed he pounced on said he started to beat him and he started to abuse him almost killing him so he almost killed sa'ida bin zayed subhanallah in these moments now by the way go back and watch the lecture on saeed vinsay then you'll see the love and the respect that he had for him but this is a moment this is a different um i know in these moments was sitting on the chest of said saeed was panting for breath and he's punching him blow after blow after blow after blow and fatima tries to control um and stop him and when she does that he moves his hand backwards and he smacks her on the face and pushes her back which caused her to start bleeding down her face and she starts to cry and she becomes obviously very emotional and when that happens [Music] he looks at her and she says we have become muslim we believe in allah and his messenger whatever you're going to do to us do go ahead and kill us we're ready to be martyrs we won't be the first martyrs this is a post-sumayya world a post-family of yasir world in this time right where you know what we won't be the first people killed for our deen go ahead and kill us i was ashamed of myself seeing my sister with the blood running down her face was strong but he wasn't a person who had no nobility his own sister so he said i was ashamed of myself so i got up off of saeed and he looks at saeed and he looks at fatima and saeed says to him that you're not going to be able to gather the people upon falsehood while the truth is other than what they claim and say this saying to him basically look do what you're going to do to us and even if you kill us you're not going to be able to gather the people like he knows his motivation if you're trying to hold meccan society together you're not going to hold them on falsehood the truth is not with you oh um it's not with your people so um he sat on the couch sits down tense moment saeed while the allah was almost beaten to death fatima his sister is bleeding and crying khabab is hiding he did not get into that at this point right khabab would have been the first person killed in that moment right and um he's you know imagine the heavy breathing the tears the blood the tension in the room um who sees the pages of the quran in the corner he says what is that and they ignored this question he said bring it to me and fatima responds and she's she says to him you're not from its people you it's not for you and what you said has entered my heart i'm listening to you right now i'm not i'm calm right now bring me that which you have let me look at what muhammad salla has brought to you so fatima said that we're afraid of what you're going to do with it don't worry i will you have my word i will give it to you exactly in the same way you give it to me i just want to read it and see what it is that muhammad salla is teaching you so she saw some of the softness that um abdullah saw in him on that day and she says to um using a different tone oh my brother you are a polytheist and no one should touch this except for those who are pure if you're true if you're being truthful in what you're saying right now that you're actually interested in that you're calm and you want to know what we have get up and do go go wash yourself the way that we wash ourselves when we read this quran so um he gets out he washes himself he does the sword he walks back into the house he sits down he says now give it to me fatima brings him the the copy of the pages of the quran he stares at it and the first thing he reads is what actually that's the first things sometimes we skip the small things in the narration because we just take them for granted in the name of allah the most compassionate the most merciful qurais used to say bismillah in the name of allah in the name of god but they didn't know the names of that's why we see in the treaty of hadith at that time not a muslim he objected to right so um said what beautiful names these are he's calm right now he's listening and he's just appreciating he says these are beautiful names and then he starts to read and imagine omar's first recitation of the quran we did not reveal this quran upon you to cause you distress subhanallah this is not the purpose of the revelation of the quran qur'an this is a reminder for people of all people of humility people of khasia illiterates and they apply so perfectly to um the creator of the heavens and the earth the creator of that which is observable and that which is not observable once again the most merciful ascended upon his throne if you speak your words or if you keep them to yourself allah knows that which is hidden and that which is even less than that which is hidden allah knows what is said what is not said and even beyond even beneath what is not said allah knows all of it um as he's reading it he comes to this realization he says beautiful words these are how perfect are these words like i'm reading with with with clear mind and clear heartburn and i'm just appreciating the words and he keeps on reading until he gets to and subhanallah i just think about the the words that he stopped at inani like you know when you read the quran you're supposed to read it as a message to you and allah so worship me alone and establish the prayer out of my remembrance um the one who spoke these words has the right to have no one worship besides this illah should have no one worshipped besides him he's reading it as if it is being revealed to him he puts it down he says like look at all the the self-reflection and realization that this is what quraish is running away from this is the evil that quraish is afraid of this is what quraish hates so much this is why abuja is persecuting these people this is why i've been persecuting people min this is what we're running away from but this is beautiful why would we run away from this so um coming to that realization who finally comes up he's been hiding the whole time listening to the the violence listening to the conversations and khabab comes out and he says to you oh omar with the generosity of allah goes you were the one that was reading when i first got to the door like wait a minute let's establish what's happening here first right it says and he says he said to him i was the one reciting and he says and i hope that the du'a of the prophet saws has been accepted in regards to you for i heard him say allah is islam give victory to islam with the more beloved of these two men to you can you imagine what he just hears that the prophet saws was making dua that the more beloved to allah of the two will be the one upon whose hand islam will be given victory now um were very similar in their stature in their intelligence and their leadership skills their size all of that um a lot younger less vicious the prophet saws saw hope in both of them he said the one that's more beloved to you oh allah says he said did rasulullah say some really say that allah there was no person in the world more beloved to me than rasulullah saw them like i went out to kill this man islam and right now there is no person in the world that was more beloved to me than the prophet saws rasulullah so i said where is the messenger of allah take me to him i'm going to become muslim fatima you promise not to bring to him anything that displeases him he says no i i promise i promise my sister i'm being sincere i want to go and become muslim so khabab takes him to darul he gets to come um knocks on the door omar does not hide in society he just walks through the streets by the way he's not afraid of anybody walks with his sword still with him why does he still have a sword with them because he was going to kill the prophet sallallahu he goes to and he knocks on the door a man looks out and they don't have the ring at back then or anything like but he sees at the door this is the nightmare scenario of them all because if there was anyone that would that would just kill them all and not care about consequences it was um right so when he sees that he immediately panics and he says this is umar this is omar he has his sword guess who's sitting there amongst them that wasn't sitting with them before hamza the words of hamza sometimes is cool when the fus sounds a lot like the modern day he says like malcolm what's your problem he's completely relaxed as if nothing is happening right now they said um and he's coming and he has a sword with him he said well in canada um what if he's omar hamza says open the door he says if he wants good then allah will receive him with good and if he's come with some other intention then i will kill him with my own sword i'll separate his head from his body hamza says let's i'm not worried about him so this is a new development because they weren't used to having a hamza amongst them right in that sense the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he says go ahead and let him in if allah wants good for him then allah will guide him subhanallah when they open the door for omar does hamza apprehend umar no the prophet saws goes up to omar and he grabs him with both of his hands and he starts to shake his garment and he brings him to his knees subhanallah rasool allah himself this is a strange sight for the muslims the prophet saw some grabs him and he pulls him to his knees and he says be speaking to him harshly what brought you here are you not going to stop until allah sends a lightning bolt or some sort of disaster upon you what is your problem when are you going to wake up omar like this is tough love from the prophet salla islam to um and this isn't hamza this is the prophet salla sallam himself and um was brought to his knees and omar was such a big man that when he's brought to his knees you're eye to eye with him so he says i've come to you to believe in allah and to believe in the messenger and what he has brought from allah ash rasulullah right away i testify to the oneness of allah and that you are the messenger of allah what was the response of the prophet sallam prophet saws immediately grabbed him again put him on the ground shook him received him this way this whole scene is so strange to the muslims what is happening here right and um immediately submits himself takes shahada the prophet saws says allahu akbar allah so what does everyone do they all shout allah forgetting that they were in a hidden home in mecca they used to try to keep their voices down and they all shout allahu akbar because they realize that um just became muslim so all these muslims in the arkam start to shout allahu akbar the prophet saws he puts his hand on his chest he struck his chest three times and he says allah take away anything from his heart that remains of malice and switch it exchange it with iman exchange it with iman in one narration islam came to the prophet salallahu the inhabitants of the heavens right now are celebrating the islam of umar all of the sahaba are saying allahu akbar and tells the prophet saws all of the angels in the heavens are also praising allah subhanahu ta'ala imagine the angels in the heavens all the inhabitants of the heavens saying allahu akbar because they know that what just happened is no small deal now by the way an important detail um islam came just three days after hamza subhan allah changes things a bit right three days after hamza may allah be pleasing so when hamza became muslim that was one boost right now omar becomes muslim radhiallahu three days after hamza at the same time amras just got back from abyssinia having failed to bring back the migrants from abyssinia so he failed with the muslims in abyssinia he comes back to mecca the news is um just became muslim he's arriving at the exact same time as um became muslim so this is a complete in a matter of three days a complete game changer um says there were 39 men in islam and i was the 40th person the 40th man to embrace islam so here is um allah subhanahu ta'ala revealed after the islam of hamza allah that respond to that which is evil with that which is better and you will find you will find that those who are have enmity with you will be like your closest friends they'll become your allies they'll go from being your enemies to your allies say that this was the celebration of hamza and the bushra of omar the glad tidings that someone even bigger than hamza is about to become muslim when um became muslim allah revealed was he not dead and we gave him lights by which he walks amongst life by which he walks with a light amongst the people like um was a walking dead man amongst you and allah gave him life and now imagine a person with light walking amongst the people what does that look like what that looks like is um as soon as he becomes muslim and the muslims are saying allah says aren't we upon the truth whether we die or whether we live aren't we upon the truth the prophet saws says yes and he says and aren't they upon falsehood he's already speaking the language of us and they okay and aren't they upon falsehood the prophet's salla islam says yes then why are we hiding let's go out there and proclaim our islam this is where it gets very interesting by the way and this was the day by the way that the prophet saisam called him al-farooq [Music] you know the one who the barrier the one who decides the differentiator between truth and falsehood al-farooq is um he's like a barrier between falsehood and truth so the prophet saws says you know what let's go out and proclaim our islam this will be the first time alhamdulillah just became muslim um became muslim suddenly these two strong men are now muslim you know what let's go out and let's declare our islam so the prophet salallahu would arrange the muslims in two rows one behind hamza one behind umr and they go out marching doing tasbih and tahlil and proclaiming their islam glorifying allah declaring the oneness of allah and they're standing behind hamza no one's going to touch them when omar and himsa may allah be pleased with them are the ones leading the two rows on top of that he's not satisfied he wants a little bit of confrontation they're not doing anything he says who's the person in society that can't hold water in his mouth meaning who's the big mouth in society i want the news to spread quicker that i became muslim so they said he said let me go to jameer in mohammed so he goes to jamir muhammad he says hey i slumped i became muslim jameel jumps up and he goes to the cabin he starts screaming to everyone in society and he says i said i became muslim not apostated but the point is is that the word is getting out and people already know so here's what um wanted all these men come out from quraish and they start to attack omar umar had a field day with them he started to beat them up one by one starts laying them up laying them out all over the ground and um is doing this for hours until um who gets a little bit tired of just beating people up at this point no one was able to get them down um was beating them up one by one around the kaaba and then omar says i got tired so he took urtube who was of course an enemy of the prophet saws pinned him to the ground and then he sat on him and omar put his fingers in his eyes exactly okay he put his two fingers in his eyes and omar said to uttaba tell your men to back off or i'm going to pluck your eyes out so is screaming and saying get away from get away from it was poking at his two eyes clawing his eyes and um takes a break after beating up these men for hours and then you know they gather up some steam again and um who's ready to go for round two at this point and as that's about to happen a man comes forth and he is in a fine though which is like a silk suit of the time and he says to them what are you people doing he says look the man chose a religion for himself and that's his business leave him alone he says if you keep fighting him or if you kill him then banu adi will come after you and we're never going to be able to stop this so everyone go home enough so everyone dispersed he says i asked my father who was that man and he said that was the father of ams so he was a respected man that was able to disperse the crowds at that point still not satisfied um so i thought to myself who is the person that hates the prophet saws most his biggest enemy in society the person who would be most most bothered by me being muslim he said my uncle abu jahad so instead of waiting for abu jahl to come to him who goes and he knocks on the door of abu jahl abu jahl comes out and says he welcomes him and he's his nephew um right and the last conversation they had was that umar was going to be the one who killed the prophet saws and received the gift the bounty from abu jaha allahu ta'ala he says to him i want you to know amanthubillahi rasuli i'm just here to tell you i believe in allah and his messenger was and i have i i i have affirmed everything that he has brought don't do it he said too late he said don't do it he said too late so so um slammed the door in my face and he said like what a horrible thing that you brought to me he said leave me alone go away basically cursed him out and said leave me alone this is the beginning of um has probably the most powerful statement in this regard about the significance of this conversion of um in the early days of islam abdullah namas he says i swear by allah he says he said the islam of umar was a conquest in and of itself it was victory when omar became muslim it changed everything remember abdullah mr was the first one to recite quran publicly and almost was killed for it and he was of the weak of society he said when omar became muslim subhanallah that day of islam was a victory it was as if it was a conquest in and of itself and his hijrah was a victory and his leadership was a mercy his leadership was a mercy why because um upheld the rights of who the weak and the oppressed under his denoted of justice for those who were weak and those who were oppressed and he said i remember the days he said that i remember the days we could not go and pray in front of the cab but when omar became muslim we'd go out and we'd pray and omar would beat the people up until we would be left alone and we could pray like no one would come near us because omar would fight them off and we would be able to pray so he's remembering those days of um he says we used to never be able to congregate in public as muslims no two muslims could even be in public but he said after um we started to congregate we started to pray we started to do talaf and he said and when they hit us we hit back so subhanallah the consequences of the islam of one person which was a man subhanallah who set out to kill the prophet sallallahu alaihi and ended up being in front of the prophet saw as a believer and the prophet saws marching behind him as um who leads the way and opens the door for islam a man subhanallah who set out to kill the prophet salaam and ended up being buried next to him a man who they said his father's donkey would become muslim before him and here he was and allah answered the dua of the prophet salallahu and gave izza to islam through the islam of um just in a few minutes i know we're a few minutes past aisha i'll go ahead and i will wrap up at this point now you have hamza and you have may allah be pleased with them and that's where you start to see now the boycott abu jahl has to resort to different ways to hurt the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so choking them out banu hashman banu muthalab through the economic boycott uh the persecution is not like it used to be because it wasn't just vidas and khababs now it was omars and hamzas at this point they could not just go and it wasn't just fair game to go and attack muslims in public anymore so they had to think of different ways to persecute and to make things more difficult on the muslims but now the physical strength was different and adidas describes the hijra which came a few years later and he said illa he said i don't know of anyone that made hijrah except that they concealed their hijra he said except for um he said you know what um did on the day of the hijrah people were trying to sneak out and hide he said um he went out openly with his sword and with his bow he went to the kaaba and he calmly made tahaf seven times around the kaaba and he prayed two raka's after he made his talaf after he prayed calmly took his time not worried about anyone trying to come after him went to all of them in quraysh he went to their groups he went to their leaders he went to their faces he says you humiliated faces who allah will humiliate who allah has declared as a humiliated people and he says whoever wants that his mother would cry over him or his wife would become a widow or his children would be orphaned he said come meet me behind the valley basically let's have one last brawl before i leave mecca and he's going to them and he's saying is anyone going to come and he spent some time threatening them saying you guys want to come fight and subhanallah only some of the muslims some of the weak people they followed the allah behind the valley and they said we don't want to fight you can you teach us what you've learned we want to join you and so they became muslim and um had the largest group of people when he made the hijrah to al-madinah and they did not fear for themselves subhanallah they were over 20 people walking making the hijra making the migration toward medina with um in their presence and they did not fear for themselves when um was amongst them brought a strength to the muslims that was not there before and um from that day forward his conversion was not just the most consequential conversion in the history of islam um took every negative quality that he had and turned it into a positive quality and that's the genius the most successful testia experiment that you will find a person who gives you no excuses he took his cruelty prior to islam and turned it into mercy and justice for the weak and for those who were poor he took his anger and he channeled it towards righteousness he took his strength and he channeled it towards righteousness he became humble when the prophet saw some spoke he humbled himself he was a man who would cry and pray at night he was charitable everything that would have been negative as a result of his strength he turned it into positive and he is and he is a man who stands out first and foremost with his sincerity and insha'allah the next time we will talk about his virtues to cover the seer of umar would take too long we will talk about his virtues insha'allah and parallel that to his life and we'll see where it takes us from there so with that inshallah because we are already 10 minutes past salah we will go ahead and stop tonight without any questions [Music] my
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 446,257
Rating: 4.6731868 out of 5
Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, islamic lectures, islamic studies, islam, faith, iman, omar suleiman
Id: x0f_VO0Weu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 53sec (4913 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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