Olivia Munn on Jon Stewart | 2022 Mark Twain Prize

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- Hey, Jon. (audience cheering) - Hello. - So Jon Stewart changed my life. In 2010, I was co-hosting a show on a video game network, when I got a call that Jon Stewart wanted to interview me. So I went to The Daily Show studio, located in the heart of New York City, 52nd and 11th. It was technically in the river. Do you remember? (audience laughing) I met Jon in his office that day, and I was amazed. His office, no exaggeration, was a garbage can. (audience laughing) It was a mess. There was actual trash in it. Like, anything free he had ever been given, he just put on his desk. And then there was a treadmill in the corner of his office, and the treadmill had clothes on it. (audience laughing) I could describe it more, but then I would just be naming garbage. (audience laughing) So I start getting nervous. I'm like, "Oh, is this why he wants to hire an Asian American woman, to help organize?" (audience laughing) But honestly, we had an amazing conversation that day, the first of many, and then he offered me a job as a correspondent, and it was incredible. So on my way out his office, I see this gold glowing light coming from behind the door, and then I see, on the ground, there's this cardboard box filled with Emmy Awards. They were just haphazardly thrown in there. So I said, "Are these your actual Emmy Awards?" And he said, "Yeah, that's where I keep them." (audience laughing) Look, some people might put their Emmys on a shelf or behind glass, but not Jon Stewart. His are in a cardboard box, shoved behind a door. Because that's who he is, lazy and vaguely disrespectful. (audience applauding) Jon, you know this, but you are like a small, big brother to me. (audience laughing) You have given me so much wisdom to navigate so much in my life. You gave me advice during the Me Too movement, and more recently, during the Stop Asian Hate movement. And I will always, always be grateful for your friendship. So in 2015, Jon announced he was leaving The Daily Show. He walked away from the desk and the suits by Canali in order to pursue his dream of dressing like a maintenance worker for the rest of his life. (audience laughing) Jon, I know that you left the show for many reasons, but a big part of it was to spend more time with your family and experience more that life has to offer. But then last year, Jon decided to go back to work. As it turns out, after spending more time with his family, Jon decided to spend less time with his family. (audience laughing) (kissing head) - It's too late, it's too late. (audience laughing) Look, Jon, whether you acknowledge it or not, you changed the way my generation saw the news and saw public policy. You made each issue relatable and funny and human, and you always, in the most hilarious way, place the news of the day in a larger historical context. Jon actually made it cool to be informed and have an opinion on the news. And that's why today, every God damn person has an opinion on every thing God damn thing that happens every God damn second. Well done, Jon, well done. (audience applauding) - Thank you, thank you. - Jon, I am so honored to be here, and I hope you're enjoying this night, because you really deserve it. And I really can't wait to see what filthy cardboard box you dump this award into. (audience laughing) I love you, buddy. (audience cheering) - Ah, Olivia. (audience applauding) (upbeat music)
Channel: The Kennedy Center
Views: 1,670,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the kennedy center, kennedy center, john f kennedy center for the performing arts, performing arts, washington d.c., digital stage, entertainment, arts, mark twain prize, mark twain, comedy, award, olivia munn, jon stewart, john mulaney
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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