Jon Stewart Humiliates Republican With Basic Journalism

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

Jon Stewart a national hero and continuing treasure.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/denisebuttrey 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

Someone call 911. We have just witnessed a murder.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Gambit6x 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is a losing cause for democrats.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sendstorepatter 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
Jon Stewart is back and he has a show on Apple Plus and he really just this is him at his best honestly in this interview that you're going to that you're about to see and yeah the rally to restore sanity sucked but there are moments in Jon Stewart's career where he has exceeded the the talents and the value of a great majority of journalists in this country at least on on cable TV for sure when he's able to pin people down I'll never forget when he had Judith Miller on The Daily Show and he just crapped all over her to her face for carrying water for the Bush Administration which allowed uh for the illegal invasion of Iraq and the murder of uh in Wartime and the killing of hundreds of thousands if not up to a million Iraqis and let alone the tens of thousands of soldiers that died in that process so he was in during the Iraq War era invaluable and then he took some time off and now he's back and he's in his comfort zone with this interview where um he spoke with the uh here I have this in my notes Here the Arkansas attorney general yes uh her name is Leslie Rutledge and in Arkansas they decided to ban gender affirming care for minors despite the fact that these major medical organizations testify during that process to the benefits of that health care and here's just part of this interview which goes on for I would not say a painful amount of time because I enjoyed it but for her purposes you could just almost see the sweat beating uh on her forehead where he just doesn't let up and this is incredibly instructive for how people in the media and how uh just regular folks should combat transphobia and the and how paper-thin their arguments are I would the state of Arkansas step in to override parents Physicians psychiatrists endocrinologists who have developed guidelines why would you override those guidelines said that ought to allow children to be able to take those medications that there are many instances where but you know that's not true you know it's not for everyone there's one there's these are the established well I don't know that that's not true I don't know that then why would you why would you pass a law then if you don't if you don't know that that's true wouldn't you well I know that there are doctors and that we had plenty of people come and testify before our legislature who said that uh you know we have 98 of the young people who have gender dysphoria that they are able to move past that and once they have the the help that they need no longer suffer from gender dysphoria 98 without that medical treatment that's an incredibly made-up figure that's that doesn't comport with any of the studies or documentation that exists from these medical organizations what what Medical Association are you talking about of these doctors well we have all of that in our uh legislative history and we'll be glad to provide that to you I don't have the name of that off the top of my head I know it's something that you don't have the name of the organization oh okay but yes we have all of that cited in all of our briefs you're suggesting that protecting children means overriding the recommendations of the American Medical Association the American Association of Pediatrics the endocrine Society we don't have enough data we don't have enough to show that these drugs are effective and that these children are better off and that we should encourage this or it's not enough for you let me let me try and flip it a different way and see if maybe this this can help in Arkansas if you have pediatric cancer and obviously we all want to protect children I think we established that earlier whose guidelines do you follow for Pediatric cancer well I think if my child who is four if I was faced with it terrible uh decision then I would be speaking to my doctor and if my doctor recommended something that I disagreed with and I would get a second opinion and that's what I believe that these parents need to make sure that they're encouraged to get numerous opinions when they're talking about an irreversible the state's not saying get another opinion what they're saying is you can't what you're actually saying is actually not at all what state said the state simply said that you cannot perform these procedures and so but parents should get another opinion that they and children should want to have another but that's not because again these are 9 10 11. if your child is suffering from pediatric cancer and the state comes in and says to you they recommend chemotherapy but we're not going to let you do that you can't we think you should get a different opinion and here's the organization we think you should get the opinion from they're not the mainstream but they're an organization so that's how you that's who you have to be treated by does that sound like something you would I think that's a very extreme example that's not at all in line with what we're talking about we're not saying that at some point because when you have cancer it literally is particularly pediatric cancer and having friends that have lost children sure here we go for having a four-year-old I'm sure I've got some bad news for you parents with children who have gender dysphoria have lost children to suicide and depression and they absolutely because it's acute and so these mainstream medical organizations have developed guidelines through peer-reviewed data and studies and through those guidelines they've improved mental health outcomes so I'm confused why you follow AMA guidelines and aaap guidelines for all other health issues in Arkansas because we checked but not for this it's simply saying let those young people who are facing gender confusion and dysphoria allow them to become adults and to make that decision allow a child to be a child so here's where we have our our Crossroads you've made the determination that protecting these children means not giving them access to the guidelines and care that have been designed by medical and mental health professionals for children expressing gender dysphoria and I'm asking you again what are your qualifications to step in and say no keeping you from that care is protecting you you've made that determination well these are irreversible decisions all right we're good yeah I mean we don't want to play the full clip because hey who knows I mean this is a television program and you got to check it out for yourself on Apple TV I thought I would cut it off even earlier just to make sure we were all good uh from uh you know rights perspective but I couldn't I couldn't cut it off because it's rare it's rare to get an interview whoa like like I think properly and helpfully adversarial I could I couldn't believe she didn't walk out because he had her picked right no it was it was fantastic to watch and you don't see that so much anymore like you know Jon Stewart um he he was really good at doing that sort of thing for for a while on The Daily Show and um when he left you know not to just the the host that took over but he didn't quite do that in the same way um Trevor Noah and he's leaving now too so who knows what's happening with the Daily Show but um you know Jon Stewart's new show came back and and it sort of hasn't been so so headline grabbing honestly until this moment when Jon Stewart went back to Old form like listen John Stewart probably doesn't line up perfectly with our politics uh he never did um there was a lot to criticize about over the years with Jon Stewart but he always was really good at this type of interview um and he he really laid it all out there and then this interview I mean I don't know how you look at this and think she looked good uh in any way shape or form she wasn't even able to like finagle her way out of it in the usual like slimy ways that they're able to at least like claim like oh you know uh I'll win here there was it was she had nothing even when she tried to make a point he was so successfully able to turn it back around on her I mean there's no reason for any of this honestly it's it's they're they're they clearly just don't want uh trans people to exist it's that it's that simple that's what all this is about uh the idea of caring about kids no uh they don't because if it was up to them they would ban uh any sort of transgender care period well beyond the age of 18 I guarantee you um they're doing well you have Jordan Peterson saying that the person that the doctor who did uh Elliot Page's Top surgery because Elliot page wanted to as a full-blown adult is a butcher that's what they've been saying that's that's what the right is saying they don't care about it the fact that it's kids that just allows them to feel like they have some sort of morality and when they uh are engaging in anti-trans-hatred and you could see that she thought that she had some sort of foothold when uh cancer came up because she wanted to be like oh well that's there's no equivalent there there's no equivalent to cancer maybe in terms of infant or child mortality I don't know if those figures are different or what uh whatever the the discrepancy is it doesn't necessarily matter what matters is that those are both issues that they're dealt with between parents children and the doctors and the doctors make that determination and what happened in Arkansas is that they've essentially said that when it comes to this issue with your doctor you can't you are blocked from doing that we don't have parental rights in this instance no we're going to make a determination as Jon Stewart said about your child without knowing any of the specifics because we have decided that trans people should not exist as you say we don't want to see them we don't want to affirm them we want them back in the closet and we want to put our heads in the sand and pretend that they don't exist because they challenge Notions of gender and sexuality that make us very uncomfortable and frankly I don't give a if you're uncomfortable I want everybody to be uh I want people to be able to live in peace and trans people existing does nothing to make you not live in peace so sorry you're done no absolutely absolutely I mean it's this is something where you know she said something that stuck and stuck out to me and this isn't the you know this isn't something uh you know some big reveal this is the the case a lot of conservatives but she said uh when she brought up the the uh when she thought she had something going on there with uh you know child cancer um she said oh I've known people who went through that she probably doesn't know any trans people because as we know or or families with transgender children because as we know uh conservatives cannot feel empathy if they do not experience something for themselves they need to personally feel the sadness of I don't know uh this lady's best friend Jane not being able to make it to brunch anymore because she has to attend her children's chemotherapy appointments she needs to feed feel uh and you know something there needs to be something there for to to personally affect her life for her to then go oh this is what it's like because she didn't care to even think about transgender people who commit suicide or transgender people who go through all sorts of horrible things because they're they're living a life that they don't feel is true to themselves um and they just want to do that the idea that you would ban any of this is unbelievable I forgot who it was on Twitter but someone on Twitter made a perfect point it's like imagine getting a tattoo you didn't like and then going uh you whenever they use the Detroit like the the small percentage of people who are the transitioners imagine getting it tattooed in like and all of a sudden being like Oh that's it time to ban tattoos um I mean it's it's ridiculous this whole thing of uh whether it doesn't even matter who it is and terms of they just go after anyone that they can't personally feel for and unfortunately that's transgender people each and every time no matter what the case is and now they're going Full Throttle with this uh Fane into this full interest in uh Children's Health when it comes to transgender kids it's it's it's it's that's exactly it
Channel: The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder
Views: 1,879,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sam Seder, Majority Report, Emma Vigeland, Matt Lech, news, US politics, Democrats, liberal, progressive politics, John Stewart, Jon Stewart, Transhealth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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