Bassem Youssef on Jon Stewart | 2022 Mark Twain Prize

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- Cairo Egypt, 2003. Yes. That was the first time I ever saw Jon Stewart on something called a television. We didn't have Comedy Central there and YouTube was not even invented but every Arab home had CNN. You see, after the first Iraq war CNN functions as an early warning system to know where America will strike us next. And it was CNN when I first saw Jon Stewart. It was the once a week global edition of 'The Daily Show'. And honestly, I didn't really understand his jokes. For someone like me living in the Middle East I didn't understand who are Democrats, what is a Republican? And why is he so at Fox news? But because of Jon, I became aware of political satire and American messed up politics. I had a dream to have a similar show in Egypt but at that time it was almost impossible. We had a president for 30 years and in the Middle East that is a very short first term. But Cairo Egypt 2011, the Arab Spring happened and we had an opportunity. I made a couple of YouTube videos channeling a very cheap knockoff version of 'Daily Show' and it went viral. And before I knew it, I was on television with a very small show. On that day, I left medicine and because of that decision many more patients are alive today. People in Egypt loved the show; authority not so much. And then during my show there was a warrant for my arrest. I was interrogated for six hours and they asked me straight up, "Does Jon Stewart sponsor you?" I said, that's ridiculous. Everybody knows he's a cheap ****. So, (laughter from audience) he keep Emmys in a box behind the door. I went on his show in 2012 and after the show I told him, I'm gonna make you a promise. I'm going to create the biggest political satire show in the Middle East with the first ever show with live audience and I would love you to come. And he made me a promise. He's like "I will come." I had the most popular show in the Middle East but there were also riots in the streets. There were tear gas. We had to smell it every day when we were doing the show in the theater. And even the state department issued a warning telling Americans not to go to Egypt, but you came. You fulfilled your promise. Two weeks after that the military seized power from the Islamists. I called Jon. I said, "I'm scared. I don't know what to do. The new authority is too popular, too loved. I'm scared people will turn against me and I would lose my popularity." So he said, "well, you need to ask yourself, you wanna do comedy, or you wanna do something that would last forever?" So, I went all the way. I pushed the envelope. I spoke up and as expected, my show was canceled. People turned against me. I faced lawsuits and defamation and I had to escape from Egypt. So **** you Jon. (audience laughs) Seriously, man! Thanks for nothing buddy! - I don't know what happened! - I could have stayed and be a sellout, a very rich sellout. You had to be an inspiration But I'm glad I'm here to tell you I love you man. You all talk about his impact in America but you don't understand the impact that he has outside of America. Even in my region people learned about American politics from you which I find it really pathetic but it's it's like you don't understand the impact that you have on so many people all around the world. You are the source of everything. You are the origin story of every one of us. I am forever grateful for CNN because they introduced me to you. Thank you man.
Channel: The Kennedy Center
Views: 2,672,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the kennedy center, kennedy center, john f kennedy center for the performing arts, performing arts, washington d.c., digital stage, entertainment, arts, mark twain prize, bassem youssef, jon stewart, comedy, daily show, AlBernameg
Id: 0W6W17BdIzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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