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[Music] do [Music] covet 19 has affected all of our lives in one way or another some of the effects have been devastating to some prior to covet and for years and years olivet has been committed to our homeless outreach program our matthew 25 ministry provides hot meals daily we provided blankets coats gloves toiletries and free groceries even during these tron economic times we've decided to step up and do more we've been very fortunate to be able to increase our efforts and it's partly due to our partners like you we need your help so that we can continue to be a blessing to this community please consider partnering with us and sowing a seed so that we can continue this work the bible says in luke 12 48 for everyone who has been given much much will be demanded and from those who have been entrusted with much much more will be asked god bless you welcome today thank god for you tuning in with us welcome to noonday bible study i am your host kevin adams senior pastor along the baptist church out of the nation and can i say that i'm delighted to be here with you and i am delighted that you have tuned in with us we are ascending god has taken us to new heights in him new dimensions in the lord seasons which is temporary but uh dimensions sustain and last uh forever and ever and ever i miss you all on sunday but certainly you uh did not miss any word we want to thank god for our eldership uh leadership our ministers man there was some preaching going on in the house uh then uh pastor uh chris sands preached the house down and then uh little bishop uh virgil henderson man he preached a storm now i'm so proud of our elders and our preachers every last one of them uh just wonderful preachers they do a phenomenal job and it is our desire no preacher is going to come out all of it is not fully equipped and that is by the grace of god and we that is that that's our focus to really learn the word of god ourselves we don't just study the word uh to preach to others we study the word to learn to live ourselves and then teach others out of how god is teaching us to live for him ourselves that's what the real power come in uh in terms of preaching is when you are seeking god yourself and you said the word of god to live his word yourself so thank god uh kudos to all of our staff administrative staff and deacons our church council just all of you the members your wonderful wonderful people every ministry of all of it i love you i confirm love to you and appreciate to you uh i appreciate you in jesus name uh you're doing a wonderful job and thank you so much our college day was a great success and preaching preaching hope i just i just shouted and shouted like a church mother they had to fan me he man put a little circle around me and everything give me tissue and everything i'm just crying and praising god because i love to see uh excellence in our ministry growth and just to see when our people do such an uh a glorious job for the lord so thank you thank you uh thank you to the church as a whole thank you for all the wonderful people i see on the day david what's up david elliot and uh regina uh kated pamela i see everybody on here today y'all ready for this word and see joyce and see francis and see rosa janice ava look at y'all studying this word pamela uh tommy good to see all of you oh i got some wonderful people and uh let's see uh see uh shantae and and anthony thank you all for sharing this i see a lot of people sharing this that's how we grow in the world we grow and we grow and we grow uh so thank you for doing uh that we got a wonderful challenge going on with myself and um pastor jamal bryant at new birth and then uh my good friend pastor william murphy uh we got this health challenge going on uh everybody got the crate challenge we got a weight loss challenge going on so we've been dropping pounds and encouraging our members to do the same and uh they've been doing different things they got a soup and a juice challenge that's what pastor jamal is doing and we at mercury and i said the lord didn't speak to me about my soup and i'm juiced in the name of jesus for those 30 days and so we have been doing um eating all green vegetables and basically being a pescadarian just all green vegetables and fish and so we're down um some over 30 something pounds and still growing working out good drinking a lot of water and the weight is just falling off so y'all have to get with the challenge uh you know pick uh something that works for you again i'm just doing fish all green vegetables most important thing is cutting out all that sugar cutting the sugar out the starch out and the weight begins to fall off to do something uh physically challenging and motivating walking 45 minutes a day get on elliptical uh do something and because our health is so important make sure that whatever you do we we're a church that doesn't come out and tell people you know you've got to go get vaccinated you know i tell people that that's what uh i did my family uh followed me and that we all vaccinated it works for me and uh i wear mass uh everywhere i go i'm leaving social business and i believe in that and we require some of that at the church uh as being uh for me in my house we will serve the lord um and and we we ask people who come to church to mass for the sake of others and uh and that kind of thing but with uh let every man be persuaded in his own heart i'm not a pastor he's gonna come out and tell people you know the less till god you come to this church don't worry no match you know the virus ain't you know it's not real it's a hoax and all of that that's foolishness a lot of people are dying losing too many people so if you believe in the vaccine please by all means i believe in it go take the vaccine and i encourage those who have done their study and who've done their research to get vaccinated and encourage as many as possible to do that and if you just for some reason don't believe in that then make sure you do all the take all the precautions and uh you know and do whatever you need to do but stay safe and stay healthy out here because this thing is for real and people are dying continue to pray for uh jesse jackson and his wife who have copic and that they uh they're really going through at this time i want to keep them on our prayer list okay the word is phenomenal we're gonna get ready to share the word for you on to the turn to exodus chapter 40. we're gonna have a great bible study today again share this call and notify somebody about this bible study and tell them to jump on uh appreciate wnlo um who don't they do a phenomenal job in house city and helping us get the word out and share the glorious gospel around the world love me some w you know i love me some mr clear so um turn excellence 40 and make sure you share this and get some more people on uh with us we're going to start this study if you haven't sewn your seed yet get ready to do that if you didn't do it sunday uh you know god loves a cheerful giver and i'm telling you i'm telling you i can't stress this enough that the way to receive is through giving that that's god's ways his principle uh his principle way of blessing us by saying give and it shall be given to you and so if you want to receive then give okay all right and so he says they should be giving them to you good measure pressed down shaking together and running over a lot of people says well i don't i'm not gonna give or hold it well it's just like performer taking seats and saying i'm not gonna play that but you know he's still waiting on a harvest well if you don't never put anything in the ground you can't expect anything to ever come up so we believe in giving i'm a living witness to what god will do when you trust him it's about trusting god and honoring god when you give your kindness and you give your offerings i'm a man who believes god's word totally so if he doesn't do what he said he's going to do open the wonders of heaven pour you out a blessing that you shall not have room to receive if he doesn't rebuke the devourer for your sake you come back and you tell me a word ain't true but if he does exactly what i know he's going to do and that is fulfill his promise in your life you come back and you let him know uh pastor god did exactly what he said that he was going to do and we shout together so you got your mobile app giving your text to give online giving and you can sow your seed bible so many people do that thank you so much who uh way in calhoun georgia way in south pittsburgh way in florida somewhere and uh we never see your face the way in chicago detroit but you sow your seed and thank you for doing that okay pamela all right and all of y'all you wonderful people i love you so let's get into our work okay i'm still teaching how to craig irving's book uh the church of the missing five this book now is expanding everywhere got great reviews and everybody's getting excited about it now uh you know when he writes this book about when the children of israel came out of babylonian captivity and when they went back to build the second temple upon the zerubbabel and ezra nehemiah they began to build the temple and once the temple was erected they noticed that five things was missing from the church right or from the temple that it did not have the ark of the covenant it represented the presence of god we're going to talk about that today it didn't have the glory no fire fail it didn't have the urine and the thumb on them that represented divine discernment from god it did not have any prophetic voice and as we talked last time that the bible said the bible says the older people they were weeping you know why because they knew and remember the glory of the first temple solomon's temple second chronicles seven but the young people they were they were praising god because they had a building and it looked like progress but all the people said no no no if we don't have any fire we don't have any glory this presence is not here this is something that's missing and i wonder today with all this going on in our world even coming out of coping and even dealing with copic and all that we're going through we've been away from the church for almost two years now i wonder are there things missing from the church as we focus on going back and what kind of screens do we need in the church now you know do we take out the pews and put chairs down do you know do we do this do we make it bigger smaller what kind of lighting do we need i wonder are we noticing that there's some things missing from the church does the church still have a prophetic voice do we still have discernment is there any glory in the church is there any the holy spirit is the presence of god there we're going to talk about it i want you i want you to study deeply with me today about the ark of the covenant the ark of the covenant look at exodus chapter number four i'm gonna start there and it says the lord spoke to moses saying on the first day of the first month you shall erect the tabernacle now notice the tabernacle is the meeting place where god would meet with man his glory his shekinah glory would be there and would feel that temple and the people knew god was there his presence was there and god would talk with moses and he would commune with the people there he says he would erect the tabernacle the temple of the meeting now look at verse 3 very closely because you got to get this and get ready to write it down and to put this in your notes and you shall put in it the ark of the testimony of the ark of the covenant you shall scream the ark with the veil or you should put it behind the veil and the holy of the holies so this this verse is so important the whole purpose of the tabernacle the reason why it was built was to house the ark of the covenant if you did not have the ark of the covenant what the what again did the ark of the covenant represent the presence of god whenever that art was there it was a symbol that god's presence was among the people that's why no other enemy could withstand them because when that ark was with them the presence of god was there but the tabernacle the temple it was built to house the ark of the covenant or the presence of god and when you take that that's a truth that i i want you to get today please write that down please even put it in the comments that the tabernacle of the temple was built to house the ark of the covenant what am i saying to you today i want you to go with me and we want to take it up with not notch because this is the first point we're just dealing with just simply put down the ark of the covenant the ark of the covenant okay because i'm gonna give you five major truths five major truths in the bible that should be in his temple right the ark of the covenant it represents five major truths all right that's what i'm gonna teach you five major truths that this art of the covenant represents in the bible and that should be in his temple now i want you to think about where is his temple now somebody answered me where is this temple we're in the bible study now we're into the bible study and i'm looking i see you sean bonita okay i see all of y'all on here patricia i see you great people cordella katie okay uh christy where is the temple now where is the temple now patricia where is the temple now where is god's temple now where is god's temple now we've got to get this severed where is god's temple now where is god's temple now so i'm looking for it in the comments before i say it it's in us all right miss jones says thank you caleb and i'm praying for you and your family caleb because i know you uh just had a death in the family it's in us it's in us jail it's in us okay first corinthians 3 16 let's do our homework because if we're not going to say anything and we can't back it up with scripture it's in us okay so god's temple is in us first corinthians 3 thank y'all and verse number 16. look what it says uh first corinthians 3 and verse number 16. he says i urge you then um he says uh is that the scripture that i'm looking for no no no okay first corinthians 3 16 do you not know that you you you you are god's temple and that god's spirit dwells in you if anyone destroys god's temple god will destroy him but god's temple is holy and you are that temple i remember when i was young a young boy a teenager i remember old preacher came to our church preaching and man he was preaching preaching against sin and preaching about holiness and that man preached it god lives on a mobile home and i thought it was crazy i said god don't live in no mobile home he says and you have a mobile home everywhere you go you take god with you and he said something that night would change my life he says who in their right mind would think about involving god in a explicit immoral sexual act and i looked at him i thought are you crazy i said nobody named the right mind would involve god jesus in no explicit and moral sexual act who would do something like that he says whatever every time you lay down and you sexually immoral you fornicate you commit adultery he says and you lay down with a woman you lay down with a man he says not understand that you are a temple and your body is a temple and that god lives on the inside of you he says what you're doing at that moment is involving god involving the holy spirit in questions involving him with a sexual immoral act that he chooses not to be a part of and then i was stunned i sit there he says because if he lives in you if god lives in you and if the holy spirit lives in you he says whatever you do with your body he says you got to stop and think that christ lives in you he becomes a partaker watch this he says whatever action that you're involved in he says you forget that jesus lives in you and you take him with you he hears every conversation and guess what he says you make him a part of every act even though he's not sinning he says you join him to whatever you are joined to man i didn't want to leave the church that night i start asking god to forgive me for stuff that i wasn't even doing all right he says um he speaks about this he speaks about this that your body is the temple and he says and the holy spirit actually lives in you you think i'm joking with this i wasn't even going there today i wasn't even going there but if you turned over to first corinthians 6 because i got somebody's attention look at first corinthians 6 and verse number 13. if you think i'm joking he said food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food and god will destroy both one and the other the body is not meant for sexual immorality but for the lord there it is and the lord for the body and god raised the lord and will also raise us up by his power do you not know that your bodies are members of christ your body is connected to christ and christ is connected to your body because you're the temple he lives in you shall i then take the members of christ and make the members of a prostitute never or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her sex is never just physical it is spiritual and emotional whoever you hook up with sexually you're becoming one with them for it is written the two shall become one flesh but he also who is joined to the lord becomes one spirit with him flee from sexual immorality every other sin a person commits is outside the body but sexual immorality person sins against his own body or do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit within you whom you have from god you're not your own but you will bother for christ so glorify god in your body does that not settle it so people think that when they're having sexual intercourse it's just a physical thing but it's two spirits connecting it's true souls connected minds are connecting emotions are connected and back in those days you didn't go get marriage license all right what you did was you consummated your marriage by having your first sexual intercourse blood was shed so god said a covenant every time god saw a man and a woman coming together and blood was being shared god was saying okay somebody's serious about a covenant he was looking at him and said so y'all won he didn't know people was playing around saying oh i'm not really really not marrying this person we're just having sex so he sees you as one with that person that's why he was saying don't go get hooked up with appointment with a prostitute because god says i see you becoming one with them and if you're one with christ he says every time you connect with somebody else you're connecting the christ in you with that person you see what he's saying here okay so it's a deep thing when you think about it it is deep and i wish people really understood what's going on there okay so understand that just like they would put that arc in god well let me leave that alone and then you think about over the years how many people are you connected to how many spirits are connected to you and then you get at a point in your life and it seems like nobody can please you because people got to compete with all these spirits that are connected to your spirits and all of these souls that are tied to your souls and that's a whole nother teacher and i don't want to go there today but understand that we used to sing that song in the church law prepare me to be a sanctuary you know you know uh that's what that where that song came out of that i'm his temple and and he's the ark the holy spirit jesus lives in the inside of me you have to get that thought in your mind so you got the ark of the covenant down back okay uh put up a picture that i want you to see it for just a moment how the heart look look at that thank you wretched immediate i read the name is that how pretty and beautiful how you see remember that picture because it was uh it had a little bit of wood but it was overlaid with gold it was so beautiful you see the two cherubims the angels wings on both sides and then you see the mercy seat was on top and that's why the chicana shekinah glory of god would come down and rest right there on top of that mercy you see where the poles are the poles are on the side because you had six priests that would pick up that ark and they would carry it right they had to be carried don't forget that we'll talk about that tonight on the shoulders of some faithful priests okay i just want you to get a good look at it there okay so that's how the art looked and it represented the presence of god that lives in us okay i could talk about the two contrasting uh materials the wood represented of jesus humanity that he was full and man but the goal represented his divinity that he's fully god so he's the god man 100 man 100 god okay all in one but he is the mercy seat he is the mercy seat of god okay now let's talk about the throne the throne of god right down in the throne i'll be learning something okay hope you learned something the throne of god the ark was the throne of god go to second samuel six and two we're gonna talk about this a little bit more tonight this is real real bible study y'all real real bible study second samuel six and two okay you get anything um say amen here in the comments let me know you're getting something here okay um so and david arose and went with all the people who were with him from belle judah to bring up the ark right to bring up from there the ark of god which is called get this underline this it is called it is actually called by the bible says the ark of god which is called by the name of the lord by the name of the lord opposed we don't we need to remember that who says here it is enthroned on the cherubims enthroned so the ark was the throne of god it was the actual throne of god okay isaiah 37 and 16. let me read this to you isaiah 37 and 16. uh that's that's the scripture one isaiah 37 and 16. okay so every part of this is significant you all okay every part of this and i want you to break it down and understand isaiah 37 and verse number 16 says o lord of hosts god of israel enthroned above the cherubs you are the god you alone of all the kingdoms of the earth you have made heaven and earth so you see when they walked around with this art it was a picture uh it was an earthly picture of a heavenly pattern god was showing them heavenly things so when they looked at this art it was showing them teaching themselves about the throne of god how he was enthroned right in heaven and as as they had the cherubims on on you know on the boat on both ends it's a picture you know how it is in isaiah 6 how god was you know isaiah says in the year the king zion died i saw them all and he was high and lifted up his train filled the temple and above him was the cherubims and they were flying around and shouting holy so you see this art would represent that and they had a earthly picture or a pattern of it of this heavenly reality so to speak i look at psalms right quick sums i'll give you give you one more i gave you second 7 6 and 2 i say of 37 and 16 and i give you one more for you real bible students you're just really hungry you like a little bit more psalms um 99 and verse number one i love this it says the lord reigns let the people trouble he sits enthroned above uh the cherubim let the earthquake so guess what god ain't worried about nothing is going on on earth right now hallelujah god is not sitting in hell biting his nails or pacing heaven's floor saying oh god what are we going to do about the coronavirus oh god what we're going to do about afghanistan he's sitting upon him strong and king thrones were not comfortable seats kings didn't sit upon thrones because they were comfortable a king is set there to execute commands so he's sitting there because he's executing commands on your behalf and my being my head so god is is saying god is in control it is saying that god has everything worked out it is saying that you don't need to fear is saying that you don't need to worry today it has already worked out he's the ancient of days that he works things from the end back to the beginning that everything that you learn about god has already worked it out he finished it then he started it so you can trust god many times a king in biblical days he had what was called a foot stew okay and that was connect that was considered connected to the throne okay the footstool was a box and you know what it had in it it had the law of the kingdom whatever his law was his laws they were inside that box okay and it was under his foot and it was called the footstool right and so it's serving as the foundation of his rulership serving as the foundation of his rulership now look at first chronicles come on when i go to first chronicles chapter number 28 and verse number two so i'm telling you how how sovereign our god is how in control god is i needed this today because sometimes you start to get worried um some of the first chronicles 28 and two it says this then king david rose to his feet and said hear me my brothers and my people i had it in my heart to build a house of the rest for the ark of the covenant of the lord and for the footstool of our god and i made preparations for the building you see you had a footstool songs psalms 132. come on psalms 132 and 7 i hope you're writing these scriptures down somebody got me writing down i got first chronicles 28 and 2 and then i got sums 138 and 7. just the whole purpose of bible bible study psalms 132 and verse number seven you following am i going too fast okay uh psalms 132 psalms 132 and verse number seven it says let us go up to his dwelling place let us worship at his footstool god has a footstool all of his rules the rules of the kingdom are inside of that footstool or that box that is under his feet one more isaiah 66 and one i gave you first chronicles 28 and 2 psalms 132 and 7 and then isaiah 66 and 1 isaac 66 and 1. let me tell you again the significance of this okay isaiah 66 and 1 thus says the lord heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool what is the house that you would build for me and what is the place of my rest god says you know what god is saying god says the kingdom he says when i picture my kingdom god says i'm a king i rule again all of his laws were all of his all of his laws were in that footstool god governs he rules he is lord now let me ask you something everybody wants to shout that god is lord of my life but nobody wants to shout that these we want to shout to be savior let me correct that but nobody wants to shout that he's lord in my life if he's a king if he rules if if the whole earth is his footstool that means that god is in control of your life it means that you don't live your life saying well i do what i want to do no it's every day you wake up saying god you are lord it is saying god how do you want me to live how do you want me to deal with this situation god these are your finances god how do you want me to spend your finances god these are your children how do you want me to raise your children god this is your house god how do you want me to uh how do you want me to dwell in this house for your glory do you see what i'm talking about god this is your temple god how do you how you want me to treat and dress this temple for your glory is he lord of your life have you ever went to visit somebody i say it all the time and they bring you into a beautiful house and they show you around and they said this is the living room and this is the day in this theater room and this is the kitchen and this is the master suite and then they're walking back down the hall and then they'll look and all of a sudden you say what's in that room and it's why we keep that one lock and you say well what's in there and it's where we we don't let nobody go in that room usually that's the jump room but they got stuff thrown everywhere and and some of us have a relationship with god like that we don't you know we let him come into our life and and we let him come into some areas okay god i'm gonna go to church i'm gonna go to bible study i pray but then god says what's in that room well that's my attitude of god well god said give me let's go in there we gotta that's my i got my mama's attitude you know i'm not changing god and and and some of us are dealing with some things that we won't give god the key to that door some of us are dealing with envy god talked to me about that the other day god said andy is a is an awful demon is when you can't stand to see nobody else blessed when you can't stand to see nobody else's secede or nobody else's name called this when when somebody mentioned somebody else you got to say something negative about them or it hurts your heart when somebody else is is progressing you it does something to you you got to say something to test somebody else down that is a spirit envy and god can't bless you because he he he only wants to bless those who can rejoice with them that rejoice many times he'll test you to see if you're ready for your next blessing by blessing somebody else and when you can shout over somebody else's blessing god says now you're ready for your own do you see what i'm saying and god the earth is his footstool he sits on the throne don't worry today whatever's going on in your life some of you know my mother's been going through tests and she's been going through treatments and this has been an amazing thing i've had to pray god has had to test my faith and everything the doctor says is supposed to be happening to her in a negative way in a negative context a negative connotation is not happening and the doctors have been amazed and and every time they say well she probably don't you know be sick and she probably ain't gonna feel this way and then she it's the opposite she feels great and she's you know in a great mood and her spirit is up and i keep saying a friend of mine he says every time she feels that way just give god the praise because it's him it's him some of you need to know god is in control he's in charge he's on the throne that's why what should have happened didn't happen to you that's why it should have went up one way but it went another way somebody give him praise you know people that didn't want to see you blessed god bless you anyhow okay and then you got to think about not only the ark of the covenant not only his strong but but right next holiness somebody write down where a quick holiness because the ark of the covenant was kept in the most holy place for the holy of holies and you could only access it once a year according to leviticus 16 on the day of atonement day of atonement all right that's the one time once a year i love the word atonement because it really means at one minute it means when jesus christ he is our atonement which means when he paid the penalty of our sins he was at one with us his his his death was our death at one minute his death is our death all right his resurrection is our resurrection god is holy and we must respect him we got to fear him as holy we are called to pursue his holiness write this down put it in the comments do you know what it actually means to pursue the holiness of god or to to hunt it is to hunt his wholeness like going to hot rabbits or hunt beer or whatever you hunt the holiness of god right look what it says in hebrews 12 and 14 come on pray to jesus hallelujah to your name thank you father for such awesome word today glorious is your word glorious is your word i'm hunting your holiness i'm seeking your holiness right i'm after your holiness hebrews 12 and when i would say verse number 14 right hebrews 12 and verse number 14. it's a strive for peace with everyone and for holiness without which no one will see the lord i think both of those go together because sometimes what blocks you from going after god's holiness is that you're too busy trying to retaliate uh you know and take care of enemies and so the bomb says forget some of this stuff this stuff ain't worth you know being mad over and dealing with people who you know it says live this go live peacefully just okay you want to be crazy god bless you but i'm i'm pursuing holiness i got to be right with god okay i've got to fear him i've got to reverence him and i the bible says in matthew 5 blessed are the pure and hard for they show up see god when my heart is cluttered with i'm mad at him i can't stand her this girl you know what your heart has so much stuff powered in it that you can't see god some of us can't see god because of all of this stuff we got power up in so many people not speaking to my mama not speaking to my brother i don't deal with this sister in the church i don't build this book and you don't know you holding so many people in your heart that they have blocked your vision that you can't even see god live peacefully with all men and pursue wholeness without you you won't even see god you can't see god if you want to see the lord then let some stuff go okay right holiness is always attached to the presence of god okay when you hear the uh the cherubims and the seraphims and they were praising him in isaiah 6. they was holy holy holy that was in his presence worshiping him holy whenever you get in his presence you realize how holy he is how there's nobody like him he's holy he's unique all right how pure he is okay first peter uh 1-15 says this hallelujah it says but as he who has called you is holy you also be holy in all your conduct okay it says for i this is be holy for i am holy okay and and this is not this legalistic stuff what it is is understanding that through the blood of jesus he's made us holy that's you know that's our position in him that every time the father sees us through the blood of jesus he sees us as holy and then now what he's trying to do by way of sanctification is to get your condition to catch up with your position see my position is that i'm holding but sometimes my condition is that i'm a rascal so god says i need you to become who you are does that make any sense i need you to start living like who you already are who i've made you to be it's like when you see a guy become a police officer and they put that uniform on and put the gun on the side he stands a different way he walks a different way broad shoulders well god says since i've i made you holy through you're receiving the righteousness of my son you're holy the blood has washed all of your sins away and you've received his right standing with me he says i need you to be who you are start living like who i've made you to be okay that's the holiness okay the ark of the covenant the throne the holiness and then mercy this mercy write down mercy the cover of the ark is the mercy that is where the blood was applied on the day of atonement you read leviticus 16 that's sprinkling uh the blood of the lamb on top of the mercy seat okay romans 3 and 25 gives us a picture that i want us to enjoy today on top of the mercy thank you lord thank god for his gracious mercy if everyone was mercy i shall not i shall not not be sitting here teaching you today it's because it's mercy that i'm we're not consuming this is whom god put forth jesus christ as our propitiation propagation is simply saying another way that jesus is our mercy he is our propitiation by his blood to be received by faith this was to show god's righteousness because in his divine forbearance he has passed over former sins see justice is god giving you what you deserve write these down just as god giving you what you deserve mercy is when god does not give you what you deserve the wages of sin is what death he didn't give us death eternal death okay the soul that sinners shall surely die spin it turn it in hell he didn't give us that mercy you see he gave us mercy for barrels he took that away okay and so and grace is when god gives you what you don't deserve and that is that we have become the sons of god and that we've been redeemed by the blood of the lamb so um that's the greek word for the sacrifice of atonement is uh propitiation so we use it to describe the mercy and paul was saying that jesus is our mercy you and i today have uh we have jesus so we have the mercy seat jesus is our mercy is always uh an attribute of his presence so when you live in jesus uh you live in mercy so you don't have no reason to walk around in guilt and condemnation all of us have made some mistakes including me but when i learned to live in christ i learned that i can't live in guilt and live in mercy at the same time i got to choose one another right so i choose to live in the freedom all right that only jesus can give i i live in his mercy and i choose to be released from my guilt and my shame if any man be in christ he's a new creature romans 8 and 1 does therefore now no guilt condemnation to them that are in christ jesus why because he's the mercy so the ark of the covenant the throne the holiness the mercy and then here is the last one the word the word of god the covenant words that that's what was inside of the art you know they had um they had um the law that was given to moses the second set remember he dropped the first one he dropped the first one and it was broken because none of us can keep the law uh no man can so it had to be carried inside the ark representing christ is our art and only the law can only can be fulfilled in christ he is our righteousness okay and so it's called the art of the testimony i want to look at two quick scriptures here we got a couple of minutes you've been incredible i hope you're learning a lot and i'm this is me teaching you on a different level because then covet we're coming out of cola healthier and we're coming out of copenhagen more spiritually healthier and more inclined right we're gonna lose some more word in uh exodus 25 and verse number 22 he says there i will meet you meet with you uh and from above the mercy seat that's where the shekinah glory that cloud will come down from between the two cherubims that are on the heart of the testimony a testimony is something that has to be said or spoken i will speak with you about all that i will give you in commandment for the people of israel now run very quickly to the book of joshua come on the book of joshua chapter number four and verse number 16. listen to what it says command the priest bearing the ark of the testimony to come up out of the jordan okay so joshua commanded the priests come up out of the jordan and the priests baron ark of the covenant of the lord came up from the midst of the jordan and the souls of the priest's feet were lifted up on dry ground the waters of the jordan returned to that place and overflowed all the lanes as before you know how they made it through the jordan river because they had the ark of the testimony the mark of the covenant which represented the presence of god but they also had the testimony you know the testimony is the word you speak not just the word you know when you're going through a joint when you're going through a a storm in your life when you're going through an overflowing experience in your life you know what will get you through when they walk when they went through that jordan river the bible says the banks were overflowing and god says don't you take the priest and tell the priest to put the heart on top of their shoulders and tell them to start taking a step and every time they took a step the water's beginning to part but you know why because they had the testimony you know what the testimony was that god had given them a promise and i'm gonna see you through it that you're going to that land that's formed with milk and honey that i'm gonna drive out of all the inhabitants that god had promised them that god had told them that no man would be able to stand before you but i'm gonna give you houses that you did not build that you're getting ready to eat from trees that you did not plant and guess what some of you have a promise but it never comes out of your mouth if you sit today you have to be speaking out of your mouth your testimony by his stripes i'm healed if you're going through financial difficulty open your mouth and speak the lord shall supply my knees according to his riches in glory you got to walk on your job and people that have bipolar spirits and spirits of confusion and causing havoc and all that kind of stuff you got to walk and say you know he would give you a a perfect piece if you keep your mind staying on him he gives me a peace that's a passive whole understanding you got to start speaking speaking your testimony revelation 12 how did they overcome satan they came over they overcame satan through the blood of the lamb and through the power of their testimony i will not fail i will not give up i'm coming through this cola would not have the last word over my life there is a name that is above every name that in the name of jesus every knee must bow every tongue must confess that jesus is lord and since kovac has a name it must bow to the name of jesus so i declare and my testimony is that i speak the name of jesus over kobek and jacob bowers in my family until it bows in my body till it bows in my children's life so the vows in my mother's life counselor has the vow in my mother's life and so you speak it you declare it i'm a winner i am a champion i am an overcomer god has not brought me this far to leave me now what are you speaking what is your testimony you cannot be rehearsing your pain you cannot be rehearsing your wounds you cannot be rehearsing your hurts and all you do is talk about who hurt you who wasn't there for you there ain't no power in that but where is your testimony that i don't believe he's brought me this far to leave me now nobody told me that the road would be easy but i don't believe the department is for to leave me now speak the word speak your testimony that's what the power is i don't care what circumstances you're facing right now jordan's banks the waters may be overflowing in your life but you speak the word and watch wars begin to receive watch things begin to just move back and step back into your life speak it in the midst of it you don't have the credit you don't have the money to speak house anyway speak god is bringing you into order speak don't speak divorce speak what god has drawn together no man is able to pluck a son to speak it speak it speak it now give god the glory i tell you one thing if you ever get to faith to start praising god for something that ain't even happened yet if you ever go into that zone if you ever go to that dimension and start praising god for a thing you didn't even happen just like the centurion soldier he said i ain't even worthy for you to come to my house but look here if you this is my testimony if you speak a word right here where we stand it i believe that by the time i get home my servant will be healed do you got enough faith right now to speak that by the time you get home today or by the time you get back on your job about the time you see your kids by the time you see your spouse by the time you see your bank account not speaking in the name of jesus this september is going to be the bible but by this time about this this month this month is going to be the month of a turnaround this month is going to be the month of a change this month is going to represent god performing miracles in my life notable miracles god is going to get the glory out of my life this month like never before but you got to start speaking it how can two walk together except they agree heaven is saying one thing but you said another thing on earth we need the testimonies to come together and so it's time for you to speak to speak it hallelujah i feel the power i feel the presence of god i feel god and i love the lord and i thank god i thank god for who he is god is awesome i'm praying for new orleans i'm speaking new orleans if he did it before he'll do it again if he done it with katrina then he'll do it this time i'm so sad and sorry that you're going through this new orleans but there is a bomb in gilead i pray that god is going to bring you out even better even stronger hold on child of god because god is not through blessing you we as a people we as a city we're going to do some things and we're already in the process we're going to send some help help is coming your way uh we're going to do some things as a matter of fact uh some saints that need us to start gathering some supplies i need us to start sowing some seeds i need us to start doing that because our brothers and our sisters are hurting in the new orleans area uh talking to bishop paul martin bishop daryl bristow bishop lester love and others there in that area and deborah martin and we want to do some things to help uh you know why i help people because i'm i'm putting some grace in the bank you never know what will come our way and uh sometimes you help people and then you turn around and find yourself needing help and god will remember your sacrifices you remember when you help others and so even today as we give i want you to sow and give because you know what all of it does and we'll reach out with other churches but thank you uh soul until our mobile app give give text and give online giving somebody saw a sacrificial seed somebody see what we're doing so a sacrificial seed and give i'm believing god and i'm even speaking now a new school we got to build a new school uh in the name of jesus our capacity for the kingdom school we have no more room we can uh build uh classrooms in every room we can we're filled to capacity still got a waiting list that school is growing the kids are growing and learning i'm speaking a brand new school we're going to build from the ground up the lord spoke to me about that other night so i'm speaking a new school and god is and donors and and i'm telling you because god is gonna bless you with so much overflow that you're gonna be able uh to sow a significant seed that people even only and now that god is blessing you you like all this money coming because god is blessing you to sow a significant seed i'm playing praying for the whole uh chattanooga school system hamilton county school system i'm praying for new schools not just for time um praying for schools wherever they need to be uh praying for brainerd praying for all the schools you know uh out there and i pray for the faculty the school board about our school administration we got some wonderful people wonderful teachers and appreciate again uh school superintendent um superintendent done such a wonderful job and carried the ball such a long way and the next one who's gonna uh continue to carry to pray for our school system pray for our city and pray for this vaccination thing uh but i cover you all in jesus name we've got some wonderful people in that school system doing they fight hard and we need to keep them covered and need to speak up for them and let them know that we love them right here and um that god reforms more than the whole world against them uh thank you hope that you will join us tonight at 6 30 we'll be on for a little while and finish this word if you enjoyed the word uh give a big a man in here let me know i see y'all miss henrietta and angela appreciate all y'all thank you for sowing seeds they have new orleans get the book y'all order the book i'll give a review on there uh the church of the missing five is great uh craig my big hands craig lindsay irving and if you want some information about our weight loss uh challenge that we're doing uh put it in the comments or email me and i'll let you know what we're doing again we're down 30 something pounds and got a way to go but we are really getting this help thing uh going and appreciate all of them it's howard thank you all so much non-perishable items you have food wipes thank you angela disinfected whites drop all this stuff off at the church bottle of water need water water uh victoria thank you all so much uh we're gonna help these people out uh thank you christy oh rasheed you know you're always uh in the struggle with us so thank you uh i love you all and appreciate you all benita and thank you all so much and pray for me pray for my family um dr brandman love you thank you so much for what you do we'll see y'all later peace out love you keep climbing reach new heights god bless you
Channel: Olivet Baptist Church
Views: 89
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: UGbsTAXjnfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 23sec (3803 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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