Book Of Genesis I Book of Genesis I Animated Children's Bible Stories| Holy Tales Bible Stories

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Hi my name is Tubby I live in this wonderful library and I loove to eat books. I live hear with my friends Gumbo and freckels Gumbo and freckels come out come out where ever you are over there on that great book is grand old holy she is really old and wise and tells us wonderful stories when she is awake that is and we love to sing Hi Holy now that you are up can you tell us a story from the Great Book Aah… This Book is called the Bible I will tell you the story only if you Promise to listen carefully and answer a Queston at the end Yes Yes we promise millions and millions of years ago God created earth And the heavens at first it was completely dark and covered with water That will make life difficuilt wouldn’t it. So earth didn’t have any life This worried God so on the first day. God said let there be light and there was light He called the light day and the dark night. Then he decided to make the sky So on the second day. God made the sky, the very next day God wanted Land so he said. Let there be land and the land came out of the water God then called the land earth and the water sea. With the light, the sky, land and water the earth looked soo beautiful But he wanted to make it look even better. So on the 3rd day he created Plants and trees. On the 4th day God created the sun to shine in the day The moon and stars to come out at night . On the 5th day God filled the sea with fish and plants. He also want birds to fly in the sky He also filled the earth with animals big and small. And finally His biggest creation of all Man. He said that unlike animals man Would stand up tall and also have a soul. So God took some dust from the ground And created man out of it. He mad man to take care of his creation. This was all done in just 6 days and on the 7th day God said I need rest He rested. Now there is a Question for all of you How many days did God take for his creation? I know, I know 7 days that’s correct Excellent Tubby. Ok now I am off to sleep again see ya Aah.. So the 3 of you are back again you will never let me sleep Please don’t sleep we want to hear another story. Please tell us another story From the Bible. All right this is the story of Adam and Eve Once again you must listen to the story very carefully I am going to ask you a question At the end of it. After God made the earth the sun and the moon God made man and he was very proud of his creation. The man he created He called Adam and he gave Adam a soul and life so he could take good care Of the earth. He gave Adam a beautiful garden to live in which became his home This garden was called Eden. Eden was a huge garden with 4 rivers in it Beautiful plants trees started to grow in the garden like Apples, Oranges and Strawberries And grapes. Adam ate this when ever he was hungry he drank water from the rivers Whenever he was thirsty. God blessed Adam and asked Adam to take good care Of the garden and everything in it. Adam named all the beautiful birds and animals And also took good care of them. Adam spent all his days eating the fruits And playing with this birds and animals in the garden. But he was alone Sometimes he felt so loenly. This made god realy sad he thought he should Probably create someone else. Who should be Adams Companion So he created Eve. Eve gave company to adam and also helped him take care of the animals Birds and the garden. Eve was different from Adam so God called her a Women Adam and Eve started to live in Eden. They played with the animals and birds They together took good care of the garden and now here is the question for all of you So what was Adams home called. I know this one its Eden you are absolutely right. Ok I am feeling tired. I am off to sleep again. Bye Bye You three again. Will you ever let me sleep in peace. Oh! Holy please don't sleep we really want to hear a story from the Bible again. This story is about the fall of Adam and Eve And you must listen carefully. As I will ask you a question at the end of the story Of all the animals God made. He made the Snake the most Cunning. One day the snake asked Eve. Dear Eve is it true that he cannot eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Eve replied, yes we can eat the fruit of any other tree. But this one, if we do God says we will die. The snake said, That's silly, God has tricked you if you eat the fruit You will gain knowledge. But why would he lie to us. Because he doesn't want you to be wise like him. Eat it Is what I would say. Eve took some fruit from the tree and ate it. She took some for Adam too. As soon as they ate it they realized they were not wearing any clothes. So they took some leaves and covered themselves. When God came Adam and Eve hid behind some trees Because they were ashamed of what they had done What did you do, I told you not to eat the fruit of that tree It's not my fault Eve gave to me, it is not my fault either the snake tricked me. God was angry that they disobeyed him. So he sent them away from the garden. From that day onwards Adam would have to hunt for food and things would not be easy anymore. And now the question for all of you, Of all the animals Which was the most cunning? I know this, The snake was the most cunning of all Well done that is right. Ok children it's time for my nap again I see that the three of you are back again. Today I shall tell you the story of Cain and Abel. So listen carefully after God had thrown Adam and Eve out of Eden. They started living outside the garden. There they had two sons Cain and Abel. Abel grew up to be a shepherd who looked after sheep And Cain became a farmer who worked on the land to grow food. One day both brothers decided to make an offering to God. Cain offered his best produce, While Abel offered his best sheep. God was more pleased with Abel's gift and did not even accept Cain's gift. Cain was very sad and also very angry and Jealous of Abel. God warned came that there was sin in his heart. Cain did not listen and instead plan to kill his brother. He asked able to go for a walk and when and when they reached a lonely place. He killed Abel. When Cain returned God sensed something was wrong And asked him, Where is Abel? Cain lied and said he did not know You are lying Cain, you have killed Abel. I cannot forgive you. You shall be punished. From this day onwards you shall be a restless wanderer And no land will give you food. Cain knew if he left his life would be in constant danger and difficulty. So he begged God to forgive him and not be so cruel. But God did not relent. He was very angry however God placed a special mark on Cain To make sure no one ever harmed him. Cain left and went to live in a land east of Eden. So I shall now ask my question, I hope you have all been paying attention. What did Cain and Abel offer God? I got it, Cain offered his best produce and Abel offered his best sheep. That is absolutely right. Oh no you 3 again Anyway Today I will tell you a really interesting story Of how God saved all the creatures and good man named Noah. A long time had passed since Adam and Eve were created the land was now Full of wicked people. This made God very unhappy there was only one good man Called Noah. He blessed Noah for being a good person and said I will destroy all bad and wicked people. Only you and your family will be saved. So he asked Noah to build a huge boat. Called a Ark. God then said bring your family And 2 of every kind of animals to the Ark. He also asked him to gather enough food To last a very long time. He then told him that in 7 days he would send rain Which will go on for 40 days and 40 nights the rain will bring a huge flood. Only Noah and his family and the animals on the boat would survive. Noah did everything that God had asked him to do. He spent many days building the ark. He gathered 2 animals of every kind, Gathered food and got inside the ark With his family god sent the rain for 40 days and 40 nights Noah and his family Was safe inside the ark. After the rain have stopped there was no way of knowing outside Noah would send out a dove every day. But Dove come back with nothing. One day the Dove came back to him with an olive leaf. Noah knew That the earth was finaly drying out. They stepped out of the boat after a year Very Happy to have survived the flood. I hope you have been listening very carefully. Because this Question is a little tuff. Tubby if you answer this question correctly I will sing along with you. Ok here is the question How did Noah know It was time to leave the Ark. I know, I know he send out a Dove and came back With an Olive branch. Very Good. There you are I am awake and ready to tell you a wonderful story from the bible Today I will tell you the story Of about How God made the rainbow Long ago there was a time when earth became full of bad people God was unhappy so h send the rain for 40 days aand 40 nights To clean earth. With all the bad things every living creature on the earth was Killed only Noah, his family and the animals in the arc survived. When Noah finaly came out of his arc he know what he had to do He built an alter for God and offered him many gifts he thanked God for Saving him and his family. After the flood was over god promised that he would never Destroy the earth again. The 4 different seasons Summer, Winter, Autum and Spring Would come and go forever. He blessed Noah and said the earth is now yours. Take good care of it. So that no evil never happens again. Noah ruled the earth as long as he lived. God told Noah everything about what should be done. Suddenly a beautiful Rainbow of 7 colors violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red Appeared in the sky. This colourful and bright rainbow was a sign of happiness After the dangerous flood. So everytime there is a raindow in the sky People remember the God's promise to Noah And the question for today is Why did God make this raindow It is the God's promise to the people that he would never destroy the Earth again. There will always be a raindow at the end of the rain. Correct. But I have another question today What was the first thing that Noah did When he came out of the Ark? Did he have a burger, did he clean the boat Did he dry his cloths, No he offered gifts to God for saving him and his family. Oh! Holy we are so glad you are awake. Can you tell us a story please, Alright today I will tell you the stoy of the tower of bable There was a time when earth was filled with evil. So God decided to destroy Everyone and everything except 1 good man Noah and his family. Over time The desendens of Noah spread around the world and seteled in the land of shinor At that time everyone spoke the same language one day the people of shinar Decided to make a great tower that reach the heavens and the fine city out of bricks For themselves. They thought by doing so they would become very powerful and other people would Envy them. They would no longer have to live in the coounty side either. One day God decided to visit. When he saw what the people where doing He was very sad the people where no longer loyal or pure hearted. They had greed In their hearts. God knew that once the tower was built there would be no end to their greed Nothing could stop them. So God decided to confuse the language of all the people there People would no longer understand each other. The building of the tower Came to a stop. The tower came to be called The tower of Bable which Got his name from the Babling sound everyone made they where talking The people of shinor stopped building the tower and moved away to all directions Now for the question What was the name of the land when Noah's decendens Setteled We know, we know, They setteled in the land of Shinor right. That is correct children Now I need to sleep again. Bye Bye I am going to tell you a story about Father abraham and God's promise To him. Oh yes yes tell us the story We love the song and what to know the story behind it. Ok Long Long ago there was a city called Eurb. A goodman called abraham lived there Abraham truly belived in God. God saw this and was very happy Because of this time not many people belived in God he said to himself Abraham deserves to be rewarded for being such a good man So one day God came to him and asked him to go to another place far far away He said I promise you Abraham that you and your family will be great. And everyone on earth will be blessed because of you. Since Abraham trusted God And belived in him. He left her with her family they traveled over hills and rivers And came to a land called Canan. They camped by a big oak tree at morean. There at morean God came to Abraham once again. This time he blessed Abraham and said This land belongs to you and your children and the world isn't a plesent place Because you are such a good man. So Abraham built a beautiful alter for God And worshiped him. But God's gift worried Abraham he said I am gettiing old And no children to enjoy your gift. God then took abraham outside and asked him to Look up in the sky. He said try and count the number of stars in the sky Abraham started counting the stars God blessed him and said I will give you more children than you can count Abraham belived God and was happy. Oh that's why we are all children of fatherAbraham Today's question is what did god promise Abraham? oh I Think he promised To make Father Abraham the king of Canan. No silly he promised to have as many children As there are stars in the sky. So he had zillions and zillions of children Hello children I see you are back again. Yes we want to hear a story from the Bible again Oh! please please tell us one. Ok Today's story is about sodom and gemora so pay attention children A long time ago Abraham a good man lived in canan with his family, his nephew Loct however took his family to go and live in Jordan in the city of Sodom Next to Sodom was a city callled gemora. The people in sodom and gemora Where very wicked they lied and have sinned in their hearts. So God thought he would Destroy the 2 cities. When Abrraham got to know about it He was very sad. His nephew Loct was living in Sodom he didn’t want him to die He decided to talk to God he asked God. God what if there are good people in Sodom Do you want to destroy them. There are 50 good people in side them But you have to save the city for them. Yes I will not destroy the city if I can find 50 good people Forgive me lord. If there are 10 good people will you still destroy the city If I get 10 good people I will not destroy the city. God know why abraham was scared He also knew only Loct and his family where the good people in Sodom So he send his angels too warn them. Soon there was a storm in Sodom and Gemora It rained fire everythng was Destroyed. Loct and his family got away Just in time and where saved but Loct's wife who was sad at leaving her home behind Looked back to see the city for 1 last time. So she turned into a piller of salt I will ask a question now I hope you where listening very carefuly What was Abrahams nephew called? Ooh oh this is easy, It was Loct That is correct, Now I need to get back to my nap Goodnite all Hello you naughty bookworms, you are very lucky that I am awake today. Hello Holy we cannot wait to hear another story from the Bible Do tell us one. Today I will tell you the story of Abraham his son Isaac and How God tested his love. At the end of it I will ask a question. So listen very carefully A long time ago there was a man named Abraham who loved God very much God had blessed Abraham and promised to make him great. The land of Canaan was promised to him and his children. A few years had passed and God wanted to see if Abraham still loved him. So he came before Abraham and said "Abram I wan't here - give me your son as offering on Mount Moriah" Abraham was scared because he loved Isaac very much But he obeyed since he still loved and believed in God. So he took a donkey and two servants along with some chopped wood and his son Isaac upto the mountain. It took them three days to reach the mountain. After reaching the mountain He told his servants to go and build an Altar where you would offer his son to the Lord. Isaac who had been watching all of this asked his father very innocently Father I can see that you're about to make an offering to the Lord. But where is the lamb? Abraham replied don't worry son God will give us a lamb He then tied up Isaac and put him on top of the chopped wood As he raised the knife to kill his son An angel appeared, The angel said we leave in heaven do not hurt the child The Lord just wanted to see if you still love him But now he knows that he would kill your only beloved son for him Abraham was grateful that the Lord had spared his son When he looked up to thank the Lord He saw a lamb, Abraham placed the lamb in the place of his son As an offering to God. Together he and his son went back home happy. Okay children now for the question What did God asked Abraham to do for him? Let me answer this one, God asked Abraham to offer his son Isaac to him. Very good Gumbo, that is right. Today's story is about Issac and Rebecca Long time had passed since Abraham was blessed by God For being a good man. Abraham have become very old And his wife Sarah have died. Abraham knew that before he died, he would have to find his son Issac A wife, So that he wouuld not be alone. So Abraham sent his most loyal servant to look for a wife for Issac. The servant along with Camels carried many gifts for the bride Where on the way to Mesopotenia. By the time they reached the town It was evening, it was a time for women to fill the water jugs From the well. The servant was at the lost He did not know which girl would be the right girl for Issac. So he prayed to God to give him a clue, he decied he would ask for a drink From the women near the well and the women who would give water to His camel would be the women that god had sent for Issac. Even before he finished praying. A beautiful women came to the well. He said could you give me a drink and She said yes I will give water to your Camel too. At once the servant knew that this was the women God has sent for Issac. Her name was Rebaca. The servant told about Issac and asked If she would go to Canan, She said yes and after getting her fathers blessings She was on her way to meet Issac. Issac was praying when he saw the camels coming back He ran to see his would be wife. when he saw her he knew He would love her all this life. They got married and had a very Happy life So Todays Question is this, What was the name of Issacs wife? It was Rebaca right! Yes it was. Very good you do pay attention. Now of you go, Bye! Bye! Hi Holy now that you are awake please please tell us another beautiful story from the Bible Ofcourse I will only if you promise to answer my question at the end yes yes we promise We love your stories. A long time ago A good man called Abraham had a son called Isaac. Isaac grew up to be a young and handsome man Abraham started looking for a wife for him so that he was not alone And could have children He asked his loyal servant to find a wife for Isaac The Lord helped them find Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel Abraham's servant got Rebecca along with him to be married to Isaac When Isaac was 60 years old Rebecca gave birth to twin sons The first son had red hair and had hair all over his body He was called ESSO which meant Hairy The second son was born holding on to the heel of Esso he was called Jacob Which means a chit Esso grew up to be a good hunter And he loved the countryside Jacob was quiet man and he usually stayed at home All by himself. One day Jacob was cooking some Beans But Esso came back from Honey and he was very hungry and he said to Jacob I'm very hungry brother give me some soup Jacob who was very cunning and greedy thought for a while and said You can have the soup only if you promise to give me a birth right In those days it was the eldest son who received the father's last blessings And more than half of his money after his death Esso was so hungry that he promised Jacob his birthright without taking it very seriously Jacob gave him some soup and bread which Esso ate and left So children now answer my question What were Isac's twin sons called I remember one um the second one was called Jacob And the first son was called s ss an Esso very good I was just having this wonderful dream. Do you know who else had a dream? Jacob, the son of Isaac. Let me tell you about his dream today. Yes yes yes! Story time! Alright! children. I will tell you the story but you have to listen carefully Because I will ask a question at the end of it. Are you ready then? Yes we are! Okay, once upon a time there was a man named Isaac, Who had married a woman named Rebecca. They lead a very happy married life and had two sons, Esau and Jacob. At that time the oldest son used to inherit most of a Father's land and money. So though Esau was a hunter, since he was the older of the two he got all of Isaac's money. Jacob was a shepherd. But Rebecca, their mother loved Jacob more. So when Isaac died, Rebecca and Jacob tricked Esau out of all his money and property. Esau was very very angry. He was so angry that Jacob had to run away from Canaan to save hemself. He thought of going away to Mesopotamia. On his way Jacob stopped at a lonely place to rest. As he fell asleep on the rocky place he had a dream. In his dream he saw a ladder that went up to the heavens, And the angels were climbing that ladder. As Jacob looked more closely he saw the Lord himself standing near the ladder. God said to Jacob Jacob I am the God of your grandfather and father. The land on which you are lying is going to be yours. You are one of the chosen people and you will have as many children and grand children As the sand on this ground. Jacob woke up happy. He said to himself, "This land is surely holy." So he dropped some oil on the rock he was sleeping on and called it Bethel, the House of God. After that he promised that if the God of his father and grandfather looked after him Then he would accept Him as his God too. I hope you listened carefully. Here is my question. What did Jacob name the land that God promised him? Was it Beth... Beth..... Bethel? You are absolutely right. Now let me rest. Bye bye all! Well Hello I was just going off to sleep hmm Hi Holy we want you to tell us one more story from the Bible then you can go back to sleep Again. We promise, All right children I will tell you a story from the Bible But you have to listen carefully because I will ask a question At the end of it. Are you ready then Oh yes we are yes storytime. Once upon a time, There was a man named Jacob who had left his hometown after a fight with his Brother Esso on his way he had a dream where the Lord had promised him the land of Bethel After that he promised that if the God Of his father and grandfather looked after him he would accept him as his God Too Jacob went to live with his mother side of the family he had two wives Rachel and Leah who had 12 sons Jacob very soon became a rich man. After many Years had passed. Jacob thought of going back to cannen So along with his whole family he started his journey the night before They crossed the promised land Bethel Jacob spent the night alone Praying to God suddenly a stranger came and started fighting with him Jacob and Stranger kept fighting all night. Finally they stopped and the stranger Asked Jacob his name, My name is Jacob the stranger said from now on you will be called Israel at that moment Jacob understood that the person with Whom he had been fighting all night was gone. The next day they reached Kanab and Jacob Happily made up with his brother Esso with whom he had fought before they Had left. I hope you listened carefully. Here is my question what did God say Jacob's new name would be? I can answer this holy God said Jacobs new name would be Israel You are right now I'm off to sleep again. Good Night There you are children, I have been waiting for you tell this wonderful story from the Bible I hope today's story is as wonderful as the rest. Absolutly you are going to love this one. But do listen carefully we promise, we promise. Today the story I am about to tell you is about Joseph's Wonderful Coat Jacob had 12 sons from his 2 wifes Rachel and Riya Of his 12 sons, he loved Joseph the most When Joseph became 17 years old his father gifted him A very special and beautiful coat for his birthday. It was made out of many coloured threads And had long sleeves, it was a very special coat Which was normaly only given to the elder son. When Josephs brothers saw that their father had given Him the special coat, They where very jelous and angry. Now Joseph would often have nice and wonderful dreams And he could almost always understand what each dream ment. Once he told his brother the latest dream that he had Had He said, I dreamt that all of us where tieing the bundle of wheat That we had harvested. While mine where straight and standing Your's bowed down to mine. His brothers where very angry They said that does mean you will rule over us. The dream mad his brothers extreamly angry And they also started hating him a lot. Joseph very soon had another dream. In this dream the sun, the moon and the 11 stars was bowing down to him. He rushed to his father to tell him all about his dream. As he told his dream to his father Jacob got very angry and said Son do you really think that one day Your mother, Your brothers and I will bow down to you. This made Joseph very sad, since he was telling about a dream He had Had and he loved his brothers and his parents very much. Now that I am done with the story I am going to ask the question What did Jacob gift Joseph when he turned 17? Oh! I know, I know, He gifted him a multi coloured coat. That is absolutely right. Hope you enjoyed the story Now off you go, Bye Bye Oh so you 3 are here again, What mischief have you been upto today. No we have been very good Holy. We just wanted to hear another story from the Bible. Ok children, I will tell you a very sad story today. This is the story of How Joseph is sold to merchants. There was once a boy named Joseph. Who was given a wonderful coat of many colors by his father for his Birthday. But his brothers where jelous of Joseph and his beautiful coat. So they planned to get rid of him. One day Joseph's brothers had gone to a far away mountain with the sheep So Jacob sent Joseph to see if his brothers needed anything. As Jacob was climbing the mountain his brothers saw him from Far away and thought a way to get rid of him. They thought of killing him and throwing him into a well And telling their father that a wild animal had attacked and killed Joseph. The eldest brother Ruben How ever said, Dear brothers lets not kill him Let us throw him in the well where he will die of hunger in a fewdays anyway Ruben did not want to kill his brother at all, Infact he planned to save him later The brothers agreed to Rubens plan, as soon as Jacob came. They got a hold of him.Ttook of a special coat and And pushed him into the well. Then they all sat down to eat as they were all eating. Some merchants came by carrying spices that they where planing to sell in egypt. Seeing the merchants one of the brothers had an idea. He said Instead of kiling Joseph lets sell him to this merchants In this way we will not be killing him after all He is our brother, the others agreed They then pullled Joseph out of the well and sold him to the merchants When the brothers returned home they showed there father Josephs special coat Which they had socked in goats blood to make it look like Joseph Was attacked by wild animal. Now for the question children Which of the Brother did not want to kill Joseph? But save him later. Let me think Holy was it Ruben Yes Indeed it was Ruben very good Feckles. I have to think of which story to tell you tomorrow. So long till next time, Bye Bye Oh! Holy we are here to hear another story form the Bible Can you please please tell us one. Alright, I will but you must pay attenion because we will ask You a Question at the end of the story. Will you listen carefully, we always do. Once upon a time there was a man named Joseph Unfortunatly Joseph's brothers hated him Because they where jelous of him. So they sold him Off to a merchant called Potefer And told Jacob their father, that Joseph was killed by wild animals Now Potefer was an important man in the king of egypts court. He was Incharge of the royal guards. Potefer gave Joseph Some work in his house. Soon Joseph became so good at it that Potefer put him incharge of his house. This made Potefers wife jelous. She knew joseph was special And she didn’t want him in her house. She told her husband lies about Joseph So he was sent to prison, in the prison the jail keeper saw That Joseph had some special qualities So put him incharge of the prisoners. Among the prisoners Were kings butler and baker. One day both of them had strange dreams And went to Joseph to know about them. Joseph said Tell me your dreams may be I can understand them. The butler said In my dream I had 3 Bunches of grapes and squesed them To the kings for him to drink. What can it mean Joseph said 3 bunches means 3 days within 3 days the king will forgive you And you will leave the prison. The Baker said I was carrying a three basket of pasteries for the king but on the way Birds Came and picked them. Joseph replied I am sorry This means you will die in 3 days and the king will not forgive you. Just like Joseph has said the Baker was not forgiven and the Butler was. The Butler went back to work for the king and forgot all about Joseph. So here is the Question Other than Joseph, Who else had the king sent to prison? Oh I know this one, It was a Butler and the Baker That’s right I hope you love the story, Bye Bye see you tomorrow Dear God, you three have woken me up again. please do not sleep Holy We really want to hear a story from the Bible again, will you please tell us one Okay, but I will ask a question at the end. So listen carefully We promise we will. A young man Joseph was sent to prison by the king of Egypt For no fault of his own. He lived in the prison for two years One day the King had a very strange dream, He dreamt that seven fat cows came out of a river And ate all the grass in the fields. Then seven thin cows came out of the same river and ate the seven fat cows But stayed as thin as before. The king was confused he called all his clever ministers But none of them could understand what the Kings dream meant The King's Butler who had spent some time in prison with Joseph said Your highness when I was in prison there was a man who understood my dream It turned out what he told me was true. He is very wise. May be you should ask him. So Joseph was called After the King had told him his dream, Joseph said your dream is a path to future The seven fat cows you saw are seven coming years when you will have a good harvest However the seven years after that will be dry and there will be no rain So I think you should start storing the extra harvest for the next seven years Without rain. The king was very impressed He said you are trully wise. Joseph said my God speaks through me I only say what he tells me The king was so happy with Joseph that he made him the highest officer Only second to the king himself So Joseph was very rich he wore expensive clothes moved around in chariots And people bowed to him in respect wherever he went. Now I will ask you the question I hope you were listening carefully How many years did Joseph live in the prison? I can answer this, Joseph lived in the prison for two years Right, yes that is right. now I need to sleep, Bye for now Hello children nice to see you again.Hi Holy we are ready to hear a nice story from the Bible again Can you tell us one. Okay this is a happy story of Joseph Who sees his family again after a long time A young man Joseph had been sold off as a slave by his brothers He ended up in Egypt in prison. Now Joseph had helped the king of Egypt Understand a dream he had had, Because of this Joseph was made a very important man in Egypt The King had dreamt that there would be seven years of good harvest Followed by seven years of no rain at all And like in his dream the following seven years saw a good harvest And there was a lot of food Joseph was put in charge of probably storing all the extra food In every region of Egypt. The following seven years saw no harvest at all. While the regions around Egypt had problems. The Egypt had enough food Soon people started moving to Egypt to buy food Among these people were Joseph's brothers. When Joseph saw them He recognized them immediately but they could not Joseph accuse them of being spies They said they were not but Joseph refused to believe them till they got The youngest brother Benjamin as proof Joseph said that because he really wanted to see his brother Benjamin again His brothers soon came back to Egypt with Benjamin As they were leaving the palace Joseph slipped a silver goblet Into Benjamin's bag. he told the palace guards to arrest his brother And charged him with stealing from the palace Joseph ordered this thief will stay in Egypt as a slave. The other brothers pleaded. no please don't do that our Father will be heartbroken Please take for us instead. On hearing his father's name Joseph was sad he could not pretend any longer He told his brothers who he really was and asked them to bring Jacob to meet him As soon as possible. So Jacob and whole family came to Egypt Now for my question What was the name of Joseph's Younger brother? We know we know his name was Benjamin. That is right and as a reward I will sing along with you
Channel: The Holy Tales: Bible
Views: 482,337
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Keywords: israel, happykids, abraham, stories for kids, christian, Happy Kids, kids stories, The Hippy Hoppy Show, bible characters, sodom, adam, old testament, sunday school, bible chapters, moral stories, Spirit, rebecca, joseph, bible for kids, Lord, children, morals, Gospel, essau, Holy, eve, Parents, priests, jacob, bible stories, Book Of Genesis (Book), christianity, bible, God, Religion, Adam&Eve, Holy Tales, Holy Tales Bible Stories, animation, animated bible stories, cartoon bible stories, Creationism
Id: 5aF48ddBmQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2015
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