Old school London Gangster Chris Lambrianou Tells His Story.

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until all your own yeah and today's guest class Lambie I know first of all class as you do John yeah the other real facts I just worked fine you for coming on the show I appreciate it yeah your father very interesting leaf you dead leaf in Pleasant you were involved with the Clay's and but you've changed their life you eat on the coast I know you're doing good things your trial others lock doing the same but you're dead so those fangs they're good I mean on you know I look back on the last kind of 35 years or even more that I've been out of prison I went away when I was 29 so I've had more years out of prison then I did before I went in and they've been good years I've seen children being born I've been there when they've entered the world I've picked him up an Eldon the disappointment of a child dying being undernourished because it's twins ironically I want a wife with twins spent 15 years in prison and then come out and and a boy and a girl and they've made me so proud because my door I went and saw her when she got a degree and she's got a lovely job now she's happy married and everything else in a problem way but for an east-end kid like me to actually see your daughter getting a degree with a malt ball and gown and all the rest of it you know I mean as I've listened it it blows you a wire and I've got three door was three and my daughters have got degrees and they've all got good jobs and so I'm kind of I'm blessed yeah you know it's a son of mine he's a barber and a good one at that and Martha's son he works for he's a butcher in office yeah you know I'm only one of them got into trouble he's one of these kids you could send him across the road here via crosstie there but he learned his lesson yeah you know he needed spelling inside to pull him together yeah and is clean you understand what I mean and some things that happen sometimes it takes about a missouria or a jail sentence to change a leaf it doesn't happen for the majority of people who do go and see but your prime example yourself you get charged with model roughly clears you came out and changed your leaf but we'll get back to the start class yeah well you brought well you get brought up I was brought up in several places I mean originally I was born in Camden Town and then the the bombing started war I was born in 1930 I and which makes me I see is well they say read learn and inwardly digest that's why do the right thing keep busy do something always have something to look forward to put a smile on your face or put it on somebody else's face you reach I hope somebody gives you you draw life from that you draw strength from that seeing somebody else get up off the pavement and march on yeah hold up bringing in class as a young lad my mum was a firm Catholic and Ness elves brought up very much in a Catholic faith but we moved from one area to another to another I mean I came home from school one day and the roof had collapsed where the bomb had disturbed the building why have you suddenly at the motor work house over in South London that was from West London from West London from the workhouse after being there for seven months they moved us to a halfway house in Victoria we were there for six months and then they gave us a flat in the East End well you know it's the Fiat you still remember there's a lot of racism about at a time and just having a foreign name you know maybe he was never going to have an easy time and I remember going to a party been invited to a pie and this liberal lady Turner I said leave the Greek kid out he ain't coming in and you know I mean I weren't Greek I was English I've gone to English schools I spoke English I didn't speak Greek I didn't speak anything else my dad try to get me to read it but what do I need it for I'm an England I didn't see myself going anywhere else so you know being kind of an outcast I mixed really outclassed kids and started bunking off for school and things like that my dad found out he blew his now over it because he was a straight man I said to my dad what do you want to beat that come on what do you want to do he said I want to be a decent citizen and that was his philosophy in life no I never hear anybody turn around and say that anymore I want to be a decent citizen and when I thought about it he was everything a decent citizen would be because when I was in prison for 15 years he never let me down he was there every other week but not only for me for my brother's tyranny and my brother Nicky because it wasn't two of us went away for the cry thing three of us did because they wouldn't I want the family out we chose to be with the Christ we chose to be with the Krays because we had no joy no choice the Christ didn't make no threats or anything else like that to us to stay quiet the fact was they was already nicked if we'd have chose to go the other way we could have gone the other way quite easy but we didn't I'll tell what happened I had been part of a couple it have a group part of the system proof schools borstal detentions in prison part of the philosophy you don't brown your mates and they don't do it you there are many times I did things that people never drop me in it and I certainly wouldn't have chopped anybody in it whether it was a smallest guy on the block or the biggest they were the same for me and that's what kept our mouths shut you'd never got in the dock and pointed your finger at anybody that that was the philosophy of the underworld and I never put myself in any position to die that I would have to do that did you follow us don't have to do it so I don't have to Brighton philosophy yeah I could stay true to myself yeah but things have changed no is there's no respect anymore there's no no there was really anybody but bite me there was a more respectable but the thing was we started out now every kid who's Norway has got a different kind of name you can give it and everything else on earth it's labeled they didn't do it with us I just lumps in institutions how did you think the institution's worth when you were younger gone a borstal grantee Pleasence do you think made you was a [ __ ] a bilious against that I've tortured it gave you no hope of a straight life mm-hmm you were there with other people who were the same they kind of everywhere in England we never ever got chucked to have any where we were made welcome because our friends were there the friends we've done postal detentions and prison approved school they were all over the country what kind of claims were you doing at the start and yet a Lehane's and start of nicking laid that's what got approved school for braking mentoring down for I've got borstal for and then I did safe blowing I've got prison for a long firm fraud you name it I've got to me everybody that's because I was sound I could move up level anytime on because people trusted you people trusted me yeah we got a bill work down here right Christian you wanna we need somebody to come with us a driver or you're out on a pavement doing away snacks and stuff like that so it was violent but it was what we did we didn't beat anybody up you know severely they were always going to recover from whatever we did and maybe you can't justify it and maybe it was wrong but that I didn't see myself ever any any opportunity in my world you could either be a football a boxer or a criminal that was my world Jamie so en least London you become a product to your environment but you think it's normal yeah I did think how did that affect a bad door being a working-class mind try to be the perfect citizen my dad had his own community yeah he mix with his own people people from Cyprus and Greece and everywhere else anybody was welcoming area black Italian German French everybody was welcomed into their world and treated equally that's good because they all felt to some degree that they'd been pushed out you understand my name now it's a different world you got foreign I'm everybody's got a foreign name everybody's got a foreign relation whether you're black green yellow the first person there weren't a lot of black people around but I will know the doctor I carried a doctorate my dad was going to go and get his money and the black guy came up and asked him we where he got a money for his ticket and my dad called him brother I've never heard anybody call anybody brother I don't like my a date you understand what I mean now everybody calls each other brother you understand are you doing brother we had respect for everybody yeah yeah so when did you start getting involved in a serious stuff iced it serious stuff how that came about I met people good people and I I was on the run and I finished up in Birmingham and I first walked on the Liverpool and Liverpool wasn't really somewhere where I saw much opportunity of earning money and then I dropped down to Birmingham and I got to meet some people down here and I got offered a job on the doors so I was working there on the door then other things came along and so I got to meet quite a few people and one day a friend of Mines a Jewish guy Kenny he had a rail with some people and I stepped in and helped him and we became very good friends he had apparently our Bailey and I went there to see the trial and afterwards went down to the cells to see him and his mother was down there and I didn't know what's going to happen he went Chris he said I want you to take this jewelry and I went why and he said Pam I don't know exactly what he wanted me to do was take all his jewelry and give it to his wife or to his girlfriend and his mother said what do you want to give him the jewelry for you know it belongs to the family he said now I want Chris to have it and I took it when I left and gave it to his girlfriend it was waiting in a cafe and so you know he introduced me different people then I'm out other people as I expanded yeah and I then met other top criminals so I've done lots of nine and going involved with them in different things Longford fraud which we are starting a company up and then doing a runner you know all in everything from everywhere and you've got solid bank accounts but all of a sudden the bank accounts are only there to prepare for the runner just said not business yes altering lots of softening yes don't do him right yet plugs you down and then from there I've got in a gambling and I'll knew who was running gambling and he wasn't drinking clubs or anything else to anybody was interesting it was jammed and it just started off but it was big money in it and Birmingham the car industry just taken off there in a massive way so everybody had money lots of money and it was twice as good as London the club scene and everything else so I mean I I was living off the top and I've got to me all these different people had problems at a club I'd come sort of problem now and I'd be on like it won't protect your money as such you were just looking after the club and I appreciate what you were doing and they give you the readies did you have a reputation then yeah did you yeah I didn't miss about and did you become a professional gambler I did become a professional and what was your what Kingdom gambling because I play your cards poker I'll do the the roulette wheels and things like that and after that we could get to the crew piers we could duel show [ __ ] me see the house always were so the craze got to hear about me and they said I've got down and meet a guy to buy some American dollars and he turn round didn't turn up so I understand a bus stop because my cars in the carriage being repaired and I called Rennie brawny bender came by though I know good guy and Chris what are you doing now I said I'm waiting for a bus he said come and I'll give you a lift that he gave me a lift on so I got talking about his next soldier a regular army and all that kind of been really good guy and well I when I had a cup of tea knock on the door hello in the door on a bender and he said Chrissy said the twins wanna meet her I went Ronnie do you need a few quid you can have a few quid I don't want to meet him because they weren't very well liked Bali underworld - desta truth because people when they got older money they'd read in the paper somebody had just dad it off snatch bank robbery or whatever they'd go straight in and want their corner so really they would call these Ponce's taxing people yeah that's right and people got had him there so when I'm saying - Ronnie bender I don't want him involved in my world really but he said to me your brother Tony's down there I didn't know Tony had God was on their firm so because we lived I lived in Birmingham I came down every two weeks saw my dad and then went back to Bourbon stayed in the night and there anyway Tony went down there and they were polite I never ever see him get you know brew it with anybody or wanna hurt anybody there were always perfect gentleman they said Chris we understand like you're in Birmingham you got some stuff going one if you'd help us out so I said al they said we're out in the club in Leicester would you be interested bring some people over so I said yeah I think I can do that so I went away from there and went to the what's the name the their club had a look I'd look around it was nice CAF cider type people over there people would spend money and they were doing rather well but then Charlie Christ said to me good pals he said Chrissy said Don telling me said but weekend he said because they're wanted before we even go it because they could spend money like war and that was the way they were and so anyway the the fact was that one day we're up high and Billy Smith he was analytical plan of mine Mickey Riley they started on Mickey because they thought he ninu and they would he was telling me to keep my mouth shut but he wasn't it was her own brother was saying to me Chris tell him nothing because they're worried before we got it done anyway everything was going well I had a car picture up there I had at my car wash I had all this kind of stuff going on I was earning a lot of money and not bite of mine right mill said to me Chris he said I'm going down to London at a weekend do you want to come with me and I said well what do you mean come with he said well you can meet my brother Alan an army your brother Tony and I went now I was down there last week another time we do this right and he went pleased just this at this time once an awful girl come on I've always gone against your better judgment than rushing I should have I should have gone why intuition but didn't I went down there we met in lion house we went from lion house to a place called Demark West Cornwallis on the Bethnal Green Road and mrs. Kray I'll Charlie Kray the twins Charlie and all them were there when we had a drink it was an occasion for the old lady it could have been her birthday so we spent some time let pay our respects come out and week-out to the Queen's pub on the Hackney Road better than a stream there so bonnet stahma kind of well tanked up so Charlie said to me look Chris let's go to the Regency I said look I don't want to go to the Regency I want to go to the West End the best seller because plenty of birds down there atmosphere is good let's go there and he went now let's just go to the race he she'd never been a list showing what it's like and we went there and we having a drink and Jack the Hat comes up and he said there's a party said you going us it was first our third about it and the next thing I know is I'll get an invite to this part so it's good it must be about our past 12 now so my car was chock-a-block tin there was no way you could go but Jack's car was able to Albert Dana's car we've got in his car we got the reason that's sorry every Road which is maybe two free streets away we've gone gone up to the door there cousin Ronnie are open the door and we go him go down the stairs and jack is in front of as he runs straight into the room where's the birds where's the pie and then an argument starts Richard Coad pulls a sugar out which he's emitted in his book he did and it didn't work I thought it was a frightening but I didn't like what was going on because this shouldn't be happening you understand what I mean so I just turn around to a car called Connie wired I said Connie I'll comment on this some kind and he went ronnie kray climb out I said wasn't that with Chris he said he wants to go he wants no part and Ronnie should take him out so Connie why had dropped me off home I'm sitting there with my dad I'm having a cup with coffee and I think Tony's there and I've always been very careful about tyranny effective protective from a small baby you know how to an adult so I just shoot at their 38 Whibley I want it got it put it in me pocket and God takes he down seriously got my car and went to every in road I went out and up to the door and Ronnie bender came up I said Ron is Tony they went no Chrissy said he's gone and I went to turn away and he said Chrissy said please don't leave me what he mainly he said they've killed him I said now no in front of all them people he went he said he's dead he's downstairs I went running up sure I don't want no part of this even please he said don't leave me and I looked in and I thought it you're a guy who's been in the Army strike guy I said where are they where the desert winds he said they've run away awful they might have run away bomb not gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna help you you understand and I went inside went downstairs and there was a body lying on the floor and I thought you know when you walk down there there's no noise or not anything I thought he's gonna it's gonna stand up in a minute he's gonna be all right I wanted it I wanted him to get back on his feet do you understand I want it not to have happened and when it so I look to it you've got a face of reality what has happened I went outside and got some socks that were in a washing basket in the kitchen brought him in okay brownie a pair I put them on and we began it hardly to place out so now I'm walking up the stairs and who should come back but a woman called blonde Carol and she said hello Chrissy how are you I said I'm all right sit you can't go downstairs I said there's been a little bit of a RG bargee I said and wherever an entirely up but I've got a bucket full of water and blood in my hand and she saw it and now I know she saw it cause she gave evidence that fact so I've already been up to the bedroom previous to that and got an eiderdown which is downstairs we're at Jack up in it went upstairs again because face in the house was a on a sized tree was a bagel place which is Jewish like roll things and all the cab drivers in them days were Jewish most of them anyway and they were all there going all through deny so we got to find a place where there's not no traffic about to get that body out here in the boot so finally there's a break when we try to get the body in the book six foot man you can't get him in the boot so we put him on a back seat then we go back inside well tidy up and I said to her only bender I said look Ron you're gonna drive the car and he went Chris I'm not driving that car nor what that body in I said what do you think Tony's doing the AI because tyranny by that time had come back his mum would he's gone home and my dad had turned around told him I'd come looking for him anyway the thing that happened was Tony step forward said I'll try there oh it's only you crazy went now I'll Drive it so Ronnie bender and I got into my car Tony got into the car which at Hattin and we followed him down to Main Street but going down a mere Street a police car drops him behind Tony now I am now worried that M police are going to stop Tony and if they do i-i've got to shoot them you understand what I'm saying if the show had gone on you I've got a gun on me yeah so if I say that there's a comedy of errors there's a tragedy of errors a man goes down or a party there's 16 people there they kill him in front of him 16 people apparently because the gun didn't work his cousin Ronnie are when it got a knife from the kitchen and put it into his hand Ronnie Hart will not be I'll by return Queens evidence didn't do it I had a reputation or a criminal past as long as anybody else he was as guilty as Reggie cried for what he did chance but I said he didn't do it I so anyway whatever the name was he driving along they turn off the police and we carry on we go through a rubberised tunnel win lose tyranny driving around I finally found him as Church the card ran out of petrol and always said so so on the pavement by the car it's confess everywhere and the thing was that I thought he'd be psyched that people began a church in the morning they see the body in the car and they called a police and we taken out of East London put it in South London so that think that wave rappin that and over that side the war that was the plan we leaved there Ronnie bender ghost dropped him off we don't know what he's gonna do he goes and sees Charlie Kray Charlie Kray tells the twins the twins involved somebody else to move the body and it is a bloody nightmare that's exactly what happened so then you know we carry on as normal like I ran the Mills Brothers and other people and tell him Keep Calm you understand it's all covered over things are going to be okay things are gonna be okay we don't know that the firm is crumbling I was never part of it but you know it was crumbling they were all back buying each other and all the rest of it and so they started nicking people and they nicked of twins and they put him in jail so I know that ain't gonna say nothing about me so I feel fairly confident that means not being associated with him living in Birmingham I'm safe but I think myself well I'm gonna go abroad so I'll talk to him I am on John Young and Johnny said yeah we would leave tomorrow and we were all set to go but he'd been missing about and his wife got angry and all the rest of it and he said Chris I can't go not further wife's years so that stranded me so I went about my business normal the police arrested me in Warsaw I was living the hotel there and brought me down in London and talked to me took me to a place called tents as your house on the embankment they talked to me said we don't want to arrest you we know you had nothing to do with this tell us about it and I said I can't tell you that I don't when you're talking about party what pie there's never any pie anyway give me a what's name his card in the parade and he said look there's my number give me a call and we can sort out neither you nor any of family would do anytime I'll give you my word anyway I left there what I did was my de stupid mistake a forthcoming book mark violets card the twins mum so she'd be up vision and she tell him what happened but there's this mother looking at me and saying please Chris don't tell me can't told him please I'm asking you they're my boys everybody's deserted and please don't talk to him I never start listening to my own mum yeah this was a mother making a play of me and I don't know I'd let my own mother down so many times because I'm gonna let this one down now so I'll go to bridge them with her and ask alcohol Carol Richie's girlfriend and I saw myself in his Mickey Mouse thinking I'm being clever yeah yeah only well going and Charlie Kray looks at me as it was I said Chris he shouldn't be this is the last place you should be but Reggie and money out pretty great to see you you look him well Bubba my ass means guy and all the rest of it so I said look be careful I've just been to a place called SIDS house your house yesterday they've got photographs of everybody on a board their names and people marked off and all the rest of it there's something very serious going down here I'll tell Jess her best knocking - Chris great thank you very much capes Thomas had done have to tell me at least um I'll see you later anyway left the visiting room drive home with mrs. clay and post name drop him Carol drop him off a burnheal row and they went away and was living life as normal and about two weeks later the police came up to burn him shoot it up and everything took me on the bus name at the elbow room as I'm coming down the elbow room and brought me back down to London so I said to my mcoppins what yudenich aiming for and he went [ __ ] vergence our season well that's yet and I was in the police picked his house because I knew his son and him and I had pulled a couple of birds and we gone back there and I fought that's what they were nicking me for but apparently that was definitely not Molly Wood making me forward as though so I tied me back down to London in a Jew house Everly escorted going there and nippori turns around and says why he said he was in Brixton a couple of weeks ago we know what were you doing there I said when I was seeded twins after seeing me I said yeah he said you want to talk to me I said no until I got Denny to say - I said there was no pie I dunno what you're talking about and I'll go see him he was getting angry and he was playing with a gun and he ran round the table smashed me over the head with it and I said you know say is that what you do I said yeah this is nipple read that Doug the top man the top policeman who next to Christ I know that he wants me to react and I'm thinking if I don't react he ain't got nothing he's so frustrated he's banged me with that gun to get a reaction and I'm not gonna give him it so anyway I could see him getting angry and angrier and he turned round inspector kite or any wing charged him and Katie went charge him he said yeah with murder he wants to be with a crazed we'll make sure he goes down with the craze and that's exactly what happened Jamie so listening to that story that it's your loyalty that's got you in that position that's right to your brother your loyalty to the the gags Ronnie yeah who's at the door to get rid of the board yeah the law really clears because the mom says got to pleasant yeah that whole thing looking back you must be kicking yourself that I should have listened to my inner self instead the young lawyer didn't do it mm-hmm it's the work that it wasn't the cries they were already out of the way you understand what I mean I could have done so what I did the charger but the Chancellor - trying to get you at on Queens because I've already got there - was it so many people talking yeah but the people I had were problematic they were so involved in the murder mm-hmm I was the only one I was one in weren't involved in the murder so if you never went back your brother wasn't there anyway no your brother went back to look for you yeah that's right why did you or why not just leave the house and not and just leave the body what would belong Cairo upstairs with two children oh she and the house she came back remember I told you and she gave evidences she saw me was about the Erhard so after when you got told that you were charged with mother who was just feeling then my failures were well they've got no evidence the people who've actually actually giving evidence will have nothing new Oh were they gonna get to turn against the cries I couldn't believe anybody would did the clears try to put on anybody to take the blame no I'll give it given that I never did that although rumor had it they did it with big al a big Albert Donoghue and people like that but now it never never occurred to me that that would be something that would happen in so anyway we finish up a bo Street Magistrates Court and I think I'm the only one there but then I hear somebody speaking and all doubt Tony and I recognize the voices Ronnie benders so they've got Tony they've got Ronnie bender and me that's not just coincidence they have got some big firm which puts us all in certain places you understand what I'm saying so ever they've got if somebody was there that night and my first thoughts are our two young guys who are there it's probably them who said what they've seen and everything else like that I never expects you know it's our war so anyway we get we stand up and then I look at in the dog and all of a sudden I see Freddie Foreman I'd never met him before I thought what's he doing here well apparently he was the one that the twins told there's a dead body on your Manor and they brought him in to move it which he's admitted in his books and everything else so it's it's a total catastrophe you've got two guys one doesn't take his medication apparently and the other one's deeply in grief and it's on speed and everything else and drink and that an argument starts and it escalates about evolved with 16 people getting people involved from here from there to here running out on Ronnie bender Freddie Foreman is now involved their brother Charlie's involved you want to tell me these guys were top gangsters you couldn't make it up it's you know it's just not I'm telling you this story what's your thoughts yeah I'm just thinking that because people as people really that tough if they tom queens is people really that tough if they can't face reality and be a man and map what they've done nobody wants to map what they've done of course but the whole graphic over over that situation first of all somebody's lost a leaf saying the votes the people involved it's also one in effect yourself your father your brothers my wife my baby yeah so how long were you involved well thickly is before before that sense it and less than I'd say maybe 12 months mm-hmm and it totally transforms a leaf yeah yeah you had the great leaf embalming obviously you're doing everything down here but you're doing the gambling scene yeah how are you doing the gambling how you won in your money but in because I told you we actually we we had the croupiers on our side yeah you know the kid won in roulette yeah that's right you could bring nationals yeah yeah so obviously the kids got wind of that they wanted a piece of the pie yeah anyone who was making money yeah the kids went to their best white onion oh yeah they invited you in because they would all glitz and glam is we're showing the Nassau bag people would have want it done anyway yeah that's right but you doesn't I didn't want it now you want it involved because of your worried yeah of your brother yeah that's right so obviously when the kids know and it didn't hurt me it do him a good turn yeah you understand what I mean they'd appreciated me doing him a good turn by bringing people over to the gambling club they were gonna wear money out of there because listen on any gambling table there's a little slot in the middle it all finishes down there anyway you understand there they take a percentage of each game so they never lose and that's where the money was the money was doing people standing around drinking pulling birds and being social the money was in the gambling yeah you know I knew that and gammon had just taken off in this country so it was like the old Wild West really yeah that's so what's our way you'll story but the dear you got sins no so now we go and what we have to might devote the Old Bailey uh-huh are you thinking you're going to get away before I think I'm gonna get away but I do think that but it doesn't make any difference you understand what I'm saying I'm not gonna get in that dock and point my finger at anybody Tony's not gonna do it and Ronnie benders not gonna do it but not that kind of me you understand our deals put in the table for now part two it met other people getting off was that I can see on that the deals have been put on the table by nipper read prior to us or what and I'm in or we could have sent a message to him what we're interested in doing the deal we never spoke to him because you're for you were getting off we thought no it wasn't it just didn't there was it didn't matter what happened we were not going to point a finger at anybody Jamie you understand what I mean it wasn't what we did Ronnie bender didn't do it Toni didn't do it and I didn't do it well we never got in the dock and point our finger and said you know this that and the other because a lot of people with that Tom Queens how many people Tom Queen world a whole lot literally the whole gang you understand me most of their firm who'd been with him a long time they gave excuses one was the he was meant yet attacked the Mitchell murder another one that he had to take the Cornell murder and all that combination securities for that special entirely factory yeah and that's for anybody watching or listening that goes to show you that the biggest and strongest phone and the UK at that point the old turned against each other that's right and that shows you the caliber and mentality of people but make an octane just want to get out yeah you understand what I mean they hadn't come up the way we'd come up I had come up through Bruce called borstal detention prison and everything else I could walk in any institution and I'd know somebody there I didn't see myself crime was what I knew crime was what I did that's all you know you understand what I'm saying no matter what it was I was gonna be involved until I've got enough to go Oh Klaus will use will to have enough money to get a note before in Burma and I see myself maybe in about four or five years being a rich person wherever you wanna go to it's been I would like to have been a mate of mine Johnny on who had a place called the Ponderosa and I took Charlie cry over there McHugh Riley they couldn't get here their heads around it you could land a helicopter on the roof there was that spin ya know up in near where they were the train robbers and all the cars and all that went for sale there's a big car place there auction and it was quite near there was in the country I was Hannah you care yeah in the UK but then I'd also want to go at Cypress because my dad kept telling me about my beautiful country and I said dad it was so beautiful what you doing over here but the trouble is you couldn't earn any money over there yeah so they came to England you understand mommy not to benefits there were not benefits they come to earn a living in what they knew she there was chefs there were workers when when London was being bombed they sent us out of London and we went to a place called rib stock and my father was working for the RAF fixing planes and things like that and I actually went in sat in Spitfires and stuff like that and you know wonderful but then we moved back down to London again so you know I mean there was a lot of upheaval in my in my life yeah I mean I was robbing trains when I was nine but other kids that be trains with stuff in the in the sidings and we get in there and you find everything cigarettes everything you don't I mean yeah very young is involved in a leaf I claim even though no matter what came as some foot of always come back and bacon ass that's right yes or even the jack the heart my dad you never did it but yeah it's just the whole the whole affected your life yes eventually that something's going to come on top so what was it like that Old Bailey what was the procedure then the procedure was we'd all been charged with murder there was an argument made that I had committed my murder and therefore should not be charged with murder I should be charged with accessory after the facts Tony didn't take no part in the murder Ronnie bender didn't take no part in the murder all the main perpetrators pushed the craze and their cousin did you understand yeah and none the other people the Millers brothers and all him and the Mills Brothers turn ever turns qqe but I can't pull it there were two guys totally innocent went out for a drink and there's a murder takes place come on you understand what I'm saying I understood it I understood it but the thing was how can I put it they so many people could have got badly hurt could have got majorly her and so when they stood up in the dock I could understand him I didn't like what they were doing but it wasn't him that killed us do you know the person that killed us what they did they put two murder trials together so unjust they should have been we should have been tried separately you go out with Ronnie Kray to a pub and the guard gets killed in there Ronnie Kray ships him in there George Cornell I don't know you and never even knew you at a time I didn't even know the crisis it's on you don't know me and I got a party and a man dies you don't know all the people here sitting in the dock you weren't part of it or anything else like that just like we weren't part of yours but they joined the two murder trials together so by hook or by crook they were going down yeah you understand they should have been two murder trials they joined it too and they got a girl who denied a statement and everything else like that and made a false statement she's got in the dock at the Old Bailey she was the barmaid at the blind beggar when Ronnie Kray's shot George Cornell he was i listening to an angel speak you could not doubt one word she was saying she was very believable it was coming from her deepest inside things she was saying and I knew then at that moment we were [ __ ] yeah so how been so high-profile why should a man blood daily and a pub why kill a man at a party with loads of people was that the caliber that was at the rib that will go and just went ruthless and doesn't care it didn't care it was on that might a theme but they didn't care about their people either so why should their people cared about them because everyone did getting used to it involved with it yes yeah and in fact I think freely Foreman says some stage that there was a plane going round at Durham in because they went to Weald they went to wild and it could affect possibly and I bought the gun and I went back to their house I went back there we murder in my mind because if their attorney do you think and back to that part yeah yeah and you're getting that gun you could have potentially killed the kitties yeah I could have done yeah they just I just I would have had to do it he's my brother you understand why I'm saying I would have had to do it Jamie we had this young lawyer we come from then class your lawyer is - well let me kill another man for your family willing to stand trial not point fingers where does that come from that came from my background just came through the system through the racism mm-hmm brings your tire in do you not understand a lot of black kids and all that corner kids from all over the place why they get together because they're not rejected by each other there's a fierce bond of loyalty and they die for each other the exes all they've got it all that goal so when you get caught I wanna belong that's all I ever really wanted to do was to belong if the if I'd have been accepted into that party and then left the Greek kid outside I might have another world to think you may be abandonment issues they were you wanted some BN to love you and then I had a girlfriend that's the Airman's who kind of visited me and in approve school and everything else I loved her pieces I did I put a little gift someone mreow and to be happy forever but I mum and dad said no she lived next door to such a family and I yeah broke me an up the rejection and she turn around I said my mum and dad said I can't see you anymore I think that was a catalyst for you just to go thought of it yeah there's a whole many chapters to people yeah that's right that archaeological yeah the trauma and the peony yeah has a whole world of course that affect so many different things and then when you're going to prison Jamie got this vast sentence of 15 years which is unjust but then you think about all the bad stuff you've done in your life and you think well I'm paying for that on this trial I should have been doing 10 years did you follow what I'm saying for accessory after the fact I should never have been done for murder but I was guilty Iselle of accessory after the fact I helped to move the body I helped to clear the flat I didn't have to but I did yes yes no part or both but you are willing to accept that I'll accept that so the first part of my sentence I'm doing time for that you understand what I mean I'm doing time for things that only I know I've done we shall happily took map which I'm P to me you understand what I'm saying so I end up to it and that's my time yeah I didn't deserve to do 15 years I didn't deserve to had murder wrapped around my neck because I'd never intended to murder anyone apart from one person it didn't happen he was lucky with four bullets in any survived and he said that irony he went the Regency Club and he said Tony grab Olivia and tyranny said why he said because I said I want to show you and Tony shout out as some people I mean they went downstairs to the toilet waiting there in the car lift his shirt he said you know what they aren't Tony but yeah they're bullet wounds and I said your brother didn't die on me he said you're bloody lucky in yeah it's going anyway the thing was the guy turn round said I deserved I took a live a well I went to a certain place where girlfriend of mine and he was there and he'd come running out with a firm and I won't expect he had had night up to my throat I mean he was quite capable of put it in there and he said to me don't come around here over again stay away she's with me he said because if you come round here you're gonna get this and I thought well don't provoke him or anything else so I had to keep it calm I said well I'm not arguing with you over your girlfriend which was my girlfriend but I'm not arguing over your girlfriend you tell me that that's only one I'm getting out of this loudly enough finally I'll come with a word like don't come back he made a big mistake he went to my house where my wife or my child was and started asking questions about where our wars and all the rest of here I've I can't say this anymore he's gone Rama Laos and that's a threat he's straightening my family that's that one then case I when I was I got the 30 I out I went over there and the firm come running out at the door they'll bring my tree so I told you I said yeah I'm telling you now boom boom and they all died for cover ran inside the house I'm not just gonna run out of bullets many others he's in the gun down six - I fired off and falling into him and that was it ya see when you got your your 15 stretch how was just feelings - was the Cleese then my feeling towards the Christ I thought they'd have helped us out gone you know these guys didn't do nothing you understand what I'm saying wasn't Tom Quinn's dad nothing nothing they didn't they didn't do nothing but they put him in jail with Ronnie I was in jail with Ronnie crying up in Durham a wing but a few of the faces and the appeal was coming up so I said Ronnie I said give us help on this appeal now I said we can't you know I said Ronnie you've got well purrs on the pill I said we've stood in the top were used for the longest wrong in criminal history you're not getting out they are not gonna let you out well we can do this I said you couldn't do it they may even do it now so yeah there was a bit of anger there but on this so obviously can feel your leash through robberies mud the trial yeah certain people yeah you tanta Christ no I didn't you don't tell me you said before seven years yeah seven years I was in jail you've got to be in there to understand it and you look at the people you've hurt I'm gonna ask you a dead straight question you've got a wife out there and you've got a young baby i T months old you called her Angela because you as she reminded you were an angel angel you've got what you want or part of what you want and you throw it all away for what two lunatics what would you have done yeah we're walking through court at the time you've got to just accept that and face the taming in trying to drop them in Jamie you've got a wife out there you've got a child out there you've got a life out here what would you have done if I was that caught and if I could Tom Queens I would have done the sentence you'd have done the same yeah there ain't that many would ya there ain't that many would high sat in a jail and there were people in there called me a lunatic it's so easy to say you would yeah yeah of course cuz you're not in that position percent yeah you understand what I mean being involved in that leaf of claim there's always going to something arise that's wrong or necessarily you did the claim but the author claims prior to that we should not report for so yeah for me involved in that you've got to accept that you've got to be a match right well you if you're me you do what I did you understand all the temptations is there if you've got money talk to hear your message easier if they care yeah yeah you're thinking [ __ ] them I don't owe them nothing nothing they've got me in this situation all right you have played your respect your honesty for your choice not anything about them you just said you know you don't know they're nothing yeah but it's the greater yeah the greater good you under yeah and not leaf understands yesterday I gave up depends st. is for you because if you came out yeah and you're maint you know you wouldn't you're the party lower your head down instead of up that's right and money can you not I mean yeah and it's easy for me certainly love ever experienced that yeah and that situation but you understand I've talked because you've explained it yeah but most people can't get their head round it they think well you cared more about him it was not caring a band they didn't count you understand what I'm saying it was more about not pointing the finger at anybody you understand standing that dock and going it was you there because everything you have done and the past just goes to show or yeah sure looks like she did everything you understand me totally so let's that's it so I'm halfway through the sentence I'm looking back I can't find nothing I'm looking forward I've got no hope I'm doing life I've done a win I'm ever gonna get out if I'm ever gonna get and this day it came down on me and this guy down below me he was playing this rock this song on me what's the line hold on a record player cuz you could have earned in the jail yeah and he was called knocking on heaven's door bob has a great song a great great song is that not about he's yeah Marv take this gun off for me I can't use it anymore it's getting dark too dark to see I'm knockin on heaven's door you know and because he'd had enough of the killing he'd had enough of everything its life but he didn't see nothing just darkness and the rise just coming down on me my blood is boiling one minute and I'm cold as ice the next if a screw walks through that door I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna justify me doing a life sentence but then some it says to me Chris you can't think like this get your head together start thinking sensibly so I've got underneath the bed and a good friend of mine from Scotland called Stuart Brown he always used to say to me Chrissy said he heard me talking this crime and I said you can't teach a pig to play the violin it won't like you it won't thank you and it will probably turn around and attack you and he was dead right you can't taste your pigs apply the violin and there's a lot of pigs around a Spartan stir he was a great guy he was a philosopher he told me things about different places he'd gone he was in drive networks and stuff like that music Van Morrison Pink Floyd Chris you've gotta listen to this what's that Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon me I was like Johnny ray Frank Sinatra blew my mind that Dark Side of the Moon is absolutely Elvis his name helped Stewart year a look at was it something our old stories about life that were very poignant and very much grip to you understand what's about general sending men to die and they sit in the back and took the credit you understand that one before they were what about the man who died in the trench wasn't he like me left a wife and children what about mummy it's corrupt it buys everything everything there's bigger thieves in Parliament this bigger killers in Parliament and I'm telling the truth there is they sent people to war do they care how many people die everything as a repercussion the ripples come out and they affect so many people affects generations of children it affects wives it fix fathers mothers uncles aunts there James she's a [ __ ] yeah you understand what's an illusion yes illusion yeah yeah when did you start looking at all that then for so this night it starts yeah before that I had kind of read stuff I've gone through comparative religions and everything Sufi ISM we Stewart told me a lot about before the seven years how was your respect and the pleasant obviously been involved with the keys not sticking anyone and you must have had a lot of respect let me send ya yeah you did the disclose treat you real tight really means well and all the beatings were bad I'm gonna stop and what I did in Albany prison they sent me there and they they took everything offers and we were treated like normal prisoners and we're we're doing fantastic big time and I became very good friends with a guy called Freddy Sanson his his cousin was Terry sense and he played for Arsenal but he was the gameís man of them met and one night and heard the doors were banging down the block because him and I had got shot down the block over the screws of beating him up and our champion knelt him and they carried me down that block they didn't do nothing to me but in the morning Freddy came out of his cell and for a bucket piss over him and they really beat him up and then there was another girl called right power next to him and he did the same and I thought I'm the last one on the block what about doing yeah you know I could stay behind the door and keep Alice or I'm gonna do this home that's what they have done you know what I did tell me what I did bloody bad really bad believe me and I'm still fighting and everything else oh I'm black and blue and next morning I'll go out to the window and write Powell was there and I said right you were right and he went yeah and I'll you could put your mirror out of the window you could see if he had a mirror the next cell I looked I say ray you've had a hell of a battering Sun he said have you seen yourself and I had looked in the mirror I didn't want it I knew while or light which was shocking so next morning the screw comes around chief and he goes get to your feet he said the governor's here I said bollocks send them in and finish it off really that's how I felt Jamie yeah you can't do anything you can't really unless that you've already done come on to finish it off and the governor came in he went my god what's happened here said you know what's happened here he said now I don't he said but you're going straight up our close hospital where you can be taken care of and they got an ambulance round but I insisted upon walking to the ambulance because I didn't want the screws thinking that you know they'd let me over and I walked by everyone else Cruz I'm bad and covered in piss and [ __ ] I'm walking I'm looking every one of them as I'm walking by thinking you know I had nothing to lose if they did me again so was that breaking point for you then just be a relative down there then I'll go to the hospital and the Queen surgeon was a part-time doctor Park West hospital hey he lived on the Isle of Wight and he came in and he went well he said I think you've lost the saw in their eye I'm gonna to massive play guys I think your jaw's broken kicked my teeth in and that and he was over in Parkers for around about three weeks and then send me back to Albany and I saw one of the screws that did hear me and I ran after him and he ran inside looked at door and within an hour I was out there was a pile sending me to send me out to home so you know that was part of his life but that night but it will come crashing down Stuart Brown before he left he gave me a box of books and I was looking for all the books and I found a Bible I wanna chat to your wife who I wore a Bible for I've never read one I'm the only son of that one is if I ripped a page out the rollers so that's what I'd done it for anyway I've slinging all these books everywhere and finally I win now that's just nothing gonna do it here end it and then I pick the Bible up and I thought great people have read this book and I've climbed mountains and done wonderful things that died for it I've got burnt at the stake and everything else I've been crucified all for a bull think that resonated to you as well yeah I do yeah and onto the stick yeah let down yet on everything and I'll pick the book up and I'll try to read some a Genesis when it starts off and it didn't do nothing so I'll put it under my pillow it's now about four o'clock in the morning and I thought well if some of them thoughts can go into my head maybe I can get over this they weren't doing nothing so I'll put the book and I'll put it there and I fell asleep and I knew I'd found something very very precious and I never let down with it already I went along the Bible College in prison that did the Bible College course I did all that and learn an awful lot because there's something in there for everybody you understand if you read the book of Proverbs it's like a father talking to his son and giving advice then kids that haven't got a father read the book of Proverbs you have got a father and he's giving you advice and if you take it your life will be successful you won't look a fighter you look at positivity and there's a book the stood the test of thousands of years I'd still stand strong there are people standing right on I stood on it and it got me through so that was it on the point with you sir see there at that point I was at that time I was I was ready a job I had to beat the system I couldn't let the system beat me and I was about to end it that was gonna be the end of it and I've got I was roulette know and receiving you're working through that transition and that change obviously your lawyer is like if everybody else owned about you you concentrate and everybody else's life try to help everybody else but it's a case of [ __ ] everybody else is still trying to help me you had you become more selfish towards yourself and realize you need gradual process yeah I didn't look at anybody else I was looking at me I couldn't go out so I went in and I was getting really [ __ ] I didn't need you understand what I mean about carried around for years prejudices and all the rest of it and then what happened was I looked at the window one day and I was great in the cell my head to be on the Bible or be on my knees clean towel out you know with a book there and you know it was a price of worship in my own space because it's not about church churches in your heart it's not the church so beliefs you know it's a belief but I looked out a window this day and I saw these guys going to church and I thought they've got the courage of their conviction they've got guts to actually go into that church and worship I haven't got that who you concerned that only before attending this right yeah oh they were going to p3 oh that's right so I started to play the percentage game Jesus you can have 10% and he said well call with tempers in but I often want a bit more so I'll give you 20% in this sell my time is yours out there I've got a bill on my watch they said ok then 20% and then 30% and a 30% I looked out the window saw all these clogged toilets Kirk and it was one guy they called bulletproof Jack and I looked at bulletproof when I went he's got some guts there man anyway I went up to him I said listen Jack I said tell me something did my Steve down a church he said yeah I said why had he got me right in the eyes because I believe and walk to money I never see so much in my life like that I believed and walked away so a few days went by and I got talking to him again I said what made you believe yeah he said I'd been shot several times and I was laying the hospital bed and I'll say Jesus if you crowd here bring my father answer me he said not he was the one man I didn't ever think I'd see again and what he did he said my father came to me he walked into the hospital bedroom look to him and he said you'll survive I walked out again but that's all he wanted a thing a sign and he got it and that was it and I met so many other guys there was well pretty much the same they weren't cruising religion again out of prison they just found something in the quiet time the solitude locked up in the cell you can only read so many books about porno war against tourism and all the rest of it it's it's what they find is what they find and you'd never see him in prison again the ones that played the game they go back they don't stay out 35 years yeah you understand I think that's like a dick point you're taught showing that lesson change is scary yeah but anybody can do it and that's - I've always believed and always said they lived this men are the weakest you actually sat down with criminals and break them all down you realize that they are vulnerable yeah they are sensitive yeah it's just a shoe that is a protection yeah cause they're so fragile that don't want it behind yeah but it shows that no matter what you go through in life no matter through it some of the darkest and deepest shot you can't find something with fun you can find redemption and they'll understand yeah definitely and you can find satisfaction and hope what was the main thing I mean I look at this place here I worked here I stood in cults like the Old Bailey where I was sentenced and I've pleaded with somebody a judge to give them a chance and they've gone away and deliberated and come back they said we've heard what you've said and we're in agreement with you that if this person goes back to the lay community instead of prison there's hope that his life might change we're prepared to give him their chance thank you very much that's the judge saying that girly one and they wouldn't listen to me in that building - one time I had my own car parking space down there your own bed space because London was so expensive so I got in touch with Probation Service who arranged for me to ever almost name down their car park because otherwise I'd be bringing people like Nicole but that's like anything because know you've got the respect and a whole different angle but not only that not only materialism not cars with money whatever helping someone else is a big idiot it's go for Marcy even a gangster suit no I'm not mmm-hmm I'm saying yeah well I got this morning to go on a boat ride with my wife we've done it yeah and I appreciate that and that's place but I'm just no can you explain what you're doing here because I don't do nothing nothing it's what I do but what we do we raise money yeah I get all my old friends people are new and we have they'll do a thing where they do auctions and other things with cash and then but I just know this place is called the lay community okay long-term rehabilitation and crack cocaine heroin drink everything but the funds I want it running Lorne not the funds of rum total yet so we will leave our length for people to check it out and hopefully yeah booking get yeah because that's places help save hundreds of our lives just places Sonia and the people that work here don't work here for money they work it because they're devoted to change and many residents who survived and come through all this and have been brave enough to want to come back yeah and help others and help others I think people who do go to the depths and the Dauntless of leaf when you came out up your gaff does you want to give some you'll get a bid you won't like helping somebody you know who likely have a die yeah I've gone in to banbury to to look for a secondhand shop right I love second-hand shops you never know what you're gonna find and you go in there and items are a pound two free quit and I should say the kids here I used to take him to the second-hand shops why do you want to design a show you're gonna play somebody's already tried it on before you sew it second man come with me I'll take it away you can be a designer clothes and you're gonna be paying three or four quid and they loved it because you know when you ain't got bundles of money you might do with the best you can so anyway I went along this secondhand shop and I've got the pound shop and there's a guy laying on the floor playing a guitar and I went in and I bought a pack of a gin stir pies for a pound I bought two bottles of lemonade for a pound I bought a sandwich for a pound and I probably want to carry a bag and I went up and I gave it to him and he snatched it out of my hand and I'd bought one Jesus the pie for meself let me add that as well I sailed on that's mine I said all yours is in the bag you got one in the bag and the look of thank you that he gave me it was only a five quid gesture it weren't the end of the world it didn't bright me you understand I mean but the look of thanks he didn't want beer he didn't want anything just wanted somebody to wait you could look in his place at say that but I had such a good feeling after that and I'm not so used to make me I'm the big I am or charitable man now there's always some bleak onward lift up when somebody's on the floor you understand here buy somebody a little present the only thing we should look down there someone I said well kids here ain't got nothing at all you can go to the car boot sale get some toys there for a pound yeah and give them toys they can play with give them a book to read if everything's cheap out there but we're also full of it now hope our phone I'm a going along there could be miss having been murdered next somebody'd I'm not a better photograph of that that's the world we live in yeah and it's scary is scary when you came out then class how was your life then because you've wrote you've written three books which will leave the links on the bottom of those bio for people here can to anyway your free books how was that when you wrote there was that bring back a lot of fluids and I'm first book I wrote was called meditation to the life mm-hmm and what I did I gave it to a group called Prison Christian Fellowship it does sell on eBay for around about 49 to 50 pound because our print and what happened was I was in a country prison now it called me prison and I don't know some each I was praying this voices are my as a Chris downside these prayers Ryan down and every day I wrote a meditation down and during the course of that meditation about the twenty-fifth day the one person I didn't want to lose ever in my life died my dad and I never thought I could ever handle it but I went out into a garden when I was a garden and in the garden that's I'm on my own and I looked up at the sky and the trees and thought well Lord you made the trees coming up too and they're all gonna be bare you know I just I just know that you're gonna do something with my dad he's not gonna die is gonna be like that tree he's gonna bear fruit again and he's bought fruit in my life I'm more my dad don't I ever was Kristin I'm Briana you know went away and so Joe and of course this meditations my dad dies it helps me get through it it helps me understand it it gives me devotion the Bible gives me a way to handle it because go sis Libran bringing Isaac up the hill up the mountain preparing over the land on it and I want you to sacrifice I bran and then everything will be right it's testing Abraham's faith so Isaac's laying there and he's got a knife and if God wants him to do it it'll do it but God says no I don't want you to do that Isaac take him off the altar he doesn't belong there so I figure if they if they we can build a mountain if there's it if we can build a noun in or sorry at an altar on a mountain I'm gonna take my dad up there mentally but in a way physically because I'm gonna carry him up there I believe that and I'm gonna lay him on that arm and I'm gonna say I can't deal with this I'm gonna hand in to you and I know you can I know you'll take care of him and love him and give him the peace he never had down here he wanted to be a decent citizen make him a citizen a your king of your kingdom the TC a transaction of change did you wish young yeah we should have made them clear they did mmm-hmm and I'll tell you what the one day said to me Jamie when Chrissy said you broke my hand I said Dada I'd never never never I'd never I would never break your hands he said you're in prison Tony's in prison Nicky's in prison I've got two fingers my two sons Leo and Jimmy they brought Nicky down you know because he was him he was involved with the cries as well so he didn't never have an easy life after that after we went down and that's just the way is that's just the ways he affects you so many people's lives yeah and always talking about on the shorts that are perfect they're just spiders then I believe the bit of person you become yeah it appears in your trash that's right and it's good your sake in big what was that the second book was do the walls come down we all build walls around us yeah and we don't let them down it's a protection for our family protection for ourself and security the one person at home but another person when we go out on the street no matter where we are so as insecurities build this wall yeah and I felt by sharing what I'd written would bring the walls down and then the next book came out that was the escape from the cry madness and then the next book was the book the cry madness which is the one out now I'll leave all the links and the BIOS yeah Jake you finish up on it if and cuss yeah I'll say this there were years which are fruitful and the years which are barren I may have had some good times when I was back in their 60s and that and there were some good times but seeing children being born children being born finally somebody who loves you and you love them because it isn't about jumping in the bed every five minutes or kind of saying I love you it's about looking in the same direction finally something I believe in caring about our other person more than you care about yourself knowing that's real love when they take care of you and you take care of them that's the most beautiful lover you'll ever find yeah and if a lucky man finds that or a lucky woman they're blessed you understand what I'm saying because a lot of relationships are built on things on possession extend love stuff that they're not built on love love stuff yeah love strong you know you've done breaker to cord system and to work here at the lay community where so many people came and had their lives changed they if you can't work with love a man called kal-el giver and said better that you see outside the gates of the temple and beg from those who do when I came in here every day our work we love mm-hmm I work with strength I've got back in you understand what I'm here didn't matter what I was gonna face that day no man I called Judge probation police I was in the right place I could stand up know anybody and all my head up I think it's like a thing cuz the way you've changed in the way you've helped others sometimes on leaf you may need to go through all the bad stuff all the pain all the misery mother chick charges pleasant the loss of your father to help you to have a turning point where you go [ __ ] that's enough son off and then it changes you and then what happens as you came out a pleasant and then you help change others sometimes you may plot another planet just for that reason yeah you may have saved hundreds and hundreds of lives just because you have sacrificed you're the one which is a but you don't know I mean aren't runnin i've given lectures at public schools Eton reads column in Surrey Richard Branson Jeffrey Archer their children go there I've done Oxford Cambridge I've done everywhere Church is it got sorry I'll be honest with Jamie it got so that I can operate it all became about the cries yeah it was not about change that change they wanted me because of the cry thing they didn't want me because you know yeah you changed the election people I did get it over to him and I've got letters to testimony and all that kind of thing and at the end of the day I kind of thought this isn't even about the cries anymore it's it's about me but as a gangster I want I want the message I would send out there he's crime down pay if you can help the youngster get out of problems get him off for drugs or her off for drugs you're breaking your mum and dad's ass you're breaking your family's arts the ripples are going out you've got to look at that you've got to look at the people your damage to people your crush they're standing there waiting to jump in and help and do whatever they can but you've got a guy with a humble heart you can't go because most people who were in criminality and drugs and all that they're pointing the finger everybody else they deflect it yeah it's not them it was the problem it's them take responsibility you understand what I mean and part of growing up a part of development at whatever age is about responsibility and you learn too hard to be a but it's good to see you in chemistry and coming on yeah and coming on telling your story closure die good strong brother than the oh [ __ ] and all the best for the future the pleasure me yeah thank you I appreciate that night yes
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
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Id: vY7r3MbzoJU
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Length: 86min 47sec (5207 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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