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hello my old school soul food youtube describing chef Geoffrey back here with another video here and today I'm doing the recipe that's so comforting so good and exactly exactly old-school soul food uh today we're gonna do some real authentic old-school homemade from scratch chicken and dumplings so uh this is my mama's favorite dish I mean young time I mean this and made this I bet a million times seriously I can do these that I know y'all hear me say I'll do things in my sleep this one I can my mama she don't cook as much used to right you know she's kind of everybody now but this is always makes for her and every time I go home baby bring me some a little bowl of chicken and dumplings always little Bowl is not enough of course I always make a big pot so anyway let's get started the first step is looking at numbers I use chicken thighs I'm gonna make my dumpling because uh I think the thigh meat has more flavor and you get more meat off too and it's easy to pick off you know I pick my meat off the bone as you'll see later when I do my dumplings and I can get more bang for your buck when chicken thighs you get more meat off of it so anyway I'm gonna put the chicken thighs in the pot salt and pepper very simple I need to make a good rich stock very very take the babies out later baby we don't feel this good water down use chicken stock but I'm making an actually making a chicken stock chicken broth or whatever you want to call it and we're gonna let this simmer not sim ruin at this ball until the guys get ready you need take about about what city get for me where it's falling completely falls off the bone we're gonna pick off to me put the stop back home we're gonna make our homemade dumplings drop them in the stop with my slightly tighten up slightly and that's it well we'll be right back when we come back the chicken to be ready I will take it out we're gonna skip the starting line dominance and I roll them I put them in the water and we get on to the next step well we'll be right back all right y'all we back for a minute I just want to show you here just what you want you want your chicken that's kind of simmer I mean semi ball and we're gonna simmer this worldly deal we make it a nice rich that's the key to your chicken in dump is this nice rich flavorful stock so without a rich nice rich flavor will stop you have no good chicken in darkness don't use the stock in the cans and the paper boxes in the store make your own start with you with you with your chicken so once they just got a similar another 45 minutes we've got my celery and onions in there coarse salt and pepper and bay leaves and we just you know just gonna feminists away falling off the bone we're gonna take it out pick the chicken out and put our dumplings in there put the chicken back in we'll have a good old big old pile of chicken and dumplings we'll be right back okay y'all be back chicken is tender falling off the bone okay now what we gonna do I'm gonna take it we're putting this pan here got the babies - I'm gonna try to get out of there and I'm gonna put it hit this to the side I'm gonna get this chicken out of here Oh granny mutters oh off as I can if I need to coop get your chicken on here and you know kind of let it cool down a little walk and pick the meat off and the skin off see that nice flavorful stock we got there definitely what we want here I'm trying to get some babies out there as possible I'm on the side and any kind of COO now I can Helen and pick off to me and we don't come back here and I'm gonna put the drip we're gonna mix up the actual dumplings mix them up put it on the board roll them out cut them out put them in this hot stock here and then we're gonna put the chicken back in here tighten it up slightly we need to us a rule we might not have to and that's it but I'll be right back all right y'all we back okay now we're gonna make our dumpling mix very very easy now I use Crisco for my fat content you can use butter and the recipes online I'm just puttin stuff in I made this so many times it's just like all right work so like I said I use shortening for my fat content and my ducklings we'll just mix it around here honey put my hands here you can use butter you want to salted butter unsalted butter but mom I only use Crisco so I don't change the recipe okay now put some salt stuff in here and just all the time you'll see me using black pepper I like to put black pepper in my daughter that's where my momma used to do it so this is so easy I don't know why people use biscuit at the king and you can just make your own really quick [Music] and you can use regular milk you want to use buttermilk but let's say I'll just stick to what I know what I've seen done oh yeah baby don't worry making a big biscuit bill without live in an age you mean I have no baking powder in here no baking soda no nothing cuz I don't want to use to hook up too much and when you're standing they tear the pieces so I wanna put a lemon in a minute okay now we gonna do now making biscuits same concept go deep in here roll it out oh the spinning as thick as you want oh it's real real old school this is man you gotta really meet the darkness with this okay some people like around I like nine square dumplings and all that big pieces to this might be making biscuits I like the color that you know the little specks of black pepper in the dumpling that makes you look really nice I'm Kenny now I know we're gonna do be gonna put into your pocket what you wanted right people just gonna drop them in there one piece at a time one piece at a time and when the water temperature drops down save water the temperature drops on the on the stock you want to stop because you want it to really be falling when you put this in here still simmering that's what you put them in you don't want them to touch one that hits the liquid completely all liquid Oh liquid death yeah what I'm gonna do now almost kind of break these apart sitting on stick but I'm gonna use the back up my spoon because what it is I don't want you to use a Punnett spoon and break them up these things are so so fragile and gentle right now but they're not completely cooked so I'm gonna take the back of my spoon just kind of moving around in the pot like this see that way they don't stick together and you'll have a hold on it see that you had it all not sticking together see that [Music] should never be buying dumplings again in the can so easy to make your own let's say I make these leaves in a year I'm gonna make it 40 times a year with some cornbread in the back of my spoon stir them around he's getting pool there remember we still need to add our chicken in here too when I picked the meat off of it so look at that see that nice nice three more to put in here like I've done this before you can say I like nice big thick dumplings remind chicken about me I don't want chicken and um but I want something I won't be able to see them there we go oh yeah now we're gonna let this cook a little body about ten minutes on low I'm gonna come back I'm gonna pick my chicken off I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna add the chicken to this and we're gonna have a big old hot steaming bowl the chicken and dumpling we'll be right back all right y'all we back here and why was the way I add a little see how creamy am I added just a little touch a whole milk in here to get the creaminess you don't have to add the whole milk to this if you don't want to I just like a lot of body cream there the dumpling is almost done like to say look at that now it's another step I do you can do it leave it like this but I don't like my dumplings this juicy this loose so I'm gonna add a little rule I'll rule is 50% butter 50% for our 50 state melted butter 50% flour I like that making a little body to this [Music] we hug cream it idea sir be it a bit more body see a little thickness that's it no the chicken is here I'm gonna take a minute here it's cool it's a cool night to the touch walking pick it up I'm gonna pick this off the meat off the bone then I'm go ahead and slowly add it to this I mean dumping in to be complete so I'll be right back all right y'all we back here alright I got my chicken here and I'm gonna say this for chicken stock later on okay now I'm gonna turn this off but this is completely ready these dumplings are done now I'm just gonna add my chicken in here really slowly slowly here cooperated in here that's been going on all and that's nothing about my mom and she likes more dumplings and chicken she only care about the chicken gravy baby all I want is dumplings like you say the chickens already done all that did was just speak it off cool it down a little and pick it off the bone see y'all can see I made this so many times I know the measurements my heart I may be dumping like I say at least 20 or 30 times a year twice a month most of times my mom I love her nothing okay that's it y'all see ya now we're gonna play we're gonna bowl some up nothing's better than chicken and dumplings in the wintertime cold day getting some cornbread put a hot sauce on there okay it's all good okay I got my bowl here looking at oh yeah baby you can't go wrong with this it doesn't get much better there's another dumpling on there oh yeah nice let's try these out here I like my body on the dumpling some people make up to lose I don't like that mm-hmm dump this perfectly cooked look at that tender tender dumplings go up the chicken chicken it definitely done peppers and you can taste the black pepper in the wild like putting black pepper in the dumpling intercept you can get pretty taste it mmm oh yeah on you some hot sauce but anyway y'all please subscribe to my channel please share this video please comment on the video let me know if you like it give us a thumbs up until next time have a blessed ol skool soul food day about this heat go you
Views: 50,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade chicken and dumplings, old school soul food, comfort food
Id: Y8tfp3lMeIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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