Love & Best Dishes: Easy Chicken & Dumplings Recipe

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- Y'all I have dragged the old man in the kitchen with me today. Uh - Hey y'all! - (laughs) Thank you for speaking to my friends. Uh, how long have we been married? 17 years or 16? - 17. - Yeah, 17 years. And Michael and I have had a disagreement over the pot of chicken and dumplings that he makes and I make. He said that his are so much better than mine. Well, - It is pretty tough down for me to challenge Paula Deen, but, uh, - Whoa, mine are so much better y'all (laughs) - But mine all better out - I know that you're not. - Oh I wouldn't even go gone out on his limb. - Y'all, well you better watch out because that's a thin limb and it's going to break with you. - No, we, we need an unbiased judge. - Taste tester? - Taste Tester. - Okay. - Which I don't know where we're going to find one. - (laughs) Anywhere. We won't get down the street and ask a neighbor to come in and taste. - Okay, well, we're going to do that. - (laughs) So, are you challenging me? - Yes. I've already challenged you with your chicken. - (laughs) Your is chicken is a chicken that you put in your chicken and dumplings. - (laughs) - (laughs) All right, so Michael, you know, when I make chicken and dumplings it would be, uh, the white grandma taught me and it would be a half a days project y'all. (clears throat) Because I would ball my chicken up and I would pick it and I would roll my own dumpling so, you know, it was an affair. Or in the magazine, one of our easy, uh, recipes, that is like part of our comfort food down here is an easy chicken and dumplings. And we're going to start with like a half a stick of butter, Michael. And we'll go here and pour it in a pot. And turn this on like medium huh? Now for years, y'all, I made my dumplings just like my grandma Paul taught me to make. Plain flour, salt and ice water. I mean, my water actually had ice floating in it because it has to be real cold. And I would mix them up and it was so hard to roll out. Do you remember ever helping me roll out dumplings? - Um, no, but I can remember my mother have made them that way. - Yeah. Yeah. And you want them thin, real thin, and you won't be on tough. So when you go to eat them you can take your fork and cut the dumplings. So, (giggles) they are two different brands of frozen dumplings out there on the market. Well, when I first discovered those, I said, well I'm going to give it a try 'cause this year would be easier. It was so much easier and it tasted like my grandma Pounce. So I was over the moon. Uh, when I saw I could have chicken and dumplings in less than an hour. And then the other great part about today, is we can go to the grocery store and have the most incredible roasted chi-chicken at our fingertips. So you don't have to ball your chicken just buy it from the daily. You go to the frozen food department, pick up your dumplings and you go home and in no time, you've got a pot of chicken and dumplings. So you'll need to put just a little bit of flour on you. - (laughs) - So people think, "Oh gosh, look at her. She has worked so hard." (laughs loudly) All right. So I'm going to take our celery, our onions and our carrots. So I'm gonna cook this in that half a stick of butter until they're almost done. And then we'll turn them high a little bit because it's gonna cool down. Now, the thing is with your chicken and dumplings, your frozen convenient dumpling, you have to be careful when you're taking them off the sheet, you have used those beforehand, you might? - (indistinct) - Do you use those in your chicken? - I do, but I'd like, I would, right now, I would like to, um, keep my recipe a secret, because there's going to be a competition. Um, uh, but I do use those. That's uh, convenient - [Paula] Le-le-let me let me tell y'all something. Eddie, If you'd put that telephone up there, on those eyes, They're brown for a reason. - [Eddie] (laughs) - (laughs loudly) - [women in background] Michael I'm gonna take up for you. I has faith in you. - [Michael] Well, I'm telling you, did just make the challenge. I know they're good. - So there is an "Anne's", and then there's a "Miss B's". So, you know, - [Michael] I thought it was Ms. Mary's. Was it B's? - No. She does pass. Ms. Smith does pass. So this is our chicken and dumplings, and to me, - Let me get one. - Uh, yes. and are a little bit easier to get out of the, out of the paper, to me. So that'd be great if you do that, Michael. - [Michael] My mother used to do a drop dumpling like everybody like biscuits. - [Paula] Yes? Nah, I think of that is a Northern chicken and dumpling. But some reason, uh, did you don't cook those. - [Eddie] I never really hits you (indistinct). I just think about that as being a Yankee dumpling, but you know, I've been wrong before. - [Michael] That's the way it is. - [Paula] Huh? - [Michael] That's the way he did when (blabbers). - [Paula] What's that? - [Michael] Uh, I, I, like a biscuit. - [Paula] Oh, I thought you, you said your mama rolled them out? - [Michael] No, But she would, um, It took her awhile to do it all. - Yeah. - They'll roll them out. But drop dumpling, when you know that's pretty quick. Yeah. That's a pretty quick way to do it. All right. It's going to take I probably should've put those carrots on first. (mixing the pot) I'm gonna take this, uh, Cloud feeds the triplets. What a pasta. You know, the really tiny pasta, Eddie. - [Eddie] Yes. Where they almost don't have to chew. So I'm going to take some of these over to Cloud and see if the babies will eat them since they've been eating pasta since they had teeth. So we'll see. I know, I bet you a dollar that our little Davis, genuine Brooks baby. I'll grant you, he would eat them. Cause that boy likes to eat dumpling. (stirring) (tapping the wooden spoon) Okay. So we'll just going let that cook for a few minutes and then I've got two quarts of chicken broth and we made this using the wet base. In fact, I saw an ad for y'all the wet basis. The first time ever on TV, yesterday. You remember me saying something until you're 80? - [Eddie] Yeah. Yes. - I said, I think Molly, they finally are advertising that because it's such a good product. Once you've used the wet face, you'll never, you'll never want to use the granulated, but see, this is, this is what it looks like. And you can, it comes in like low sodium, if that's what you're needing, but it's great. And it doesn't expire. It's good until December the 20th, 2022. So it's got a good shelf life on it. (taps wooden spoon) Okay. This has been cooking about 6 or 7 minutes and we've got a roasted chicken from the daily. Because remember this is easy, fast, and easy, - [Eddie] Do you use the entire roasted chicken? Or maybe - [Paula] Yes. All the dark meat is what makes it so good. Yes. She used every piece of that chicken. All right, so, I just added a fourth of a cup of flour, and we just gonna make sure the flour is worked in good. And now we are going to slowly add our chicken broth. You want to come help me Mikey? - [Michael] Sure. - [Paula] Mikey. Mikey has been on a diet y'all and how much have you weight loss? - 30 pounds? - I'm stuck on 30. - Okay. Just you can just start slowly adding there. (sizzles) Oh, he's doing real well good. He's on my keto diet. So he can't have chicken and dumplings. - [Michael] Nah. - [Paula] (chuckles) - Okay. Wonderful. Thank you, Michael. All right, so we're going to bring this to a boil. I'm going to add my parsley. Oops! Darn! - [Michael] There's thyme. - Yes. And I'm going to add my thyme. Look at me. I've been making chicken dumplings nice today. Look at me Eddie. - [Eddie] (chuckles) - [Paula] (laughs) Okay. So we're going to bring this up to a boil, because we've got the add-on dumplings, and we're going to add a tablespoon of fresh thyme. - [Eddie] Well, now that, that was already in with the parsley that the, uh, - [Paula] Oh did Theresa put the thyme in with the parsley? - [Eddie] I, I, you put the parsley in with the thyme that I chopped. (chuckles) - [Eddie] Oh, you didn't say anything. So this is thyme. - [Eddie] That's thyme and then you added some parsley in there. - [Paula] And parsley! (laughs) - [Eddie] Okay. (chuckles) - I tasted the thyme. I tasted it, but you know what? - [Eddie] You can add some, - [Paula] I like, aha, I just like it kind of floating around in there. See they're, they're so ahead of me y'all (chuckles) When I'm thinking about doing it, they've done it. They've already done it. (laughs) Okay. So thank you, so, if I wanted to, I could just add some more parsley with towel probably do. How much thyme did you? - [Eddie] It, It was a tablespoon of thyme - A tablespoon, so, I'm going to just throw in a little bit more parsley. Since, I thought it was all parsley. Thank you, Eddie. Now, Michael, with all like for kids chicken and dumplings to be black with pepper. - [Michael] I'm not telling you my recipe. - (laughs) Now my folks in the kitchen and cooking with Paula Deen magazine, they test all these recipes and they tell us to stir it. Now I'm always told y'all not to stir it. Because it can break up your dumplings, but um, since I tested this recipe I'm going to do just as they say. And uh, you wanna make sure you don't uncover your dumplings too early because they will stick together and they fall very, very quickly. (bell rings) Good they those come out of the package so easily. So, you know, if you're going to stir them you just make sure it's a gentle a real gentle movement, through your pot. Now, when we get all the dumplings in, we're gonna, uh, put the lid on our pot and we're gonna turn the heat down to like a medium low and we'll gonna let them cook for about 30 minutes. So 30 minutes, we're going to come back, we're going to add the chicken and, That's it. Check, check it for salt and pepper, how quick is that? (taps wooden spoon) - [Eddie] That looks good. - [Paula] Don't it look good? It's so good. Now I just added a little garlic powder. So now I'm just going to add a little salt, (clears throat) a little pepper, just a little bit. And, uh, the recipe calls for a half a pack of the frozen dumplings. But my folks around here, like more dumplings, they like it thicker. Me, I like a little bit more broth, uh, so just depending on how your family likes it, is, uh, you know how you would do it but I would probably follow the recipe and only use a half a package of the frozen dumplings. But, if this gets too thick for us, I'll just add some more chicken broth and that'll fix it. But I'm fixing to add the chicken right now. So it's going to be extra thick just the way Eddie likes it. And I think Michael likes it that way too but Michael can have any. - [Michael] (chuckles) - [Paula] Look, Michael. (stirring) Oh my goodness. - [Michael] It looks good for a quickie. Cause mine takes all day. - [Paula] Well, I know. I mean, I was looking at a half a day. All right, but I'm definitely going to have to add some more base. Some more, um, stock, chicken stock. Because just adding those, - [Michael] Hey, may I row it in? - [Paula] Just very gently, please, Mikey. All right, now don't stir it, just kind of push it. Take your spatular and wait, let me show you now. Do use like that. - [Michael] Okay. - [Paula] Okay? (pours broth) So we're going to let this simmer for about 10 more minutes. There you go. There you go, just kind of fold it together. And because I added, more stock, I'm going to add, - [Michael] I know let's take it both. - [Paula] I can't get to that pot. (chuckles) (taps spoon) No, I'm going to add a little bit more butter. Very gentle, Mikey. - [Michael] That's a bath. That's what's called (indistinct) - [Paula] (laughs) Okie dokie artichoke. What? (whispers) Awwww! (cat meows) That's lunch. This is the one that ate the doves. Thank you! (cat meows) Eddie, you want me up go ahead and dip you up some so that they can speak to him. 'Cause they say you're so hot, young little taste of the Jews. - [Michael] No I'm watching - You watching? (laughs loudly) This would almost be considered like porn witney. (laughs) - Put somebody on a diet. (laughs) - Hmm. See? to the tooth. Hmm - [Michael] Good? - No, they're not good. - [Eddie] You're not missing anything? - You're not missing anything. - [Eddie] (chuckles) - (laughs) Look at them. Look on that little face. (laughs) Hmm. Hmm. So good. So so good. It's so quick. So loving best dishes y'all. (laughs) - [Michael] (disagrees) Whoa.
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 231,587
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Keywords: paula deen, southern comfort food, chicken and dumplings, chicken and dumplings recipe, chicken and dumplings from scratch, chicken and dumpling soup, easy chicken and dumplings, easy chicken and dumplings recipe, paula deen chicken and dumplings, paula deen chicken recipes, chicken and dumplings recipe with biscuits, southern cooking videos, easy chicken recipes, chicken dinner recipes, chicken recipes for dinner, chicken dumplings, chicken dumplings recipe easy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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