Old Lady's House | House Flipper

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hey guys Wells Knight here and welcome back to another episode of House Flipper hope you guys are having an awesome day I'm having a fantastic day we are in our new office that we got last episode and I think today we are going to do the old lady's house uh it is 87.5 square meters it's about 84 000 let's buy it and take a peek see how it looks looks like it's got a decent sized yard looks like the house itself is fairly small looks like it's all one story there may be a basement I guess we'll find out uh so let's just see here obviously we're gonna have some cleaning to do I'll definitely need to mow the lawn uh there is a door that goes to the backyard [Music] so we'll probably do some garden stuff with this house I think and inside we've got a very small dining room we've got a little kitchen area this is the door that goes to the backyard we've got our bedroom that man yeah we're definitely gonna be knocking out some walls that's for sure open this space up a bit at the very least take out probably this small I don't know I'll I'll definitely be taking out some doors and stuff but yeah it looks like we've got one two bedrooms was this a bedroom as well three bedrooms three bedrooms one bath a kitchen a dining room and a living room okay and uh some space that we can definitely take some stuff out and then we'll have to mow the lawn uh and clean the house and all that kind of stuff so first things first time to clean time to mow get everything all ready for the renovation time lapse time [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] well I think all the cleaning is done I did swap out the front and back doors for uh the same type um looking at the rooms I kind of think that we're going to keep three bedroom one bath [Music] keep this as a living room and then maybe have a combined dining room and kitchen is kind of what I'm leaning towards we'll just kind of open up this wall a bit uh might mess with some of the other walls a little bit too just to kind of not have so many doors although we could also do like door frames without actual doors in them that would also uh work just fine but I need to do some thinking about the rooms the floors the color schemes and all that kind of stuff uh I think the bathroom we're mostly Gonna Keep although we'll we'll change the the walls and the floors and stuff but we'll keep the washer we'll keep the shower we'll keep the toilet we'll just add a sink a new mirror and a new wall and floor tiles and a light and pretty much call it good we don't need to do much with the bathroom uh so in fact you know what we can do this right now together for the floor let's go uh floors and ceilings floor tiles let's do a nice light colored floor maybe something like [Music] something like this just a nice very light colored floor [Music] and then I think we're just gonna paint the walls and we'll paint them like a light lights blue Maybe something like this should work how's that look I know we definitely want we definitely don't want to keep this ugly green tile it's so bad uh yeah this will do nicely I think this will be a perfectly fine bathroom we're gonna keep it fairly simple for this house I think we're not gonna try and go like modern or rustic we're just gonna go with like a very sort of stereotypical standard family house I think is kind of what I want to go for for this one so lots of uh you know not a whole lot in the way of like accent walls and stuff like that I think we're just gonna go uh you know lots of sort of light colors uh stuff along those lines lots of paint for the walls might still do hardwood floors in fact I think we probably will uh let's see we need bathroom fixtures and we just need a sink and we need a relatively small sink um preferably one that doesn't look really ugly hanging sink yeah actually this could work we do this in like um Oak Maybe yeah that should be fine we'll just do the bathroom really quick together because as I said we're not doing much with the bathroom we're pretty much just uh throwing in a couple of lights and you know the new sink and a mirror and calling it a day nothing crazy uh so let's grab a mirror and we'll just go again very simple mirror something like uh maybe something like this does this come in Oak I'm I'm sure it does there we go oak [Music] put that there that is a huge that is it that is too big [Laughter] that mirror is uh way larger than the sink that's not gonna work we need something a little bit uh a little bit smaller than that maybe something like this but in you don't come in Oak oh there we go that's that's not the same color of Oak okay what about American elm sure that matches a bit better there we go that's a little better we'll go with that and then for a light uh for light in here I think we'll just go with an old favorite of mine the rattatione ceiling lamp boom there we go bathroom uh nearly done we do still need in the window [Music] some curves and I'm looking for a specific one light short and we'll just go uh white with blue Maybe something like that [Music] uh you were supposed to give me blue on the bottom as well and that uh that didn't happen but you know what it's fine it it's okay and then last but not least in here let's just get a small rug maybe something like this that's a little too small let me bump it up to medium size sure there we go we have a bathroom uh we need a shelf in here too do you have any hanging shelves that I can throw up um I do like this one of course dark oak American elm well that kind of match yeah close enough just throw that up here maybe raise it a tiny bit more sure that'll work okay we now have a bathroom and for our doors uh obviously the bathroom itself is gonna need an actual door so we went with which is Brazil nuts so we probably want to go with something else that is also Brazil nuts if they have it burned Beach Cherry um could be tough to find the door we're looking for or we could just go White [Music] or something along those lines because it doesn't look unless this is Brazil nut but I really don't think it is that's a very different color right like this in the front door yeah those are like two totally different colors um that's fine we'll go with this for now I can always change it later if I really want to but there we go we have our bathroom it is functional it gets the job done uh it needs a decoration on the wall let's just do like a small photo or something or a painting yeah let's do a painting and let's grab one of these like sort of modern ones like this but make it blue perfect there we go just to fill up that wall space okay good bathroom is done uh now let me do some more work on the rest of the house and figure out my color schemes and all that kind of stuff and then we'll go from there okay I think I have all my colors and flooring picked out for the house I decided to keep it fairly simple so the vast majority of the house has just this white carpet all of the bedrooms uh and the living room I went with this uh because it all flows nicely into each other and it's pretty standard for a house like this um I painted each of the bedrooms a different color so this one's kind of like this uh like dark teal color uh this one I went with like a kind of a a very light but Rich blue and then this one I went with more of like a pinkish magenta color I'm kind of envisioning this as like a little girl's room a little boys room and then this will be like the master bedroom I did go ahead and knock out the walls where this closet was because the closet was so thin that I couldn't really do anything with it anyway so I think uh by adding this extra space to the bedroom it'll give me room to put in some actual wardrobes which will be nice uh and then I can't remember if I had already done this or not but I removed this door that went out into the kitchen because I thought it was kind of weird that you could go from the kitchen into the bedroom and then that will also allow us to use this wall here in the kitchen for more storage stuff whether it's like a refrigerator or shelves or whatever as for the colors in the kitchen I went with just white although when we put in the countertops and stuff like that I'll add a backsplash that will be a different texture of some sort this is faded yellow for the dining room and I went with the same kind of white tile in both the kitchen and the dining room because I thought it worked out really well uh this I think is light biscuits light cream is what I went for for the living room and a little hallway over here and then as I said earlier we've got a raspberry Aura which is like this magenta color for this bedroom we've got uh royal blue for this bedroom here and then this master bedroom is sea depths is what it's called um I think it works pretty well and I I did put a lot of thought into whether or not I wanted to knock out walls and kind of open this up a little bit but I decided to just I wanted to kind of mostly keep the original layout of the house a couple very minor tweaks as I said I removed this door that was like over here and I got rid of this closet but other than that we'll be keeping the same general layout and then for door frames we went with white door frames uh for the living room and into the kitchen and then uh these doors for the bedrooms so yeah now I think it's time to start tackling things and I think I might as well just kind of start maybe we'll do like a bedroom and then the living room a bedroom and the dining room and then a bedroom and then the kitchen or something like that and I also think that I probably want to do a garden for this house as well so there's a lot to do let me get started well I've got the two kids bedrooms done this is the uh the boys bedroom I think it turned out pretty well basically just threw it on a bookshelf a bunch of random sports toys and things like that oh this is actually supposed to be over here there we go um threw down a snowboard a couple of signs on the walls one skateboard then this one uh and then went with American elm for pretty much all of the furniture in here so this bookshelf this hanging shelf the chest of drawers the bed and this little bedside table um I'm not sure why this isn't registering as a children's bedroom specifically house flipper is weird when it comes to Rooms like sometimes you you do things that make it seem like this is a children's room and it just doesn't work it's just registering it as a normal bedroom but like whatever it's fine um but yeah lots of little toys and accessories and things like that I think it uh turned out pretty well uh it's nothing super crazy or fancy but uh it'll work and all the wall space is filled with various stuff through in a radiator uh so that's the boys room the girls room I actually like better I I think this one turned out a bit better to be fair there is a lot more space to work with um but yeah I I it it's nice so we went with white wood furniture for everything so the war group the various shelves and the little um uh dressing table and all this kind of stuff everything is white then we went with this kind of nice pink and um light gray bluish carpet which I think really adds a lot a couple of pictures on the wall one teddy bear one doggo and then just a bunch of like stuffed animals and various uh toys and things like that through some makeup on the table here uh but yeah this one worked out really well and this one is actually registering as a children's room why this one does and the other one doesn't I don't know it probably has to do with some of the items I picked but like house flipper do be like that sometimes again threw down a radiator a little plant here nothing super crazy yet again but all the wall space for the most part uh for the most part is filled and I'm really happy with it so there are the two children's bedrooms I think next I'm gonna go ahead and Tack the uh tackle the kitchen and dining room I gotta say I really like how this turned out so we'll start with the dining room dining room is super simple just uh a table and a few chairs painting on the wall a plant in the corner a radiator and a little chandelier not a lot of space to work with and I wanted to keep it fairly plain for this uh but it works I think it works well now the kitchen on the other hand I love the kitchen so here it is uh we went ahead and I put a refrigerator kind of built into the wall I ended up adding like a little wall here so that the refrigerator is essentially nestled in there which is pretty cool and then I added some shelves I believe these are all light mahogany is the wood tone I went with uh so I added some shelves in here and put some stuff on them the countertops are snowman wooden countertops again light mahogany for the finish uh so we've got a nice double sink a little oven area over here and it just kind of wraps all the way around and then I put a few more shelves here on this side I would have liked to have used actual cabinets but they stuck out just a little bit too far uh so I decided to put shelves on this side and then cabinets on this side and I think it worked out a little cooker hood for the oven and then just a bunch of various kitchen accessories pots pans cutting boards knives a microwave various kitchen utensils things like that threw in an air conditioner nice lots of light and another rug on the floor just to kind of uh break up this floor texture a bit I think the kitchen really turned out great I I love it I really do for such a relatively small space uh I think it worked really well and I'm quite happy with it so yeah kitchen and dining room are now done all that's left is the living room the master bedroom and then any garden stuff that we want to do outside all right living room is looking good I tried to make it kind of a family room with some toys and stuff for kids and things like that but we got a nice Corner couch with a coffee table and an area rug threw in a fireplace with a TV mounted on the wall and a shelf underneath it a couple of bookshelves a little uh sideboard shelf over here and just kind of a nice General sort of inviting sort of feel to it uh I think it turned out pretty good I'm happy with it as for the master bedroom this also worked out pretty well so I was able to fit two wardrobes into this space perfectly so they go from wall to wall then on top I threw a mirror and a bunch of various plants down here there's a little dog bed nice big double bed with a painting above it and some bedside tables with lamps and things radiator uh went with sort of drapes these sort of larger curtains there and then over here there's just like a little Dressing Table uh well actually it's a pretty big dressing table all things considered uh but again I think it turned out perfectly fine this is a perfectly adequate uh master bedroom for um for two adults so yeah I'm good with it and then this little hallway I just did this as well but this was super easy literally just put a painting on the wall a bookshelf with a bunch of books and a rug and that was all I did because there's not really a lot of space because there's so many doors and things so I kept it super easy so at this point I would say that the interior of the house is done and at this point it's just a matter of doing any garden stuff that we're going to do uh so I'm going to get started on that I think um don't know exactly what I want to do yet and I don't know how in like how crazy I want to get with it but um I don't know we'll see let me mess around with it a bit okay I think I've done as much as I'm gonna do with the garden uh decided to go for the American Garden again because it's probably the easiest one so I put down a whole bunch of Conifer needle plants and things like that out in the front planted just a whole bunch of them and then here in the back yard I added like a children's playground a little sandbox over there Tool Shed gazebo pool and a couple other little things and then over here this is like our little uh social patio area so [Music] um Grill Pizza Oven a couple of benches nothing crazy um but this should at least give us something from the garden contest so I think we are ready to go ahead and try and sell the house so let's go ahead and submit for the garden contest first okay not amazing but 15 is still 15 it is something uh plant section yeah it should have planted more plants more equipment and the layout seems fine but uh it's fine okay uh but that's fine I I just wanted to get some sort of bonus so let's see what we actually get for the house itself looks like we spent a total of about a hundred thousand dollars a little bit over that [Music] uh although we sold 8 000 in Furniture so yeah okay so it looks like about 10 000 in profits plus uh another 15 from the garden competition let's see if we can maybe negotiate we're just a little bit more let's see if maybe we can get like another 22 000 out of them foreign [Music] we'll see what they say okay very good so 12 000 plus another 15 from the garden competition it's okay I'll I I accept uh and now we get some nice before and after pictures and some of these are actually going to be really good I think because I kept the same layout for the house yeah some of these are turning out really nice not bad we didn't do much with the bathroom we just kind of repainted it and called it good but all together not a bad house we uh we did some stuff it's all good mission accomplished and now we shall return back to our lovely office where I get to pick what house we're going to do next I think that is going to do it for today's episode guys if you enjoyed the video you know what to do links in the description below so check that out as well otherwise my friends thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Welsknight Gaming
Views: 16,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Welsknight, Welsknight Gaming, Wels After Dark, House Flipper, Let's Play House Flipper, House Flipper Game, House Flipper Let's Play, House Flipper Gameplay, House Flipper Playthrough, House, Flipper, House Flipper Steam, Let's Play, Gameplay
Id: 0VUloEj2M88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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