The One to Move In | House Flipper

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hey guys Wells Knight here and welcome back to another episode of House Flipper I hope you guys are having an awesome day I am having a fantastic day I think I want to bounce back and forth between houses that were in the game when we did season one of house flipper a long time ago uh and houses that have been added since then because I don't remember exactly what houses I've done in the first season and I'm sure there will be some duplicates and that's okay the houses themselves will end up different once we're done with them uh but today I think I want to do this one the one to move in uh I think this is just an apartment it doesn't actually have a yard or anything like that but it's a fairly small place it's 114 square meters which is like actually a pretty good size but not like ridiculously big uh and it looks fairly decent although some of the colors are definitely going to need some work let's go ahead and buy it and see what we're working with looks like it is uh one floor six rooms yeah there's a lot of clutter there's a lot of color issues uh some of this stuff is just a little bit too colorful for me but uh we'll see how it goes okay so here is the place uh there is just random trash out here that we can't really do anything with uh along with Dora but like this is the hallway that that enters uh so yeah this is the place Let's uh turn on the lights so that's not actually this bad um again change some colors get rid of some trash then it looks like down this way we've got a relatively small bathroom okay we've got I guess just a closet [Music] and then a fairly large bedroom and another fairly decent bedroom I'll probably knock out this wall I think am I missing any rooms I don't think so we got one two three four five oh I guess the sixth room is the hallway which we're not going to do anything with uh okay so yeah this is the place looks like uh as far as cleanup goes there's not going to be a ton there's some dirt and some garbage and stuff but nothing too crazy yeah this uh this should be interesting well first things first gotta get the place all cleaned up [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] place cleaned up I went ahead and swapped out the doors right away so we've got just a external like apartment door here and then uh everything else is this kind of uh which one is this this is the iron ionua interior door uh went with American elm for all of the doors so they're all the same and then over for the closet I put just a wardrobe door if you can hear my dog barking in the background she's very excited right now for some reason uh but anyway uh so yeah next step now that everything's all cleaned out and the house is very empty uh is to choose colors I think what we want to probably do is have a consistent hardwood floor in this whole area here and into the closet just one consistent pattern and then I'm thinking the bedrooms will probably go carpet the bathroom is probably fine I'll probably just stick with that floor tile and that should be good uh I also left most of the lights uh because I think they actually work like the the lights that we have are fine uh and then I'm gonna repaint a bunch of the rooms and stuff like that as well so yeah let me get to it everything now has a Fresh coat of paint went with beige out here in the living room also went with this uh wooden floor uh tile panel thing here uh which I quite like uh goes into the closet as well uh the bathroom I went ahead and just finished painted it all white uh I think I'm probably gonna put some tiles up here well I shouldn't say I finished the bathroom I still want to do a few more things in here but I did a little bit we need a light in here did a mirror uh and some things but we'll come back to this uh the bedrooms I painted this one like a very deep red color and went with beige carpets and then the other bedroom again beige carpets and this is more of like a light brown uh for the walls uh as I mentioned earlier I went with beige out here the thing is uh if you want to do wall tiles for the kitchen if you want to do like a backsplash uh and you go with like four example I think these tiles yeah uh a lot of the tiles you can do like a half and half where it's the tile pattern on the bottom and then a paint color on top but the only options you have for most of them are white and beige Gray so unless I wanted to paint this whole thing White I kind of had to go with beige because I want to have a backsplash for the kitchen area which we're going to put over here so my options for paint colors were a bit limited but I think we're ready to keep going uh I think you know what let's go ahead and just do a little bit here in the bathroom we don't have a lot in here that we actually need to do so we'll go ahead and do it together I'm just gonna go ahead and throw one of these ceiling lamps up right there to give us a little bit of light um we've already got towels probably need like a little uh bathroom like some sort of cabinet over here I think would be good we don't actually have a whole lot of space though so let's actually go for a specific one I think it's is it not on this list [Music] um I'm not seeing it okay well it's in bedroom uh Furniture bedroom uh I think it's under wardrobes here we go uh uh this guy this stylish chest of drawers is pretty thin and will fit perfectly right there uh and then what we can do is go H Shelf and just grab [Music] something like this and throw that here in the shower probably lower that a bit though [Music] uh or maybe not maybe it actually won't let me lower it much but we'll put it there that's fine that'll work [Music] and then we'll grab a very simple Shelf uh that doesn't come in white looking for something that comes in white [Music] um maybe just something really simple like this I don't like the black on that though [Music] let's see what we can find uh maybe something [Music] like this and make it white [Music] sure that'll work okay there we go we have a bathroom towel uh we can probably go without a carpet in here and then last but not least let's just get a poster or actually let's go with a painting and we'll get one of these like small how big is this yeah that's too big you want to go smaller than that um maybe something like this one perfect let's throw that up there uh maybe scoot it over continue bit more there we go that'll work okay there we go our bathroom is done so now I'm gonna go ahead and work on probably the kitchen and living room area this section out here and then we'll take a look at it okay I think the living room kitchen area that whole Space is finished so as you walk in you've got the kitchen over here to your left I think it turned out pretty well I went with a nice kind of white sort of marbly tiled backsplash which I think uh is perfect doesn't stand out too much but it gives you just enough little variation to kind of pop a little bit went with these sort of dark wood uh cabinets and countertops I think this is imbiss is the name of it uh this particular set I think it worked when the stainless steel fridge and stove uh with a little range hood and then I used a few of these dividers uh here to kind of divide off the kitchen area and over here to divide off this little office area which we'll talk about in a minute uh threw down a very small little table here for like a dining room table with a rug underneath so that there's a little bit of a space for that then over here is the office space that I mentioned a second ago and pretty straightforward just kind of divided it up using these uh these bookshelves threw down a corner desk with a maple computer on it little Trash Can a couple random document things a bookshelf over here with a bunch of books a whiteboard a painting and a light so it gives us this nice little office space Oh and the the carpet right here as well to kind of further sort of separate that space a bit but I like I like using these bookcases this is actually quite cool it helps you kind of divide the space but still leave it feeling very open uh which I quite like so then over here there's like a little corner with a sideboard a plant a coffee table uh you know what let's actually just grab a book um doesn't really matter sure we'll go with this one we'll just put that down here on the Coffee Table Painting and some things this is sort of our living room space so we just threw down a couch a carpet underneath and a coffee table with a TV stand and a TV and then just a mirror up here to help fill that uh wall space and keep it from feeling very empty over here we have another little Shelf with a couple of plants on either side and then going down this hallway we've got just a carpet another painting and in here I threw down just a Pantry Shelf to turn this into a little store room so yeah I think this turned out pretty nice all of the wood is American elm I believe uh and except for the the kitchen cabinets and stuff obviously that's a different Uh Wood tone but all in all I think it works pretty well I really like the office space over here and I like the way that uh I mean this is such a like look at this I I would love to live here it's just so nice it just gives you a lot of uh you know open it has a very open feel to it but everything is kind of still in its own little space and I think it works out really well so uh I think next is let's do this bedroom first I think yeah we'll do this bedroom first let me get started on that first bedroom is all finished and I decided to keep it very simple so uh put in a sort of a I think this is actually light gray a little divider wall again to kind of separate this space over here but then I just threw it on a bed a chest of drawers a wardrobe TV mounted on the wall added in a radiator over here and then just a couple of other small decorations a mirror a painting and another mirror over here and that's basically all I did I wanted to keep this room very clean uh kind of like you're almost like when you walk into a hotel room or something like that oh and I added a blind but nothing crazy so that takes care of that one now as for this one over here um got some thinking to do so I think first things first Let's do an installation for a vertical radiator and let's plan to put that like right here and we'll just grab this one let's put it down and these things you can install super super super quickly so easy enough get a radiator in here and then for a bed I think we probably want the bed to go like right here so let's look at bedrooms beds and I think we're gonna have to go with a smaller bed for this one like just a single bed could even do like will this fit here oh actually it totally will that could be kinda nice actually like a folding bed maybe this is like the guest room that's an interesting option I'll think about that uh but let's look at single beds again and there are a number of them some of them a little better than others obviously and some of them are very expensive [Music] maybe something like that and then make the pillow White and the bed sheets maybe like dark gray or dark dark brown maybe yeah nope not dark brown that's really ugly uh let's just go gray for the bed sheet there we go so yeah we could do maybe something like this [Music] put that there it's not a very big bed but it is something and then we can do a bedside cabinet next to it maybe this one the metal black so we could probably even scoot this whole thing over a bit just to save a little bit of space and then that gives us something we can do over here maybe we could put like a small chest of drawers there or something like that we're gonna need a wardrobe and a proper dresser so let's start with the wardrobes I guess uh get like a proper dresser here maybe this one this is this matches the uh the bedside table it's not very big uh that will fit there [Music] yeah that's probably fine we also need a Curt of some sort so let's just keep that simple as well and go with this one that's a little too medium width is this the right nope yeah I guess we I guess we have to go with the uh the short and just hope that it will end up being the right size oh it does okay cool it naturally fits to the uh the correct window size so that's great okay excellent so this is fine but we still have this space over here and this space over here I think this would be a good spot to put in a couple of shelves uh so let's just see how big is that that is too big uh that was 150 so what about a hundred that will work okay so we're just gonna put a few shelves in here and I think I'm actually gonna move this light to over here instead [Music] and then we'll just fit in some shelves I don't think those are perfectly spaced oh I think this one maybe needs to come down just a teeny bit [Music] that looks about right and then maybe that one up yeah there we go okay so we'll add in just a little bit of shelf space over here that seems if it's not exact it's pretty close and then we need to do something with this space here and I think we'll just go with a bit more furniture uh we could also throw in like a dressing that's an interesting thing but I think I want to go with [Music] actually no I know what I want to put there bookcase uh maybe that's light colored I want the wooden one does that not come in wood doesn't that's unfortunate uh but it's okay I guess maybe this one how big is that [Music] yeah that'll work and then I can put like a plant here I think that'll be fun uh decorations plants let's just grab [Music] um let's grab a small olive tree no that's not gonna do it uh okay let's grab a small foreign [Music] I don't know how to pronounce this okay I'm not a plant expert there we go we'll do something like that now we need an area rug for sure [Music] something simple um maybe just like no that's too small um Maybe something like this could work yeah that's pretty good size let's put that like right there just to help sort of occupy that space we could do something with this [Music] is there like a small bookshelf I could put there like this one for example perfect there we go we can put that right there [Music] and then I think another plans [Music] another standing plant um let's go with maybe this one instead how big is that yeah that'll work sure put that right there okay so there we go we got a nice little bedroom Let's uh do a tiny bit of decorating here we don't need to do a ton but maybe some sort of like painting on the wall uh preferably something relatively inexpensive like maybe this just put that right here [Music] yeah I think that'll do uh quite nicely actually I think this turned out all right it's a little Barren in some spots so maybe we add in just a couple more plants let's get like maybe a mall or how big is this uh uh yeah that'll actually work right there I think it's not huge but it's not super small [Music] and I think that's good I don't really want to go too much bigger with that we could maybe throw in just like a little chair like let's go to Furniture living room arm chairs and let's just find a nice simple [Music] Cedar see if we like any of these colors Ah that's not terrible there we go that'll work put that right about there just to kind of have like a little uh sort of Reading area I guess you would say if we can maybe scoot that over a little bit more there we go there that seems pretty good I think that is a nice little bedroom and then I believe that with this bedroom done and this bedroom done [Music] uh we have finished the bathroom I mean it's a fairly it's a much like cleaner house um than some of the other ones I've done as far as like the number of things I've put down to sort of clutter everything up but I think that's okay I'm fairly happy with it uh I think we're ready to go ahead and try and sell it so let's just see there's no yard because it's just an apartment building let's see what we can get for it looks like we spent a grand total of about a hundred and thirty one thousand uh well we did get uh 75 back okay yeah there we go so we're gonna get 12 in profit let's see if we can maybe negotiate for another like three I don't know exactly how much you can like I wish I knew exactly how the negotiation mechanics work but I'm assuming that the lower increases are uh a bit more along the lines there we go so we made 15 000 in profit I accept your offer now he gets a nice before and after pictures [Music] yeah that turned out pretty well I think [Music] not a great before and after picture for the bathroom but kind of a weird camera angle still though I think that worked out pretty well I'm fairly happy with that house and I'm glad we were able to make a profit I was a little concerned because that house was already pretty much like ready to go I could have probably just cleaned it up and sold it and made more money perhaps but hey it's fine uh anyway though guys I think that is gonna do it for today's episode if you enjoyed the video you know what to do links in the description below so check that out as well otherwise my friends thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Welsknight Gaming
Views: 15,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Welsknight, Welsknight Gaming, Wels After Dark, House Flipper, Let's Play House Flipper, House Flipper Game, House Flipper Let's Play, House Flipper Gameplay, House Flipper Playthrough, House, Flipper, House Flipper Steam, Let's Play, Gameplay
Id: 5sIxuJWQUoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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