This House Was On Fire | House Flipper

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hey guys Wells Knight here and welcome back to another episode of House Flipper hope you guys are having an awesome day I'm having a fantastic day I think today I want to do this house right here this house was on fire uh it looks like it is well it's a house that was on fire um but it's very modern uh or at least the shell of it is whatever's left uh there'll be a lot of cleanup but I think this will give us the opportunity to do to do some pretty cool stuff so let's head over there kind of take a peek see what we're dealing with um and I think it should be pretty fun so there's kind of an a basic shot of uh what it looks like um looks like yeah the yard is not huge this could actually be a good opportunity to maybe do a garden in a style that we haven't done before like I feel like this would fit the the what's it called is it the desert the modern Garden uh I think that could actually be pretty good here but anyway looking at the house looks like we got uh like a little carport here some big windows that will need to be changed fairly decent sized living room and a kitchen here uh if this is going to be modern we will almost certainly take out this wall and then in here we've got a bathroom and then a little walkway that goes out to the car parts I'm almost tempted to just completely get rid of that door so we can have a giant bathroom I'll have to think about that [Music] yeah I'll have to put some thought into that uh okay so there's that part but then there's also an upstairs and here we've got a bedroom that leads out onto a trellis or a balcony I guess you would say we've got uh looks like this is an office space currently but we could I'm stuck behind the door but that also goes out onto a smaller balcony we could make that another uh uh bedroom if we so chose and then in here we've got a master bedroom with a walk-in closet okay and a bigger bathroom than downstairs this is a huge bathroom uh and again another balcony okay yeah that's pretty cool so we can do some things with that let's take a peek outside and just see if there's anything noteworthy out here not a whole lot of backyard space that's for sure um fairly small yard altogether so yeah I think we'll probably do the modern garden and try to do something cool with that to really kind of um help you know make the yard pop out a bit uh but first things first we got to get everything all cleaned up so you know how it goes time for a montage all right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] well I think all the cleanup is done we've got rid of all the trash cleaned the house mowed the lawn still looks terrible at the moment but uh we can fix that that's fine um we'll have to put new siding on pretty much the entirety of the house but we can do that uh however there are a little bit of weird things so these doors that were over here we're not actually doors they're windows and for whatever reason the game would not allow you to replace them with the same kind so I had to get a bit creative I also went ahead and uh basically changed out the walls we're gonna have a larger kitchen space over here and a larger bathroom and I just completely got rid of this door which I think is good I did swap out all the windows in the house we had some that had like white frames and some that had black Flame Black frames and it was kind of bothering me so I swapped them all out for windows with black frames and doors with black frames except for this one I might put that one well I'll put a new window back in there um but I think I want to deal with the bathroom itself first and get everything kind of situated the way I want so yeah that is essentially the plan we've got a fairly large bathroom here we've got this will be the kitchen area living space bedrooms upstairs maybe I'll turn one of these maybe I'll turn this one back into an office or something I don't know uh but what I need to do right now everything needs a Fresh coat of paint and or wall textures and tiles and things we got to put in new floors and we also actually need to do siding on the house as well which is something that we haven't really done except for in the very very first episode on our little tiny starter Shack it's going to take some time to do that but once it's all done I think it will look pretty good now I know that we don't have furniture yet but talk about a transformation man just uh it looks like a totally different house uh I love it so let's start with the outside I painted the whole house uh what color was this silver Glacier which is like a very very light silver I didn't want to go white because uh the roof and these little under bits were white uh so like I wanted to still have that contrast but I wanted to go with a very light color so uh silver Glacier fit the bill and I think it worked out pretty well um I turned this whole wall here into this same texture this is like gray ceramic 3D tiles or something like that it's what the name of the panel is or the tile but I think that worked out pretty well and then moving to the inside I went with a very light uh wooden floor in the downstairs I forget exactly what this is but it's a very light wooden floor nice and clean nice and modern looking I think it's good in here uh painted basically the entire downstairs uh white as well as this hallway and the bathroom too but the bathroom will have uh tiles in certain places to kind of break that up uh going upstairs uh went ahead and changed the stairs to all black still continuing that wooden uh floor pattern here and then in this bedroom I went with white carpet and I think this is um oh gray fog is the name of the paint it's like a very dark blue uh gray fog in here I went with a much lighter blue I think I am going to keep this as an office I think it'll actually be really nice we'll have a desk light right here and then some bookshelves in the back I think I want the desk facing out the window because it is a home office so you might as well give yourself like a nice view I guess I don't know uh and then in here I went with more of a beige color I think this is like Sandy almond or something like that is the name of the uh the paint uh and continued the white carpet into the walk-in closet which is a feature that I do want to keep uh and then in the bathroom here I painted this one white as well but again uh we'll have tiles that will change I think I'm Gonna Leave This bathroom floor I might change it uh but for now I'm Gonna Leave it because I do actually kind of like this bathroom floor pattern uh a bit um [Music] now the thing is I don't know that I Nest I just realized that this is a bathroom and you can totally see in but you know what it's 2023 who who cares if you're beeping on people inside their own houses then you're the you're at fault not them uh I guess I don't know anyway uh so yeah that's basically the house it is all prepped and ready to go for furniture and interior design so uh I think it's time to start putting in some countertops and tables and couches and all that kind of good stuff uh and I think I do want to go ahead and tackle the downstairs main room first well guys I think I got the downstairs of the house pretty much done so here's the uh living room and kitchen which I think turned out pretty well I I really wish that house flipper would let you split like designate sections be like from here to here this is the kitchen because this is all this whole big thing is a living room with kitchenette and I could fix that by putting lintels up here but I just don't think it looks nearly as good uh so we're gonna leave this nice sort of open concept dining room kitchen and living room all in one and I think like color wise as far as the aesthetic of it I really like how it turned out I think it's pretty much exactly what I had in mind we've got a couple uh we have a couch and arm chair around a big TV a couple of big Windows here to let in lots of natural light same with the door I did end up adding a window back in above the countertops over here once I figured out how I want the counter how I wanted the counters to go I think these are all Goose them countertops this is technically a fridge um but we're pretending that it's a cabinet uh just a big tall cabinet uh because it was a nice way to kind of um end this row of cabinets here and it lines up perfectly with the counter and all that kind of stuff I just thought it looked really good and then we got a built-in fridge over here a nice big stainless steel kitchen appliances all that kind of good stuff also brought an island kind of coming out of the wall here to help sort of divide the space and give us a bit more counter space to actually work with in the kitchen and then I threw up a shelf here with just a bunch of random like cups and uh things like that on it so uh yeah and lots of kitchen accessories obviously pots pans coffee makers uh knife cutting board you know all the things that you would normally find in the kitchen uh one thing I should note is that this range uh is not vanilla that is a mod from the Steam Workshop I think it is or this Hood yeah it's just short range hood uh pretty sure this is Workshop content uh but it just fits so well right there so I added it in um even though I really haven't been using mod stuff for the entire series uh if I do find something that really fits super well I will go ahead and add it in because why not I mean Steam Workshop if you have the game on Steam you can get it anyway it's all free content anyway so yeah um as for the dining room I just went with a very large dining table six chairs uh nothing fancy this little space over here uh basically all dedicated to the dining room although I did put a shelf over here with some various odds and ends on it and then we already kind of talked about the living room added a couple vases here just because this window was making things look really empty and I wanted to have a bit more color in the room so I added some stuff there and uh I think it all turned out really well so yeah that is the kitchen living room and dining room area and then I also went ahead and did the bathroom right away uh which I also think turned out really well just this nice big bathroom um went shower toilet and then over here these are all legrano pieces I guess you would say uh the two sinks or legrano sinks and then they have these nice countertops that go perfectly and are meant to be used well like this like basically connected to them uh to give sort of this feeling of like one big giant countertop which I really like and they also have cabinets as well so I added a little uh cabinet over here I decided to make this a laundry room a laundry room so I added in a washing machine a dryer and a laundry hamper over here I figured with all this space and for a house this nice I think they would probably have dedicated laundry and not have to go to a laundromat um and then I went with a lot of blue highlights blue towels blue uh curtains on the Windows blue flower plots uh stuff like that to just add a bit of color to the bathroom and then also just a lot of plants because we have all this space here and I figured it was a good way to kind of just add a little bit to a little bit of life to the space and and make it a little bit better so yeah really happy with the bathroom as well uh so I think that makes the entire downstairs uh complete so I think we're good now it's time to head upstairs and do some stuff up there well I've done quite a bit of work with the upstairs so far I took care of both bedrooms uh we'll start with this one because it's the smaller of the two and it's just a really simple little bedroom we went uh black furniture uh and just a simple bed a couple a dresser added a little reading space over here I suppose I could throw like some bookshelves up onto the wall if we wanted to do like um just a bunch of like books and things we could put some of those on there that would be fine uh but yeah just real simple a little plant there's not a ton of space in here to work with especially once you take the window and the door that leads out onto the patio here or the balcony or whatever you want to call it into account [Music] um so yeah but it works I think it's good uh now as for the master bedroom this I like a lot now it's not super cluttered there's not a ton of stuff in here because I wanted it to feel very kind of clean and open and all that kind of stuff so uh the space is all filled we've got a nice big double bed here with a couple of nightstands some lamps a little decoration on the wall up here big window that I did put some curtains in and then of course the door that leaves out onto the balcony but then for the rest of the room it's just I filled some space with a carpet I put a plant in this corner a wardrobe here with a little like sitting thing uh and a couple things on the walls but nothing super crazy here for uh the master bedroom however they do have this really nice walk-in closet which I think turned out pretty well we did like these kind of wrap around wardrobes here uh with a mirror and some hooks on the wall there a larger mirror a little like uh Foot Locker type storage cabinet thing and then a bench uh some wall sconces for lighting so they have this nice big walk-in closet and then the bathroom I really like how the bathroom turned out it doesn't have a lot of color which is actually kind of what I liked about it I wanted to go with black and white as kind of a theme for uh honestly the entirety of the master bedroom and some other parts of the houses as well but this turned out really well we've got this nice sort of like Jacuzzi bath here um fit in a shower in the corner a toilet and then a nice double sink with some mirrors and stuff um I think the thing that really made the difference and really kind of made this pop for me was this little accent wall right here this was just White and changing this to like this marble tile texture I think really added a lot to make this kind of uh pop for me um and I like it I think it turned out great so yeah we've got our master bedroom our master bath uh our walk-in closet and our smaller bedroom here all finished so now it is time for the office and I don't have a light in here currently so let's deal with that first uh let's just go with a ceiling lamp and we'll just do something really simple like this uh probably right about there scoot it that way that's about centered right and maybe a tiny bit more there there we go nice and centered so I've got to decide do I want the desk facing the door or do I want the desk facing out the window and I think as I've been thinking about it I think I want the desk facing the door so let's find a desk that feels sufficiently modern maybe something like this this could work and we'll go black yeah I think that'll work and we'll just Center it on the window like so then we're gonna need an office chair and I think we can just go with something like this that should work uh it's not quite centered let's just scoot it just a teeny bit there we go let's throw down a laptop onto the desk like so and then the rest of this is pretty easy I think we just want to go with a book shelf or two I'm thinking this one we'll do maybe two of these like one right here and one right there [Music] although these aren't really like I don't see these then think like bookshelves I see those and think like just regular shelves but it's fine uh it'll work uh we do need a trash bin and I think I want to go with the little wire one we'll just put that maybe like here kind of under the desk a little bit uh probably want maybe like a little arm chair what do we got maybe something like this could be good just maybe stick that here in the corner how do we feel about that sure that'll be fine and then I think we want to go with another bookcase but this time I want one that's a bit more bookshelf like put that maybe there and then I think all we really need is a plant uh something fairly big Maybe how's this one [Music] sure that'll work and I think then that I think that's like a pretty nice office just nice and simple uh it it's registering as a library though rather than an office even though we have a desk and an office chair and stuff uh let's just go accessories office let's see if maybe we can throw down a couple things to get that to change put that there throw one of these uh hanging document shelves uh maybe not actually I don't know where we would put that but we can get like a whiteboard and we can probably put that on the wall Maybe there [Music] yeah I think that'll do uh and I think I'm good with it I don't think I I don't know that I even necessarily want to put curtains in the windows I think I'm fine just leaving these as like nice big open Windows although we might be able to do more like grapes so that they could be um like like this although oh that's right this uh these windows don't actually work um you'll notice if I grab any of the curtains like even if we grab the wide ones which would be for this window you see they try to like that they won't place because they're like bugged where they're trying to like anchor themselves inside the wall it's kind of goofy the only curtains that actually work for these are uh not those ones [Music] these ones right here and I mean I suppose we could do those sure why not you know what let's put the curtains in might as well uh it is these guys right here and let's just go white with light gray oh except these are short I want the long there we go we'll just put those in [Music] and there we go now we have curtains in the office and I think that works it's a nice little home office nothing too crazy but uh it works and oh one more thing rug um decorations floor let's just give this a nice area rug Maybe maybe this one like just a nice medium sized area rug like so yeah there we go and we could probably even put like a couple of paintings or pictures or something like that on the wall like maybe we do this one right there just like some sort of abstract art type pieces and this one there bring that down just a teeny bit that's better there okay nice little home office I think it turned out pretty well I'm happy with it uh and now we basically have the whole interior of the house all done so that's exciting time to do the outside well I've done quite a bit outside and I think I'm happy with the garden I don't know how it will score in the actual Garden contest but I think it looks pretty good so uh what I did was I made a lot of these little sort of garden areas where I filled them with gravel and then put in uh decorative grass and a couple of uh needle bushes Conifer bushes and things like that over here we've got like a little water feature with some fountains and stuff like that but you'll just see lots of these areas that are kind of paved out with some sort of um slab to uh sort of give them like an edge and then the area inside filled with various different color colors of gravel which I think looks uh pretty good when you come to the backyard we've got some patio furniture little sitting area over here a little sitting area over here a couple of chairs and then here as well a couple of uh couches underneath sort of a gazebo back here more gravel and decorative grass slid in a couple more uh Conifer shrubs in the back there but uh yeah really simple garden but I think it looks nice uh I guess we'll find out if it actually adds any value to the house because it is time to sell this thing let's go ahead and submit for the modern Garden competition oh look at that easy that was uh the best Garden we've had so far looks uh great professional Garden practical Garden a lot of plants various surfaces uh yeah that was a nice boost okay that was way better than I thought it was gonna be I'm super happy with that so let's go ahead and put the house on to auction see what we get oh looks like we're gonna make a lot of money off this one the bidding is starting at 180. so what did we put into this house we put about uh 120 [Music] 155 what about 140 into the house yeah okay that's pretty good and we made 148 000 in profit but of course we gotta negotiate just a little bit give me like a little extra I wonder if I can get like seven let's see if we can maybe get an extra 7 000 right there get us up to 155 000 in profit beautiful uh okay I accept your proposal that turned out great I think the mo honestly having done the modern Garden there maybe the modern Garden is the way to go as far as you know the easiest Garden to make to boost the uh the sales of the house because I really did not do a lot with it I just planted some a couple of plants and oh great View this is that's a bit better um yeah all they did was really put down some gravel and plant some decorative grass threw down a couple of couches and stuff and called it a day I didn't do much at all so that worked out great but yeah I'm super happy with this house I think it turned out really well um nice little dip into sort of modern design and also we did a modern Garden there at the end that I I think as I said I think it turned out great so I think that's gonna do it for today's episode guys if you enjoyed the video you know what to do links in the description below so check that out as well otherwise my friends thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Welsknight Gaming
Views: 20,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Welsknight, Welsknight Gaming, Wels After Dark, House Flipper, Let's Play House Flipper, House Flipper Game, House Flipper Let's Play, House Flipper Gameplay, House Flipper Playthrough, House, Flipper, House Flipper Steam, Let's Play, Gameplay
Id: 6roEsl9I-_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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