A Moving House | House Flipper

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hey guys Wells Knight here and welcome back to another episode of House Flipper season two hope you guys are having an awesome day I'm having a fantastic day last episode we renovated our little office made it all nice and cozy with kind of a green theme also I just realized uh I need a towel for this uh little bit I don't have room for a towel a full-blown towel rack we're gonna have to go much smaller let's go with maybe like uh this one but green there we go you gotta have a towel in the bathroom it's essential anyway today what we're gonna do is buy our first house so we can renovate it and sell it to a new customer or perhaps even just take it over and turn it into our new office at some point uh but I think I want to keep it pretty simple so let's go with maybe let's maybe do this guy the moving house this is kind of an interesting one it is essentially a train track and uh whoever lives here is going to be living in a train car I guess let's do it why not it sounds interesting I think it's worth a shot so let's just take a peek here and see there's gonna there's gonna be a few different things we need to do we're going to have to uh yes yes yes I know all about this uh you can see the area is fairly good sized we're definitely gonna have to mow the lawn get rid of the weeds uh we can probably oh yeah this is a trash that we can get rid of as well uh but it's a fairly spacious area at least outside let's take a peek at the inside here and just see uh okay yeah it's uh it's pretty ugly but if we get rid of all of the uh cars and stuff like that it'll give us some space to work with I think this area right here is probably too small to really do much with but we could probably put I mean this is a fairly decent spot decent sized space we could do kitchen living room all that kind of stuff in here uh the windows are gonna kind of present a problem because we won't be able to put much on the walls but that's okay so let me make a couple of plans and then we'll jump into it okay I think I have some ideas so first things first we gotta clean everything up and since we haven't actually done this together before we're gonna start doing that first things first we gotta get rid of all this trash this line does this actually go anywhere I don't think I can get rid of this random cable doesn't look like I can Target it at all uh what do we got here okay uh we're just gonna sell all of that I don't think we need any of this um yeah it doesn't look like we can get rid of that cable that's a little unfortunate but it's fine also looks like we have mole Hills which is a bit annoying but thankfully they didn't really have a chance to get out of control let's take a peek over here it doesn't look like there's any more trash here okay good so we need to start spraying off the dirt and the graffiti um I think we want to leave the train car as a train car because it's kind of a cool aesthetic to still have all the the paint you know the the normal paint job on the train it's a very unique sort of house so I think what we're going to do is basically just get rid of the dirt We're Not Gonna re-uh paint the train or anything along those lines but we'll get rid of all of the graffiti and the dirt and that kind of stuff [Music] like so that should be basically all of it and then we need to clear out all of the trash and that's gonna take I mean that's basically everything within the train there we go and I think these shelves yeah these are also considered trash uh these lights probably aren't but we will sell them and replace them with nicer lights I think [Music] let's also clean up all of the dirt get rid of these stains there's still a couple on the interior here doesn't look like too many though I think I think that's all good and then we'll do the same there okay uh I see what appears to be a is this another molehill or is this the same mole from before I think that's the same mole from before okay good uh then I'm gonna have to clean all the windows and this I am not gonna do uh do I have to clean them from the outside I have to clean from the outside okay this I'm not gonna do on camera because as you can see there's a lot of Windows and they all need to be cleaned and it's going to take me a while I also need to mow the lawn which is easy enough I'll just get a lawnmower [Music] put it down like so and then just Mo and thankfully because it's a video game I can mow through trees and I don't have to go around them which is really nice and convenient so that is what I will be doing um I'll get everything mode get everything cleaned up get the windows washed etc etc and then we'll jump into a little bit of interior design okay I was not anticipating that um there are a lot of dogs they're all Dalmatians I just realized that this whole thing is 101 Dalmatians reference um there was a painting right here that was super dirty and I cleaned it off and it was a picture of Cruella Deville I didn't realize that it was Cruella Deville until immediately afterwards when the dogs all decided to um to come charging at me and uh well now we have a Dalmatian but I don't really want a Dalmatian um I I'm sorry little guy like you're adorable and everything but uh you're I I I can't adopt you um we'll just uh kind of tell you to wander around for now yeah that was unexpected there was a whole flood of dogs uh okay anyway uh back to I've got this side of the lawn mode I've got all these windows washed I still need to wash all these windows and finish mowing this level okay well the lawn is completely mowed the windows are all washed and I think we are ready to try and do something with this space now these two ends are super awkward because we've got a couple of doors here but what we could actually do is just get rid of said doors can I no no I cannot just get rid of the doors uh okay well that is unfortunate [Laughter] okay so what doors are these they kind of look like these like double doors but I'm not actually sure how do I how do I undo what I just did uh maybe we search for doors uh plural nope that's not it either oh this is gonna take me a minute to fix okay well let me see what I can do okay I found what I'm looking for folding door train so we can actually replace all the doors which is great because if you look at the doors the door itself is also a little like dinged up it needs a new paint job so to speak so I think we're just going to replace all of these doors all three of them uh and let's go let's see what color is the Train the train's like dark greenish green and black so let's go train door here black frame and maybe like [Music] light gray that's just a nice neutral color or light blue light blue stands out too much [Music] that looks okay actually I don't hate it so that's an option what about dark green oh that looks even better we're gonna go with that I think so let's just put our doors back in I was really hoping that I could get rid of some of these doors and just leave them as walls and then we could turn one of these little rooms over here into a bathroom uh but unfortunately that is not a thing we can do so I guess what we'll do is put in a wall maybe like here and we can make like a couple we can divide this into rooms like it's gonna be tough to fit like a shower but we could probably fit in like a bathtub and like a sink and that's all you really need yeah yeah yeah here's what we're gonna do this is gonna be our bathroom um let's go here and there oh yeah we gotta sell these lights as well there we go uh we'll get rid of this I think we're gonna divide this up into a few different rooms so there we go and now we'll do door and I'll worry about the doors themselves later but when I say this here is going to be a bathroom uh will have maybe like a maybe this will be like a bedroom or something along those lines and then we can have like kitchen slash living room here this bigger one and then this could actually we could probably demolish this whole thing yeah yeah let's do that and then that will give us another fairly large room to work with like there's actually a reasonable amount of space in this train car so we'll have one room here this will be the kitchen living room bedroom uh and then bathroom and like a little mud room or something like that yeah that should work okay let me get some walls in Pace uh someplace and some paint down okay my friends a little bit of a progress update for you so I've got all the rooms painted and the floors down uh went with a wooden floor here kind of like an off-blue A beige color and then this is gonna be like our little kitchen area this is where all the countertops and stoves and stuff like that will go uh bedroom went with like a beige carpet and a a light gray for the walls and then I actually went ahead and did the entire bathroom because it was a little finicky as far you actually can't fit a bathtub right here it's just the the fixture is just a tiny bit too high it like collides with the window so I went ahead and I did the bathroom put in a toilet put in a sink here with the mirror and then this is actually two pieces this is just a shower head and then I used a shower like a glass wall uh to sort of make like our little shower area I think it turned out pretty well I like the way it looks went with a sort of a tile along the sides here uh with a white top and then I also went ahead and did this little mud room which is nothing fancy at all just a couple of coat hangers a carpet a couple of shoe racks few posters nothing crazy just White Walls uh very simple but I think it works uh so now I think I want to go ahead and tackle the bedroom and you know what I'll probably just do the rest of it because the bedroom is going to be one thing this is going to be kitchen dining area over here and then this will be like a very small living room we'll have like a couch and then just like a TV on this side and then over here I think this is going to be maybe like an office space is kind of what I'm leaning towards maybe like a desk on one side and like some bookshelves on the other side and then like a coat hanger and stuff so I kind of have a vision of how I want it to look uh let me start playing around with some stuff and hopefully it'll turn out pretty well okay I think I have finished the interior so we've got kind of like a little Office Space over here coat hanger a couple of shoe racks nothing big because this is still kind of the main entrance to the house but I put a deck uh or a deck a desk with a maple computer totally not Apple computer a couple of uh bookcases and things like that there's one here this is technically a bookcase some hanging shelves some plants uh pretty much all of the wooden furniture in these rooms is American elm just so it's all nice and consistent a little carpet you know just a couple minor accessories like a book and a little things like that I ended up using a lot of plants and posters uh clock on the wall and all that kind of good stuff so this is kind of little office space then here we've got our living room and kitchenette so over here super simple just a couch a coffee table and then a TV stand with the TV on it that's the living room there's really not enough space to do much more than that um but then our kitchen we've got managed to squeeze in a fridge here it covers up the window a tiny bit but that's okay and then we've got I think these are snowman um countertops and that all worked out pretty well we managed to fit in our oven and sink a couple other counter things everything lined up perfectly with some other kitchen accessories as well coffee maker knife block various kitchen utensils things like that I wanted to put a couple of plants up on the walls here just for a splash of color because uh this area is kind of lacking it it's a lot of Browns and blacks and Grays and whites and that's fine uh but I wanted to have a little bit of color in here so I just threw a couple plants up there dining room table decided to go with a circular table and put five chairs around it and then just like a little sideboard over here uh the bedroom I think turned out really well managed to go with a larger bed I think this is coarse Oak is all the the wooden furniture in here again nice and consistent uh I think I do want to raise this mirror up though just a teen bit maybe to about there yeah that seems better uh okay so yeah uh mirror a couple of paintings we've got a chest of drawers here a bookcase uh some side some bedside tables with lamps on them decided to throw a radiator here in the corner and then just some plants to uh to add some color and kind of help fill out the room a bit uh so yeah I think this turned out pretty well all things considered uh the interior I would say at this point is done uh I do think that I wanted to do a little bit out here in the yard uh nothing too crazy but we can probably get a little bit more for the house if we install some plants so let's look for needle plants and I want to find a very large shrub or a very large like pine tree I know that they exist that's way too small maybe this one does it show like super big not really those are all basically the same oh here we go tall yeah there we go so let's just throw one of those here and we'll go for like so there's a couple different Gardens in house flipper there's there's like different Garden types you can do like an American Garden you can do like a Japanese style Garden you can do um I think English and then there's one other one that I don't remember I believe but basically each of the different Gardens has different like requirements associated with it uh and your garden score which I will show you once we're finished with the garden will increase based on the things you put in so like for example American Gardens which is what we're gonna go for here want a lot of pine trees and conifers and things like that uh and then they want like a barbecue grill and a little patio area and different various things so we're just going to plant a bunch of these conifers and bushes and things like that all over the place we've got this space right here anyway that's kind of perfect for it because it's not really going to be used for anything else so I'm gonna spend some time installing a bunch of different plants and things like that spend some time working on the garden uh and then I think we'll pretty much be ready to sell the house but I guess we'll see all right my friends I have finished the Garden or landscaping or whatever you want to call it I got a bunch of various needle plants in here conifers Etc I just realized that this needs to come over just a little bit more there we go that's much better uh add it in like a little patio area over here with a grill and a pizza oven a few more plants and different things like that and then back here uh threw in a pool a couple of sort of various this is technically outdoor gym equipment but I think of it more of as like a playground um and then a gazebo back there with a couple more plants and stuff didn't go super crazy with the garden because I didn't want to spend too much time on it uh this house is not worth that much and basically the way that the garden works is it will give you a percentage increase to the value of the house like it's like having the nice Garden isn't just gonna add a hundred thousand dollars of value to the house it'll just add like a percentage so yeah but let's see how we do uh we do want to submit for the garden contest [Music] and uh yeah we did okay so we got a 30 increase to the value of the house sure that's not bad uh I'm good with that so uh before we put the house on auction let's take one more quick tour I just showed you the outdoors uh here we've got a little mud room that goes into this bathroom then we've got the bedroom we've got our kitchen and living area which I think looks quite nice in fact I'm actually going to take some screenshots because I think it looks so nice and then we've got our office over here as well looking pretty fancy and that's basically the whole place so let's go ahead and try to sell the house and just see what we get for it here we'll go ahead and put it on auction I spent a fair amount of money uh okay profits are not looking particularly good I must say because we spent uh 50 000 plus another 20 000 give or take for the renovation we did make about 10 000 back from selling stuff that was already there but yeah it didn't do excellent um that's fine I'm not I mean we don't really need the money anyway uh but one thing we can do is attempt to negotiate just a little bit let's see if maybe we can get them to add like another 2500 let's give that a try [Music] we'll see if they're willing to do it there we go hey now we're making a little bit more in profit oh yeah and this that was before the garden stuff got added in so we made about 38 000 of profit on a fifty thousand dollar house uh well we spent seventy thousand once we take all the costs uh for renovation and furniture and stuff into place but not too bad we have officially sold our first house I accept your offer 10 out of 10 picture right there just pictures you know that's the funny thing it's like hey we've got these predetermined camera angles but you don't know what they are beforehand so two of those three pictures uh were blocked by various things you gotta love it outstanding but anyway we have managed to sell our first house I think the next house we get is going to be one that we want to move into as our office uh at least that's kind of what I'm thinking and then we can sell this place uh which is it's a nice enough place but uh I don't know we'll see we'll leave that for next episode guys I think that is going to do it for today if you enjoyed the video you know what to do links in the description below so check that out as well otherwise my friends thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Welsknight Gaming
Views: 24,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Welsknight, Welsknight Gaming, Wels After Dark, House Flipper, Let's Play House Flipper, House Flipper Game, House Flipper Let's Play, House Flipper Gameplay, House Flipper Playthrough, House, Flipper, House Flipper Steam, Let's Play, Gameplay
Id: fXBq1MiaF54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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