Oh me oh my 3 years is a LONG time | Old English Sheepdog

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today we are grooming Panda and he's an 11-year-old Old English sheep dog mix he is here today for his first professional grooming in 3 years the owners say he is a very nervous dog and they are a little worried about how he will handle grooming okay Mr Panda so Panda today I was going to do a number five but after feeling his coat I don't think that a number five is going to go through so I think we're going to end up doing the 7f special I'm going to try to use my wide blade first although I think it needs to be sharpened so I don't know if it's going to go through his coat which kind of sucks cuz he's a really big dog but if it doesn't go through his coat I will switch to my smaller blade Panda was adopted by their family 3 years ago he is 11 years old and he has not been groomed the entire time they've had him they've been grooming him themselves but he is not gone to a professional groomer they don't think he's going to be too fond of this and they're not sure how he's going to behave so I guess we will find out due to the severity of his matting it's okay I don't think anything but a seven is going to go through his coat today they believe he is an English sheep dog mix and based off of the texture of his coat I'm going to say they're right I don't think he's pure bread I have had a lot of poor experiences with Old English sheep dogs being very aggressive for grooming so hopefully it's not the case today for panda good boy good boy I may have to put him in the belly band just because of his age and his back end good boy it's okay I know he does not want his front legs touched at all I just want to see if he goes to snap or not no he's very stressed about these front legs I wish I could put him in a hanging harness cuz that would make my life easier but he is far too big for that so that's not going to happen he really does not like having his legs touched so doing his legs his paws his nails are all going to be difficult things to do on him my goal right now is just to get as much hair off of him as possible so that he can go for a bath and I will focus on making the haircut nice afterwards apparently the life that this dog had prior to his current home he lived in an apartment in Toronto and he was not walked he was just let out on the balcony to do his business and that was essentially his whole life so it's no shocker that he's nervous of strangers because he obviously was not properly socialized the majority of his life and I wonder if he' ever really saw a groomer when he was with the previous owners as well so he has some rear de claws here which is not common for the old English sheep dog I don't believe the owners think he might be part Bernie's mountain dog so that would seem a little bit more accurate to me he's extremely matted in his groin and in his belly and in his chest nervous wreck his breath smells horrendous so my guess is that he also probably desperately needs a dental I had some people ask me on one of my previous videos they noticed that a dog really needed a dental and they ask me if I tell the owners I do tell the owners sometimes people just don't know these things about their pets and someone like me a pet professional who notices it sometimes we just need to let the owners know so they can address the medical condition so it doesn't mean that the owners are neglecting the dog's needs sometimes they just don't know a lot of large breed dogs don't really require dentals in their lifetime and if they've had large braid dogs before that maybe never needed one they wouldn't know that they need them stay I have to hold my breath when going near your face because your breath is killing me stay stay I know it's very sore in there going to try to get this out this is where Stay Stay Stay Stay he hey P the dog drinks and then it gets wet and then the dampness sits on the skin and causes sores there's a sore under there that some sticky breath man sorry to point it out and you're drooling on me that's great good boy stay good boy good boy no no no don't don't pull pulling hurts me and hurts you good boy okay because of how mted it is underneath his belly his groin I'm going to use a 10 because using a 10 is safer than using a seven when you have a really matted dog you should always use a 10 not a seven you just notice that there's blood on my hand and that must have been from the sore underneath his neck when I went to go and put my hand under there it did look like it was bleeding a little bit when I shaved I'll have to let the owners know about that a pick up they probably have no idea because of the amount of hair and the fact that there was a lot of matting on top of it it's okay buddy it's okay that's why a lot of the times groomers will have owners sign matted dog forms because I just went to go shave and underneath the mat there was a soar that I wasn't aware was there and then when I shaved over top of it I removed the scab that was on top of it and now it's bleeding so an owner could say or try to say uh you cut my dog when you shaved it when in reality it wasn't a cut It's just sometimes you don't know what's going on underneath matting groomers don't want to be responsible for that so they make clients sign a matted dog release form that explains all of the possibilities of what can happen when you're shaving down a matted dog you stink pretty horrifically not to be rude so I'm definitely going to be using nasty Critter today so many of you been asking me about nasty Critter because it's been in the making for a while but it is finally ready and available on my website it's a deep cleaning shampoo and it's great for every breed and cats as well it's okay it's okay it's okay it's just water you need a good bath relax [Music] okay washing this dog's face is going to be interesting because he he does not like having his face touched I am probably going to get soaked and so is the camera so if it gets all blurry that would be why it's okay it's okay it's okay stay there wow you feel so clean now no please don't shake yet no shaking something tells me that he is going to be nervous of the blow dryer because he's nervous of pretty much everything so I'm going to try to put him in a crate to see if I can crate dry him since his coat is so short he should be able to dry fairly quickly but that's if he will go into the crate I might have trouble trying to get him in it so I'm going to try if I can that's what I'm going to do and then when you guys see me again he will be dry if I can't then we will try to blow dry him with the high velocity dryer okay he's mostly dry I'm going to just dry him off a little bit and then we will finish his haircut [Music] is he doesn't like to lift his paws veryit high no no stay good boy good boy okay these are some very big do claws back here these ones can be hard to cut cut it can be hard to know where the quick is okay that D claw was not as long good boy nails are done and now I'm going to go over his body again and smooth out the haircut good boy I know you're feeling [Music] better this side of the body is completed I'm just going to do his pause on this side before I turn him and then complete the other side you've been good this whole time your owner was so worried for no reason stay Panda I know this is hard I know because you're old and arthritic and I'm trying to do it as quick as I possibly can body and paws are completed now I'm going to brush out his tail and then I'm going to do his face you're almost done and fresh oh no you got to stay there you can't Le down down okay time to do your face I think you're going to give me a hard time for this you don't like having your face touched [Applause] your ears are very greasy no no stay stay let me see let me see no no no come here nope you have to stay my hand is starting to stop working trying to hold his face starting to the grip is starting to give out okay let getting some bubblegum cologne and after 3 hours panda is finally finished he did really well for his groom and he can definitely be groomed by other groomers he gave me no trouble at all other than you know your typical arthritic older dogs thank you guys so much for watching I'm going to let them outside and I will see you again in a few days go on oh look at you oh happy now how did he do he was very good very good boy
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 920,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gv2tjsmJ-SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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