Hagrid, the adorable huggable giant 😍

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today I am grooming Hagrid the 8-year-old New Finland dog hi Hagrid it's nice to see you again okay buddy yep let's get a groom who stinks so we're starting with nasty Critter the last time I did Hagrid he was a really good boy so hopefully he is yet again a really good boy right yeah so last time you were here you were seven so you must be either eight or close to eight at this point let's do this and you're already shaking cool so to answer a question that I get all the time and I have already answered this question but not everyone sees all of my videos so I get a lot of the same questions over and over again even though they've been answered so I will answer this question this question is mostly for pet groomers because they tend to ask me a lot why I don't pre-blast the coat first and pre- Blasting the coat is just taking the high velocity dryer to the dry dirty dog before the bath because it helps to loosen up matting it helps to remove shedding undercoat and makes bathing easier and quicker and it is a great method I've used used it in the past but I don't like using it because dander dirt gets all over my shop it gets all over me it gets all over my equipment it takes a long time to clean up I find it very gross I don't like breathing it in so although it is a great method I don't like the outcome of that method when it comes to the cleanup process and how coated everything gets in dander and dirt the reality is yes it would make bathing easier and quicker but that time that I'm saving I will end up spending cleaning the shop after anyways so I don't really see it as much of a Time Saver because I end up having to scrub every inch of my shop and my equipment at the end of the groom if you bathe the dog first you remove a ton of their dander and obviously all of their dirt and then when you blow dry them you do not have that same outcome as if you pre-blast them so it's just not what I prefer to do every groomer has their own method of doing things I completely respect doing that I think it is a great method a great tool if you like doing it awesome it's just not something I like doing it doesn't mean that I don't think that it's a good method or that I'm unwilling to do something different I have done it I don't like it that's all there is is to it on to the next canister of course this dog is well-maintained he doesn't have a ton of shedding undercoat obviously he stinks but he's usually in really good shape nope nope nope thank you shake when I leave the area please Hagrid comes to me all the way from Ohio so that is quite the trip to make for a grooming appointment this is the second time I've done him you guys might remember him from my main channel so if you're watching this on YouTube there are two separate channels girl with the dogs and girl with the dogs to girl with the dogs shows short form videos about 2 to 5 minutes long heavily edited with a voice over girl with the dogs 2 shows this kind of content which is not as edited there is no voice over and it is a more indepth stepbystep grooming process for you guys to watch if you are watching from Facebook this does not apply to you this only applies to those who watch from YouTube so don't forget to subscribe to both channels girl the dogs oh and girl with the dogs too if you are watching from YouTube you're dirty today I'm going to assume that that's because of the ridiculously warm winter that we're having and there's just mud everywhere and everybody's dogs are just covered in mud okay we're going to turn to the other side again because I've got to use deshedding now that's another thing that this winter has done has caused everybody's dogs to continuously shed because it's like their coats are confused as to what is going on with this strange warm weather look at that drool all right buddy scrub this in you have such a silky shiny coat you're going to shake cuz you're a big shaker I smells so much better now shake it off that's nice good boy St no shaking yet got a lot of rinsing to do on this face you're a good boy so tagrid here I believe is eight and 8 years old is old for a Newan land I think that he is in great shape and I'm going to tell you why I think that he is doing so well even at 8 years old first and foremost is going to be breeding I do believe that he got this dog from a registered quality breeder he has good Bloodlines good health so that's going to be number one number two is going to be waight he is lean for a New Finland and he's probably been lean his whole life which is going to help him with his hips and Joints he should be sitting new fin lands generally sit especially at 8 years old when you're working on them because standing is just too hard on them and he's not sitting at all and I'm not forcing him to stand which tells me that his hips and joints are in really good condition I'm going to say that diet's also playing a role so all of these things to take into consideration is probably why he is thriving even at 8 years old all right now it's time for conditioner I've also had a lot of questions about conditioner people saying I don't normally put conditioner on pets and why not that's actually not true I put conditioner on all of my pets I just sometimes take it out of the video just because it's the exact same thing over and over again as the shampoo and the rinse so it just becomes a little bit repetitive so often times I take it out but yes I condition every dog I don't don't condition every cat and that's because sometimes cats panic when they're being bathed so I just want the bath to be over as quickly as possible so if they're panicking then they don't get conditioner you're a good boy Hagrid are you an angel okay final rinse final rinse and then it's off to the dryer okay buddy we giv you multiple towel dries although you're still dripping so that is just some ice on Ice which is similar to the stuff for dogs it's a conditioning and quick drying formula all right and do you like to wear the happy hoodie he is actually not that big for new fin land okay let's do this [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] okay stand up because you're sliding good boy so the last time I did him I left him with short ears the owner doesn't have a preference so this time I'm going to leave him with long ears so he looks more like the nof under here though I'm going to trim all of this up because it is very very greasy and it doesn't really matter what it looks like because the ear will lay on top of it so you won't even see it just going to take the 10 blade and shave some of this greasiness he seems to have some weakness happening from all of the standing so I'm going to try to do as much as I can with him standing and I might have to finish him on the ground I'm just going through his back end with my dematter cuz he does have a little bit of matting back here and then I'm going to brush him out so far it has taken me about an hour and a half to bathe and dry him so that's very quick for a New Finland see and it's because he stands and it's because his coat is in good condition that's the reason why he doesn't take me as long as most and he is not as big as a lot of the ones that I have groomed I got pretty much all of his shedding coat out with the dryer he's not shedding that much right now I love that his coat is in such good shape it makes my job a lot easier and his because it's not comfortable when you're brushing out a matted coat so it's nice when it's not matted this I'm not going to brush out cuz I'm going to chop it off I get a lot of questions why I do so many dhed dogs why I don't do do a lot of scissor work and stuff like that and I'll answer all of that for you so in regards to why I don't do a lot of scissor work um I'm not the best at it I'll be honest so it's important to remember when watching my Channel that I am a pet groomer I am not a show groomer I'm not here to try to educate people on how to do the best type of scissor work or sculpting work on dogs or cats I am simply the groomer that makes your pet clean tidy and gets rid of any matting I also really like working on pets with behavioral issues which I do a lot and obviously when working on pets with behavioral issues it's not important really what they look like at the end it's more important that you just get the groom done safely and as quickly as possible without causing as much stress as you can so that is the reason why you don't see me do quite a bit of sciss their work on pets and when it comes to the Big D shed dogs I prefer their natural look over being nice and tidied with scissors that's the truth I can tidy them up really well with scissors but mostly the owners like their natural look so unless they ask for it it's not something I typically do even on my own Pomeranian sometimes I have to tidy her up with Scissors because of the weather and it just starts her long hair starts to collect everything but I like the look of her when she's a big fluffy mess right okay this side is brushed out let's brush out the other side and then I think I'm going to try to put him on the ground and let him lay down for his paws cuz I can tell that he's very tired and I think if I try to lift his paws to work on them he is going to have some difficulty standing so hopefully he just lays down for me so I can do is pause tidy up those back feet while you're still standing nope got to stay up up good boy so all that's left is nails and Paws I'm going to put him down on the ground see if I can get him to lay down for that and then I will tidy up his nails and Paws just because I can tell that he is starting to have a little bit of a difficult time standing and it might be easier for him to do it laying down oh you stay there you little sploot stay there good boy good boy good boy stay no shaky shaky hey okay now I need you to really roll over so I can do these ones and unless you roll over I won't be able to do them so roll over oh what a good boy if somebody saw these paw prints in the snow they would literally think that it was a bear like his paws are huge good boy you have slobber all over you no no no no hey hey hey no no no I had one paw left one excuse me I need to do the last one stay hey excuse me fine just stay like that you know what's funny is that this these nails on this paw were the only nails that were very short and I swear he knew that that and that's why he's like um you don't need to trim these nails thank you I'm good okay so Hagrid is all finished in total he took me 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete normally I let the dogs outside to run around and play so you can see how nice their groom is but it has been non-stop raining here for over a week and my backyard is a complete mud pit it is flooded so my clean dogs will not be allowed to go back there thank thank you guys so much for watching yet again and I will see you again in a few days
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 465,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tOFeREEmwr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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