OFFICIAL GAME MASTER MOVIE - Haunting of Game Master Network

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the haunting of game master network is now at a new location like a haunted manor now come with me we're gonna go scout the man i know you can hear us i am getting my friends out of here and you are not gonna stop me [Music] [Music] [Laughter] one two three four five six seven eight one two three four yes here we go matt oh nice pass matt thanks matt oh nice shot matt and hip thrust perfect i will be right back okay [Music] game master congratulations to you rebecca and the rest of the game master spies the last mystery was challenging but i'm proud you solved it thank you game master the game master spies are getting stronger with every new mission speaking of that you have a new mystery to solve this one is within the network itself it's about a mysterious script involving one of your spies a script are you talking about daniel that's exactly what you spies need to find out watch daniel closely and stick together and remember keep to the script and play your part i can do that game master five six seven eight just like that hey rebecca are you okay uh yes i am fine i'm ready to go are you guys ready to do a tick tock i think so okay all right five six seven eight [Music] i think we got a tick tock you're gonna sneak around towards a tiny house and when i give you the signal i want you to attack them with these water balloons just make sure they are good and soaked then what that's gonna draw them towards the house and i'm gonna be waiting and i'm gonna blast them with this flower awesome plan let's do it it's nice to just relax and do tick tocks or we could play basketball or tick tocks we've just been busy with drama last time i was here with drone i got hypnotized i'm not doing that again i'm gonna leave no no no the drama was in the past today is just a day of relaxing and maybe doing some dick talks or we could play basketball [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice try matt but this is how a game master spy does it oh my gosh my phone was recording the whole thing you guys it's not that funny it's funny it's kinda that was a huge fail oh it's daniel he says he's out front and he has a surprise for us finally that guy texts us he's been missing for like a week that must be daniel you guys go daniel it's so good to see you yeah i've been texting you like every day bro what's this car all about i've been working on a top secret mission what kind of mission i finally discovered the final draft of the script that i've been writing evil dana was writing where'd you find that in big bear you were in big bear yeah i took the tunnel system i didn't need a key but i had to keep this secret to keep it a precaution precaution anyways i followed some clues and i found a secret room where evil dana was doing all of his writing but i thought you found the script and you were working on it that was my plan until i found this what's the story about well it's totally different it's now at a new location like a haunted manner and it's also based off a scary true story how do you know it's based off a true story look at the title the haunting of game master network exactly and look look at the back latitude laundry dude these are the coordinates of the manor and right there norman poe he's the homeowner norman poe not norman poe you know norman poe let's just say i don't know norman poe anyways i have this car now come with me we're gonna go scout the manor guys guys there are ghosts there there's no way we're going maddie don't worry about it we're going to be all together so we'll stay safe fine but we better not see any ghosts road trip that's right you're not even mad yes hey uh you know what guys i gotta take a shower before we go wait don't drive yet rebecca you okay i got goosebumps and you know every time i get goosebumps that usually means something bad is going to happen is everything okay you guys yeah no it's fine it's fine she got goosebumps what oh no uh oh all right let's get out no no no no no we need to follow the script okay okay let's take a step back and relax you guys google says this place hasn't had an incident in years incident wait what is it even safe daniel what are you hiding well you know some people have gone missing how many people okay okay guys listen i'm sure we're gonna find out a lot more information from the homeowner mr poe but let me give you a quick download of what i know before we get there many years ago before they built the manor the land was often used for a traveling circus and carnival the carnival became such a popular attraction that the man that owned the carnival decided to try to make it a permanent stop and wanted to build a giant mansion to call home right next to the carnival site the man was into spooky stuff like having seances to call upon ghosts in the home and was into witches and wizards inside the house of freak's attraction the snakemaster lost control of one of his many many snakes and it scared a guest so bad that they screamed causing a panic an oil lamp fell over and a big fire broke out luckily everyone made it out okay but the incident made everyone afraid of the carnival and quickly people stopped coming by then he was so heavily into witchcraft and ghosts that he didn't even care about the carnival anymore and he started to do some pretty scary things inside the manor until he vanished over the years other people have come in to take over the house but they all seem to have the same fate as the original owner they have all vanished that's not making me feel any better about this daniel so is this evil daniel no that's not what they came wait what okay when i first started undercover with the red hood spies there were a few times where they mentioned evil daniel explain this okay well on occasion daniel has been struck by evil items causing him to go into some kind of crazy hypnosis he switched from daniel to evil daniel sort of like a bad guy alter ego we broke him out of the evil hypnosis but we are here [Music] wow this is the single most terrifying house i've ever seen okay guess i'll lead the way hello whoa this place is huge yeah and old there are so many cobwebs you guys [Music] look welcome game master spies norman poe we must be in the right place okay well where do we go did what did pro tell you oh uh i don't know i thought he would meet us here you know what let's just look around and i'll see if i can find him okay you said it wasn't gonna be creepy i did say that it's creepy yeah it is it's real creepy okay just look around hey you okay what yeah no i'm fine yeah okay good well i'm glad that you're okay because i'm about to lose my shoes with excitement yes okay yeah i got this i got this guys guys guys come here come here look look what i found oh that's cool i read about these everyone in these photos has played an important part of the history of this manner these people must have lived here did it just move no it's a photo who took these photos well no one knows who took these photos or how they even got there there's something off about these photos they've all become important to the storyline in the script i found i think this is just a simple old-timey photo shoot no i think these photos are haunted i can't stop looking at it you guys maybe that camera is what took those photos look you guys it says something in order to return the ghoul break the glass with a special tool wait till the witch's hour trap this subject with its power wait till which is our that's three there's probably other clues around the manor we shouldn't just like focus on this one right right this is one of many i mean this place obviously has secrets let's search around and figure out all the clues in here look around what yes hey matt put that down that's not this in our place we're just looking around just me or a little cold in here this place is pretty awesome there's cobwebs everywhere i think it's been a long time since anybody's been in this room okay hey wow daniel this place is so creepy [Music] [Music] they promised it wouldn't be creepy this is creepy [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] what stop touching i cannot help myself right now okay just look around don't break anything okay matt that book just moved the one that said says chris becca there is no way physically possible that that book could have moved it's just moved that's ridiculous okay yeah you're right this pl this place just gives me the creeps wow [Music] why hello there guests welcome to midnight raven manor there'll be plenty of time to explore but first please make your way to the dining room in the center of the manor i've arranged a very special tea party to celebrate your arrival and to unleash some very special secrets about the manor and your visit [Music] okay here we go come on back be right there that book definitely did not move no connor rebecca did you hear that voice yeah told me to stay here yeah oh don't trust me almost everybody what's going on daniel oh my gosh you guys look what is that her name how do they know our names seems like they know a lot about us how why ah yes by now you must be noticing just how special this tea party is never seen a tea party like this please sit at your assigned seat and the tea party will begin matt here here we are jay connor you're maddie you're over here thanks for joining us daniel where you been i'm looking for po so you know what po looks like no i was just looking for something that's not us well that's really sus daniel why i was looking around the house just like you guys aren't you sweating i don't know maybe well yeah guys he's sweating no well why are you guys looking at me like you know who police are really not no no no matt put that down okay well it was just sitting right in front of me so i was like i gotta look inside of this you're wrong don't lose open soul who are you norman poe at your service norman po like the bag of script here right what a pleasure it is to finally meet you all before we start i'd like to tell you a little ghost story about the manor this is no ghost it's my ghost the original owner of midnight raven was a lonely man the type of man who thought he didn't need any friends at all he owned and operated a circus and when it closed he became obsessed with the dark sciences and witchcraft he used a mysterious charm and froze his circus employees in their own individual dark portraits forever and those same pictures are hanging on the wall in the great hall to this very day no wait no wait there's no way that that's real i assure you it is true and now let me tell you about the ghosts or ghouls as i like to call them beware the stroke of midnight for the inhabitants of those portraits will awaken and will attempt to escape their photographic prisons be where and do not look them in the eyes the look on all your faces ah priceless so you are just pranking us no my story is serious and true and this is the warning i give to you [Music] now you all have a choice you can either open the box or all of you can leave right now and give me a five star review on yelp five stars it's feeling more like a one star okay you guys look i just think that we need to decide together on what we want to do but personally i think that we should follow this script and we should look inside i mean it brought us here for a reason we need to figure out why exactly we need to listen to rebecca and find out why this script brought us here no he just said that there are ghosts here and ghouls i'm not doing it i was out when he said he froze people okay well whatever we decide we need to make this decision together i had to open it great choice my friends the puzzle of raven manor awaits really cool mathematics all of us are stuck here fam they didn't really want to do that i got a phone too same yeah i got one too seriously as you attempt to solve the mansion's riddle and explore the manner you must all keep vlogging your experiences the entirety of this footage will be collected at the end of the tour footage what are you gonna do with the footage take as much time as you like but please you must film all of your experiences here at the manor [Music] good luck oh ps all the doors and windows are locked so if you fail to solve the riddle by 3 am you'll all be trapped here forever goodbye wait wait what hey you never said that check the door he never said that help me connor come on the window's locked too he wasn't lying he locked us in here now what do we do okay okay okay let's face it we're locked in here right we have to get out before 3am he gave us those phones for a reason so let's just go get our phones and we just got to vlog everything connor and matt grab your phones and go upstairs everyone else grab your phones and start vlogging downstairs look for clues we got to get out of here before 3 a.m okay okay so it looks like we are in some type of formal dining room just like a men's lounge in here it's so creepy up here why are we the ones that have to go upstairs it's not fair it's not safe this fireplace is where the men gather and they have their lounge activities this is the men's lounge this is definitely where the women hang out and they're definitely not what is this mystery liquid okay it looks really disgusting definitely a formal dining room i mean look at the chandelier right there you can even hear like the creaks and the steps so oh my god oh that smells worse than conor's dirty socks look over here the way that this candle is set up is exactly how a men's lounge would do it normal dining room definitely a men's lounge okay seriously matt what is going on why do you keep calling this a men's lounge it's not a men's lounge some creepy kitchen guys you'll never believe what i just found right now besides a lot of spider webs look at this it's a cake with with fingers on it what can we even trust daniel right now yes of course we can trust daniel i don't know all sudden he brings us here to this creepy creepy mansion yeah because he's trying to right the wrongs of evil daniel i don't know something's not adding up either way we have to listen to him right now because he knows that we need to get out of here or we're going to be trapped here forever at 3 a.m this seems super super sus you just don't know what you're talking about just trust me i got this we can trust dan you got this okay well why don't you handle this all by yourself okay do it on my own are those snakes wow this glass really is beautiful though huh not my reptile of choice so i'm here looking for clues what was that wow matt matt matt matt where are you [Music] he doesn't know what he's talking about he just wants to fight i don't care i'm not giving into that oh god rebecca rebecca rebecca maddie rebecca rebecca hi guys there's this thing from the portrait [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] bravo rebecca you figured out part of it now you know my ghost story is true or you could just be tricking us to trap us in this creepy house have you seen the portraits upstairs rebecca go go you guys look that can't be right there is no way that that is real who is that in the photo i can't tell who it is it's it's dang matt smith you guys there was a snake in that photo before did you trap our friend matt smith in that photo ah very well spotted rebecca yes so if matt is trapped in that photo then that means that snake is somewhere in this house how do we save our friend if you ever want to see your friend matt again you'll have to play my little game or not go go go ugh downstairs oh every room in the manor is now a challenge the challenges are the floor is lava don't choose the wrong chalice the serpent's survival room the haunted library escape room and something special that i will reveal later something special i don't want to lie and don't forget you must complete all the challenges by 3am or you'll be trapped and the walls are listening so say cheese [Music] what where did he go he keeps disappearing if you fail a challenge then you have offended the house and you will be banished to a portrait forever there is one mystery item that can help you along the way good luck okay we shouldn't even be here you guys like i'm the one that brought the script i'm the one that brought you guys here we're trapped here because of me thank you for saying yes thank you for saying that we would not be here if it wasn't for you that's right are you kidding me listen it is not daniel's fault he was trying to right the wrongs of evil daniel he had no idea this was going to happen but you know what you guys i am not getting trapped here at 3am and none of you are either well if we're doing challenges i am for sure doing floor is lava challenge fine no no no no i'm not doing challenges no okay that settles it connor's with me great i mean i just i'll do any challenge i just do not want to touch the snake okay you know what uh i saw the snake i'll do the snake challenge okay then i'll just do the chalice room great which means there's only one challenge left in the haunted library oh no no no no oh or you could do the snake room no no no no no okay okay listen use the ghost up in guys help you find clues so you can complete the challenge okay you'll be fine okay finally guys you can do it okay you guys you've got this yeah we all have to complete these challenges okay yes all right okay good luck guys we're going upstairs come on come on you think this is the door something tells me that we're about to play the most epic game of floors lava ever played [Music] [Music] whoa where did we just come from why is the door over there yes floor is lava this looks so epic gotta go no here we go come on connor rebecca welcome to the snake challenge my personal favorite let the clock start now where are you come come don't make this hard i only want to talk just talk [Music] if you fear venom dear lay on something glassy clear oh you want something oh my gosh stay there something clear this is clear okay snake you can't get up on a table right oh yeah step right up step right up don't be shy this isn't so bad it's just just one snake just don't come up on the table snake one of you one of me or we can just co-exist and finish this challenge i can smell you you know smell like coffee perhaps you should drink more water maybe from one of these cups [Music] okay onto the library nothing super haunted the door is closed i need to just breathe just focus this is an escape room so you just have to find some way out just don't focus on all the ghosts that could be watching you right now okay rebecca said to use the ghost app but there's no way that the phone has the ghost stop this is so epic are you crazy this is terrifying i mean i have so many choices i have a chair over there a complaint a little picture frame i don't have any options man this isn't fair connor don't forget we chose this no we didn't matt you pull me in here okay just go with it oh [Music] good night good night there's some no drama mr troma okay it's [Music] what a beautiful vista i think i'll turn my back and take a nice long look oh yeah yep that's pretty easy all right [Music] well connor i thought the floor was lava was a metaphor this is real lava yeah looking further yes yes yes you're doing it yes [Music] that you did it connor i did it high five yes try not to scream rebecca [Music] how am i doing grampy yes where are these things coming from okay i got this i got this don't scream don't scream please be done with this challenge how much longer ah yes please don't i hope you're happy po i hope you're happy carter maybe if i just finish this challenge it'll be all i can save i can save them yes if i just make it to that doorknob one last jump ghost do you know why i'm here right now [Music] okay ghost please i really need your help right now freely escape yeah how do i escape from here her free her like a ghoster oh it's me me free me how do i do that wait it's locked okay her from like this this house how do i get out of this house or this room hello ghost where'd you go [Music] free her from picture wait are you saying that i need to free the victorian woman from that picture upstairs yes [Music] four three two [Applause] where is everyone guys hey i completed the challenge you guys that's not funny [Music] [Laughter] what joy what fun i got the one who likes to wear what you don't like to laugh looks like i like to cook you enough let's go i just i just have to make it to that doorknob [Applause] rebecca [Music] eyes look deep into my eyes okay okay matt matt wake up wake up go away you okay wake up daddy somebody's wrong with maddie maddie [Music] congratulations maddie you've solved the challenge your next clue is a real page turner maddie no no why did you do that why did you do that maddie what she's doing something you're right she's trying to tell us something what is she saying it looks like a book what what do you want what what book it's pointing down downstairs library what's matter we need to get to them we need to get to the library so they're not trapped here at 3 a.m okay go now now go go go shut the door okay i think we're safe so what happened to connor i lost connor in the floor's lava challenge he's in the photo now okay so that's connor maddie matt where's daniel i haven't seen daniel oh i know you can hear us poo can you hear me can you hear me i am getting my friends back and there's nothing that you can do about it okay rebecca rebecca i am getting my friends out of here and you are not gonna stop me i'm done i'm done okay you know what i just need to sing [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] rebecca we need to figure out this clue fast okay maddie maddy said the library there's something in the library what if what if it's in the books book book look at the books books books no no rebecca rebecca why no what what's that the creepy butler's name the creepy butler uh norman poe why sound like a poet or an author has some a name really edgar edgar allen poe edgar allan poe one of the books might be edgar out yes yes yes yes yes okay okay okay fine good girl and paul have you found anything nothing over here oh where are you where are you where are you you know anything yet not yet not yet [Music] here matt i don't have anything matt matt come here look how's that look okay edgar allen oh there must be a clue in here like it's just a book no no keep looking [Music] why aren't you two the sweetest the name's madame rousseau it's a pleasure to meet you both and thank you for touring the manor i'd like to invite you both to stay forever now a game of hide-and-seek one two three four five six seven eight nine ready or not here i come we are in the worst hiding spot right now what is the plan i need you to distract while i stay here and solve the clue split up that is a terrible idea we don't have any other option besides do you want to stay here and solve the riddle okay i'm gonna go and distract okay exactly just look for catcher in the rye why i think it might be a clue it's the only book i read in high school it's me i'm here oh i found you come here oh okay okay i just need to figure out the clue that he said book library [Laughter] maybe it's something in this this book paper a horse no okay think she said the clue was in here i just need to look closely at every single thing the catcher in the rye there's no way i've got nothing to lose oh you're on lunch no where are you going you're never gonna get me i'm back [Music] i've got almost now [Music] [Music] so let's make this more interesting you okay yeah okay just sit right there have a seat good okay look okay so you're right about the catcher in the right it was a clue it unlocked the box and then look what i found but not right now what'd you say i said look what i found no no before all of that i said you were right yes okay okay anyways look at this what is that it's the deed to the house it looks like the original owner of the house was norman poe no wait this house is like 100 years old if norman poe was the original owner he'd be like a skeleton or something okay well look at this that's poe exactly okay well now we need to figure out what to do with this okay well it looks like this is like a sharp edge on this side and this side could definitely like break glass right what did you say could break glass break the glass with a special tool matt i know what this is useful daniel what are you doing silly rebecca i had you in the palm of my hands the entire time why are you doing this to us well it's all for the movie rebecca he's one of them now and we are delighted to have him we need to split up meet at the portraits now [Music] you're getting warmer [Music] warmer [Music] oh warmer still what am i even looking for wouldn't you like to know a little colder mmm colder [Music] back to warm again [Music] why are you doing this to us oh rebecca this wasn't my plan daniel came to me with this idea i guess you know him as evil daniel what do you mean warmer yet almost hot we made an arrangement daniel had been writing a movie that he could make that showed the downfall of the game master spies oh warm very warm of hot scalding hot you're on fire [Applause] the haunting of the game master network why don't you take a quick look towards the end of the script matt and rebecca now are the only gay master spies left and the manner will not let them leave that's right you're bringing the story to life tonight and that story is in your hand daniel has requested all footage to be delivered to him after tonight but too bad for him why too bad for daniel well flipping daniel to evil daniel is easy when you're a ghost [Music] [Applause] he's just a pawn come 3 a.m you'll be trapped in here with the rest of the game master network [Laughter] well you're not going to get away with this because i'm going to stop you you're only halfway there that will break the glass but what about the lock just think if you would listen to your friends you wouldn't be in this mess you might not have stepped into that van you'd still have maddie and connor and dang matt smith but you decided to listen only to yourself and look where that got you there is a key and if you'd like to have the clue well i'm sure you're starving for it starving wait there there was a chef the kitchen okay i know i got to figure out what this means but i i don't know what means so i got to figure that out right now hey here take this i have to go to the kitchen okay long story just don't break anything yet you won't be able to anyways long story i figure out what this means now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] with a special [Music] oh man get up it's almost 3 am okay okay so so now what be careful it's class one there's another note what okay it says bring the puzzle to an end take a photo with a special friend hold on remember po when he was talking about the original owner of the manor he said he said he was lonely what if we have to take a photo with someone we love with this old camera okay but it's locked oh man i have the key hold on hold on okay okay good work okay let's take the photo come on okay here goes nothing say cheese it worked it worked it was horrible in there i'm not a ghost the lava was real i cannot believe that that actually worked you guys wait where's daniel um remember you have to leave the house by 3am get to the van right now go go come on you gotta go gotta go [Music] pesky game master spies [Applause] so i wonder what happened to daniel do you think he's evil i don't know the script hold on interior hall of portraits night fade in on what fun what fun and best of all i love my newest portrait [Music] can you solve the riddles of raven manor [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Game Master Network
Views: 8,898,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: official, game, master, movie, full movie, haunting, of, game master network, gmn, matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, daniel, maddie, poe, book, rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, Morgz, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: fH_wTgVTCvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 58sec (3178 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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