The GRAND FINALE Masquerade Ball | Rebecca Zamolo

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to prepare for the red and white mascara i'll make sure she's locked with the others let me go rebecca they got you too oh jeez you can cut the act matt the other minion is gone we need to move forward with the plan so we can stop the candy queen and find frogs we gotta get out of here but wait before you guys get dressed i brought somebody else to help us take down the candy queen whoo hello game master spies mr yes zoe you promised me that we wouldn't have to work with any enemies all right that's it we are not working with though you can't trust it just like i zoey why do you think that we would agree to work with mr x well you kind of have no choice what why because i'm the one with the invitations to the red and white masquerade bowl that's the only way into the event that the candy queen is putting on and that's where they're holding frog but we have to save frogs so fine we have no other choice we're working with mr x yes i have what you need and you will help me get my cane back i'm going to sneak in how are you gonna do that with no disguise i have my ways enjoy are you kidding me we're working with mr x again zoey i mean this is the only way guys we have to get into this party okay zoey well the four of us have our disguises ready to go but there's only two invitations well you and matt have invitations and maddie and daniel are going as servers what no get your trays ready okay as long as i don't have to wear a wig i'm in a wig daniel we all are now that we are all dressed maddie daniel i'm gonna get you guys into this masquerade matt and rebecca you'll be able to get in because you have invitations yes in the meantime i'm gonna pass out our ear pieces so we can communicate with each other oh earpiece is how original zoey yeah thanks daniel how else are we gonna hear each other she's right daniel okay good point also the candy queen is documenting this entire event because it's the kickoff to our master plan so i rigged this up what is that basically this is an sd card so all you have to do is find the minion filming in the party find a way to get this in the camera and we'll be able to see everything thank you zoey i got this that's a great idea and once we save frogs she can expose the candy queen to the world yeah that was a good idea zoe yeah maddie daniel come with me we'll see you guys at the party okay i don't have a good feeling about this but right all right we're working with mr x again yes zamf do you think we can trust zoey i mean we have no other choice right now we need to save frog that's the most important thing so let's take these invitations go in and hopefully everything works out you guys it's time to stop the candy queen okay so he told us to head to the kitchen but what do we do then all that food still needs prepping what are you doing standing around go go go then find me okay go finish prepping the food what are we paying you for okay zamfam so zoey took maddie and daniel and hopefully they are going to get away with being caterers but right now we're supposed to be hackers we don't know who our names are pretty cool remember i'm not rebecca i hope this person's supposed to be pregnant though cause i obviously look pregnant whoa hi we are here for the red and white masquerade ball welcome hackers you're the first to arrive please lay your invitations on the table okay camera oh um thank you please enjoy some refreshments in the reception area while the rest of the guests arrived do you know how many are coming quite a few great well uh we'll head over there did you hear that they said a ton of hackers are going to be here who do you think it is i don't know but i have to plant this on that camera so we can get access to the camera okay well we need a plan we need to do something something to distract them do you have any ideas i'm gonna do a magic trick with this and then they'll have to clean up the mess map when they do you know what to do plant the card okay got it just trust me this will work there's no way they're gonna let this place be messy i mean this is the candy queen's glass castle can we do this right now yes matt we have to before the other guests are right so just follow me minions would you like to see a magic trick before the other hackers arrive sure i i guess okay it has to do with this diet coke now you think that this is just a normal diet coke right it looks like it well abracadabra diet coke explosion you get a towel i'm so sorry do you guys need me to help or anything oh [Music] okay okay well you know what we'll just stay over there i hope you enjoyed the magic trick we did it we have the sd card in there so once we find frog we'll be able to expose the candy queen once and for all okay hey bam i just snuck into the bathroom and i am going to try to hack into the candy queen's guest list all right matt rebecca can you hear me yeah zoey we can hear you you switched the beat i can see it great job of course i did okay zoe so now what now i can give you the guest information as they come in oh look it looks like they're coming in now coming in now come on down the first girl's coming in she's in a red dress like me zooey who is she oh she's called the honeycomb hacker she's been trying to become candy queen's right-hand woman but it was ruined for her when she lost squid game she's here to try again and will stop at nothing to win the job she looks familiar stanfam comment below do you think she looks familiar okay who's next oh here's a man people call this guy mr confident he's here to win his biggest weakness is he's overconfident but maybe you can use his ego against him it looks like everybody that's coming here so far is trying to come up in the ranks is this like a competition or something a competition masquerade ball all right who's next they call her the candy crusher she was able to create many candy crystals that have enough hypnotizing power to hypnotize someone for an entire year huh an entire year zamfam i have never seen a candy that has hypnotized you for an entire year rebecca if she offers you candy do not eat it obviously huh there's no name attached to this guy it just says john doe he's new to the candy queen's team so keep an eye on him he looks familiar too right back no no he has one of those faces that looks like other people i've never seen him before though you haven't zamfam have you i feel like we've seen him before sweet james next this girl works at a candy store and has been helping sneak the candy queen's candy to different customers without them knowing a candy store remember when we snuck into that candy store there were shipments being delivered to the candy queen's warehouse what if that girl works there all right here's scoob that's screwed scoob was working with vlad as a right hand man but vlad dropped the ball during the previous attempt at a grand finale and not only did the plans fall apart but vlad lost minnie rebecca too scoob he's lucky he's even being able to attempt to redeem himself at the ball steve that was during our christmas special so scoob is no longer the kitty queen's right-hand man i love puzzles great to be here what's up hey i can't believe the camera man it looks like you put down the last invitation it's spelling something now what does it say zamfam we can't read what it says zoey can you hmm no i i can't really see what it says what does it say i think there's people here we gotta go okay yeah let's go and remember we need information to figure out where frog is let's go so have we met before no like doing hacker things no wrong guy wrong girl you know i've never been to any of these things before neither first timer me too i mean i'm in with the candy queen you know we're like this say that again you're in with the candy queen oh no well i'm it like i got invited too it's a red and white oh oh yeah you're in right yeah yeah okay great talk hackers i can't wait for this opportunity tonight same of course the boys messed this up it's time for the women to be in charge that's what i'm saying hey what's up guys you want some w and w's candy i'm one of the guys here i never mess up oh hey bro so i heard you have to be pretty special to be invited to this place of course i mean look at me i'm special look at my hair yeah nice hair your hair look kind of looks like justin bieber esteemed guests now that you're all here the candy queen has prepared a special chamber for you all if you all would follow me downstairs find out anything no just let that guy's like super confident over there that's it okay but i swear i talked to that guy and he looks really familiar i just can't place my finger on it got the red mask yeah i didn't look like familiar at all okay this plan was so we better not be a trap i mean we already are working with mr x okay we have to find frogs we have no other choice i'm pretty sure we can trust zoey okay listen i'll check in see if she's seen frog just mingle with the guests get more information about what's happening today we don't know what's happening at this poll yet fine okay zoey come in have you found frog yet not yet but don't worry she's safe right now we need to focus on the mission my mission is to find frog i have to find her okay just let me know when you do okay you got it xantham what do you think can we trust zoe i mean she's having us work with mr x what's over here i know you need to get back and get more information but maybe i can figure out a time to sneak off and search dolly that place is crazy pretty sweet masquerade ball very sweet so what brings you here let's ask you what brings you here and when's your birthday my birthday is tomorrow super excited about it i would like to know your name oh you can put that on your christmas list well you just have one of those faces that i want to punch so i was wanting to know who i was going to punch today i get that a lot you know what i'm a master of disguise i thought you looked like somebody that was close to the candy queen well i used to be close to the candy queen but it got ruined by a ballerina and now i'm here just trying to work your way back or i'll be back on top one day i heard the cannon king's gonna be demonstrating something yeah we've heard it's gonna be the scariest thing she's ever ever presented don't worry i'll protect you oh my god they're lost oh hey i love your red dress it's so pretty thank you you have yours too yeah thank you it looks like you've been going through a lot of holiday parties oh i get what you're saying that's funny no no i'm actually i'm pregnant so oh okay go around with that today today we are pregnant don't you look familiar me nah this brown hair i get that a lot you know with the brown hair and all of that is it just me or is it really hot in here it is very really hot oh my gosh yeah i wish they had like water or something i mean they had snacks up there but it's getting really hot are you hot it's really hot yeah you wanna know what else is hot it's so hot here maybe it's the fire i need some water so thirsty oh man it's getting actually really hot in here man i'm burning up whoa it's getting hot man can you hold this no i don't want to hold your stuff it smells like pizza oh man this is hot lunch cold pizza i knew it it's getting more why are there specific waters for each person maybe zoey would know tape zoe something seems off about these waters are you sure it's safe to drink yeah of course don't worry about it make sure matt and rebecca drink it to blend in got it she says it's fine i guess we go serve it to everyone what are you waiting for the water yes go go go we're on our way oh here they are i have all the guys drinks and i got all the girls drinks okay can i get some water get water for the girls rebecca is candy cane coder candy cane coder here's your water oh yes yes i forgot to mention i was a coder what's your name honeycomb here you go thank you candy crusher and you must be sweet dreams that's me drink up so hard i think i need to get some pressure good luck with that all right i got some water oh i'm so thirsty i'm sorry uh excuse me well i'm not screwed but i'll take it mr confident all right right here mr confident oh oh he's thirsty we got a john doe oh john john doe and then hacky matt is hacky jackie hacky jackie what's so funny happy jackie jackie that's my name thanks for saying it twice i think that's a girl's name no it's obviously not a girl's name watch out for drinks i am so awesome i don't even need a drink that's it in the house yeah super masculine man feel better wow you know what it's like drinking for two oh i guess you don't but so are you ready for this what am i getting ready for but i'm ready for it what is it exactly so i'm being her right hand i heard she's supposed to give me some super secret demonstration a super secret demonstration yeah from what i've heard the candy queen says it's the super scariest thing that she's ever showed us what's something scary she's presenting something today is that why we're here i think so but then they get water though i already drank mine in like two seconds [Music] representing our royal sweetness the candy queen welcome to my red and white masquerade ball by the end of this event one of you will be my new right hand dominion and the rest of you well that leads me to my demonstration do you see that the candy queen has mr x's cane we need to get that back look familiar it's the very same water you all just drank that's water good job now drink minion why is she showing him drinking water perfect now follow me this way becky didn't drink the water yeah i did of course i did i was parched it was so hot in here yeah me too i just bad feeling about it now hot water just water all right they all drink the water what's the water candy queen i can't even they're coming upstairs where are we going what is this demonstration i have no idea now hand me the cup and hop into the chamber but i have a problem oh don't worry about them they'll be perfectly fine into the chamber you go now you all had the exact same water as he had before but observe what happens when in this muffled chamber he hears some music what is going to happen i mean he just drank the same water that we drank right it's just water oh my gosh oh my gosh that's what the water does i knew something bad was happening with this i knew we couldn't trust zoey there's some type of song coming from that chamber the song didn't affect any of you because of this muffled chamber but after the challenges tonight it may before we continue on i'm sure you're all so very hungry let's head on down for a feast rebecca you drink that water and you're pregnant we both drink that water yeah that's what i meant okay you're pregnant what are we going to do i mean she mentioned something about challenges but if we go in that chamber that means we'll be hypnotized you saw what happened to that maybe no i know we cannot listen that song whatsoever let's just go to dinner and we're going to figure out what the challenges are what was your name again hacky jackie okay well i'm candy cane coder what yeah those are the invitations mr x stole matt and rebecca drank the water we have to do something so that doesn't happen to them okay we're gonna have to split up i need to find frog and you need to figure out what's going on with this water and the rest of this plan right yeah yeah i will like try to spy on the candy queen exactly we need to find something you propose at one point too what are you doing with empty trays there's food to be served come on and you make sure that you deliver the candy queen's lunch can't be late it's up on the counter go go go go what are you waiting for go i'll do it after we serve food okay split up then what you just drank is the candy queen h2o this formula is about to be released into the city's water supply the whole water supply that means it could affect everyone in the whole city since enough of the city has had my water i'll play the song city wide and the city will be mine where will the song play from that's only for me and my right hand minion to know tonight you will all be competing through a series of challenges the one guest that survives will receive the antidote to the water and become my right hand minion so the only way that we won't be affected by this water as if we are the winner of these challenges and we win the anti-dopa the two of us drink the water which means one of us will still be affected you're gonna win i know it enjoy your feast the games will begin shortly how are we supposed to eat when all we can do is think about winning these challenges we still haven't found frogs xantham stay focused stay focused so now i guess we're doing challenges this feels like squid games in real life all over again i know dinner if she's gonna be playing the song for the city i wonder where it's gonna be coming from yeah so do i i'm not worried i'm gonna be her next right-hand minion because i never mess up oh wait rebecca did you drink the water yeah we both did so we're stuck we have to do these challenges and we have to win i'm sorry i thought we could trust zoe no we can't trust zoe still what about frog have you found frog no not yet i need to figure out a way to find frogs so distract here i'm gonna say i have to use the bathroom by myself i have an idea of where she might be i got this i'm gonna use the restroom really quickly so go ahead eat without me be right back all right why don't we do a challenge before the challenge is everybody what yeah just to get to know each other how about never have i ever but no one wants to get to know you well too bad bro everybody put one hand up okay thank you never have i ever lost a challenge yeah i need to switch locations okay same thing i'm not going to the bathroom i have to find frog this whole area right here looks like he just went into like a secret room i try to get down there rob frog he came from here maybe she's over here what is this sana i can't go in there i'm pregnant hey frog's not here but she has to be somewhere around here right sam van we cannot leave this masquerade ball without saving frogs also you guys i haven't revealed a secret about frog but if we find frog i promise you guys her and i will reveal it to you we have to find her frog did we hear that i think that's wrong i recognize her voice frog frog that's a life eat a frog this is a movie theater but where is she where is frog they obviously have her here she's tied up oh no someone's coming someone's coming a secret meeting is that zoe undercover it sounds just like her you guys damn comment blue do you think that's zoey yes just as you requested good keep it that way her friend should never be able to find her so so he knows where frog is and she's not telling us all right also did all the guests drink the water i created yes and each cup was labeled with the names just as he requested zoe is behind the water the water that's gonna hypnotize us she had me drink that water why would she do that i thought we could trust her but obviously we can't she was working with mr x and now this the water and knowing where frog is you guys this was a bad idea what if this whole thing is a trap good man she can't know i'm here it's tough being tough she's leaving right now stamping i don't think i can trust her what daniel do you have eyes on rebecca no i don't have eyes on her back right now i'm a little busy i don't know check her bathroom or something maybe she's hiding safely so he's talking to someone else no but i'm too far away i can't hear what she is saying comment below if you know who she was talking to okay you know what i need to tell daniel i need to let them know that zoey cannot be trusted rebecca i need you to find frog asap where is she i don't have time to explain but just follow the black and white stripes you'll see her on a screen and you'll hear her she's around here somewhere oh one more thing what you can't trust zoe she was the one behind the water the water that is hypnotizing all of us so just find frog as soon as possible i've gotta go okay okay i will i fight frog black and white room kendra's zoe what's going on this place is huge hey where's that pregnant lady hey am i doing business i want to buy my own business at sorry it took so long you know when you're pregnant you gotta pee a lot so what are you guys doing we're playing never have i ever really matt never have i ever supposed to be getting in from check under your plates that is the order you will play in for the first challenge everyone step off to the right it's time for dessert time for dessert what do you think the challenge is gonna be this is popsicle roulette before each of you are two boxes one has a sweet dip and one has a savory dip choose the sweet dip and you're safe choose the savory dip and you're eliminated first players step forward cevian you heard that if we don't pick the sweet box then that means that we will be going to that chamber which means we'll be hypnotized you cannot go to that team you can't either right first two are up choose your box there's a drone here wait what i don't see a drone there's a drone out there hello i don't see a drone i don't see it either do you see a drone i don't see a drone i see a drone up there i got chocolate milk mmm it's very sweet like blue gatorade second players step forward who's got sweet okay who's next i'm not next these are mine oh they're next choose your box now [Applause] they both got sweet what if both items are sweet what if no one's getting eliminated that's a good point matty good luck because you're up next i'm going in okay zamfam matt can not go into that chamber he's gonna be hypnotized we still haven't found frog so fingers crossed matt picks the sweet one that was close there's a candy minion right over here it must be in the right spot let's look it was all right here this is where rebecca said she saw the live feed but it's not going right now where is [Music] [Applause] oh my god it's sour oh my gosh lemonade i've never had orange coffee before it tastes so sweet it is eliminated he picked the sweet one oh no that girl's eliminated the minion took her what are they gonna do they're they're probably bringing her up to the chamber did you see that so both items aren't sweet so i could lose this i'd have to go into the chamber good luck good luck i'm really nervous right now zambia choose the right one same thing rebecca cannot go inside that chamber right now there's no way that our unborn baby is going to go crazy like that guy did earlier i hope this works is this the right one i have no idea okay what is this i got it i got a sweet flavor john doe he just got eliminated what's gonna happen [Applause] oh you're like zombies now everyone step outside to the backyard for the next challenge no one do not go inside that chamber okay well we have to win challenges but either way one of us has to go in and we both drink the water and after you're right you'll see the tree house don't make eye contact come on i'm so scared i'm so scared that's so cool doesn't it feel like someone's watching us yeah i know welcome to squid game in real life again everybody grab your gear and then go get in line with my compatriot over there you'll have to make it across the entire field grab a jawbreaker and make it to the end without being seen by me but there's a catch because you would be blindfolded we have to do red light green light but we're going to be blindfolded i hope zoe found frog i need to check in zoe zoey zoey have you found frog she's not responding sam fan can we trust zoey i mean you guys heard the sus conversation i heard maybe maddie's right and she can't be trusted sam i think she might be right here three two one who are you it's daniel daniel i'm in disguise the candy queen she has this big water takeover i know that's why i'm here i need to get out of here because i need to report this okay hold on one second we need to get out of here wait did you say you're gonna report this i need to report the candy queen's big water takeover we gotta go okay let's go hold on wait the place looks clear i don't see anybody wait who is that stay back is a sliding glass door right there we're going to make our way okay on your max get set green light red green light see if you might just feel oh they're skinny can't move rebecca you okay rebecca green light oh show it here i can hear it green light no i don't want to go let me go don't take me to the chamber see if i'm how close am i to feel like i'm close but i don't know where i am i have to put this in the chair somewhere oh we did it we need the challenge there were six of us someone got eliminated i'd be screaming only one was eliminated but good luck with the next challenge head upstairs up there same thing we haven't been eliminated yet i haven't heard from zoe though hopefully someone found frog i mean we need to find her that's why we're here we just got to do this though are you i'm here to rescue her i told her because i keep her safe no you'll go check on the rest of them and not make sure she's okay you promise you're gonna save people of course i promise trust me daniel okay i got it okay can i trust her yes trust her she's so cool she's like us okay good luck damn fam that was great just in the nick of time so we saved the day can i trust zoe i mean that was great i thought we were gonna get caught so frog is safe she says you're gonna break the story but that means that all the camera equipment everything that we're capturing here is very important we cannot lose that gotta get out of here we've got this daniel rebecca come in hey we're here what's up quick update frog is free i let her go frog is free how did you do that well that's the thing zoe helped her escape zoe did but she's the one behind the water she had me drink the water i i don't know i i think we can trust her i mean she helped me i don't know though no way daniel she's working with mr x we definitely cannot trust her okay daniel well right now we are on another challenge if either of us get eliminated we could go into a chamber and get hypnotized so we gotta go but we'll be in touch okay good luck okay thanks for finding frog all right it is much safer for me to hack in the van and less smelly what is this welcome to the don't roll the wrong box challenge each of you's gonna be given one ping pong ball and have the chance to roll it down the table into one of our four wonderful mystery boxes but you don't know which is which your options include face reveal safety sound chamber or cool whatever box you land in is the result you have to follow peace reveal there's no way we can roll face reveal or the candy queen's gonna know we snuck into her masquerade ball rebecca whatever you do you cannot roll the chamber i bet you are very worried about the face reveal what no i'm the candy king coder why would i be afraid of that how do you think he knows who i am doesn't know who i am i mean obviously we want safety but a pool do we just have to jump in or something could be that bad who's the first contestant well i'm always first and everything so i guess i should go pretty confident if i win this are we going to be with me probably not no that's right congratulations for now whoa okay matt so that one's the safe one we have to roll it in that box easy all right who's gonna be contestant number two one two three all right all right i didn't clarify in the rules so you're clear for now but everyone else got to roll it across the table i can't believe you got away with that [Music] you poor do you realize what is in this case if the contents of this were ever compromised it could ruin our entire plans forever wait maddie is going into the candy queen's tree house i couldn't even get in there but i can't really tell what they're saying or doing xantham comment down below what you think is going on in that tree house what about this key i thought this kill was important oh yes from the evil babysitter i'll take that and now you take this key lock her away in her own head forever what are you doing here oh i'm here to give you food oh excellent i'm very very hungry starving that'll be all you can do now okay same thing what is inside of that case it sounds important now the candy queen has the final key to the warehouse and is she gonna lock the evil babysitter in her head forever how would she do that i gotta get back congratulations you got the pool the pool like billiards no i'm swimming you're going for a dip oh well at least it's not the chamber so that's cool with me just have to get it in yes you got this man hacky jackie you got this hackie jackie all you have to do is get it in the box that i got in it easy man jackie it's exactly like all of those packer challenges that we normally do no the chamber no i don't want to go swimming i'll be fine rebecca just don't get out no i'm supposed to be my girlfriend so there's only three of us left everyone head upstairs for the final challenge final i don't think i could do a final i think there's only gonna be one winner though it's gotta be me it's gotta be me what welcome to the pool filled with candy queen's one no not the water wait wait is that the music i don't like that music no no no dude that's the candy queen's water they're playing the song underwater oh my gosh she's going crazy oh that poor girl no oh why are we in a little girl's room wait no we're trapped in the door's locked you have five minutes to escape escape room that means that there is a way to get out we just have to work together search for any clues oh oh there it goes it's a car that's nothing oh wait wait it's a safe where this has to be open it up open it up no you thought you could open daddy know you're going to need the code though okay under the code okay you guys let's split up and search for clues obviously we don't like each other but we need to work together right now so just split up times the chickens hey hey i think i found something it's just a piece of white paper put that on the back just put it there you guys we have less than five minutes to escape so oh look there's a paper here wait i found more paper okay blend here paper let's look up there there's something up there wait that's more paper put it together what is it four you guys i think i found an envelope it says use blacklight i don't know what that means you guys just keep searching this has to be something there's more paper more paper well you got a whole piece of paper that seems really useful okay you guys we need to put this together you guys i'm not to rush you but we've got to get out of here i don't want to go in the chamber oh wait i got it i didn't got it then we did it okay black light we need to search for a black light send me a comment below do you see a black light guys look at the black black it could be under any one of these here that's the black light wait oh this is the black light oh that's it i found it i found it okay okay what does it say oh three three it's it's just numbers though we need to search for three lollipops right here [Applause] oh it has the one it has a one great wait i got a lollipop right here it's a four okay okay so we only need one more lollipop dip and where do you think it is oh i thought it's a two put it together together but what's the order though there's no numbers it's just pictures of food cinnamon rolls these are the flavors oh look cinnamon sprinkles okay so the first digit would be for and then a cookie is there a cookie one this is chocolate oh my gosh have you guys never done an escape room oh oh sugar cookie sugar cookie okay so that's one one and then last but not least four one two okay this is it and then hopefully we can escape four one two oh you have three seconds to escape take the cane away and hide it in the secret location it will be our new headquarters after the grand finale daniel what's going on i was just spying on the candy clean she has a case inside of this room that could ruin all of her plans i don't know what did you find out i just rescued frog you found frogs she's gone i mean i let her go she's gonna break the story or something like that but we gotta figure out what else is going on i had no choice now he might be going into the chamber god i'm still alive candy queen great job you guys one of you has a chance to be my right-hand minion but first we need to watch the chamber what wait wait wait wait don't put me in the muffin chamber she's not who you think she is right no i'm the candy cane hey rebecca is the mom this cannot be into the chamber what no no no no no you can't do it what was that rebecca's in trouble let's go goodbye rebecca why isn't this working don't worry xantham i was able to change rebecca's water so she wasn't hypnotized but i didn't switch out matt's water so i don't know what happened to him you dropped the water freeze watch okay the fbi's here i gotta go this is way too deep for me oh tell rebecca everything i said get down you know about your plans you're going to prison what's going on what's up [Music] let's go candy queen no i can't go to prison stop get there you're with me that's good extra help man you got a shot guys let's go you're okay what are you talking about wait and i got this guy don't worry about this guy i was supposed to be the right hand i was supposed to be the winner i'm so confused what is going on right now well when we were getting investigated by the fbi special agent jay brought me on his side he said i need your help it's gonna be a secret mission i want to recruit you to the fbi so i went undercover and i've been wearing this wire the whole day whoa sorry i couldn't tell you guys what about drinking the water and going in the chamber i never drink the water you tinny no but i drank the water that doesn't make sense nothing happened to me in the chamber i was able to get frog out and she said she's gonna break the story on candy cream plus fbi is here anyways oh i found out that the candy queen has the final key to the warehouse okay so all we have to do is get that final key but candy cream's in prison you guys does that mean we did it we stopped candy queen we stopped your grandfather oh my god we did it wait one sec what happened you didn't locate the black case that's vital for the mission the fbi lost the case [Laughter] the candy queen has been caught and is being charged with trying to hypnotize everyone through the water supply after a successful sting operation conducted by the fbi as she awaits trial the city can rest easy knowing they are safe from the threat of the candy queen however the fbi are still searching for the device that would activate her plan no we need to find the black case we need to know who has it a special thanks to the game master spies for helping to take down the candy queen oh you guys we even got a shout out from frog for stopping the grand finale and the candy queen is in prison oh yeah and i cannot believe that you were undercover with the fbi how'd you keep that secret i couldn't tell you guys obviously because i was undercover but got the job done well you guys heard what they said they still can't find the button that candy was using to activate her plan wait you guys what's going on is that you you turned off the remote master i've discovered how to find where the candy queen has hidden the final key to the warehouse but you'll need the zam fans help to uncover it it's not safe for you to tell them so you'll need to figure out a secret way to pass along the message so we have to give the damn fam a secret message but we can't tell them how are we supposed to do that is it possible the last place i saw the key was at the candy queens tree x house master spies we had an agreement i get you into the masquerade ball and you bring me back my cane well here i am with no cane okay i'm sorry we didn't get that for you but we stopped the candy queen well that's not enough so no no no no that button will hypnotize everyone in the city you can't use that oh but i can unless you bring me back my cane in the next 24 hours well we don't know where your cane is yeah hello oh but i do so pack your bags or else the whole city is going down by my hands
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 12,189,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, grand, finale, the grand finale, masquerade ball, masquerade, ball, rebecca zamolo, rebecca, matt, matt and rebecca, daniel, maddie, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, stokes twins
Id: TGwD5i9LD1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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