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one of many reasons why you shouldn't do moth if you use methamphetamines Crystal moth crank speed glass tweak Yaba within 12 hours of a dental appointment you need to tell us because Dental anesthetic will kill you weird are you dreaming sign found in psychologist waiting room are you dreaming 1. find a mirror to stand in front of it three look at your face in the mirror do you look different two prison guards posing for a photo with Ed Kemper who was six feet nine and three hundred pounds someone anonymously sent this to my neighbor something bad is going to happen to your dog if you don't get it barking under control ancient Japanese preserved it to unseen with all the right paperwork you can get your tattooed scene framed within 18 hours after you die Birds bulking out the sun in Rome French serial killer Charles a serpent sawbridge heading home after being freed in Nepal was going to go out somewhere and found Blood on the side of my car the skull of Mary Magdalene in Saint Maxim in Basilica in France the muscles of a tiger it's not always a good idea to buy a Halloween costume online this deaf experience sounds truly terrifying a few months ago I learned that people who had been deaf from birth but gained their hearing later in life often say that they expected the sun to make a noise and I've been thinking about that ever since fun fact if the vacuum of space didn't bulk sound from reaching us the sun would be as loud as a jackhammer everywhere on Earth everywhere at all times and since sound travels lower than light if the sun were to go out it would take eight minutes for the light to stop but 13 years for the sound to stop imagine living on a cold dead Earth for 13 years and still hearing the Jackhammer scream of our dead star edrin ho Matador who killed 71 people and is considered the biggest serial killer in Brazil participating in a podcast years after his release [Music] my sink six months after not cleaning [Music] abandoned house in France for approximately 15 months a man named tomoki hamasu participated in a Japanese reality TV show in which he stayed alone and unclothed in her apartment surviving on Commercial sweepstakes at the show's Peak over 17 million Japanese viewers would watch weekly [Music] what might be the world's only known venomous amphibian [Applause] [Music] Hawaiian happy face spider these members at Auschwitz having fun in their downtime terrifying decision if elevator does not move do a small jump it should move after my dad had a pig snout anonymously delivered to him for Christmas wood carving a procedure called postmortem spam retrieval is turning dead men into farmers [Music] this AI generated image of if Dark Souls was as eight is fantasy movie Kenny the White Tiger the price of inbreeding my baby blankie I'm 22 and can't sleep without it Christmas wreath surrounded by Frost customers Dentures fell down the toilet and had to be removed armor diving suit from 1878. this is some Bioshock shot the world of prosciato I just found a bullet cleanly placed in my kitchen I don't own a .45 will know anyone nearby who does the only people in my house recently have been my parents who don't own firearms I found this on my car it looks like blood but I can't explain it how this ice froze this lone balloon in the hallway at my work [Music] winds were so strong in Buffalo New York that had been to house a cow painting in the bathroom of an ice cream shop foreign brought my friend to his hometown la looks like a post-apocalyptic prop one of my masks the great Batu known for its unique moaning growl spilled wasp my sister received this letter along with seven missed phone calls from the city it was mailed from smear its entrails on your scene [Applause] found this Shrine while pumping out a flooded basement after a house fire totally not man-eating robots the military made a robot that can eat organisms for fuel we completely understand the Public's concern about futuristic robots feeding on the human population but that is not our mission is a sentence no one should ever have had to say one of the largest flying animals to ever exist Quetzal codeless [Music] quartz bird x-ray of a dislocated shoulder my own worst pain I've ever experienced Mouse closed a circuit [Music] panoramic picture of the Eiffel Tower abandoned artist's house foreign special forces are just militarized sleep paralysis demons [Music] they don't move but that doesn't stop it from creeping me out these pictures taken of evidence to panovic kobetev were snapped four years apart before was taken just before the artist was forced to join the Army after the Soviet Union was attacked by Germany after was taken after he survived World War II before after today I learned that when Pelicans are heat they can take their spine out of their mouths to cool down my buddy found a live baby crabbing his Christmas oysters lovecraft's cat in ancient Egypt instead of police dogs they would send an angry male baboon after you this statue of the devil defeating the Archangel Michael on top of the two that is caged off foreign I hate this painting at my work so much [Music] gather after fires in areas with low circulation they are not as commonly believed Ash covered spider webs [Music] this Snowman in my neighborhood ladybugs cluster together every winter in the corner of my room [Music] this pillow with a guy's face on it is a gift for his girlfriend maybe not the best idea on my way to work this tree at my apartment [Music] the x-rays of hands after firework accidents bus stop teeth they were gone 20 minutes later my great-great-grandmother's graduation class had an intruder inside of an abandoned Sears store my mum's Christmas wall decoration face swap with a chocolate chip cookie her clown knows our cats have been playing with this clown nose for a few weeks now we did not give it to them we don't know any clowns the cats are not allowed outside we fear looking in the closet in the under the bed is right out just pop down from Asgard imagine something waiting to come out when you use this faucet when the shoes you bought from eBay are stuffed with these [Music] this defective wrestling trophy I found at work [Music] just a creature that hangs around your windows and doors [Music] these hairy leg stockings I don't know if this counts but this picture of this cat has been haunting me [Music] dog diving in a pool this mural found in a hospital waiting room for kids [Music] wheelchair amid Empty Street near my home no one around Holly I will tell us a I will kill us but it will also save us that's what AI is for it's an evolution of us that is helping to save the species when my children are grown they won't be able to comprehend how they were made why not build an AI to simulate this for them cadburus hey this is pet Dobby looking dog riding another dog this ogre-faced spider Australia an Indian sloth bear approaching the camera at night they are nocturnal hunters and are known for their aggression towards humans they are considered one of the most dangerous animals in India this plastic spoon are left in a box of mealworm Back Country one lane road late at night [Music] this cat with an unshaven face my cute baby animals calendar is giving creepy Vibes today [Music] I got stuck in the once in a generation storm in Montana this is what happened when I filled my gas tank these minions this man with a TV on his head giving random people old TVs no one knows why TV man did this or what his motives were a man wearing ATV on his head drops off TVs on random porches a photo of a penguin I took opening its beak damn nature you're scary it doesn't states where they will be shot though trespasser will be shot on site bank auction items available for inspections one hour before sale no exception there's nothing behind this gate worth dying for [Music] this chained up and bad mystery container near my local supermarket foreign Czech Republic which is a Roman Catholic Chapel containing more than 40 000 human skeletons the bones of which have been arranged to form the Chapel's decorations and furnishings my sister's tree topper founder sea turtle carcass on the beach [Music] in the theme of terrifying yawning greyhounds this doll I found while cleaning someone's Windows in the 1950s I'm going to take the baby for a ride on that newfangled freeway they just built Smiley water tower looking creepy in the fog today father-daughter face swap clarified as duck by this clown when I was four this image is bothering me a lot my dog's eyes when she sleeps foreign figures at the face slash off Premiere were interesting that hand the Glee in her eyes I present the cute demon of egg freezing the Goliath beetle this sign in a mountain in Japan it says look out for pedestrians [Music] currently the entrance to someone's front door this photo on Facebook captioned when your kids asks you what the tooth fairy looks like show them this Lake Erie homes covered an ice from Arctic freeze why do they all stare like that Merry Christmas from our dog family my backyard in Minnesota after a several day long snowfall the beetroot in my shower drained this sculpture of enter Diana Hyster is first recorded author archaeologists believe this head belonged to a figurine representing a high priestess of her courtesy Pen Museum this weird baby thing damn it I was gonna look at the bus schedule basement of an abandoned building in a town I work in Spinosaurus bulging eyes in a children's book prepping for a home alone birthday party ran out of black ink world deepest dive pool in Dubai this bothers me in so many levels [Music] imagine you didn't know about Avatar movie this coke poster in my wife's grandparents bathroom Coca-Cola have a Coke [Music] my favorite lamp [Music] this photo in a dentist's office you're never fully dresses without a smile be the reason someone Smiles today Lego Mario Luigi and Peach turned off mom got an interesting Christmas gift this year something was slithered here was watching a movie when satellite connection started to glitch put that thing back where it came from also help me my girlfriends wouldn't let me buy this bear she said it would bring demons into our home found this SpongeBob toy bin at a local thrift store a few years ago and thought it'd fit in here sorry if it doesn't I just find it really unsettling Baby James is being warmed on the vent this tool at work these novelty would covered sandwich bags [Music] the moment felt like giant spider on ceiling probably explainable but I can't explain looked like blood in person all over this area of martials these dolls outside my room the image on this hard water stain remover bottle where I work artist pictures NCG generations of a blue bear yelling at a blue wolf the way these birds sleep I knew I didn't leave far from it I have no reflection in this bathroom mirror I'm currently working construction at a new Amazon fulfillment center 650 000 square feet this is the fourth of fifth floor that is fog in the background found this in my girlfriend's Loft she only moved in three months ago and says she has never been up there guess what my name is foreign this in my apartment while living in Japan they are fast one of the last known pictures taken by the hikers of the day at love pass incident 1959. one of the most frightening things I've ever heard is when someone pointed out that the existence of The Uncanny Valley implies that at some point there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't our duplex neighbor of three years mysteriously moved in the middle of the night we had never seen the inside of his house the whole time now we know why a dystopian hellscape I'd like to nominate cardboard humans watching baseball in a dystopian hellscape for photo of the year thanks this abandoned hospital had a visitor last night naturally carved pumpkin instead of carving the jack-o-lantern myself this year I poked a bunch of small holes in a pumpkin and stuffed the holes with peanut butter I then let the squirrels go at it for two days the result is something truly disturbingly [Music] Chicago Metro app in track carries 34 000 passengers on 70 trains across this bridge each weekday [Music] I work graveyard at the mall alone this was in the middle of the floor at 4am this morning in 2009 cave Explorer John Edwards got trapped headfirst in nutty putty cave Utah USA and couldn't be rescued he suffered cardiac arrest after being inverted for 28 hours and died with his body is still trapped upside down the caves have been shut with concrete now Jon Jones was trapped headfirst in a vertical shaft in nutty putty cave rescue could see only his feet that out of the narrow passage the crew tied John with a rope connected to a series of pulleys to reduce frictions everything was ready and they pulled as hard as they could but suddenly and without warning one of the police failed the pulley came loose at its Anchor Point in the cave wall which contain a substantial amount of loose clay [Music] xyleria polymorphyr is a sopropic fungus commonly known as Dead Man's dingers these three cages that were used to hold the dismembered remains of opposing religious leaders in the region in 1536 still hang on Saint Lambert's cathedral in Munster Germany an iris growing over a pupil the sip of moth outside my window Portland man found his tire slashed and this note on his car you were so easy to find Mark you should drive more carefully found out the house we are living in has a bunker below I managed to squeeze my phone in one of the cricks of the door to take this creepy picture someone left a seven-foot statue of the Hamburglar in the middle of the forest [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Memes
Views: 21,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily dose of memes, Oddlyterrifying, Oddly Terrifying, r/Oddlyterrifying, r/Oddlyterrifying EmKay, Weird Photographs, Weird Facts, Videos that are Oddly Terrifying, Things that are Oddly Terrifying, Oddly Terrifying Pictures
Id: Udk_WqmqgJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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