If You Could Pick a Starter Pokémon from ANY Type

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throughout Pokémon history the vast majority of Mainline Pokémon games give you a choice between a grass fire or water type starter three choices and that's it in the games where those are not the starter types you don't get a choice in starter at all but what if they were to make a Pokémon game where you could choose a starter from any type the grass fire water starter would be new Pokemon let's say but the other 15 types would be represented by existing Pokémon which Pokémon would best fit as starter Pokémon I'll be selecting these new type starters based on how closely they align with traditional starter aspects there are a few criteria for this but the first two are mandatory they have to evolve twice meaning they have a three-stage evolutionary line and they have to maintain the specified type throughout their entire line for example Larvitar could be a rock starter but not a ground starter because Tyranitar is not ground type the other criteria are not as strict they're more just general targets first is trying to get close to starter based at totals these are the ranges of based at totals for base middle and final stage starters so I want Pokémon that get within or as close to these ranges as possible next ideally the whole line is level up evolutions and even more ideal the first evolution is in the teens and the second is in the 30s I will allow for non-level up Evolution methods because there is precedence for evolution methods changing between generations and also it would make the pool really small for certain types however I am going to try really hard to avoid trade Evolutions where I can and the final criteria just Vibes man if I have more than one that are close I'm going to go for the one that just looks and feels more like a starter so let's get started unended with bug which is immediately tricky there's no shortage of three-stage options Caterpie Weedle and Scatterbug being examples but we run into bad base stat problems their final forms are as weak as middle stage starters we do have four options that get generally close in the basat total Department though swaddle Venipede grubbin and blipbug Scolipede has a base stat total of 485 Levan and vikavolt have 500 and or Beetle has 505 of these four options grubbin and blipbug are the most appealing to me their base forms la secondary typing which is allowed to be clear it's just I'm aiming for single typed base forms because of all of the starters the only dual typed base forms are Bulbasaur and rattet and the final form based at totals are closest to the target range Levan is the same as vikavolt but I dislike that it's a grass type choosing between grubbin and blipbug is tricky though blipbug and dotler are significantly weaker than the target range for base and middle forms while grubbin and charge buug are much closer blip bug has better Evolution though 10 and 30 are technically teens and 30s ranges while grubbin doesn't evolve until 20 and then Charger buug needs either a magnetic field or a Thunderstone I'd say both are worthy choices but I'm going with blipbug its Evolution methods are better and its lower stats are somewhat made up for by lower Evolution levels plus orbal is closer than vikavolt to the Target BST range and I'm weighing the final form more heavily than the others additionally the line has swarm all the way through which is the bug type of equivalent of overgrow Blaze and torrent so that's a nice touch next is dark the three-stage lines that are dark all the way through are Sandile Dino poniard impidimp and Garian Zig zagon but Dino and poniard immediately suck their evolution levels are instantly disqualifying could you imagine not evolving your starter a single time until Level 50 that leaves us with Sandile impidimp and Garian Zig zagon all of which have secondary types I'd prefer to avoid but cannot it is allowed there is precedent for it as I mentioned earlier Bulbasaur and ret it's just I would rather not but I have to for this one all three of the final forms have based at totals close to the range and the base forms are universally weaker than regular starters with Sandile getting the closest however gallerian L noon Falls exactly in the middle Evolution range having a base stat total of 420 identical to several middle stage starters cocar Rock and morgram are noticeably weaker additionally while all three lines evolve by level up the zig zagon line has by far the best levels for this it evolves at 20 then 35 compared to 29 and 40 for Sandile then 32 and 42 for impidimp Lon can only evolve at night but that is a small wrinkle that doesn't really bother me add on that obon gets the closest to the Target final form range and gallerian Zigzagoon is the best dark type starter plus it even does the modern starter thing where at the beginning it's a little animal and then by the end it's a a furry next up is dragon and it has several three-stage lines the problem is that most of them are pseudo legendary that tends to mean bad Evolution levels and final forms that are way stronger than a normal starter but thankfully there is one literally one dragon type three stage line that isn't pseudo legendary and it's actually a pretty solid starter fit axu as a friendly reminder trapinch is just pure ground type so it is not eligible for being a dragon type starter the axu line's based at totals are great axu has 320 the same as the alola starters fracture has 410 same as florado and quaw well axis has 540 only just above the top of the final form range it is absolutely perfect until you look at its Evolution levels axu doesn't evolve until 38 and then fracture at 48 these are disgustingly high and while they're better than some pseudo Legendary Pokémon they're not better than all of them them Gibble's levels are 24 and 48 Jang moo is 35 and 45 beon is 30 and 50 all three of these pseudo lines are closer to the Target Evolution levels and while at first I thought axu was still the best fit because like oh if it doesn't get as strong in its final form it must level up faster right no it's still in the slow experience group of the three pseudos I just mentioned beon makes the most sense to me as a starter like the others its base and middle form stats are closer within the range of a starters it has better Evolution levels than Jang moo and it's pure dragon unlike Gibble also I like that it does the Charizard thing it starts out as just a little lizard and then ends up as a lizard that flies but of course salam's 600 base stat total is way above 535 the max Target for a final stage starter so I have a dilemma about what to Value more Evolution levels that are closer to the Target or a final form having a base stat total that's closer to the Target it was tough to decide but I eventually realized I need needed to think about not just what's closer to the Target but what would be more fair to play through with and that made me decide that it's beon if you're going to deal with higher Evolution levels and slower leveling you should be rewarded with a stronger final form starter not one that's just as strong as all the others it'll be work to get your beon and shell gone up to a salamance but when you get there you'll have a freaking salamance whereas if axi was the starter you'd do a similar amount of work if not worse and you'd have haxus that's noticeably weaker and that's just not fair however I will say this discussion has invigorated me haxus should have had pseudo legendary stats it's got those Evolution levels and the slow experience group it's a dragon type and it's just 540 in its final form how dare you justice for the axe Dragon next up is electric and the first thing I need to do is just immediately dismiss Pichu and Pikachu all three members are significantly weaker than the targets and the line has a friendship Evolution and a own Evolution there are way better options I know Pikachu's actually been a starter but it's been weird situations where it like just can't evolve at all and so we're going to pick something else my new game my rules outside of Pikachu though there are quite a few options but two stand Above the Rest elid Magnemite Tynamo alolan Geodude and pomy are all three stages but at some point have a funky Evolution method but mie and shins don't have that problem both Mars and Shin's evolution levels are 15 and 30 which fits squarely into the teens and 30s range I'm going for the bsts for the base and middle stages are also very close to each other and thus equally close to the desired ranges however luxray has a higher BST than Aeros and this total of 523 is only two points outside the final form range Target just under venusaur's total of 525 it's extremely close but that difference gives luxray the edge over Aeros meaning shins is the electric starter next is fairy but it might as well be a rock type because of how many Stone Evolutions there are not that that many rock types evolve using Stones it's just like rocks and stones anyways ctha Igglybuff Togepi and flbe all use Stone Evolutions plus friendship for three of those aeril doesn't use a stone but it does use friendship all these funky Evolutions have taken out several good options like I said I would be okay with those but that's if we don't have any other options we do still have some other options we're left with impidimp tinatin and Ralts I kind of wish Ralts had a fun little rhythmic name too ralt a Ralts or something I do have to acknowledge that Ralts does have a split Evolution with a stone but this game could simply not give you a dawn stone or force your rals to be female and thus just evolve into gardivoir as discussed during the dark entry impidimp has level up Evolutions but the levels are not great so I'm not really interested in it here Ralts and Tinka Tink are the leftover options but neither is a clear winner both have dual types that I don't love Tinka Ton's BST is a bit far from the fully evolved range and Tinka ttin evolves in the 20s rals evolves at 20 which is slightly high but not as bad as Tinka Tink however Ralts and klia are pitifully weak klia is weaker than a base form traditional starter I got to go tin a tink here it's more balanced all the way through and it's pink so that's fun I will say though that if Togepi had better Evolutions that would be my pick but alas friendship and a stone next is fighting typen let me begin with a question do you know how many three stage lines there are that are fighting type all the way through so it doesn't count if fighting is added later like with kusin and blazekin the base form has to be fighting type how many do you think there are I'll tell you it's three only three in nine Generations it's Machop Mankey and Timber and Mankey being there means that until the last games it was only Machop and Timber you may have noticed that we do not have a line with pure level up Evolutions all the way through Machoke and gerder evolve by trade or by using the Link cable item in Legends archus and primeape has to use rage fist 20 times then level up so we'll have to live without the perfect normal level up Evolutions here so instead let's look at Stats the base forms have identical totals of 35 primeape is stronger than the middle forms by a solid chunk since it was originally a final form while Machoke and gter are on the bottom border of the middle stage range then annihilate has exactly the base stat total of Swampert while Machamp and kelder lag behind at 505 none of the three are absolutely perfect choices but I'm going with Mankey for two reasons the first is that its final form hits the stat range perfectly and I care more about that than the middle stages and its Evolution can occur without the need of another game you could bring back the Link cable item from Legends archus but considering all the other things that Mankey has going for it it's still my pick next up is flying go team sky and this entry is going to be short while there's no shortage of three-stage flying types many Regional birds fall into this category many of them annoyingly have the normal type alongside the flying I would deal with that if I have to but since rookie D exists I don't rookie D is pure flying type the only one outside of its Evolution corvisquire and then Tornadus this is immediately super appealing to me but it has other things going for it it's a bit weaker than traditional starters but all the other three-stage flying lines have the same problem except Crobat Crobat hits the BST range of the final forms but it's a friendship Evolution and also a poison type and of course corvite is extremely cool little bias here but I just really like that Pokemon but anyways rookie D is the flying type starter next is Ghost which has a similar problem to fighting very few options and none of them great the only three stage lines are Gastly Duskull Litwick hone Edge and dpy dpy is the only one to evolve via level up all the way through but its Evolution levels are the disgusting 50 and 60 which is enough to disqualify it Litwick doesn't evolve for the first time until 41 which is not as bad but it's still bad and then DUS skull and hone Edge are 37 and 35 again bad that leaves only Gastly evolves at level 25 and then by trade and I hate the trade Evolution but as I've mentioned we could get around that with a linking cord item that's handed to you at a certain milestone in the story however the stats for this line work pretty well Gastly and Hunter are both in the Target ranges while Gengar is a little underpowered DUS Noir is in the range but again being stuck with a DUS skull until level 37 would really suck and then of course Gastly is a poison type which I do not love but so is Bulbasaur like I said not an ideal option but it's the best one we got Gastly is the ghost starter ground has a solid chunk of options but Swinub trapinch Gibble and Sandile are the only ones with level up Evolutions yes Piloswine needs a specific move to level up but it learns it naturally in modern games so it's effectively a regular level up Evolution assuming you don't skip the move but like there's move reminders it's fine however in regards to Evolution levels for these options they all stink the lowest is Gibble at 24 but then not again until 48 Sandile is next at 29 and the other two don't evolve for the first time until sometime in the 30s for base stats all but swi up are a bit underpowered but close for Middle stages Gabite is in the range while pilo swine is stronger and VI Brava and cocar rock are weaker by a chunk for final forms mammo swine is in the range Flygon and crocodile are close and gar chop is way over in short none of these are the clear best option so how do I pick I don't know I supp so long on this and it's just I don't know wait Vibes trapinch oh and also it's the only one that's pure ground also I like Flygon there you go I'm sorry this one sucked next we have ice which is eerily similar to ground we have a few options but none of them are great Swim's evolution is late and while mammo swine stats are good swims are low and pil of swines are high the spine stats work well but it evolves frustratingly late and I don't like that it's a water type FRX has bad Evolution levels too and of course it's a dragon type and back caliber is a pseudo and thus super powerful vanillite seems like The Golden Child since it has bad Evolution levels like the others but it's pure ice type and the Bas stat totals are within or just outside the target ranges however it's in the slow experience group are you kidding univa what's with the slow experience group Pokemon that both evolve late and are not that strong by the end like they're not weak but just like that's just not fair and also makes them bad starters just give it to Swinub no choice is ideal and it's actually in the slow experience group too but with a move reminder situation in modern games you can get a mammo swine in the 30s and that's pretty significant it's got the right stats for it not perfect but oh my God just please let the next ones be easier next is normal and I should first mention some disqualifications first I'm not considering any of the normal flying types I believe those should have been purifying so standing on principal I am ignoring them Garian zigzag goons already been reserved for dark and then smiv y'all agree it'd be weird if this plant this extremely a plant was the normal type starter right like I don't understand why the normal type is there I got it with deerling cuz it's like an animal with a bit of plant but like this is this is just an olive after those there are still quite a few three-stage normal lines such as Porygon Teddy Ursa Igglybuff haini and slacko but all of those have some kind of issue it's mainly Evolution problems or its slacking being as strong as Groudon but with a garbage ability just a bad starter situation across the board there are two lines that work very well though whis and lilipop both pure normal all the way through with solid Evolution levels lups are a bit better though actually identical to the Bulbasaur lines both are underpowered compared to starters but the lilip pup line is less underpowered considering lilip pup has the edge in both Evolution and bass stats Lup is my choice for a normal type starter next is poison and like with normal I have some exclusions to make that being mainly the grass poison and Bug poison Pokémon like with the normal flying Pokémon they feel a lot more like one type than the other Gastly is also out since it's already the ghost starter so that leaves nin female Nan male and Zubat I like and dislike things about all of these Pokémon I like the nean first evolving at 16 and they're pure poison type but I don't like Nido King and Neo Queen's low lower power and stone Evolution I like Crobat power level being within the final form range but I don't love zubats being lower gbats being higher the Crobat friendship Evolution and the persistent flying type it's tough to pick but I'm going with Zubat the Friendship evolution is an issue but it's a smaller issue as a later Evolution than an earlier one because you've already gotten the Zubat from level five all the way up to a goldbat so that's quite a bit of friendship to grow and also I really like that Crobat is the proper strength for a starter also if I had to choose a nean I don't know how I'd choose which one next is psychic which has several three-stage lines Abra raltz Beldum mime Jr and Galler gotha Solosis cosmog and hattenna and let's just real quick get rid of cosmog how would you like it if you had to have your starter just splash teleport and Cosmic Power until level 53 I discussed Ralts earlier but to summarize it's okay but not great Ralts and curia are super weak and you have to deal with the whole Glade split Evolution thing the Abra and Beldum lines have some things going for them mainly their stats in general but both base forms learn only a single move by level up this is fixable move sets can change but they have other issues too mainly cadabra trade Evolution into Alakazam and then Metagross not only being a Steel type which I'd prefer to avoid if I can but also it's a pseudo legendary 600 base de total that's that's a lot gotha Solosis and henna are very similar to each other all three evolve in the early 30s then early 40s which isn't great and the base stats across the line are all quite similar to each other but they're a bit underpowered compared to starters that leaves mime Jr which surprisingly is somehow the best option assuming the gallerian evolutions mime Junior evolves once it learns mimic in sword and shield that was at 32 but in Gen 6 and 7 it gets it at level 15 effectively making it a teen Evolution then it becomes gallerian Mr mime and evolves at 42 which isn't perfect but it's just as good or better than basically all these other psychic types but the icing on the cake is the stats mime Jr is within the target range and while Mr mime is above it Mr Ryme is the closest of all the final form psychic types only five points out from the bottom Edge like I said it's not perfect but mime Jr is the best psychic starter option assuming the gallerian evolutions which actually works well since I already picked gallerian zig zagon next is Rock which has so many options Geodude alolan Geodude ryhorn Larvitar Aon roag and rolla Roy Coy and nackle and I'm uh I'm not going to go through all of them just roly Coy and knacki because those two evolve by level up all the way through and are pure rock type in the base form between the two of them Roy KY has a slight Edge its Evolution levels are perfect being 16 and 34 many starters evolve at 16 and the alola starters evolve at 3 4 they are exact while nackle evolves at 24 and 38 as for the stats both are underpowered compared to starters in the base form roly Ki is worse but carcoal is in the middle stage range while knle stack isn't and then colossal is closer to the final form range both are solid options but Roy KY is a bit better and thus my pick for the rock type starter the final type is steel and it is so bad Tinka Tink is the fairy starter so the remaining options are Magnemite Aon Beldum clink poniard and hone Edge but none have good Evolutions I already covered poniards a gous evolution level and most of the others are better but not good Magnemite Aron clink and hone Edge don't have their first evolution until the 30s and then their second is either in the 40s or uses a stone and weirdly enough that leaves Beldum Beldum evolves at 20 and 45 which somehow is the best Evolution situation for all of these as discussed with other pseudo Legends the base form BST is close to the target range the middle form is within it and the final form is way above it however as I mentioned earlier beldums only level up move right now is tackle but despite those flaws I still think it's the best option like its Evolution levels aren't great but they're better than the others you'll be rewarded with a stronger starter and while it can only learn tackle you can change the move sets Pokemon move sets change all the time time so it could be altered for it being a starter and that's an easier alteration to make than an evolution method so that completes the list so these are my 15 non-grass fire waterer type starter options let me know in the comments below if you were given the option which one you would choose if you've watched all the way to the end here you probably enjoy my video so if you do me a favor check to see if you're subscribed you may think you are but you're actually not so double check and if you want to watch some more videos of mine there's one on the screen that YouTube is recommending specifically to you you it's different for every person watching so it is personalized for you but that is all I have for now so till next time fans got to catch them all
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,233,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon scarlet and violet, gen 9, pokemon legends z-a, legends z-a, starter pokemon
Id: oteN3CZ6bh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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