Octopath Traveler Tutorial: The Chapter 1 To Chapter 2 Level Gap Solution

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hello everybody welcome back to more octo path traveller alright this video is probably gonna be released early so keep that in mind so you get through the first handful of chapters and you realize quite quickly oh the chapter two missions are actually really high level you have total like none it at level 27 alpha at level 24 ulbrich is another one where I think he's at like level 27 as well if I recall correctly I'm pretty sure he's yeah 27 Tresa and Cyrus are both 22 and 24 respectively the issue with this is the fact that most players even if you go through the stories and if you need to go through all eight stories chapter ones it is highly unlikely you're gonna be anywhere near these levels at best you're probably gonna be pushing 20 on maybe two or your characters depending on if you'll still use your favorites so how do you deal with this massive level gap well the easiest way well the way I'm gonna show you guys is actually a grinding method that takes place here near stone grows near stone garden now I'm aware that there are multiple methods of grinding on the internet the big one there's two big ones I see one is the King Fisher strategy which happens way the up here and while this one is incredibly effective in the fact that you get a crap ton of XP out of it it's also not preferable I'll tell you why it's not preferable because you're spending an incredibly large amount of X large amount of time and resources trying to do that method and they expect and people honestly recommend this method the other method I see quite often is to hit up these other dungeons and caves all throughout the realm you usually find them on like the city paths that lead off into like a wooded area or some other area that leads into like a cave or something the problem is is that octo path traveler is kind of dishonest and you will walk into these caves thinking oh it says recommended level 20 and then get your ass almost handed to you so how do we combat this well the first thing to do is to realize that the game's recommended level is kind of a lie I mean it's telling you the truth that's the level they recommend but a better way to say it is like that's a bare minimum so bare minimum going into an area you should be at least level 18 bare minimum going into an area should be at least level 20 I don't know I mean that might be common knowledge but given the fact that they use the word recommended and in my own personal experience having started this LP that recommended level has been probably closer to what effing lie then like true fact I kind of feel comfortable in saying that the goal here as with any grinding session is to be able to grind relatively carefree without the fear of death now I'm aware I'm a little over level but this is how I got to that point so I'm going to show you guys exactly where I went and what you want to fight the area we're gonna be heading to is level 17 or 18 and you got to remember up until this point assuming you're still on chapter 1 you haven't been getting amazing XP from monsters very often outside of like bosses so our goal here is to start getting some good XP now to do this I have some recommendations top three best characters to use in this situation oberek hunt it and Cyrus they are your your golden gooses these three characters will obliterate together hell you can go you can go to Z's if you want you can just go you can go Olga can hunt it you can go over akin Cyrus you can go hun it and Cyrus you can go you can do any combination of the three and he will have pretty much the same results now let me explain why I recommend this so there's a few reasons one its kind of keeping in line with my theory towards grinding is that if you're gonna grind in a video game you want to minimize the risk so we're in the this is approximately where you want to be in this little area right here we're actually gonna go to our skills and unequipped a support skill I have turned on which is the evasive maneuvers and we're also gonna turn on turn off evil ward well I actually kind of want that because there's actually one encounter you can run into here that you don't want so let's go alright perfect we found it if you see this encounter eping run it is a waste of your time do not do it this is the worst possible encounter you could get the experience is not worth the time this thing has way too much HP to be worth a while and you're basically wasting your effing time first chance run away don't do it that was too easy actually that was real easy so yeah that encounter don't mess with that is the only encounter you will run into in this area that isn't worth it and I engaged not worth it by time so this isn't a great one but this is actually close to what we want these guys right here Highland retconned are the guys you really want to mess with these guys give good experience really good experience and you all understand that once we actually jump into this so let's get rid of these guys real quick this isn't very difficult for me to do honestly [Music] hell we're not even gonna like fret that much honestly I could probably just do a normal fireball and get rid of them alright we're close [Music] [Music] this is my arrow flying there we go so you should see there that wasn't too difficult now you see here I got about a hundred and sixteen experience from doing that now I know what you're thinking but Reza you're like really high-level here's the thing guys this is safe there is a low risk of you actually done and if you do start to take damage that's fine but here's the thing none of these guys deal an aggressive amount of damage providing the fact that you've been getting decent armor as you go as long as you've been like upgrading your armor at a relatively decent rate you should be fine and that's coming from someone who had to do this at like 21 so once again we're gonna jump right in and I do like the same thing I have this standardized at this point I don't even waste my time trying to get fancy because it's not really worth my time honestly hell we're just gonna jump into a firestorm honestly and then we're gonna go hunter skills arrow stone right [Music] listen my arrows flying [Music] we'll go level slash to finish these got it all theory up now I know what you're thinking alright reso see right there I got a level that didn't take me long and on up granite keep in mind in two battles I've already pulled off well almost like 200 something XP out of this and keep in mind these battles even at my now you could argue at my level I'm making this incredibly easy right that could be the argument I did this if you guys remember about halfway through after I did tressa's story I went in leveled everybody up when I got back everybody was pushing like mid 20s to high 20s this is where I did it now before I in this video there's one other reason why I recommend leveling here and that is because of Kate's this is another really good one the really good encounter for this area is the one with like all rat Kennex when there's like four of them you can get you'll get almost almost 200 experience out of it honestly it's really effing good we'll just go luminescence that's fine so all right as I finish up this video my the point I'm trying to make here is actually very easy the goal of being able to grind is being able to do so in an environment where the amount of resources you're gonna have to expend isn't so great basically the point is there's no point in doing it if every time you go to grind you run the risk of dying and then you have to like restart your save or pick up from your last say that's not fun that's not fun at all you don't want to do that but I don't even want to do that and notice we're getting $500 almost 600 gold a battle yo it's a lot of money bring Tressa in you all be rich son so I'm hoping before I wrap this video I'm hoping I can grab Kate wow this is a great example so this is three Ratkin and one of them is the stronger version of what we've been fighting so we're actually just gonna go all-in on this fight oh wow they're all broken damn [Music] and here's the great thing about this is that given this set up you don't even really need to be super effective against them you can kind of get away with bringing characters who just do good damage [Music] boom let's see how much we get for this okay look at this we walked away with a hundred and fifty-four experience for just killing three of them keep this in mind these guys aren't really that tough as long as you buy equipment you should be able to do this easily this shouldn't require some great level talent out of you like I said before go back and watch my video where I use tres up and then go back and then see how many levels I gained with everybody after the fact the Trece to the next character I did cuz I'm free tried it I pretty sure I did oberek I don't think I need over again maybe I had I have to go back and check but I'm pretty sure it's the Trece video I'll have it in the description all the two videos in the description you guys can go check but generally speaking I find this is the lowest risk area and the brightest thing about this is you can't run into Kate's out here with my there we go again with my luck I can run into a bow two or three if I'm lucky in an hour and that's like a guaranteed level if you ride a two or three case within an hour you're getting really good XP out of that and keep in mind they're hitting her hard but understand she's a caster first and foremost so she's not gonna have as much HP si over a Kinect effing elfin you know yeah she's gonna take damage and that's fine this is why you bring characters like over ik and them along to balance that out we'll get to hunnit hunter skills we can go straight to arrow storm even better she got it all over again the help okay [Music] so generally speaking the characters I've chosen tend to be good for this method Tressa obviously you've noticed most of them all have wind weakness but you can accomplish this with a couple of characters that you like using like oberek Conan or Cyrus and you can just run slip shot I apologize this video went on so long I didn't mean for it to go 15 the point I want to make before I wrap this video up is that this is a method that you can do at about level 22 about 17 somewhere in there maybe a little lower if your rest of the team is pretty high up there around low 20 as long as you have decent equipment this method is a hundred percent doable there is nothing stopping this method from helping you get levels and I've already shown you you're getting more experience this way with less risk provided you're breaking them then less risk then you would be taking other methods and I would say these enemies are far easier to actually kill without too much specialization swords and bows basically and magic is already really good so you could just use anything you want against them at that point anyways guys I hope this video has been helpful Jesus almost 16 minutes I hope it's been helpful this is my solution to the chapter one chapter two level gap problem hope you guys enjoy hope it helps you out god knows it helped me out because I was I was frustrated anyways guys I will see you all next time have a wonderful day I'm signing out
Channel: Resobaso
Views: 68,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Octopath Traveler, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Leveling, Easy leveling, level 20, Level 22, Level 27, Olberic, H'aanit, Therion, Cyrus, Primrose, Alfyn, video games, Level gap, Switch, PC
Id: -cOgY5J87KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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