Octopath Traveler - How to Steal Golden Axe / Best Weapon in Chapter 1

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hey folks Anna Manor here today we're gonna be looking at Ultra Park traveler the Golden Axe which is kind of like strongest weapon in the demo but also is going to be starting it on the game because the start of the game is based at what it is so we're gonna get it from Clearbrook I think it is where Alphen starts out but we're not actually gonna start with ALPHAN we need to be able to steal at first before actually starting Ellen's campaign so we will need cerium but again we need some brute power to be able to do this so we'll start off with Hannah you can also do this with Albrecht but hannah is one of the easiest way to get to it and I believe possibly the quickest no backtracking across more land but anyway we're gonna start off with Harnett and from here you're gonna just work your way through her starting campaign maybe get to level 5 make sure you get some of the animals or humanoid like wrapkin kind of thing I think they're going to got bird attacks but if you get some ones that actually have the sword attribute for vulnerability this is actually gonna help you out a lot because we do need to fight someone wave where you will need to use that sword vulnerability as well so do keep this in mind alrighty so once we have completed that first little segment of her Nets campaign we need to get down to Boulder 4 so we're going to need to go north then to the left and then southward toward Boulder fall where therian is located so gonna head out of town and start the the little path here just a little note as well just so you're not getting lost always refer to the signpost because these are gonna be the things that are gonna guide you otherwise you could potentially get lost very easily there's also a little NPC here with any character if you finish there starting bid the first card you choose you'll always have this little sub quest but following the paths to Boulder fall and you won't go wrong basically so once we're in Boulder 4 we need to go to theory and we're gonna get him in the party you can choose to do your story if you want to but remember there is a three hour time limit on this campaign so the faster you get through this the quicker you do need to finish up his first boss as well though any character you get you need to finish up their first boss so let them tag along and you can choose if you want to hear their story or not I chose no to save time and then what you do need to know the theory on because he is a stealing or a thief character you can go up to any character with a speech bubble and sometimes most of the time they should be able to allow you to steal items from them need to be with him range of him standing next to them as well in this first town everything is 100% success rate because it's kind of a tutorial town but outside of this you are gonna lose reputation if you fail a steal attempt I think you get four chances to steal and then you'll fail and you will need to refresh your your reputation in town so we get to that a little bit later but just to note again another little cool tip with this little mansion that his dungeon is every enemy in here will actually have a soul stone to steal so you can thank quite a few items to help you through bosses very quickly or to maybe rush through some enemies if you just want to get some quick and easy experience so break those enemies cuz it's gonna be the best chance to steal items and then once you have them broken pop your your thief skills and then you can either steal it outright or you can boost again to increase the chance but you can see I just stole a fire sorcerer in there which is actually going to be one of the weaknesses of the boss coming up so as I mentioned we have Heathcoat here who is the boss for the start of therians campaign he is gonna be weak against the fire and ice so you can use these soul stones I would recommend when you've broken him had it actually has a multi-hit bow attack as he is weak against bow always used that as well to quickly widdle him down and break him so that he's not getting you as often so once you've completed this little bit we are then on to the main meat and bones of getting this weapon so again skip any cutscenes you can just to save yourself some time if you haven't or if you have actually seen it before if not I'd recommend maybe playing through the character first and then you know going about your way but we're gonna be heading north out of town we're gonna get all the little cutscenes is what its gonna happen with getting every character it's just gonna be this you could see their story or you can't or you can go and just skip through it skip through all their cutscenes it gets their boss or go through the dungeon get their boss and then go from there that's how I got all the eight characters at the start of the game but as you can see I'm just skipping this to get through it so next up we're going to be going to Clearbrook again pay attention to the signs so bring up the world map we need to go a little bit north and then again we need to go south directly south this place is a little bit confusing so I would wreck and in this Canyon area definitely pay attention to those signposts because there is a lot of a lot of pilots can take you into weird places where you don't really need to go to so you can see Boulder pass is the way you need to go it doesn't say Clearbrook but just follow that way to border pass and you'll get there again maybe you want to run from enemies maybe not it's up to you but eventually you're gonna get to the Clearbrook area as you can see we're just walking in the town and this is where we're gonna be setting up to get to get this golden axe so there's a few things I wanted to go over here once you get into town head straight to the save point it is on the far right of the town you're gonna see often here with his little green bubble don't worry about him because this is actually going to prevent you from stealing from the enemy or person we need to steal from until we've completed his campaign so to save this we're gonna be safe scumming if you are not a fan of that you could either get that attempt and try and maybe pay the reputation thief or not we're gonna go up to this go over here and we're gonna provoke her the granddaughter is her name she has a three star difficulty we're gonna fight her so this is where I recommend having any of these enemy captures that have the sword attribute so what I would recommend is Whittle her down get her close to breaking maybe do an extra attack just so you can get to that fourth level of your what do you call a boost and then this is where I'd recommend sure let's also use a healing grape I only ever saw her use it once so maybe I hit her down a bit so that she uses it and gets it out the way but what are you gonna be going for is trying to you know I'm here doing the complete wrong attacks but I've build up she's actually weak against the sword attribute as I've mentioned and this was me just you know mind fart not doing it right I've used them mossy meth again to heal now I'm ready to go okay sorry but now I'm ready to go so we're gonna be using the moment or the Horace Fox of the two I would recommend there's possibly others of the better but these the ones I had at the time are there you go she's to healing breaks so I just ate my own words you're gonna break her and this is where I would charge up and I would use one of those sword enemies and she's to do about hundred damage there we go you should be able to get two of these charged attacks in so enough hits to break her and then two of these fully charged level four boost sort attacks will wipe her out so we're coming up to that now one more hit and then we'll be able to charge I was thinking here I should probably heal up but I've done it before and I wasn't gonna risk you know missing out and having a heal again so we're gonna do this forest folks here you go swipe and she's gone we're all done that's all we can go home now you could potentially save it here now if you wanted as well so you don't have to do that again but the goal of this is that we've knocked her out we can go inside and this is the guy we never steal from so you can see here he has two really good access the golden axe has 265 attack tower which is insane and we also have the argent axe which isn't too bad I'm not as good as the golden axe oh you have four attempts to steal this you can see I I missed it there and then it's gonna say reputation don't steal too much or you're gonna be a bad guy and people won't like you so pay attention that you can force that screen maybe rewind a bit and pause it you can see the message at the top says the reputation drop I got it I got it my second attempt and then you can see here I'm gonna fail because I was too cocky it's like I need to get the iron axe and that had three percent chance as well and looks fail three more times and I'm just going for it and he just got his hand on that axe and he's not giving it and there we go we've now got red we're blocked out of stealing so this is why you need to save scum because it's gonna be quite a bit of money to be able do this but you can see here look at that I jumped from 146 physical attack to 375 so this is an insane weapon it is actually the best weapon in the demo currently until people prove me wrong or until maybe the game comes out retail and we have more better weapons but you can see here we can get a restore reputation in the tavern and it's in a class that's 2,000 leaves or the gold currency to buy this so I've only got 800 there's no chance I can do this so at this point I might as well just go out and show you how powerful this weapon actually is but you can see I've got the golden axe now that is dead only worth it is such a good weapon it's got an extra 100 the critical hit as well so I ain't a speaks for itself it's such a good weapon but I need to show you I need to give you proof that it's worth it because you need to see it to believe it right so if you consider that most of those soul stones do about 200 damage just considering that we're gonna get into a fight and I think we should be hitting for about between fifty and a hundred at about level 5 to level eight where we're at at the moment so these wasp or Beedrill enemies are actually week against axes which is good so we can break them down we're gonna first you know make three and defend but we're gonna go into this attack look at that 363 and then 413 when broken and if I show you an example he's only doing 56 damage and then if I do my attack 419 so it's very powerful it's definitely worth going for this weapon I would definitely start my first playthrough of going about and actually grabbing that weapon and then basing my gameplay around that maybe there's better ways to get magical skills and we'll approach that when we come to it but currently in terms of raw physical weapons that is kind of the best weapon we can get so this guy that's been helpful and giving you that awesome weapon to get now give us that thumbs up otherwise consider hitting that subscribe button in the Bell to get more ultra path guides in the future and also Final Fantasy 15 comrades when that finally gets updated otherwise maybe each other comment on if you think there's better weapons or magical items to use anyway I'm Anna manner I hope you enjoy the rest your date morning evening or night wherever you are in the world and I'll catch you next time have a good one bye
Channel: Anamana! Ch.
Views: 173,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octopath traveler golden axe, golden axe octopath, octopath golden axe, octopath traveler best party, golden axe octopath traveler, octopath traveler stealing, octopath traveler best team, octopath traveler guide, octopath traveler weapons, octopath traveler best weapon, octopath traveler best weapons, octopath traveler tips and tricks, octopath traveller tips, octopath traveler secrets, octopath traveler tips, octopath tips, octopath traveler leveling up, octopath traveler
Id: Lmy9SoJlFUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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