🔰 6 Tips for Beginners to #OctopathTraveler

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hey folks Anna Manor here and today I've got my first video since octopod traveler has come out and this is gonna be focusing on absolute beginner tips I've got about six of them or maybe five to combine but anyway this is for absolute beginners to JRPGs if jrpgs are something you are very familiar with maybe this is probably gonna be a little bit too lightweight for you but anyway this is just to help people get into games like this and also to octopack traveler so starting out we're gonna be going with the danger levels which you'll see as you're changing areas specifically areas of enemies as you can see in the bottom corner it says danger level for this more or less translates to you need to be about level four to be able to do decently in that area as you can see I've got a party of a level nine seven and level one corridor so it should be pretty evenly balanced there but if you're going into caves and see suddenly is jumping up to 25 or something like that then you probably need to back off and level up a bit before you head in there otherwise you could try your luck and see how you do some people can do well especially if you know things are the vulnerabilities which I'm gonna get into next so vulnerabilities I would suggest especially if you were a new person studying Osiris because he has a special talent called study foe where as soon as he comes into a battle he will study each of the enemies and pick out one of the vulnerabilities and save it to their enemies so anytime you father his enemies in the future it'll show that vulnerability which is way the way are those vulnerabilities work anyway so you can see here I'm just gonna get into a battle where you'll see him come in and for each of the enemies he is gonna study even if they are multiple of the same enemy you can see here I've got two other Rafkin he's studied once and twice so I've got two vulnerabilities off of those so if there was a group of four of them I would have probably gotten all their vulnerabilities right off the bat there so you can see the way against daggers and magic which is like magic or holy magic so I've got a filler here who actually has the cleric skill of Holy Light so that is going to break and just to note as well with breaking you can see that little shield icon it will train you how to do this in the game but for those that have may have skipped over it any time you're use of vulnerable or at least a ability that's a weakness to an enemy it's going to drop that down one point multiple hits each hit of a vulnerability is gonna drop that shield one point until I guess to zero and they break that's the the basics of it just so that you know that also we're capturing this is the third tip I've got here so you can see I've got one percent capture chance and this is similar for collecting with Tressa and also stealing with therian just to note that all of them act differently so what I'm gonna tell you with the capturing right now is going to be completely different two dresses collect and also to darienne steal so the best way to capture enemies with a hunnit is to basically stun them because you can see I'm now a hundred percent chance so I can stun them I can capture them get that 100 percent chance and it's exactly the same as killing them you don't miss out on any experience of job points or anything like that it's a very quick way to get through enemy battles if you are struggling with an enemy as well now another thing though when I was talking about with Tressa so Tressa is more so the more times you hit an enemy and damage them the more chance you're going to get to be able to close and money off of them and you do get a percentage chance extra believe it goes something like 10 percent 30 percent and then 90 percent every time you boost up a next level until it was pretty much it you're gonna get a hundred percent chance if you've been damaging the enemy so that's the basics on capturing and I guess percentages but just pay attention to it because they're actually different ly between the characters okay so while I've got Cyrus in my party doesn't matter if he's the lead or not scrutinise is very important because it is a way to basically find hidden items get new quests get discounts on a store and also more items added to your stores and discounted the ends as well a bunch of other things as well and as well I failed here so for stealing for scrutinizing and other actions like that you actually get five chances I believe or four chances before the village basically locks you out of doing anything you're basically in negative reputation with the village and that's where you would need to go to the inn and fix that up but you can see here I'm scrutinizing this and I'm getting different chances always check the chance because if it's 90% you probably going to do if it's like 50% I would definitely be saving the game beforehand and I'll get into that in a little bit you can see I've got provoked like a pro that's a quest or a side quest that I've had unlocked now because I found that while talking to a villager more or less and the biggest thing is that you're gonna be able to get this bonus here I'm makin ishutin whenever I provoke a villager I'm always gonna be the first person to attack so I'll put that into practice now I'm gonna fight this this dude here I believe he is a trainee under Harnett or while she's at least in the village and you can see the strength there similar to if you are I guess guiding or remember the other one but there are two characters that can bring characters in maybe it's seduce or some of that I think Primrose has that but you can get different characters to come and view there's difficulty or strength powers just pay attention to that as well but you can see there's villager and I've been able to fight them I've come in I've got the first attack and they more or less haven't been able to attack me those are the basics anyway but as I did mention it is very important if you don't want to fail constantly and spending I think it's like 5,000 leaves or gold each time you get negative reputation what I would recommend is here I've got a 30% success chance on this character I definitely don't want to mess that up because that is more or less like a 60% of the time I'm gonna be failing that so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna back out of this little menu I'm gonna save the game right here so what this means is if I was to fail on that chance I could then go you know what I'm not gonna you know deal with the luck I'm just gonna load the game up again and I'm gonna have another chance without getting that reputation but luckily my first try I get it there we go more plentiful provisions and this has added more items or weapons and armors to the Smith store in town and I'm gonna save it just in case is it another point is if you can get something save it as well because you don't want to fail again and then have to go and do that initial I guess success chance that was difficult in the first place again now when I was also mentioning provoke provoke is also a good way to get into houses where an NPC is standing in front of it you can see here I'm gonna like this I'm actually gonna admit the battle but I've beaten them and now they're knocked out and they're no longer in front of the door similar to the golden axe technique I've got this I've also don't have therian at my party so this purple chest here is kind of a waste for me right now but I'll have to come back and get that so more or less these are the basics basic tips I feel that should at least get you started while you're understanding the game I'm gonna probably make some more higher-level kind of tips and guides if there's anything you've confused it out do pop it in the comments because I would love to I guess see if I know about that maybe it's something that's worth me making a video on as well anyway I am Anna Nana if this has been helpful give us that thumbs up comment again if there's anything else you want to know or maybe if there's further tips on what I've mentioned today otherwise subscribe and hit that bell if you do want to get more videos on altar path traveller and also Final Fantasy comrades one that does finally get that update we're waiting for sorry Anna Manor here again interesting evening and I where we on the world and I'll catch you next time have a good one bye
Channel: Anamana! Ch.
Views: 269,572
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Keywords: octopath traveler guide, octopath traveler cheats, octopath traveler beginners, octopath traveller tips, octopath traveler tips, octopath traveler tips and tricks, octopath traveler beginner, octopath tips, octopath guide, octopath traveler tip, how to play octopath traveler, octopath traveler tutorial, octopath traveler tips tricks, tips for octopath traveler, octopath traveler beginners guide, octopath traveler party, octopath traveler best starting character
Id: FqPfeB1XZnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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