Octonauts - Women of the Sea: International Women's Day | 70 Mins+ Special! | Sea Education for Kids

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[Music] so captain a little vegetable told me that this new gup that tweets built in is called the gup h that's right quasi aha and what exactly does the gup h do ah it's a surprise you'll find out soon but i i reckon i can guess it first uh maybe the h is a clue the gup h is made for hopping no that's not it how's it going tweek right on schedule cap we're almost ready to show everybody what this gov can do very good we'll be in the octopod if you need us just one more guess uh the cup h is for hiccupping no uh hammering uh honky helping all of our gups are for helping i'm quasi up a reading on the wave tracker looks like a tidal ball is heading from the ocean into the amazon river a tidal bore is a huge wave that moves up the river the extra water in the river makes it rise really high creatures can get hurt or even thrown out of the water onto the shore then let's head to the river to help quasi peso shellington to the guppy dashie we've reached the river where's the tidal bore now according to the wave tracker the tidal ball hit the river about an hour ago you've just missed it thanks dashie we're heading in octonauts keep your eyes peeled for creatures who need our help hi captain [Music] it's awfully quiet hmm that's strange no creatures down here we'd better check the surface where is everybody rock did you hear [Music] there's a group of tiny frogs in the trees and one of them is waving don't worry i'm not gonna hurt you no but he could hurt you oh come on this little guy hurt me that's right that's right i'm a poison dart frog i don't bite or sting but my skin is covered in poison so if you touch me you're in trouble big trouble that's why poison dart frogs have such brightly coloured skin it's like a do not touch sign but i'm pleased to meet you just the same name's robert robert pleased to meet you too i'm captain barnacles and this is quasi shellington and peso we're looking for anyone who needs help after the tidal bore we've got a big big problem fish in the trees jump to jellyfish the tidal bore must have thrown all the fish high up into the trees oh no that's not good for the fish they need water to breathe they do have some water but not enough to last [Music] there long back in the river where you belong but there are lots more stuck up high really high in the trees and that means trouble big trouble for us poison dart frogs our eggs are about to hatch and when they do you need the puddles of water up in the trees for the tadpoles but why do they need puddles of water in the trees when they hatch they're not frogs yet they're called tadpoles they look like fish and swim in water right exactly right each poodle makes a perfect little home for our tadpoles so they can swim around and stay safe but now all the portals up in the trees are full of fish we need to get the fish out of the trees and make room for the tadpoles and fast octonauts to the hq [Music] octonauts the tidal bore has swept fish high into the trees our mission is to get them out of the trees and back into the water i'm ready to climb the highest tree captain trees in the amazon are very tall quasi it could take a long time to climb from the bottom to the top hmm we need a faster way tweak what do you think the gap h is ready kim then meet us here at the rescue site as fast as you can time to launch the dub h tunic i sure hope this works [Applause] [Music] yes yeah we'll get to the others faster and you can say budget don't worry this will stand around whoops wrong button sorry this is my first time flying on this thing very good tweak in the meantime let's rescue the fish that are stuck in the lower branches of the trees robert robert will you and the other poison dart frogs help us find all the stranded fish will do we'll do when we find a fish we'll point and signal with a that's how we croak hermit herbert will you keep watching the eggs and signal us when they start to hatch we'll do we'll do thanks poison dart frogs let's hop to it all right octonauts let's hop to it too a piranha all right into the bucket and no biting he's a matter he's a matter i'll take you back to the river little fishy up here up here this way this way i see one i see one coming coming me too me too the tadpoles are hatching the tadpoles are hatching congratulations i'm excited so excited time to start putting the tables in puddles [Applause] [Music] is it just me or is it starting to get windy that's not wind yeah it's a giant flying bug here's the girl beach whoa i'll beat the design on the dragonfly and the h is for helicopter you're just in time tweak octonauts let's do this [Music] oh [Music] [Music] robert robert are all the little ones safe and accounted for yes they are yes they are every tadpole has its own puddle except for one mine isn't she cute i named her roberta roberta time to find one last battle [Music] help help help help robert robert needs help tweak two dip do you read me well clear cap robert robert is up in the treetops and he needs help i see him captain and the little tadpole on his back tweak take us over to that tree was he remember he's a poison dart frog so don't touch don't worry little meaty i've got you [Music] sure special delivery ah thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you good work octonauts time to head home hey quasi guess what else the ancient gov h stands for hold on [Laughter] [Applause] check up complete captain this coral reef is healthy good work peso let's head back to the octopus [Music] lionfish peso back away slowly yes those lionfish have spiky fins that sting i've never seen them in this part of the ocean before shellington we've just spotted two lionfish lionfish they don't belong in these waters and if they stay here it'll be a disaster lionfish are great hunters they can eat a fish in a single gulp but there aren't any fish here to eat them and well they can have lots and lots of babies in a short amount of time oh i'll say so if those two lionfish stay here the coral reef will soon be full of lionfish and not much else exactly then we better get them back where they belong hey you just scared away our lunch we'd like to offer you lionfish a free lift home all meals included i don't know the eden's real good here yeah these fish don't know to be scared of us but don't you feel just a little bit um homesick well we didn't mean to leave home we got blown away by a hurricane and then got caught up in all the wrong currents and we finally ended up here oh lily i wanna go back home now okay okay all meals included you say guaranteed deal you want to shake on it just kidding i'm not gonna sting you louie cheer up we're going home we'll need to prepare the octopod for dangerous visitors peso sound the octo alert octonauts to the hq [Music] octonauts we're bringing a pair of lionfish aboard the octopod beware of their poisonous stinging spikes mateys dashie secure all fish tanks already on it captain sardines secure and zipperfish secure captain very good tweak we'll keep our visitors in the launch bay sure thing cap tunip prepare some fish biscuits these lionfish are hungry octonauts meet lily and louie all right oh yeah um make yourselves at home thanks save beer food [Music] just one fast what else you got yeah i'm in a single gulp looks like you better make some more matey and fast oh lily louie right now we're here and we need to get you back to the pacific ocean over here it's gonna be a long trip but i promise we'll get you home then what we waiting for octonauts let's do this [Music] children activate steering wheel i'm on it captain [Music] oh louie i'm tired of eating nothing but fish biscuits yeah me too oh you'd make a nice snack [Music] let's break out to this place and find some real food a good idea lily so i'm pressing that red thingy hey another good idea lily the red thingy the fish tanks tweak what's going on down there cap the octo hatch somehow opened just as the ship was chilling we're flooding fast and the lionfish are on the close the octo hatch i can't flip the octopod until you do you got it everyone find those lionfish before they eat the other fishies i'll make sure we don't crash into anything or anyone i smell fresh fish this way louie i'm coming lily lionfish heading for sickbay now we don't have much time helmets on mateys we've got to swim up to the second floor dashie open the octo chute i'm on let's it fishing jellyfish ahead captain i see them [Music] hey so you look for the sardines shellington the zebrafish i'll take the lionfish [Music] the zebra fish jumping jellyfish just one faster you asked for this thanks louie let's get out of here peso quasi's been stung meet immediately hot water should make the sting feel better quasi i it already does but we're all in hot water if we don't find those pesky poisonous lionfish at least the zebrafish are safe the sardines we have to get to it before the lionfish do there they are you handle the sardines peso i'll take care of the lionfish just one fast the sardines are safe [Applause] straight ahead let's swim out of here once and for all hey another good idea lily captain the lionfish are heading for the launch bay understood tweet the lionfish are heading your way is the octo hatch closed i'll have it faster then you it's closed cap good work twig [Music] let's split up and look for them we never did get our snack hey how about him captain we're clear of the whales and not a moment too soon everyone get ready to flip [Music] just one faster here we are safe and sound more or less ah home sweet home hey thanks for the lift sorry we tried to eat your crew so how about a group hug before we go um maybe another time when you're not [Music] poisonous [Music] ready to test the octo mac suit ready let's start with the robotic arms robotic arms check now the jackhammer jackhammer check all right now let's test those cameras front view check side view check oh hi quasi professor wow how'd you see us with my rear view camera kick what in the seven seas is this thing a diving suit or a gup both it's as strong as a cup but small enough to get into tight spaces where the gups can't go we call it the ultimate suit the octo max suit eh he looks perfect for wrestling sea monsters when can i try it out not now quasi we have a mission of our own remember oh right planting coral not just any coral deep sea coral and it can only be planted in the midnight zone the midnight zone why didn't you say so let's go open the octo hatch tweak [Music] perfect quasi over there it's our lucky day food food what kind of food how much what's it look like i can't see it very well no of course you can't we're copper eels remember we can't see anything very well i know i'm over here by the way oh kind of looks like sea snake they're wriggling all over the place now let's open our jaws and you get anything no you nothing and those aren't sea snakes then what were those wiggly things tentacles octopus tentacles octopus my all-time favorite we can't let him get away hey watch where you going sorry now come on the deep-sea coral should feel right at home here octopus tentacles straight ahead [Music] [Music] oh retreat retreat yeah that was some fast squirting professor what were those slithery beasts oh just some gulper eels out looking for a meal nothing to worry about those little fellas were out to eat you gulper eels can open their mouths wide enough to swallow creatures much bigger than they are now where were we [Music] inkling to barnacles go ahead professor we planted all the coral and we're coming home good work we'll see you soon wow [Music] oh uh i think um i may need a little help getting my tentacles untangled i'll get you out professor those rocks are no match for me [Music] it's not safe down here quasi get out while you still can a pirate never leaves his crew behind [Music] captain i'm picking up some big tremors coming from the midnight zone the sea floor is breaking up we've lost contact captain dashie sound the octoalert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts professor inkly and kwazii are trapped in the midnight zone they're wedged in under some boulders we have to get them out right away tight space heavy lifting sounds like a job for the octo max zoo just what i was thinking the air tank is only good for a short mission then we'll have to work fast tweak dashie peso let's go [Music] there's the guppy they must be down there it's up to you now dashie we'll monitor your air tank from here but you'll have to work fast i'm on it captain any sign of professor inkling and quasi not yet captain but it's dark down here activating searchlight bingo i see them i'm going in captain we read you dashie keep us posted looks like you two are in a tight spot dashy don't worry i'll have you both out of there in no time too heavy now what don't worry quasi this suit has a few more tricks up its sleeve activating jackhammer one tentacle free two to go well done dashie now move the jackhammer to your right and down i'm still hungry for octopus let's swim back slowly and then we'll open our jaws and go captain we've got visitors dashie go for great idea tweak snap time you don't have much air left almost there but this rocks really wedged in oh how about a little octopus ink that might help me slide it out good idea professor i'll take a blast to that too professor i'll lift while you two try to wriggle free [Music] yeah yeah incoming oh my keep pulling i'll take care of the boulders grab on quasi we did it captain they're both free well done and just in time dashie's almost out of air dashie get back to the gap now aye aye captain wait my friend he's trapped [Music] we can't leave him there even if he did try to eat you don't worry we'll help you out [Music] stand clear hurry ah i'm free oh thank you no problem now let's get out of here that air feels good good work dashie i'll have you good as new in no time oh thank you peso it looks like the tremors didn't hurt the coral professor excellent let's head back to the octopod i could certainly use a cup of tea and some fish biscuits after all that excitement i'm as hungry as a gopher eel [Music] you do that every time i know i'm awfully sorry i can't believe we're back in these chilly waters again it's all in the name of science quasi indeed the creatures of the arctic zone make some fascinating sounds and with the octopus underwater microphone we can record them for our collection oh what's making that sound oh just my tummy i ate some of tunip's kelp cakes for lunch with a wee bit too much hot sauce right i'm picking up something else listen sounds like walruses to me the computer will match the sound with the animal and we'll see if you're right captain ah walruses now let me guess the next one this is a strange sound from a strange creature and this strange creature could only be either hearings yes pairing they took by blowing gas bubbles out of their behinds out of their behinds [Music] oh what's that coming from sounds like some kind of whale song it is bowhead whales they only live here in the arctic so their sounds can't be recorded anywhere else [Music] look [Music] hello folks hello we're the octonauts pleased to meet you that's an enormous head even for a whale the head of each bullhead wheel is as big as a bus we're not aiming to brad now but we bow heads do have the strongest toughest heads in the article how tough tough enough to smash through just about anything yeah and we make some pretty big sounds too ready boys i'm getting a perfect recording of them bowhead whales sing all the time while they're traveling playing even eating it's how they talk to each other it's always nice to make new friends out here on the arctic range but now we've got to hit the trail it's feeding time come on giddy up partners goodbye [Music] yeah what's that more whales it sounds familiar sounds like a call for help it is then we haven't got a moment to lose quasi peso to the launch bay [Music] look there's been an avalanche they must be somewhere behind all that ice a high in there no walls are you all right help us please we are trapped in here we can't get out i know that voice boris ah barnacles is this you yes old friend what happened me and my two friends we dove down very very deep everything was good yes until the fact ice moved and trapped us in here the ice it is too thick for a narwhal to punch through and we are almost out of air then we need to get you out of there now octonauts to the hq [Music] octonauts three narwhals are trapped under the ice and they're running out of air jumping jellyfish narwhals are whales and whales breathe air they can only stay underwater for a little while and then they need to come up to breathe again we've got to get them out of the ice but first let's get them some air we'll run a breathing tube down there right away cap off let's do this [Music] i found a small opening for the breathing tube here you go we're pushing in a breathing tube boris it won't be long now da please hurry old friend we are feeling very weak ah it's caught on something [Music] ah yes that did it oh there it is thank you much better now that you've got air to breathe it's time to break through that ice dashie let's try the gupsies icebreaker ice breaker activated not even a crack let's bring in the drill tweak we'll need the guppy all right cap i'll have him out of there faster than you can save a bunch of munchie crunchy carrots back away as far as you can it's real stuck that ass is just too [Music] thick i'd better pull out as soon as everything stops spinning oh no the breathing tube oh it is no use we're back where we started and we will soon be there again we're not giving up on you boris octobots we've tried the gups but we need something even stronger to break through this ice and we need it now captain we could melt the ice with a blowtorch good idea but it would take too long how about blasting it with a sonic slicer the ice is too thick for that tough enough to smash through just about anything good thinking tunip now all we have to do is find our new bowhead whale friends again let's call them back to the octopod by playing their songs [Music] try it louder dashie we don't have much time [Music] howdy y'all we need your help three narwhals are trapped in the ice and we can't break them free well we bow heads are the greatest icebreakers in the seven seas ain't that right boys you ready to take a ride partner captain help is on the way thanks dashi how much longer [Music] looks everyone get back [Music] [Music] captain barnacles my dear old friend thanks to you and your octonaut crew for saving us and you two are mighty forehead whale friends oh shucks barrister nothing always glad to help a fellow whale and knee yes thank you bowheads it's amazing what you can do when you put your heads together especially when you've got heads this big ain't that right boys happy trails partners [Music] wrench [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks vegimals [Music] is the guppy ready to go tweak it sure is cap sound the octo alert [Music] octonauts to the launch bay octonauts today our mission is to travel to the bottom of the sea and add a new page to shellington's book this is an unfinished guide to the midnight zone the midnight zone it sounds dark and scary it is me hearty the midnight zone is a place so deep that the sun never shines there in this book i describe many amazing creatures from the midnight zone a limpet a tube worm a vent fish at the end however there are these empty pages it's our job to fill these empty pages with a creature no one's ever seen before and since it's so dark down there i added these extra lights to the guppy to help see when the lights on the gup flash you're running out of power and you need to come back up right away shellington peso and quasi put on your deep sea suits ready ready captain open the octa tweek [Music] it's not dark yet that's because we're still up in the sunlight zone [Music] are we there yet it's rather dark no we're now entering the twilight zone and the midnight zone is even deeper and darker even deeper and darker we have entered the midnight zone it's really dark down here let's turn on the special deep sea lights [Music] it's awfully quiet down here captain what's that sound that's just our propeller peso it always makes that sound what about that there's something very hot up ahead shiver me whiskers is that smoke wow jumping jellyfish we found some hydrothermal vents what's a hydrothermal vent it's like an underwater volcano that's very hot water pouring out of the top helmets everybody this is the perfect place to find a creature that's never been seen before octonauts let's do this ready oh captain have you found something shellington [Music] i found a limpet but that's nothing new and these are tube worms they only live in the midnight zone they're fascinating but they're not new uh-huh over here it looks big it's it's it's only rocks sorry shellington that's a vent fish it's not a new creature either i'm afraid let's keep looking octonauts shellington what are these holes interesting i found a rock before with holes exactly like this but i've never discovered what made the holes let's dig up a rock sample i'll get the rock cutter allow me uh thanks i'll take it from here oh no i broke the rock sample oh no problem i can get a good look inside it now maybe something's living in here hmm i don't see anything where's the other piece i got it octonauts the power on the guppy is getting low we should go but i still haven't found a new creature we'll have to come back another time shellington everyone to the gup [Music] so did you find a creature nobody's ever seen before ah no i didn't find anything new to put on my empty pages i wish we found something big and scary like a giant fishopotamus well we did find this interesting rock with holes in it huh i think there's something alive in here [Music] where am i you're on the octopod my house it's broken no worries little guy we can put your house back together faster than you can say a bunch of munchie crunchy carrots okay but hurry i'm freezing and this light hurts my eyes you live in the midnight zone where it's always dark and the hydrothermal vents are very hot the octopod must seem very strange to you oh i want to go home tweak will fix your house and then we'll take you home to the midnight zone as fast as we can in the meantime we'll do our best to make you more comfortable how's that warm enough dark enough better for now thanks first we have to work out how the tunnels connect to each other give this a try [Music] wrong okay let me try again wrong hold on yeah that ought to do it wrong wrong wrong the holes don't line up i keep bumping my head don't worry we won't give up until we've worked it out you know we've been looking at this problem from the outside but we need to take a look from the inside i bet there she can help us with this tiny video camera we'll be able to see your tunnels from the inside i call it the worm cam ready ready dead end the holes are still not lining up another dead end it's perfect fantastic i'll use some sticky olympic glue to hold it together good as new i need a picture say seaweed seaweed now we'll take you back home where it's nice and dark i can't wait octonauts come down and visit any time peso we have a new friend in the midnight zone it may be dark down here but it's not scary anymore captain and you have your own page in my book now sweet shiver me whiskers what is it good question i'll get my camera captain i saw something strange something amazing something like that [Music] fantastic hi but what is it me hearties shellington i have no idea captain i'm searching the creature collection right now it certainly is beautiful found it it's a giant siphonophore a giant say waterfall a giant siphonophore quite mysterious not much is known about it yet because it only lives in the very deep water of the midnight zone in fact if it goes up any higher than we are now it'll burst no why the giant siphonophore lives deep under the water that means it's used to having a lot of water pressing down on it when it comes up there's less and less water pressing down on it if it goes too high the giant siphonophore will get bigger and bigger and burst flappity flippers so that's why we've never seen one before it has to stay down in the midnight zone i wonder why it glows and what's on the end of those tentacles oh it's swimming away captain i've got to follow it i'll get photos nobody's ever seen before and i'll come with you matey it's hard to steer a cup and snap photos at the same time make sure you wear your deep sea suits take the guppy and remember be careful oh excuse me i can't stop now sorry gotta hurry [Music] you got it quasi where'd it go over there into the trench this must be the tail i need to get closer to the head hi hold on me hearty captain there's a field of geezers at the bottom of that trench those geezers could be dangerous they're like volcanoes except when they erupt they send up explosions of water and steam understood quasi come in quasi this is amazing wow it's fantastic this creature is huge ah it's longer than a blue whale watch out for i captain we've caught up with the giants unified sophomore i was close a field of quasi this place in the [Music] freezer [Music] shiver me whiskers we're sitting on top of a geezer quasi dashie come in peso sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay afternoons quasi and dashi are in danger we're going after them peso shellington into the guppsy aye aye captain tweek open the opto hatch [Music] we look like one big creature but we're actually a group of smaller creatures we work together see each of us has a special job to some of us can light up once you follow our lights and get closer then we do our jobs we get our hooks in your seat and then we use our powerful stingers to sting you like this what's wrong what's the problem more stinging less talking deep sea suits are too thick for their stingers to get through you can't sting us your scurvy beasties ah this is shocking our plan is perfect lights hooks well you won't be having us for dinner you giant side food of all save that's what i said another geezer you've got to let us go and move away from here [Music] [Music] awfully nice of you to save us after our and something else is on its way up it's the spawner [Music] if the giant siphonophore rises higher than the octopod it will burst then we'll have to find a way to stop it barnacles to tweet jashi kwazii and the giant scifonopour are trapped in a giza we need to keep them from going any higher than the octopod and we need to do it now well cap could use the octopods bubble engine to push them back down good plan twig hurry got it cap hold on everyone hi captain we don't really have a choice while i'll put the bubble engine in reverse you need to move the octopod so it's right over the trench [Music] [Music] reversing bubble engine hold on to your tentacle see [Music] sick i hope you're not [Music] don't worry we'll pull them out now peso you drive i captain forward [Music] is everyone all right hi captain that was a wild ride i feel a bit dizzy but i'm okay we'll be fine once everything stops spinning well that was a close one see my tentacles are all in a twist sorry we tried to eat you at faster you've done so much for us i wish there was something we could do for you well there is something you could do you said it right okay everybody lights hooks stingers say [Music] full seaweed ahead dashie i'm on it captain that's more like it are we almost there cap don't worry tweek we'll be there in no time okay camp you must be really excited to see sandy i sure am peso sandy the sea turtle is one of my best friends and i don't get to see her very often sandy always swims through these waters this time of year then it's lucky that we're passing by sandy should be just on the other side of this canyon i just hope we get there in time to see her we'll be there faster than you can say muncher buncher how does it go bunch of munchie crunchy what was that let's switch to steering wheel quasi peso totempo [Music] yeah hang on everyone this could get bumpy we're heading straight for the canyon not if i can help it [Music] everyone okay sure thing hey okay captain shiver me whiskers that was a close one captain it's not over yet the electricity's out and we're right on the edge of a deep canyon and we're already late for meeting up with sandy tweak sound the octo alert uh sorry cam no electricity no octal alert tunip sound the octo alert [Music] to the launch bay [Music] it seems to have lost all electrical power i think i found the problem cap see that red means that the octopod's battery is out of electricity and without electricity the octopod won't work don't worry tweak i'm just worried that by the time it's fixed it'll be too late to meet up with sandy can't you just go out to meet her in one of the gups the crash jammed octa hatch i can't get it open wide enough to take the gups out we'd better check to see if the ship is damaged on the outside quasi peso activate helmets let's go [Music] this is not a good place for the octopod to be it could fall over the canyon at any minute we'd better tie it down that should hold it for a while ah nothing to worry about the oak departs as secure as yeah what's the big idea stepping on my tail like that first this big orange thing drops out of the sky and now these guys are just walking all over me while i'm resting on the sand it makes me so mad i could easy now we didn't mean to startle you we were on our way to visit a friend when our ship crashed oh all right listen i'm really sorry about that i'm usually a pretty friendly go with a flow kind of guy but sometimes i just get a little worked up and then yeah yeah then you zap but how do you do it i'm a torpedo ray an electric torpedo ray but you can call me ray for short an electric torpedo ray that's right i have a special part inside me that makes electricity which lets me zap things the one i gave you was just a little warning zap some warning but i can make big zaps of electricity too hmm could you show us how you make one of your big zaps i sure hope this works i might just get to see sandy after all now ray if you just make one of your nice big zaps the electricity will go through the wire recharge the battery and give power to the octopod ready ready all stand clear electricity is dangerous must be a little nervous let me try that again take your time okay here i go nothing to it i guess i can only make really big zaps when something scares me or when i'm eating oh yum it's working nice and crunchy we torpedo rays always zap our food before we eat it oh still not enough electricity i guess sorry oh it's not your fault ray i was just really looking forward to seeing my friend hey listen i've got some friends too other electric torpedo rays maybe they can help if one torpedo ray can make enough electricity to light up one room a bunch of torpedoes might be able to light up the whole octopod and they do seem to like the vegimals fish biscuits keep it coming [Music] come on guys dinner is served [Music] nice and crunchy and these fish biscuits taste great toasted oh yeah ain't starving [Music] the electricity from their zapping is going through the wire right into the octopod almost there just a few more zaps [Music] the electricity is back on yeah i knew we could oh hey watch it man hey easy guys the octopus going to fall over the edge [Music] torpedo rays look out sorry i've got to get to the controls looks like you could use a lift ah sandy nice to see you again sandy hop on aim for the octo hatch got it you have to jump for it [Music] a little polar bear strength octonauts the octopod is back in action [Music] [Applause] good to see you tweak you too sandy hey i heard all the commotion from the other side of the canyon so i swam over to check it out just in time too i'm glad everybody's okay fish biscuits sandy here let me zap that for you nice and crunchy thanks for coming all this way just to see me i hope it wasn't too much trouble uh not too much trouble sandy [Music] that's it come on out dashie how's the photo assignment going well i've taken some good shots but if i want one of my photos on the cover of national geographic i need a really great shot captain i have to call you back manta rays [Music] incredible oh i'm so sorry for crashing into you like that i just ouch are you all right no i i think i scratched my fin sorry about muriel here for a manta ray she's not very good at leaping for a manta ray she's not very good at anything very funny don't mind them they're just my remora fish most of us manta rays have them they ride around with me everywhere oh you better come with me muriel i know just the person who can make your fin feel better please do make her better doctor muriel may be clumsy but she is our friend don't worry muriel your fin just needs a little slime slime what you need slime for manta ray's skin is protected by a layer of slime some of murals got scratched off when she crashed into dashi there good as new thanks now uh got to go i need to catch up with the other man to raise they know the way the way the way to what every so often we mentored have a big feast in a special place the secret manta ray feeding ground i reckon nobody's ever photographed that before how do we get there muriel um if you find out be sure to tell muriel it's so secret even she doesn't know where it is i guess you could say i've never actually been there myself personally but i have to get there soon or i'll miss the big feast in that case we'd better help you find it dashie sound the octo alert [Music] our mission is to help muriel find the secret manta ray feeding ground muriel do you have any idea where it may be well there is an old manta ray rhyme about it uh follow the giant swirling thing then ride the river to the secret ring hmm actually let's see the map ah i don't see any rivers or swirling things on the map maybe we're looking at the wrong map let's check the storm tracker there that storm looks like a giant swirling thing and we're going to follow it quasi peso dashie into the guppy we'd better hurry the big piece doesn't last long one swirling storm straight ahead there it is the swirling thing come along everyone let's go [Music] muriel wait don't touch her you'll scratch off her slime you need to make your paw soft and slimy first hi slime gloves you take one pin i'll take the oven [Applause] let's go captain everyone hang on [Music] ship to safety grab a rope dashie pull left captain all right just a little bit further jam who knew you'd make such a good sale muriel i think we finally found something you're good at oh is everyone okay we're fine captain but where are we that storm pulled us pretty far out to sea there's nothing around for miles oh no we're lost now we'll never find the secret feeding ground at muriel what's that you're eating oh just some krill it's what we manta's eat there'll be tons of krill the big feast [Music] something's pulling the krill away it could be a clue everyone follow those crew we'll have to come back for the cup a later look they're being sucked into that current of course a current is like a river of fast-moving water in the ocean follow the great big swirling thing then ride the river to the secret ring this must be it what are we waiting for let's go we must be getting close hi we are getting close to that giant breed let the deep flippers the current's too strong to swim out of we're going to crash two crashes in one day that's a new record muriel there's something on the other side everyone sideways formation [Music] a hidden lagoon the wreath makes a ring all around it follow the river to the secret ring that means this must be it the secret manta ray feeding ground but i don't see any manta rays the big feast must be over or maybe it's just beginning [Applause] it's like a manta ray whirlpool that's how we manta rays eat when we all get together now these are some good shots my camera yeah it's going too fast here hop on champs now let's get that camera [Music] almost sorry about that coming through okay watch it look out careful way okay oh dear leave it to muriel this is starting to get a little rough we need to hurry dashie are you okay i'm fine but we have to help the others what about your camera believe it my friends come first [Music] thanks dashie now for quasi and peso hey so quasi grab on grab on to water nope you should have seen that coming now let's get out of here the only way out is up muriel we'll have to leap over the reef uh i'm not very good at leaping we'll help you first you've got to dive down to build up speed okay here goes now up to the surface fast burial what's the matter i just thought we might like a picture or two oh thanks i've got an idea for a great one here we go [Music] [Applause] well done muriel i guess i'm not so bad at leaping after all thanks for all your help chaps now that's a photo fit for the cover of national geographic oh thanks muriel did you get muriel's good side that's the side i'm on no that's the side i'm on
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 1,333,781
Rating: 4.2154398 out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, women of the sea, international womens day, dashi, tweak, sea education for kids, cartoons for kids
Id: GZqnsMhlINE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 35sec (4775 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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