Monsters in the Dark | Kids Cartoon | Animations for Children | for Kids | Nursery Rhymes | BabyBus

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baby bust click here to subscribe [Music] did you hear that crunching sound i heard that someone disappears every time there's a crunch really i didn't know about that a crunchy monster i'm not afraid of it [Applause] quiet the crunchy monster will hear you [Music] he's coming don't eat me don't eat me [Music] what are you doing here it was you you scared me i'm sorry did you see hamburg hamburg no why are you looking for him we were building a castle no no no to the right [Music] hold on please [Music] what's wrong i think we need something more what do we need [Music] aha i know what it is [Applause] [Music] what's the sound amber look what i brought here huh where is he aha he must be hiding somewhere [Applause] [Music] humber humber where are you and i can't find him the crunching monster must have taken him [Music] the monster will eat him up [Music] again [Music] what should we do amber is in danger let's go save him yeah we need to go now but how can we save him um i have an idea let's find some weapons [Music] let's look around by the castle okay let's follow the crunching sound we'll find amber oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i think we should go that way [Music] wait [Music] let's go [Music] be careful watch out for the crunching monster i think the sound is coming from over there wow can we get inside [Music] look we can get inside with this ladder great let's go have a look in the big box big box big box in the big box there's a big monster [Applause] don't what are you doing here where's the crunchy monster what monster fry and i were just eating potato chips here hey guys have some chips so this is the crunchy monster the crunchy sound was not from the monster wow it's so yummy i still have a lot let's eat [Music] i i i'm a scary t-rex t-rex is [Music] all done rudolph let's go to the party [Music] okay let's go [Music] come out everyone whoa wow oh it looks so scary look at its big mouth it will leave everything in sight don't be so scared it's just a toy don't be afraid come on [Music] it's okay come and touch it why are they running away [Music] i'm so sorry i just [Music] [Music] stay in here and be quiet well [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] [Music] that hurts [Music] where am i whoa it's so high [Music] but don't donate me don't even [Applause] oh [Music] calm down guys we misunderstood the dino huh [Music] we misunderstood him he wasn't trying to eat us but asking for help he needs our help [Music] look something stuck in his mouth i see it must be so painful how can we help him i have an idea [Music] [Applause] phil it's so tight i can't pull it out ah what should we do [Music] let's do it together together [Music] let's pull it out with this [Music] on my mark one [Music] two one [Music] [Music] [Music] we are all friends now having so much fun let's slide down it's so much fun sliding down on dino's back into the water let's swim around it's so much fun having fun on dino's tummy we're happy come on my good friends i want to play with you come on my good friends i want to dance with you let's have [Music] your cake was really yummy [Music] [Music] yeah let's go home he's going home [Music] bye dino [Music] [Laughter] up [Music] oh [Music] the vending machine is broken what are we gonna do what are we gonna do huh someone's coming oh oh no it's whiskers [Music] i need a battery for my toy where can i buy it it's a vending machine i'll have a battery he needs a battery what am i going to do i got it [Music] wow oh i got a battery i almost got caught oh no [Music] please don't come here don't come here there's a vending machine uh-huh [Music] i want to buy a [Music] soda oh no there's no soda what's going on why does it take so long oh i have an idea [Music] oh oh yeah i am just too smart [Music] i want to buy something else he wants to buy another one no matter what he buys i'm going to find a way i want to get an apple oh someone had a bite of this apple huh what's going on oh no huh i'm like yeah [Music] huh it's a new apple oh yeah the vending machine automatically changes its goods [Music] come over here look at this magical vending machine magical vending machine really i want to try it oh oh no yumi's really smart how am i not going to get caught uh i'll have lemon juice lemon juice uh which one's lemon juice oh let me try this one uh no this is not lemon juice wow it really changes things uh-huh you see i told you [Music] no not this one [Music] uh okay then forget about lemon juice i'll have milk oh milk i got it [Music] oh please work this time [Music] i broke the vending machine you did [Music] but it's not broken it's just unplugged baby boss vending machine oh it really is this is the thing let's go kiki okay you know what i heard there's a thief stealing food around here let's shut the door tight [Music] did you hear that there's a thief oh i'm so scared what if the people then we should hide hide and seek i like that let me join you i'm sorry if the thief comes let's chase him away come on you guys are so small you really think you can chase him away i think i heard something someone's coming who is it maybe kiki's back oh [Music] that hurt [Music] it looks like there's a lot of yummy food here i'm gonna stuff myself today [Music] a yummy hamburger [Music] cupcake [Music] let's see is there anything else [Music] the french fries [Music] hmm and my favorite a donut [Music] where am i oh my goodness we've been kidnapped great colorful candy [Music] the wolf got our friends what should we do we need to save them but we're so small and the wolf is so big what can we do i have an idea listen what's that sound [Music] what's that over there just a little flag [Music] what's happening this is strange hmm [Music] [Music] my fingers let's go save our friends [Music] oh colorful candies you guys are here what about the thief huh that hurts [Music] here we go we are colorful candies look what we can do here we go go go we beat the big wolf hey ho ho ho ho ho break colorful candies [Music] together how we beat the big [Laughter] [Music] my hands are tied my feet are tight too [Music] what happened [Laughter] [Music] oh my goodness huh it's the thief hello police station i will never steal things again [Music] [Applause] you saved us you are amazing i will look down on you just because you guys are small thanks even though each of us is small we can be powerful when we put our strength together [Laughter] one two three four five [Music] are you ready ready or not here i come yeah huh [Music] quickly [Music] where is katie i can't find her [Music] oh [Music] please deliver this cake to rudolph okay no problem [Music] what should we do [Music] it let's go save here over there hurry up no problem full speed ahead bye [Music] turn right go go go [Music] [Music] fry [Applause] trust me i'm really good at driving [Music] hurry we need to speed up [Music] what should we do we won't be able to get katie she must be so scared now huh [Music] oh hey look she's over there let's go we can cross when the light turns green [Music] that's great let's go [Music] [Music] ah oh [Music] got it it's green let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] fry please come save me [Music] donny fry i'm here [Music] that was so scary [Music] thank you guys i knew you would come and save me of course we're good friends [Music] hmm [Music] come out guys let's go home okay [Music] [Music] you're so great [Music] if your friends are in danger be brave and think of a way to help them but always remember to be careful [Music] kiki can you help me okay [Music] [Music] let's play hide and seek i'll be at first go hide everyone [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] where should i hide [Music] that's it [Music] [Music] ready or not here i come [Music] [Music] i'm gonna [Music] where are they hiding [Music] huh i found you three candies [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] no way i won't be found so easily come out [Music] it's not fun you found me too quickly now only beau is left oh where is he [Music] what's that sound [Music] maybe it's bow he must be around here somewhere [Music] huh [Music] [Music] yummy i still can't find bow where is he hiding we need to find him [Music] i still can't find him we've looked everywhere hey no you win come out now [Music] you're the winner [Applause] [Music] let's look somewhere else huh it's belle let's open it together it's so tight we can't open it i can't breathe [Music] oh that was close we need to find another way huh i have an idea [Music] one two one two one two star one two one two one two ready one two three [Music] almost done [Music] thank you for helping me guys it was so dangerous i will never hide in a bottle like [Music] kids you need to be careful when you play hide and seek only hide in safe places [Music] it's so hard being a salesman i haven't sold any kitchen wear all morning huh mr foo's restaurant i'd better eat first the score is one to one right now on to the next round cooking competition huh it's mew mew that's awesome i sure hope that she wins oh huh judge my oven is broken oh no look my cake is burnt ah you'll just have to find another way or hank will win i'll help you [Music] oven [Music] this is my magical oven just cook anything in it for three seconds and it will become something delicious but i don't know how to use it i'll help you [Music] tada fresh and delicious fluffy cotton candy out of the oven [Music] wow it tastes good [Music] and this burnt cake just put it in the oven for three seconds three two one [Music] wow what a magical oven now the score is two to one miu is one point ahead yeah all right now it's a stir frying round the cooking fumes are making hank cough how is he doing watch this [Music] frying pan this is a magical walk [Music] it fries automatically without fumes [Music] food won't spill out and you'll get a lot of food with only a small amount of ingredients ah it smells great what a magical walk mewmew gets one i have a magical pot too hot [Music] hmm what does this magical kitchen wear this is my magical pot it makes soup in three seconds and serves it automatically yeah yeah it smells great i need a big bowl mr fu please try some of our soup great i'll have some in the super big bowl so delicious and he's really good mew mew gets one point it's now four to one miu is in the lead whoa we have cake veggies and soup already oh now i'm going to make some fresh fruit juice [Music] juice maker [Music] it's wrong it's wrong the outlet should be at the bottom and the inlet at the top oh you're right i'll have to reassemble we're running out of time [Music] no problem let's make a fruit platter this magical juicer can turn fruits into juice so if it's the wrong way around it can turn juice into fruits huh is that possible of course mr foo could you please give me some mixed fruit juice [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] now it's five to one how amazing now i declare today's winner is oh i object it wasn't even mumu that cooked it was kiki and he's not a contestant so he cannot win hank is right kiki is not a contestant so he cannot win mewmeo i'm sorry i was trying to help but i ruined everything it's okay i didn't win but it was fun using your magical kitchenware can i buy them really you're my first customer i would like a set for my restaurant too hold on me too they're mine i'll buy all of kiki's kitchenware i sold them all i saw come on yay [Applause] [Music] oh that hurts hey where am i uh oh [Music] [Music] what's going on [Music] we have to put the flames out the flames look [Music] we can use water to put the fleece out [Music] watch me it didn't move at all what should we do we're not strong enough hmm i've got an idea come with me [Music] i'm melting pal hold on we're coming to help you [Music] oh no the water is coming out let me help you [Music] great job [Music] oh no we're coming [Music] it's fixed let's save chocolate okay [Music] hey i almost turned into chocolate sauce thank you who are you where are your colors [Laughter] [Music] what happened [Music] oh [Music] red [Music] i'm yellow [Music] oh [Music] blue green and purple so kiki tried to put colorful clothes on us [Music] somebody has to keep an eye on them tonight rock paper scissors the person who loses will stay here they can only play paper so i just need to play scissors hey you lost you how are you so quick i wasn't ready i'm sleepy i should go to bed now hmm [Music] oh [Music] hank where are the moon cakes the mooncakes they're right where do they go no i i just adjusted a little bit huh i know that you ate them all you're a liar oh no i didn't huh [Music] what is this [Music] ah it's a mooncake oh i can't reach it huh i have an idea [Music] nothing let me try again [Music] huh it's not the moon cake you must be at this time oh mr dowell [Music] mr dow are you okay what are you up to oh our moon cake why is it here since when did my moon cake become yours [Music] well take a look i've made many moon cakes then we're ours [Music] no way there must be a thief there must be who would want to honestly eat your moon cake instead of my moon cake where's my moon cake it was right here there must be a mooncake thief know how to catch him [Music] this is too big um this is too small mr dao can you give me a bigger one no fine oh once it moves we'll loosen the rope the cage will drop down and we will catch the thief mr dow let's hide [Music] stay focused oh [Music] where's the thief oh the moon cake is moving on its own go get it now oh no i'm gonna help you [Applause] [Music] go heavy [Music] stop [Applause] it's so sticky huh i can go now mr dao i'll go after it [Music] huh it was you little aunt look the ants are moving the mooncake so it wasn't hank who ate the pancakes it was the ants who took them [Laughter] wow wow where are all these ants going [Music] ah mr dow's house [Music] i whoa what's that looks cool huh what do you know it's a super duper what oh well it's nothing i have a riddle you will never guess the answer oh what is it let me try something is a dog but cannot bark or eat what is it you probably don't know go home and think about it oh i know it's a hot dog [Music] huh [Music] wow a big hot dog it looks tasty wow hey that hurts oh wow quickly turn the food maker off huh so that's a food maker it's amazing no it's not tune it off okay okay okay oh i wanted to order a big jelly jelly oh no we're done [Music] stop trying it's no use huh what do we do then we have to turn the power off but [Music] i'll eat it all [Music] hurry up take the cheese off me [Music] hi i'm going to record a message please send it to my friends thank you mr dowell's food maker i'm not finished yet [Music] oh great you are [Music] cookies hey be careful this doesn't taste good i want cotton candy i have to turn it on [Music] aha go [Music] [Music] everyone is stuck in the food what shall i do huh huh an ant [Music] you're all out the ant saved us great thank you ants thank you [Music] oh where's mr dao
Channel: BabyBus - Kids Songs and Cartoons
Views: 20,468,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: for kids, panda, giant panda, baby bus, nursery rhymes, kids song, toddler songs, babybus, kiki and miu miu, baby panda, baby cartoon, baby songs, babybus cartoon, animation for kids, children songs, kids songs, babies songs, babies videos, kids cartoon, cartoon for kids, stories for kids, color song, learn colors, yummy foods animation, hamburger, dino is coming, kid songs, sing-along, kids videos, cartoon for children, funny baby video, cartoons, monsters under the bed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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