Octonauts - The Cone Snail | Cartoons for Kids | Underwater Sea Education

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foreign rocks and Rough Waters ahead Dashie activate steering wheel clear Captain thanks Dashie should be smooth sailing ahead well at least until we hit the Roaring 40s The Roaring faulties The Roaring 40s are a part of the ocean with very rough water and Powerful waves nothing to worry about peso I've piloted the octopods safely through these Waters many times before how did you learn to Pilot the Octopod so well Captain practice Lords of practice and lots of late nights spent reading this manual [Music] how to Pilot the Octopod Third Edition written by Captain Barnacles it covers everything I've learned about piloting the Octopod in fact peso it might be a good idea for you to give it a read me I'm a medic well you never know when we might need a backup pilot all right I'll read it I'm not sure I'll understand any of it but I'll try well now this shell would make a fine addition to my collection who are you calling a shell ah I'm a cone snail see nobody puts me in a collection see sorry little fella I feel I feel kind of funny what's going on out here oh Oh Me Oh My come in peso there's something wrong with quasi don't worry quasi you're going to be all right what could have caused this peso not sure it's almost like he's been poisoned but by what stung me what stung you quasi no quasi didn't sting me I'm quasi the tuna was there when it happened cap tell him what you saw he says it had a swirly shell about this big was this the creature jumping jellyfish what is it Shellington it's a cone snail no wonder quasi is acting so strange a cone snail sting is full of poison and it must still be here somewhere on the ship we'd better find it before anyone else gets stung Shellington sound the Octo alert Octonauts to the launch bay good afternoon there's a dangerous cone snail somewhere aboard the ship we need to find it and release it back into the water cone snail you say ah yes little fellows that can sting you with tiny harpoons and they have up to 20 harpoons ready to fire each full of poison that can make you very sick Captain there's no medicine for a cone snail sting time and rest are the only cure but why would it stink quasi it was probably just scared and trying to protect itself will have to be very very careful around it Octonauts let's split up and find that cones now no nobody captures me see [Laughter] oh leave me alone [Music] Octonauts any sign of the cone snail not yet cap anyone else oh no inkling Dashie and Shellington have all been stung hey so I'm bringing three more patients to the Sick Bay aye aye captain foreign tweak the cone snail must be somewhere in the Octo shoots I need you to close them off I'll let you know as soon as tweak are you all right [Music] oh peso you better prepare one more bed [Music] how are you doing peso this is a lot of patience to take care of at once don't worry Captain I'm a medic taking care of people is what I do luckily I have some help he must be in the vent right I'm going after him [Music] hey watch it what's the big idea [Music] you did it oh no you were stung just rest easy Captain everything will be uh ships entering the Roaring 40s very rough water need to get through no Captain you're too wink yes somebody has to Pilot the ship and that person is you peso me peso use the manual you can do this but but Captain you've learned 317 ways to bandage an injured fin you've performed cravectomies in the frozen Arctic those are medic skills and I've done those things lots of times but there was a first time we're all counting on you I I try tune up keep an eye on my patience activate steering wheel and turn on the octolift whoa template it to the steering wheel oh Big Rock what do I do it says don't steer but I have to steer around the rock or we crash keep one hand on the wheel use the other to engage the rudder you can do this Pacer engage maybe I can do this if I do rocks and Rough Waters what do I do you do the one thing that isn't in the manual trust yourself trust myself but I'm a medic I don't buy the chips I take care of people hold on I am taking care of people everybody on board the Octopod is counting on me snail loose on ship pesos in danger hello roaring 40s did it [Music] now to switch the ship back to autopilot check on my patience hey so look out cone snail peso I'm all right wow the ship's manual really did come in handy in more ways than one sorry for all the trouble I was scared seeing I was only trying to protect myself see no hard feelings eh no just a bit of a sore pool tweak open the octohatch so our cone snail friend can go free sure thing cat [Music] see you later see peso I was very proud of you today you saved the ship I'm just glad everyone's feeling better ah you might want to tell that to their vegetables matey
Channel: Octonauts
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Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, cone snails, octonauts peso, octonauts cone snail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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