Octonauts - The Golden Coral | Merry Christmas!

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there you go help my claw hurts when he hurts I'll hurt that claw needs a bandage right away good as new wow I feel better already when he feels better I feel better did you put us back together now oh there you go - Merry Christmas hey guys captain it's that code and coral hello friend oh my are you alright inkling well it looks like I'll be spending Christmas upside down this year hello I'm Captain Barnacles of the Octonauts we'll get you out and the right way up in no time dashi we're going to need the gup-c right away captain [Music] on my signal one two three easy that and now one more push to turn her the right way up that's better thanks for getting me out in one piece and not just me but these baby sea snails they rely on me for protection thank you merry Christmas to you too you haven't seen my nephew squirt anywhere have you no dear I'm afraid I haven't don't worry professor we won't give up until we find him aye but how look ink where there's ink there's an octopus yes captain we octopus shoot ink when we're scared squirt must be trapped in there squirt captain I volunteer to swim inside and search it's too dangerous Kwazii these rocks could move and fall on you then I'll take the gup-b the gut bees not strong enough none of our gaps are they could all be crushed by falling rocks yep I think now's the time for me to give you your Christmas present a Christmas present now [Music] thanks for keeping an eye on the chicks while we swim out into the ocean for food I'm not too scared to swim in the ocean just in the chick you haven't grown your seagoing feathers yet yeah Rocko grown-up penguins have special feathers that keep us warm in the freezing water you'll get too cold swimming in the ocean it could make you sick boy Rocko will be back soon keep an extra eye on my Rocko he's a daredevil completely fearless don't worry I know the time so what's in the box presents for everyone Oh Rob that's right Adelie penguins collect little rocks to build their nests see line up everyone pass the round here's a present for you [Music] that's a tough one well let's see here we go these two rocks are exactly the same thank you good work peso I'm on my way hey so Kwazii you'll have to handle the babysitting without me yeah I'll miss all the excitement not all the excitement how babies hit most of the chicks and you babysit brought home just rock oh I can do that with one port I'd be on the back flip flap come away from that ledge you hi well it looks like it's just you and me so I'm sure the ropes that I gave you weren't exactly the same no my rock had a brown spot honey in this one doesn't mean swap back no I'm sure we can work this out no flip you mean sleep yes sloop I mean fleet I mean both flappity flippers fat if you flip over your rock you'll see it has a brown spot just like flaps I mean flips you're right flappy now I mean me now whew years old thanks for your help and now we're gonna catch up with those sardines just in case you run into any more trouble this guy a little crashing into stuff now we've lost Kwazii and the sardines captain sardines they're right under us everyone follow me I see her but we need to keep her in one place the Lord willing there's our sick fish let's get her out of there was what my c'mon I want you to grab er I can't we here to help her with your tummy just hold still I'm going to perform at yet just swallow some of these bubbles and let out a knife like this Thank You humpback whales O'Brien always enjoy making a bubble net we'll just be on our way now but though you look out through me he has a habit of crashing into things yes I know yeah welcome now that I've got me key back we finally get to see what's inside white beards treasure chest Lyons narwhals of white man look it's an out from white beard himself whoever finds this treasure is worthy to use it Octonauts let's do an acoustic up aye the emperor penguin mothers are on their way back home not all the mothers in missing right here right me hearty where's the penguin that gave me a ride she must still be under water she'd never be late on purpose penguin mothers know when it's time to go back home see something must have happened to her she may need help Joshy take the gut s under now gifted emperor penguins can only hold their breath for 20 minutes then we better move fast [Music] hey good one - hey so let's bring her aboard [Music] easier than you pay so yeah she's an emperor penguin the biggest tallest penguin there is and it looks like she's broken a foot and sprained a flipper what happened out there I remember swimming to the surface but then I hit a chunk of ice the next thing I remember you saved me now I need to get home you need to rest but my family is waiting for me then they won't have to wait long we'll bring you back to the nesting ground ourselves thank you the winds picked up I think the blizzards headed our way captain any sign of the other penguin mothers yet I can't see much in this weather nice is slowing us down everyone NGS snowsuits just to be safe way ahead of you Captain Barnacles the GUP I can you find us a path away from this wind and snow turn Northwest Passage yes I speak you'll be sheltered there understood thanks NAT quick feels like when picking up speed you'll be hug to your family soon seem to be bumping into a lot of penguins today ultimate abandon the gun s now [Music] never a dull moment in the Antarctic you had us worried captain I'm alright but I can't say the same for the GUP s we'd better sound the octo alert Octonauts to your stations there's nothing around but those skinny little fish it's like someone's playing tricks on us and then disappearing who would do that I know what I wish I didn't who tooth water the Tri tooth terror a giant sea creature you think the try to terror could be around here following us hmm I don't think we're dealing with the Tri tooth terror well if it isn't the try to terror that made these holes then what was it I asked [Music] where's that coming from [Music] it's a blue whale maybe he's seen something that could help us work this out excuse me but something's tickling my blubber but I can't tell what I wish it would stop now whoo whoo whoo can you help me it's down by my tail ah we've seen these marks before it's under my chin now that scurvy tried to terror must be nearby [Music] [Music] right I wish I knew who was tickling me I think the creature who gave you the giggles is the same one that's been giving us trouble it left more than tiny round marks in your brother don't worry blue whale the Octonauts will find the troublemaker and stop him now too big too small thin no no wait a minute there that's it captain I know whose teeth these are great work Shellington they're called cookie cutter sharks they dip their teeth into a whales blubber and leave round holes the way of cookie cutter leaves a shape and don't paste so that's why they went after the blue whale they wanted a bite of his blubber but why did the wish sharks attack the octo camp tables because they get confused and mistake soft material like rubber for a blubber for blubber we've got to ask them to stop biting our equipment but first we need to catch these rubber blubber lovers and I have an idea barnacles to tweak we're going to need your help and top tickers straight ahead captain everyone prepare for ice landing in three two everyone ready to get started I am captain I can't wait to see what creatures live up here on the ice Kwazii you and peso will help Shellington watch the ice for creatures well you'd have to have coconuts for brains to live here in Antarctica can anyone see any creatures out there not yet it's all just white white white and red shiver me whiskers there's something red straight ahead jumpin jellyfish it looks like a waterfall made out of ice but why is the ice red I don't know I've never seen anything like it before fire up the ice spy the ice Spy will show us what's under the ice that must be where the red ice is coming from ice is very thick ah the lake must have been sealed under it for millions of years who knows what creatures might live down there let's take a look peso detach off to sled and activate ice drill aye aye captain here we go [Music] captain the ice is too thick the drunk on take it we're not giving up yet okay [Music] captain the trill is broken aye but we reached the lake the drill will have to wait Shellington are you ready to head outside that's the spirit matey hurry I can't wait to see what's down there Oh take it slowly Shellington one careless move out here and we could be in trouble no one has ever seen this place before have you any idea why the waters red Shellington the water contains tiny literacy iron that's why it's so red there's rust in the water careful it would be easy to get lost down here Octonauts stay close the water is also very salty and salt and dark I don't think any creatures could survive down here sorry Shellington we'd better get back to the cup s Shellington come in Shellington but you won't believe this but I'll crush the gup-d again yes and that kept all of the Hammerhead hawk I hate bad memories we've lost contact captain dashi sound the octo alert Octonauts to the launch Bay Octonauts Shellington has crashed the gup-d again yes he was following three hammerhead shark pups we have to help him captain it looks like he was heading toward the open ocean it's a dangerous place for hammerhead pups in that case we'd better hurry Shellington are you alright I'm fine captain but the hammerhead pups are gone we need to split up to find them and then follow them yeah follow a little baby hammerhead that'll be easy just don't follow too closely Kwazii they're still very young and the Gups may confuse them got it Shellington you're with me Octonauts let's do this Shellington I think I see one of them eight out of your sight that should be hard he's just losing an older seabed like he's looking for something I can't see you sting me but I can smell you under there Oh No hammerhead just got stung by a stingray don't worry peso hammerheads don't mind a stingray sting or two [Music] boys hello don't be afraid I'm a medic and I'm here to take these stinger bars out down after an octopus actually it looks like I got you the full of that pop anywhere that octopus gets her first I know Octonauts we're going to use these seaweed ropes to lift off the ice chunk when I give the command we're all going to pull together Pinto we could use your help really we need somebody to pilot the gup-b [Music] ready come on you can do it big joke [Music] you did it thanks captain yes thanks for rescuing us Octonauts let's get back to the race let the ironclad continue you shouldn't be swimming Hugo you're injured no pain no gain I'm a winner not a quitter why are you swimming with me why don't you go on ahead and grab the clam that's what I would do because there are more important things than winning like what like making sure you're all right I don't understand you at all yeah go on peso what are you waiting for I can't leave you here and I know how much winning means to you so what are you doing this is incredible you go across the finish line for the first time in the history of the iron clam be happy hi I must admit folks I don't know what to do who gets the clam definitely give it to Payson he deserves it oh that's alright huger wants to win more than I do allow me there a big chair I'm so proud of you pacer you've won the contest earns you say - you go my son the hero Oh mom [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Sun will be coming up again soon unless we do something your sunburn will get even worse I know just the solution captain a hundred cc's of super soothing Beluga strength underwater Cyrene peso you yes captain I think we're gonna need more Sun cream a lot more but that was my last bottle let's see it's made from water sea slime mushroom coral mucus what's he going on about what's a me pirate days I found myself washed up on a desert island the only thing that protected me from the scorching Sun was a mushroom coral it grows in the shallows and makes its own oily doozy Sun cream that sounds disgusting it sounds perfect let's go hold on Kwazii there's not enough time to find the mushroom coral and bring it back here before the Sun comes up he'll have to come with us oh I'm sorry mate but I'm not fit for swimming that far this sunburn really hurts if we can't bring the Karl to the whale we'll bring the whale to the coral how are we going to move a whale come in tweak we're going to need some guff back up here you got a gap which guppy me all of them Octonauts let's pick up the pace we've got to get this whale to the coral before sunrise hang on big guy shiiit some mushroom corals in a shallow water up ahead truly amazing and Alvino comeback will now be known every now and then our wheel will be born that's completely white and Albie know it's a very rare sight indeed listen mate I can't stay under forever how about taking me up with some air captain the whale needs to take a breath got it Kwazii you copy I caught the captain watch that fin tweak are you there we've got to bring our friend here up and get ready to surface Octonauts let's do this the first thing you have to do is leap out of the water that means you have to go up very very fast well I already know how to do that wait that's just the first step I almost at it after you leap out of the water how do you stay in the air oh I spread my pectoral fins like this so I can glide hmm and I use me tail fin to push myself out of the water fascinating hmm pectoral fins and a tail fin that can move okay I've added pictorial fans and a tail spin fully adjustable now camp oh we have to do is test her out and see if she'll fly I'm afraid there's no time for a test tweak all right we've got to get the professor's book back there's not a second to lose peso is our flying fish friend good to go time for a checkup try moving your tail fin how does it feel oh it doesn't hurt at all he's ready to fly captain with your help we'll find your friends and get the professor's book back into the goths Octonauts let's do this yeah open the octohatch tweak [Music] [Music] they they are mighty and there is the professor's book [Music] let's see if we can fly - me hearty that's incredible raising lionfish I see it I've got it he's using his whiskers to find clams maybe he can help me find my medical bag oh thank you I've been what a weird clam hey the chief might like that wait come back that's not a clam it's my medical bag captain go ahead peso captain my medical bag has been taken by a walrus was he sound the octo alert [Music] Octonauts to the launch Bay [Music] Octonauts can anyone think of wild walrus would take pesos medical bag he must have thought it was a clam yes they do love to eat plans captain it had all my bandages of Medicine without my medical bag I can't help creatures feel better don't worry peso we're going to find that walrus we'll march right up to that whiskery lump and make him give back your medical bag yeah hey so Kwazii to the gup-a open the octohatch tweak [Music] ahoy one whiskery walrus right ahead we must be getting close to a walrus colony where they live Oh walruses if your bags in there we'll find it [Music] hello there I believe there's been a misunderstanding you see hey you guys aren't walruses you got that right we're Octonauts this is our colony walruses only easy now we just want to all right back off so much for marching right up to them got me when I wasn't ready Avast you scurvy walruses hmm there's got to be another way for us to get into the walrus colony then splash we all fell into the water hmm walruses don't like to share their home with other creatures sounds like if you're not a walrus you're not getting it but if we looked like a walrus and acted like a walrus maybe we could speak it and find my medical bag tweak we're gonna need your help [Music] Octonauts operation octo walrus begins now let's go whoa that's no rock it's the monster of creepy curves and it has captains octo compass Kwazii peso what happened we saw the monster first it looked like a rock and then it made itself huge and then it turned green and disappeared oh man it's caught your octo compass dashita kept him barnacles the octo compass is moving into a small cave on the other side of the Kelly thanks - Octonauts let's get to that cave wait yeah I reckon the monster wants to trap us inside this cave captain hmm well I don't see any monsters but I do see my octo compass the monster the real one [Music] don't worry we won't hurt you so you're the monster of creepy Cove no I'm not a monster I'm just a cut dope me that cuttlefish then how do you explain the fact that you changed your size and your shape and your color that's what we cuddle fish do to protect ourselves so other animals can't hurt us I can make myself disappear see I look just like a rock oh I can make myself look bigger and make it look like you're seeing another cuttlefish while I swim away that's incredible hi my tea we didn't mean to frighten you mr. cuttlefish we've only been chasing you because you have something that belongs to me yes that's my octo compass yeah please take it I was just playing with it I like how it changes its look just like you're right and it also turns into a camera may I take your picture [Music] jeez as you can see the monster of creepy Cove was just a cuttlefish Tunip don't even think about it okay here we go nothing to it I guess I can only make really big zaps when something scares me or when I'm eating nice and crunchy we torpedo Ray's always that our food before we eat it stories Oh still not enough electricity I guess sorry oh it's not your fault ray I was just really looking forward to seeing a friend hey listen I've got some friends too other electric torpedo rays maybe they can help if one torpedo ray can make enough electricity to light up one room and they do seem to like the vegimals fish biscuits keep it coming junior come on guys dinner is served nice and crunchy these fish biscuits taste great toasted it's working the electricity from there zapping is going through the wire right into the octopod almost there just a few more zaps [Music] I knew we could tell hey watch it man the age to Peter raise I've got to get to the controls looks like you could use a lift nice to see you again sandy aim for the octohatch goody five baby seasonings how many should there be altogether six [Music] [Applause] one of the snakes reversed his sheep I'll try to change direction the corn in the whirlpool gonna savor come up buzzer weren't the whirlpool swallow us up if we go out there yes unless tweek do you have any suction cups karada we cap the baby sea snake has large scales on its belly kind of like suction cups that's what allows it to climb and now with suction since I made Rossi peso have barely scale to the ship can't take much more of this was evasive you have to hurry we have to get out of this world almost a snake I can't believe I just did that right one now coming back inside beer in socket now's our chance we've got to blast out okay - e I'll pull the brakes then you'll activate the turbo blasters ready great well open up and say ah very good say ah ah good say ah [Music] just our Atlas just in time valadis whoo I've never tried a pig with them oh I've rush in the ear who seems so nice but I'm a great waiter I can't help couldn't you try to help it I only flying no gotta eat you hurry ooh that looks like a big metal fish Emma a piece of the cup we open the octohatch now you got it runs the octohatch south we need to create enough water pressure to blast the shark out without hurting it tweak activate super flush the shock is out but look the shock must have hurt his fin swimming into the octopod looks like he could use a bandage I suppose we should sound the octo alert [Music] Octonauts there's an injured great white shark up there that needs our help but we must be careful the great white shark is one of the most powerful predators in the sea and one of the hungriest that's true he does like to eat and he'll try just about anything to see if he likes it if he doesn't he'll just spit it out well I'm not afraid of any shark I don't care how great he is hey so I can manage old-fashioned way lemon sharks I can handle this one Kathy careful Kwazii you can't let them notice you swim under the sharks as quietly as possible [Music] [Applause] [Music] safe and sound hey it's empty let's get up we proudly return with the one and only Jimmy jr. [Music] that's seaweed that's a clam that's an egg that's an egg we found all ten great job tonight Shellington What did he say he said my eggs are hatching Jr except my baby hi every single one yet ah we're gonna need a bigger home I think he said he's digging out his butter with his mouth that's exactly what I said according to Professor inkling his friend lives somewhere around here I don't see anyone don't move a muscle what is it quasi there's a dangerous fish right in front of you a banded soul yes lucky I spotted it my team banded Souls are very poisonous professor Inklings friend is a banded soul Professor inkling he is indeed my friend but I know bandits you're an octopus not just any octopus a mimic octopus sir Mortimer the mimic octopus at your service any friends of Professor inkling are friends of mine there it was no mere trick my boy booby mimic octopuses cannot squirt ink to get away from predators pursue we must protect ourselves by pretending to be poisonous wait till you see it's alright Mortimer can you impersonate a sea snake prepare to be dazzled as this mimic octopus becomes not one not two but three poisonous sea snakes [Music] Bravo Mortimer we need an actor of your talent for a special mission do you think you could help us lead on my seafaring friend my audience Oh wits sure I heard that serious all right everyone here's the plan step 1 huazi on my signal you'll know the eel out of his lair and lead him into this rocky reef aye aye captain step 2 hasten you swim inside to look for the bottle right now step 3 to keep the eel from coming back too soon Mortimer will create a distraction here it shall be among my greatest performances option aught and Mortimer let's do this step 1 Kwazii time for step 2 I'm entering the lair captain Mike that smell hits if you're at the exact same time was he may so take your position [Music] it's coming in fast mateys get ready steady steady [Music] Dashie I'm attached to the meteor but I can't stop it prepare to evacuate the octopod attention Octonauts report to the launch Bay we need to leave the octopod immediately where's all this sand coming from so you're what's been taking chunks out of our engine I'm sorry there's just so many interesting things to munch around here well you better clear out a rock from outer space a rock from outer space the sun's delicious hold on if you can chomp through this engine I reckon you can chomp through that meteor chomping rocks is my speciality and I've never tasted one from outer space before do you have any friends around here let's play so I can do this I can do this well down you too but it's still not enough all right boys who's hungry it's working but we've got to give the parent fish more time pull back on your reverse thrusters give it everything you've got [Music] captain time until impact is by losing contact with the media [Music] [Applause] [Music] fascinate us the engines at work in again cab thanks tweak well camp could use the octopods bubbly to push back a good friend [Music] a choice in Reverse you need to move the octopods so it's right over the trench [Music] reversing bubble engine the Atlantic OSI sake I hope don't worry we'll pull them out now hey so you drive was a dashing travel Mason move the cup seafoam is everyone all right that was a wild ride I feel a bit dizzy but I'm okay we'll be fine once everything stops spinning when I was a close one see my tentacles are all about twist sorry we tried to eat you at faster you've done so much for us I wish there's something we could do well is something you could do right okay everybody let's hook stingers same seaweed well what do you think oh it has plenty of places for me to blend in plenty of hiding places for the rest of us I say let's move don't touch the sticky Olympic glue still needs time to dry captain the second half of the storm is coming in quicker than we thought and it's going to be big the cat the glue he hasn't hardened everything was put on will get washed away washed away don't worry me hearties we Octonauts always have a back-up plan [Music] it's a shame the artificial reef doesn't have a helmet like we do hmm maybe we can give it one [Music] okay treat lower the towline [Music] now take it away freak don't will protect the reef cap but if it takes a direct hit I can't guarantee it'll hold - II can you give me the exact direction the hurricane will hit from sending it to you right now captain Octonauts will line up the Gups a B D and E and form a wall to stop the hurricane from hitting the reef too hard [Music] steady staying close together everyone hurricane-force current will keep inside brace yourselves [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 5,311,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, YouTube, octonauts christmas, octonauts golden coral, the great christmas rescue, octon, aquanauts, kwazii, peso, tweak, dashi, captain barnacles
Id: -P1S-EK2D7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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