Octonauts - #Christmas Adventures | Cartoons for Kids | Underwater Sea Education

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[Music] captain is it christmas yet well peso let's check the christmas countdown clock not yet we have to wait until the sea star is lit up ah i'm ready for christmas to be here now i can't wait for christmas either quasi thank you for inviting us to come home with you to celebrate professor inkling you're welcome peso and i'm excited to show you the place where i grew up dashie inkling family photos coming up there i am with my nephew squirt i can't wait to see him he looks just like you professor and this is where squirt lives and where i grew up the seamount it looks like a huge mountain it is a seamount is simply an undersea mountain exactly shellington lots of creatures make their homes there including the golden coral she's 500 years old 500 years old that's a lot of christmases oh she's beautiful i've never seen coral that color before the golden coral grows only on this sea mount at christmas we all gather round her and sing a special song with the christmas tree worms christmas tree worms now you're pulling me poor no they're real they live inside holes in rocks and when they pop out they look like little christmas trees yes they make christmas on the seamount very special and if we're going to make it there in time for christmas then we better get going dashi activate launch launch activated captain [Music] [Music] oh i've got to finish this surprising time for christmas hand me another hammer tunip oh thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to that me hearties it must be tweak i've heard her hammering and drilling all week hi she's working on a top secret christmas present i wonder what she's making i wish i knew matey but she won't let anybody down there we'll just have to wait until christmas to find out in the meantime would you help me wrap a few presents peso of course i love wrapping presents octonauts let's get ready for christmas [Music] [Music] event number three swimming the races will swim from one end of the trench to the other the iron clam is waiting at the finish line whoever reaches that first wins the event the race and the iron slam let the countdown beginner 5 4 3 2 1 [Music] hugo pulls out ahead of peso [Music] you got lucky last round but not this time peso yo hey hey go go oh oh no there's been a terrible accident quasi let's move in as close as we can and get them out of there hi captain luckily peso and hugo can hold their breath for a long time oh peso where is he is he okay [Music] hugo you've hurt your flipper but i don't think it's broken [Music] this seaweed bandage should make you feel better ah it does but how are we going to get out of here and finish the race good question i'm just afraid that if we try to move one ice block the rest will fall on top of us we've got to get them out of there quasi sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay octonauts peso and hugo are trapped under big chunks of ice we need guts c and d to rescue them come as quickly as you can i want to come too i have to save my brother sorry pinto but this job is just too dangerous you can help by staying here with your mum and looking after her [Music] come along pinto [Music] octonauts this is going to be a very tricky operation we need to carefully remove the chunks of ice one by one so the whole pile doesn't fall on peso and hugo tweak you can start with that one you got it here [Music] don't worry the octonauts will get us out of here i'm tired me too we'll find a nice flow soon and take a rest over there there's a colony of walruses on that ice flow walruses are very territorial they don't like to share their ice flow with anyone we'll find another ice floe come on i'm not afraid of boris's are you no come on hey this ice blow is walruses only who says [Music] the cubs it'll be tough to get to the cups from the outside of the ice floe but if we could pop up on the inside i'll be right back captain [Music] excuse me walruses oh where did that penguin come from yeah penguins don't belong in the arctic what's a penguin if you'll just move aside the cops and i will be on our way not so fast penguin ah let him go you're not the chiefer out here i am hey how come i never get to be the chief because you're not big count hey you see you've let them get away no no you let him get away i never yes you did [Music] we did it thank you peso oh i'm so glad you're safe no more swimming off on your own cubs would you like to ride on my back for a while yes please how about i take one you take the other there's an empty ice float where we can rest finally i don't know barnacles the ice looks a little thin ah time to learn another polar scout skill cups when the ice is thin stay on your tummy to keep the ice from breaking that's it [Music] [Music] i'm afraid that wasn't much of a rest i hope we find some good thick eye soon barnacles i hate to admit it but i'm getting really tired come on cubs i'll carry both of you for a while give your mom a rest peso you can swim faster underwater than we can will you swim ahead and look for ice right away captain hello boris barnacles what a surprise it's good to see you old friend it's good to see you too i've known boris ever since i was a cub yes he was quite something despair always a leader even as a young cub but what are you doing inside all this ice our engines have frozen we could really use your help getting out of here old friend but of course my tusk is very very good at telling if things are warm or cold i can lead you out of the ice and into warmer open water [Music] thank you boris [Music] now we just have to work out how to get the ship moving again in that case i'm gonna need to change gups tweak prepare the gup-c okay everyone here we go [Music] one more time [Music] we're almost there [Music] oh no i don't believe it another solid wall of ice allow me my friend what's he doing using his tusk to feel how thick the walls are remarkable as i thought is always one place where the ice is thinnest you better swim aside old friend [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you boris you're very welcome old friend temperatures are returning to normal sir and the engines are starting back up good work octonauts so now that we're free who'd care to join me for a nice little icy water swim uh gotta go clean up the launch base uh no thanks i've got to um polish my spyglass yes and i have to um uh clean up the lab yes that's it [Music] oh suit yourselves the sardines let's go captain we have to hurry that saudi needs our help i'll say it again [Music] none of my sardines has the key which means that one of yours does quasi and i are still chasing them captain are you quasi quasi to captain barnacles do you read me peso are you there i've got to get my gut back in the water first [Music] can you hear me ah maybe if i send that signal oh sounds like somebody needs help you really do need to watch where you're going yeah yeah but right now i need to get my gup off this iceberg okay i'll tip the iceberg over for you [Music] too big for me to tip over by myself yeah but it won't be too big for me and a couple of friends i'll send out a signal [Applause] [Music] hey guys i need some help typing over this iceberg let's do it always enjoy your little iceberg tipping oh gone out there ready guys [Music] thanks for your help and now i've got to catch up with those sardines we'll come along just in case you will run into any more trouble this guy doesn't have a crash in it to stop [Music] good now hurry [Music] i'm trying camp but i just can't reach the bars oh oh it's hopeless my home will be destroyed for sure i will never eat again don't worry klaus we'll think of something won't we klaus there's only one person the right size for the job me of course and i even know the shortcut oh i have come to help save my home y'all oh and your all right all you have to do is reconnect the red wires oh with my long arms and grabbing claws that should be easy oh careful the red wire not the blue one oops i'm okay captain we're going to crash in five no don't cut away four one three come on ladies two oh well done captain just in time for dinner and thank you for all your help class goodbye good work today octonauts the yeti crab is back home the hydrothermal vents are safe and the guppix is in shipshape there's just one more thing left ah what's that matey is there anything we can do about this smell peso quasi we're under the icebergs now captain yeah it looks like you're trapped right in the middle and running out of room use the ice drill to break through the ice this scurvy ice is too thick turn on the heat quasi so the drill melts the ice as it goes heating drill now [Music] that speeds things up hold on captain don't worry help is on the way getting really very squished my mom always holds me flipper when i'm scared and i wish someone would hold me flipper now here take my paw oh thanks that's better need a lift my teeth just in time quasi come on everyone into the gup s [Music] activate bottles [Music] and now we need to find their mums they may have returned to the ice floes by now so let's start there [Music] where are you where are you who's this now excuse me i think i can help i don't think so no no me neither whoa easy now ladies i don't like the looks of this one oh here we go again mom man [Music] there you are little awesome lord oh my goodness oh are you all right love you waited a really very long time but we were carried off by a really very big iceberg and then captain barnacles and his friend saved us huh he does have that hero look about him doesn't he ladies how can we ever thank him for saving our pups hook wow [Music] there it is the walrus rescue badge well done uncle barnacles [Music] uh oh sounds like some gunk got in the propeller hold on everyone all right mateys the next point wins [Music] [Music] shiver whiskers having a grand adventure chasing after a shark you're not chasing that shark the shark is chasing them [Music] we can't seem to shake him peso sound the octo alert octonauts to your stations [Music] octonauts we need to get away from this shark open the octo hatch tweak you got it cap hold on everyone ready tweak now close it [Music] phew good work octonauts fascinating i wonder why that shark decided to chase us maybe you look like a tasty dinner me hearties no that can't be it sharks don't eat ships i'm just glad that shark didn't catch us that'll teach me to take out a gunky gup um how's the gup cleaning coming along quasi i haven't start finished yet captain well back to work [Music] [Music] who what the guppy i did hello how did you get in here i followed the gap and i'm ready for more more you mean you like cleaning like it i live for it i'm a pilot fish it's how i get food i eat the gunk off of things eat and clean clean and eat then dinner is served [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] great work quasi these gups have never been cleaner well as i always say captain if you're gonna do a job you might as well do it properly i'm amazed how fast you're able to do this and all on your own too [Music] they have to be fast i heard sardines like that what look how they work together to get them all in a tight group army always playing tricks on me or are they changing colors they seem to change colors when they get really excited check out the old shipwreck i wonder how fast that baby can go yeah probably about as fast as a sleeping sea snail boy who are you calling a sleeping sea snail get back in hold on quasi they might be able to help us help us the only other thing i've seen move as fast as they do is the gut bee [Music] hello a sailfish we were wondering if you could help us find our missing ships sorry fellas but we're in a hurry we're following the sardines up the coast ah forget about these slow coaches captain slow coaches i just don't think they're fast enough to help us i suppose you're right quasi they probably couldn't keep up with the gups anyway i don't want to prove how fast they are couldn't keep up you've got to be kidding we're the fastest things in the whole ocean we'll find those ships grab under those sails guys let's go fast enough for you back there hi matey i like this guy there they are straight ahead follow those gups [Music] we're gonna split up and hurt him into a tighter group [Music] excellent job now aim for the smart gut boxes it worked all right ladies [Music] these things are quicker than they look the midnight zone is completely dark many of the creatures who live here make their own light just like twinkle hey this is starting to look familiar let me see don't touch that this could get bumpy [Applause] oh that wasn't supposed to happen right there you go thank you where are we captain looks like we've landed at the bottom of a very deep hole in the midnight zone wow it's really dark outside the lights are broken and inside too the engine's working but we're not moving the gut must be wedged in well then we'll have to go out and unwedge it octonauts let's put on our special deep-sea suits but he's blacker than a pirate's teeth out there will we have enough light to see what we're doing hmm i can help with that [Music] a little more towards this side please twinkle aye captain the gup is free but this hole is full of twists and turns hi we'll need more than the light from one little sea star to get out of here and find twinkle's family [Music] flappity flippers well i'll be they look like stars they are sea stars twinkle is that you daddy mommy where have you been we were so worried thank goodness you're home everyone these are the octonauts they helped me find my way home that's right we searched the whole ocean from top to bottom now if only we could find our way home maybe our new friends can help us daddy mommy we need to get everybody together the whole family and all our friends right you are twinkle ready for lift off octonauts aye aye captain then let's go we're heading home [Music] [Music] bye bye everyone thank you so much [Music] the sandy sea floor shellington must be close by he could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't be able to see him now don't go wandering off peso i may never find you again it's one of shellington's garden eels we must be really close there's another one there fascinating the garden eels are even faster than you are quasi shellington are you all right well my leg keeps falling asleep but i think i'll be okay come on we've got to get back to the octopod put this on and let's go quasi peso how's it going out there well we found shellington and we followed some garden heels up this cliff but then we lost was it [Music] [Music] i never should have let shellington stay out to study those garden meals garden eels that's it if i can't get through the jellyfish i'll go under them just like the garden eels professor inkling does anything live in the rocky cliff beneath the octopod interesting question as far as i know nothing lives down there so i wouldn't be harming any creatures if i made a tunnel through it not at all there's only solid rock there but what about your paw don't worry about me professor [Music] tweak hey cat prepare the gup-d i'm gonna need some extra tunneling power [Music] [Music] [Music] just hold on a guard an eel living in a rocky cliff it can't be that's no gardening that's [Music] good to see you again shellington come on we've got to hurry back to the octopod before this tunnel starts to fill up with jellyfish [Music] you
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 2,669,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, Octonauts christmas, christmas cartoon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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