​@Octonauts - Happy Holidays! 🎄 | 110 mins+ | Cartoons for Kids | Underwater Sea Education

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[Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] christmas tree coming through tunip how's the christmas feast coming along ah i can hardly wait mateys hmm that christmas kelp loaf smells delicious um tunip says the christmas feast should be ready in about an hour first up set up a tabletop but first they have to set the table oh i love this part [Music] peppa there you go [Music] let us help you with that you vegimals are already busy enough hi i don't know how we ever got by without these little mateys me neither shellington tell us again how you met them with pleasure peso it was years ago that i discovered the vegemals of course i didn't know they were vegetables at first i was out doing some research when i found something very unusual on the side of the octopod as far as i could tell they were eggs but they were bigger than any fish eggs i'd ever seen in any case it wasn't safe to leave them outside so i brought them back to my lab to study i kept a close watch on them day and night then one morning i awoke to a strange noise it sounded like singing [Music] and that's when i met tunip i'd never seen anything like them they seem to be half vegetable and half animal so i called them vegimals well the octopod wouldn't be the same without them [Music] that doesn't make any sense what is it dashie is there something strange on the map captain it almost looks like there's a lake right here on the sea floor a lake at the bottom of the ocean oh my now this is a christmas surprise so you know what this thing is professor i think i do captain if i'm not mistaken it's a brine lake brine lakes are made of really salty water that settles on the seafloor they're very rare in fact i've never actually seen one well what are we waiting for let's go and take a look i'm coming too i'd love to take some photos and just be back in time for the feast don't worry we'll be back in a jiffy [Music] there wow is the prime lake incredible cool it's water that's underwater that's right brine lakes are so salty that hardly anything can live in them but there are lots of little creatures around the edges well hello there merry christmas it's coming it's coming yes christmas seems to come faster every year doesn't it huh jellyfish oops [Music] dash and inkling still haven't returned captain come in captain shellington what's happened it's got us captain can't get out a green big slimy shellington come in quasi peso tweak to the cup see aye aye captain [Music] per hour [Music] a no sign of any of them no sign of the guppy either captain look at this shellington's magnifying glass something's not right um captain shellington would never leave this lying around then they must have cleared out of here in a hurry where did they go there shiver me whiskers captain get us out of here don't touch it or you'll get stuck too don't worry we'll get you out get to the cup seat we'll use the tow line to pull them out brace yourselves this could get sticky [Music] what is this stuff it's called marine mucilage sea snot it's made of rotting bits of plants and plankton how i wanted to spend christmas stuck in a big blob of snot captain those creatures are about to be stuck in here with us [Music] that's not good sea snot can be very dangerous to any sea creatures who get stuck in it we've got to help them but first we've got to get ourselves out we'd better call for backup back up but who's gonna get us out of this one captain come in tune in the christmas feast will have to wait junior we're stuck in a snot blob and if we don't get out of here soon there'll be no one there to eat it need your help junit sending an emergency rescue plan hurry emergency rescue plan downloaded [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] sir [Music] [Music] welcome back to volume 17 of the octonauts video training series today's lesson quicksand slime spills and blob rescues quicksand blob rescues when rescuing someone from a blob it's important to always have a rescue vehicle so you don't get stuck yourself extend a rescue line to the person or creature and use it to pull them out of the blob always remember a vehicle and rescue line beats a blob every time now let's try out our technique i think i see a blob now help help [Music] captain barnacles we are stuck and we can't get out stay in your vehicle matey or you'll get stuck in the pudding too it's a blob i mean the blob here grab onto this rescue line not bad and that's all there is to it so remember a vehicle and rescue line beats a blob every time [Laughter] [Music] m [Music] wow [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] [Music] one two three [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] food hmm [Music] oh yes hurry captain the snot blob's gaining on him don't worry sea snails help is on the way hmm i don't have a vehicle but i do have a rescue line keep pulling captain you're doing great you're almost free right back in the blob of snot listen it sounds like singing [Music] the sea snails rescue the sea snails [Music] ah oh no he shot too late come on pirate you can do it [Music] bullseye everyone [Music] [Music] a vehicle and rescue line beats a blob every time good work vegemals supercobble this is quite a creation vegimals you think you can pull the guppy out of the snot blob too [Music] it looks like you could use some help come on everyone [Music] captain look the blob's getting bigger [Music] it's time to deal with this snot blob once and for all [Music] good thinking little matey's [Music] there's just too much of it tune it pull up [Music] yeah now where can we pull all this snot oh right in there the brine lake it's too salty even for sea snot and there aren't any creatures for it to hurt in there sounds like the perfect place for this stuff head for the brine leg juniper [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] snot blob wow tune it [Music] a vegetable and a sleigh ride saves christmas every time right tunip i think he's waking up easy there tunip you've had a lot of excitement today good work tunip we're all very proud of you you and the other vegemite saved us from that snot blob and you saved all those sea creatures by the brine lake and best of all baby you saved christmas cruises [Music] [Music] looks like dinner is served thank you for preparing such a wonderful feast but most of all thank you for getting us all back home for christmas [Applause] tune up [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] just a little further up and we can dig for the secret treasure of whitebeard the pirate i wonder what whitebeard's treasure could be no one knows captain but whitebeard was a fearsome pirate i've heard that he could throw one of his legendary flying snowballs from the arctic all the way to the tropics calico jack once told me that a snowball from whitebeard landed right on the deck of this ship and he never melted remarkable [Music] here this be the [Music] what was that we hit something why there it be whitebeard's treasure now all we need is the key for that lock let me just find the right one blue beards treasure red beard's treasure ah here it is your paws are so cold i can barely feel them whoa mickey [Music] that could make the sardine very sick we've got to find her [Music] let's split up to cover more ground hi found captain you all right i'm fine captain but i just took a whale of a ride what was the meaning of those bubbles you were blowing at me i can't help it if you crashed into my bubble net humpback whales like me make bubble nets so that we can catch a lot of food at once we're sorry to disturb you but uh we're chasing after a school of sardines maybe you saw which way they went no but i'll keep an eye out if i see them i'll send you a signal that's how us humpback whales communicate just listen for this garlic got it whoa there's some krill yummy hey gotta go and the name's mitch that little sardine is going to get a big tummy egg if we don't find our suit hi captain octonauts to the hq [Music] we need to track down a sardine who swallowed quasi's key oh no that could make the sardines sick i found a school of sardines in the area captain great work dashie but how will we know which sardine has swallowed the key tweak this x-ray viewer should do the job tunip let's show them hide that hammer behind your back very good we'll need more than one of these x-ray viewers to find a little key in a little sardine in a great big ocean i'm on it peso meet us out here in the e once we find the right sardine we'll need you to perform an emergency key ectomy on my way captain quasi peso activate x-ray viewers the sardines let's go and now move in closer so we can look [Music] we have to hurry that sardine needs our help none of my sardines has the key which means that one of yours does quasi and i are still chasing them captain quasi are you quasi quasi to captain barnacles do you read me peso are you there i've got to get my gut back in the water fast hold on there's that humpback whale ahoy mitch can you hear me ah maybe if i send that signal oh sounds like somebody needs help oh you really do need to watch where you're going yeah yeah but right now i need to get my gup off this iceberg okay i'll tip the iceberg over for you [Music] too big for me to tip over by myself yeah but it won't be too big for me and a couple of friends i'll send out a signal yo mitch you called hey guys i need some help tipping over this iceberg let's do it always enjoy your little iceberg tipping all gone up there ready guys [Music] little more a little more [Music] thanks for your help and now we've got to catch up with those sardines we'll come along just in case you will run into any more trouble this guy doesn't have a crash in it to stop [Music] no now we've lost quasi and the sardines i'm right behind you mateys [Music] nice to have you back captain sardines they're right under us everyone follow me [Music] but we need to keep her in one place so i can remove the key hey could you and your mates blow a humongous bubble neck to keep the sardines from getting away of course come on fellas there's our sick fish let's get her out of there quasi on my command i want you to grab her hi captain now don't be afraid we're here to help with your tummy ache i'd like some relief just hold still i'm going to perform a keyectomy just swallow some of these bubbles and let out a nice big bird like this [Music] [Music] thank you humpback whales no problem always enjoy making a bubble net we'll just be on our way now but uh will you look after him he he has a habit of crashing into things yes i know yo welcome now that i've got my key back we finally get to see what's inside whitebeard's treasure the chest flying snowballs of whitebeard and look it's a note from whitebeard himself it says whoever finds this treasure is worthy to use it octonauts let's do this [Music] i can't believe we're back in these chilly waters again it's all in the name of science quasi indeed the creatures of the arctic zone make some fascinating sounds and with the octopus underwater microphone we can record them for our collection oh what's making that sound oh just my tummy i ate some of tunip's kelp cakes for lunch with a wee bit too much hot sauce right i'm picking up something else listen sounds like walruses to me the computer will match the sound with the animal and we'll see if you're right captain ah walruses now let me guess the next one this is a strange sound from a strange creature and this strange creature could only be either hearings yes peering they took by blowing gas bubbles out of their behinds out of their behinds oh what's that coming from sounds like some kind of whale song it is bowhead whales they only live here in the arctic so their sounds can't be recorded anywhere else [Music] look [Music] howdy folks hello worthy octonauts pleased to meet you that's an enormous head even for a whale the head of each bullhead wheel is as big as a bus we're not aiming to brag now but we bow heads do have the strongest toughest heads in the arctic how tough tough enough to smash through just about anything yeah and we make some pretty big sounds too ready boys i'm getting a perfect recording of them bowhead whales sing all the time while they're traveling playing even eating it's how they talk to each other it's always nice to make new friends out here on the arctic range but now we've got to hit the trail it's feeding time come on giddy up partners goodbye [Music] yeah what's that more whales it sounds familiar sounds like a call for help it is then we haven't got a moment to lose quasi peso to the launch bay [Music] it's coming from inside that ice tunnel [Music] shiver me whiskers captain look there's been an avalanche they must be somewhere behind all that ice a high in there no walls are you all right help us please we are trapped in here we can't get out i know that voice boris ah barnacles is this you yes old friend what happened me and my two friends we dove down very very deep everything was good yes until the pack ice moved and trapped us in here the ice it is too thick for a narwhal to punch through and we are almost out of air then we need to get you out of there now octonauts to [Music] three narwhals are trapped under the ice and they're running out of air jumping jellyfish narwhals are whales and whales breathe air they can only stay under water for a little while and then they need to come up to breathe again we've got to get them out of the ice but first let's get them some air we'll run a breathing tube down there right away cap after naught let's do this [Music] i found a small opening for the breathing tube here you go we're pushing in a breathing tube boris it won't be long now da please hurry old friend we are feeling very weak it's caught on something [Music] ah yes that did it oh there it is [Music] ah thank you much better now that you've got air to breathe it's time to break through that ice dashie let's try the gupsies icebreaker ice breaker activated not even a crack let's bring in the drill tweak we'll need the guppy [Music] all right cap i'll have him out of there faster than you can save a bunch of munchie crunchy carrots back away as far as you can it's real stuck that ass is just too thick [Music] i'd better pull out as soon as everything stops spinning [Music] oh no the breathing tube oh it is no use we're back where we started and we will soon be there again we're not giving up on you boris octolods we've tried the gups but we need something even stronger to break through this ice and we need it now captain we could melt the ice with a blowtorch good idea how about blasting it with a sonic slicer the ice is too thick for that i've got an old cannon under my bed just about anything good thinking tunip now all we have to do is find our new bowhead whale friends again let's call them back to the octopod by playing their songs [Music] try it louder dashie we don't have much time [Music] [Music] we need your help three narwhals are trapped in the ice and we can't break them free well we bow heads are the greatest icebreakers in the seven seas ain't that right boys you ready to take a ride partner captain help is on the way thanks dashi how much longer look [Music] morris everyone get back [Music] god [Music] [Music] captain barnacles my dear old friend thanks to you and your octonaut crew for saving us and you two are mighty forehead whale friends oh shucks boris we're nothing always glad to help the fellow whale in me yes thank you bowheads it's amazing what you can do when you put your heads together especially when you've got heads this big ain't that right boys happy trails partners welcome to antarctica the coldest place on earth he's too cold for pirates but not for my cousins the adelie penguins i can't wait for you to meet them hi me hearty why couldn't we meet them somewhere warmer adele penguins don't live anywhere else in the world antarctica is their only home we've come to visit at the perfect time the chicks have just hatched and quasi peso and i are going to give their parents a little help yeah what kind of help babysitting of course babysitting [Music] thanks for keeping an eye on the chicks while we swim out into the ocean for food mom dad cannot come too i'm not too scared to swim in the ocean you're still a chick you haven't grown your sea going feathers yet yeah rocco grown-up penguins have special feathers that keep us warm in the freezing water you'll get too cold swimming in the ocean it could make you sick bye rocco we'll be back soon keep an extra eye on my rocko he's a daredevil completely fearless don't worry i know the type [Music] so what's in the box presents for everyone a rock a rock that's right a deli penguins collect little rocks to build their nests see line up everyone and we'll pass them round [Music] my name is flip and i'm flap oh here's a present for you and one for you your little rock is better than my little rock oh that's a tough one um well uh let's see here we go these two rocks are exactly the same thank you good work peso captain there's an iceberg and it's heading for the octopus i'm on my way peso quasi you'll have to handle the babysitting without me yeah i'll miss all the excitement not all the excitement i'll babysit most of the chicks and you babysit rocco just rocco i can do that with one poor tide behind the back flip flap come away from that ledge phew ah well it looks like it's just you and me so what rocco where'd he go rocco quasi that's what my mum always says let's rock rocks i want my old rock back why because it's better i'm sure the rocks that i gave you were exactly the same no my old rock had a brown spot on it and this one doesn't let's swap back no i'm sure we can work this out now flip flop oh sorry flap you mean flip yes floop i mean fleet i mean oh flappity flippers [Music] flap if you flip over your rock you'll see it has a brown spot just like flaps i mean flips you're right flappy now i mean happy now happy phew see that bird up there hi matey i like to play a little game with him watch this hey there you big beaky birdie you don't scare me see now he's coming to get me whiskers he is coming to get you yeah that was fun that was close rocco me hearty you have to be a little more careful even in my pirate days i know where'd he go rocco [Music] has the quasi job today [Music] this water is getting rough to captain barnacles there's a storm about to hit at its beak the iceberg has changed [Music] to the hq [Music] there's a big storm on the way that's dangerous for the adelie penguin parents they could get lost at sea the storm will blow ice and snow onto the shore peso and quasi will need to find a way to keep the chicks warm dashie contact peso and tell him to get ready for ice and snow already on it captain i'll find and rescue the delhi penguin parents but i'll need a bigger gup tweak meet me outside the octopod with the gup-c got it cat octonauts let's do this [Music] hang on penguins i'm coming to get you [Music] oh got you [Music] two more [Music] hold tight [Music] we need a shelter to keep the chicks warm and we need it fast [Music] bandages quasi throw me bandage rolls as fast as you can ready [Music] everyone inside the tent this is so exciting i don't want to go inside and miss the big storm rocco it's too cold for you out here matey oh all right [Music] that ought to do it nice and cozy right rocco where's rocco if he's not in here then he's out there i'm going after him rocco rocco [Applause] [Music] i'm coming for you [Music] [Music] let's get inside that tent and warmer all right quasi we'd all be icicles if it weren't for this tent peso i hope mom and dad are all right how will they make it back in this storm don't worry captain barnacles will bring them home and nothing can stop the captain matey but an iceberg on the beach could really slow him down not that iceberg again how will we get home captain don't worry the guff sea was built to break through ice [Music] penguins this could get bumpy wow [Music] thank you so much but hold on where's rocco where's kwazii just one more time hey matey [Music] captain we're entering the coldest arctic water now coming up to an ice pack excellent dashi steady as she goes all right captain [Music] at this speed we'll reach the north pole before nightfall i can't wait to meet creatures that only live in the arctic ah the joys of polar life [Music] i remember being a club rolling in the snow sliding on the ice diving into the freezing water i really miss it can't wait to get out there for an icy swim you're giving me the chills i need some nice hot chocolate it's only cold if you move slowly quasi keep swimming and you'll stay warm it's as simple as that [Music] in just a few minutes we'll be out from under this ice pack then we can set the octopus what is it dashie the octopus is getting so cold that my computer's frozen captain [Music] i'm i'm having trouble steering the ship we better keep the octopod moving or the engines will freeze and stop working we can't let that happen or we'll all be in big trouble dashie activate manual steering now right away captain [Music] full speed ahead octonauts it feels good to get my paws on the ship's steering wheel again [Music] we're right back on course again captain [Music] whoa all that jagged ice looks sharp eye sharp enough to slice right through the octopod like butter but the captain will steer us safely through now giant iceberg get ahead whoa that was a close one quasi oh the ocean deep is the life for me shouting off from port sailing out to sea on the october just you and me and a million fish in the deep blue sea shiver me whiskers ice avalanche turn turn turn there's nowhere to turn we've got to stop the ship now [Music] 10 seconds till we hit the ice wall six seconds till we hit the wall fine hold on it's okay we've stopped i know but you're standing on my foot oh sorry phew that was close mateys now what captain if we can't go forward then we go back the way we came [Music] [Music] sound the octo alert octonauts to the hq [Applause] [Music] captain are we in trouble well peso we're trapped here in the freezing cold waters of the arctic ocean surrounded on all sides by ice with no clear way to escape so that's a yes then ah you know these ice walls are often quite thin it might be possible to break through one of them aye let me out there in the gut b captain i'll smash that ice to smithereens or i could he had a drill to the duck den uh oh i was afraid this might happen what might happen tweak we've stopped moving and it's so cool that ice is clogging the engines shutting them down cutting off all power to the octopod [Music] [Music] ah no good the ice is too thick if only i could find a place where the ice is thin what's that noise captain look over there something's breaking through the ice wall a blast what is the legendary deep sea unicorn ah that's no unicorn it's a narwhal a no what a narwhal fascinating it's a very special type of whale with a spiral tusk growing from its head they only live here in the arctic that tusk is actually a long tooth very much like an elephant by the way unicorns are make-believe narwhals on the other hand are quite real aren't you that hello boris barnacles what a surprise it's good to see you old friend it's good to see you too i've known boris ever since i was a cub yes he was quite something despair always a leader even as a young cub but what are you doing inside all this ice our engines have frozen we could really use your help getting out of here old friend but of course my tusk is very very good at telling if things are warm or cold i can lead you out of the ice and into warmer open water [Music] thank you boris [Music] now we just have to work out how to get the ship moving again in that case i'm gonna need to change gups tweak prepare the gup c okay everyone here we go [Music] one more time [Music] we're almost there [Music] oh no i don't believe it another solid wall of ice allow me my friend what's he doing using his tusk to feel how thick the walls are remarkable as i thought is always one place where the ice is thinnest you better swim aside old friend [Music] um [Music] [Music] thank you boris you're very welcome old friend temperatures are returning to normal sir and the engines are starting back up good work octonauts so now that we're free who'd care to join me for a nice little icy water swim uh gotta go clean up the launch base uh no thanks i've got to um polish my spyglass yes and i have to um uh clean up the lab yes that's it [Music] oh suit yourselves [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you're just a little shy don't worry i won't hurt you captain [Music] we love your accordion music captain barnacles and it really helps this one relax for his medical checkup oh it was nothing i hope you haven't caught a cold up here in the arctic oh no we orcas are used to the cold arctic weather [Music] yes you're one healthy orca thanks peso thanks captain bye bye orcas hope to see you again soon goodbye six orca throat exams three fin and tail checkups and teeth cleaning for the whole pod what a day good work peso but we'd better hurry back to the octopod with these chunks of ice moving in from all directions it could get dangerous it's worse than i thought that was close captain i see it hang on pesos brace yourself peso are you okay i think so are you i'm all right but i'm not sure the gup is we need to get it out of this chunk of ice it's no use we're stuck what'll we do don't worry we'll get out of this let's call the octopod professor inklin prepare to meet your match in the game of pirate drafts i've asked i've got you now hmm ah no it looks like i've got you quasi i've been suckered barnacles to quasi come in quasi we're going to need some help out here sound the octo alert aye aye captain octonauts to the launch bay [Applause] [Music] octonauts the guppy has crashed peso and i are going to need some help getting back to the octopod we'll have to hurry before the gup is hit by another giant chunk of ice it could break the gap that's the problem the gup e is stuck in a giant chunk of ice and we can't get it out hang on mateys i'll come out in the gup c to give you your toe i hope you can find us quasi the crash damaged our gup finder and we're drifting pretty quickly [Music] i'm seeing lots of ice chunks none with a cup in it better keep looking [Music] abandon ship peso where did the guppy go look oh no don't worry we just need to climb to the top and break the gup out of the iceberg climb to the top yes we can do it we're a team come on [Music] hey we did it yes we did now the trick will be how to dig our gup out of this ice [Music] all this moving ice is making me dizzy i can't tell which way i'm going captain come in cap we've lost right air contact with the guppy quasi but they should be around there keep looking uh i've searched everywhere for them but all i've found down here is ice ice and more eyes hey what was that sounded like the captain's accordion music [Music] shiver me whiskers it's not captain barnacles at all it's the orcas maybe they can help hey look i thought it was captain barnacles captain barnacles we just left him and peso a little while ago hi but they never made it home the guppy crashed and now they're lost somewhere in the eyes don't worry quasi we orcas will help you find them [Music] oh no the ice is breaking in two pesos hang on [Music] we've got to stay with the gut jump again oh peso use me as a bridge [Music] yes gotcha [Music] phew yeah we've looked everywhere for him down here hey what about spy hopping spy hopping what's that spy hopping is how we look around up above the water yeah watch me quasi [Music] well i'm no walker but i'll give it the old pirate try [Music] you did it well done thanks matey but there's lots of ice up there too better stay with the pod quasi yeah we orcas always stick together aye let's start spy hopping [Music] i've asked i think i see something it's barnacles of peso what's happening quasi you found us i knew you would hi thanks to our orca pals here but where's the guppy um up there it's still stuck in the ice how are we going to get it back in the water if only we could tip this iceberg back over again i reckon our orca friends could help yeah we love ice tipping ice tipping it's what we orcas do to find food we tip the chunks of ice over watch ready set 10. [Music] [Music] now we can get the guts home i just hope we don't crash into another ice chunk on our way back orcas you know your way around these waters can you guide us out of here of course hi walkers and octonauts always stick together and i know exactly how to make the trip a little more fun [Music] everyone keep a lookout captain it looks like they're heading our way we should be able to see them out of the window any minute now dashi [Music] to the hq [Music] octonauts the eels are on the move they should be here any minute this only happens one time each year so we don't want to miss it ah there they are eels lots and lots of them let me get a picture yeah they're in a big hurry to get somewhere but where they're on their way from the ocean up the river to the lake it's a dangerous journey no one knows exactly how they do it octonauts our mission is to follow these eels and find out shellington thank you captain every year a group of young eels travels from the ocean where they were born up the river to this lake where they will live that looks easy enough ah but there are all kinds of dangers along the way quasi rocks rough bumpy water sudden twists and turns in the river i'd like to try that trip myself and that's why you'll be driving the guppe with me on this mission aye aye captain quasi peso shellington to the launch bay come on mateys those slippery eels have a head start and we've got to catch up open the octo hatch tweak you got it yep [Music] we've already made it into the river we should catch up with the eels in no time captain i hope things don't get too bumpy for us or for them ah there they are let's go no one's ever followed the eels moving up the river this closely before we're going upstream and the water keeps pushing us back quasi i'm gonna need your help aye captain [Applause] thanks quasi now let's catch up with those slippery little fellas the eels are swimming fast hi well we can go as fast as they can we're gaining on them captain wow getting past these rocks is no problem for these eels amazing anywhere they can go we can go too we're just going for a little spin oh no i hope they're not hurt barnacles to the octopod we're all okay but the guppy has um well crashed but how will you keep going there's no reason we can't swim after him captain good idea let's go barnacles out now where be those eels there they are they really are good climbers let's find out what's on the other side of those rocks [Music] jumping jellyfish the eels are getting out of the water and traveling on land let's investigate look at them wriggle right over the modern dirt that's fascinating eels can breathe air for a short time so they can leave the water and go over land if they have to nothing stops them on their way up the river nothing help help did somebody say something help where are you down here hello there are you stuck yes and i really need to get out can you grab onto this mighty yes go on hold me up and please hurry did you fall into that hole little eel yes yes i did if there's a hole in the ground i'll be the one eel who falls into it so thanks very much for getting me out but i really have to be on my way ouch oh my tail hurts i can't move don't worry don't worry my friends are getting farther and farther away and now my tails hurt i can't even wiggle i'll never catch up to my friends like this we can help you really of course we are the octonauts what seems to be the trouble it's my tail it hurts so much i can't move you need a bandage [Music] that was fast it feels better already thanks you're welcome and now i've really got to get going you need to rest for a while oh i can't rest must keep moving gotta catch up to me friends captain he's not strong enough to make a long swim up the river i'm afraid he'll never make it to the lake on his own we'll make sure he's not left behind oh i may need a little help get him back in the water we'll give you more than a little help hi we'll take you all the way to that lake ah thanks it won't be easy but we'll swim up the river just like the eels and make sure our friend gets to the lake safe and sound ready let's go oh and one more thing we'll need the smallest life belt we've got [Music] octonauts let's do this [Music] that water's too rough to swim over and those rocks are too high this will take some teamwork think you can get this to the top quasi no problem captain [Music] got it grab ahold [Music] let's go okay we're going through really really close now all we have to do is swim through that we have to swim through that but we're almost there i promise the lake is just on the other side i really have to get there we're going in follow me oh we made it we made it everyone okay just fine the lake is so calm and beautiful high and full of squirmy eels [Music] we lost you we were worried these are my friends oh thanks for getting me here well you young eels certainly work hard to get where you're going i admire your determination it's what we do and when we're old enough we'll head back down the river to the ocean and have baby eels of our own and when those babies are old enough they'll make their journey up the river aye and we'll get to have this adventure all over again crashing the duck going through tunnels swimming through rabbits and over rocks right peso if you say so oh [Music] captain barnacles to shellington and dashi how's it going up there um a bit slowly captain this arctic ice is so thick it's taking our sonic slicer forever to cut through it almost just a little more there we made it through we're heading up now to gather the ice samples captain [Music] just try to be quick the hole you made in the ice will freeze over very fast and you won't be able to get back into the um back into the water all right captain we'll be quick over and out who's making that music captain i'm not sure quasi but it certainly is making it hard to work let's investigate [Music] [Music] peso me hearty i didn't know you were so good at playing music thank you this xylophone was a present from my aunt pepita well you're certainly getting good but uh peso do you think you could take a break so we could this is shellington calling the octopod come in octopod barnacles here everything okay up there captain we found another hole another hole in the ice yes but that's not all i'm sending a video through to you now captain they're beluga whales captain yes i see but uh what are they doing they appear to be trapped under the pack ice they should be in open water can you ask them if they need help i'll try but belugas are very shy creatures [Music] wait please i'm shellington and this is dashi we are the octonauts we might be able to help you [Music] have to breathe have to breathe what are you doing all the way out here under the pack ice the water froze over us we have to stay near this hole but why do you need the hole have to breathe have to breathe but why can't you just swim back out to the open water where there isn't any ice too far away can't swim that far without breathing have to stay near the hole shellington what do you make of this the belugas are trapped there's ice all around them and only a small hole where they can come up to breathe and this hull is starting to freeze over too it's getting smaller and smaller we have to rescue those belugas right away quasi sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts our mission is to lead the belugas back to open water where there's no ice but we need something that can cut a path through the ice so that they can breathe along the way yeah what about the sonic slicers they're too slow we need to act fast before the belugas breathing hole freezes over i think i am just a thank you [Music] okay tweak let's see if your icebreaker attachment works [Music] the ice isn't breaking pack ice is really thick it takes a lot to break it way to go yeah shiver me whiskers you did it open water now if i can just get those belugas to follow me belugas this path will lead you to open waters have to stay near the hole where it's safe and quiet belugas please follow me before the ice freezes over oh dear this is not good at all the belugas don't seem to want to leave their breathing home [Music] if only they would follow captain barnacles i've got it fish biscuits [Music] what's your plan quasi well i reckon these belugas must be getting pretty hungry by now so i brought them a little fish biscuit snack could see a tunis follow me facetime those little fishies think this is food for them go away it's dinner time too many scary noises have to stay by the hall where it's safe why aren't they following me belugas like all whales are scared of loud strange noises so the sound of the gupsy cracking the ice and the sound of well quasi probably scared them how can we show them that this path to open water is safe professor inkling any ideas i know exactly what sounds will make the belugas follow you an old whale song recording they'll hear their own sounds and follow right along [Music] it's [Music] [Music] oh working we're losing them again we've got to do something captain the path is already starting to freeze over that noise they make that sounded a little bit like pesos music peso we need you and your xylophone out here right away captain are you sure this is the best time for music this is exactly the time for music your music captain i'm ready to play all right so it's show time it's working hey so cyberphone playing sounds just like the belugas song [Music] have to stay close to the hole where it's safe but those sounds are so nice [Music] i have to breathe [Music] it's okay we can breathe along this path if we follow the nice sounds down the path we won't be stuck here anymore [Music] here we are open water great work peso thank you octonauts sorry we didn't follow you at first we belugas are always a bit shy around creatures we don't know and all those loud noises scared us well now we know each other and we love your music it sounds just like ours come on everyone join in two three four ah i don't know how to sing like a beluga oh come on quasi it's easy goodbye octonauts thanks again goodbye belugas safe journey now goodbye [Music] just look at that octonauts beautiful isn't it hi looks like our kind of place captain and best of all this whole area is still unexplored it's just out there waiting for us well quasi's gonna be the first to explore the unexplored tonight it's a bit late to start exploring now quasi we can wait till morning morning a pirate never waits till morning not when there's an adventure to be had at night you're not just a little bit scared of what might be out there scared this pirate isn't afraid of anything not even sharks i laugh at them how about poisonous jellyfish not scary to me what about vampire squids squids ah let me add them snakes nope bats no scorpions no match for quasi uh how about spiders [Music] spiders luckily there are no spiders in the ocean matey um there aren't are they captain don't worry spiders only live on land good well then as i was saying this pirate is afraid of nothing all right but be careful out there yoho yoho it's out to seal hmm [Music] vampire squids and sharks i'm not scared oh that's strange what who's there and what's this if it's a seaplant it's a funny-looking one [Music] here's another one huh wait a minute these aren't plants they're more like legs one two three four five six seven eight eight legs just like a [Music] it was creepy it was crawly it was it was this big no it was bigger than that it was huge what was it how fast it was a giant spider and it made a strange noise like this captain i thought you said there were no spiders under the sea captain you've got to see this there's something big out there and it looks like it has eight legs let's sound the octa alert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] [Applause] [Music] octonauts quasi has discovered a mysterious creature in these unexplored waters now it's up to us to find out what it is i'll give the good bait ready kip and i'll stay here at the octopod to fix something with my tools quasi those were my tools quasi we need you to come along you're the only one who knows what this creature looks like what does it look like the biggest spider i've ever laid my eyes on a spider in the ocean i know it doesn't seem likely but whatever quasi saw out there we're going to find it peso shellington into the guppy was he are you with us hi captain i'm with you good tweak open the octo hatch [Music] see anything crew nope not yet it is pretty dark out there you know you're right captain why don't we just head back to the octagon whoa something's upset then what was that that's it that's the thunder thunk i heard when i saw the spider run i think activate microphone peso let's listen and see if we can figure out where that sound is coming from [Music] captain it's coming from over there we're getting closer closer whatever it is captain it should be right here hello out there we mean you no harm we are the octonauts and one of us doesn't like spiders who are you and why are you grabbing our gum oh i'm sorry i wanted to say hello i am a spider i knew it on you was a spider abandon ship and swim for your lives crab excuse me you're a what a spider crab a giant spider crab to be exact of course a giant spider crab i should have known so you're not a scary spider hey oh no i just look like one i'm really a crab the largest crab in the entire ocean with many many legs fascinating yes i have eight legs and two pincer arms pincer arms they help me to move around and grab things to eat ouch what's wrong mr giant spider crab oh there's something stuck to one of my legs oh no it's a giant clam it's very heavy and noisy so that's what that scary thunk thug thunk noise was it looks painful we're coming out right now to help you right quasi right [Music] captain this clam is shut tight i've seen this before when clams gets stepped on they close up to protect themselves it's nearly impossible to pry them open ah this could take a while um why do these things always happen when i'm in a hurry what's the rash i'm trying to get to a birthday party whose birthday is it mine my children and grandchildren are having a great big party for me i'm 100 years old today a hundred years old shiver me whiskers oh yes we spider crabs can live for years and years long enough to meet many of our grandchildren i just hope i get to see mine today on our honor as octonauts we'll get you unstuck [Music] captain according to my medical manual giant clams open and close using this muscle i tried tickling it good idea that's it peso you'll tickle the clam quasi and shellington you try to pull the clam open i'll lift the crab's leg out tickle pull and lift octonauts let's do this excellent tickle [Music] yes it's working let's really get him laughing now tickle [Music] [Music] how can i ever thank you say would you like to come to my birthday party the octonauts never say no to a birthday party shiver me whiskers i've never seen so many kitties and grand kiddies grandpa you made it ah yes thanks to my new octonaut friends i got here just in time [Music] [Laughter] [Music] spider crabs you mean wow i've never seen a moon like this it is known as a pirate's moon and happens but once every 100 years shiver me whiskers the flying swords flying swords i according to legend tis only on the night of the rare pirate moon when cold ocean waters turn warm the e marks the spot of the greatest treasure he could ever hope to find the sword of the pirate king but any pirate who hopes to take it as his own must be brave indeed because the sword of the pirate king is guarded by three magical flying swords me granddad always wanted to find that treasure alas he never had the chance but now i do ah are we going to look for the pirate king sword matey not we peso tis a mission i need to go on alone for the honor of me granddad calico jack i understand good luck quasi we'll follow your progress from the octopod [Music] a sunken ship this could be it well done quasi keep us posted i'm going after that sword me hearties these freezing waters are shivering me whiskers oh what a glorious ship the pirate king the sword is as good as mine strange the water just got warmer this is definitely it [Music] quasi come in quasi we've lost contact captain his radio has been damaged dashie sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts we've lost radio contact with quasi he may be hurt or in trouble dashi keep trying to radio him peso into the guppy with me tweak open the octo hatch got it [Music] quasi to octopod come here me hearties radio's broken but i've still got a pirate king sword to find [Music] okay now where's that x that marks the spot that warm water again flying sword [Music] no down here matey ah two down one to go [Music] there he is captain hang on peso this could get a bit rocky [Music] something tells me that the x that marks the spot is right behind this now the last one stand aside yes curvy sword [Music] magic ye maybe but quick enough to catch this pirate never captain i've lost sight of him looks like he's inside the kelp forest was he look quasi it's not quasi we've been chasing a figurehead one that could only have come off a pirate ship but then where's quasi so it's a duel you're wanting is it that is a jew ye shall have hey you're a swordfish of course i'm a swordfish what did you think i was a magic flying sword the only flying me and my fellow fish do is when we leap out of the ocean so that was you the light of the pirate moon made it look like do i care what it looked like i do care about is this is our feeding ground and we want you god i don't want your food matey i want the sword of the pirate king and you my friend don't know much about the swordfish or you will think twice about fighting us we [Music] [Music] three against one eh just the way i like it [Music] ugh i'm just too quick for you fishies we'll see about that [Music] come and get me um [Music] [Music] is don't worry matey i'll get you free yes my paws are so cold i can barely feel them to get a good grip oh put them near our heads so towards you causing that warm water i've felt before you are magical oh no we're just a regular swordfish but we can heat up our eyes it helps us to see better in the dark waters it's working my paws are getting warmer now let's get you out of there [Music] grab hold of the tow line [Laughter] [Music] your sword is bruised you need a bandage good as new oh thank you my friend and thank you for saving our fellow fish's life it was nothing you're as brave as a salt fish and not bad with a sword either anything we can do in return you just let us know ah all i want is what i came here for the sword of the pirate king huh you must have seen it it's here somewhere x marks the spot what is an x what is a mark what is a spurt you swordfish aren't the magical guardians the legend told off so maybe there's no sword of the pirate king either come on quasi don't give up now oh don [Music] x marks the spot mateys i'm gonna need your help [Music] [Music] me granddad could be here to see [Music]
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 7,656,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, @octonauts, captain barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, dashi, squeak, octopod, underwater sea education for kids, learn about the ocean for kids, sea education for kids
Id: 2Iplf6ncwcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 28sec (6688 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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