OctoDash Revisit - Install - Configuration - Chris's Basement

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today we're going to take another look at octodash and touch screens that you can use on your raspberry pi to control octoprint hello everybody chris here and we have taken a look at octodash before in that last video we did get it installed and check out all of its features and it worked pretty well but there's been a lot of updates to octodash since then that make it even easier to use and in that video i told you about one of our community members named jeff that was taking over some of the development for octo screen well jeff has came up with a procedure to make it easier to use your 480 by 320 gpio screen on any raspberry pi octoprint config that includes octodash and octoscreen so i definitely wanted to run through that procedure with you because there might be a lot of folks that have one of these screens that were never able to get it working and this should solve a lot of those problems so that's what we're going to do today we're going to walk through all those steps and i'll just show you the new config of octodash and all the new features and how much easier it is to use so let's get going by taking a look at what jeff has done for this project so here's a look at the page that jeff put together over on the octoscreen github page it has all the steps and why you have to do them right here and this is the guide we're going to be using i've tried this several times on several gpio screens and it has worked so far no issues it is important to note that he's using these drivers they're commonly called lcd show a lot of these screens that are gpio screens a lot of them are all the same no matter what brand they are and these lcd show drivers usually will have one that works for most of these screens so when you install this package it's going to give you all kinds of different sizes and types of screens there should be one that should work for you i am going to be using the default one for my 3.5 that's the most common raspberry pi screen but there's a lot more in there just look around we'll take a look at that when we get into ssh i will leave a link in the description to this github so you can check it out now remember jeff is working with octo screen so that's what he installs on this page i like to use octodash i think it's a little cleaner but that's the only part we're really going to change up is this stuff down in here but you'll see that as we walk through the install and this is the screen we're going to be working with today it's a very generic 3.5 inch tft touchscreen got it off of amazon for around 20 and i'm using a raspberry pi 3b plus this should work exactly the same on the raspberry pi 4 i just have a lot more threes than i do for us remember you need the correct power for your raspberry pi and you're going to need an sd card for this video i do assume you have your sd card built with an octopi image already it's pretty straightforward easy to do i'll leave a link to that video in the description the screen install is very simple usually the leading edge just lines up with the edge of these pins the pins on this side are the power in the ground for this setup i do highly recommend that you find a case for this because you don't want this screen moving around at all when you're trying to use it that can cause some issues if it causes those pins to get unset but we'll talk more about cases i do actually have one printing right now we'll talk more about that a little later in the video let's go ahead and get it installed to make sure everything's working before we get it in there so we are going to use putty for ssh today i know a lot of people like to use something else this is just what i like to use you can use the ip of your raspberry pi install if you only have one or if you've named it you can use octopi.local that's the default one or whichever one that you have created give octopi.local a try first then you're going to have to try your ip so we'll just log in default is pi password is raspberry and i do highly recommend that you start with a fresh install of octoprint for this use that octopi image that's the easiest way to get it done even if you've used plugins or it's a relatively new install i'd start from scratch you're going to have the best luck with something that hasn't been messed with at all feel free to go through the wizard set up your id all that good stuff but don't do anything else so the first thing we're going to do is make sure that raspbian is up to date so sudo apt update you will need your root password which is also raspberry that updates all the repositories and then you can update all the packages sudo apt upgrade this just makes sure that everything is up to date and ready to go we'll be using the newest versions of all the applications in raspbian if you have any errors during this process where it says some packages are broken you always want to do a sudo apt install dash f that should fix any of the dependency problems that you have then go ahead and go back and do your apt upgrade and it should work after that that's a pretty common issue so now we're going to do a get to grab our lcd show drivers i will leave a link to all the commands that i used as well as that github page so you can just copy them but we're going to do a git clone to that github where those lcd drivers are that'll download them to your raspberry pi then we're going to do a ch mod this changes permissions we're going to do a dash r so that it gets everything in the whole directory we're going to change it to 755 that's the amount of permissions that it gets lcd dash show that's the directory we just downloaded that git package to and then we're going to change directory into that lcd dash shell we can take a look in there with an ls and we are going to be using this lcd 35 driver this one right here and because it's in green it should have the proper permissions but just in case it doesn't you can do a ch mod plus x that adds execute lcd 35 dash show now it's important to note these might not support your display but it does support a lot of different screens you can see all of them listed here seven inch five inch four inch give these a try if you can't figure out the drivers you have for your screen it might be the same and i want you to notice what the screen is going to look like before you get anything installed most of the time it's just going to be white and that's how we are right now we haven't been configured yet we haven't loaded the driver but now we're going to go ahead and run that script do sudo dot forward slash lcd 35 dash show this is going to run through the driver install and it will reboot the pi at the end during the install it is going to install some packages just go ahead and tell it yes so we got to the end of the driver installed there were a few warnings you can usually ignore those but it did close ssh because it's rebooting the pi back to the pi you know the driver is working if now you can see the log ssh on the screen and this is a great time to mention how the screen rotation works you'll see more of this as we get through the config but by default the screen is going to be with your usb on the right your power and hdmi down so mine is currently 180. this is how it will look by default and you can see we're just at the ssh login screen so that's good we know the driver is working back to ssh we're going to log back in so if you wanted to use a case that was the opposite where it had the hdmi and the power on top you could just run that driver again so let's just go ahead and do it we'll go into cd lcd dash show take a look again we're going to use that same driver command sudo dot forward slash lcd 35 show but you can put a 180 right here and that will flip it upside down so let's just run it and take a look now you can see the screen is actually flipped over just a trick if you want to change the orientation but i'm going to change mine back for now so we're logged back in we have the screen driver installed and the screen position the way we want next thing we need to do is edit some config files in the bootconfig.txt so we're just going to do sudo nano forward slash boot forward slash config dot txt in here we want to adjust the hdmi setting to be compatible with the resolution that we're going to need the applications like to use 800x533 where the screens are only 480x320 so down here on hdmi underscore cvt where it says 480 we're going to make that 800 and 320 we're going to make that 533 we're going to control x y and enter to save and we're going to go ahead and reboot sudo reboot now we're going to be doing a lot of reboots pretty much after every install to check things out along the way you probably don't have to do all these but it is a good idea to go ahead and kick it over every time you install new applications or utilities just to make sure everything is working as expected and then the next thing you install after that those utilities will be there for sure they've already been installed and verified after that reboot so do as many reboots as you wish i'm going to do a lot during this video so we're going to log back in next thing we're going to do is install all of the x11 utilities so we're doing live gtk3o x server xorg x init x11 server utils you install everything with a sudo apt-get install or apt install and remember i said just a fresh install of octoprint you can't have the desktop environment installed if you're trying to run one of these because that x11 is going to be a conflict with the two so you need just plain vanilla octopi image and octoprint install for this to work correctly so we'll go ahead and let these install it's going to give you a big list of packages it's going to install just go ahead and give it a yes and this will take a moment the first round is done you can probably guess i'm going to reboot it sudo reboot we will log back in we're logged back in now we can run our next set of our commands this time it's another set of utilities build essential xor dev x utility dev and x11 proto dri 2 dev a lot of these are dev utilities that you probably don't need but it's good to have them just in case you need to make some configuration changes that require this utility this is the set that jeff recommends it's always worked for me so that's what i'm going with so let's go ahead and install you can see this set of utilities only takes 25 meg so it's not that big of a deal a lot of these you probably already have so it's not really using up that much disk space let's go ahead and let it do it those have been installed and yes sudo reboot we are logged back in and one more round of utilities this time we're doing live ltdl dev live tool auto mig which we will use live drm-dav again probably not a lot of these are necessary we're going to install them anyway because it seems to work and another reboot and we're back in now we're going to download and install another type of video driver it's a driver that's just a little bit more optimized than the one we used previously and you do need to do both the initial one and this one so we're going to do the download with git clone over to github xf 86 video dash fb turbo dot git now we'll change directory into the directory that was made during that download xf 86 video dash fb turbo we're going to do an auto reconfig conf dash vi this just gets everything ready to be configured then we're going to run the configure script dot forward slash configure then we're going to run it with a prefix dash dash prefix equals forward slash usr when the configure is complete we can just run a make you'll probably see some warnings during this process there's no need to worry those should be fine then we're going to run a make install sudo make space install now the make install is complete we're going to copy our xorg.config into our etc x11 config so sudo cp xorg dot conf into forward slash etc forward slash capital x 11 forward slash xorg dot conf now at this point the raspberry pi should be ready to go i am going to go ahead and reboot it one more time before we do our install and if you take a look at the github page that jeff has created he's put the steps in here to install octoscreen you can go ahead and do that if you prefer i do like octodash a little bit better but then he continues on to do some of the configuration items down here below changing the resolution so that it's going to work octodash you shouldn't have to do these steps so we're going to go into the octo dash install now you can just search for github octodash and all the install directions are right here on the main page now as i said before there's been a lot of updates to octodash it's much easier to use than that last video we don't need to do any of that vnc stuff we don't need a keyboard or anything like that it does most of it for you so we're just going to take this whole line right here we'll copy it we'll log back in after that last reboot and we'll just paste it right here hit enter we do need our pseudo password one more time and this is going to go through the complete octodash install during the install it's going to ask you a couple of questions you can just go through the menu spacebar selects it then hit enter when you want to finalize it the first one is which plugins would you like to install during this install you can pick whichever ones you want you can always come back and install them later but all these do something just a little bit different on the octodash screen you do have to have display layer progress so let's hit space on that one and just for fun let's do prusa slicer thumbnails just to give it a couple of things to install and we'll hit enter plugins have been installed there are a few more questions should i set up octa dash to automatically start on boot i do want octa dash to come up every time so we'll just hit space you can't see yes on some of these terminals but if you go down you and you'll see yes because now we're on no it's kind of flaky just keep it on the top one hit space we'll continue on you can see it says yes right in there next question should i set up an update script this will allow the octodash package to install without using sudo or root if you're concerned about security installing things on your raspberry pi say no but it's much easier if you just say yes and let it do it so i'm going to say yes and then should i reboot the pie now we're going to go ahead and let it reboot one more time with any luck it's going to come up on octo as well as hit space we're in ssh while we're booting up and here comes octodash now we're ready to walk through the steps on the screen to get it installed before we do that let's go ahead and take a look at the case that we're going to use and get it put in there so it's a little more comfortable to use i'm going with this case from florin tobler over here on thingiverse link in the description it's a nice clean design there are a few things i'd like to tweak about it but i'll probably do that after this video and i'll post the link to the remix as well as this original one the case fits nice together i use petg because it has a little better snap to it and also it comes with a shim right here so it levels out your screen a little bit and that's going to actually help a lot with the consistency when it's laying on this usb and ethernet jack so i'm going to restart my session and log back in just so that i can shut it down gracefully you can also do this from the octoprint gui just with the power button if you wish but if you want to do it in here just do sudo shutdown dash h for halt this will schedule a shutdown in one minute you can also enter a time parameter if you wish it should go to the ssh section and then go back to the white screen after the green activity light and everything's not blinking anymore it's probably safe to go ahead and power it down here's our case raspberry pi fits in just like this you can use some m three by six millimeter screws to screw it down it just threads into the plastic it fits nice and snug really the main tweak that i want to make is maybe make some mount holes i'll make this a little thicker make some mount holes back here so i can use some wood screws to tie it down to my printer shelf because that's where it's going to spend most of its time i just put a couple of screws in to make sure it's secure and then with your shim that's made to take up this gap right here and the easiest way to install this is to just glue it on the back of the screen with some semi-temporary glue just use a little bit of hot glue to keep it in place you don't want it to slide around but that shouldn't hurt your screen at all just make sure it's nice and lined up so you know where to put your glue we'll just put it right towards the edge and in the center they've done a good job spacing this out making this part the correct length and then we can just put our screen back on and that's going to make it much more level and consistent when you're using it a lot of times these can move around a bit and if those gpio pins move at all it's going to cause issues and this bezel goes on and has a really nice snap fit and there we go there are a couple of different designs on that thingiverse page just try a few see which one works for your screen but as always not every screen is going to be exactly the same so now our case is on we've powered back up we've booted now we're on the welcome screen we're ready to configure optodash but there's one more thing and a restart that i want to check before we configure this so let's jump back to the web gui on the browser and octodash is going to need your api key to be able to communicate from linux over to octoprint and you have to allow that to happen so go into settings up here go to api and make sure this course box is checked cross origin resource sharing that way they can talk back and forth go ahead and hit save and then just for good measure come up here to power and hit reboot system now with that enabled we've rebooted we're back at the welcome screen so now we can go ahead and configure it we'll hit next and i am going to use this mechanical pencil as a stylist for this video and it's not because the touch doesn't work so well it actually works okay i just didn't want to get fingerprints on it for the purpose of this video here is one of the coolest features about the new octodash in my opinion you don't just have to use the one that's locally installed on this raspberry pi the octo local it will notice all of the octoprint instances you have on your network and it'll try to grab those as well so you could as easily control one of those from this raspberry pi as you could the octoprint that lives on this one which is a really cool feature we're just going to do the local one for now but that is an option if you want to do that so we'll hit the top one here that's usually the local and then here's why you need that course setting octodash is going to send a request over to octoprint to get its api key then you have to go back to the octoprint web gui and ok that so we'll just hit this to send a request and you'll get a pop-up it says login request sent now you should see this access request from octodash over here and just hit allow now if you don't see that go ahead and reboot everything one more time also check make sure that you selected the correct octopi instance on your octodash screen and that you don't have more than one octopi.local on your network because it could be trying to call that dns on a different pie and you don't even know it so check all those things if you don't get it back to octodash we're ready to set up some of the printer attributes these can all be set in octoprint these are the same settings that you set up in your profiles so i'm not going to bother typing them in here we'll just hit next same thing with these feed links for the unload buttons on octodash you can set those in the settings in octa dash no big deal we'll hit next and here's all the plugins that you can use we only installed the prusa slicer and the display layer progress that's you have to have that one that was mandatory but we'll just hit next we'll take the defaults you can pick whichever ones you want and then we're all done and when you hit done if you don't have a printer connected it's going to go to sleep so now we can cable up usb to our raspberry pi pick whichever printer we want and it should wake up so we've got octodash up i got log plugin usb let's go ahead and power up log let's go back to the web gui and make sure it connected we'll just select our usb port and our baud rate and then you can do this auto connect so it connects to octa dash every time so you don't have to do this you can save connection settings as well we'll go ahead and connect then we should be able to tap the screen it'll start connecting and our printer is awake we're ready to start controlling it i don't have any files on this config but we can just run through some of the controls if you want it works pretty much exactly the same in the last video of course front left up you've got your stop key we can preheat these are the defaults that are in octoprint we can go up here to settings and here's where you can adjust a lot of things about octodash you have general stuff about your printer you can turn the screen off while it's sleeping that is kind of handy whole lots of different stuff in here and that's pretty much all there is to it you're ready to start using octodash and there it is our troubleshooting octodash install is complete now remember most people are going to be able to use the screen with octo screen and octodash just fine jeff put these procedures together because a lot of people do struggle with that 480 by 320 screen so if you're one of those folks and you never got octodash or octo screen working go back and give this procedure a try also it's important to remember that jeff has done a lot of development on octo screen so if you like octo dash now or you liked octoscreen both have a lot of great updates so give them another look see which one you like best and try them both out hopefully you found this helpful that's it for today and i'll see you really soon on the next one
Channel: Chris Riley
Views: 18,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3.5, 3D, 3D Printer, 3D Printing, 3d, 3dbenchy, Chris Basement, Chris Riley, Chris's Basement, Chris'sBasement, ChrisBasement, ChrisRiley, Chriss Basement, ChrissBasement, OctoDash, OctoDash Configuration, OctoDash Install, Pi Case, Printing, Raspberry Pi, benchy, printer, screen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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