How to setup OctoPrint! (+ best plugin recommendations)

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One of the most versatile pieces of tech  for 3D printing is Octoprint - it’s a little   webserver that runs on a Raspberry Pi and lets you  remote-control a 3D printer from your computer. Or   so you thought. Because the thing is, Octoprint  is so much more than just a way to start and   check in on prints remotely: It’s turning more and  more into a full-on 3D printer operating system.   There are plugins now that do everything from  AI print watching over sending status infos over   your favorite messenger to timelapse tools  that let you do this: [Octolapse timelapse]  So today I’m going to walk you through the  setup process on a Raspberry Pi, go over the   hardware you need and I’m going to share some  of my favorite plugins for Octoprint. Just like   I’m going to share this video’s sponsor, Elegoo! In this video, I’m going to be using the Elegoo   Neptune 2, which is finally starting to have  better worldwide availability. But also, Elegoo   have just announced the Mars 3 LCD resin print  now with a 4K monochromatic screen, larger build   volume, and an included ChiTuBox Pro license. And  with the Mercury X, Elegoo now have a curing and   washing station that fit for the large-format  Saturn. Check them out at the links below. So let’s start out with the hardware needed. First  of all, you’re going to need a Raspberry Pi. I’m   using a Pi 4 with 2GB of RAM, and while OctoPrint  can run on almost any Raspberry Pi ever made,   you should stick to a Pi 3 and up for  the best experience. Alternatively,   you can also run OctoPrint on a Windows, Linux or  Mac OS machine that you already have - as long as   that’s not going to reboot in the middle of your  prints someday. I’m looking at you, Windows 10.  But for a Raspberry Pi, you’re also  going to need a USB power supply,   the recommendation is to not use a “charger”, but  instead something that’s actually labelled a USB   power supply. Though from a technical standpoint,  there’s not really any difference between what   they do, and especially after the 4, the Pis  have also gotten much better power stages   on them as well, so they’re not that finicky  about the power supply you’re using anymore.   However, in either case it should be one with  ample power, so your 1A charger you got from Apple   is not going to work. I’ve had great experiences  with the chargers / supplies from Anker, this   basic dual- or triple-output one works perfectly.  Or if you have a strong 5V supply in your printer,   you can also hotwire that onto a USB cable. Just  make sure to shut down the Pi through OctoPrint   cleanly before you power off your printer. Speaking of USB cables, you’ll definitely   need a decent one of those, the Pi 4 uses USB-C  now, which is great, but many cables you get   with gadgets and the likes are still too flimsy  to provide stable power to the Pi. So, again,   I really like the cables from Anker, but if you  have for example a spare USB power delivery charge   cable from your laptop, that should work, as well.  The Raspberry Pi itself can detect when there are   issues with your power supply, and OctoPrint  will in turn show you a warning when it does.  Lastly, to complete the set of parts for basic  functionality, you need an SD card, any card   works, but getting one that’s at least decently  fast is going to speed up load times a lot.   I’ve got a bunch of these Samsung Evo Plus cards  from my cameras that work fine in a Pi as well,   but any card that has an “A” rating  for application performance, like   A1 or A2, will work just fine as well. I mean, get  something halfway decent and you’re fine, really.  So that’s all the hardware that you actually  need to get Octoprint running, all linked in the   description below, but really, if you’re setting  up OctoPrint, you probably want a webcam feed,   too. Now, there are two basic options -  getting a USB webcam, or getting a Raspberry Pi   camera module. Either one works. The Raspberry  Camera is a fantastic value, but you’re going to   need to print some sort of mount or enclosure,  on the other hand, USB webcams are all kind of   “meh” for image quality, they’re still good enough  to check in on prints, but most importantly,   they’re a bit more convenient to use.  The standard camera would still be   the “720p” Logitech C270, but even most  off-brand webcams aren’t any worse for   image quality and they pretty much all  work with OctoPrint with no fuss. But   if you want something that’s proven,  get a Raspberry Pi Camera or the C270.  And that’s it for hardware! Well,  you will also need a computer   and a card reader for the setup, but we’re  just going to assume you already have those. Now, for the setup, we’re actually not going to  install OctoPrint directly, we’re going to use   OctoPi, which is sort of the official Raspberry  Pi image that has everything already laid out,   OctoPrint set up in there, and it’s ready to get  going. Now, I’m going to strongly recommend that   you use the official OctoPi image. You’re going  to find modified OctoPrint or OctoPi images   from people that say “hey, we’ve got everything  set up for you, it’s got all the plugins   already installed”, but the thing is, if it’s  just from some random dude on the internet,   you don’t know what else is also installed on  those images and how well they’ve been set up. So,   you know, you’re basically inviting the person  making that image into your home network. Best   case, everything is fine, perhaps they run  a Bitcoin miner on your Pi when it’s idle,   but maybe they’ve got a full-on backdoor set up  in that image that allows them to snoop around   your devices, or perhaps they intentionally  burn your printer down one day. You never know.  I trust Gina Häußge, who makes OctoPrint, and by  extension, also Guy Sheffer, who makes OctoPi,   and, again, I would highly recommend sticking  to their official releases. Setting up plugins   the normal way isn’t that hard anyway. So let’s get started with the setup. I’d   actually recommend using a pretty new, but  super convenient way of setting up OctoPi,   and that is through the Raspberry Pi imager  you can get from   Install and run the imager. Under “Choose OS”,  select “Other specific purpose OS” and choose   OctoPi. This will automatically download  the newest version of OctoPi for the setup.   Then pick your SD card under “Choose Storage”, but  make sure that card has no important files on it,   because they’ll be gone in a second. Now, for  our special magic trick, press CTRL + SHIFT + X,   and this will bring up the imager’s  secret “Advanced options” menu. Here,   enable “Enable SSH”, and pick a modestly secure  password for the “pi” user. Choosing anything   that isn’t the default “raspberry” password  will automatically help protect your OctoPi   install from malicious actors on the network. Then, one step down, you can configure your   WiFi connection, simply enter your WiFi’s name  and password and choose the correct country code   to prevent connectivity issues  later on. Once everything is set up,   click “Save” and then “Write”. Once that’s done, eject the SD card,   drop it into your Pi and we’re ready to power  everything up. Plug in the USB cable to power   up the Pi and watch the “ACT” LED, that’s going  to be lit for a while, but once that turns off,   OctoPrint is going to be ready for use at  http://octopi.local. If your browser can’t   find your OctoPrint install, check your router’s  network overview page to find the Pi’s IP address   or the “Network” page in Windows Explorer. Since this is the first time this OctoPrint   instance is running, it’s going to show you the  first run wizard. There’s actually not much to   say here, just follow the steps, set up your  printer’s dimensions and you’re good to go!  All that’s left to do is to power up your printer,  and plug it in through USB. Quick sidenote here,   some printers have a flaw in their electronics  where they will backpower the Raspberry Pi   through the USB port, which can cause all sorts  of problems from OctoPrint crashing to the Pi’s   WiFi disappearing. I’ve put the link to the  forum post about that in the description below.  And at this point, you’re ready to start printing.  But wait, there’s more! Once you’ve gotten  familiar with OctoPrint, surely you’ll be finding   a couple of spots where you’d like to tailor the  experience to your personal needs or preferences.   And this is where plugins come in! There’s  a plugin for pretty much everything.  But before we go through some of the plugins  I’d recommend, here’s one quick tip that’s   going to be super useful. If you use a slicer  that supports it, such as PrusaSlicer, you can   directly upload your gcode files to an OctoPrint  install straight from your slicer without saving   it to your computer and then having to upload it  manually. Go into OctoPrint’s settings, generate   an application key, copy that into your slicer  and then tell it where to find your OctoPrint   setup - default is the same octopi.local hostname.  And voila! You’ve got a new send gcode button in   your slicer that is going to conveniently send  off your prints to OctoPrint and if you want to,   even automatically start them once they’re  uploaded. That is a massive convenience feature.  Okay, on to plugins. You can install plugins  right inside the OctoPrint interface - go into the   settings again, click “Plugin Manager” and then  “Get more”. You can browse plugins right here,   but the “Details” button is going to take you out  of your OctoPrint install, so the most convenient   way to install a plugin is to come back to  the plugin manager on your OctoPrint page   and just install them from there. So the ones  that I find really convenient for daily use   are TouchUI, which gives you a basic,  mobile-friendly interface if you want   to quickly check in on your prints from your  phone. By default you get the full interface,   which works, but you have to zoom around quite a  bit and TouchUI makes that a lot more convenient.  Next up, for printing parts - OctoPrint  includes a basic gcode viewer, but it’s   only a layer view and we can certainly do better  than that. Pretty Gcode is one of the options for   that. It’s a full-on 3D gcode viewer that syncs  up with your print progress. And while the way   it displays extrusion lines isn’t volumetrically  accurate, it’s still super helpful to see what   the print you’ve loaded up is going to look like. But what if the print you’ve started isn’t going   as intended? Well, especially if you have more  than one part on the plate of your printer,   that’s a bit of a messy situation when one  of them, for example, comes loose from the   bed. If you now stop the print, you can throw  out all those parts, but if you keep going,   the loose extruded material from the failing  part might mess up all the other ones, too. So   what the “Exclude Region” plugin allows you to do  is to tell OctoPrint to, just not send any more   print instructions for that area where the part  has failed. That’s super useful and it can save   you a lot of time and material should you ever  need to use it. So install it before you need it.  Next up, of course, one of the coolest features  OctoPrint enables is getting those magic   timelapses of your prints. Instead of your camera  just snapping a picture in a fixed interval, the   OctoLapse plugin can sync that up with the end of  a layer and even create those cool nozzle orbiting   effects. OctoPi is already prepared to run  OctoLapse without the extra step of installing the   Python development package, so you can just click  “Install” and you’ll be ready to use OctoLapse.   The setup process will still take a second. One of the useful things that OctoLapse lets you   do is to override your webcam’s exposure, white  balance and focus if you have one with autofocus,   so if you just want those settings  without full-on installing OctoLapse,   the “Camera Settings” plugin lets you do  exactly that for your viewing pleasure.  And lastly, what if you want to check in  on your printer when you’re out on the go.   Well, first of all, letting a 3D printer run  without supervision and without you being able   to intervene physically is always going to be  something that comes with some risks and you   should only do if you really trust your machine.  But, say you do and you want to be able to check   in on your machine from anywhere, then the  OctoEverywhere plugin is exactly what you need.   You can get the full OctoPrint interface wherever  you are and just check in and make sure things are   doing well, and if you have to, you can stop the  print or use Exclude Region to stop things from   getting worse. OctoEverywhere is a free service,  but the alternative The Spaghetti Detective   is something you might want to look into  as well - it’s got a free tier that allows   time-limited use and then paid unlimited plans.  But the big feature of The Spaghetti Detective   is AI-based print failure detection. I did a whole  video on that and you can check that out up here. So that should get you pretty  much set with OctoPrint.   A big shoutout to Gina Häußge for making  OctoPrint as a free and open source project   and a shoutout to her Patrons and  supporters for making that possible as well.   So if you enjoy OctoPrint, maybe  consider supporting Gina directly, too.  And of course, shoutout to my Patrons and YouTube  members as well, who also make it possible for me   to make these videos. Next supporter-exclusive  Q&A hangout is coming up this weekend.  That’s it for today, thank you all for watching,  keep on making, and I’ll see you in the next one.
Channel: Thomas Sanladerer
Views: 161,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D printing, Tom's, 3D printer, RepRap, raspberry pi, octoprint plugins, raspberry pi 3, the spaghetti detective, 3d printer safety, best octoprint plugins, ender 3 pro, octopi plugins, bed visualizer, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi 4 projects, octoprint plugins tutorial, octoprint plugins best, octoprint plugins install, 3d drucker anfänger
Id: HBd0olxI-No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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