OctoScreen - Octoprint Raspberry Pi -Touch Screen Plugin - Chris's Basement

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today we're going to be taking a look at another touchscreen plug-in you can use on your Raspberry Pi to control octoprint called octo screen recently Sergio one of our community members reached out to me and said he was having some issues installing his touch screen on his Raspberry Pi so he could use octo print and we have done videos in the past on installing a touch screen on the Raspberry Pi but in that last video we use the touch you I plug in and I do like to touch you I plug in but Sergio was trying to use a plug-in called octo screen and I really liked the looks of the octo screen layout so I thought I'd give it a try I did figure out how to get it installed but it wasn't all that straightforward so I thought what better way to show everyone how to get it done than to make this video so let's jump in and I'll show you a few different things about octo screen what it takes to get it installed and a few options you have to get it mounted so let's get into it so here's what we're going to use on today's install this is a Raspberry Pi 4 I believe it is a four gig type you will need some sort of Raspberry Pi you can use a three or four but you'll also need some kind of SD card this one's a 32 gig but you can use pretty much any SD card you want do pay attention to what speed that card might be and here's the screen we're going to be using this is a 4 inch hyper pixel screen here's a look at its info on the back it is 800 by 480 pixels that's probably a lot higher res than we need for this project but it's the screen that Sergio was having issues with so this is what he sent me you can use pretty much any touchscreen you'd like for this install but you have to pay attention to what drivers they're going to want you to use I actually have to go out and get the vendor drivers for this screen to get this to work but I'll show you all that in a minute and because I can't mention power enough when we're doing these Raspberry Pi projects especially when we're putting a screen on it here's the specs for the power adapter we're going to use this one is 5.1 volt at 3.5 amp remember the pi 4 is going to draw just a little bit more juice than the pi 3 again especially if you have a screen on it and here's just one example of a screen mount for a touchscreen this is kind of a cool mount I like the idea of having your LCD and your touchscreen with your PI on the front of the Prusa printer that's kind of a neat idea you will have some USB connections and power connections surrounding this so you might have to get creative of wire management because you're basically gonna plug your cameras and your printer in right here so you'll have some stuff hanging out but I still like this design I printed this one out just for an example I'll leave a link to allow the other examples in the description this one is made for a 3.5 inch screen I believe but you can probably get a 4 inch one as well note this screen is a GPIO screen so we're going to connect it with these pins right here on this header rather than it being an HDMI screen last time we just use that HDMI connection to hook up to the PI so this one's going to set on these pins right here it populates the full header like so and then you have these four metal standoffs where we can put some screws to attach it nice and solid to the PI from the back our screws are in our screen is on we're pretty much ready to power up at this point and before we get started on the configuration on what we have to do command-line to get this thing working I do assume that you have octo print installed and the wizard ran already on your SD card and it's working with your network whether it be wireless or wired if you need to know how to do that you can check out this video up here in the corner so let's get into the config we're gonna start here at the login screen for octo print the fresh install that I just completed you can use your IP or most of the time you can use octa-pie local that should work for most of you go ahead and login now before with the touch UI install we would went to settings and gone to the plug-in manager down here and then you can get more and search for that touch you I plug in but octave screen hasn't hit the plug-in list yet so we're actually going to manually install it so as far as here in the configuration in the GUI we really don't have much to do we're gonna have to do everything from command-line and we're going to use our SSH tool putty so we'll open up putty all the information for this video will be in the description below including a document where I have all the commands listed so we're just going to load up octopi dot local and we'll login with PI and the default password is raspberry and just to note we are using the latest version of octopi the image package it is 0.17 also there's a lot of great guides on how to get this out there on the internet I'll leave you all those links as well so the first thing we need to do is install the drivers for the screen that we're using remember I have this hyper pixel screen so I'm gonna have to go find those specific drivers usually who you bought it from will have a link for those here's the screen that we're dealing with out here on Amazon and this doesn't give us a ton of information on what we need to do to get the drivers to this but it will give us the name and the brand name so we can search for a github so I'm just going to search high per pixel 4.0 screen github and the first one is the github that we need so this is going to give you a rundown of how you can get the drivers installed so that your Raspberry Pi can use that screen so the first thing we're gonna do is run a curl command and download those drivers from the web so we'll just copy this back to putty right click the pace hit enter it's gonna give you a warning we'll just go ahead and hit yes to continue now it's going to say what screen are you installing we are using the PI 4 and we have the rectangular screen so we're going to go with option 1 you might have a different PI or a different screen choose your option again every driver package is going to be different let's just go with one it's going to confirm well hit yes hit enter and you will need your sudo password which is also raspberry after a couple of minutes it's going to download a few things runs and configurations it does show the default configuration up here in the text and it also gives you some information on rotating that screen and I have found that it doesn't come up in the correct orientation for me also this rotation script they give you doesn't appear to work but there is a workaround for that and we'll do that next it wants to know if you'd like to reboot let's go ahead and reboot make sure that screens going to come up the screen did boot but it's going to come up a command line and that's not going to be very useful to you on this touchscreen that's where the octave screen plug-in comes in but we have to make sure the screen is going to work first also note that the direction of the text is currently running left to right we want to flip it so that's running from the bottom up because we're going to mount it in this orientation now you can change this for whatever amount you'd like to use I'm just going to show you how it would mount if you were using one of those Prusa side-by-side so we'll jump back into putty will log back in again I couldn't get that rotate script that came with this hyper pixel screen to correct my issue so I just used what was available in the octopi image in that initial config file these are parameters that can be used with pretty much any Linux that's going to be installed on the Raspberry Pi but when they assembled octopi they made it easy for you to get to and change so we're going to change directory CD into /boot if we take a look in there you should have a config dot text let's go ahead and jump into that with our nano text editor we'll do sudo nano config dot txt and you'll need your super password and here's where a lot of options for configuring your PI are going to be on an octopi install but let's scroll down to the bottom and in the PI 4 section we're gonna comment out this is DT overlay this is for the VC for v3 D driver for some reason this seems to mess with this touch screen it's going to be different for every screen but this is what I had to do to get this one working right here in that section we're gonna do a display underscore LCD underscore rotate equals three and it appears that this works with a zero one two or three left right upside down or right side up you might have to play with it to figure it out but to get the text from the bottom to the top and the orientation that I want three is what seems like it worked so before we make any more changes let's go ahead and test this change you can hit control X to exit Y and enter to save and let's go ahead and reboot again and now the text is running in the right configuration so I know it's right for the mount that I'm going to use again play with those numbers change it to whatever you want whatever fits your amount but this works for us now we can go ahead and move to the octo screen install so well once again log back in and now we're back in the first thing we're going to do is install some desktop support tools so we need some Linux tools and utilities to be able to help octo print be able to paint that screen to use the touchscreen interface again all the CIM we'll be below in the dock but we're going to install live gtk x server xorg X in it X 11 X server utils this should be all that we need to support that screen to get it to display correctly so we'll go ahead and let those install now all our utilities are installed that just takes a couple of minutes now we can do a web kit to download the octo screen package there's the whole command to the github let's go ahead and hit enter we've downloaded the file now we can use a d-pad command to install it sudo dpkg - i and the octave screen package name the current version is 2.5 - 1 annual dinner it's installing the plug-in this is the equivalent to what you would do in the plug-in manager it just isn't available in that manager as of yet it probably will be down the road and now that that install is complete you can see the install actually went ahead and started that plug-in and it's already working it is important to note that if your printer isn't plugged in it's gonna repeatedly try to initialize it trying to get it going again once it's plugged in it'll stop cycling like this but if you think there's something wrong don't worry just plug in the printer and it should stop doing it after it finds it now if you have an issue with how the octo screen is installed you can edit its config file and there's a couple of different options in there I am currently running with the default but if you need to make changes you can go to slash etc' slash octo screen slash config and we'll just take a look at it but in here you can adjust the resolution where you'd like the log file to go the octave screen style path what style it uses by default it's going to use the default web interface and API key but you can even change that stuff up if you have multiple octoprint instances or something like that now here's the next hurdle we have to jump over and let me explain this a little bit so when I say flip something clockwise I mean we're physically flipping the screen so when we rotated that screen image we actually rotated the screen clockwise to get it to work like we expect it but since we did that that's going to change how the touch calibration is going to work it still thinks the touch response is going to work in this mode so if you try to touch any options right now they're going to be somewhere over in this neighborhood and that's not going to work for us so we have to go in and make a configuration change to get it to work as we expect it to so in our config text file we did this display LCD rotate and we set it to three by setting that to three we effectively turned it clockwise 90 degrees now we have to alter that touch matrix to follow along with how we flip the display there's a great instructable out here explaining this in depth this is what I followed to figure out how to change it but basically we're gonna have to go in and change the matrix up so that it knows that we swapped it 90 degrees and after you have your screen drivers installed you should be able to go into X or config and change all that up so that's what we're gonna do we're just going to add option transform matrix and this string of numbers thanks to this instructable we know we switched at 90 degrees so this is the one that we can use so let's copy this we'll head back to putty we're gonna change directory into / user / share / X 11 X or config D if you do an LS - take a look in here and you're gonna have a couple of options in here for config files but for touch screens and input touch devices they're probably going to be in live input config so we're gonna do sudo nano 40 - live input conf we'll edit this file and we need to find the section for the touch screen you can see this first one right here is match is pointer with it's not a pointer device let's just scroll down and this is match is touch screen and that's the one we want and under the last line of that section before the end section line we're just going to add in our option we'll let's right click to paste option transformation matrix remember it is case sensitive if you're typing this in my hand get your quotes right and I am going to leave spaces in between all those vector number and that should correct our screen so let's go ahead and control X Y entered to save and let's go ahead and reboot one more time to make sure that change comes in and now when we touch the screen the buttons should be exactly where we think they should be that makes it just a little bit more complicated but there's a ton of great info on how to get this stuff done out there now there's just one more thing that I want to show you and that has to do with any service that doesn't want to come up on reboot and sometimes things like octo screen I've had that happen so for some reason it wasn't coming back up on reboots all we really need to do is add that service to the RC local file so let's just take a look at that octo screen service you can do that with service octo screen status you can see up here we're active running started octo screen everything is good if you see that any service is dead on reboot and this is just kind of extra added bonus tips here you can just add those to start automatically since we already know the service name so the easiest way to do that would be to edit RC local so let's do sudo nano 4 /e TC 4 / RC dot local if you scroll all the way to the bottom of this file you'll have an exit 0 at the very end right before that you can add the service that you'd like to start so we'll use system control sys TEM CTL and we'll just tell it to start octo screen again this isn't necessary it's just if you're having issues but this will get it started at reboot every time you can control X Y and enter to save now that octo screen is up and running it's cycling through trying to find a printer so we'll go ahead and plug our printer in via USB and as soon as it finds it it flips to the main screen of octo screen it's very simplistic but I think it's a lot easier to use this way because the buttons are a lot bigger and now you can make sure that all of your keys are accurately controlling your printer this is going to default to the default settings that you have in your filament I believe we'll go ahead and hit bed temp it sets it to 100 that filament you can see it did go ahead and update it to 100 let's go ahead and heat the extruder it took that one to 210 we can turn those off for now and go to the home section in this home all it's moving correctly go back print will show all the files that are on the octo print instance locally if we go back to the web interface we can just drag in some random G code here back to the touch screen if you hit print you might have to refresh with that button there you should see the local G codes you can select them and hit print up here in actions you can move the printer around manually you can extrude some filament change the fan speeds temperatures here you can increase the bed or the extruders to whatever temperature you'd like unload filament and then back to home if you hit filament you can select which tool you'd like to use to give you a little more versatility back to home configuration you can set your bed leveling network connections Z offsets system information it'll let you shut down restart octo print things like that so there's a handful of options you can do in here I really like the layout because it's simple and the buttons are really easy to hit on these smaller screens so it's just another option out there if you'd like to use some sort of plugin with your touch screen and octo print so there we go we have octo screen up and working and after quite a few tweaks we were able to get the touch screen working as we expected it to now this configuration where you have your raspberry pi and your touch screen right in front of your printer might not be for everyone but I can see some advantage to it you can interact directly with octo print without having to go back to your computer's web interface or pulling it up on your phone so it might be something others want to check out and this video might make it just a bit easier hopefully you found it helpful if you did please consider giving it a thumbs up or subscribe to my channel if not leave your thoughts in the comments below and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Chris Riley
Views: 174,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, printer, Printing, 3D Printing, 3D Printer, ChrisBasement, ChrissBasement, Chris'sBasement, Chris Basement, Chriss Basement, Chris's Basement, ChrisRiley, Chris Riley, benchy, 3dbenchy, 3d
Id: OJ59hXSyBoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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