Arteza Paint Pour Bowl with Total Boat Finish πŸ˜ŽπŸ€—

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[Music] howdy everybody i pray this video finds you blessed don't mind my messy she's running around snorting are you gonna lay down you can lay down no she's gotta walk around so this week we're gonna do another paint pour with arteza's pouring paints there are awesome already pre-mixed ready to go so you can pour and not have to add anything to it if you don't want to i'm gonna take a plain old magnolia bowl blank and turn it into this so stick around and watch how you can do it too i mounted this magnolia bowl blank with a waste block that i had hot glued some foam to the inside of it and i make sure that when i rough out my blanks that i put tenons on them number one those are usually best and a lot easier to um true up once you have to mount it back up and return it and i also make sure that when i originally do the roughed out process i put an indentation in the center with my tailstock so when later after it dries i remount it it's a lot easier to get it trued up [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] use my parting tool to mark out where i want my rim to be and i'm kind of just guesstimating on how thick that's going to have to be because of my paint pour and my resin that i'm going to add to it [Music] [Music] when hollowing out bowls or anything even though it's a dry piece of wood it's always best to establish the rim so i always try to work on the rim first and then work on the thickness for the rest of the bowl because the more wood you remove the more that wood is going to start to flex and depending on the type of wood will determine how much of a flex you're actually going to get [Music] [Music] if you'd like to try out brad's sanding paste and his tongue wax finish i'll put the link in the description below for his etsy store and also his website so that way you can contact him if you have any questions about his finish it is a great product and i am so thankful he sent some to me to try out i'm taping off gosh missy she's snoring i'm taping off the um the bowl part where i'm going to paint not quite the rim yet because i don't want any of the wax to get onto the area i'm going to paint i don't want anything to interfere the adhesion of my base coat and of the resin finish as well [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] i'm using that same piece of tape to now tape around the rim i don't want to get uh i make a big mess when it comes to paint so i don't want paint to get on my rim and try to just protect that as much as possible now during the resin process you want to make sure that you peel that tape off before the resin hardens otherwise you're going to have a resin taped in rim just a heads up i'm painting the bowl with a just a white base coat one it gives a little smoother of a surface even though i did sand up to 400 it gives a little bit more of a smoother surface for the paint to glide down and normally it works best when it's wet but i had painted this and then did the pour the following day so the paint was really really dry i'm using a liquid silicone it's actually a treadmill lubricant i'll put the link in the description below for it it's i purchased it on amazon and what that does is it causes or it's supposed to cause cells cells are like this separation neat separation it just looks like an oil spill kind of separation with oil and water in your paints so you get really cool designs now it's somewhat evident in my final product but it looks more evident in flat pieces so i'm still going to try to perfect the method i'm not going to give up on it yet i'm still trying to figure out how to get the paint to have a little more exaggerating cells and and then once i achieve that i'll definitely share it with you and then obviously share with you how i finally got it i just went ahead and drilled multiple size holes in the bottom of this cup and i'm doing something called a dirty pour where i pour all the paints in one cup and then pour that cup into or over top of my piece you could either do it just straight or you can pour it into this cup here i find that this method adds more of the color to spread out so you get multiple colors and one small area if that makes any sense it's not like my first pour where i poured things directly into the cup and then those chunks of paint kind of like you know slowly mixed not majorly mixed if i'm speaking english to y'all right now and so i i like this method for smaller pieces because then you get more colors and more uh movement going on in the paint and the larger pieces i feel that would do best with say a pore that's directly you know from the paint bottle into whatever is going to deliver the paint to your piece and that will give it a bigger kind of pattern design i guess i don't know exactly how to explain it but i was very satisfied with this it does kind of look lumpy um but it is not i assure you that is just the silicone causing the separation of the paint um and so it gives it that depth but when it completely dried it was all smooth except for you can kind of feel the grit of the glitter that i put on there and so other than that it was completely smooth i'm just mounting it to clean off the tenon because i didn't tape the tenon off and that way i can turn it around and just finish my finishing process [Music] i'm cutting along the bottom rim to get the tape off because if i were to peel this tape without creating that cut line it would just peel the paint right off the bowl so just be very very cautious when peeling your tape lines off because it could cause um the paint to rip off and i didn't apply tape to the rim during the resin process because i have had experience with trying to get painter's tape off um of a piece after resin has completely dried on it and let me tell you that's no fun i first applied the two to one slow set um as a finish and i probably should have just went ahead with the fast set the reason why i say that is because i use the two to one slow set because the air inside of the wood um wants to escape you know underneath the resin just like if you were to do a pour and the fast set sets up too fast to allow that air to escape and the slow set gives it just enough time even if you apply sanding sealer a lot of times that happens but i wasn't thinking thoroughly and i used um the two to one slow hardener when i could have just used the fast hardener this is a sealed piece i wasn't have to worry about any air from the wood coming up through the resin and because of the silicone in it and it i'm i did not clean it off very well the resin just separated so i didn't sand because i was afraid um of how large the separation in the in the finish was that i was just gonna end up sanding into the paint and messing up the rim so this time i just painters tape around the rim because i was just going to swap this on as thick as i could get it to go without it coming off and use the fast set so that way it cures within about an hour and i would be done with it after so many times you're just gonna like i'm done with it but it is worth the effort the finish that the total boat um resin gives is is just beautiful dimension and you can add more coats for more dimension it just gets more and more depth to the piece and i have found when you're doing a finish like this um when i don't sand in between it sticks just fine i don't have any issues with peeling or anything else so this is what it looks like the next day i'm just checking it over making sure no nats decided to join my party because that's normally what happens gnats or mosquitoes or gosh missy anyways i'm sorry y'all i'm trying to do this voiceover and uh clearly missy is um trying to sleep anyways so i'm just taking the um the tenon off and i'm going to resin my sticker on just to seal this up really good make sure there's no paint exposed and there's no way for water moisture anything to get trapped in between the bowl and the resin i haven't used any other finish on these types of paint pores before so if you all have a finish that you like to use that's good and durable please share in the comments below i'd love to hear your ideas your tips and your suggestions [Music] [Music] so here is the finished product boy did that turn out awesome this video doesn't capture it very well because of my light that i have to use for videoing in the house kind of you can see the anyways oh man that just turned out really awesome i love it and i wanted to keep some of the wood in here so i did my best to preserve that rim and then for the bottom i just went ahead and filled it with fast set resin with my stickers these are not um medallions or metal or anything else they are just stickers that i purchased from vistaprint i'll put the link in the description below and the reason why i decided to go with resin on the bottom is because this paint will peel and chip and if you don't put a good hard finish on it it also will wipe away with denatured alcohol so you have to be very careful and make sure you seal up any of the edges where the paint is going to be because um it's it's possible especially being a bowl like this that it could it could peel off so i feel like the shiny um really helps show off the dimension of the colors that's already in there when it's matte it kind of just it doesn't pop to me like it does with gloss and maybe i'll experiment with some maybe some matte finishes later on down the road just to kind of you know different effects but for now i'm kind of stuck on the glossy that is that i hope you all enjoyed the video i hope it encouraged you to really experiment with all different types of mediums there are so many things you can do and they are so fun too i hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching i am so thankful for all my subscribers if you haven't subscribed please consider doing so um yeah so pray you all have a wonderful weekend take care and god bless [Applause] [Music] [Music] sorry my dog she's licking away at herself she's eating the cat food and the cat poop and that's what happens when you eat cat food and cat poop you end up getting skin rashes yeah i keep trying to tell her but no she's over there itching herself like crazy because that's what you get for eating cat poop don't go in there eating cat food now [Music] you
Channel: Kim Tippin Wood Turning
Views: 14,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, women wood turning, resin art, wood turning wet green wood, kim tippin, turning wood, wood art, wood pottery, wood lathe, wood and resin art, girl wood turner, women wood turner, cow girl boots turner, girl turning in boots, wood turning in boots, total boat resin, diy wood turning, wood bowls, wood bowls for food, resin and wood, DIY, DIY wood tuning, DIY bowl turning, Wood turning for beginners, Laguna Lathe, Nova Chuck, wood shop, shavings, bowl making
Id: 4jLXCwha4a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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