ChokeCherry Hollow Form ArtForOUR OUR RESCUE

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[Music] howdy everybody i pray this video finds you blessed so this week i have two bull planks that doug from paul barnes sent me thank you doug they're choke cherry they've been roughed out and i decided that i was going to make a hollow form out of them [Music] making a holo form out of two bulb blanks is a really easy way of making a hollow form without having to have all of those hollowing tools [Music] i'm just preparing the insides and the rims of both of the blanks before i start to do all the gluing up i'm not concerned about shape at this point just trying to get it nice and round and even so i know what material i have to work with [Music] do i have these pieces of resin that i had casted a few months ago for a different project and decided not to use them so i had them set aside and it did not record making these pieces because this wasn't going to be something i videoed so i felt that using some um leftover pieces for this project would be perfect so i apologize that i don't have the recording of how i made these [Music] when i first started this holo form i didn't have a particular um like a shape in mind i just knew i wanted to put the two blanks together and put this resin insert in the center and then just kind of go with it just see what it is that i can make with what material i had [Music] i can honestly tell you about this point in the project i was kind of like uh i really don't like this shape right now i'm just working on the bottom portion because that's where i'm getting the shape that i i kind of like so i'm looking at it going how am i going to make this flow how am i going to make it pleasing to the eye and i kind of just stopped trying to shape it to what i felt it should look like i guess and just just allowed myself to work with what material i had and make the best of the material i had versus trying to say oh well if i had if this was bigger or you know stop doing all that and just use what i had and make the best of it and just see what happens because it's a challenge for myself to you know just just kind of even if it even if it didn't have the best shape in the end the process of of getting there was a learning experience so i'm i could tell you the truth at this point in in the turn i kept stepping back and looking at it going i don't know how this is gonna look good i i just i wasn't liking it at all [Music] so i have another chunk of resin with the same colors it's mixed the same way it's just a little thicker and i decided to go ahead and use that as the opening the top opening still unsure at this point how exactly how i'm going to shape it i'm still kind of you know eyeballing the piece and eyeballing the resin and trying to visualize how these two pieces are gonna flow together so this wasn't something that i had all visualized in my mind i'm kind of just you know going with the flow and and trying to just do my best like i said with what i have [Music] do i'm still unsure at this point what i'm gonna do with this chunk of resin on the rim i just knew that i had to join the two pieces and get those flush and together and i didn't want to take off too much material to eliminate any other possibility i didn't want to have to keep gluing chunks on in order to make make the room unique i i had an idea but i wasn't sure if it was going to look good so at this point i'm just kind of leaving as much material as i possibly can shaping it to where i want to go with it and worse comes worse i will just make the rim of it or the top of it smaller so [Music] a couple times during this turn my lathe kept um the speed kept going up and down up and down and sure enough i looked over at my speed dial and it's kind of going crazy it you can't tell it as much when you're turning but you can you can tell that the speed is very you know being going differently so my lathe is not fixed i have to figure out what's going on there come to find out my tenon was really bad cracked on the bottom of the piece i didn't plan on putting resin on the bottom of this piece too but uh i guess this piece wanted resin on the bottom because the tenon loosened up in the middle so in the middle of shaping this and almost getting it all turned and done the tenon decides to snap so that's okay because it it even though through monkey wrench and getting the piece finished it helped add some more character to the piece and a design opportunity so i'm not mad at it i actually like it better with that resin on the bottom at first when i thought about it i was like it's just gonna look blocky and and strange with it resin wood resin wood it's just too too uniform um but after it was all shaped and and put together and done i i feel that it's it was a perfect it was perfect for that to happen and in that resin piece put on the bottom so [Music] a little distraction with having to put resin on the bottom kind of gave me some time to think about what i was going to do overall with the piece especially with that new added element it was um it was you know obviously even more of a challenge to to try to think of what the finished product is going to look like so [Music] i'm using the dial indicator on the back of the lathe to get my a roughed out idea of how many segments i'm going to do in this piece these i'm just drawing i decided i was going to go with flower petals i felt that that would be simpler and take it a little easy as far as the carving goes because i haven't done much of carving and cutting and shaping resin or wood at that matter so i felt that this would be a little more beginner friendly this this particular um style for the rim i'm using my dremel with the flex shaft and it has a diamond cutting wheel in the kit that i purchased or i could have gathered some bits from somewhere and i don't remember so i don't know exactly what this this bit is called but it is uh it doesn't have teeth on it it's it's diamond it's a diamond fit cutting bit and it made quick work getting those off there to make the indent of the center of the petals i decided to use this is a round diamond bur it's kind of like a flat disc shape too it's a little wider and it has like a diamond uh burrs all over it like i said i don't know what these bits are called i've just accumulated them over the past couple years and and i don't know i don't i don't take note of what they are or even what they do i kind of just throw uh bits on there and and see what happens i so i have no idea and right here i'm just sanding it now i'm just sanding to to give it more of its flow and shape and help soften a lot of those corners so [Music] [Music] the opening of this holo form ended up being a little larger than i anticipated so seeing everything joined together on the inside is not as attractive as it is on the outside at least to me and so i decided to mix up some arteza paint and mix all pigments kind of darken that that slight gray to give it a little deeper gray so the um mouth of it would would kind of flow into the same colors as the inside and it won't be so distracting it just was distracting to me so that's why i chose to do that i've never put mica powders in my finishing um techniques and because i'm always afraid of it being a little on the uneven side or if i have to go back and sand then some of it gets sanded away but i felt for this piece because the resin already had some gold specks in it originally cast it with some gold and i really wanted to to incorporate that a little bit more in the resin and in the wood as well so i decided to mix just a little bit of gold in the resin which i'm very happy and i'll be doing that technique again it it turned out really nice it was just subtle enough and it's not too crazy like glitter would be it's just it's just perfect at the end of this video i'm going to explain what our is the little logo you see at the bottom left hand corner i do want to warn you if you do have little ones in the room or watching that you please view what it is i'm going to say before you allow your little ones to hear it i just want to give a warning there are some words that you may or may not want to have to explain to your children after watching this but i do want to give you a heads up howdy y'all it is finished thank you so much doug from full barn for sending me the choke cherry pieces he roughed out the blanks and shipped them in the mail and as soon as i got them i knew exactly what i wanted to do with them creating these types of hollow forms are easy for those who don't have the hollowing tools so just using two bulb blinks that you may have roughed out let set to dry put them together if you rough out two bowls from the same log you may get lucky and be able to line up the grain if you don't want to put some sort of piece in the center but putting a piece in the center helps to separate it when the grain doesn't match i knew i wanted to use this piece here i kind of added this later on and of course the bottom i had to add because the tenon broke off in the middle of making this project so this piece was a lot of new techniques a lot of new things that i tried and also i was kind of just going with it i didn't know exactly how this was going to end up being shaped but in the end it turned out great one of the new techniques that i used was putting some mica powder in my finish so that way it kind of has like a gold glimmer it's really really hard to see but it's just enough to where it adds a little bit of a it's even like finer than glitter so it doesn't pop like glitter would but it has a sparkle like a i don't know it's hard to explain but anyways it has a nice sparkle to it that is uh it's catchable with the eye but it's not like boom too too rough in your face so i probably use that technique again i really like that also carving out resin that's probably one of my first times i recorded it anyway carving the resin into a flower shape i used my little dremel tool with the cutting wheel on it and that made quick work of getting that uh in the shape that i wanted it also first time painting the inside of a hollow form the hole was quite large and the inside where everything was kind of joined together it was very distracting to me so i decided to go ahead and paint the inside a dark color that was very similar to this grayish that's in the rim so that to me just it it looked like everything flowed nicer by doing that and then of course my maker coin that bob cook makes put the link for him in the description below so you can have yours made too anyways i'm very very happy about how it turned out uh like i said it was one of those just rolling with the punches it kind of was just i had somewhat of a plan but everything else kind of just happened and i went with it so i'm happy about it this piece is going to be for sale on art for hour our is operation underground railroad is a non-profit organization founded in 2013 by a former cia agent tim ballard their ops team consists of a former cia past and current law enforcement highly skilled operatives that lead to coordinating identification and extraction efforts regarding human trafficking they work with law enforcement across the world to recover adults and children sold into human trafficking they work to ensure perpetrators are brought to justice and recovered adults and children are entered into recovery and rehabilitation programs since 2013 they have saved over two thousand children they're a non-profit organization that relies a hundred percent on your donations to save children no child should be a sex slave if you'd like to learn how you can join the fight the link's in the description below you can go to art for hour is where i listed my item here for donation thank you everybody for watching the video i pray that you have a wonderful weekend take care and god bless [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kim Tippin Wood Turning
Views: 18,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, women wood turning, resin art, kim tippin, turning wood, wood art, wood pottery, wood and resin art, women wood turner, wood turning in boots, diy wood turning, resin and wood, DIY, DIY wood tuning, Wood turning for beginners, wood shop, shavings, bowl making, StarBond, Total Boat Resin, Arteza Art, Resin Art, BaseCamp, 2COR5:17, GodBless, OURrescue, Savethechildren, ArtForOur, StopHumanTrafficking, nochildshouldbeasexslave, endit, savegodschildren
Id: 6J_zXe-2v80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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