Ocarina of Time No Logic Randomizer - March 4th 2023

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foreign what's up guys hey everyone and when when the time is right thanks every step uncultured swine up thanks resub zfg1 fan I think the reason Danko thanks very sub sarcastic hypocrite thanks Risa MTG Calvary thanks for sibling craft thanks Laurie said Chris hey everyone thanks Larisa surfage next reset I can't see my chin thanks resub spikes thanks for accept random dude thanks Theresa quote me when zsu won Uno Moss where is it thanks Richa Bible area thanks for accept Jungkook is this a recording I mean technically it's a recording from a few seconds ago can't see it's only you're literally only missing me installing the wood you're missing a real great uh text on screen action I can I can commentate it says reading wad data installing ticket installing title installing content finishing installation okay yeah it even showed me the okay emote okay it's probably gonna work this time hopefully there we go good music thank you thanks Richard Jeff how come sometimes there Cocos sometimes they're chickens I always call them Cocos but people that aren't picky about the name golden chickens it's a matter of how how much you care about the lore [Music] the people who care about the Lord and call them their proper name will say Coco's and the casuals who don't care just call them chickens that's how you tell the difference between a casual and someone who really cares [Music] I think Siri said better with them say casual with some more disgust I'm just kidding at least that's what I'll say oh I keep forgetting to update my version I probably should have oh well foreign [Music] hopefully not yeah I should start a Gamba here let me get one going [Music] all right here we go go Gamba I think that we still have otter for Prez no logic is good [Music] [Music] probably added weights to wallets now yeah okay that's cool and yeah the models for different models for songs I I don't know I'm on the fence about I I have like it and I have don't and I'm not really sure I think overall it's probably good I think realistically not knowing the difference between them isn't actually that big of a deal [Music] and I guess knowing the difference between them lets you make more informed decisions [Music] so maybe I do like it thanks Donatos things to the resub I think three sub pen or QQ 3 Subs sad girl 69. it's reset Evan I think three sub Jorgen thanks for accept Devin [Music] my new music on the menu uh it's one magic not two [Music] foreign [Music] yeah yeah I know about that Grandma on fire thanks we said chisher Things We Said poltergeists [Music] yeah it's pretty good this music is pretty good there's a lot of songs that go strangely well with the OT sound fun uh there's only two save files available because they took one out uh to free up more memory for Rando [Music] because realistically you're not going to need all three files for rendo you use one for safe scumming and you're pretty much good [Music] I strike you as someone who played the tuba in middle school I can assure you I have never played any musical instrument [Music] kippo [Music] Things We Said vinex thanks we said Apple soon thanks we said Mr twist [Music] s you know I have never played an Ocarina either [Music] okay starting his child with water medallion [Music] I think it'll be sub Snoopy [Music] foreign [Music] so I'll get started now the fun trail uh yeah let me go in here first [Music] [Music] [Music] really [Music] yeah I got the Mega Man music seed [Music] 20 is a bottle good 40s dropping map uh could be useful foreign [Music] okay so 20 bottle 40 Jabba map [Music] [Music] could be useful just for knowing whether jab who's mq or not because it does make a big difference in how I need to approach it sometimes it doesn't really matter whether it's mq or not but javu does because mq job who I really want slingshot I have full rupees MK Jabba I really want slingshot um vanilla jobi I really don't care what I have although at 40 at 40 skulls I'll probably know anyway but on the off chance that I don't know by that point it could be useful uh the emotes were all moved to um seven TV or what was it yeah seven TV because uh the other ones were messing up or something take a free key I guess um [Music] Ocarina to 10. uh GTG 60. Highland Shield I probably want that immediately nice to have both uh Deku and Hylian Shield immediately foreign [Music] well it's just that GTG has nine Keys it's the dungeon with the most keys or at least vanilla does so it essentially tells me it's vanilla [Music] oh my God please [Music] no no boski skips oh my god seriously things are so crystallized how that even happened all right now he's already dead [Music] laughs [Music] so no early Decor no early Sticks no early weapon to kill the [Music] uh [Music] just gonna check this in and then go adult wow big one his lullaby that is a big hint and also an annoying thing or potentially an easy hint you never know how it's gonna go hey Frog's bad okay wait hold on okay Wasteland rugs clbgs uh go to Valley fairy fountain storms found in bed spirit is bottom of the well oh [Music] [Music] Mario Karts yeah this is the Mario Kart in Mega Man music seed all right see where save warp goes on soft Vlog there's nothing that can really soft lock me for adult safe work except for like Death Mountain Creator who work PAD as adult without hook shot okay yeah it's really just a child that needs to be worried about soft walking adult has I I'm pretty sure it's literally only two entrances in all of adult that could be problematic uh I need to check this so all this random race the chamber soon thanks a sub Jefferson balloons [Music] I think she said cinepic okay I probably want to check water first no I'm still doing noboski skips I guess for the YouTube frogs that saw the highlight video recently I went back to no bossy sips shortly after that because uh it was too easy yeah I was hoping boski steps would balance it out but it was way too easy with it Victory subset how [Music] pickles again this Castle mq Z [Music] that explosion might have almost killed me [Music] hey Audi thanks for 69 months nice oh there's fires pickle uh I can't do anything Shadow so she just do water right now so as soon as I get hooked shot I can get that or hover to it but I don't think hovering to fire Rose would never be worth it I mean that's nice if I could play it [Music] [Music] Cherokee [Music] fire key [Music] [Music] [Music] The Upside Down song models are differentiated from warp songs and regular songs The Warp songs are upside down the regular songs already set up it used to be that they were both the same and so uh two songs looked identical yeah there there were six or 12 songs but uh only six unique models so like you couldn't tell a difference between say Sun song and Prelude or lullaby and bolero uh you know I think I should save work out here actually because I want to make to cack before night time and I think from the gorilla Valley entrance I think I should make it from the lake highly entrance I doubt it [Music] um oh but I guess I am missing dude Grotto near Lake hylia but whatever uh should hurricane already does have a Tracker built in why not play as custom there's not particularly a model a custom model that I'd want to play if there was one that I knew that I liked I might but they all seem like they'd be fun for 20 minutes but not repeatedly [Music] [Music] all right Miranda only always uses version 1.0 so it has all the 1.0 stuff [Music] except for some 1.0 stuff it intentionally patches out that sucks like uh the graveyard Graves being 1.0 is really bad also at 1.25 telling music is better people literally only like 1.0 music because it got cut [Music] choose very nice 1.0 Graves so on 1.0 when you enter these Graves it actually acts like a ledge that you can jump over or grab and so it can be really annoying to try to actually get in the grave because you just continuously jump over it and so in 1.1 and pass they just made you slide into the graves [Music] [Music] fire [Music] [Music] pickle nope all right [Music] dude I'm bad at this trick that tree drop this trick is easy it used to be super free but I'm all washed up there we go shadow mq 10. okay hey was that yeah so web skulls junk [Music] this is actually perfect being dampe because I want to go to uh windmill next got a nice little Warp [Music] Ed yes yes [Music] [Music] not capacity nice [Music] [Music] so I already know bomb the well is spirit I don't know if it's mq or not but I don't think it's worth entering right now what just to find out [Music] uh girl Castle foolish [Music] all right she's so much better than regular bombs they're definitely not so much better but they have their own unique uses shoes I mean they can go up to 50 with no capacity upgrade uh lighters [Music] um 480 fantastic [Music] uh choos can go up to 50 with no capacity upgrade you can explode them immediately from Shield dropping or slashing them uh they can also explode immediately on like NPCs and actors and stuff weird like 385 Okay so uh all right so this is an expensive seed gonna need giant swallow no matter what [Music] uh that was weird eggs that's the child one okay you don't actually I think I will go in spirit how do I think about it I do actually want to uh this actually could be significant if it's if it's mq spirit I can actually do some immediately foreign [Music] costs more than 200 rupees it's fine because um there's three wallets so there could be an extra wallet that I can still get but I have had a seed where all three wallets were impossible luckily there was nothing that required more uh there's nothing required over 99 rupees but that was a potentially scary scene but now in this scene if I don't have a wallet then I'm definitely screwed [Music] opponent's not okay it was worth coming in here early well actually I don't know for sure because I don't know Ocarina yet that sound is the sound of a horse race starting [Music] foreign [Music] is definitely the best way to play uh OT nice um on PC it's probably the best way to play OG casually period [Music] um okay so iron boots was shadow stealthos [Music] uh considering I have two Shadow keys I could actually do some of Shadows soon foreign [Music] 10. yeah I check skull rewards uh the only real good one is 20 is a bottle did you even know uh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] oh uh the next room's actually gonna kill me if I oh never mind [Music] I spoke to him tank top [Music] uh let me get this first actually I don't get lost there but I sometimes mix up my routes on how I like to do it in mq versus vanilla I have a different route for each version and I mix them up sometimes [Music] how did that not block it literally hit my shield and myself at the same time [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign nuts anyway since I have plenty [Music] two thank you [Music] [Music] Azores Fountain has a boss don't know if it's uh [Music] I don't know if it's jabu or Ice Cavern or one of them has a boss [Music] I should really just test through this room questions [Music] uh I'm gonna try something real quick I don't expect it to work [Music] uh how do I want us to go [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs I think it should work but I'm not gonna bother trying no you can't get a ground jump off a chew you need something to grab there's nothing to grab with you that's why bomb works because you can actually grab it what I was trying to do there was a glitchless ground jump which uh if you essentially do a twisted ESS backflip and then Shield damage in the air it takes you out of the backflip state which then allows you to grab a ledge but it's kind of precise you need to do it in a specific way count house junk well okay that's really good [Music] uh does that give me anything yet or do I need I think I need two wallets oh I should probably just wait until night on the trail actually uh yeah right now that doesn't actually get me anything except I guess many Goron oh my God please look at me no I don't think wallet was on Gamba really hey [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] first because I think the shop the shop is more likely to have something important if there's nothing good in the shop I'll buy midi we're on [Music] I might do DMC first oh that's convenient oh I'm not convenient all right never mind [Music] I wasn't going to be nice but I want to prioritize medical run corn drink isn't super important especially because like right now I'm just gonna go through DMC just to do quick checks I'm not gonna go to fire temple or anything okay so both the cow and the skeletal are both junk and web Grotto it's a web Grotto entirely as junk but I guess if I come back here relatively soon with 200 rupees it's probably worth getting going here next [Music] [Music] on the mountain is I think that's nuts yeah that's nuts [Music] uh I hope I'll have enough rupees [Music] cool but now I need to go form two rupees I mean at least like I'll be going through it out of it I should have got those rupees that came out of the Rocks before I went in the grotto [Music] picture [Music] very good Grotto [Music] the hen was crater so that is the hinter took shot unless there's a second hook shot here actually I guess Washington would be good right now because I could actually check fire temple without having to worry about if I'll die or not oh well [Music] I don't have rubies why didn't I farm rubies at the poet yeah I knew I should have grabbed the Ruby when I reloaded the DMC [Music] thank you [Music] nice Anonymous gift Subs thanks [Music] [Music] actually it's probably even worth getting the Ruby because I'm gonna go kill a skull kid now anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey but hence I have no hints for hover boots but iron boots is in Shadow Temple and I have found Shadow and I have decent access to it since I have two keys uh I might end up going to Shadow rails really early but I'm not 100 sure I shouldn't have went for these Skull Kids I should have gone for the other one the single one thank you actually should I just get a garage tunic right now and go check fire it might actually be good [Music] [Applause] thank you pink tunic yeah I always seem to get some variation of pink or purple from my tunics [Music] one of the well mq yeah thank you [Music] I'm still using a fixed cooker's unicolor I don't know uh I know there have been some updates recently I don't know if the most recent updates might have fixed it but I haven't heard [Music] thank you [Music] yeah it's a bomb the well uh problem the well-being mq means that I don't have to worry about not equipping security sort of child if I get carry sword this tacklemore kids yeah I'll probably kill Skull Kid soon actually I should probably do it right now I was thinking I was gonna go to Forest first and do it later but uh uh in case I find scrub Grotto's on the way I should probably get rupees right now oh one of the heads off him I'm running out of shoes [Music] his emails broken again on the screen oh nice nice true look [Music] okay Spirit Symphony junk [Music] what [Music] Sons [Music] hit this trick Too Many Colors still not fixed okay Pierce junk unwell has magic okay [Music] [Music] uh the only skull that's not drunk is 20 uh which is a bottle which may or may not be junk depending on oh I shouldn't have probably oh I'll just grab it sometimes I like to do uh do like partial damage now and then kill him when I come back down the stairs oh Spirit Gear ring that's good [Music] um but I'm going into Spirit temples it doesn't matter Forest vanilla vanilla yeah two two vanilla dungeons or like their entrances are Manila Forest is Forest and Shadow's shadow without a bottle it's a bad idea to go past the first room or at least to the main room so Gonna Leave Here tank foreign oh yeah I have scarce items on although this seed uh in particular scarce items doesn't seem to be making that much of a difference considering I got a hook shot well I guess it doesn't affect hook shot but I got shoes relatively quickly [Music] oh it has a good still effect stuff like bow so far the seed's fine credit card [Music] yeah hook Charlie one gambo is that not paid out yet mods payout oh 140 uh yeah yeah all right a very early long shot that also means I can go straight to bottom of the well actually thank you bomb the walls adult I'm gonna go grab magic early [Music] oh come on Christmas thanks ktc song time boxer chunk bomb's getting hooked up for early game uh I think probably yeah early game uh but both are pretty good early on I'm Kim means it's the master quest version of that dungeon okay hey hey hey there's water this is mq oh dude with long shot I can actually do like three checks over here without a lullaby or iron boots I have to do some checks that I rarely ever get to do [Music] get a load okay there [Music] uh you know what it's probably gonna be easier with qpa than a weird shot [Music] is this okay so we do it over here [Music] Frosty's vanilla [Music] okay [Music] so this check over here I rarely ever get to do because it's in mq water it needs a long shot it's just like so out of the way [Music] and it's a blue guy just do that uh qpa has glitch damage that has a bunch of different uh damage properties and one of them is fire and so the fire property ends up letting the Torches foreign [Music] thank you [Music] no I didn't actually mean to do the baskets here Paula should I I'll go back and open the boss door [Music] I meant to I meant to land inside the door frame and then and then open it from inside the door frame but I got pushed right in [Music] [Music] VC crashed my seed right now to repent no okay here I'll I'll save and reset and I'll I'll go uh go back and open the bus door before going through [Music] don't open it I must open it or I am a dirty cheater foreign [Music] [Music] I have to hit it again it's not permanent [Music] I hate this which is hitbox all right here we go open the door [Music] shut him down vanilla semi-vanilla [Music] okay [Music] okay where am I going next door's River yeah [Music] from the wall uh I don't know sugar bomb roller throws over first I guess probably will be a longer detour to get back to so yeah I guess we do that first and I think I should have everything I need to do all around the world [Music] [Music] I will have to do some shoe weird shots though which could be annoying I mean I think I'm generally decent at two weird shots but I also don't have to do them a lot so it's easy to forget how to do them [Music] [Music] videos oh wait I don't have keys okay there's actually one check that's behind a key door that I won't be able to get so I guess hope that magic isn't that one check I think there's eight checks in here and I can get seven of them so pray for not the one in eight nice [Music] Requiem that's good [Music] [Music] I'm trying to do this Workshop from here [Music] I can nice [Music] I was trying to kill with hands [Music] foreign key [Music] GTG key [Music] s [Music] thank you [Music] all right so I hope it's one of these two basement checks foreign that's good because I can at least play a song now all right so if this is not magic then I need a ball of well key for Magic okay safe uh I guess I should play a song to warp out it's probably Minion's probably best yeah I hope I can make it before the readouts freeze me okay oh thanks we said editor Tom uh no you cannot play song on nuts uh to do Ocarina items you have to play it with a song to think or an item that link holds in his hands I know it looks like you've like throws the deck now but that's not holding in his hands it has to be like an actual item model and so I try with Deku nuts you'll actually just do a bottle over a decade notes so it's gotta be something like sword hookshot bomb slingshot something like that yeah grab the shoes grab the shoes grab the shoes okay thank you why doesn't the second bottle come from uh because uh doing it with a second bottle has uh a different effect where you actually end up drinking the bottle which is a funny uh oh no which has a funny uh side effect of being if you like say you're doing Ocarina items with bugs and then you try to do Ocarina item with an empty bottle you will do what it looks like drinking the bugs so I think that that hint actually tells me that zarya's song is junk because I think sorry this song is the only oh no it could be a Song of Storms Never mind I was hoping that that hint told me that sorry a song was junk and I could skip it this child still be songstorms yeah you gotta gotta drink the bug milk [Music] hello [Music] toilet room junk [Music] I also get it oh my God please [Music] okay Prelude is fire temple key [Music] s what was the other hand I just got before Prelude was firekey toilet junk that's it [Music] [Music] forgetting how to do this laughs [Music] two okay I hope that works okay good morning thanks we said Dirty Dan wrong direction hmm oh please I hate shooter shots don't want to waste too many chews because I need some to get into jabu [Music] h [Music] gosh actually check bottom a fountain card piece [Music] I don't want to make a daytime yeah it's fine now I don't know how to quit going sword [Music] dude [Music] it's because I didn't start the fight with the gun I just want to listen to music more [Music] thank you I already did do early or I I went to the entrance of Shadow early yeah uh doing doing all of Shadow early I probably I'm still busy checking my dungeons right now but it probably is uh a good idea to go to Shadow relatively early in the seat I think because that's only a fire temple had a dungeon but I don't know where fire is yet oh yeah I will I will Play Requiem to Spirit after I check jabu [Music] foreign [Music] I do have strength though so let me just do this yeah by the time I like by the time I realized I didn't have bombs it was too late for me to grab a bomb flower so I had to just try a chew because if you want to do the bomb flower for the first one you pretty much have to go for it immediately oh yeah for a lot of tricks I go based on timing and not visuals yeah here [Music] beans that almost kind of makes me want to go back to child first to plant beans considering I have requiem but I don't have Prelude and getting back to Temple of time is going to be kind of slow but probably not want to do it safely up here away from the water hey actually with Longshot I can also do Spirit early like spear the dungeon early [Music] ready [Music] spiritus Deku mq [Music] [Music] I don't have any arrows yes I should just go up here [Music] no [Music] what's up Gekko actually if I got it might be good to go get fire arrows actually no I think about it because fire arrows uh will actually let me equip swap with my current inventory foreign [Music] although I won't be able to shoot them oh my God I'm doing this from bed [Music] [Music] thank you yeah Navi sound is a redid free free garage [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on [Music] I need explosives all right thanks [Music] hey [Music] sir it was nice [Music] uh uh am I gonna be able to do this room [Music] I need a qpa to do this room thank you because I don't have any other way of blowing up the bomb flowers there uh I forgot qpa doesn't damage now [Music] [Music] uh it might have been a bad idea to waste all my shoes uh I don't even get cheese back I guess I could use a bomb flower I do this [Music] [Music] thank you um there's a guaranteed bomb drop if I had lit the eyes but I can't get in there now [Music] thank you top floor I mean I I wouldn't be able to go anywhere on the top floor because of the Rocks I mean I think or I think I can get past some of the bomb flower but I don't know if uh I can get much farther like I could do a little bit more but it's just not really worth doing more when I know I can't do anything about this I don't think there's any guaranteed bomb drops up there [Music] plus I need to do a decade basement anyway so maybe something good will happen down here oh wait no because I need arrows to get past that I switch uh this is really annoying [Music] foreign trees out here real quick [Music] I'm choosing the stairs them would I have been able to get to the stairs room or yeah I guess I could get to the stairs room but it'd be a very awkward Trek Back I gotta be able to do it it would just be really weird but now that I got that one tree drop it must be better even the single one [Music] uh probably faster to do it this way [Music] okay [Music] [Music] uh choose drive like that because I have a setting on that allows two drops the normal game has no two drops [Music] okay so I'm going to do the end of DC first uh so I can grab some explosives and check the boss and then I'll do the rest of DC after I check and go backwards yes [Music] [Music] [Music] look at all those shoe drops thank you well maybe if you're an individual stop posting the same things as everyone else in chat and and maybe you won't be all referred to as one entity [Music] foreign [Music] no you're not unique you're all the same you're all just saying the same stuff [Music] actually it's kind of annoying uh I think I should save more before I go in the new work I think if I say warp I should go to the beginning of DC because if I go in the warp I'll be transported out of Deku Tree then I have to go back to DC a third time which is bad [Music] foreign [Music] I actually did see a little bit of the AI steam Tam stream but I didn't get it it seemed not not the same but maybe I just didn't watch enough of it I only watch it for like two minutes it gets funnier than where you watch Maybe [Music] oh come on [Music] foreign [Music] no I have to do qpa again real quick and hopefully get a first try [Music] very cool [Music] actually I really should have done the little first room first forgot if I don't have bombs it's better to do that room first [Music] thanks every reptilector [Music] [Music] pickles oh yeah I forgot I can do this [Music] [Music] no I did not do anything special for the sixth anniversary of breath of the Wilds oh I shouldn't have done that [Music] [Music] pickles uh the way qpa works uh it's a little complicated it's like um the way it determines what damage you should be doing is based on the model that link is holding in his hand and then it does like a subtraction from that I forgot the exact way it does it but there's a subtraction involved based on the item that link is holding in his hand and if he's holding no item in his hand and it's subtract from that uh then it goes uh oh I'm gonna throw in a glitchy number and then that glitchy number is a big number that has a bunch of different damage values [Music] I know it's not different if you qpa master a big one sorry because the end result is that you're having nothing on your B button or you're having nothing you're doing a jump slash with no uh weapon is the end result always there is actually a different qpa on version 0.9 uh where you can do a qpa that actually has bomb damage by doing a regular sword slash and putting away sword at the same time but that's not in the main game is this door still locked or do I have to unlock it again yeah cool look at me 50 choose [Music] uh qpa can do the most damage of any weapon to iron Knuckles but no other enemy uh I'll get it to iron Knuckles uh does 10 damage [Music] uh more for the dead already because I beat more for earlier but didn't go in the blue warp because it would warp me out of DC when I haven't finished it yet so for the sake of more optimal routing I didn't uh finish it right away already know both web things in that Grotto junk or only our Knuckles uh the way that it deals damage to enemies is complicated well actually no it was thought to be complicated and it turns out it's not as comfy as we thought so uh actually what's weird about when doing damage to enemies with qpa is that there's only uh it only checks one bit of the damage value for doing damage to enemies specifically and the bit that it checks is actually um or the bit that is relevant for qba damage is uh it's doing unknown damage there's like this damage that's just labeled as unknown that's not related to any you know real pain damage Source in the game and so this unknown damage source is the one that's being activated when you attack enemies with qpa and for most enemies this does like it just either stuns them or does nothing but for some reason for iron Knuckles it does 10 damage [Music] [Music] oh no I don't know if rupees for carpet guy uh uh are there enough rupees in the boxes oh my God really oh yeah wasting is foolish nevermind I don't care [Music] [Music] I do a combination of looking at the mini map and the screen for that actually or I guess uh oh right I have credit cards um for the for the forward waistline S I use more minimap than screen but for the backward waistline Hess which I just did there I used the screen more than the minimap you can has to cross the Sand River by doing it backwards uh like from the direction that I was doing it you can only have to cross it if you have a very narrow angle uh coming at it from this you have to like almost come out come at it directly from the side and uh it's just pretty risky so I don't bother with it unless uh there's one cool Strat you can do which is you can actually slow yourself down if you press Ocarina or a cutscene item for one frame and it slows you down enough uh without killing your Hess that you can go across the whole thing very easily just a little bit slower uh but I didn't have anything equipped for that so I didn't want to bother equipping something for it yeah you can do isg with qpa not doing fast Carpenters what do you mean not doing fast Carpenters [Music] oh if you mean uh why I'm only why I don't have just a single Carpenter run uh because I think it's better to have all of them on because they each have a check oh they each have a unique check I think it's more interesting to have all of them need to be beaten I can launcher from here I wish we're nighttime I can probably Boomerang that's really good uh [Music] out you can imagine gtg's baronade and then I can't beat it because I don't have dim so I can't equip swap it but then I can actually go get fire arrows then fires will let me Eclipse off oh it's javu close in fact I almost wondered if it'd be worth it to go get firearose right now you know what I think it actually is I think it should actually uh yeah I'll come back here soon [Music] if I get like ferror's wind in the meanwhile though it's gonna be so annoying because for his wind would uh block my ability to equip swap again because to do a quick swap I need an item in the topmost slot of the column closest to the right side what that essentially means is if I have nothing in the rightmost column but I have the topmost item in the next column over then I can Eclipse swap but if I have anything in the rightmost column then it needs to be dins in order to Eclipse off that was the worst Mega flip attempt of all time uh it's not that bad because I do I am going to whatever I am going to water temple anyway because that's where Guinness Castle is I think we're using sub zeffy uh what am I doing I guess I can do fishing if only I had planted Bean then I could actually use the bean plant I miss one garbage I'm going back anyway okay [Music] come on [Music] I think you're getting five Subs zippy [Music] yeah 20 skulls was a bottle but I already got a bottle so I mean it I it would be good to have two but I'm not gonna go super far out of my way for it like uh I will next time I'm in cack I'll grab it but it's not worth going on my way for me oh uh check this okay well all right that's super good that is probably worth going on my way forward to go buy the stuff that I need like uh Ocarina I can get Ocarina egg uh uh lighter Rose all the lighters I can put off [Music] hey [Music] annoying I wonder if it might actually be faster to enter an exit the room below just to turn off the fan cycle [Music] uh [Music] here I'll do this because I can now put this oh my God [Music] hey with this door here [Music] there we go I forgot any nice G for this one oh my God this is annoying [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you okay okay [Music] I can't hook shot back uh [Music] uh I just void out I guess that's so annoying uh do I even bother I don't even know how I can get isg with oh okay here I can do this uh this is so annoying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh how did this work it might have just been like this I don't remember the setup for this is gonna be bad please work no dude I'm not gonna bother I'm just gonna leave uh do I bother trying Shadow trial I don't think so just leave [Music] okay Ocarina is Market potion shop so I gotta just go child I guess which sucks I gotta go all the way to Market so I guess just save Warp uh bo would unlock equip swap if I had nothing in the rightmost two columns so I I'd have to have no dins for nehru's adult trade item or uh trial trade item and no magic arrows and then bow can Eclipse off oh actually while I'm here I should do some grottos hmm especially because I gotta wait for daytime anyway [Music] please [Music] yeah so right now because I have fire Rose and I have nothing in the rightmost slot I can equip swap oh so I can buy a shop right right now I can buy Ocarina weird egg and light arrows and a gtgp that probably doesn't matter [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] guys [Music] have knots though [Music] um thank you [Music] again it's got this ice covering [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] pickles [Music] I haven't checked child market yet right I only got to do a a night market I mean yeah I didn't I only got through day Market earlier so I should probably make it night time I'm waiting for cows until I get Ocarina kind of yeah at least for um for long long cows especially yes uh I did go past the web cow earlier but I already I also got a hand that the webs are junk so I didn't need to check that I do need to go back to the Cowboy the single cow Grotto I found though um oh that was at Lake highly actually I should have gone there when I went back to play Kylie oh well I mean I'll be going back to Lake Kylie several times probably shadow shadow soon-ish okay [Music] my plan right now is child um I can get egg actually the weird egg is in a weird spot if I get the weird egg I won't be able to equip swap Boomerang so I think I actually don't want to buy it right now um even though I can so I think I'm just gonna buy Ocarina and then meet Zelda and then it's gonna suck that I have to meet Zelda without waking up challenge when I can wake up talon but I think it's for the best [Music] 425 for a shadow key I kind of want that but I don't want to pay 425 for it I seen what maybe I should and I should just uh do Eclipse swapping shoes to get more money back afterwards [Music] actually yeah this will be perfect I can get this key and then I can buy the other key [Music] thank you [Music] first king foreign [Music] full item wait what what are you talking about are you talking about I don't know what we're talking about yeah this sword is Giant's knife I already have a big one sword uh I know Hyrule Castle is junk so I don't need to do anything here oh I guess I should probably get the hint yeah yeah it's giant's name for a fool I know so I didn't bother checking it so I ordered a big one sword yeah lullabies no lullaby wasn't a shop Ocarina was that a shop uh lullaby is on bigoron sword so uh yeah spear Temple has the other Ocarina okay Tampa wow I'm dumb I forgot that Zell's letters a thing Zell's letter is gonna block it Cooks up oh well delivering the letter doesn't get rid of it there's no once you get something in the child trade item slot uh it never goes away [Music] there's rupees no that's slow [Music] yeah I guess I might as well wake up challenge then well I don't know if I want to do uh uh long on right now I kind of wanted to go back to adult because I still have some important stuff to do as a doll oh [Music] so actually I think uh uh a bayock Arena right now and I guess the key [Music] [Applause] and I think I'm gonna go wait did was there sticks in here or no neither of these shops had sticks okay I think I'm just gonna go adult um go back to GTG to go to jabu and finished jabu yeah just prioritize drop it right now [Music] no I didn't have ring equipped as adult maybe I should have yeah I guess I probably should have uh swapped it before I went to child that would have been good oh well [Music] actually wait no I should go against guys let me get Knight first so I can check the nice skulls and Colossus should I go to Ice Cavern I guess I might as well just check guys Kevin while I'm there I was hoping to put off ice scaven until I get a bow so I could at least use blue fibers or wait I'm not gonna be able to no I shouldn't I shouldn't do anything right now because then it's gonna be awkward with my I guess I don't need the fish no it's Grace Cavern [Music] thanks we still have isg the tree it is not snowing outside I've now checked all the dungeons well I've checked all the dungeon entrances uh but I need to go back to jabu because I haven't checked the end of java yet which actually I probably should have early earlier I should have at least like did a quick check on the boss door to jabu to see what was there [Music] three cow checks I will do cow checks when I come across them where am I thanks thank you no I didn't mark wallet well I don't I don't Mark what I have in my bottle I just Mark bottle it's not worth constantly changing what item I have in my bottle okay [Music] [Music] hey okay first key I never marked the other Shadow key I got it hey Dr cool guy thanks [Music] pickles [Music] do I just need to stick back since I saw the bottle on that fire key so I think fire fire I Still Haven't Found What dungeons have I not found I found Deku DC javu forests water Shadow Spirit so I haven't found fire and yeah Fire's the only dungeon I haven't found then I found every other and I know where Ice Cavern is bolero all right [Music] wait I don't know scale if you don't have a scale you actually have to jump in the water to go under here [Music] winner [Music] [Music] I say winner when I get the winner herpes there's a heartbeats that specifically says winner because it's from the chess game so I say winner when I get the winter heart piece [Music] [Music] sorry guys what I'm doing qpa no vibrito [Music] okay [Music] oh come on [Music] no for the tentacles I need either a clip swap or uh I need either a quick stop Boomerang or TPA No Way Around It [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] really [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] because I have I forgot to mark that I have the Zelda's letter [Music] oh I never got I was supposed to get a bunny Hood I mean [Music] but no right now I am not a loop of something [Music] [Music] what [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] instead of after in case I need to reset here and I saved an extra shoe yep I save next to you nice nice okay Japanese okay now where do I want to go [Music] um I should check out here check the night skulls here oh wait I have a pony song so I should okay yeah my opponent song so I should go back and do archery but so this will waste just enough time for it to be daytime and then I can go do archery [Music] ah which I can bother I shouldn't even do this right now I was gonna do the mega flip to actually wait yes I should because I have silver gone let's okay nevermind all right don't fail us again very easy I was gonna say I probably shouldn't do this because with three chews I'd be worried about failing the weird clip but I don't need a weird clip because I have something else thanks a raids Sunnyvale as we said Mikey Mike thanks resub japonia [Music] what's up wait I still haven't gotten the Box heart piece have I oh well [Music] [Music] yeah don't worry about Bo so for Bo for archery it needs to be there needs to be something in the bow slot but you can uh dupe over bow to make that um to make it count so oh well I need to do it before I load the area posted on it first but like I can do this foreign [Music] [Music] yeah I can't wait for that five rupees [Music] [Music] oh I do have to be careful I need to make sure I put my fish back in my real bottle because if I happen to get bow and then and then drop a fish again then I lose my bow permanently [Music] but yeah Curious George nice I guess that might mean I should do child soon although I think I already got the nighttime skull here uh I think I should do dungeons I think I should do I'm torn between if I wanted the child or dungeons right now I've done very little of child's yeah shout out like shadow well I don't know Shadow like almost seems like a good Target right now because I can do most of Shadow up to the boat but I can't do past the boat I don't have Frozen not enough lullaby but it has plenty of checks I can do everything and spirit spirit's also good [Music] just trying to recoil ah can't do both skip I need hover boots if I get hover boots then I can do both skip if I get hover boots but no lullaby no Pros win then I finally have an excuse to do uh the boat hooker yeah I know where Lola is I know it's behind bigger on trade quests which is not great [Music] choose please uh Where'd I want to go I think it's just go to Shadow uh [Music] or here I can go to GTG on the way yeah I think I'm better off doing dungeons right now because I am I'm relatively well equipped and uh the other archers here uh how much is this again yeah bad [Music] um yeah I am pretty well equipped to do dungeons right now and like going to child would be more for if I'm desperate for lullaby or mirror Shield or something which at some point I will be but I feel like checking dungeons is better right now because doing business right now is serving two purposes uh because we also gotta get the bosses but child would only be specifically looking for items [Music] [Music] yes I don't know where Fire temple is so fire must be at the end of an adult dungeon so uh Forest Shadow it must be at the end of force Shadow or spirit [Music] one of those has fire and then the other two must have uh not twin Rover but vivaldia and baronade are those the only oh wow that actually worked I didn't let bother letting go of Z because I didn't think it would actually work uh our golden bearing the only boss I haven't found no I'm missing one other uh [Music] Phantom game I've never found Phantom again [Music] wait then where [Music] would Phantom again be [Music] I shouldn't even probably going this way whatever helps do right now [Music] wait it's okay I haven't found so the dungeons plus bosses I haven't found yet are Phantom Ganon baronade vivagia and Fire temple so fire must be behind one of oh okay I get it I guess okay so fire must be behind forest shadow or spirit ball store and then the three bosses can be behind any four of those boss stores but fire can only be behind three of them obviously fire can be behind the fireball store [Music] yes I did forget the uh just [Music] uh this clicking sound is Navi it's a redead sound [Music] lots of two weird shots to seed [Music] really [Music] I also might end up having to qpa the eye switch at the beginning of GTG because I don't have a I don't have bow [Music] but that'll end up being the only check I don't end up doing and I don't want to leave just the eye switch so I might end up cupiating that AJ on this Rando uh it's going pretty well so far but it's not going so well that I can say confidently that I could be finished soon uh I'd say there's a reasonable chance this could end at like 3 30 like an hour or so hello but things could also it's before it's too early for me to say like with reasonable confidence that it could be finished soon but it's also not looking very bad [Music] I didn't jump slash dude crazy how bad this ring goes if you just forget the jump slash [Music] [Music] button frog all right there's my Kia lullaby and theme Shadow key ring it's nice [Music] oh right I don't have a bow for this you can technically qpa this room but it's the worst thing ever [Music] oh maybe I shouldn't have saved work because now frog is prescribed well it's not that bit that big of a deal [Music] all right I'm gonna try uh keep hitting this I switch not great [Music] foreign [Music] that's gonna be bad [Music] I don't even know if I have enough shoes for this I hate this dude I hate turning around and still targeting The Chew is the worst thing please let me turn around without targeting The Chew please don't Target the shoot I don't want to Target The Chew why I am facing away from The Chew what's up I don't have enough shoes [Music] yeah uh maybe big one sword B big please no oh that was super lucky [Music] is it worth I'm resetting if it's not worth no [Music] okay do I want to go to Shadow or Spirit first spirit is like closer but spirit I might end up going to Colossus afterwards well no because I wrecked him anyway so dripping no point uh [Music] oh wait I should probably get a lullaby first actually I actually have all that for either of them where am I why am I going up here right [Music] yeah Zeal is important in both so I should get that first [Music] it's just kind of annoying because I have to go all the way back to here it might be best to go here [Music] I should have waited for night or no I already checked the night snow here oh my God surprised that didn't hit me why didn't I get the other bottle I'll check out the other bottles there did you guys did a lot of people not know about the windmill thing I mean I guess there is no like real reason you need to but yeah you can you can uh what I can go up there there's a cocoa there thank you pickles foreign keys oh that's not gonna work [Music] uh it's pretty rare that I get any unbeatable seeds at all um the like the easiest item to get an unreadable seed with is light arrows but even that I haven't really I think I've only had like one unbeatable seat because of light arrows anyway [Music] Brad guess I'm bragging about [Music] not getting unbeatable seeds I'm bragging about how I haven't gotten super unlucky [Music] uh make it might be worth to hover the heart piece here I want to do this okay I can hear the gray okay please don't okay it was just a compass [Music] oh I think it said uh for example had a boss okay so I can eliminate um fire temple having uh I can eliminate fire temple having being at the end of forest temple so fire is either at the end of uh Shadow or spirit [Music] yeah no you don't need to do speed run style glitches to do randomizer randomizer is uh made intended to be beaten without glitches um I'm doing a specific version no logic which means that any adding can be anywhere and there's no logic with placing the items to make sure that you can be without glitches this is not the normal way to play random most people play random with glitchless logic so that it's always beatable without glitches yeah this is uh this is gonna get me zeal yeah the tunic change is because if you warp to uh deathline crater with uh no Grand junagon then the heat timer takes priority over the expiration timer and that way uh the timer can't expire in defined creator there's lullaby [Music] finally [Music] all right yeah normally when you warp during the trade quest with the expiration timers it sets your timer to one which is why as soon as I left F1 Creator you saw my timer immediately went to one second that's normally what it does but again because of the heat timer taking priority it can't do that in defend crater or wait doesn't here I'll just do this [Music] have you ever thought of doing gold romance for fun kind of but the issue with doing old skater nuts for fun is that uh while it is an interesting concept it takes a long time to learn like at least when it comes to like say 100 speed runs uh it takes a long time to learn like for example a full 100 run and it's just like so much time dedicated to an old Route just for curiosity or just messing with it for fun it's just it's kind of interesting but it's not worth the time investment [Music] [Music] [Music] a cow [Music] what about obsolete NSR runs as cool as those are I don't really like the idea of doing [Music] um obsolete runs uh like when there's no real purpose to it like old NSR you know pre-srm is definitely really cool but I don't really want to do like just a flat out slower route just for fun I mean it'd be cool but like again it's the time investment thing like it's not worth the time investment when it's not like a real fast speed run all right I'm going to spear it first [Music] all right [Music] uh I can only get one check over there oh I have all seven keys uh in that case I think it's wait no uh don't don't go over there yet I'll do the best [Music] uh maybe doing this without wait maybe Spirit was actually a bad idea without either bow or Hammer right now [Music] oh no I can I can make it work [Music] all right [Music] you know I just realized I've only I haven't gotten bombs yet and I've only gotten a single pack of chews if it wasn't for that single pack of shoes this one would actually be in extremely bad shape [Music] [Music] yeah Bomb Bag I mean I'd like to just go get Bomb Bag I wish you were that simple [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is intentional this is for a trick in this room I need to do that so that when I go over here this comes up and I can skip the whole puzzle here so I got a hint that [Music] um oh I think I need to do is this yeah okay I got a hint that I think the chest is junk but not the skull holder uh I should check the chest just in case anyway [Music] on second thought I probably should have actually done Shadow first because I forgot how much Spirit relies on Bo oh well [Music] [Music] just qpa funny glitch man I mean I'm going to qpa but it's annoying to have to always just do qpa [Music] sometimes I want to just use the bow I don't mind using qpa for fire usually qpa for fire is fine it's qpa for bow stuff that's usually annoying because Bose switches are usually in the air [Music] [Music] yeah qba is super good in Rando it's it's interesting because uh qpa is not that great in the vanilla games like in vanilla speed runs there's not that many uses for it there's one particularly useful use of it in uh can I no there's one particularly useful use for it in um to feed Gannon and other than that it's really not that great [Music] I wasn't sure if it was gonna work [Music] [Music] work like this foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Tycoon wall at night nice [Music] uh look at this please [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] uh Matt seal that's actually something I've always uh wanted to see is an AI playing uh OT so if you can that would be very cool yes I'd love to see an AI play oot there's the boss key uh should I go I should do that right now yeah or no I shouldn't because I don't have heartbeats so I can't do super slide across the hands so I'm gonna go back down from here anyway and they're awesome I definitely I'd love to see neurosama play OT [Music] [Music] three bottles the 20 skull bottle is going to end up being the fourth oh Shane wants has inputs yeah I I would I would have thought that it'd probably be easier to train it on task inputs than like looking at an input viewer but I'm not sure exactly how it works great I'm gonna have to do this I'm gonna have to do the statue clip with shoes my favorite trick and no hover boots oh boy I love this trick okay [Music] yes [Music] oh God I forgot this new setup for this and I forgot what it is uh I think it's just this [Music] okay easy Phantom again and here we go [Music] this will be six um oh and then I need to be two of baronade Turner over [Music] wait what did I know jump slash I jump slash with Master Sword didn't I foreign Aid can be behind at the end of forest shadow or or wait no I think this means oh there's the bow Phantom Nanny gave the bow nice my medallion uh [Music] okay I think this means that forests must have bear and Aid yeah Forest must have or no Forest must have a boss and fire must have a boss and they're one of their twin rova or no they're volvajia or veronade I don't know which one I don't know which one is which but fire has one of them and Forest has one of them so I think Forest should be my next priority [Music] as much as I want to do Shadow right now because I think Shadow must be fire at this point yeah because I know that [Music] fun egg very nice yeah I know that Forest has a boss and I know that uh fire has to be behind the boss door so fire has to be behind Shadow boss door at this point oh what am I doing I have lullaby I do have lullaby why what are we talking about low life for oh yeah I mean I know I can do shadow but Shadow will lead to fire and then I have to beat both Shadow and fire to find out what the boss of that place is whereas this I can find out the boss of four is simple just by uh Beating For example so this is this seems better right now far I can't be after for us because I got a compass that told me um that Forest Temple has a boss [Music] and then I know that fire temple must have a boss due to process of elimination because I because uh I have accounted for every other reloading Zone after that [Music] [Music] yeah I like the compasses being more useful too it's pretty neat oh you know I got a free fairy so I can actually do a hook shot jump uh oh no that's bad because then the elevator goes down so I have to I really have to make sure that the elevator does not go back down which happens if I reload the area somehow so if I void out or use floors wind or something then the elevator goes down and I really can't let that happen because my only other way to the basement the other easy way to the basement involves hover boots which I don't have uh and I don't want to be I don't want to have to end up doing a really hard stupid method oh yeah I didn't mark bow [Music] [Music] and yeah hoverboards could always be in forest [Music] [Music] so remember the English Okay I I guess okay well the stupid method I was thinking of is actually an hour out of bounds hover but I guess I really should just beat the pose for safety [Music] thank you I mean the pose are only going to take like two extra minutes so just oh before I got the bus key [Music] um should I still beat the pose okay well the thing is I should beat the pose because regardless of what boss it is regardless of whether it's volvojia or baronade I can't beat it because I can't equip swap Boomerang even if it's marinade [Music] [Music] so no matter what I'm gonna have to come back so I really should just uh kill the pose [Music] I have to be extra careful in this room to not void that'd be very bad because then I'd lose the elevator try don't try to try to beat the beat the ceiling laughs [Music] uh if you if you try to do no logic but then just play it glitchless I think the majority of your seeds will be impossible I it's hard to get a number um I can only estimate but I'd estimate you're probably getting an impossible seed 70 of the time [Music] uh bo was Phantom ganon's a heart container [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I know exactly where lighter is I just haven't bothered to get it yet but it's in a shop for like 400 something rupees and I can go get it whenever I want just not worth going on my way for right now oh actually I should have just gotten it when I was blasting cack because it's in a cake shop let's take it [Music] all right so marinade or volcia okay so even with equip swap it wouldn't have mattered so uh does anyone know what really fun thing that means [Music] so uh uh so that means bearing Aid must be the boss of fire temple Fire temple is at the end of Shadow Temple and I cannot currently equip swap uh Boomerang as adult so that means if we assume that I do not easily get inspire I need to go all the way through Shadow as child and then Through Fire as child I mean I can probably just finish fire as adult and then have child go back there [Music] uh so I wouldn't have to like do I wouldn't really have to fire his child I would just have to go straight to the boss but still oh yeah Mark Forrest blowski [Music] uh but still um that's gonna be fun I'm gonna have to most likely go through Shadow's child I mean Shadow child isn't too bad [Music] I'll probably actually pull the I'll probably actually pull the uh Block near the boat oh never mind speaking of bins all right never mind easy seed baby seed [Music] there's my there's my problem solved all right so now it's just a matter of uh Hammer Shield Hammer meal for Mirror Shield puts me in go mode the Inspire just need it for equip swaps that way I can equip um Boomerang as adult now which means I can beat baronade as adult [Music] s uh yeah I have my dungeons decided for task five I'll probably show you guys soonish oh and here's Hammer how lucky probably maybe I'll get hammer uh very soon [Music] uh do I actually want to push this I think I might as well push this actually it's because I don't want to hover I don't have hover boots [Music] really Eminem should do them yeah I think I think an mm version of OMS would be pretty cool probably I think I think mm would probably want to have the tasks Start From First cycle though they're like starting after first cycle but yeah I think I think uh mm could probably do some very interesting challenges like it too yeah race file well yeah it'd be it'd be MMS I guess or no it would be mmms or no you could just call it MMS [Music] thank you I have a meeting that meeting to try out icers missing at some point I've heard it's pretty neat foreign rom hack type challenge where uh ice arrows is hidden in some random like it's specifically only ice arrows hidden and you have to like read hints on where to find it it's like randomizer but only one item I think there's more to it than just that though [Music] but yeah it's like a puzzle run heck yeah [Music] [Music] come on stop dancing [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] yeah they they're just programmed to walk over that hole cause if they weren't uh then that particular room would soft lock very easily and they don't walk over Ledges in general it's like it's a very specific case that they can walk over the ledge in that room [Music] water key ring okay so now I go to shadow uh finish Shadow and fire consecutively hopefully I find one of hammer Ramirez shields on the way if I don't I'll at least get to marinade and be baronade and then it's just a matter of finding a hammer or mirror and then at that point I'd probably go child and just clean up child [Music] speaking of I've hardly done any child stuff so I mean there's honestly a pretty good chance that mirror or Hammer is in child right now but uh it's still better for me to just check Shadow and fire first [Music] [Music] I guess I should buy egg too uh I can yeah it'll be fine [Music] okay so now go to shadow you all of Shadow and then all the fire [Music] bottle I already have three bottles so I don't need another one thank you come on no I didn't dick with dampe I've done I've done almost nothing in the child section outside of Market stuff [Music] all right so I gotta save scum this area thanks recept Caleb [Music] [Music] no way all right gotta do a dumb trick dumb trick and laggy trick [Music] no I've never reset before saving was completely losing progress saving actually happens in one frame in this game so there's not really a saving before it's complete so laggy [Music] well this thing takes so long GameCube because on GameCube it has to save to the memory card which I guess takes longer while in oot it saves to the cartridge except on DC where I guess it saves to the memory something I don't know how it works please help me but I'm fairly sure the memory card just takes longer to save too [Applause] [Music] okay recess his bed uh [Music] uh dude I I have to Safe scum this well okay it's not I have to save Summit it's it is not a good idea for me to keep it and lose my key because wind is very nice to have but it is not required especially because I have lullaby but uh I need my keys to check the rest of shadow it is mq Shadow so I don't need a key to get to the boss but I do need keys to check stuff [Music] I think you need more case to check stuff in mq Shadow just not a key to get to the boss so I guess I could go back for furora's wins if I determine that everything else whoops what am I doing if I determine that the other keys are not necessary and I still have an extra key left over I can go back or for rosewind but at that point I don't know if it'd be worth going back for it which kind of sucks because I mean I don't need to get the lighter hand so there's no like setting froze wind in ganon's Tower to go get lighter hand or something [Music] so uh what sucks is that Frozen actually would have been useful in that room right there [Music] [Music] thank you all right also gotta say some this [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] let's go oh mirror Shield okay go mode or I think go mode should be I'll I'll click go mode once I actually get uh Ganon boss key but this should be good mode so I should be able to go straight to the end of shadow uh it'll take me to fire I just need to beat fire as quickly as possible they'll only look for the boss key oh okay that could be a problem okay so I have three fire keys three fire Keys gets me most of fire temple but not all of fire temple so I have to hope that the fire boss key is in the 75 of fire that I can do buffer chop no I don't need a child anymore because I didn't it's like an eclipse soap boomerang I swear Shadows being extra laggy today [Music] no Hammer doesn't matter I don't need to be able to watch it I just need to be uh eight of I need eight of nine dozen rewards so I just need to be two more bosses I know that baronade must be at the end of fire temple Fire temple being at the end of Shadow Temple and then twin rova is at the end of jabu which is I grew out of training grounds okay [Music] I'll grab the end of dungeon skull toys just because they're so low-cost just in case they're like cover boots or something that makes my life easier wait I didn't get the boss key yet did I am I stupid I didn't get the shadow basket yet why did I just think that why did I just think like go to the boss door well actually wait it could be the skulltola I should check it right now thank you I just for some reason I was in I was in Mirror Shield mode and just thought oh I found new Shield there for him go mode I don't need to worry about boss keys no I didn't miss the skull too earlier I checked it it was a stick I just didn't grab it and so the school came back yeah if only I could sit for us when you get back to the bus real quickly that sure would be nice [Music] [Music] are there two kids no there's only one keto arcade I'll do the computer room lasts [Music] come on where is he [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey what was that all right I started doing boskies and known dungeons because [Music] um assy's anywhere could actually be easier in that they often can allow me to skip dungeons completely so when I was doing boss keys anywhere or Regional um they would often just I would often just skip entire dungeons and I wanted to be forced to do dungeons more wait what's the other key that I used uh oh yeah that one so I can did I save after I got mirror Shield I meant to save scum before I yeah so I want to reset here I don't remember if I saved after I got mirror Shield I guess it's not that big of a deal if I have to give it again but I need to keep that key [Music] okay I have to get in but it doesn't matter [Music] I can just get it again right after I um or right before I go on the boat it's reset paying uh switch version uses 1.2 any any non-n64 version always uses version 1.2 okay GameCube mostly uses 1.2 it's technically different sure but it's basically 1.2 okay [Music] very cool [Music] take this could you beat sm64 with link uh with a lot of hovering probably thanks Theresa puzzle wings there's less of um duplicate items like Bomb Bag and bow they usually have three of each now they're two this makes it a little bit harder to find some items thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] specifically come on okay here we go [Music] uh that's gonna be bad don't do that [Music] actually I know it can't be the next room because that room has iron boots so this must be the boss key yeah okay cool it was the literal last check uh save work I guess or wait no I can actually go this way I can go the vanilla way this will actually be faster if I don't die oh if only I had iron boots which is in the Next Room that I skip a check for because I didn't think I need iron boots [Applause] maybe I should use isg here they're just waiting I forgot was this a heart piece no health is the horse sound starting raise uh starting sound for horse race starting sound [Music] oh wait no that I need another key to get out of here oh well uh because I do need to save Warp but now my lack of keys is okay oh you know what hold on this actually could be a funny situation I don't know if fire is mq or vanilla and if it's mq I need hammers to do most of Fire mq uh unless I do avoid warp and the void warp needs for was wind and the first one needs a key and I just lost my last key because I didn't think I need to care about my keys anymore or wait do I here let me check I might know Fire's normal okay never mind never mind we're good but again there's still that situation where I don't know if fire has uh so I'm not gonna need for rosewind but unless I get another Shadow key I am now locked out of furrow's wind what it won't be necessary for a fire there's no use for Forest wind in uh a normal Fire temple [Music] I do want the goofy seeds I want to do fun cool stuff fun unique stuff [Music] I've only gotten to do the fire mq void work once and that was me showing it off when I already had hammer because I thought I might need to do it but then I had Hammer I got Hammer when I was about to do it and then I didn't actually need to do it but I did it anyway just to show off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] chance for mq and Manila for every dungeon uh yeah there have been a few seeds I have to like sort of make something up or actually uh well okay there's a few few seats where I kind of had to make something up on the spot but it wasn't like some kind of crazy new trick there are a few there have been a few examples where um after I finished a seed I had an idea for something that would have made the seed much easier or much faster and found it afterwards like uh there was one seed where I was worth it no I should just say it's gonna go around the bottom or yeah say something around the bottom there was one seed where um I needed Forest keyring and I had to spend a really long time because it was Force Master quests and Forest had light arrows and so I had to spend a long time finding Forest t-ring thank you and uh after the seed I thought okay wait can I just void warping the forest and skip the key and it was kind of a complicated way to work but I did actually find a way to avoid warp into mq Forest without needing a small key and I unfortunately I haven't had to use it since I found it but maybe one day [Music] uh how do I slash [Music] uh well I shouldn't need Hammer I I actually should be in Goma well I'm in go mode if I can find the fire boss key the problem is I only have three fire keys and I need at least four to check everything in fire temple so whoa that actually sucks I know that might seem good but that is not actually good uh or it might be okay now it's actually good now I am perfectly fine now I'm in guaranteed go mode well that solves all my issues yeah and I was just thinking that I was just thinking okay I can actually probably do Jin's actor glitch and get that key um but then I got a second fire key and it doesn't matter now [Music] thank you [Music] no I'm not doing Bruno Mars [Music] [Music] there's the boss key all right so even without key issues it would have been fine [Music] oh [Music] my God foreign [Music] [Music] Aid [Music] [Music] [Music] s thank you how's the close-up work uh so you hover the cursor over the item you want to equip and then you move to look you move to the left or right page of the item menu and then go back to it and then [Music] on the first possible frame you press up left or up right depending on what direction you're coming from and a c button and it will equip the item you were last hovering over over the first item slot that the cursor moves to so in that case the item I was hovering over was Boomerang the first slot that the cursor was moving to from the item screen was din's fire and so the boomerang got equipped over din's fire and the game sees din's fire as perfectly fine to equip as adult and so it has no problem equipping boomerang yeah Margaret uh amargo mode when I get uh cannonballski I don't like uh clicking going up before I get ganabowski because there's always a chance that I forgot something and there could be like some unforeseen difficulty because sometimes these settings can be complicated [Music] yeah my go mode button is the frequency right there [Music] thank you [Music] Karma will be once I have ganon's boss key and I have all items necessary to begin [Music] should be coming up right after this [Music] [Music] [Music] hey did I catch them all I have caught them all in a few different games well it depends on the definition of all are we talking gen 8 9 all I have done that actually okay the games I've completed the Pokedex in gen 8 and 9 the you know uh the decks it all and then in gen 3 I did actual national decks all I don't think I did anything else in between and the triple did I just get two triples in two rant two consecutive randos [Music] they got a triple last time too oh baby a triple I I said oh baby a triple last time and then people called me old for referencing an ancient meme thank you [Music] yeah Zoomers get out let me enjoy my old names and piece [Music] [Music] all right [Music] Paul the idea of Chad's average age actually we did do that recently and Chad's average age is actually like not Zoomers it's a bunch of like 25 to 30 year old people so actually it's Boomers that are hit with the kids [Music] there's actually very few kids here children don't like me I'm not hip with the kids [Music] all right there's ganabowski oh I never marked Shadow and spiroboski or fireballski I got literally every boss game I didn't mark half of them [Music] oh yeah songstorms but songs isn't gonna matter [Music] though I guess the bosses aren't either or hover boots I'm I'm assuming basically every item I didn't get is probably his child because I did almost nothing as child the seed I pretty much just checked market and then the entire seed was adult after that I never even checked the cows like there's a cow in my grave right there the boys coming nope all right dodged [Music] yeah I I started to see this child and then I had to do a very short trip to child to go by Ocarina in a shop and then that's basically all I did as child I probably spent less than 10 minutes this child the whole seed okay maybe like 10 or 15 minutes but it was all around uh it was all around Market and Coco's I did Cocos [Music] I am Mark Doug I've been working on OMS test five I have ideas okay [Music] [Music] what language oh no uh are you know what here I was gonna say I was gonna complain about how I'm not gonna have bombs for super sliding to Ganon but it's okay I can do the alternate method all right [Music] wait wait wait wait wait [Music] just a mini game now [Music] missed it oh wait I should probably jump slash first just in case there we go [Music] how precise is that I think it's frame perfect might be two friends foreign so what this does is link is now uh not moving at all during this cutscene so he just stares down Ganon and this is an alternate method for keeping the master sword if you can't super sled [Music] [Music] but thank you [Music] all right that was a cool seed [Music] a pool basically no child seed 345 45 55 all right yeah let's go look at the spoiler log thank you [Music] elbow okay fine [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here's the spoiler log all right uh first thing I want to see where hover boots are [Music] gorilla training ground eye statue chests that's so annoying that was the one check in GTG that I couldn't do I well I could technically have done it with an annoying qpa but essentially I didn't want to do it and then by the time I got Bo it wasn't worth going back um what else do I need to check okay a hammer put a chain rounds near scarecrow chest what that's also or wait is that no that one I just okay that one I just that's a simple check I can't leave it for okay that the hammer one I just missed completely I okay in my defense I was preoccupied okay so like the way that I route GTG I usually do the statue room and then the room to the side with the chest and so I was thinking okay I go into the statue room I see that I can't do the statue so my brain says okay turn around I can't do the statue so I can't do my normal route and I just forgot that oh wait I can actually still get the chest over there but it's not that big of a deal um I don't think it would have actually saved it because I found mirror Shield relatively soon after that anyway he's in the drawer Bart wait is the door barred I forgot if the door's barred and Mass wait is it [Music] is the doorbard I don't remember my my master quest and vanilla knowledge are conflicting with each other and now I don't remember yeah iron boots in the shadow stealth room that was a hint I got early on uh all right was I dumb or was I smart it is Bart okay so yeah never mind okay so yeah I couldn't do it unless I got Bo unless I came back with bow or I did the qpa but the qpa is so dumb [Music] I think the research online range tours okay is there anything else uh uh I never got a slingshot where was either of the slingshots water temple mq GS triple wall torch and huh is there only one slingshot well there's only one I thought there should be two huh I'm confused no scares scares should remove one slingshot bag I shouldn't remove two of them there's normally three it should make it it should bring it down to two and not bring it down to one because Bo yeah there's two bows why are there two bows but one slingshot yeah this is a Dev Branch so maybe it's a bug I don't know okay anyway I think uh this is the fennel branch anyway I think uh I'm done for now so thanks for watching guys I'll see you later bye bye no unamas goodbye forever until next time
Channel: ZFG Vods
Views: 28,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, chatreplay, cr:auto
Id: OzfIgIat5pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 244min 3sec (14643 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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