Ocarina of Time No Logic Randomizer - March 13th 2023

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foreign hi everyone [Music] foreign hey guys I know I actually didn't end up pving yesterday but uh my PV before that was still pretty good so I just submitted that I do think uh I think I did all right on this task things the reset trained in thinks it's a Bongo hey everyone [Music] [Music] foreign no I didn't get a 42 my PV is still 4301 slightly mad next three said Jim Midge I think so he said milk stash scrub bartering settings sometimes your consumables instead of rupees uh that sounds a bit overly complicated [Music] not that I absolutely couldn't work but does seem like a bit of a stretch but maybe things research send Jude foreign yeah I'll play the PC version again soon yes soon copium I gotta clean out my wad folder again thanks for giving two subs in Bongo uh no so yeah I am I am going to let myself just RBA anything at least for now to experiment except for medallions uh because actually so I've been thinking um so the reason for this is I was thinking with the adult tradequest RBA I was rethinking about or not without a doctor with the adult trade quest randomization with a new setting for it where each item is separate instead of one single chain I was thinking that um it made me re-evaluate RBA and I was thinking part of the reason why OT randomizer is interesting in the first place is a lot of items can get multiple different uses and RBA is kind of just another use for the trade items and a lot of them well some of them are pretty powerful I think the only one that's obviously two op is broken Goron sword for medallions and the other ones even if they're strong they aren't necessarily Randall breaking like someone just gave me interesting Alternatives like for example if I get kajiro I could RBA kajiro for a quiver and then I don't have to get bow so then for example if I'm late game and I'm in Bow mode I could find one of the bows or I could find kajiro and kajiro would be a legitimate alternative to finish the game and so um I think RBA is gonna just allow me more options without being too broken oh there are some that might be strong like odd potion for Stones might be strong but then also for stuff like rbaing for Stones uh RBA deletes some stuff and in normal speed runs you could work around RBA deleting stuff by just routing around it you could just route the stuff that deletes after you or behave a thing but in randomizer I can't really do that so when I RBA something that could potentially delete stuff I'm actually gonna have to think about am I okay with what I'm deleting and if I'm not okay with what I'm deleting is it just not worth it to do that RBA so so I want to experiment with this it could be more broken than I think and this could be a bad idea but I think it's at least worth experimenting with I think it's the resub win then she stole the van thanks for getting five Subs Jody makes the reserve Joe bangler oh yeah let's uh start a Gamba [Music] foreign bomb track and defend crater perfect will probably show up a lot because that's that's like the DC slash cave music yeah they added the VC crash item it's great I think there'll be seven not spiders and yeah also also I mentioned or I didn't mention it but it's on the in the text on the screen I also added silver rupees so for the silver rupees um they also added a thing called Silver rupee pouches where uh it looks like a wallet so when you get the silver rupee pouch it gives you all five silver rupees for that room so if you remember the last few times I've done silver rupees uh I almost never completed a single rupee room because getting all five silver rupees for a single room is almost impossible um so so this way there's still gonna be five still rupees randomized in there's still gonna be five checks in a room where they normally would be silver rupees but I'll pick up a silver beat pouch which gives me all five rupees for a given room and again also they look like wallets so if you see a like a wallet but it looks kind of silver that's not a wallet that's a silver rupee pouch thanks for giving a sub yo yo you've got five on it yeah and that means fired trial has a use I actually practice firetrail earlier [Music] lately no the tuna color Crush still isn't fully fixed I think should we submit the mage thanks the resub core the purple tunic is my default until the weird shot tunic color crash is completely fixed because right now they have a semi-fix that doesn't actually fix it all the time and uh yeah I'm not gonna risk weird shot crashing just for tunic colors yeah I always play the GameCube controller I think you're gifting five Subs Leroy thanks for giving another sub Bongo by Bruno on the menu yeah I got my Bruto all right he's gamble almost over okay yeah as soon as gamba's over I'll start get your last minute predictions in first chess will be a blue ruby would you would you put points on it I mean I'm never gonna put blue rupee on the Gamba click click imagine you you bet that first check is a blue rupee and it's light arrows or something completely okay canvas pretty much over let's get started go to Fortress interesting start come on iron boots iron boots [Music] nice yeah good new fanfare foreign [Music] pouches do not count for wallets they just have a similar model but they obviously do not count for wallets otherwise there would be 19 minutes which is not not fair security sword pick one sword take one sword and iron boots good first two checks okay there's 14 I thought there was 16 is it 14 or 16 silver two rooms I could have sworn I counted 16 but it might be dumb foreign [Music] yeah toilet room is at least gonna have more use now and also I can just peek toilet room like I can just weird shot see what's down there okay [Music] hello hard pieces are back hard pieces never left unless you're thinking of heart containers hard containers are out of the item pool now but hard pieces are always there [Music] or worth an attempt at least foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that Boss music is uh Mega Man 9 uh Wiley stage one I think for Mega 9. okay Deku has a boss [Music] now I'll get thrown out ah groupie shouldn't have been bothered grabbing it hello Okay cool so they find Royal tomb that's frozen [Music] is it faster to run through here with iron beats probably not no this one is definitely faster [Music] thank you okay go on City Hammer junk uh I can go to fishing I should actually be fishing after this wait no I shouldn't uh let's do now nice nice indecisiveness [Music] okay I think Theresa have enough Dallas goat Things We Said Fox Tony [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I don't know if that was worth anything [Music] foreign [Music] Q I don't think I can do anything yet [Music] all right job mq is kind of annoying okay so for a long time I've always been neglecting getting the gossip Stones here but the gossip's done hints here but I think I should probably stop and actually get them now [Music] okay DC it's shadow today yeah I'll probably get the DMC Bumble World gossip too those are the ones I always skipped because they always feel just so out of the way but I feel like I should probably get them now [Music] laughs [Music] what is it over which we're yes this one I hate how short their draw differences okay go gauntlets chest is junk [Music] I think you're giving stuff with the chaos [Music] I often I see it for crba being useful I think it'll be useful frequently uh it's more a matter of how often do I see being broken I think there's considering there's 10 there's like 10 trade items and like five of them have reasonably useful RBA mechanics and then also there's uh Forest or uh not force um fire ice and light arrows can be rb8 for Boss Keys also for Boss keys for uh fire water and spear Temple so those could also be useful [Music] uh Ole Miss test6 looks interesting it's gonna be a lot of skullful routing that's going to be the main thing but I think it'll be interesting to route I think it'll be so fire Jax come on oh my God I hate we can't back up over there [Music] okay [Music] tastic sounds painful okay so the thing about task six so I think a lot of people look at test six and think oh my God 2 000 on archery that's gonna be so bad there's a way you can cheese 2000 on our tree so it's not that bad at all I want to avoid doing it just because I'll be cool if I do but it might be worth it anyway although it does also have adult fishing which sucks on its own [Music] bug model 240 still repeat pouch okay uh buy it do I want to buy a stick yeah [Music] okay wait um [Music] I think I don't really need that so Ruby pouch I'm pretty sure that's kind of a junk pouch [Music] the size shortcut is uh it's the room the room in Shadow where you have to collect the silver rupees with the spinning Scythe going around which unlocks a gate blocking a chest which is why I don't think I'll need it because you can weird shot past that okay curious sword is in water temple that's fantastic [Music] I mean I do have iron boots well I need two keys to get there actually well two keys or a big hover which I don't want to do [Music] townhouse junk Phantom again cannot do fan again right now [Music] foreign [Music] Ty thanks for the reset Hollow fashion [Music] I actually want full nuts [Music] yeah so I took off I took off the randomization sounds for bow slingshot and or no no I left bow and slingshot on it's um hook shot hook shot bombs and bomb shoes I took off the randomization noise but it is still for slingshot and bow foreign graveyard was magic [Music] there's a good chance I can get early magic the seed uh probably not making it to cack before night which kind of sucks okay toilet room toilet room main item is junk I won't need toilet room Silvers [Music] uh you can sort of randomized links of voice there's a few different options but there's it's not many it's like I think there's like the regular option of feminine option and then like a deep Place option I think so like there's not many options right now but you can at least sort of change it change it highlighting The Shield that's good [Music] it might be the Dark Link option yeah [Music] silver rupees over there I hate this jump shut up thank you are you serious ly like trial okay that's useless no that wasn't a Hint it was um it said I I got all the silver rupees for the light trial room in gannon's Castle no that's the new silver rupees thing yeah it does add rubies I just had a full wallet but it does give me the full 25 rupees RBA is a glitch where you get a bottle in B and it modifies parts of your inventory based on your C right item for a long time most people consider it to just be banned in no logic Rando because it gives you free unrandomized items but I was thinking more about it and I think it might not be as broken as I thought so I want to experiment with allowing it and see how it goes we don't need that or in the job is mq [Music] okay none of those none of those are good stands for reverse bottle Adventure which of course is self-explanatory why it's named that right [Music] [Music] sometimes the angle gets messed up here and I don't know how [Music] everything [Music] missed it [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] that's not an actual bomb the inventory uh uh what it is is there's just a glitch in the vanilla game where if you become adult without having a slingshot bag it puts hover boots in uh the quiver slot if you don't have a slingshot bag or quiver it puts hoverbis there as adult it's not actually anything for Rando they changed something so that it ends up appearing as bombs instead of hover boots in Rando but it still doesn't actually mean anything it's just a visual glitch so just ignore it [Music] have iron boots so I might be able to check a few extra things here I don't I don't know if I should actually [Music] well that hook shot actually a lot of my iron boots checks I still can't do [Music] oh my God I hate this sometimes [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I think I'm just gonna do two checks and then leave foreign there is no daylight savings time but everyone around me does Daylight Savings Time so nothing changed for me but because stuff probably changed for you you might think I started streaming early today or something but I didn't or late I don't know which one is it oh [Music] foreign okay so I got a hint that magic is in graveyard so I don't know for sure if it's a doll graveyard but might find magic soon [Music] okay Shadow has hook shot [Music] when we [Music] what what three two [Music] tanks [Music] what [Music] here's magic a nice early magic seed [Music] those are always nice to have thanks are we sub saving Liam oh is Magic on the game but I think I forgot to put medic on Gamba all right well people who would not have voted magic you're lucky today thank you yeah still scarce items I can't do anything here actually wait I might be able to uh it works the way I want uh because I can if I do this does this work no did that no uh [Music] okay now I can't do anything come on uh that might be knowing if fire is Master Quest or not is kind of useful if nothing's in here I'll get it I'll approach yourself oh this is actually loaded kind of uh [Music] saw 200 against Castle key [Music] model 40. okay so everything too expensive very expensive all right I guess I'll go get the map okay it is Master Quest boo that's super nice actually that lets me do the equip swap that I wanted wanted to do um so let me go back to The Grotto now Actually I don't even need to do a clip swap now I can just use the bow because the bow goes to the web oh wait no because I can burn the webs and get the hint and that way I won't miss the Bow hand like in that last trendo [Applause] [Music] okay cool how useful [Music] cool huh sure save time [Music] a lullaby [Music] [Music] shadow vanilla [Music] thank you [Music] nothing oh I didn't mark bow [Music] [Music] s thank you [Music] [Music] thank you already got that some streamers got their name changed to three letters I mean I tried asking them years ago and they said no I mean I guess I can try again is this like a new thing or like more recently people are getting their name changed [Music] uh okay frog 330. [Music] uh okay xqc getting a name change is not giving me that much hope for me [Music] [Music] thank you I mean I guess I can try asking again silver rupees okay so that opens up toilet room uh yeah those are the new silver rupee pouches so now silver rupees and dungeons are randomized and um the actual silver rupees themselves come in pouches where I get all five Rupees at once um where do I want to go uh do I want to save warp you know what I kind of want to wait until night and check night stuff here it's almost night time anyway kind of like earrings yeah like keyrings but for silver rupees I was thinking I might not want a silver rupee pouches and just have the normal silver rupees themselves but the last few times I've done silver reviews I never even complete a single silver review room because there's just so many like the odds of getting all five silver rupees for a single room are just so low even after like six plus hours [Music] it's also rupees in uh pouches there's no random option yet if there was a random option I'd probably at least experiment with it oh yeah I can do uh I can do a fan of Ganon now but I don't know if I want to because then I will it'll be daytime I probably won't do Phantom gaming just yet oh really I think I'll check up to Minuet and then save work probably I could go back down zores river and check the skeletalers foreign I think what I should do is check this stuff save Trek's River skulls if they're junk resets check through the Fortress skulls and grew to Valley skulls compass yeah I can do like a little save scumming Overworld nighttime skulls check run [Music] oh I messed up no I didn't okay diving instruments claim check okay [Music] thank you [Music] all right shrink the defined creator thank you uh did I check the no I completely forgot to check the four stage Grotto entrance when I was killing the skull I said yeah I need to go back and check that I just got like tunnel vision down the skull [Music] I play on Wii no skulls are all junk the seed foreign [Music] I have played chaos Edition a very long time ago and I thought it was really bad I mean it might have been like a really early bad version so I don't know but I don't really have any interest in trying it again I can't get that right now I'll just mark it down as something to come back for laughs okay hey thanks I set almost every sound effect randomized that I can uh I did a few seeds ago where I did actually have every single sound effect randomized but uh bombs bomb choose and hook shot in particular were kind of annoying to have randomized because they threw off a lot of my cues so I have those not randomized but other than those three um I have every sound effect that I can randomized hmm no I definitely turned hey no the allowing RBA is not for just for chews for shadow bow save in fact I don't even need RBA for that I can actually do it with either just a fully stacked 50 Choose Or if I have bombs then it lowers the explosive requirement a lot tank s can't see where am I actually really learn how to just back walk through here I I know how to Hess through here and if I can't Hess then I'm lost Giants knife pathetic oh giant snipe or ice trap check it I literally can't even check it even if I wanted to get it I couldn't get it but I already have bigoron swords so I know it's Giant's knife [Applause] thank you lots of arrows the seed value okay that's kind of good is that a key up there I couldn't see yeah key on the rock spirit is KD I can't even do KD right now uh okay so one of the zores found in dungeons is a boss okay I actually wanted to be nighttimes if I'm just gonna reset yeah it's a reset without saving because I didn't actually get anything good I just got some information um [Music] so now I just want to get thrown out deck of Shield I kind of want that but I can't get it okay no you can't hook shot items unless they're from a gold skull tour but like if it's like if it's a replacement for a gold sculpture token you can hook shot it if it's replacement for like say a heart piece no okay so I'm actually gonna go to Zora's domain but to do that I need to raise the water oh I technically don't need to there's technically a way to do it without it but it's kind of dumb and I don't know the setup [Music] okay I can shoot the sun oh no I well I'm too late now I don't know how I just forgot that oh [Music] thanks I can I could have shot the uh the gold skulls on the tree too [Music] yeah you can change the water level it's a rando specific thing that's not in vanilla it's not like you forgot something what am I doing you didn't forget something from vanilla it's just a random thing check out and Rando is just after you beat morpha um hitting that gossip Stone will change the water level [Music] [Music] um yeah you still have to be more fun for it because it's still at the lower level normally and then when you beat more of a it goes to the higher level and then if you want to lower it you have to if you're on a lower again after that you have to hit those down uh that's not even worth it [Music] thank you it's daytime so I can't get the Skulltula [Music] hey hey silver rupees [Music] unblocked room in spirit Temple okay that's good or well it's okay it doesn't really give me an item but is that a skull token or other than not look like a skull but I think it's a skull it's a skull [Music] if this trick doesn't work what's the most likely thing you're doing wrong most likely are you doing it when kings aura's moved because you have to be in a different spot whether or not Kings or is moved so my guess is that you're probably doing the setup for Kingsborough not being moved while he is moved in which case you just have to be like a little bit farther back and towards the right basically you need to make the camera pan a little bit farther if he's already moved deck of Shield nice oh you [Music] hey [Music] oh it actually has a silver rupee counter nice all right so this room s like this are gonna be start being loaded because of having silver rupees randomized Peg one place I'll get that comes in a sec I should have just checked this would be useless compass uh can I do anything else I think no yeah I don't even have a key I can't do that room not explosives I'm out of here so that means that jabu must be a boss but I can't check job it right now unless I do Tech tight pegaflip which I don't want to do [Music] yeah that's FD familiar figure on his trunk [Music] I think sorry 17 minutes makes resemble tour streams no I haven't gotten Talon Overworld too yet still looking for that [Music] I already checked Kings aura [Music] okay I think I'm just going to child now [Music] right [Music] right can I get the Wes that I never get oh my God I got it and I got the slow speed I think it's at least faster than back walking speed but this is not the speed I want [Music] yeah slowest makes me sad it just looks so pathetic the common man says thank you okay so I don't need that don't need that bomb Baggins River that's good or wait that might be bad hey where was that Fortress or belly okay Fortress storm Squad is bad [Music] okay girls uh Fortress storm is bad um jabu Shadows that's an mq dropper room and then Bomb Bag in 0-0 so that could be Bomb Bag on frogs which would not be fantastic now I do have a few zores River checks uh to do as child so it could be okay [Music] oh I have deck of Shield up s ET you enjoy my streams thank you pot friend [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] uh so that means that it must be carpet guy right yeah carpet guy must be bomb the walks lucky then [Music] [Music] okay so this this storm's Grotto is [Music] yeah the reason it sounds weird is because it's supposed to be melon singing it and the way it works for melanching is it only uses like a few instruments for it [Music] uh I afghanist balski on a dungeon Rewards [Music] your favorite item guys I already have an extra piece [Music] oh loaded [Music] option 420 light o270 [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right so this is looking like an expensive seed so I really want a uh would really like a Giants wallet [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God the upside down note indicates it's a warp song so there's different models for warp songs and regular songs [Music] thank you when you heard summertime test six is already out [Music] yeah I'm playing with game controller I always play this with game view controller uh there's gonna be 10 OMS tasks total nine okay there's gonna be nine and then and then uh choose the kingdom is Gonna Come Out And No One's Gonna Do 10. uh uh where am I going uh I can't do anything graveyard palm of the world was water temple okay I'm gonna go to come on oh I should have got rupees [Music] there was something worrying today what [Music] was all Japanese players using Rosalina so we just went from Waluigi to Rosalina [Music] I think so Leela I'm probably gonna try to do both OMS and replaying uh breath of wild but I might I don't know I might end up neglecting one or the other I'm not sure [Music] no I don't want to wait for a night just for skulls because it takes so long to wait for night I wanna I can and I can at least do other things while I'm while I'm waiting for time a day to pass it'd be a complete waste of time to just only wait until night there thank you [Music] I still don't have any way to play ocarina foreign [Music] Ocarina well that would make the seat annoying but probably still doable well depends on doable depending on circumstances but probably annoying at least I've done adult fishing not child fishing [Music] okay probably check this and then save four check my save work location [Music] I do want to do my second playthrough on Second Wind although so I was looking at Second Wind updates what their recent updates are because I wanna hopefully like catch the latest update or whatever uh what do I even do can't do much here I saw that they said they were gonna release an update in December and then they still haven't released whatever update they said they were gonna release in December so I'm like is there gonna be an update before tears of the Kingdom because I'd like to wait on the next big update but [Music] I don't know where it is so right when my there's nothing else we can do here [Music] all right sword check what am I doing I'm stupid [Music] [Music] but yeah I'm hoping they can at least get out one last big update before tears of the Kingdom Spirit key foreign [Music] [Music] collecting could be interesting and some of the mini games have like interesting things associated with them like uh I mean I think 2000 on archery is cool but then there's also a cheese for it but even the cheese is kind of neat it's at least kind of unique um Cowan house I mean count house I guess isn't the most interesting thing in the world but it is kind of unique to do I I'm glad that uh a running man is in because I like the Running Man race so I mean I guess it's a little bit uh I mean it's definitely less interesting than the previous tests but I think it can still be interesting I think Danny just said I think 40 was just to balance it because like 30 is a bit too easy and more than that is kind of long before it just seemed like a good middle ground that's my main goal my main goal I'm honestly I might play more for the bonus points in task six then for the main thing I really at the very least I really want to get the best running man time yeah the skull slow routing will probably be pretty diverse so it'll be interesting to see people's routing for that especially testing it because testing it is going to be a lot also so I have a lot of stuff to test is there usually unique interesting ways of doing them uh it varies from task to task some tasks have had some very interesting and unique strats and some have been kind of basic Ally um like previous tasks task five I think was my favorite so far where you had to complete one adult dungeon and one child dungeon 100 percent and I ended up doing Fire temple as child which I thought was really fun [Music] okay so I know a bomb bag is here so I'm gonna hope that I can uh find the Bomb Bag [Music] laughs come on [Music] uh well task Five results aren't out for another week so I don't know what everyone else well I don't know what most other people did most people are keeping a stuff Secret so no way to know what most people did until a week from now another at least some some people did some interesting stuff I know a Japanese Runner tkc did uh Forest Temple as child which is really neat because forces child requires a lot of weird tricks I'm it's kind of slow but seemed neat uh uh please Coco don't run in the water that's a nice trap I can't I have to get it [Music] and the Coco's gone you see at least down here okay please at least make it into domain before daytime [Music] you don't like the the PO laugh for the cuckoo sounds I think it's great oh I like the test so far I like tasks four and five and three was okay I wasn't the biggest fan of two and well I was I was a fan of what I did for task two but the kind of Base idea for test two it wasn't a big fan of and same with test one past three I like I didn't like test three at first but I kind of started to appreciate it at the end [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wait did I get the chest [Music] yes okay yeah yeah I was a map right I think there's a water temple map uh let me get this first so I know I know Joby must be a boss [Music] hook shot hand is Shadow Temple which I haven't found or no I have found Shadow but I can't do anything in Shadow yet Bongo I can do Pongo yeah it'll be a bit weird but I can do it [Music] Oh I thought they were doing the clapping if I could stop bow it acts like slingshot um but it still uses slingshot seeds yeah yeah it acts like slingshot and use slingshot seeds so if I don't have actual slingshot nothing interesting is gonna happen the only the only reason to equip swab bow right now would be like if holding the bow would be something good for some reason like if I want to do a weird clip [Applause] [Applause] I have a fire key right I think I didn't mark a fire key earlier yeah two water one okay [Music] emeralds I get Ocarina of Time check this early that's interesting wait do I have a scale no I don't have a scale [Music] um Where'd I want to go I guess like highly uh yeah [Music] come on uh the RPA changes just because I thought about it more and I started to realize I don't think RDA is actually that broken plus I think it's interesting with the new adult trade RBA stuff or not adult trade randomization where each trade item is its individual item and not in a chain so because in the chain it kind of implies that if you get one trade item then you can start doing like a ton of RCA all at once whereas now it's just like associated with one specific item so I just think uh RBA might be more I I one I don't think RBA is as broken as I thought in the first place but also that it's more of an item each item or a few items at least get more unique uses rather than like one item giving you a bunch of different uses yeah so uh there's a new they have a new mechanic with for the adult trade item where you can actually have everyone in your inventory and you stroll through them with the d-pad so like if I have if I have kajiro and I have eye drops in the inventory I can hover over the adult trade slot and I can swap back and forth with the d-pad come here [Music] [Music] Shadow key [Music] yeah so each trade item is an individual check now so like for example if I get odd mushroom I will get a random item from the lady in the potion shop and that's its own specific check now uh I guess just wait for night yeah I'll wait for night for uh the skulls here do this first oh come on [Music] dude super swim s good low Health sound wow that's annoying I don't know no please let's go I can't get the ferry okay um where do I want to go next I'm running out of places to go I don't have a lot of stuff to do I don't have a lot of stuff to work with oh I guess I'll get a Ocarina of Time check by taking owl oh now I do need to do Knight cat skulls but now it's early daytime uh I guess I can do Gerudo Valley can I even think about Valley I can't do anything there I reckon do one check there Sparky yeah I did the lake Grotto [Music] uh uh yeah I guess Corrido Valley foreign [Music] awards are child Rewards well I guess it's three three out of nine plus two out of nine plus one out of nine or no however you do it it's just no three out of nine then two out of eight then one out of seven do the math on that someone it's probably not that low it's probably like moderately low but not that low okay so this is the only check I can really do because I already got the waterfall can't do soil skull cool uh I guess save Warp I guess save warp and just Camp outside Keck 1.2 percent sounds about right [Music] uh do I want to yeah [Music] sucks that I don't have an Ocarina yet or any way to play a song [Music] you know I didn't shoot the sun I when I go back to adult I'll do the first thing and not first thing but when it's convenient there are still four bottles and scarce items [Music] he's just vibing [Music] yes foreign oh come on I don't want to waste my stick slingshot that's nice a weapon thank you a web uh a weapon decides stick [Music] oh do I want to just save work yeah or wait let me yeah yeah Coco was minuet I already got it foreign [Music] review was just my free starting one how do you reset on VC you press the reset button on the Wii you see long ago consoles used to have a reset button on them description that's nice I can actually do Phantom again do I want to do Phantom again it'll become daytime I should check one line where do I want to go I think Walmart is a good check right now [Music] oh yeah slingshot Target I forgot forgot that's a thing [Music] foreign X um okay this is the last skull I can really check here please please the boy train silver rupees cool can't get them gotta write that down uh what do I want to do do I want to go adult uh if I'm fast I might be able to check Garuda Valley skulltola well they're probably not I doubt it there's no way I'm just gonna go adult [Music] no I don't have an Ocarina in shop I have two bottles in shop but there's no Ocarina shop his bottle even marks I don't have a bottle [Music] Gaslight yeah definitely trying to guess like me again yeah I love how the first seed I allow RBA I just can't get a bottle now [Music] uh can I equip swap I cannot no bunny hood for me [Music] I'm just gonna make a night time and then save warp I think or do I want to say work right now uh yes [Music] okay so now I'm going to garlic hylia check the Sun go to kingzora give them prescription I guess I can go back to GTG well I can only get like one extra check in GTG it's gonna kind of suck no one waiting what's up rupee foreign can't see let's go [Music] okay I want to go to actually if I go to Zora's domain I should wait for night time I don't want to wait for night time but it's so long yeah skulls are junk I should wait for night time because a skull I haven't gotten there yet but that's such a long wait uh I don't have anything else to do right now [Music] Cavern is GTG okay I think I am gonna wait I'll hide in my little house box they can't get me from here just try [Music] okay yeah I guess I can do Keck archery but I want to cross the map twice maybe I should no it's probably gonna be night time by the time I get there [Music] [Music] yeah I can I can shoot from here these walls are one-sided so [Music] [Music] I'm pretty sure that only didn't hit because of draw distance [Music] okay I can probably go now [Music] [Music] right here [Music] thank you uh look over here this will be awkward please yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Quest anymore it's just you need to turn in a claim check for begoron sword but now it's just every point in the trade Quest is its own individual check but it also means that there are one of every item in the trade quest in the item pool so like I can find odd potion I can find odd mushroom I can find posture so I can find claim check I can find everyone and how exactly do you expect me to get that rupee chart so I think this is the only other extra item I can get right now cool foreign [Music] yeah GTG the only one I have is um a lava room which I can't even get to yet okay so I think I'm gonna try to get to CAC hopefully I can get to cack before night time or before daytime [Music] I don't need to check anything on my way down so I think I can make it foreign thank you yeah I have a bunch of drops enabled I just haven't found bonches yet if yeah cause you're up before training and prescription uh you can scroll through the items in in your inventory now so you get uh so you don't lose any trade items you get every single one so like for example no no is the only one I have but like you can just hover over the item in your inventory and you can scroll through them with keypad no frog doesn't or I don't think frog starts the timer I'm pretty sure all the timers are disabled what I need to go back to water temple and just well actually I do have more water temple keys right the watch humble is actually probably a good play right now [Music] sorry this song thank you [Music] what sucks is I have a lullaby and I can't even use it in water temple because I don't have an Ocarina uh is this a good idea I have to save scum okay I'm only gonna be able to check I'm only going to check the skeletal in here and I couldn't even get it if it is good Ruby [Music] uh the game quality looks so good because one I haven't I haven't a Wii that can output HDMI and also I'm using an upscaler I'm using a m classic upscaler upscale with the 1080p thank you [Music] thank you so cheating I'm cheating at quality sure I stupid I have to do the hard way to do this [Music] yeah it's an internal HDMI mode it's called weed duel I can actually output both HDMI and analog at the same time uh and that means I can actually play on a CRT like I'm playing on a CRT right now about the HDMI input is going to my capture card which is really nice so you guys get good quality I get no lag thank you I need to kill this guy [Music] I hate this trick do I see a stream throws on another monitor yeah I have my OBS window open next to me so I can't look at it but it's like barely in the corner of my eye so I'm not really seeing it like I can see it if I intentionally look at it but it's not like uh something I primarily see [Music] how do you drop inside the ledge it's called a ledge clip where you uh if you target a wall on the frame you grab a ledge then Link's body faces towards the wall that you targeted um but because of how he grabs a wedge [Music] uh that can make him like clip inside the wedge [Music] come on that's not what I meant [Music] I'm bad at this [Music] thanks foreign actually I got a hint for this one didn't I this is I'm pretty sure this is junk it's working on every ledge it actually only works on Ledges uh where you're facing where the wall is to your right yeah it only works if the wall is to your right and it also only works as adult there are technically edge cases where those things don't always apply where you sometimes can do it on your left and sometimes can do as child but they're uh you have to have very specific circumstances um I think I leave what sucks is Shadow is DC and DC would be pretty good right now actually would it could I even do anything in DC I don't think I could actually as child I could with the quip swap um I guess I go to fire temple I guess I have to do paw jump to fire hey hey [Music] keep your prescription uh no I mean I mean I need to equip swap stick and I can't equip swap stick right now Shadow Temple's in there but I can't do anything in Shadow I can't get across the gap honey [Laughter] hey [Music] listen ing [Music] [Music] okay first try [Music] hey hey yeah the pie pushes you gives you a little bit of an extra boost to your jump ice covering uh not the greatest but I don't have much of a choice right now wait a second I have iron boots [Music] no well it should still work just slower [Music] thanks reset the Packel [Music] YouTube [Music] come on foreign [Music] [Music] Compass I think I can't do anything in this direction uh yeah [Music] if only qpa actually I want to test something real quick so qba shouldn't work on breaking ice or with uh Red Ice but there's a chance they could have changed something because the way it was implemented was kind of weird I'm just trying to test real quick wow okay nevermind yeah this sea is rough so far yeah if only I had blue fires that'd be really helpful right now oh this is a silver Ruby Room any of the silver rupees good oh key ring deep side out uh that could be good it might stay warp set themes fight out [Music] thank you [Music] I have something to work with that's good at least [Music] [Music] okay so this is going to be annoying [Music] actually wait can I even do this no so now [Music] I forgot if they lose their ice okay uh no I can't damage boost into this okay I have to give up on this thing I was gonna have the keys damage boost me into the ice oh my God but they will just freeze me instead [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right wiggle wiggle that's not what I meant [Music] oh attack me from this side okay [Music] laughs [Music] there's something [Music] foreign [Music] nothing else here yep okay leave here [Music] so I got everything except for one chest in Ice Cavern I hope that chest isn't anything good because that is going to be a very annoying chest to come back for okay I'm gonna have to save warp out here I guess I can go check Fortress now [Music] look like mirror uh you might have seen a heart piece there definitely was no mirror Shield there but yeah I got strength there I also know there's another strength in DMC right yeah there's another strength in DMC but probably either a check I can't get or check his child which I now can get after getting one strength oh it's not going to be easy also means I can do Kingdom go which is a spirit Temple which probably is going to be yeah it's probably good to go do KD after this then okay okay I shouldn't have done that well the thing about DC is that it's at a shadow entrance which my only way to get Shadow engines right now would be pover which I would prefer not to do but I might get trapped in a corner yeah bomb Dragon DM or uh DMC and thieves Hideout use the same music track so any randomized track is going to go over both of them same with like grottos and Deku Tree use the same track and also DC used the same track as DMC and thieves side out what happened well there is an option for it to have uh just have to open one door but it's also it also makes it so there's only one check uh only only one guard to free so yeah this way I have it I have to free the wall and because also I have random key rings on which means I don't know if it's going to be a key ring or a small key and if they are small keys I want to make sure I have to free each individual one I mean it would be nice if like somehow akiring specifically meant I could just free a single one but it'd be weird to implement I think the raid Southern Kenny just resubbed had the Bud um what am I okay I want to go to Spirit I think I can't yeah I'm pretty sure I can't do this at daytime in case I'll try oh never mind I'm stupid I can yeah I use bow there instead of CF because of Navi how does anti-graph work uh it's hard to exactly explain but basically if you are pushing up against a slanted ceiling um and depending on the slope of the ceiling I can like just have links stick to the ceiling like uh it's trying to how do I describe it I don't know how to describe but yeah you're essentially sticking to the ceiling if uh essentially setting your y velocity to zero it's like resetting your y velocity constantly which gives you gives it the look of sticking to the ceiling if you're going up against a downward slope ceiling you can also do it with horizontal ceilings it but it'll only do a temporary anti-grav it'll just reset your uh y velocity once like you probably see it a lot if I just jump against a wall that has a ceiling below it you'll probably see that sometimes I'll stop falling as fast for a short time that's also how the uh how the boat skip worked for that boat skip hover I did where I just temporarily like just uh for one instant it resets your y velocity but resetting your y velocity drastically slows how much you fall how fast you fall [Music] I already got the chest earlier it was a compass for something that doesn't matter I forgot yeah and if I have to I can go back wait have I gotten the Requiem Check Yes I did okay nevermind oh I can go beat fans again and now I need to go do that what oh I'm going oh I just realized I'm kind of dumb I can do jabu mq now as child uh it's in water temple which is a bit out of the way but I have slingshot so that's good so I should probably do that I think I should go check gannon's Castle [Music] I can check against castle entrance now actually I should probably go beat Phantom again and um [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] a lot of people haven't seen that before huh [Music] that's a it's a very old glitch it's just swimming on land all you do is you just Target while swimming and then use iron boots and then take them off when you swim up to the land and then you're just swimming on land [Music] yeah it's a very Boomer trick [Music] uh wait can I I have my ingredients what am I doing thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you okay so I think now I'm gonna go back to child or I'm gonna check Anna's castle entrance and then go back to child as child I can do a lot of stuff in Goran City with strength and I can do uh jabu which is a water temple although I'm gonna have to clip in which is going to be annoying it's not that bad [Music] it's reset filter [Music] hook shot is in Shadow Temple and I currently have I know where Shadow is and I currently have no way to get past the first cab I need either bombs or hook shot or hover boots in order to do anything in Shadow go on that [Applause] [Music] hey no I haven't found gannon's Castle yet so again this Castle is either Forest Temple or it's down a dungeon chain [Music] uh bomb trees have three there's three uh laundry checks or three bomb shoes in the item pool Spirit medallion uh yeah for crowd stabbing bosses forced unlocking them some bosses you just unlock just by uh timing Crouch Dabs at the right time not all bosses can be stun locked though and there are some that require like a special condition like Phantom Ganon to do a true sunlock you also have to shoot a projectile item at the right time but for example like Goma Ganondorf Bongo those to do a stun lock you just have to time your hits correctly there's hook shot cool uh so Prelude is hook shot rare time Prelude is good I still think I'm gonna go to uh jabu right now [Music] because I think I can do a lot there but now I can also yeah demo time not foolish actually what kind of sucks is that I could have beat faint again earlier but I intentionally put it off because of time of day routing issues uh uh but I guess this means it would have been better to do it earlier but at the same time I had no way of knowing it would have been forced Medallion I didn't have a Compass Group wait did I have a compass okay I didn't know it was fourth million okay well it's still I still like never really consider oh no I'm not going to make this [Music] so hard [Music] I'm trying to clip first [Music] [Music] that didn't work there we go all right so I know DMC has strength upgrade so hopefully one of these is strength yeah it sucks that I still can't play Sorry a song [Music] water key [Music] actually I should probably grab more sticks oh oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I think that's too late yeah or I guess it was early [Music] I'm not gonna go for Rolling Goron I'm only going to do the pot and then I'm gonna test the rock maze oh my God [Music] vanilla nope I did not mean to jump down uh yes yeah I guess I should have got the other stick but whatever okay so I know uh the hammer chest is junk so I only need to check these ones which is convenient because I have no way out of here foreign Central pillars junk [Music] actually it said Centerfield chest right yeah okay [Music] [Music] I don't have a scale right no yes go slow token Milestones are also checks but I already know that they're all junk in this seed where am I going [Music] foreign [Music] so right now I'm trying to go to water temple and I have serenade but I can't play Serenade because I don't have an Ocarina and I want to go into Zora's domain to go to water temp to go to the Kylie and he get into zoro's domain I have lullaby but I can't play a lullaby to get past the waterfall so I have to go all the way down those River to get the cocoa to fly past the waterfall to get in desserts domain and then that's a clip from stores to Maine to Lake kylia because I don't have an Ocarina yeah or no bottle I have bunny Hood why am I using bunny Hood for any chance I make it into 4J time probably not no [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 's got something decent I can do quite a lot of checks with uh slingshot [Music] jabu town foreign thanks to raid Megan I think there's a Mystic miles [Music] [Music] no [Music] to do enemy lock on isg you have to Target uh you have to Target and press C up on the same frame uh at the end of your crosstab it's like with the same timing as you would press a otherwise it's just a z and C up at the same time nice got the double we're on tunic that's something I guess so I know that room over there is junk which is good because that room's super annoying [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you dude [Music] I was trying to save sticks I ended up wasting four sticks okay I think I can't do anything else here let me double check I forgot what this room over here is I think this is a tentacle that I can't do anything with [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] uh then I think I say we're about [Music] I think serious laughs [Music] okay I think just go back to adult now [Music] thank you [Music] okay so I think I think DC is probably where I should go first DC being at Shadow entrance all right go on tunic good color attack ing it [Music] [Music] thank you what am I even trying to farm full on everything thank you I got a qpa I don't know if I can keep you here actually here let me just do it over here [Music] probably gonna have to keep qpa for like the entire dungeon thank you I already found that why is the entrance always lag uh probably just a lot of the the when the walls like that break they break into a lot of particles and that probably that plus it has to show the entire room at the beginning probably just a lot is he still after me okay [Music] okay man I'm Gonna Save warp right before the best part sorry it's okay you'll probably hear it again PC's long [Music] [Music] Hammer thank you that is extremely good foreign ly the seed's getting somewhere thanks for Jimmy said Bongo it's not as simple as just need explosive mirror Shield Boomerang it's uh it can be complicated depending on exactly well for one I don't know where gannon's Castle is I don't know where um either vivagia or I don't remember is um so I still only have fine bosses I'll I know I'll need at least one of mirror Shield of boomerang no matter what but exactly what else I'll need uh it's kind of up in the air depending on a lot of factors I couldn't end up needing some keys I couldn't end up needing like uh kind of needing something crazy for light arrows yeah and boss Keys too although boss keys I at least know are in their own dungeon see here's the best part [Music] why is it so hard to hook shirt that was not faster [Music] right [Music] hey hey oh that's that's a good one that's uh the rim GTG that leads to Silver block that's a really important one [Music] so I have a lot more open in GTG now [Music] okay yeah that's something new that's something I just added the silver rupee pouches okay so I'm not gonna be able to get to the end of DC I mean technically I can but I don't actually know the setup for it uh I'll give it one yellow shirt how does this work it's like there's no way I got this at least I have Hammer now I have something no this isn't the longest I've gone without so I've gone much longer Unfortunately okay hey hey seconds [Music] [Music] okay I want to talk about his shadow I might go to Shadow next I need to double check what my hints are uh I think I should actually okay I'm actually gonna check uh uh zores River so I still have a hint that zores River has a bomb bag and I guess I can check some like uh hyrofoil Gras in the way so I still have a hint that George River has a bomb bag and at this point it's most likely either the Song of Storms Grotto or frogs but there's one thing that it still could be oh yeah I didn't get the Frida Grotto and Keck there's one other Grotto it could still be that I just need Hammer to open camera or explosives so because it could give me a bomb bag because it's so high value I think it's worth going out of the way for yo I'll go back to the retail Grotto hold on [Music] but yeah hopefully hopefully I can get Bomb Bag in stores River yeah all the skulls are junk and also I get the key I skipped earlier [Music] that's more important right now bomber bottle probably bomb yeah I think Vaughn's more important right now what's actually most important right now is wallet though because I need two wallets to buy light arrows and uh nothing really matters uh item wise if I can't buy lighters [Music] hey hey hey foreign I guess that at least opens up light trial oh come on [Music] that's true actually wait should I or no never mind I was thinking of going to uh GTG but I can't get I still can't play lullaby oh my God okay I know this was a compass I should actually get this because it could be a useful compass foreign [Music] [Music] it's actually called a weird clip it's basically the same as a weird shot except you don't let go of Z if you don't let go of Z then uh link ends up clipping through what's in front of you palm tree bag okay shoes finally explosives thank you [Music] foreign our shoes are bombs better uh it really depends on the circumstance they are both very good but and both have their own unique things uh in vanilla I'd say chews are a bit better in Rando I'd say bombs are a bit better oh my convenient or can I uh [Music] I don't think it's worth a weird shot actually I think I'm just gonna two cycle intentionally I could just use choose to one cycle the budget but it's gonna be I don't want to waste all my shoes so I think I'm actually going to just two cycle foreign [Music] [Music] yeah I checked the second fourth Middle School I checked that a long time ago [Music] didn't realize you could shoot bubbaggio yeah it's that that used to be before we knew about the like way to cheese lavaja using the underground hitbox in the air was actually the main way to beat GFS there was there was a really old Route where uh you entered with Roger's room with like 40 seconds or so [Music] and you had to get a two-cyclable vaja by shooting like I think it was at least four arrows in the air three or four arrows in the air and if you didn't get it your run was dead and you die that was fun but watch it was like the ultimate run killer actually it's not that ice girls do double damageable watch you I said let's do double damage in general they do four damage while the other arrows all do too all right uh against boss key is set to um [Music] uh eight dungeon rewards so I need one more uh yeah I might as well kill Ed but also I don't even know where Guinness Castle is yet again this Castle I know now must be behind the dungeon thank you oh I know for rosewind is here [Music] [Music] kick [Music] tick tick Boomerang and froze wind in the same thing that is super good and then this one's Forest Wind [Music] very nice [Music] okay I think I okay I need to go check here pastel no Ocarina now you tell me fire arrows okay so here's the cool thing about RBA is that uh the magic arrows can actually RBA boss keys so fire arrow actually rbas the fire Temple boss key now I don't have a bottle ready so I don't know if I'll be able to use that but if I do end up doing RBA um I now have the option of rving the Fireballs key that's where I want to go Silvers [Music] I did get a hint about the strength being in here so I was expecting I was hoping either that for the squatto up here yeah if it wasn't either of those two it would have been the fairy fountain which would have been bad well not awful I guess [Music] [Music] Michael [Music] come on come on dude forgot this one's done okay Frog's bed gorilla Valley foolish wish I had Sun song Guru Valley has been my only foolish hint so far [Music] uh how many Shadow keys do I have one [Music] uh I think it's worth it uh can't really do that much in Shadow I think I'm just gonna check dead hand up the dead hands okay [Music] I probably want to go back to DC yeah I definitely want to go back to DC go be DC [Music] I just realized why did I not go to the end of jabu as child when I was there that's done I definitely should have done that [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh wait I know why I couldn't well okay I technically could get to the end but it would have been super annoying that's why but now I can definitely do it [Music] uh well actually RBA hasn't affected anything at all yet because I still haven't even gotten a bottle of course the first time I allow rbas the longest it's taken me to find a bottle uh silver rupees are interesting I've a few I've uh there's a lot of checks in silver Ruby rooms now and I've gotten a few things in silver rooms now which is cool and I like the silver pouches [Music] how much is the cheaper bottle I think they were both over 200. um yeah one bottle is 480. the other bottle was 240 yeah so both over 200. [Music] anything there's a map [Music] that's not helpful [Music] please [Music] right [Music] okay I guess I'll I'll do a short safe scum here [Music] I don't have her boots don't try that [Music] thank you don't pause champ nothing interesting is happening there [Music] yeah I have CL but I just don't have a way to play it imagine I'm forced to do both skid because I don't have an Ocarina or a bottle and not because I don't have a lullaby refers wind thank you [Applause] this this chest is for some reason good surprisingly often all right Sun song is worth keeping [Music] if only I could actually play the song [Music] yeah GTG I'll go to probably next after DC thanks hey I'm the well entrance was water temple which now that I have hook shot and iron boots I can actually do a lot more with water temple uh so actually I might do it before I I might do it after DC actually tanks [Music] thank you [Music] the weep sound is the item pickup sound so like when I pick up the arrows there streamer went five minutes without talking one no it was not five minutes ago talking and two sometimes there's nothing to say sometimes I'm just playing the game [Music] actually I should be going up [Music] or no I shouldn't never mind I want to go down first [Music] okay I shouldn't need this but just in case [Music] what am I doing [Music] that was a regular side hub [Music] [Music] ble awesome [Music] [Music] sorry first met I already know that's a bus sorry people watch you there the DECA tree map deck your map and Deku [Music] I shouldn't have done this [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] man yeah nothing much in Deku so far [Music] oh we got okay Gans Castle we have a real Dungeon chain three dungeon chain there well it's not that long it's been a machine I guess okay so gannon's Castle is interesting because with a with silver rupees randomized ganna's Castle has a massive number of checks so ganna's Castle has a significant chance to be loaded there's one [Music] relax [Music] so like for example this room here used to have no purpose and now there's silver rupees here uh okay fire trial okay I don't think fire travel Solutions matter but cool uh what's the one behind the bmos I can't see Ruby okay the rest of these are junk I forgot water travel doesn't have groupies and vanilla right yeah it's Spirit light fire forest okay in Master Quest there are silver rupees in water trial which is getting me confused [Music] yeah you can get the fire Trail uh go gaunt block without gold gaunts in fact I practiced it earlier just for this so luckily I already know the gold guns um chest here is junk so I need to go check it although if I did have to I have fire arrows it would have been easy all right uh so Ruby's over there [Music] foreign completed and I also got the silver rupees for opening toilet room so it's good [Music] uh I actually don't have reason to do this without checking what it is first I actually could have just done the CF thing to check what it is okay well for the fans [Music] afraid it's one or two ESS terms I hope this works okay it's one [Music] bottle thank you actually that's really clutch because wait no it's not clutch uh so I was gonna say it's good because I can now play lullaby in the Next Room over for the chest there except I can because I need to go get something to put the bottle put inside the bottle to do oi I guess I'll set foreign here we're back Drew I guess I could use a fairy uh that's gonna be weird but that should work speaking of which I actually haven't gotten the scrubs yet [Music] no because your doesn't override eye drops uh you actually keep each one in your inventory and you can scroll through them with the d-pad [Music] [Music] wait no this isn't gonna work unless I have gold gauntlets because in order to clip back in I need to put away my bottle take it so yeah I'm just gonna have to use Frozen I can despawn the block but can I despawn the block without putting away the bottle okay I think this will work actually let me try toilet room is the swirling water room in Guru training grounds hey hey everybody [Music] [Music] as long as I never put bottle away this should work okay the Block's gone okay that is a convoluted way to set up oi or wait I hope this will still spawn there's a chance this might not spawn [Music] okay and there's also five more silver rupees behind that door so two gannon's Castle Keys actually matters now uh here since I don't need for rosewind anymore I'll just work back to uh get rid of the extra loaded stuff hard [Music] oh yeah [Music] all right uh cool gannon's castle yeah I think Janice Castle is a lot more fun with uh with that going on [Music] okay so DC leads to Deku these two against Castle foreign [Music] boss key with uh uh I'd rather be a fireball ski with fire arrows so if I find fire temple I can get to the enemy pretty quickly uh I did get kajiro right kajiro can RBA aquifer in a Bomb Bag problem is I can't a Bomb Bag wouldn't do any good if I can't equip bombs and I don't need a quiver since I already have arrows so kajiro is kind of useless to me uh let me double check which trade items they have so I I have okay so you have eye drops kajiro prescription I already did so I have so I can do eye drops and kajiro okay wait wait wait oh I need to get bugs uh here let me just get them from this rock I already did the Zeal grave [Music] thank you now the blue cargo doesn't wake anyone up it's uh you're thinking of a child trade item the child trade item is what wakes Talon up but I mean technically you wake up challenge with the adult cocoa too but it doesn't actually do anything that just unlocks being able to trade for kajiro kajiro you only uh give to the guy in Lost Woods for another item oh yeah I can do Windmill guy I forgot I'll do this I'll do it after this all right so I don't need a safe scum at all in water now I already checked the skull here so I can just go straight I'm not really sure what's faster between District Two I think in this case it probably would have been fastest to go to Windmill first and then use chew uh but I feel like if you're not going to win no uh that clip's probably good enough it's probably like around the same time either way I don't think one is significantly faster than the other [Music] [Music] OMS task results are out a week after the task ends so it'll be Sunday is when uh Task 5 results are out [Music] [Music] thank you okay that doesn't really matter [Music] yeah remember those that's not an actual wallet that's just he is the wallet model but that's just uh silver reviews [Music] the iron boost noise being randomized is so funny don't don't [Music] okay [Music] okay so this is kakiri's sword [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah the new um sound effects randomization is a new setting they added a few different options now for like iron boot sounds they also added an option for like bow hook shot um bombs I turned off bombs in hookshot though because it was messing with me oh [Music] I don't really need to do this too I oh well not a big deal actually it might be faster [Music] let's go [Music] yeah this is fennel branch [Music] 3000 eurobaskets yeah I haven't been able to do um many dungeons just because I was very under equipped for a long time I just go down here yeah being under equipped for a long time kind of held me off from doing dungeons but um now I can finally do stuff so I should get water boss key very soon I also still haven't found uh spirit or fire game on next BK no uh Gambon BK wouldn't make any sense because boss case can only be in their own dungeons in my settings so like I know water boss keys in the water temple so it'd be kind of pointless to gamble on that [Music] thank you no I don't think uh because no dungeons is too easy in fact I think the opposite is true because what tended to happen when I have the boss keys outside of dungeons is that most of the time I'm more likely to find boss keys outside of dungeons than inside dungeons and so I ended up just skipping most of dungeons so by doing this it actually forces me to do dungeons [Music] [Music] speaking of zabowski [Music] also a reminder that I still need two wallets in order to buy light arrows to beat the game and I still have zero wallets yeah most sphere zero checks are outside of dungeons I think there's really only a small handful of secure zero that's inside dungeons [Music] oh [Music] uh I can just weird shut I think [Music] Shadow key it's good so that means I can beat shadow now well I can beat shadow if I find the boss key well actually okay that doesn't guarantee that can be shadow because I might need a key to get the boss key and then I don't have another key to actually get to Bongo [Music] uh you can't there's no way to buy RBA light arrows if you mean like is there a way to use RBA to get lighters into your inventory that doesn't exist you can't just use RBA to get light arrows now you can do RBA with light arrows on C right and what that does is it gives you the spirit Temple boss key which could be useful yeah uh wait I already knew that this chest is junk right yeah Water Center chest is junk I don't need this uh [Music] oh wait so is that all [Music] is that all of water I think it is I feel like I'm forgetting something no or wait I don't know I think I'm good yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] uh yeah that's one method of RBA or one type of RBA where I modify um item amount like the more common RBA you'll see is like for example I'll modify my bomb 2 count uh by catching with PO on C right or something like that we can also use it to get uh different items in your inventory like for example um I can use I can RBA kajiro to get a bomb bag and a quiver but I already I already have a quiver and bomb bagging useless without bombs uh and I also like I can do um like Lighthouse fires and Ice arrows get me uh fire water and uh spirit boss Keys oh my God [Music] but the the items that get me like unique stuff is mostly uh adult trade items and those magic arrows [Music] marinade uh I cannot equip swap right now [Music] but child can do this this is a good reason this is a good excuse to go child actually because then I can both be marinade and I can go check the end of jabu foreign [Music] thank you I still need to check all the Hyrule Field grottos I'll check this one right now oh I can also do big po although bitco is going to be kind of annoying lots of dumb my bugs I can get them easily as child I want to do that [Music] skull mask has the other slingshot beans [Music] I have never played Splatoon no what happened nothing [Music] [Music] hey what happened okay so it looks like the seed is probably going to end up being a wallet search which is a bit annoying [Music] what's in the shops light arrows light arrows costs 270 rupees which means I need two wallets for it [Music] yeah wallet mode that's a that's a unique one foreign [Music] [Music] for what items I have right now the only meaningful thing I could RDA right now is uh fire Temple boss key using fire arrows although I don't even know where fire temple is yet so it's not really that important although I guess I should I probably should RBA it regardless like uh it's not like there's any downside to rving it so maybe I should just do it the first time first opportunity I can get [Music] how's RBA discovered uh by messing with the stealing the fishing rod glitch because it's the only fishing rod glitch was a very old uh like one of the first glitches discovered in oat classic and then uh by messing with it a little you can get Deku sticks on B and then with having Deku sticks on Beacon turn Deku sticks into a bottle because there is also this old well-known um method of where do I want to go serenade there's this old well-known method of um duping doing Bottle duping uh over Deca sticks over a bunch of different items but one of them being Deca sticks so it's like okay if you steal the rod and then you can steal a rod and turn into decade sticks and you can turn Deca sticks into a bottle what happens if you get a bottle on your B button and then weird things happened uh yeah this way [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yet [Music] I haven't found bomb of the well fire temple [Music] Forest Temple and twin Rover go in spear Temple oh a spirit I could do Spirit hover for although Spirit hover is annoying without hover boots but well actually I have beans now so mold beans don't really help Spirit over that much actually without hoverboards but I've choose now at least so I could I could realistically do Spirit however shoot and hook shot [Music] yeah qpa can kill these tentacles wait do I need to kill these there's no items I don't get any items from them I'm stupid [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign yeah it's a good slingshot sound effect [Music] Fire temple [Music] [Music] [Music] uh actually can I I guess I can save some the bottom here [Music] yeah I am I am recently experienced with this so well this is mq fire is a bit different than vanilla fire but still no you are not allowed to do OMS tests in mq oh right you do need to beat them I thought you could just get them [Music] poor guy can't even hit me all right [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] movie [Music] [Music] actually did I get anything did I get any important items can I just reset I think I didn't right yeah I can just reset yeah I want to keep my uh I want to keep my keys [Music] I know two ways she it's what what it actually is is damage isg where you are shielding damage and if you uh you're shielding damage and if you see up while feeling damaged you can do isg [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] all right so this will give me fire Temple boss key [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I think getting this chest is going to be too annoying as child I think I'm just going to skip this chest let's check the bus door I guess I can at least save Turner over can't do it yeah Mark fire BK also does anyone remember if I got a fire map before yeah I did get fire map before never mind I was gonna check if um RBA because I also get the fire map from that RBA and I wanted to double check if the fire map RBA also told me the dungeon whether it's vanilla or mq okay so because I might want to come back here as adult and I can't equip swap right now I'm actually gonna go back and beat the tentacles so that um the weight of the boss is open is adult [Music] yeah RBA permanently gives you the enemy RBA although so it's not really that good to say it gives you an item because the way RBA works is it's just modifying your inventory to a certain state and what that means it can also delete items like for example uh poacher saw modifies some of your songs and it can give you songs like lullaby or Nocturne which seem really good but it can also delete stuff like saria's song and Sun song and so it's not very good to say it'll just give you lullaby because it will set well by your inventory but it could also delete songs if you are not careful and so some items you have to be very careful with how you RBA because it doesn't matter uh what you have before it just will set your inventory set certain parts of your inventory to an exact state I'm allowing myself to RBA anything except broken Goron sword which is uh the one that rba's medallions only because are being the medallions is just gonna be a way to it because it gives you four medallions which is insane um [Music] and it also there's also not much uh like Risk um management with it because on the storms that's really good so like how I mentioned with poacher saw um you have to be careful with uh how you use it because you can delete stuff but with broken Goron sword it can delete Minuet and bolero and light and light medallion but those are things that for the most part aren't going to matter I mean let me know any kind of but not really so uh so that's why specifically I don't allow that because I think that's just two op uh for now I'm not allowing ba but but maybe I kind of feel like ba might be too powerful because I can just be eight lighters um oh I might as well plant beans [Music] oh and I need to get a circle song [Music] okay I'll keep these settings I'm at least gonna leave these settings on for a little bit to experiment with so I'm not gonna take it off immediately yeah so now I know where I'm pretty sure I know where the remaining bosses are so jabu leads to fire [Music] the trouble is to fire leads to twinarova baronade was water boss so I need to go to bomb the will and I can also Spirit hover into Spirit Temple [Music] yeah this is still scarce lighting pool I am scarce item pool is going to be permanent I'm pretty sure [Music] I already got the bug or wait did I get the bug skulls no I didn't I forgot I haven't been here with bugs before [Music] I should have gone back for it no bottles doesn't uh bottles are not affected by scarce light and pool um I wanted to and you go around the world but I also need to check some grottos oh yeah I didn't mark storms yeah hold on nice nice [Applause] [Music] oh I can do most of frogs now oh I should be able to get my uh Bomb Bag then [Music] let's run our guy [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] come on I'm essentially in wallet mode I technically still need to be marinade in order to get in Bosque but I'm not really in a rush for Ganon boski because I don't need the light Arrow hints I know where light arrows are and I need two wallets so uh not really in a rush to get ganbowski immediately I didn't check was that Spirit Temple something okay I think that's spiritual Moving Wall room probably oh sunshine you can only RBA adult's wallet so yeah going back to RBA if I get um pocket Coco can I get pocket Coco I can RBA one wallet so that can help me so I'm actually kind of looking for four items I can find three wallets or pocket caca will all help me although if I find pocket Coco after I find the first walleye then it doesn't matter [Music] the bugs is for doing a glitch to play ocarina without having Ocarina like this [Music] thank you [Music] weird egg is the child one pocket egg is the adult one the one that rbas [Music] um uh that RBA is the wall wallet [Music] [Music] please I already got this right [Music] [Music] [Music] damn hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Rogan sword that that's the one item I'm not letting myself RBA because that is op although in this case it actually would not even help [Music] foreign sure I've now narrowed it down that bomb bag must be on frogs now it could be on opponent's song but there's a pretty good chance I should get bomb back here [Music] [Music] can you get me not trying to relax I know because it would set my medallions to be having actually yeah it would get me Lex okay there's Bomb Bag it would give me lacks it if I were to RBA Broken Ground sword I would it would set my medallions to be uh Forest water Shadow Spirit that means I would lose fire Medallion and light medallion uh sorry this final frogs is junk doesn't mean anything about the other frogs [Music] you've got to be kidding me insane Frog's reporting both bomb bags back to back [Music] [Music] I think oh I am doing I'm doing ESS and then pressing bottle one for uh ESS press bottle and then press another item so in that case I'm pressing I'm holding ESS press bottle and then immediately after press uh boomerang there are two bomb bags with scarce items so having them back to back on frogs is kind of insane foreign [Music] [Music] not Progressive [Music] what are the actual odds of that uh there's like roughly 500 checks probably so one out of 500 ish and then one out of 499-ish well I mean technically I mean it depends on are you talking about [Music] checks I've already checked or like the base randomization if you want to exclude the checks I've already checked because technically the odds get higher as I go through the seed as checks are eliminated [Music] up but yeah point is it's slow but then you could also say it may be low but like are you looking at the odds of any two items being back to back like that or specifically bondag [Music] I don't have a scale but I do have bombs [Music] [Music] dude come on I just wanna Navi dive now I should have just played minuet honestly I'll just play minuet out of here [Music] yeah I don't have scale [Music] or a sage [Music] storms was in jabu wmq uh back room skulltola lots of OI nope still no wallet [Music] I'm on the wallet Quest right now [Music] I am dumb oh yeah I keep I keep not getting the soil skulls because I feel like I've gotten them already because it's so late but I forgot I didn't get a bond before I didn't get a bottle for four hours [Music] while it can be impossible but uh currently I would say it's unlikely I know there's no wallets in shops at least which is probably the most likely thing that would lock a wallet um I have lullaby I have most of the songs the only the one that I think the thing that's most likely to lock wallet right now if it is locked or if multiple of them are locked would be uh oppona song [Music] thank you all six water keys uh yeah I know carpet guy is a bomb of the world key so not super important because I already have a bomb as well key that I didn't mark yeah I'll do sorry after this [Music] yeah I haven't found bombed a lot yet uh I might be able to narrow down where Obama the well is hold on I think it might have to be at the end of the spirit uh let me see or it could be at the end of Shadow I think so the end of dungeon entrances that I don't know yet I don't know what's at the end of Shadow I don't know it's in the end of spirit uh those are the only two yeah so one of end of Shadow end of spirit has bombed the world don't know which one and then the other one must have what's the last boss I haven't beaten or I haven't found uh foreign [Music] wait I feel like I found every boss what am I missing no I found Twin River twin Rover is at the end of fire temple yeah I haven't found Spirit oh yeah that makes sense so oh then Shadow okay so Shadow must lead to Spirit then and then Spirit must lead to uh yeah so Shadow must lead to Spirit and spirit must lead to bomb the will yeah I'm done that should have been obvious I forgot I did I did this [Music] did I forget to do Skull Kid oh my God I'll do rolling garan and then do it wait did I do the soil skull near the bridge yeah I'll do um I'm gonna come back with Journey's dance it's just that I'm gonna after that I'm Gonna Leave the so I might as well do this first this one did I do this soil patch okay that's why okay that's why I forgot Skull Kid because I was going to combine it with this to save a bug catch foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God oh yeah foreign [Music] thank you [Music] yeah I did see a space jump first in primary Master it was pretty cool although it looks really hard is that a single key I was so convinced this whole time that Forest must have a key ring considering I didn't have a single key for it after so long that is shocking [Music] thank you all right yeah I did get that [Music] foreign [Music] frog but not eye drops oh actually that reminds me I should plant magic bean well it's probably not worth it at this point but I'll do it anyway but magic bean actually saves a good amount of time but probably not when I have to go back for it but it will [Music] I have not submitted anything to gdq this time uh [Music] where am I going [Music] everybody didn't ban me I banned Myself by choosing not to submit [Music] oh my God where are the wallets [Music] no I did not forget Rooney [Music] you forgot to watch Germania [Music] thank you did I lose I did lose maybe I'm pretty sure I've heard if all the wallets are behind cows that would be insane technically not impossible but I wouldn't count on it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] no there's no need to have him objects for the log I still have plenty of stuff to check [Music] it's still a very low odds that this is impossible long one had silver rupees which I went back for oh thank you [Music] light arrows are a nice trap if it was a nice trap it would be misspelled and it'd be very obvious [Music] we [Music] so this will get me again in boss key [Music] yeah the slow turns annoying because it's it's based on your direction uh facing rudo when the cutscene starts normally I intentionally like try to line up link as perfectly with Ruto as possible to minimize the turn time but in Rando because of the turnaround from The Medallion you get the slow turn which I guess means that I should try to make link face the opposite direction [Music] to get the fast turn [Music] uh I guess I could RBA for Lex now I mean I said that I didn't want to I wasn't going to RBA medallions oh I don't know maybe I should make an exception I think for now I won't do it but that is I guess that is something I could think of because I was originally thinking there's no like real strategic use for it besides just hungabunga I want medallions now give me give me uh easy medallions but maybe there was some strategic use to it can't see [Music] I'll just take bombs yeah um I still need to go to Gerudo Valley I guess I can do the rest of hyrofoil viratos thanks for giving us that links broken ankles the lighthouse can be vanilla yeah although I already know where light Rose is I already know it's in a shop my goal right now is finding wallets so I can go buy it right now saving Hyrule is capitalism locked thanks every sub K-pop I need two wallets to buy because it costs 270 rupees so I need giant swallow it [Music] pocket egg okay so actually that's really good [Music] uh because that lets me RBA a wallet so it's halfway there actually wait I need to double think about if this is good or not because also I guess I should probably do it before all right just in case I'm Gonna Save right before I get this in case this is a wallet that'd be really dumb [Music] okay so I think egg rbas I think it does strength and it does strength and wallet and scale but I already have wait I think it deletes my scale well I mean building scale isn't that big of a deal I guess uh so I guess I guess I do it [Music] here let me double check what I have first in case I noticed something bad [Music] [Music] okay so there's the wallet [Music] it does delete my quiver or no it's at least my slingshot bag uh yeah so I deleted my scale I think strength I think I should have gold gaunts now does this still be a missing shot bag okay uh I don't need slingshot right uh what it might be good to do is save scum here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to find where the first wallet is I'm going to reset after that and then I'm going to RBA and then go back and get the wallet a second time [Music] [Music] I don't think it's lame at all I think it's an extra layer of strategic value because that's why I mean I originally thought that RBA was going to be dumb for Rando but after thinking about it more I think it actually does add extra strategy to it especially with the new um trade item rules because now it's not a matter of like for example for this I think it's interesting where it's not a matter of just I need to find wallets it's I could find wallets or cuckold RBA and if I do want to RBA the Coco I might have to give up something for example it just deleted slingshot bag so I need to make sacrifices and I think or so I may need to make any sacrifices so I think it uh adds an extra I think it adds an interesting layer to it [Music] I think some reset aircraft [Music] not just wanting a mega baby seed yes I definitely am not intentionally trying to create Mega baby seeds you know like this seed which was totally a mega baby seed you know like how I keep adding new settings to my Rando to make it harder and harder adding more checks adding more potential for dumb things to happen yeah dude really really just trying to make easy baby seeds [Music] [Music] uh soil skull GV is junk I don't need to be here uh do I just go adult then I think I might be done with Childs [Music] I think so yeah [Music] uh Technology Forest stage one of the four stage I should [Music] soil skull what did I just say gruda Valley is is junk I shouldn't have gone to Europe Valley in the first place you for Gore oh yeah skull mask is slingshot actually you know what that's a good thing because I actually want to test uh I want to see what happens when I get slingshot when I delete slingshot bag so actually this is a good opportunity to so I guess I will I'll redo the RBA and just uh see what happens uh [Music] yeah so I'll kill slingshot again I don't know [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] strength is gone but it's actually a glitch strength upgrade that acts like gold gauntlets oh yeah my my Wii outputs uh HDMI and analog at the same time the HDMI is native [Music] yeah so there's no analog to digital conversion so I have an analog uh signal going to a CRT and Native HDMI going to my capture card on my slingshot no I still have slingshot I just don't know the slingshot bag but I have the item so it is not proper to unmark slingshot overpower solving it requires getting a kit and installing the kit I assume it's with soldering uh but I just you can just uh send it to someone to install it for you [Music] okay so I just want to double check so [Music] okay so this should give me slingshot so I'm curious how this Acts the newest HDMI mod I mean well so this is my mod that I'm using is Wii dual which is actually out of production now and it's actually kind of old it's from a few years ago um okay so is that does that act as the first slingshot okay yeah X is okay [Music] um so I know there's I know there's something that's supposed to come out soon called we digital which is supposedly gonna be like a better version of we duel but I haven't heard anything about it recently so I think right now there actually isn't a good HDMI mod Solution that's actually in stock [Music] oh yeah I guess Mark uh well and I guess technically Mark gold gauntlets because it did uh glitch me gold gauntlets or an equivalent to Gold gauntlets Square Temple Boulder rim [Music] actually I'm curious how The Gauntlet colors work because uh this RBA gives you glitch Gauntlet colors in vanilla and so I wonder with the randomized colors I wonder how it works it might just be the same colors oh there is a new one okay never mind uh check what Dr Lilo just posted in chat if you want an HDMI we kit I guess [Music] thank you oh I never checked storms got a castle or wait no wasn't that bad uh no it was no it's not okay I do need to check Storm's got out here what's missing is a wallet I need a wallet to buy light arrows Spirit required the seed nothing directly requires spirit yet but there could be a wallet in spirit [Music] but right now all I'm looking for is a wallet [Music] oh actually I can buy some stuff I think with just this base wallet uh I got my poachers uh I won't do anything RBA wise but um well I mean it does do good things RBA wise but it mainly gives me a lullaby but I already have lullaby um okay that's pretty much the only meaningful thing is uh kosher saw but I probably should get that anyway [Music] before but it told me that earlier [Music] [Music] salt Master thanks for 1500 bits cool thanks oh actually if you're saying today is your birthday uh if you read something in chat that said today is my birthday today is not my birthday actually dad likes to say that but if today is your birthday then happy birthday [Music] thank you um where am I going probably fire temple run the fire shadow um I might want to go to Spirit access fear is probably good because I can go backwards to the end of shadow I like that actually uh oh you know what this saves a key and Shadow also [Music] oh actually wait no not yet first I want to do a few overall checks I know I can get Pokemon and I can do a few um trade item things Taco kajiro yeah okay oh I should have done broken Goron sword when I was in kaka's child I think that one was junk yeah Greta Fortress storms is junk go to Valley storms though might be good [Music] okay is that regular black omelets yeah it is or wait is it that might be it looks dark blue can't tell foreign Valley foolish yeah okay winner okay yeah there's blue gauntlets oh yeah blue gauntlets are also regular with silver gauntlets if silver gauntlets is what you had before the RBA okay uh by the saw oh wait uh do I need to wake Talon huh [Music] uh The Medallion pedestal at Temple time doesn't tell me medallions I have maps and Compasses give information and so compasses tell me about medallions oh yeah I still haven't done window guy [Music] [Music] thank you thanks every sub half an hour [Music] carpet guy is 200 so I could buy Kirby guy but I know carpet guy is from the wild key which I don't really need right now look at it uh [Music] I need rupees I hope this works the way I want it to I might be bad here [Music] no it would have worked but I missed [Music] yeah I can do medical run though I do need to check that [Music] [Music] [Music] this was too expensive yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yeah the green red potions are colored the same color as your hearts and Magic which is cool [Music] I actually should have done this Grotto a while ago shocker [Music] need a wallet for go mode need a wallet to buy light arrows shopkeeper won't let me save my rule unless I pay hmm hmm [Music] [Music] you can't RBA Lighthouse into your inventory you can have light arrows on a c button uh for RBA and it gives you Spirit Temple boss key uh uh what else do I have forgot because you're inside Lost Woods and then already did prescription foreign right now I'm just allowing RBA I think uh I feel like ball Adventure is probably too much to allow because then I could be a lighter Rose oh wait I'm I'm thinking about uh yeah I'm thinking odd potion never mind okay all right also what's really nice about this setting is that it it technically still gets rid of the skull kids but as soon as you trade in the item the skull kid comes back which makes it much nicer though it doesn't feel like I'm getting punished for getting kajuru I think there should be a check for all the mask sales uh Maybe I know that they did add in mask uh a thing for like each mask to also be randomized but at least from the sound of it it sounds like it's not quite the same thing like you can find the mask randomly but I don't think it's like there's an extra check for everything yeah scam s uh where am I going now do I go to Spirit now uh I think so oh you know what maybe I should have went to steel oppona and then I can do archery oh well [Music] uh yeah so when you get roofies from that it counts as you get plus rupees first and then minus rupees after so when I had 200 rupees I got 50 rupees and then after it added the 50 rupees it subtracted 200 rupees which results in a scam oh I can finally get the chest here forgot people uh I still have plenty of checks to do it's not this is not gonna be looking sketchy for a while because I can I need one of three wallets and I still have plenty of checks to do there's no way that all three wallets are locked Grotto Grotto's junk yeah very cool oh my God dude I literally got a hint about The Grotto it's I'm not predicting it's junk buy a hunch it literally told me it's a fairy fountain [Music] the other quiver foreign there's three wallets left since the wallet I got was from RBA [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] no I'm not running out of checks yet I still have Olive spirit all of fire most of shadow oh and Forest too I forgot I haven't found Forest yet uh what am I doing I need to oh wait no I need to save in there well I need Farm bombs first actually oh actually don't even know if spirit is I'm cure vanilla no um thank you what hey what hey what hey oh what happened [Music] okay I think I can save some this uh referrals wind kissing the saves gun keys oh actually Four Keys I think is enough wow [Music] there's another bottle [Music] [Music] what can we stay Ocarina finally I don't even know how many more times I'll have to play ocarina [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I got excited for a second thinking that was a wallet [Music] I just need one wallet okay uh let's smash requests or actually it should go this way foreign [Music] I guess it depends on how exactly the progressiveness works I'm fairly sure the progressiveness works based on what wallet you have now in which case the first wallet I get should give me giant swallow it but I guess there's a chance the progressiveness works as its own way of checking how many wallets have has the player gotten which is possible but I don't think that's how it works because of how slingshot worked where when I deleted slingshot bag and I got my second slingshot from four stage it gave me the regular 30 slingshot bag so pretty sure that's not how it works but Maybe did I forget the chest why do I do that why don't I like this foreign [Music] [Music] points [Music] uh let me set for rosewind here and then go do a shortcut [Music] thank you probably don't need to do this but it might be better just in case [Music] I want to push this yeah [Music] oh [Music] wait all right hammers was in uh DC [Music] barbecue [Applause] I found a song [Music] oh and what's that it's a wallet light arrows are at Market all right finally [Music] as soon as I got opponent song it's already meaningless [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what uh no cturne is actually going to be worth it because uh that's the song that takes me to gannon's Castle [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I actually probably could have bought Nocturne first and then scanned lighters think [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign am I out of magic you know what [Music] what what the rare big fairy use probably didn't even need that I could have just got magic from like the passing gandorf's room but that was cooler there actually has been a hundo route where the big Ferry was useful not that not there but it was in Lake hylia where you had to play Sun song right near the fire right near fire Rose and Sun swung there happens to activate a big Ferry and you just happen to be low on Magic there and it just happened to be a route that had significant Magic Use thank you [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] a nice black thing nice black box [Music] yeah that's a visual glitch that happens when you do bottles sometimes some kind of Dipping a bottle just push like a big glitched black thing over the pause menu why am I not it's going to be going forward thank you [Music] what thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I got wallet in the spirit Temple [Music] no there will not be a second Rando today no not Mario Kart again Mario Kart's bad [Music] yeah no I did like the reason wave I'm just salty because I'm dead you know typical Mario Kart soul okay neat seed that was actually pretty pretty neat [Music] [Music] yeah so I definitely like the uh adult trade item stuff a lot and I think RBA at least for this was interesting [Music] got to use RB only four and a half hours in yeah all right so yeah let's check spoilog and let's see where the other wallets were and how much time wallet RDA saved [Music] incoming one of the wallets was really easy and obvious and I just missed it for some dumb reason all right here's the spoiler log all right control F wallet CAD granny trade odd mushroom okay so I didn't I didn't have odd mushrooms so there's one of them the highly of GS beam patch wait what didn't I get that oh no that was a nice trap okay never mind there's ice trap with the model of wallet that's evil Fire temple mq Elizabeth's maze side room chest okay so one was in fire one required odd mushroom and one was in spirit Okay so no it was going to take a long time no matter what oh let me see where odd mushroom was [Music] thank you [Music] the empty storms Grotto chest where is DMP storms Grotto [Music] EMT storms Grotto is hydrofield HF inside fence Grotto did I forget that I forgot that because of the sun's Grotto [Music] I mean that was still fairly late in the seed although well I mean that Grotto is still something I could have gotten early on but that's kind of dumb [Music] okay so hover boots was in GTG I was gonna go back to GTG soon after this well GTG I could have actually gone back to GTG a while ago but I just had other things that I felt were higher priority yeah RBA um pocket cocoa for wallet which again just to reiterate why I why I'm allowing RBA now so uh it used to be that like for RBA the main good things with RBA are the adult trade items and it used to be like hypothetically if I allowed RBA with the adult trade items just as the typical trade Quest if I got say pocket cuckoo then I could RB Papi Coco and get a wallet and strength and then get kajiro and get a bomb bag and quiver and then get odd potion and get song of time and three special stones and then get a poster saw and then get songs and so like it was essentially one item that led me RBA a ton of stuff super easily but now that each of the trade items are separate it's more like each trade item has a unique property that can allow me to get certain items but also may have a side effect of deleting certain items and so it's more like a it's more like unique properties of items with and also potential downside and I need to be careful how I use it and that's why I think RBA might actually be interesting with these with the these settings [Music] and at least for this seed I think it was interesting because again I think one of the cool things about Rando is when items have multiple different uses and I think allowing RBA is essentially just giving trade items a new use and now like poacher saw isn't just a check in Lost Woods it's or a check in griddle Valley it's also a potential way to get songs but also have to be careful that I don't delete songs that I might need sounds like RV could be catastrophic it definitely could be if you are not careful but I am well experienced with RBA so I should I should know what I shouldn't do uh what what other things should I check in the log I want to check dins where's dins oh that was also in oh wow the the silver block room in GTG had both dins and hover boots that single room is loaded um we mirror was in fire temple Requiem was in fire temple another wallet was in fire okay fire was kind of loaded so there's actually I feel like this is a weird Seed where I feel like there's an order I do stuff in where this is actually a really fast seed but like this the seed had potential to be a very fast seat but only if I did things in a specific order thank you yeah that's torvis bugs firewall couldn't find early if I look for fire basket not necessarily because I was at fire temple as child and I don't think I would have gotten very far I mean I I don't think I would have intentionally tried to do much of fire temple as child I would have told myself to come back later but I probably would have come back much later for fire temple as adult like I probably would have done spear Temple before I go back to fire for example and spirit is where it ended for me okay well anyway I hope that was fun thanks for watching guys I think I'm gonna go now so I'll see you later bye-bye
Channel: ZFG Vods
Views: 36,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatreplay, cr:auto, games, twitch
Id: 95HXOrmauqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 346min 49sec (20809 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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