Ocarina of Time No Logic Randomizer - March 7th 2023

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone things we said probably lurking how am I I'm doing terrible this is the worst day ever everything sucks oh wait I have to restart input viewer I forgot okay any spicy settings changes kind of uh thinks there we still have golden bat so I did finally update uh to the newest version of randomizer so there's a few things in the update um so I got my wish for uh shop sanity having more options for like uh balancing group accounts and so now I'll have it so there's a small chance that uh an item might require Tycoon wallet to buy something it won't be a huge chance because before you only had the option of if Tycoon while it was required it was going to be like a 50 chance for anything to require it but now there's a small chance that a tycoon wallet might be required and rupees should be a bit more balanced and then also all TR all adult trade items are now randomized they're all separate randomization items so that could be cool and also uh Granny's potion shop is randomized now which reminds me I need to actually remember how Granny's potion shop works I think uh uh here we go I think you have to trade in um odd potion and then you can buy blue potion right or she even say I haven't read this text in probably 20 years I think they're so cruel I know mirror shield and Highland Shield is no difference in the timing for test and super slide with different Shields but then yeah okay so I saw um by default the odd potion is the one one item that wasn't randomized so I left it on default so odd potion is not randomized I think that means I can just buy Granny's potion immediately in the settings so we'll see I don't know if you can lock yourself out I think I haven't actually checked how it works yet but I remember them talking about a system where multiple trade items can occupy the same slot and I feel like that's probably how it works if I had to take a guess but I don't know for sure yet does anyone else know if that's how it goes you can talk to them yeah okay that's what I thought does anyone know if that's also applied to child trade items like can I have egg and Bunny Hood at the same time oh nice okay scarce item pool means there's fewer of uh duplicate items so stuff like Bomb Bag uh bow there used to be like three of each now there's two of each less bomb choose makes a bit harder to find some of the more useful items I think I have child trade Shuffle launch child trade truffle should have been on from before oh no I forgot oh wait well I don't wanna okay I think I don't want a full trial trade items because then bunny hood is going to be hard to find and I want bunny Hood to be easily accessible so I have it off right now but maybe I should try that oh wait I don't have weird egg shuffled oh wait hold on I need to regenerate the seed I at least want weird egg to be shuffled uh should I just put them all on I don't want to put them all on hold on let me read how this works okay yeah I think I just put on weird egg if I just want to keep it the same as normal I look since for a lot yeah well now now I can uh look at the spoiler log free I mean I probably won't bother just because it's kind of pointless [Music] uh I will do PC Port randomizers occasionally but the main reason I don't want to do it as like my main source of randomizer is I want to I want to stay used to a vanilla oot or console OT I guess for speedrun purposes uh White I didn't need to turn off my Wii for that I want to stay um yeah for Speed Run purposes I don't want to make my main version of oot or at least the version I play frequently uh before I can in because it'll throw off a lot of uh console muscle memory Speed Run soon dude I've been doing OMS for a while and I mean OMS isn't the like most important thing but I do like I like doing it I want to not have to throw off muscle memory all the time for it and yes I do want to do speed runs thanks every subtop bird there have there has been a little bit of uh Hondo discussion recently I've only like been slightly paying attention to it but I've been seeing some people talk about it thanks we said Kenton I'm doing all right Signs of Life yeah I should probably try paying a little bit of attention to it see what's going on no I didn't submit anything for sgdq oh gotta do Gamba [Music] Eric rating prediction shut up [Music] oh yeah I updated the music pool there should be a few new tracks now hopefully [Music] this one's been in for a while though long drive bombtrack's been in [Music] vanilla music low key better I mean technically yet well I don't know it depends on the music tracks but I mean yes vanilla music is you know overall better and fits better sure but the point is more a variety of Music I've listened to I've listened to vanilla OT music for you know a few decades now [Music] uh surprisingly no dry I don't know why I it can't show up it's just never showing up yeah and custom music is funnier also there's a new fanfare that's probably gonna be really funny if it comes up I really hope it comes up [Music] [Music] uh there's a few of the Game Boy Color Zelda games songs there's uh yeah I think there's a few Oracle songs in the pool and a few things like King songs foreign [Music] there was megalovania was in the pool at one point but YouTube got angry at me so I just took it out [Music] yeah there's a few minutes cap songs too [Music] that sounds exciting Dan wait dan is it a is it um Talent Overworld too because I know that got added and I did add that to this pool if it's child no world too because we said jorus it is okay nice I'm excited I hope I get a talent world too oh there's also some new sound effects there's gonna be a lot more randomized sound effects now I think like let me see what the new sound effects are okay so uh Boomerang Pro arrow shot magic arrow shot bomb chews iron boots hook shot chain slingshot shot and bomb explosion all have randomized sounds now [Music] [Music] first time normal and I actually had to catch up the ship before Canyon Rando yeah should working and I I assume ship of Arcadian like it probably took a while to catch up but they probably can move forward a lot faster being able to work with being able to modify the base code instead of having to do hacky fixes yeah ship seems really good right now yeah this is Rooney's Joy music pack yeah it was a mass thing yeah all right as soon as Gamba is over I will get started yeah there should be a few new songs hopefully uh I'll come across and there should be like Talent Overworld too um 200 princess fishing pond there wasn't a huge number of new ones but there's a few uh oh uh Super Metroid Ridley fight I I was surprised that it took so long to get a Ridley fight track in but that's finally a Ridley fight music track oh all right Kim's over let's start [Music] a good start uh no bad start uh uh [Music] well we'll see let's uh there's a chance I could do something with this hold on hold on don't panic yet uh [Music] this is oh this is uh run this fight from Prime 3. this isn't new new but I don't think I've gotten it yet was that a while ago but just never came up [Music] uh wait I think I am screwed uh if I restart I'll keep the Gamba going because I it could be not soft locked if I come across something but I think actually no I think there's literally nothing I can even get because both the items in the shelter require something yeah this is already over I can't even go away hover no the guards don't throw you out as child unless they changed it let me go double check just in case yeah I got one check the only way I could have gotten out is if that one check was like [Music] is there even a single check that would have saved me Deku would deck sticks have saved me no [Music] I would have need to at least be able to do qpa to break the wall maybe if it was like blue fire bottle which actually would have been amazing yeah Spirit was a beginning of DC and I need I guess strength would have saved me so I needed I need at least something to get into DC and then Hope DC can give me something but [Music] I don't need to do this child whatever and yeah they don't throw me out right yeah okay regenerate the seed wow that sucks this is three seeds I had to regenerate the first seed because uh I messed up a setting so the the new seat I generated was an instant soft lock [Music] oh yeah let me give you guys a spoil the log you guys can look through it while I set up the new seed oh [Music] I'm not gonna bother looking through it so you guys just tell me the funny stuff foreign [Music] [Music] what happened I started in Colossus and there's no way out so since I since nothing happened Gamba wise I'm just going to leave the Gamba as it is so your previous Choice stays I think she said Kelly's crack don't don't talk about it uh my capture card is AVerMedia live gamer 4K oh we're starting the restaurant adult well actually I have sorts down adults said to be always open now specifically to avoid that yeah randomizer is usually are always made to be completable I'm just playing with no logic which always runs the risk of being impossible this is not the normal way to play randomizer [Music] all right this one's starting as a dull and and start with curious emeralds all right hopefully better luck this time starting in derivative 10. I think I'll go to Fortress first long as I've played before finding a random is impossible uh uh I think like five hours five hours yeah I've had like two I think I've had like two uh random randomizer seeds where I've actually had to check every single possible check and after I don't get the items I need from that then I determined it's impossible [Music] oh [Music] yeah I've seen this dungeon rewards anywhere although I don't really want to turn it on because I essentially negates the need for bosses which kind of just turns it into Triforce fun which I think it seems kind of pointless or maybe is there a setting for just your starting Medallion to be anywhere because that could be interesting I think so like you start with no Medallion and then eight of them are on Boss rewards and one of them is random that might be good and then you don't start with a free one thanks Risa perky UK close apocalypse [Music] [Music] I can't believe we're continuing to raise Nan Nan dollars Hunter foreign [Music] like that [Music] okay water key s [Music] I'll check GTG uh leave and then I'll get thrown out and I'll go back to uh go to Valley I could theoretically check uh Spirit right now but I can probably easily check it later considering my favorite position Morpho [Music] don't don't try this don't bother [Music] there are times where I think it's worth it to do hook shot with morpha but this early in a seed is not one of them oh fire has a bus even vanilla medallion trying to get a super swim am I mad no I just sometimes I like to Mash uh Target while climbing a ladder because you if you mash frame perfectly you can freeze the camera which is fun to do sometimes because you know if you notice that uh when I was climbing the camera there when I was mashing the camera was stuck in place that's what I was trying to do I think it's kind of fun like what okay sounds ungrave gives preview whenever I get that hint I always read it wrong and think it's saying like sun song is in this location what happened [Music] I don't know if I should use my last knot [Music] thank you water is a little slow but probably still faster than coming back nice oh I was supposed to get both of them uh hopefully I don't fail this [Music] oh wait this might be dead wait I forgot I can't even Crouch dab I can't even still knock him uh [Music] maybe this wasn't a good idea to do right away really all right that did not sound the way I wanted it to sound but you know what that's fine it actually might be better for time of day actually because I think it would have made it like midday and I'd probably it'd probably be night again by the time I get to Keck so I'll just leave it that okay that's supposed to be the um Price is Right losing sound it didn't quite sound as I was hoping but that's still a pretty good jet sound uh the zsr rainbow trainees are all glitchless logic which I don't really like so no I don't really bother with those if there was like a no logic tournament or something I'd definitely do it for stage [Music] uh I think you should actually had to Curie first oh come on yeah the glitches the attorneys that zsr hosts are glitches logic which was gameplay which that's how most people play Rando so it makes sense but for me it's just not quite as interesting [Music] the downside is there's not exactly that many people that frequently do no logic so the pool of players is obviously quite a bit smaller so it makes that sense that there's not really any no Lodge attorneys [Music] it's been a lot of time building logs You're Gonna Hate on it I'm not hating on the logic I think the logic is actually uh making the logic for something like this is actually pretty complicated and in-depth and I think they definitely did a good job working on a logic especially with so many settings but uh I definitely just prefer playing okay lens uh it's 220 water q160. [Music] uh yeah Myself by stick [Music] s thanks for 99 months pink lily pad almost to Hondo [Music] yeah lens is only like I really only need it for okay I only really need it for uh the chess game and even then I can kind of do the chess game without lens although there are a few places it helps a little bit in Shadow Deku is water it's mq or vanilla vanilla [Music] probably throw a deck in that before I go over here [Music] oh yes [Music] foreign [Music] come on get it there we go [Music] wallet I like [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] no radius is pretty huge foreign [Music] how big but it's definitely like uh like I don't know I don't know how to describe it it usually can feel like half a room half of a small room or something or like this room if I threw it in the middle it would hit all four from their starting positions [Music] thank you [Music] barboski two very good uh I was only gonna do two checks in water and both of them were very nice I can't really get over to the Paw store right now though so I do have to just leave but easy to come back for later later [Music] I think these settings are my favorite so far um sometimes I don't quite like how the dungeon the the one thing I'm unsure of is sometimes the dungeon chains don't work out the way I want them to and like when I end up getting no dungeon chains or like no important dungeon chains and a lot of bosses at dungeon entrances then it kind of sucks because it kind of makes the scene easy um but when the dungeon chains are good it feels I really like settings [Music] uh yeah I'm not gonna bother with sick Force metal right now I'm using the fennel Branch if you want to see the exact branch and uh version number I'm using it's all on the file select screen so just check fast luxury in the Vlog hey hey [Music] there technically is a way into a Zora's domain with my current equipment but it requires a really dumb out of bounds that I kind of just don't want to bother with so I'm not going to I'm just going to go to kayak [Music] okay that was Cowan house [Music] bed [Music] goodness I know the 800 Awards is the requirement for ganon's boss key uh the Rainbow Bridge spawns at four dungeon Rewards but I'm not able to get the Ganondorf until I get a that just lets ganon's Castle be useful in some capacity instead of essentially having either nothing or light arrows well with logic but I guess in no logic it wouldn't matter but yeah I typically have uh dungeon rewards enabling Ganon boss key rather than Rainbow Bridge oh nice they're all down instantly so it's easier to talk to them 50 is security sword wow 10 is Forest map uh Forest map is actually useful because whether or not that's vanilla or mq is pretty important Forest is one of the more important dungeons to know whether it's uh Master Quest or vanilla uh it's a relatively new setting for them to tell you give you hints about what they give not like super new it was added a few months ago uh all right so will this tell me that okay yeah all right so hook shot hand isn't I got the hook shot and then the hook shot hint so that's not gonna help do I want to do [Music] I'm trying to think if I want to do Shadow early with no Shield [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey all right hopefully it doesn't go too bad without isg did you hear that hey [Music] nope okay nope oh my God well I just have to do the extra clip Barrel Castle foolish come on oh no ten ten two three there we go in this castle of vanilla okay that's actually really good that's probably worth [Music] it against Castle vanilla has a lot of uh free checks [Music] all right [Music] hello [Music] sharing spoiler early I shared the spoiler log to an impossible seed that I got right before this I have not shared this spoilock for this seed Serenade Island Shield thank you [Music] wait did I accidentally share the log for this seed [Music] I did oh my God uh [Music] uh no one say anything oh my God cancel game okay well I like the scene so far I don't want to restart it just because I accidentally gave the log okay uh pretend you didn't read the spoiler log and don't be an idiot don't spoil stuff [Music] oh I should have done this first off [Music] had I accidentally gonna tell us well I was I was uh sharing the previous spoiler log so I probably just chose the wrong one [Music] like I think I think I generated the new seed and then I said okay I'll share the log for the impossible seed and I probably just chose the most recently generated seed thinking that it was the impossible seed but I actually had just generated the new seed right before it whatever ignore the okay no one like actually for real no one like leaked stuff about the spoiler log just pretend nothing happens [Music] delete okay you know what yeah let me here [Music] okay now it's deleted everyone go refresh and then it's deleted [Music] [Music] okay yeah yeah no more no Gamba the seed you guys can't be trusted [Music] thank you oh right I need a void I forgot [Music] thank you yeah I guess we can still gamble on VC crash that's the one that the spoiler log can't can't give away [Music] dude the randomized sound on the hook shot is actually super throwing me off I might actually like turn it off for future seeds [Music] oh I forgot I can do something here it's not gonna work yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I'm getting multiple hits on the shield [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you good low Health sounds bossy chest it's a bit too inconvenient to go grab it right now thank you [Laughter] I already got this right here [Music] it was perfect foreign [Music] [Music] hey hey okay all right oh wait this isn't perfect because I can't clip through the summertime looks so I have to just void out normally all right oh it's not that big of a deal oh yeah I guess there is a triple slash clip I don't know the setup because it comes up so rarely uh I think people on the wall first thank you [Music] nice Cavern not worth doing right now foreign [Music] [Music] 's Castle not that it matters much it only unlocks the lullaby check okay I need to see if the blue potion check is open immediately [Music] okay it's not so the the blue potion is now going to be an option when I trade in uh boomerang can I I can't equip swap that can I nope so uh blue potion check is now going to be an option when I trade in or odd mushroom [Music] oh uh sorry it's on 215 Broken Sword yeah foreign [Music] yeah nothing no nevermind and tokens is there anything else I forgot to mark I think I got everything [Music] yeah and also so for the Broken Ground sword thing uh so there's now um all adult trade items right now randomized and so uh broken corn sword now gets me like or if I understand it correctly it now gets me a single check the guy the carpenter is oh my God the carpenter in go to Valley and presumably the same guy as child in kakariko I don't know [Music] if that works the same should you I might want to intentionally check that out marinade if only I could equip swap well that's easy for child access so it doesn't really matter that much thank you yeah and I do have a very easy Broken Sword check from my save War position since it's right outside the tent nice [Music] no broken storage check is not a bigger one that's uh Airway yeah I'm for some reason I'm thinking the opposite I'm thinking getting broken sword okay yeah it is on a bigger run but I still have to go through Goron City anyway so it's not changing my route [Music] foreign [Music] foolish that's a really good hint s pickles iron boots and keyring iron beats 195. okay uh well actually I'm just gonna I won't even write it down because I can get both of them easily from killing Skull Kids now let me just do that right no not yet uh actually yes right now and we do a bit of a back and forth here [Music] goodness [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so that's let me see this will tell me your shadows mq or not Shadows vanilla [Music] and then iron boots yes [Music] the bottles if they're on the right side those are just item refills not like a new item I can actually get so like the fish on the right side that's I have to have an actual bottle in order to buy that and it just fills the bottle not a new bottle it's only the left side those are the actual brand new items thanks very sub line of strain one month from 200 nice one month from 69 [Music] . yes yeah I'll probably play uh the day the DLC comes out I'll probably play Mario Kart what day is it coming out is it what'd I say the ninth did in two days apparently tomorrow's late okay then probably the day after tomorrow I'll probably play yeah Thursday up there but I can't get it uh let's check this right now or wait uh yes check this now okay okay so this works the way I think it does this should be a completely random item and not just prescription [Music] okay scrubbing the crater junk is there a chance I make it back in the Grand City before daytime [Music] now I should have formed marubies first so I'll just do that real quick right now probably faster to do this than the Skull Kid and then get mediglon and then go to Forest Temple what hey hey now with the new setting now there's 10 trade items or 10 yeah I think there's 11 you can possibly randomize but for some reason by default odd potion wasn't one of them and so I decided to just go with default and not have a potion randomized scam but yeah so there should be 10 individual legal Traders randomized now separately [Music] crap [Music] no [Music] thank you [Music] what are those rippies called I think they just called huge rupees or at least the ones you get from a chest are called huge rupees but those are yellow instead of orange which some people might debate which if they're different rupees even though they have the same value okay Shadow has a bottle it's probably not that good of a hint but I'll write it down anyway [Music] okay [Music] that's like it's Castle foolish as usual nice Arrow chest useless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you on a frog's bed okay I know jabu is junk so I'm just gonna go straight to the boss if I can remember how to do this trick [Music] I don't know uh uh fine I'll do this [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] clip [Music] [Music] thank you yeah I'm not checking any uh I'm not checking any actual checks in joppy but I still need to go to the boss [Music] thanks to GTG this is good-ish okay hey actually I don't think I can check very much of GTG here fourth try ASG and losing iot immediately [Music] Force key come on all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] can't check this room stuff I have to just go over here dude [Music] thanks everyone live Jokers thanks we said Norm uh Wii UVC I don't believe there's ever at least I've never seen a recorded Wii UBC crash now there could also just be from a low sample size but at least I don't think it's documented I can't do anything else just save Warp [Music] [Music] Ed yeah for a while mm 90 was fastest on Wii uh before it was before uh SRM but after they found song of soaring they found like song of soaring uh some crazy RNG not RNG some crazy memory manip with song assuring that they could use to warp to the end it was fastest for like a year I want to say yeah the texture overflow thing as long as soaring so I want to say for about a year Wii U is faster and then SRM came around yeah Wii UVC for anyone who hasn't played Wii UVC it is pretty much the objectively worst version of oot it has the most input lag uh the input lag was potentially worse than switch's input lag at launch [Music] um switch Ott the blank uh do I want to just save work I might want to just save Warp uh yeah cause I can't really go to it's worth domain yet yeah input lag on switch got better but it's still bad it's still like the second worst input lag but now it's at least you can say it's better than Wii U H yeah improved not fixed [Music] but yeah so Wii U going back to the bad Badness of Wii U that's the worst input lag it looks visually appalling because there's like a Darkness filter on it that's supposedly supposed to be for like epilepsy reasons but it just makes the entire game look garbage uh your controller options are pretty terrible for it too I don't think there's a normal controller option for it with notches which is really bad and no the smash adapter does not work for it the smash adapter on Wii U only works for Smash and no other game unlike on switch where you can actually use it as its own controller um what else is there I think there's some more bad stuff that I I'm not remembering right now but yeah the Wii U version is very bad don't play the Wii version of uh OT yeah oh it's definitely worse than gcmm yeah like GameCube mm is bad because it lags a lot but at least the input delay is fine like it it's lag and crashing is definitely really bad but most of the time well I don't know about most of the time if it's not lagging and not crashing it's fine the problem with Wii U OT is that the input lag is always going to make it feel terrible thanks we serve in particular can we talk about how stupid it is that they haven't put mq and NSO yet volv you know why they haven't put him conanna so right it's because of the credits crashing I guarantee the only reason it's solve an NSO is because they have to actually change something to make the credits not crash and they don't want to do that [Music] no it's not a matter of re-rendering it uh on the way the credits work in Master Quest is um there's because it's a GameCube game they have like a little thing where the when the credits are supposed to start it has a little instruction that just says are you serious from that far away when the credits are supposed to start there's an instruction that says don't watch the regular credits go watch the video file and if that instruction gets played not on the GameCube emulator then the game crashes so they'd have to modify the game to get rid of that instruction and typically the way Nintendo operates really with um with these uh VC type re-releases like NSO and weavc and stuff they almost never touch the actual ROM and so I guess they're like well this crashes I guess we can't do anything about it I mean sometimes I do but even though it's like it's not that big of a deal they should really they should be able to what dude I just want to get over I just want to go to Spirit Temple or wait I can't even do it at daytime yeah this trick doesn't work at daytime because of their their eyesight being better okay I need to actually just leave I can't even get to spear right now uh the leading theory on why they use the video file for GameCube is uh syncing the audio because the the credits actually play faster than the audio and so the audio gets desynced and so it seems like that's probably what they were going for but it's weird because it gets desynced on Wii U or not we wevc it also gets desynced and they didn't bother [Music] but I mean I guess I guess they cared more about it when it was their first other console we released for GameCube yeah they did they did intentionally add lag to mm uh Giants cutscene to make that sync properly so I guess they probably would do a little oh God I'm not gonna make this am I uh [Music] I do have to not suck though [Music] [Music] why'd I do that [Music] I wanted to take out sword and so I just slashed my sword just do this I didn't jump slash again whatever uh if you've never played a Metroid game uh primary Mastered on switch is probably a good place to start if you wanna if you want 2D or 3D I guess it depends on if you want to do your 3D if you want 3D primary mastered is definitely good to start uh Super Metroid is also on NSO which is good or wait super trade is on the answer right I think it is gonna be a Super Metroid um primary mastered um dread you can also start with Dread dreads uh decent place to start don't play Metroid one on NES if you want to play the original Metroid play Metroid zero Mission which is on GBA although I don't think it's on GBA NSO but uh he uh don't play Metroid one Metroid one is just a bad I mean it's it's bad don't don't play matured one [Music] okay I gotta go I'm going to child now I gotta go all the way across Hyrule measure everyone is Zelda one neither have held up very well but Zelda one has held up a little bit better yeah Metroid one Metroid one showed its age like Richard one already showed its age a long time ago and again zero Mission zero like zero mission is very good like there's there's just literally no reason to play Metroid one over zero mission unless you're specifically looking to play what did this game look like when it was at the very beginning you guys all the one you can have fun with Zelda one's kind of janky but it works Zelda uh not zeld2 uh Metroid one original Metroid is just it's just bad okay web Grotto is GV silver okay and Castle storms is junk well I already know how Harold Castle's junk already KGB silver is what product [Music] s now the loading zones are all gone from adult Market because the dollar market has actually sort of treated as a completely separate map not just like a different version of the same map so all the loading zones are gone except for like the typical ones you'd expect [Music] Spirit key [Music] after I have Decker Shield cool [Music] okay so I can't meet Zelda yet so I just have to check the hints toilet room has an Ocarina oh [Music] well I do have iron boots already so I just need song of time or bombs to weirdshot and then I can go get Ocarina from GTG foreign toilet room is the swirling water room in in GTG all right Boomerang has a randomized sound now oh yeah I guess I was doing checks in a foolisher I mean I had to wait for uh daytime anyway [Music] all right deck is vanilla [Music] oh 155 145s pink mirror Shield I haven't seen a pink one uh fire 185 well I can go grab that really easily yeah so long shot and mirror Shield uh this is looking like a nice seed the only worry I have right now is about explosives because so uh I know we're both coming Roba and marinate our so that's really good so um I need to beat at least two of baronade twin Rivera and so now I can beat two of them so bosses are essentially not a worry right now [Music] how do they only grab the two of them [Music] all right yeah check skull hints uh skull hints are 50 as kakiri sword which by the time I get that it's just not going to be useful and ten is a forest map which I actually should check uh [Music] [Music] okay Where'd I want to go first probably Cactus do Cocos and then I think yeah kakako save Warp [Music] now I haven't been to the main yet I couldn't really get there as an adult without doing something stupid so I'll go there as child relatively soon foreign oh what I kind of want to try is um because of the new trade item thing being randomized I actually want to see if I can do text transfer glitch on [Music] Hammer wow I want to see if I can do text transfer glitch on the guy let me just try that right now let's be kind of awkward to try right now uh yeah [Music] uh that's good that's her weight is that good uh not right now actually if I get explosives that's good foreign [Music] yeah so GTG is at the jabu boss store so the re that's the reason I said it was potentially good is because if I get shoes as child then I can start clipping through all of GTG really easily [Music] I mean it could be skull token but again for kakiri sword like by the time I get 50 skulls I almost definitely will need to pick your sword or it'll be very it'll hardly be worth it so it's really just not worth it to go out of my way for go sculptures just to get a curious sword [Music] click upgrade especially with that [Music] and with hammer uh I already checked this right yeah I mean considering yeah I have Hammer I have stick upgrade like I have no reason to bother with Kokiri sword [Music] oh I'm stupid I should have done this I should have used Hammer For The Grotto in second Force meta [Music] all right [Music] thanks Risa black onyx foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I forgot did I even check I didn't check the Ocarina reward did I I just came into Lost Woods or tree Forest without checking this I think yeah uh would that have been useful earlier not actually oh yeah or no because I wait yes [Music] that would have been useful for GTG actually dang okay whatever uh what was The Deco again Deca was water no reason to go there uh the shop had lens and a water key but they're not really useful right now I should yeah those will be easy to come back as adult horror I don't really need them right now oh nice I got the the insta jump yeah there's more randomized sounds now [Music] oh right nice [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] or bottle to play the Ocarina game I guess just go straight to Grand City [Music] can I even do anything in corn City uh I guess the new qpa yeah let me do that uh yeah [Music] I think I got one chance of this before I need to go for the rolling Goron I really need to actually learn the setup for this oh wait I think I'm I'm gonna miss the rolling I'm bad okay well at least I got that I think there's no way I get rolling around here [Music] yeah okay let me just go to the Rooney's room really okay now I think I'll just go for rolling around Ah that's gonna be too early [Music] that's too early isn't it oh my God wow I know there's still two ocarinas in scarcity pool hello I hate having to work with the bomb flower here [Music] all right [Music] what sucks is I am sorry a song and I can't play it for durunia why didn't that work that should work oh I'm gonna have to reset the timer because I don't have enough health okay so I know um I know the scrub is junk from a hint [Music] yeah I'm gonna go back to Rock Me I always do um like part of I do part of Goron City Death Mountain crater and then go back to Golden City usually you know Luke [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign mushroom [Music] s no you can't uh jump across the Broken Bridges child with pot push [Music] oh God please make it no dude I'm not gonna bother so annoying with uh bomb flower I need to learn the specific setup for it oh wow [Music] very safe foreign experiment just GTG key which is kind of useless [Music] okay so bearing is in DC right yeah so I gotta do the clip here oh it's probably do this first actually The Grotto up here [Music] [Music] [Music] uh silver guns was the Ocarina check in Lost Woods uh which actually should have got earlier DMC chest I already got that I got that as adult [Music] [Music] wait how did this go [Music] wait I forgot to set up why don't I keep creating a setup for this [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you know what I'm gonna check uh nightcag first [Music] I think it's almost night time and this would I do have strength that's right I just wanted to do the clip [Music] [Music] I got that oh yeah you don't even need it all right Forest is mq can you hear that nice the map tells me if a dungeon is a master quest or vanilla I can't get a 20 check and the 20 check is junk so I'm not gonna bother [Music] okay [Music] I don't necessarily prefer vanilla mq dungeons I like doing both because it gives me more I have to think about in terms of how I want to reverse the dungeons it like in general like for casual playthrough I guess I probably prefer vanilla except for a few dungeons like javu for the most part the englands are better but um yes I know kakiri's on 50. do you think I have anywhere close to 50 yet not to mention that by the time I get to 50 I will probably not even need to care about suitcase Order anymore oh it's accidental caps okay I thought it was someone yelling at me to go to make sure I get every Skulltula and get 50 for uh security sword I forgot the tree bunk skull I did oh well I'll get it soon hold on don't stop [Music] all right here let me go get the I forgot it's the tree bunk skulls still there at daytime forgot if it is or not [Music] it's not yeah I'm pretty sure it's not oh well [Music] I guess I could I could be marinade save warp and just have a dog get this [Music] oh uh that might be good things that we said watching streams thanks reset we're both a wife [Music] pair of Pokemon spin-off game I don't know if I like any Pokemon spin-off game is smash a Pokemon spin-off [Music] oh Stadium okay Stadium counts yeah Stadium [Music] snap I never played snap but I don't think I'd hear about it that much I played five minutes of Pokemon go just double checking this yeah okay so I thought oh [Music] okay I'll just have to remember to come back for the tree skull later [Music] [Music] yeah I'm gonna go to those domain as long as Kevin has magic [Music] I think it's a critical onion yeah the magic hand is super important with uh this these settings okay [Music] I hope I can make it into demand before night time here before daytime the climbing doors are working kind of slow [Music] oh that's the cuckoo sound come on all right at least I don't have to waste time with frogs because I don't have an Ocarina actually yeah then I should be fine so I can just I guess I can check The Grotto up there I don't know if I should though uh I think I have time to check it better be worth yeah this is a this is a new update with new randomized sounds [Music] come on I've never had them run around me so much like that I was scared of the hammer egg [Music] gummy Zelda after this yeah the other regard I already checked is the door okay Coco please stay in place okay oh God please make it in on time okay still wolf egg yeah I'm sorry for stealing the wolf egg [Music] choose 10 oh very nice oh very nice I can probably scam Sun song okay oh yeah so that's a chew bag so chew bags are new in this so chews and Sons [Music] yeah there was a huge rupee outside in towards the main but or as Rose river but I didn't want to get it because I thought it'd waste too much time and I might not get in here both on time [Music] I'm on the fennel Branch not the Roman branch although they might have uh similar settings now does the Roman Branch uh have mixed pools for Dungeons and bosses yet because that's the main reason I'm using final branch [Music] no okay yeah I can roll it nice Rich seed [Music] did I get the chest I think it's chess yet oh well I'll get it when I uh the leaves are what's the name of [Music] bottle finally [Music] [Music] oh yeah it was wallet I'm stupid Babu is KD [Music] s [Music] [Music] thank you no this can't be a way of magic so when it when it says something like magic is in Durango's Cavern when I find a boss that is in a dungeon entrance and not in a dungeon then the boss item counts as the area that I found the boss in so for example that chest and this heart container item these are these would count as Zora's Fountain items because I found things not going towards fountain foreign [Music] Captain Morty I shouldn't have done that it's daytime now I I'm stupid oh wait I have Sun song and I have a bottle I forgot it doesn't matter I'm not that stupid [Music] all right okay I know that [Music] thank you I could hover the Ice Cavern now but I don't think that's a good idea [Music] I have scale right yeah thank you [Music] oh wait I didn't check the item over there I'll check it in a sec [Music] foreign fishing thank you yes skull token I should probably try to farm foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] that was The Chew Trail music or uh sound effects foreign thank you all right now should be time to just go through all my dungeons I'll I'll double check the tree skull that I uh didn't get earlier because I don't wanna I don't want to be made fun of later when it ends up being important and I forgot it and you guys gonna make fun of me I had some super swim have the same speed pretty much all the uh like Fast backward things have the same speed of negative 18 so super slide has Mega flip Super swim are all negative 18. shut up [Music] okay it was nothing I probably should get soil skulls or something but I think I'm I'm good enough on items that I can just uh I'll meet Zelda just to get bunny Hood but I'm just gonna go to adult right after the only thing on skulls is kakiri sword at 50 which by that time I should actually at least get this but kakiri sword by the time I get 50 skulls curious where it's gonna be useless [Music] I do have sons and I know this is Prelude actually this is actually very good online I could do long lawn after meeting Zelda but I just don't think it's gonna be worth it because uh I'm just I'm so well equipped right now I have long shot I have all three of hammer mirror Shield boomerang I have bombs which I haven't marked yet I mean London will be a high priority if I go back to Childs uh but I think right now right now I'm just so well equipped to just do dungeons right now and then um if I find later that I need more items to go through to more dungeons then I'll go back to item searching but right now right now my my equipment status is just more than good enough to just do dungeon grinding [Music] I messed up [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Bowlings I should do that now I think just two bowling uh chew bowling and then two bowling bunny Hood adult pool means there's fewer of certain important duplicate items like Bomb Bag and bow foreign [Music] [Music] yeah I could I could choose uh uh chess game but it's not a good idea I think we said LGB uh um I'm not sure if the glitch with bunny Hood's staying on as adult is fixed or not and I'm not sure if I'd want to keep it if I I shouldn't I don't need to talk to rolling around I probably don't need to talk to lab guy so I think if I still get the bunny head glitch I can just keep it on but it might have been fixed anyway no no BK skips let me see do I have it okay no bunny Hood whatever um I want to go uh what was Java was KD right um oh I need to check against castle that's right so I think Guinness Castle save warp and then check Spirit Temple yeah BK skips just make it too short I know now now I need not just fire Rose I need actual dense fire to equip soap because I have a child trade item which is in the uh right most column uh I can't even do uh yeah I can't even do the weird shot or actually long shot might reach that's not worth trying but I can just do the bomb method oh wait I have a big one for I have Giants knife yeah I might as well do this uh how many do we need to do this with you oh I can also get Ocarina from GTG now which is that Forest which I have minuet for I might actually want to go straight to gcg actually now that I think about it right away so I can actually clean up most of GTG now Spirit medallion oh yeah I could do lighter I'll check although I I'm not gonna do it right now [Music] uh seed seems decent so far [Music] actually I have uh six of eight and I can do twin Rover easily [Music] I think this might I might essentially be in a bow slash magic mode well magic would be uh finding DC mode because I think uh yeah this might be one of those um early Ganon boss key but still need more item seeds uh does the long shot reach from here yeah the Talon Town sound is the hook shot sound [Music] yeah I gotta do toilet room [Music] [Music] thank you I can weirdshot into the trailer room without needing song of time it's more iron boots that I need and luckily I got iron beats early and check unfortunately it's kind of junk considering I [Music] know that the Gorn is already junk oh actually this lets me check how this works so you okay yeah so you scroll through with d-pad nice that's very cool so I still can't really do this room unless I do a stupid qpa maybe I should just suck it up and learn the qpa wait wait [Music] [Music] [Music] stop [Music] okay the the um different sound effects is actually throwing me off for some of these items I like not actually hearing the bomb timer is not something I would have thought would have affected me but it definitely is but I'm probably gonna end up turning off some of the randomized item sound effects [Music] uh where am I oh my God yeah yeah copy of all you want I'm gonna have to use choose why don't I just function [Music] is this rich uh uh I don't think this is gonna be too long yeah uh this is annoying this room sucks with hover boots [Music] foreign [Music] am I gonna die in this room I might die before I get all the uh Ruby's uh oh I gotta go for it can I I'm totally gonna die I'm gonna die from the timer all right you know what I'll do this room first puzzle close should draw parts dude [Music] okay that sound effect is so much less exciting than I was hoping for it's fitting but it's not as good as it should be it's supposed to be the Price Is Right uh um failing sounds [Music] bomb please [Music] oh my God I decided to politely ask yeah that was the one I just added that's brand new okay now I should be able to do this says in a surprisingly long GTG where's the ruby I don't know where I am okay foreign [Music] blocks are still blocking me thanks to reset freak [Music] thanks Lisa Old Rasputin y I should actually do this room and then from this room go out to toilet room clothing do you mean BK skips no I'm doing no BK skips [Music] but all other glitches yeah [Music] foreign chest is junk so I don't need to bother getting that what was that key I didn't see was it fire Q fire okay [Music] [Music] all right now Ocarina [Music] and just work out middle chest is junk [Music] hmm oh come on yeah I think I'm gonna end up in Bow mode actually I should have I probably should uh beat twin rova right away [Music] uh I find yeah I think impossible Siege are both interesting and funny I think part of the appeal is of no logic I think at least a small part of it is uh the possibility of getting an impossible seed it's nice to every once in a while it's nice to get one just because it's funny it reminds you that anything could happen [Music] no if tunerova has mirror Shield then I just accept that Turner over is impossible that's why I have um eight dungeon rewards as a requirement which means I don't have to beat every boss I just have to be uh every boss minus one so I'm always allowed to skip one ball so if one boss is impossible it's fine it's just uh two bosses plus being impossible would make it impossible no the sun check needs bow or needs arrows specifically technically if I had arrows without a bow I could get it but that's pretty much only with RBA [Music] foreign [Music] no I'm not sending anything to this gdq because it's very close to when tears of the kingdom comes out and I don't think uh I think I'd rather just not bother uh we're I'm gonna go yeah gonna go beat Twin River real quick yes because I'm banned totally [Music] oh you know what I should play some song [Music] what's up that's cool [Music] next step s [Music] don't listen yeah hook shot noise is is Talon it's pretty good it's like it's pretty funny but it's also kind of annoying I'm like throwing me off sometimes because I I didn't realize uh I actually pay attention to the hookshot noise for a lot of things and not hearing it is really weird yeah Colossus is gonna be I'm gonna do closet soon I'm gonna what I'm probably gonna do is beat twin Rover right now I'll get me seven of my eight dungeon rewards and then I'll go check Colossus thank you and then it'll be dungeon time until uh dungeon time until I realize I need to go look for things in other places I already checked the skeletal I just didn't get it because it's junk oh yeah there's a key on the top of the volcano yeah I'll get it after I beat Twin River I guess I should is actually definitely worth um Giant Knife Crouch tab I might be in a bad position I never went go back oh yeah I meant to get lens while I was in uh the curry Forest oh well oh I can go back there quickly can I just save work out of there come on [Music] the devil two quick ones I just wasn't a good idea to spam hook shot uh based on their positions before they're in they just kept being in bad positions that wasn't good to keep them in oh okay [Music] nice oh apparently some who shot noises crash well I I probably am gonna turn off that noise being randomized later on regardless just because it's kind of throwing me off in some places [Music] yeah I think challenge snoring is the target sound [Music] all right I forgot I can check uh water because I have water boss key so I should actually go there first since I I need to go back to the shop anyway because the lens and the key I didn't go back to Deco entrance which is water which I can check the boss door for all right [Music] [Music] thank you Icona Forest yes how many times can I forget going into the security shop [Music] whatever I'll do it after I do this actually this could be the start of a long chains actually how many how many regular dungeons have actually found yet only Java we drop out of GTG and Janice Castle nice Cavern but those are dead ends oh God [Music] I wasn't paying attention [Music] spirit uh I wish I had Forest Wind I should come back here later yeah I do have silver elements but um doing Spirit right now would be a big commitment actually you know what doing Spirit right now would mean I can go to Colossus easily actually I should you know what okay I'm just gonna go back to the security shop and get the stuff right now but I think I actually will just go to Spirit right now [Music] foreign yeah I can do Spirit child's side with a an annoying clip [Music] pickle [Music] actually I should really check Ice Cavern do you want to go to Ice Cavern okay I finished actually get Ice Cavern first it's gonna be weird but it's just because um so my last two dungeons that I haven't checked the entrances for are Ice Cavern in spirit but I'm just gonna take the spirit to Colossus to go check it you go check Spirit entrance and then ice cabin will be the last one I go to but I have a feeling that Spirit the water to Spirit chain is gonna end up being a long chain and so it could end up being a while before I check Ice Skyrim if I don't do that right now so I think it's best for me to check uh ice cabin right now I might as well check the night skulls here while I'm here like in in case Ice Cavern is say DCU which is a big deal since I know magic is there so check Ice Cavern uh after I'm done with that go back to Deku techu to go from water to Spirit to Spirit check Colossus entrance [Music] [Music] two three I'm not really sure what it is about the sound that's throwing me off I can't like pinpoint it it's just I'm realizing that subconsciously I definitely use it for some things and it's like hard to say exactly what but it's definitely just strange to me and it just feels off [Music] true foreign is more of an issue because the bomb one is definitely the bomb one is definitely super weird to me the bomb I'm not gonna already tell it's throwing off my timing a bit [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what's down here that is bolero [Music] good iron boots sounds I definitely won't turn off randomizing though that's great Forest vanilla not a good idea or no Force Master quests yeah not a good idea to check this or uh to do much of this right now I'll just check these first two checks and leave for us win that's very good though well once I get magic yeah I think most of the weapon sounds well I think Boomerang is fine Boomerang seems fine um I'll leave on Boomerang I'll leave on iron boots I'll probably take off bonds and shoes and hook shot arrows are probably fine also uh should I just menu it yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you yeah you can turn off randomized sounds for specific items oh thank you [Music] I honestly could do most of water right now but I think it's better to just go to Spirit I don't really have any indication that some item I need is in water well I have higher priority stuff to check [Music] I have something really cool I can do uh let me just do this side first you guys get to see something really cool soon [Music] uh that was supposed to be a crush tab this is another cool thing this well I mean this is kind of cool but it's also annoying and you guys have probably seen it before and you probably see me fail it a lot before that's annoying dude is annoying is that the framer I think that's it yeah okay okay annoying trick you know what I don't even need to do this because I have long shot okay screw it I'm not doing it okay or wait I don't know wait I can't do the thing I was thinking of wait can I uh roll I don't want to push the block uh uh it's uh whatever I'll just yeah I'm okay I I'm not gonna push the box I want to keep it there for something or later yeah the only the only thing I can do really is uh um what's it called action swap ground jump midair mid hover which I really don't want to do thank you [Music] hey did I check the skeleton I just killed the skull and didn't check what it was didn't I I just knew that it was going to be junk [Music] yeah scarce items has no hard containers laughs foreign [Music] okay so what I was gonna do is uh with having long shot there's a trick I can do to get on the silver block um from the bottom long shot up and hit the switch with a hammer activate this shortcut early although I guess I wouldn't be able to um push the blocks here but basically I wanted to try to hit the uh elevator shortcut early [Music] foreign [Music] I could go down there right now and do a weird shots with lower child side but I don't want to waste that key right now oh speaking of a key although I still think it's not worth it are we okay now it might be worth it uh just because it's easy to get it back okay thank you [Music] I forgot I need qpa [Music] all right [Music] what's up foreign [Music] it does the same uh regular qpa effect wow so it does actually uh work please [Music] get out of the way [Music] okay I don't want to knock down the gate because I might need it later [Music] no don't here I'll do this that room did not go as planned all right thank you yeah the way you climb with the way you flip through the ceiling while climbing that gate is you hold up that's all there is no special thing to clip there was just if you're well if specifically you have to be adult to climate you won't clip through that as child because you're never supposed to be in that room as adult but yeah it is just if you're adult all you have to do is just climb and you'll instantly clip uh uh I shouldn't have done this first oh well I think three said King Kong Magnum dong [Music] frog [Music] foreign okay I think I can avoid doing this but [Music] I so let's PPA I think I don't really need this but for safety I think it makes it easier should I just do this thank you thank you [Music] fire key uh do I just jump down I think I do jump down or wait it'd be bad to jump down uh can't decide not yet I think I should do the rest of spirit first but I have to save warp down [Music] and then I think when I get out to the mirror Shield side I go I do I jump down and so now the shortcut will actually help me and my key management is uh should be the way I want it to yeah so the new setting oh my god um the new there's a new setting for each individual trade item being randomized and that also lets you carry multiple in the same item slot so now uh like I didn't lose um claim check or anything like right now I should have claim check and frog and broken sword all in my inventory and each trade each individual trade is a check now so Obama rules Master Quest I think go here first now I have long shot I was doing hook shot Strat [Music] a what's your measure checklist I think this is brinstar [Music] basketball had to be at the very top check I think I should check that right now I think I should before I go out to mirror Shield all right [Music] [Music] thank you the challenge noises is the hook shot sound [Music] what what okay uh do I want to go I don't think I want to be wait yes I do yeah this is fine it'll be moderately annoying but not too big of a deal [Music] yeah so this will get me my Ganon Bosque and then now I just need go magic light arrows pretty rare to get Ganon boski without any of the three items I need for Ganondorf [Music] magic I can at least magic I at least know is in DC uh which I now essentially know that I need to go through before assemble to get two or well it could be Spirit entrance also it's open gun Spirit entrance oh my God please yeah I know where Gans Castle is against Castle is um water temple entrance [Music] Cannon boss key okay I'll probably actually go get ganonboski right after uh I check Colossus entrance because um I can get lighter hint right away so getting lighter and early is gonna be good just because I can route uh where to go the light arrows early on magic in is DC so I know I at least need to go to DC but I haven't found DC yet it's likely behind something like Forest bus tour or Colossus entrance [Music] okay so I need to start thinking about what I have not found yet so I found every boss except for I think Goma I haven't found Goma yet I dungeon wise I have not found Deku DC fire and Shadow and bomb of the well okay so that's how many dungeons that five [Music] okay Okay so so I think this means that Colossus must be a dungeon or no it can be it could just be bomb of the well or Goma in which case uh the Forest Temple is a very long chain I have found Ice Cavern I just didn't do anything in it shoot these product keys uh I didn't get a hint about Wasteland being junk did I no no information about wastelands bottle oh you never marked lens whoops [Music] actually I should probably just checked I was gonna check Colossus and then Spirit entrance but I should probably check Spirit entrance first okay DC that's convenient so I know magic is in here [Music] [Music] laughs so I know that this dungeon chain must lead to either Goma or bomb of the well although I don't particularly need either one uh I think what I should do actually is as soon as I get magic I'm just gonna set for his wind and go check the light Arrow hint and then I'll use the letter hen to determine how I want to continue from there thank you cards thanks a reset just a second thank you [Music] I guess I have itty bitty [Music] [Music] tanks [Music] [Music] thank you oh my God this is bow slash magic slash lighter mode I have I have a it's a rare time where I have Ganon boski but not anything I need to kill Ganondorf but I at least know that magic is in DC so I know that I should get magic soon [Music] thanks Larissa tuxedo masquerade hey yeah bro could be behind uh archery I think I did have bow behind archery one time or one Bell behind our tree at least [Music] there's magic okay uh this is annoying because uh I said I wanted this set for Roars wind and then leave but setting for was wind in this room would be very bad and in fact setting for us win before coming to this room would have been very good but I of course couldn't do that [Music] uh I think at this point uh is it even worth it okay I think at this point I'll actually go to the boss room and then I assume it's most likely gonna be another dungeon by the boss room and then I'll set for rosewind there [Music] luckily since I have serenade I have very quick access to gannon's Castle so I should be able to the lighter hand very quickly [Music] lullaby that's good actually it's good that I did this then because uh now when I'm in gannon's Castle I can check the single lullaby check [Music] [Music] right uh [Music] foursky's actually pretty good because there's a good chance I might need to go there and uh one key kind of sucks for four is two keys is usually enough I also gotta remember to check uh I have a frog check [Music] why is that so funny I think for the 69 monthly sub oh not oh nagni nice okay slingshot Target in woods is junk all right another Forest key s I mean that mostly is up to what new settings get added in the randomizer which I don't know but uh currently I like the settings I'm using I mean I could do like the most likely thing really is just minor differences like um for some reason by default odd potion isn't randomized like the other trade items so maybe I'll turn that on or I'm not really sure why it's turned off but my experience with that but it'd be awesome stuff actually I have been thinking maybe I want to turn on uh oh that is okay that's too many bombs I have been thinking maybe I'll turn on uh silver rupee randomizer I'm gonna turn that on like for my main settings [Music] random Grotto position uh I'd be open to random Grotto position but that sounds like it'd be a nightmare to actually make a setting why'd I get it okay here's jacket okay I'm just gonna set Frozen here and uh go check later on [Music] I want to do that no there's no bow hint so Bo I just have to find on my own [Music] thank you [Music] that's not why am I stupid games Castle's Shadow not it was a different seed that ganon's castle was uh water temple and so I thought it was this I just got mixed up in different seeds okay what's my fastest way to Shadow I guess polaro or let me do frog while I'm here and I guess uh web crate [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] for a Bomb Bag [Music] oh yeah I don't need to do that I already know that uh the diving Spearman is junk [Music] [Music] thank you uh shallow [Music] yes give us items it removes the highest upgrade not the middle upgrade so there's so this is now my biggest bomb bag really hit [Music] two two three [Music] [Music] come on [Music] dense nice thank you bunny time thank you magic was in DC it was uh that was a first fight goal scorer in mqdc I should actually get this first [Music] yeah I'm getting the lighter in right now but even then I still need Bo after this so I guess I'll be in Bow mode most likely [Music] unless this happens to Bebo by pure coincidence [Music] outside gannon's Castle was foolish not inside foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] goodness the empty bow sound for junk items is perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs all right where's later Rose Deca tree perfect how convenient [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] thanks we said Tim Bob [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] I actually should have done a basement first [Music] what's up [Applause] [Music] actually do I want to let me just clip to the end and I can go backwards from there [Music] because I probably do want to know what's here at least [Music] Goma shadow vanilla [Music] oh come on I just wanted to get as close as I can to use long shot [Music] no I'm not doing another casino for this [Music] there's lighters all right so now I am in Bow mode come on [Music] Mark magic yeah oh come on [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] okay so I think since Shadows right here and Shadow has a lot of checks I think Shadow's the way to go right now come on [Music] so now it's just blind guessing on where Bo is [Music] what are the highest density check places Shadow is pretty decent density [Music] bottom of the well so bottom of the wheel is either at the end of this chain or at the end of the Forest Temple chain I guess Forest Temple might be the next place to go or maybe I might want to go back to child I think when I'm done with this chain wherever this chain ends I go back to Childs also bottom of the well is mq so if bomb of the well is at the end of this chain that's actually good because I can do it entirely as adults with long shot foreign yeah there's two bows and scarce items so I just need to find one of them [Music] I still haven't found Fire temple have I fires probably at the end of forest I would guess yeah I could go check long I do think uh I think at the end of this dungeon chain it's probably gonna be best to go back to child and just clean up child because I still have a decent number a decent amount of stuff to do this child laughs [Music] one's being useful useful [Music] nope [Music] [Music] foreign game but um I can do that quickly I knew that I'm supposed to pull out sword before I enter this room because they can uh react to the sound of your sword going out [Music] husky [Music] uh I have the key ring so I should I think set yeah I think this is good especially gonna go straight to the end of shadow and then Frozen we're back to check the middle part of shadow that is not long shot [Music] gotta do a lens weird shot weird ones [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what I'm I'm going through this room again later anyway so I might as well just get it on my way back foreign [Music] [Music] did I not get it yeah I'll just get the chest on my way back and then uh just leave it there well it wouldn't have mattered I lost time going back for it why'd you remind me [Music] [Music] thank you all right [Music] [Music] I'm gonna have to chew the bird statue I haven't had to do that in a random in Forever [Music] challenge I just remembered I never checked Colossus in Wasteland like I said I was going to uh that's still outside of this chain right yeah okay so I can do it when I exit this chain the scene has a lot of very calm and quiet music [Music] this has not been a very uh fast paced music seed I prefer no logical request this logic I like potentially having to do some crazy stuff I like not I like truly not knowing where anything could be it's very comfy music seed [Music] [Music] s foreign [Music] relatively quick check [Music] [Music] have they not all hit [Music] yes the other must be forest fire Goma pretty sure [Music] I don't know breath of wild hundo happening I mean I plan on doing a casual breath of the wild hundo replay through uh sometime in April before tears of the kingdom comes out but I will not be speedrunning it [Music] okay thanks Ray serbio came casual with witches yes I want to mess around with the breath of wild glitches because a lot of them are really cool sorry foreign your favorite game kajiro [Music] thanks resubs yet too cool for you uh OT speed running I mean hundo is mainly just I don't really want to do Hondo unless it's a new route and new routing stuff is just slow although it might be coming along but I'm at least doing OMS speed runs and stuff I think OMS is pretty fun what other main categories I don't really have any interest in anything aside from Hondo right now [Music] [Music] that sounded weird uh I think it's actually going to be best for me to just warp out and save warp to go back to uh Colossus what's missing is just bow I think we said Pizza tree and I can also check uh the night stuff here [Music] thank you uh I mean I don't have any opinion on whether or not there's a bow hen like uh I should actually do this or wait yeah I should do this first like I don't think every item needs a hint especially Beau if there being Two bows and I don't think bow uh light arrows and Magic should all have a hint it's probably a bit too much [Music] thank you thank you [Music] I don't think I need this extra hover but just in case [Music] uh I didn't ruin it oh uh just go with the chew [Music] [Music] I will play breath of wild with Pro Controller [Music] wait I forgot I got Prelude right did I just not Mark Prelude wait did I check this one I don't think I did [Music] I was gonna Mark Prelude I just had to find the right time to do it I don't wanna do it in the middle of gameplay I'm trying to find Optimal places to minimize gameplay time lost there's a chance of impossible bow but that chance is not very high most things that bow normally requires you can get by some way using like qpa or something yeah and there's two bows so they'd both have to be impossible whoops [Music] yes [Music] no you can't do Shooting Gallery without bow I mean you can do it without bow but you don't get the true reward you get 50 rupees that's that's unfortunately like a true uh Fail-Safe as if it just gives you like a 50 rupee reward if you don't have the item then there's kind of just no way you're gonna get around that [Music] thanks to the side credits maker [Music] how many checks for impossible possibility I still have plenty of checks I still have probably upwards of 100 checks um that I can still uh do so I'm nowhere near impossible yet uh what I that was almost bad I've been in Beaumont for maybe 15 20 minutes not that long [Music] foreign I did like probably half of child or so I left child when I just decided um I was well equipped enough to just start grinding dungeons okay uh now I think I go Childs [Music] [Music] no there's been no VC crash [Music] did I never get shaky Colossus I don't think I did oh well foreign position as child child save warp was like I not remember [Music] jabu right it was in front of GTG that's right jabu which jabu entrance was Forest Temple so uh oh that's actually pretty good because I do need to well actually no it kind of sucks because I have minuet so never mind [Music] um foreign [Music] is not good because I don't even have a slingshot the only thing I have left in GTG is well slingshot slash go checks but slingshot for the eye switch but for the eye statue and I might as well just do that as adult so I can get both if I have to go back there actually no because if I get bow I won't have to go back there [Music] yeah I'm in Bow mode [Music] wanna check his child design clip which wait are you talking about the ice Arrow chest I I already know ISRO chest is junk that's why I didn't bother checking it before oh right oh right the fake fake ceiling chest that's it yeah um somehow I always forget about that one but yeah that I guess that could be good nice I do actually still need to check uh Hyrule fuel grottos I've been neglecting them [Music] yeah so there's there's a glitch apparently if you uh get Frozen with bunny hood on the ice is for some reason really huge [Music] oh come on he blocked it virus which is uh [Music] thank you so I want to see if I can give the pojrisa to The Carpenter's child I think it should work well I'm also kind of worried it might not be randomized foreign [Music] ER is in um kakariko's child [Music] because in the vanilla game you can use a text transfer glitch to get broken sword from him [Music] and so I'm thinking in theory it should work the same way just giving him poacher saw [Music] I know I don't consider these TTG to be illegal in Rando it just almost never comes up although with this new setting where all the um all the trade Quest items are randomized I I do kind of want to mess with uh using TTG to get um certain items like that because that could actually be useful now oh wait for one of those Sunshine here [Music] uh forgot I don't want bunny hood for this so that threw off my setup no I don't know where I am this [Music] [Music] three I need to remember The Grotto also [Music] [Music] [Music] um actually no I should go out this direction oh my God did I lose isg okay that was awful uh with the new trade quest uh settings um you can have multiple tradequest items in your inventory at the same time and you can scroll through them with the d-pad so now right now I have like six or so trade items in my inventory and I can just equip whichever I need whenever I need it true [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I've personally requested a few random features yeah um the uh again in Bosque being on um specific dungeon requirements was something I originally requested a while ago uh the most recent update had um more customization on how rupees are distributed for shop sanity which is also something I requested uh just come straight down here what even is that sound that was oh that was the Coco that's it um I think there's something else I'm not thinking of right now but yeah there's a few things that I've requested that made it in [Music] did I just Oh no I got this stuff over the top never mind Nocturne that's good uh do I want to use that right now actually yes [Music] yeah equip swap fixing that's still my number number one well my my top two requests would be fixing equip Swap and uh and fixing the tunic color thing like fixing the root cause of the tunic color thing and not just the the pseudo fix that doesn't actually truly fix it that just limits the colors [Music] [Music] um fix the clip swap in that I don't need to have dins for it like equip swap normally does not need to be on the highest um item in a column but it does in Rando because of how they change it for the item screen to work so like when I say oh I need dins for equip swap in vanilla that I don't need like in vanilla I can equip so up with foreign there is love I think I can equip so up with child trade item if I'm child but in Rando it has to be the top item in the rightmost column [Music] s [Music] thank you thank you I did not realize I was so low on both explosives I hope they shop down here sells explosives I'll just buy them hi I'm missing bow I'm in Bow mode [Music] thank you okay bombs [Music] [Music] I don't think bunnyhood actually enables any any specific tricks I mean maybe maybe a few like over boot specific things I don't have sword uh wait this might work stick okay I guess I have to use my last shoe [Music] hey lions come on please [Music] oh yeah I should have checked sorry a song well I have to avoid that anyway although I guess I'll have to clip in a second time because uh I do want to go up the mountains [Music] [Music] okay I think you can do this like this yeah I should just do this way [Music] thank you [Music] oh my God how did I turn that way oh I forgot I never got the key up there although I think at this point I don't need it yeah I'm pretty sure no keys actually matter for me now [Music] oh yeah so for the fanfares for the song fanfares I ended up turning them off because they were really long and they were kind of like if I got a song Fanfare for like and just an item get or something it just ends up being really long uh so I decided to turn them off for now yeah I got kind of annoying yeah I have battle music turned off [Music] it's true I was junk I got a hint for it a while ago an opponent song that's good I think save warped net or no not minuet [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] house does not have bow I already know that uh Calvin house is junk [Music] oh I forgot I need to check uh four stage two oh yeah I'm in Bow mode [Music] just waiting until I get boo [Music] it's called guns not that it matters [Music] it hasn't been an hour for boom I think it's been like 40 minutes 45 Maybe [Music] uh with with glitches no gold gallons don't even open up a single check foreign [Music] [Music] even with no explosives there's still a way to get into light trial without gold gauntlets which is the only real thing it's used for thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah I guess if you have lullaby and Ocarina and gold gauntlets and no explosives you could check double defense yeah that's true uh I never got the night skull here did I I never got the sword chest did I uh if you have silver rupees on um the silver rupee check in fire trial is possible without gold gauntlets but it requires a specific setup but yeah [Music] I'm gonna feel bad of this bow foreign [Music] River now and do frogs I can do four out of six frogs I think zores River Lawn Lawn get the cow at Fruita Valley [Music] and then maybe adult actually I guess I should do four stage also I know there's still two ocarinas and scarce items [Music] yeah I went back for character skull [Music] could be impossible but I still have plenty of things to check so there's no reason to start worrying about it being impossible yet that's all I have lots to do [Music] I don't think I ever had to do frog checking at memorando but I also haven't really done a whole lot of them at Rando so low sample size [Music] [Music] if I do okay if I finish Olive child I finish all of forests and I finish all of Fire and I still don't have bow then you can start worrying about maybe maybe it's impossible until then be patient oh and I'll have water [Music] first key [Music] for bow to be impossible at this point well there are a few different ways Boca could be impossible well first of all there's two bows so they both have to be impossible but um for one I don't have Song of Storms yet so for example if Song of Storms is in a Song of Storms Grotto that's impossible and then if both bows are also in a Song of Storms Grotto that can make it impossible also Bo could be on kaguriko archery that would make it impossible although that could only cover one bow um foreign by duping over a magic Arrow um I don't know what else could be impossible still I think those are like the only things really okay I need to go back and get uh goretta Valley cow thank you I know you actually cannot keep the Ava Sun you can't keep Ava sun or action swap the Sun well you can action swap the sun if you have arrows but not bow but the only way to have arrows and not bows with RBA they are being rude as litter oh yeah Colossus soil should I get Colossus soil I think I'm gonna skip Colossus oil I don't want to bother going all the way there foreign [Music] [Music] sword now and so I can get this cow I guess I think all I really need to do now is uh four stage oh did I not Mark Nocturne I forgot which one's 50. despite all of my hundo I don't have the order of these guys memorized because it never actually matters oh yeah I also want to double check uh if I can give poachers saw to the carpenter here I'll check after I do this cow [Music] thank you got Suns first please yeah the bow sound effects was just a taunt the whole time okay does this work I should actually say before this happens in case it's unrandomized uh that is randomized okay that's actually neat foreign [Music] actually I should okay now I'm gonna do uh for stage I think after this I'll be done with child uh you scroll through the items with d-pad it's a new feature that all the trade items are separate now oh yeah I'm actually not sure how why'd I do that I'm actually not sure how um Skull Kid it works in Lost Woods now I hope it means that they just never go away oh whoops okay they're wrong [Music] foreign [Music] yeah it could be based on what you currently have in that sled that could be it [Music] thank you [Music] that track is uh Metroid 2 um Metroid 2 Overworld or choose [Music] [Music] Final Destination versus the scrubs [Music] [Music] uh okay do I just think I just go adult now [Music] [Music] thank you okay so I want to go back to the web God and go to Valley to check that last cow [Music] um I need to check there's always Fountain fairy fountain I think just say work [Music] uh uh oh I guess screwed archery also I should do good Orchard while I'm here oh yeah there was a hint for skullness being junk oh well it wasn't that big with time waste because I got both at the same time anyway but yeah you're right [Music] damn oh I got a dupe over bow first so this is how you do archery [Music] uh without bow if you have a magic Arrow dupe over the magic Arrow it puts a bottle over the bow slot and then it counts for enabling oh wow I got the instant boost and it counts for enabling the uh archery activating oh you gotta do all the trade Quest stuff too oh [Music] my God [Music] that was great actually I should do this first foreign oh wait I can't choose it nice okay cool so I can't do that I mean it doesn't truly cheese it it only saves the pause oh I need to actually wake Talon here I guess I can give no I can't get it for zero thank you foreign [Music] [Music] nice house you know what I could do but would suck uh [Music] I can do big po check without boo and I did actually recently have to relearn it for uh OMS I didn't actually end up using an OMS but I initially was going to and I had to relearn it so uh I might end up doing big why I have long shot why am I doing this maybe I should go kill a Poe kill a big Poe with shoes [Music] [Music] [Music] girl wait did I not get an item I did get an item right no he doesn't he doesn't uh take your item anymore it's a new setting where each trade item is randomized I should get this just completion's sake okay water key yeah that's a useless key at this point nice [Music] foreign Temple what huh okay what no uh he only takes us if you have prescription [Music] I forgot so we're wait oh wait no I think if thing if I reload the area oh is it bunny Hood it's probably bunny Hood and vanilla he uh yeah in vanilla he only accepts your item if you have prescription or higher in that inventory slot so I thought maybe it was uh a bug since this is a new setting I thought maybe it was a bug that it didn't take into account how the inventory check Works hi sir Rose okay I think from here save Warp [Music] all three magic arrows no bow [Music] oh I should have a good fire us uh no I shouldn't have why am I thinking I can equip I can use fire Rose [Music] wow [Music] I don't know what did I mess it up [Music] are you serious uh okay [Music] foreign [Music] they really don't they are ruthless they will they will chase you across the map [Music] [Music] yeah eyeball frog was well I don't remember what eyeball frog was but I did it a while ago [Music] thanks reset onioni oh it's speaking speaking of big Poe I guess I don't need to uh kill a big Poe with shoes [Music] okay I think I should actually I'm actually gonna set for his wind here here in Forest Temple and then go do big check right away just because in the event that big Poe is Bo it's a very low commitment check to go do it right now with Furs wins and Prelude available to me then if I like checked all of forest and then all of fire and then went to Big Poe and checked it so I'm gonna make a quick detour just go do this right now I never I actually never went back to the middle of shadow uh oh well [Music] uh how far back is middle of Shadow if I have to go back there it's spirit Spirit DC Deku Shadow like that kind of sucks actually uh I sure hope Beau isn't in Shadow [Music] where's my closest dungeon with a warp song I don't even know uh Shadow I guess Forest [Music] all right yeah I forgot to check chicken Colossus I guess I should do that but it's a long detour over there well it's not that bad I guess but I'm already in Forest I should do this [Music] thank you I already saved whatever oh no I don't want bunny hold on bunnyhood on is really bad for this I might have messed up the timing here okay no it's fine yeah steel bow mode foreign are I think it's actually just frogs I think everything else there's some way to do it foreign open the door [Music] please [Music] oh spawning the post yes without bow I guess I probably should have done that but uh Actually I don't even know how to do it as adult I know how to do it as a child but uh I'm actually not sure what the Strat would be as adult but oh well I I it'd be really annoying I forgot to send Q all right around how many checks are left uh I have pretty much all of forest fire water uh which is probably I think force and fire both around 20 checks Waters like 11 I think so I've got and then plus a handful of some stuff in other places probably so 50 Chicks until we start to worry do I do all the force fire water and still nothing then it starts to get a little manga [Music] oh actually there's still middle of Shadow I still have like I don't know 10 checks in Shadow which I should have done earlier but I forgot and now of course because I forgot bow is definitely going to be in Shadow because that would be funny and it's always the thing that makes that is funny and makes me look bad [Music] please please uh I might want to go do that right away uh almost trip no okay not quite yet but very soon foreign I'm trying to do these last few checks over here and then go to the boss store yeah so Forest I think guaranteed leads to Fire and then fire guarantee leads to Goma [Music] so I'll do those before checking the rest of forests just because of the elevator situation I decided to be very careful not to avoid here because of my void here the elevator what did I just say about the elevator uh it's honestly better for me to reset I think [Music] oh I mean I can skip a few checks now so it's fine [Music] [Music] I could have just got on and off the elevator I think [Music] dude die [Music] wait ing foreign [Music] all right this time what's up I will not fail [Music] and be extra safe and just wait [Music] foreign [Music] all right it's all good oh wait this the well needs bow and mq right uh [Music] I think I can actually do this something pretty neat if this works actually [Music] no wait I need to it should be a little bit farther back uh how am I gonna do this actually uh I'm not gonna bother disarm dudes uh no I'll lose my isg oh well I'm just gonna go to the elevator yeah iron boots you uh so what I wanted to do there was um do an Ocarina dive with qpa the problem is I can't do the typical setup rock band with qpa oh yeah I could have at least yeah I guess I could have just not lowered the water with iron boots but I'm just gonna do this first [Music] thank you how convenient I was actually worrying um if my Giant's knife was gonna break on this trick [Music] thank you [Music] yeah you need bow for uh um cake archery yeah foreign now I've been in Bow mode for almost an hour and a half now oh yeah I think it was like a little bit over three hours when I had uh Magic and light arrows [Music] 307 when I got Legos that sounds right yeah [Music] Gannon BK I think I got a little bit before three hours I got Gannon BK before I got magic lighters or bow it was it was uh fast Ganon BK seed oh wait I should get bombs [Music] what happened to the other bone drop didn't fall down here did it just disappear or did I was at a chew drop and I got it [Music] nothing so far indicates that the seat is impossible although I am slowly running out of checks [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] nice that was almost bad [Music] [Music] yeah the junk item sound being the empty bow sound is perfect for this Seed where I can't find the bow same shot [Music] almost what I want but so close but also so far [Music] yeah getting warmer [Music] uh well sorry if you believe in the Lost wood slingshot check but I already got a hint for that saying it's junk also where's hover boots haven't not found hover boots yet [Music] magic slingshot seeds those would be great yeah there's two bows because of scarce items [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thought it was gonna be able to be cool I'm planning on running 100 again when there is a new road boss key uh but I don't really have interest in doing it with the old slash current route foreign [Music] first bins [Music] [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] [Music] okay who who needs to be abandoned chat [Music] everyone that's probably the best best thing to do honestly okay right [Music] there's Bo uh shadow [Music] got swapped with hammer all the way at the top of Fire okay uh chat cheaters since some of you guys already saw the spoiler log uh where was the other bow or anyone who saw the cheater log second boat was Bell locked if it's Storm's locked is storms itself locked I had a feeling you guys were like trying to subtly hand oh it's totally storms locked you guys are you guys aren't subtle I I could tell that you guys were trying to give subtle hints don't do that subtle hints like that still count as as cheating [Music] storms with sun and the other bow was in the storm's Grotto in stores domain okay [Music] all right so this was not this was a uh so it wasn't me doing something stupid and missing something actually okay so I actually played the seed uh decently I mean I could have done forest fire earlier but it was just uh better to do I think it's like a better play to do other stuff earlier but I guess it makes sense I think it's fine yeah I missed a hand wait was there a hint that said at the top of fire is oh yeah with you guys asking constantly about couponing the sun I was like okay come on don't you guys are really making it sound obvious [Music] you guys are so bad at pretending that you're that you don't know [Music] oh wait was it wait was it the web Grotto in Greta Valley that had the hint because I actually did go there and I just forgot about checking the stone [Music] it wasn't okay I'm stupid [Music] although I actually wouldn't have checked that I wouldn't have checked the hint though until like fairly recently though oh wait like I think it was like one of the last things I did before I went to Forest so it actually wouldn't have affected it that much yeah the only time I entered it with dins was uh when I went to get it with the cow which was very short the before um I went to Forest so I actually would have made that much of a difference first try [Music] great music 12.7 [Music] oh thanks [Music] [Music] thanks Larry sub Simpson [Music] [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] okay cool all right that was an interesting seed having to go through I basically had to go through all the dungeon chains right [Music] well I guess I didn't have to go through Shadow I guess Shadow is kind of a dud but I had to go like the DC Deku chain the water spirit PG chain actually I guess I didn't have to do water spirit PG I don't know well either way the way I played it it was interesting [Music] okay payout to no Crush believers novc crash okay let me get up the spoiler log again for those who didn't see it earlier sorry for accidentally leaking the log blame blame the impossible seat earlier it's the impossible seats fault [Music] all right okay so here's the log actually real quick I want to go check that uh the gossip Stone The Impossible seed was just I started out in colossus's child and unless I get unless like literally the first item I get is good I can't really do anything or if the entrance to Spirit Temple is something good oh yeah hovers where were hovers Ice Cavern okay I ended up never doing Ice Cavern could carry Forest storms Grotto chest bow okay and you guys said storms was locked behind uh uh the Sun stop pretending not knowing locations if you do you think if I knew the whole time that this would have been a five hour seed yeah the thing I was just doing a five hour C for fun [Music] okay well okay so there's a few things about this so the first time I came in here with fire [Music] with either din yeah the first time I came in here with dins uh was like right before I went to Forest which led to fire which means it wouldn't have even saved that much time if I knew it although I could have at least like streamlined Forest I guess [Music] um although I already kind of knew that I should just go Forest up to the Bosque and then go straight to fire but uh I could have technically gotten this actually wait can I hold on so um you can clip through the other web you can do a ground clip through this web I assume you can probably ground clip through this web but I doubt there's a setup for it uh [Music] um um all right can I do a chew ground clip probably not [Music] okay either way uh so the only way I'm actually getting this in is with fire which is only with dins and I didn't come here with dins until pretty late [Music] I technically could have came in here or like when I first got dents and Magic but that was before opponent song and my only reason to come back here was with opponent's song unless I can't I would have wanted to come back here specifically for the hint only and not for opponent song which would just be a bad play like I mean sure it would have helped in this case but in general coming to a place for only the hint and not an item check is a pretty bad idea [Music] I couldn't qpa it because there's no way to do qpa here uh from a Ledge it's the only way I could have done qpa is with uh sticks and your equip swap sticks I would have needed dins anyway so no matter what regard uh either way I needed dins thank you [Applause] [Music] clipping his child technically possible and then I could have done it as child but uh the mega flip in as child is annoying and by that point I already had silver gauntlets and so my thought process is okay if I have silver gauntlets there's literally no reason to survive silver elements there's no reason to use the harder method when I can do the easier method okay [Music] [Music] yeah I guess I could do the ledge cancel too but even then the legend Soul like is still kind of annoying and again this is this was already post silvery gauntlets like once I get silver gauntlets I kind of write off the silver silver rugrato as just do it as adult like like there's no reason to do this child [Music] okay anyway I think I'm done for now so thanks for watching guys and I think I'll see you later bye bye
Channel: ZFG Vods
Views: 39,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatreplay, cr:auto, games, twitch
Id: x41NGyf3ps4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 323min 41sec (19421 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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