oc_diving_v9 | Weird Maps

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this is Oh sea diving V 9 by beam brains this is a map for a half hour to Cork mod called obsidian conflict I've been trying to get a contact with creators of maps more often for these videos and beam brains was a little bit harder going to contact with well the other people who helped create diving was Vesuvian he made all the custom models at some point of version 10 was being worked on and he made a video for showing off the updated visuals he made I found some contact information via this video and asked if he knew what Ben Burns was up to these days thankfully Vesuvian did manage to get in contact with him around the same time I asked the obsidian conflict team if they had any leads turns out that was actually very fortunate as they had been trying to get into contact with him as well obsidian conflict as kind of being a bit dead lately thanks to the steam pipe update which kind of killed off many of a half-life 2 months as well the OSC team had been working to bring the mod back to life and they wanted to include diving in the next release since it was a very popular map he gave the team permission to use his map and future updates he even answered a few questions for me as well about the map thanks being brains beam brains go into mapping after playing sven coop a co-op mode for half-life 1 he gained interested source mapping after playing obsidian conflict he wanted to make a similar map to another OC map called harvest with gradual permanent progression but he also wanted to play to have a lot of choice in how they made money aside from diving he also made several tests and concept maps as well as a few brick floor style maps for counter-strike sauce however almost all them have been lost to time he did link me to this one turn-based PvP concept map he made nowadays email he does software and web development well anyway let's take a look at this map when you first spawn this map you'll notice your own island surrounded by multiple buttons these are what you used to buy the equipment to help you make money of course you have to make some money in the first place to use them I gave myself some money with a console command just to demonstrate later on I go back to playing fairly just for a little while I'll start up with the vehicles first thing on the left you've got these airboats you have an option for one with a scanner or a gun I've never seen anyone use these on this map next up is the cheapest boat the Robo don't get the rowboat it's kind of useless and just flops around the speedboats battery can take some cargo but you're better off saving for the big boat which can take a lot of cargo finally we have the uber harvester which sadly kind of sucks given its price you can go up and down using the left and right mouse buttons respectively and stay underwater forever but picking up stuff in this thing is so hard it's not really worth getting as for the non boat items first up we have the fishing crane which let your still fish making it easier to sell multiple fish at once we also have the loot crate which is pretty much the same but for diamonds no subscription required the air tank actually doesn't give you more air but instead refills your health once it's below 100 it's useful for deep diving awful areas where you have to stay on the water refineries are where you turn your gems and fish into money this one's a portable one you can take with you the anti shark snark is a bit of a tongue twister to say is that sharks that come too close well by the way this method sharks in the water well there akia songs but this map calls of sharks the fishing hook is quite interesting you can only pick it up by the rod and you have to throw the hook into the water after being in the water for long enough a fish will spawn the hook you get better fish by going further out you can spawn an empty battery case I'll come batteries a bit later and finally along here we have the radar it makes a very faint blue light when it's over a gem because of this it's not super useful unfortunately this map features a banking system if you trust the other players enough the more money put in the higher the pile of money in the machine Rises add the back of some ammo crates in a portable teleporter one crate has to be unlocked later I don't know if you could thin gems and stuff for the teleporter what else doesn't testing earlier I wasn't able to do so once you made some money you can buy barrels of oil to make a good profit often the distance is a rig you can buy the oil at however you can only buy so much at a time as the rig has a limited supply of oil that refills at the back here there's some panel spoilers that can use to make bases of bridges with I've seen people use these to make a bridge all the way from the spawn to the rig if you spawn a prop you don't need you can just chucking it to this disintegrator there are several apartments you can buy if you need a store something I guess two keys are spawned that open and close the door if you get too close I remember reading somewhere that you can disintegrate one of the keys if you don't want it but it appears you can't do it in this version [Music] on top of the apartments is the refinery there's an inventory of items you can send here for points gold bars and diamonds worth the most and before I forget is a gun shop where you can buy weapons I suggest the pistol and crossbow it's a birth work underwater so this maps called diving for a reason to get the good stuff you need to go diving my first goal was to get some panels to make ramps up to the refinery since climbing up the ladder is a bit of a pain I got attacked by sharks a lot since I was there any person playing and normally they'll be like 6 or more people playing I was pretty much the only target eventually I got so sick of dealing with sharks that I brought some firepower I purposely preferred a pistol over the crossbow and can get more shots in by the way there's some medical stations in the gun shop if you need some healing [Music] while I was recording I was trying to remember how to steal items in this mod so every now and then you'll see this blue and white menu pop up I did work out later you have to push the left bracket to open a menu use the dash key to put away the item you're holding then use the right bracket to bring the item out I decided I wanted to take a break from getting eaten by sharks so I went up to the oil rig to show it off if you having trouble mounting a ladder in the water you can push use on it to mount it easier at the top you'll see that the oil vendor to the left of him is the amount of oil left it refills after a short while and you can get batteries and upgrades to make it go up faster you can also sell crystals here when you get access to them lower several rooms of assorted props in them there's also this lever here that I don't think does anything you can also open a drawer patch if you want to load a book from underneath there's is one tool here that I can't I'll show you what's on the other side later on selling oil barrels is probably the quickest way to make money on this map [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] along the way I found this Fisher ring that will spawn occasionally if you put your fishing rod within it you'll get higher quality fish I got a bit bored of oil delivery and decided to check out the science lab hey just jumping here post editing to say if you download this map right now these trees will have missing textures to fix this I've left a download in the description you have to unpack its contents into your materials folder for obsidian conflict it should be under something like this well it's more of a rocket silo than a lab but as lab stuff in it [Music] once you earn enough money you can drain the silo and build a payload over here's a little area you can dig down to find some buried treasure a little trick I found is for some reason if you hold something I've willed the Graf gun all your hands in a look at the right angle those sharks won't be able to hurt you you will drop the item if you get hurt however I also have AZ point remembered how to steal items just a minor has left them alright bracket for the menu and you push the - key to still stuff away sometimes the corpses of the IKEA Souls stay around after they die and they kind of move around on their own it can have some interesting results before I forget let's go back to that hidden room you'll find a floppy disk inside if you manage to make it to the window you have to make a ramp outside to get up there however to use it you need to access the upper area of the lab [Music] [Music] normally you need a charged battery to get up there but I changed it this time with a plank [Music] [Music] [Music] to get upgrades on this map you have to insert the floppy disk into this floppy drive on the desk then walk into this teleporter you'll be taken to this science fictiony room where you can choose what upgrade you want sadly the game crashed for me at this point so I just decided to give up playing fairly and cheese I wanted to get a video done I wasn't really keen on playing for another five hours to give yourself points an obsidian complete you open up the console type sv cheats 1 then type give points followed by a number don't make it to bigger number as a fine sometimes you crash the game well haven't really shown the warehouse off yet so let's head over you honestly there's not too much at the warehouse you can make some money selling cargo to the spawn of the lab you'll get different types of cargo so you might get normal cargo which has no special effects or explosive cargo that will blow up and it's knocked around too much it's not normally as profitable as oil because the cargo will loses value as time goes on but I guess it's an option if you want to do something different if you head up to the roof you can purchase the transporter I mean in theory it can transport a lot of the cargo at once but due to its size and how source handles physics it's a buggy mess most the time i tried transporting some cargo in it and it just did not work [Music] in the corner of the map of no island if you look on the water you'll find a pathway now normally you need a few air tanks down here to survive but since I was already using cheats and I was getting sick of dealing with sharks I just get myself a load you'll find a blocky underwater pathway along here you have to destroy a corridor panels to get through I hope you brought that air tank after you make it fruit you'll find an elevator take it down you'll arrive at a room full of strange-looking pillows breaking these will give you crystals that you can use to make charge batteries or you can sell the oil rig [Music] I also found a floppy disk wheels down here these will spawn very rarely and I wasn't expecting to find one [Music] I should also talk about the altar for now it's kind of useless beam brain is mentioned in an early version of the map you can make sacrifices here to improve the odds of getting good items or replenishing items faster but in version 9 it does something very different we need to get full gems is the white red and blue gems you find that side and a special green gem that can only be found here to get to it you need to get above the entrance where you came in so yeah I ever need to bring a prop in here or if you've unlocked the tower can you use it get up here I've also managed to surf my way up here before but today since I'm already cheating most just use some good old new clip to get up here [Music] white Ramanujan put all the Jen's on the right platform which takes a bit of trial and error you'll be able to use the teleporter just let your teleport crystals and anything else find them here - anywhere on the map well anywhere that it's set to now it's time to launch that rocket I gathered all the floppy disk by the way there's no one at the top of the oil rig made a battery for the lift in the lab got five air tanks five barrels of oil and went over to the lab to launch this rocket as I mentioned to use the elevator here you need to put in a working battery process of loading the rocket is quite fiddly [Music] [Music] so I just gave up and using noclip to get the barrels in once I had everything ready it was time to launch now it's possible to go to the moon when you're on the moon the first thing you should do is grab an air tank from the rocket and head over to the base you'll find a broken cage put the air taken there and you won't suffocate inside [Music] you know this is a buggy outside of town cannon you can use to blob boulders to get moon rocks I wasn't able to get any footage of it but these borders will fall back down to the ground after a while so they don't run out moon rocks are a good way to make some pretty good money also I recommend you get teleported stability or else if you use the moon teleporter you might are end up in the wrong spot [Music] [Music] fish up I went back to the warehouse to pick up a gift you get it's a fireworks can can be turned on and off using a button on the side [Music] [Music] after the rocket launches there's a chance that plane will spawn on top of the warehouse this will be totally random but you can force it to spawn by typing this command it's console [Music] the planes a little shonky to control at first but once you get used to it it's pretty fun you have to bank left and right using the a and D Keys respectively and then use the w and s keys to point up and down the plane moves forward on its own you can fire rockets from it not too good for shark hunting but hey it's still fun [Music] [Music] before I wrap things up I should probably talk about version 10 a little bit version 10 was put on hold due to the source engines edict limit the sole surgeon has a list of entities called an edict it keeps track of entities between the player and server and it maxes out at 2048 entities due to hitting this limit beam brains put the map on the back burner and eventually stop working on it and moved on fun fact I ran into this limit while making well in fact you could probably crash a server running this if enough Demoman spam stickies but anyway let's have a look at version 10 [Music] so that's pretty much it for diving this is one of my favorite maps back in the day I love ocean themed maps and I've been meaning to look at this map for a while I'll have to faint beam brains and Vesuvian and of course the obsidian conflict team from making this mod and helping me out with this video there's a lot of interesting OC maps and avid feeling I'll be coming back to this morning some points look at more of them [Music] [Music]
Channel: Whomobile
Views: 253,522
Rating: 4.9537358 out of 5
Keywords: Half life, hl2, hl, source engine, Obsidian Conflict, oc_diving, oc_diving_v9, weird maps, mod, Source mod, ocean, sea, airboat, gems, rocket, space, oil barrel
Id: kt6FyVwfNoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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