Defenestrum Discusses - Half Life: Source Glitches Volume I

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guys I have a confession to make I'm a fan of half-life now now I know I know hey come on where are you going come back here Meowth I should have been more transparent okay I don't want you guys to think I'm taking advantage of you I mean first it's not being clear about what games I love then what pretending to be sponsored by a csgo gambling site that I actually own come on I promise I'll never deceive you in such a way again but why do I bring up my admiration for the half-life franchise well because for all the love I hurl at it it's not perfect there's several things within the franchise that earth me and today I'd like to bring attention to the one that hurts me the most I think I'm gonna make a lot of enemies by saying that the only thing I could love more than half-life is half-life source now hey hey come on again with this hear me out damn it where you going I said I could love it more than the original but I can't half-life source is a fantastic idea you take an already amazing game and you give it a minor yet noticeable graphical upgrade by moving it to the source engine brilliant it adds enhanced lighting and shaders particle effects for blood and explosions where you previously only had low resolution sprite much better water and ragdoll physics so if it adds so many good features why can't I love this game and why can't I recommend that everyone play it over the original well because that's broken it's very very broken allow me to explain half-life source was originally released on June 1st 2004 even before half-life 2 or counter strike source were available it was basically what I described half-life 1.5 ish with the graphics and physics improvement even at the time of its release 12 years ago and made a negative reception from fans because they expected a complete overhaul of the game yet what they met was the exact same level of mono geometry which was starting to show its age but shiny no literally shiny as time went on the source engine matured and many games that utilized they were updated however much to the community's frustration updating Source engine games meant that sometimes things would break sometimes they'd break catastrophic ly valve would eventually come around and pick up after the mass T up they left behind but not always sometimes things would be left broken and well it makes sense as to why half-life source in particular would be abandoned since its initial release had always been generally dismissed and disregarded by consumers happy to settle for the 1998 original which meant that valve could safely push fixing it down in their list of priorities and we all know how valve time works and thus we can move on to the proverbial meat and potatoes of this discussion assessing the current state of disrepair of half-life source as of the making of this video before I commence listing off the issues I encountered some brief information my playthrough was done on a beta build of half-life source using source engine 24 so cific Lee bill - 4 - - 905 it was played on a PC using Windows 10 and a GeForce GTX 680 running the driver version 3 6 5.19 by Nvidia which was release on May 12 of 2016 I'd like to split this list of glitches and errors into two categories bugs that are map specific so they always appear on that certain map and only there and general bugs that are present throughout the entire playthrough first I'll list every single map specific error that I encountered during my playthrough remember gene across the training room holographic assistant well in half-life after she teaches you how to duck jump her animation ends with her teaching you how to duck jump whereas in half-life Sora's when her animation ends she just kind of turns black and resets to her standing position while we're still on the topic of the training room at one point when you're introduced to firing a weapon you come across a table that has your machine gun as well as some ammo and grenades well in half life source you'll notice a strange anomaly because the ammo and the machine gun and the grenades will cast a shadow on the floor but the table won't you see normally during the game you weren't notices because when you're picking up ammo weapons or any kind of item off the floor it's already on the floor and it casts a shadow there but now's because it's raised up on the table and the table isn't casting a shadow the effect just looks really wrong right off the bat when you play half-life swords probably the first bug you're gonna encounter is during the tram right normally when you approach the helicopter but it'll be on the ground next to a scientist and a security guard the scientists will wave at you and him and the security guard will both walk back into a tunnel however in half-life source the helicopter is floating in mid-air just bizarre continuing on with the tram ride the very first time that you see g-man there's this yellow robot that moves out of your way and then goes into toxic green sludge as you're about to turn the corner but in half-life Sora's right at the second when you were about to turn the corner he just kind of jumps up into midair I have to zoom in and play it in slow motion for you to really see it because it happens very very quickly right before you enter the anomalous materials test chambers three scientists sort of briefed you on what's going on with the experiment that day though in half-life stores you're not gonna be paying any attention to what they're saying because you're gonna be too distracted by that one scientist floating above his chair as you're walking down a corridor you see a scientist kill a headcrab by crushing it with a cabinet only to get eaten by another headcrab and the original half-life when the head crap gets crushed you see some blood on the ground yet and half-life soars you don't really get anything during the chapter office complex you're going to encounter some ceiling turrets the second one you'll encounter as you go up a flight of stairs and half-life soars the model of the turret will just be completely black the way in which half-life introduces the Marines to the player is actually quite memorable as you have a scientist that's eager to be rescued only to be shot down leaving you very very confused but in half-life surahs the sequence is completely ruined by the fact that the marine says to hell with the scientist I'd much rather just run up the flight of stairs and shoot at Gordon immediately one of the scenes that you encounter in the main menu of half-life soars is the scene where Barney starts shouting at a tentacle and then the tentacle comes up and crushes him however as you can see here Barney's kind of invincible also what we're on the subject of main menu the actual half-life logo shows up about 50% of the time the sequence upon which this main menu scene is modeled after is the one in which the security guard runs after the tentacle shouting hey only to then be killed for his rude and disrespectful behavior to such a majestic alien creature but in half life source I guess he's just too much of a coward to go out and shoot at it in half life as you make your way through the tram you'll eventually come across some turrets in half-life sors is a weird issue and I think it might have something to do with shadows but if you hit this one with a crowbar and it falls against the wall it just turns black so after Gordon fights on suspect off agents or as myself as the rest of the half life community call them ninjas he has a nice play date with the Marines no excuse me for a second the piers that I've made a mistake he was booted on kidnap and left to die in a trash compactor anyways after that incident the setting is supposed to be that Gordon is stripped of his weapons by the Marines and therefore the players supposed to spawn empty-handed however in half-life source this doesn't really happen all the time I don't know why but during my testing if you're holding a revolver as the last weapon before you get kidnapped you will spawn with it when you enter the next area obviously it won't have any ammo but you'll still be holding it in your hands it'll be replaced as soon as you pick up the crowbar before I show off this next bug I'd like to give a brief seizure warning so if you're feeling kind of iffy about it just skip to this time stamp display it on screen now trust me it's it's pretty bad you know for every single one of the bugs that I've listed off I usually give some kind of introduction to it or some kind of context so you know what's going on but this one I honestly just don't even know what to say like in vanilla half-life this is just a regular intro to the residue processing chapter and then in half-life sors oh god now in half life right before you get the talkin and the game cleverly teaches you how not it's much too unpredictable don't let it overcharge what do you mean over you even get to see the poor bastards remain in all its McCobb glory however in half-life soars the affirmation remains are turned black later and surface-tension you get to enjoy some lovely outside scenery of black mesa as you get to dodge some landmines however in half-life soars you're not really gonna get to enjoy much of the scenery as in this section the skybox is going fricken haywire and the weird part is that the skybox isn't acting crazy all the time only if you're standing on certain locations and you're looking in certain directions only then the skybox is gonna start having problems and it looks especially bad in this part when you have the antenna with electricity all over it it just looks terrible and now to wrap up this list of math specific issues we have the go narc it makes for an intense boss fight in half life it gives birth to countless baby headcrabs which are more than happy to make you pay for what you did to their older siblings throws balls of a questionable looking white chemical that damages you and leaves a white stain on contact with the floor and it charges at you hitting you with its legs for massive damage this giant screeching quadruple testicle is a force to be reckoned with which is why it's so sad to see that in half life source it's such a wimp seriously the damn thing never makes an effort to chase after you all it does is throw balls of spunk at you that are easy to dodge on top of that it barely spawns any baby head crabs which are pretty much harmless unless you get very close to them hell they'll even run away sometimes and to make everything worse spawning baby head crabs are throwing balls of spunk we'll leave a huge ugly looking black square on the floor at the point of impact this huge boss has been reduced to a pathetic [ __ ] now let's move on to the general bugs the issues that are gonna be there and your entire playthrough whenever you move and especially every single time you jump in half-life source there's this kind of very high-pitched ringing noise that plays along with the sound effect the other issue that's gonna be there the entire time relates to barnacles and the fact that their tongues don't render properly you see I don't know why but in half-life sors there's this weird issue where barnacle tongues won't render pass a certain distance even though you can still collide with them no matter what length they're supposed to be now it's weird cuz I've actually found a way to fix this if you simply leave the room and walk back in the tongues of the barnacle should now be displayed in the correct length alternatively you can no clip out of the level and come back to it and it will have a similar effect the third issue that I encounter which will be present through your entire playthrough of half-life source is actually the one that I found to be the most packer baiting and that's relating to the classic or chronic path flight weapon the crowbar in half-life every time that you hit something with a crowbar it makes a sound okay so far so good when you hit something that's wood it'll sound like you're hitting wood when you hit something that's concrete or metal it'll sound like that respective surface and half-life source when you hit any kind of surface except for enemies the game will automatically play the sound effect of you hitting a concrete surface on top of the sound effect of whatever surface you're actually hitting that brings an end to all the errors that I could personally find throughout my playthrough of half-life source to further illustrate my point of just how much half-life source started breaking down over years and years and several iterations of source engine updates I actually managed to find a much earlier version of the game that was running on Source engine 7 specifically built to 707 from what I could find this is a build of the game from about 2011 out of curiosity I went through it and guess what the vast majority of the issues that I just listed in this video were there that means that Gina cross won't turn black when she's done doing a duck jump there's no more weird floating shadows the security guard dies when he gets hit from a tentacle but during game and in the main menu there's no more floating helicopter the scientists and anomalous materials learn how to properly sit down in a chair the Marine will kill the scientist before he'll tried to annihilate Gordon you'll properly be empty-handed when you wake up in a trash compactor after being beaten by soldiers you can go through residue processing without needing to get your eyes checked afterwards the skybox won't be throwing a fit when you're dodging landmines the go narc is actually a threat now barnacle tongues will all be the correct distance a most important of all your ears will be bleeding every time you use a crowbar so that's great if I found this older version of half-life sores and surely that should be everyone's default way to play the game you see as this is a much older build of the game the only way that you're going to get a hold of it nowadays is through piracy the only way I was able to test it is through someone who legally owned a retail copy and was able to let me use it I cannot and will not condone pirating this game much less encouraging especially since it's a game I really like I'm making this because I'm a dedicated fan of the game and because I can't really find any adequate and current video proof of all the issues with it today and all the obstacles that it would create to anyone trying to play half-life source I think the most prominent person that I've ever seen draw attention to all the issues with half-life source was Ross Cod and the end credits this final episode of Freeman's mind but those issues were related to specifically demo recording and didn't show the complete nightmare that is trying to play the game to date that in the fact that the series started in 2007 and it ended in 2014 so there's a gap in which source updates could have done much further damage in the current state that it's in I simply cannot recommend that you purchase half-life source much less that you use it as your first experience of half-life however I do recommend that anyone who owns this game it has a gathering dust on their Steam library to give it a try and report any kind of anomalies you managed to find I'll leave a link for anyone who wants to take up this challenge can post whatever they find and discuss it with other people I hope that after watching this video more people become aware of the state of disrepair that this game has managed to find itself in but most of all I hope that one day this video is outdated and obsolete thank you for watching
Channel: Defenestrum
Views: 73,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: defenestrum, half life, half life source, half life source issues, half life source issue, half life source glitches, half life source glitch, half life source errors, half life source error, half life source bugs, half life source bug, source engine, source engine glitches, source engine updates, broken maps, ai issues, map specific issues, half life source residue processing glitch
Id: zUk6R8vQXU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2016
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