The History of GMOD's Most Popular Maps

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] so [Music] so that's where that noise is coming from well let's spruce in this room up a little and get to work on our main topic today which conveniently as you've already read is the more workshop orientated side of gary's mod [Music] the popular map section you see here aka the most subscribed maps on the workshop included a lot of familiar creations i'm sure you've encountered before again and again in the past and of a keen eye you might notice there's the same name under some of these creations which is a bit fascinating to me multiple maps made by the same people some not and picked up by the same crowd on this game and yet still continue to stay relevant as new releases come out on the workshop to me this is one of the many examples on how gary's model really is a timeless masterpiece but this video isn't about that this video is about the history of these maps and so what about the history of these maps then where do these creators think their map would go and where might they be now well i go over those questions later though i'd first like to go through a quick map showcase of each creation so bear with me as we go through these ranking them least popular to most popular this one is going to be gm house of garden v2 and it's one of the most popular maps i used to watch when i uh would view gmod content back in the day along with house of garden 2 which i'll display here both of these maps are made by the same person who in question has a string of 27 releases on the workshop relating to just house content alone if you're interested in the development process for gm house of garden i include a side by side showcase here which you can see jurassic changes [Music] during the research of this map i reached out to the map creator for an interview but i've yet to get a response so sadly i will not have their input in this video it seems orf kip's creations were only popular on the workshop as there are a few places where their maps appear elsewhere after gm house of garden we have a few more maps to cover the next on my list first being gm atomic a map from the creator of gm big city sadly this person has also yet to respond to my request for an interview uploaded in 2012 gm atomic is a very special map being used in many old follow rp servers over the years of gerry's mod overall the map is a pretty beautiful piece of art you can tell there's an overwhelmingly amount of detail put into certain sections of this map over the area of this map we have a nice little gas station some containers a valley a small community of houses and a bridge and a crater to the outskirts of the roads but besides from what i listed the area of the houses is very special here's where i believe development first started on gmatonic going into big weak screenshots you'll find something uploaded on october 12 2011. now compare that to the original upload of the map november 1st 2012. in this screenshot uploaded on 2011 and comparing it to a similar house on the map they're almost identical not to mention the time between this screenshot and the creation of the map is exactly a year and two weeks at this time it was probably also being play tested with a friend as we see two players just thought it was worth noticing oh also there's a cool little underground bit here of a lab that's all there really is to this map presumably there's no playable betas elsewhere the next most subscribed workshop item on the list is gm711 when asked to interview this creator has yet to respond i'm sure a lot of you know this map very well and have it somewhere in your heart either having seen it all this years or playing it even years ago i remember logging on here just to mess around the map is fairly simple with a small area for spawn in a pool outside of bright lighting within our maintenance fraction there remains a plentiful amount of domo ads and 2011 error images with the shells being fairly normal the map also contains an elevator which brings you down to a darkened basement with red eyes staring at you and what looks like an office besides this there's a room with a disappearing door that'll close every couple of seconds [Music] sorry to ruin the illusion but the blinking eyes are just lights which switch off and on besides this there's a soccer goal outside and a train station with rails exploring the older version of gm711v5 compared to v6 which promises re-texturing we see a lot of missing features that we all know in the main store the advertisements are gone and replace the paper decals from half-life 2. the walls have been changed inside the store to a much different color scheme as well even more than re-texturing visiting the basement in this 7-eleven you'll notice there is no eyes anymore and the disappearing door doesn't exist either besides just had a bit of history there's not much else that goes on here moving up further we reach gm genesis and now this map is absolutely massive it's actually hard to start on a good beginning though if we start with spawn there's a multitude of portals that'll lead you to the surface a good idea for quick transportation around the map on the surface we have a massive river a multitude of buildings and complexes and many roadways as the title would suggest genesis as defined is the formation of something we can see a lot of buildings here taking heavy inspiration from gm construct and this can be noticed about anywhere you go even the 3d skybox resembles contract the only part of the map where i don't understand the inspiration is this underground portion here this bit focuses on a dirt arena for what seems like racing and the massive tunnels just seem like they're there for travel now almost reaching to the tippy top we come across gm fork and fortunately this creator was able to reach out to me though i was not able to host an interview but i was given lots of info and even a beta map to compare the differences between the workshop version and the pre-uploaded version now gm fork is a very well crafted and beautiful map posted on october 13 2014 though it's had many changes with its most recent one being 2016. you can read them on the changed notes section in the map here featured in the map is a huge city beautiful shorelines what looks like a power plant gas station cemetery mansion a railway system you name it with this amount of dedication it easily deserves its place on the workshop leaderboard and it's hard to say all of its details in just one section of this video but how does the beta version of this map compare well the first thing that's different is that you start off of a car from half-life episode 2 which i crashed pretty quickly besides that what else do we have here well first off the node graphs and pathing for npcs are not viable on this map as we see with an example npc created by gary which should automatically start walking if the map is noted right this is different in our modern version of gm fork comparing the beta version with a sky shot via xyz coordinates on there are changes though the beta seems to be like more a final stage with little minor tweaks now and then one thing you'll notice is the lack of trees in the 3d skybox in the background from the earlier versions also a lack of a radio tower as seen here though besides that there's not much different between the two next is a screenshot taken near the warehouse section one change in this area that i've noticed is how in the earlier version of gm fork the inside of the warehouse did not exist this was probably for performance but was changed later on a screenshot near this tunnel by the shoreline shows nothing special neither does the power plant section this being said if you notice something i missed here please leave a comment about it as i don't really see anything worth noticing or anything that seems like has changed beyond this the map maker recently released some unlisted screenshots he used in the development of fork to the public so i could access them these screenshots show a very unfinished gm fork but they're pretty fascinating to look at i'll put them on the screen now from newest to oldest [Music] [Music] the first screenshot ever taken of gm fork was this one here uploaded on june 19th 2012. that's two years of development for this single workshop map it's amazing to see the amount of dedication mappers for garry's mod had back then and still do modernly of creations like these still being explored by people if you haven't tried this map yet i ask you that you do whenever you can we discover a very well played map by almost a million people this map being named gm lair personally i'm also a big fan of this map and even better news the map creator suspiciously awesome told me that he would be open to any questions that i could write down for an interview with even more interesting news he is now working at ubisoft in germany and does 3d modeling as well as animation he has some really amazing work i'll show you guys soon i reached out to him near the 5th or 6th of this month and i was given answers on the 13th and my set of questions for him i asked what his reason to start mapping was and if anyone gave him inspiration to do so in the first place he responded that he always liked messing around with game editors having some experience with the far cry map editor and other games like track mania would allow him to express his creativity at a time where he was completely obsessed with half-life 2 content the desire to start making things would be sprouted from his own entertainment with a goal in mind that soon enough with good training maybe he could even make a mod for the game that he was obsessed with eventually he did reach the school of becoming good enough as he thought and went on to publishing things on and toybox toybox was a community mod sharing system implemented in a garry's mod before the steam workshop was a thing around early 2010 which he spent a lot of time on the second question i asked was how long his maps would usually take during development and interesting enough it really only grew from his perspective of scale and complexity some of his first maps like gm floating worlds 1 and gm bay would only take a few weeks to develop this grew to 6 to 8 months to develop after he started making stuff like gm floating worlds 3 and would begin to integrate his map of custom content after being newly discovered this time was only added on because of breaks along the way in his message he wanted to note that during this time the entire mapping community was very supportive of his endeavors his talents and skills would grow from the friends he met along the way on websites like the wall d e which revealed in a sad forum post in 2017 would be shut down the website have been running since 1998 and would get a huge german audience over the years of it being up this website would be a starting point for many half-life and half-life 2 fans alike who wanted to have an outlet to share their creations after may 2018 everything finally went offline and my third question i asked if he ever thought his maps would be some of the most subscribed on the workshop which in a pretty normal answer he responded nope as stated before from the beginning these maps were for him and slowly sprouted into being received very highly by his surrounding friends which inspired him to keep pursuing his hobbies and working to become better following up asked what he thinks of his published maps now looking back at them and i'm happy to say he looks back at them very fondly he explains that even with the source engine's limitations during the time that the type of work he was doing was very freeing being able to build whatever now spending time in the game industry he sees his inconsistencies but nonetheless he thinks they've held up surprisingly well over the years to a more interesting question i also asked if he had any maps he had not specifically released for any set of reasons i was told yes with the fact he had dozens of prototype maps and specifically three maps he was working on that went unfinished due to the studying for his future of game design as well as allocating time to other more important projects in his life he claims one was a modern city map saying imagine mirror's edge crossed of chi and big city containing lots of custom content and polish which honestly isn't that bad of an explanation for this i was given a showcase of this map in a work in progress folder titled untitled city map this is what it would have looked like [Music] [Music] and honestly to me this map does hold up surprisingly well this map looks fantastic from the screenshots the next map i'm told about is a steampunk style observatory in the very icy north this map is when he really got into 3d modeling unsurprisingly the creations shown here are also very fantastic and wonderfully detailed [Music] the third i was told about is a desert terrain created mostly in world machine after the discussion of their previous maps i then asked if they still think of their time on gary's mod suspiciously awesome told me that he honestly never spent that much time on gary's mod compared to mapping for it most memories came from messing around with his friends on lan parties or just going on a server to be silly besides this he believes the creative process is more important than actually playing the game which i can agree with in a way for mapping i also asked if mapping helped in any part of his life either for his creativity or expanding on certain skills he tells me that it's absolutely helped the aid of the creativity by being able to express himself from the source engine along with past and future mapping endeavors it would help him expand his problem solving skills and create higher barriers for himself by working with this type of engine that's filled with limitations he's able to create realistic goals of modern game engines from experiencing so many past constraints being so obsessed with half-life 2 it gave him a great base to work off of when making his earlier maps and slowly expanding into things like custom 3d models and particle effects as well as custom materials these maps in his portfolio would greatly aid in getting him to where he is now and he would like to note that it's pretty safe to say that without the platform and the motivation from the community he probably wouldn't be in the position that he's in today i ask with my final question how would you consider life back then as a garry's mod publisher in 2012 versus 2021 in which i'm told he has no good response for that question ever since this first published on and his latest map in 2013 he thinks the steam workshop has made a huge improvement in the quality of life overall after jumping from gary's model org and toybox i would like to thank suspiciously awesome for being so cool about the questions i asked and being so descriptive as well as for the screenshots i was given he was very chill during this interview and you should really check out his maps whenever you have the time to if you haven't already so make sure you show him some support the next map in our top two is gm highway 1400 with 1.3 million people subscribed i'm sure you've played this before but if not here's a recap of it all as seen here the map is made by almost a french map creator it consists of a concrete structure which towers above the highway systems a loop-de-loop and a small gas station as well as this broken bridge in the description he says that this map is inspired by 192000 a song by the gorillas in which you can see the similarities here otherwise i was not able to get an interview of almost but i can showcase an older version of this map here which has the floor totally removed otherwise that's about it for highway and now for one of the most popular maps of all gm big city and man is it popular at a near 2.5 million people subscribed it's hard to say when this map exactly popped up as its earliest youtube reference was in 2008 with a video called gm big city easter eggs the original map creator bigwig first uploaded gm big city on the steam workshop in 2012 but it's assumed that before this the map was either uploaded on or toybox by going to his workshop items you can also see this map was uploaded on gary's mod beta the map overall is mainly a huge city of solid buildings but the reason i think it has become a staple is because of how well its performance is regardless of your pc i've heard from many people that g and big city is one of those maps where it'll work no matter what the map itself even with a copious amount of space continues to work flawlessly and define itself as iconic because i am also unable to access gm big city in its beta form i would say that this is mostly it for the staple of all gmod maps in a way i would say for a map like this less is better gm big city already defines itself as it is and doesn't need much wording to put into it as a masterpiece thank you all so much for watching this video and the continued support on this channel it means a lot to me and because of this it allows me to get the motivation i need to keep making videos like this a very special thanks to suspiciously awesome for being so cool and allowing me to interview them fully about their history as well as the creator of gm4 giving me information that i could use in this video and made the covering of his map possible i appreciate that creators six to seven years after their creations still are aiding in the discovery of the game and letting people explore their projects with all these maps listed and for nothing really left to say i bid you all goodbye and a safe day thank you for watching and much love you
Channel: stellarr 1
Views: 149,593
Rating: 4.9612746 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Source, Maps, History
Id: 1Jhq06DPZ1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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