HALLOWEEN SPECIAL TIER LIST | Astartes Anonymous Podcast #17

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[Music] hi there and welcome back to another episode of the estares Anonymous podcast where today we've got a really fun Halloween special plan uh where we're going to make a very silly teer list ranking some of the goofiest spookiest things in 40K so I am once again joined by a night Lord being a night Lord a pumpkin MO the [ __ ] are you again I am a gnome and a GED I'm your host Tom and these are my co-hosts well hello everyone my name is Lucas or better known as moots [Applause] gnome I readed I don't know what you're talking about I'm your average Imperial [Laughter] Guardsman hello I'm Aaron and I have shatter in my costume somebody help me please you [ __ ] should have shattered your [ __ ] [ __ ] in my brain you deserve it oh so because we have a extra long episode planned today uh an extra long special episode planned today we're just going to skip the models of the week and all that Shenanigans and just sort of crack on with the uh the main event hell yeah it's a and it's a spooky one and if you're wondering why I'm dressed like this no good Halloween event is complete without some kind of [ __ ] costume see orig wanted the [ __ ] costume but the boy said no and I can't imagine why that's too dangerous to D great offense we can't have that this this is not very Christian of you Tom why is it making you feel uh impure things no but it is making me feel angry you're always angry you'll be okay usual man's like the Hulk right should we crack on with the main event yes yes so as you can see said this I I'll repeat myself as much as I want to repeat myself thank you very much red once more please I think I I think Aaron I think Tom is lagging sorry guys we have two uh Aaron you're closest to can you like punch him or like restart him punch him in the back of the neck yeah like it's like a factory reset you know you grab a heavy object you just [ __ ] Whack Him I'm sure that will do something it at least put him out of our Collective misery I'd prefer it if you elected to not do that Aaron I'll beat the fboy out of you right beat the quick someone grab falling pipe MP3 and moving on because this is just I can just now Aaron said the trigger word this can only really go downhill from here we all know it I was the one who said it so as you can see in front of us we've got this great big list first I'm should I just quickly list off what we're going to go through here yes just so that everyone in the comments section can can like quickly get off their chest the the bitching about the things we didn't include in the list I think thats Fair yeah to be before that I wanted to include literally [ __ ] everything in Warhammer in this list but apparently no that was too much need to cut out some of it everything's terrifying in this world nothing's good about an hour before warmer about an hour before recording this the list was a lot bigger and moots was like no no we have to cut things out because it'll be too long so going to get everything go look at the message history moots is to blame no no no I like moots I'd rather blame you that's fair so see Tom I did all of this for you because I know that it takes time to edit and I I I was just thinking of you man and now Red's going to kill me yeah thanks thanks for thinking of me now I get blamed for everything you do and you get what nothing gets my money he get you get you get paid you get paid to redirect Red's repressed rage at me it's not repressed trust me it's very expressed there's nothing about this exchange that I'm even remotely okay with but you also forget I get to wear the gnome hatch gome you've been gnomed listen new [ __ ] keemstar want to be shut the [ __ ] up oh my God that was the most insulting thing you've ever said to me I feel How Could You moots is at least 4 in taller than keemstar I'm pretty sure moots wears platform boots to be fair so jur still that one he's 52 without them he goes up to whopping five free yeah I I mean what mood slacks in height he makes up in width you could say girth oh I I'm sure there is no no reality in hell where if we in a cage match smots does not win well it's it's that sort of the the compact sort of muscular nature of them it's like fighting a [Applause] Pitbull yeah it's really it's small but every inch is just packed with muscle you know I could I could take him it's not him you have to worry about it's me shooting you in the goddamn chest afterwards a hell of a handicap I'll take it it's always a fair fight with you isn't it I get a bullet mes can it's a fair fight he got the bullet from God oh sweet Jes anyway moving moving on cuz we can we can sit here and roast each other all day may maybe we'll do that maybe one of these days we'll just spend a whole [ __ ] episode just [ __ ] roast each other and if you're curious about that I we roast Tom literally every second we're not doing this [ __ ] podcast do I heard Tom is selling his house due to his crippling Big Mac edition this was discussed in the previous episod this episode is actually just because of the way we're recording this this episode is actually getting air before that one gets air oh oh so they they'll find out about the Big Mac addiction later on saying it like that makes it sound like there actually is one denial we're not talk about the river look being admitting to the problem is the first step to recovery Tom you're very brave right I'm burning space on my [ __ ] hard drive let's start this [ __ ] boys like [ __ ] seven like seven or eight minutes in and we haven't said a word about anything spooky yet so we're doing something wrong gentlemen you been try what's spooky your Big Mac addiction we could have done the models of the week bloody segment in this time instead we just spent it the piss out me a weekly deal it should be the normal yeah like everyone's models are cool and all but like roasting Tom that's Timeless that's Timeless this is what I get for roasting Aaron in the all the intros for the last three months damn straight perfectly balanced as all things should be moving on I'm for I'm forunate now boys we got we got to move on cuz it's coming up to 10 minutes and we have said nothing we've said plenty what are you talking about you leave me alone right through alone meanwhile Tom's Welling it don't bully me I'll C shirt the whole time oh moot can you put that on the Avatar please oh my gosh and you're worried about monetization make it a crop yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice one yeah there's just a big mosc of like Tom's chest and like what's underneath there I don't know subscribe to the patreon and actually to be fair I got to throw that out there cuz I did say that I would uh ladies and gentlemen we do have a patreon it is live if you like our content you like the podcast you like the shorts you like the videos please go and have a look thank you very much right moving on to the main thing so we have 20 things we're going to go through today I'm just going to speed them off now so if you got a problem that we didn't include your favorite thing uh you can Chuck it in the comments section right now uh first up we're going to do listen or red won't listen I'll listen red red n maybe not so first things first first we got them uh actually I'm just going to list through all of them real quick and then we'll crack on so uh we've got the megarachnids phosex the Orcs cherubs necron flares the adeptus mechanicus the death guard dreadn interment the warp the Inquisition the psychon neine uh what the [ __ ] are these things again moots the uh the [ __ ] the SLO the sloth no the the the the the the bug things with a butt and the tentacles oh the enslavers the enslavers uh the dula the harud the sloth or sloth or whatever they're called the night Lords servitors The Emperor's Children Jakari and finally the tyranids so that's the order we're going to go through and Gentlemen let's start with the megarachnids giant [ __ ] spiders yes scene in Horus Rising I if I remember correctly yes yes I don't know are they in Horse Rising I thought they were just mentioned in it I don't know if they're actually no they're very they're very prevalent oh take that back then they uh this the dude they eat the guy hor he's dead rising into Boos uh for those who uh do know they are a race uh actually um a uh endangered species uh I'm not sure they even exist at this point in time no they they were wiped out in the heresy yeah okay uh that exists on the planet called Murder and which is a lovely Place great oh I remember this great vacation spot uh take your children there uh and well you know they're they're big [ __ ] spiders and these guys Munch down on Space Marines like they're [ __ ] kitkats and now I got to throw out there I am [ __ ] terrified of SP spiders I have always been terrified of spiders for me this is going right at the top I watched eight-legged Freaks and Arachnophobia those two movies I don't know if you've seen those I watched those two movies when I was way too young to be watching those movies and yeah my problems with that never went away I've got a really awful core memory of going to bed when I was like seven or something after watching one of those two movies and and laying in bed with the lights on as as you would after watching a movie as a seven-year-old and seeing this [ __ ] massive hairy ass [ __ ] spider just on top of me uh needless to say I was not particularly impressed with that turn of effect I loved eight-legged freaks it's it's funny movie when I was like 12 when it came out I was [ __ ] this is awesome spiders are awesome this is [ __ ] sick it's aged very well it's it's very funny to watch it now but it still does unnerve me a little bit I was going to say it's funny you mention uh um watching stuff like too early cuz my sister has a similar fear of like Gremlins like Gizmo and [ __ ] gin like the [ __ ] the movie G and she refuses to this day to watch it at all my mom loves them she thinks they're adorable and she's like oh you got to watch it again and she's just like no never oh my God I can understand the spiders thing because spiders are a real tangible thing in this world [ __ ] grimlin Gremlins that is very funny irrational fear of goblins godamn oh goin's a great man to be fair hey I exist you're a gnome [ __ ] G I'll kill you I'll [ __ ] kill you moots anyways how do we feel about I mean I got to be honest gentlemen again we do it democratically we'll try and find an average where we can and if not someone will have to uh fold for me personally out of all the things on here if I were have fa them in battle or just face them in general I'm fainting if I see a mega I am going to sleep it can do whatever it wants I am unconscious through the entire ordeal I will be [ __ ] my pants this is three spooky five me 100% I mean these things they also eily killed Space Marines like they were nothing so yeah I mean personally uh I I wouldn't put them on free spooky five me I would honestly put them at bones not rattling because they're just big spiders they are just spiders they they're sure they're big spiders they could easily [ __ ] Slaughter me uh they would probably turn me to minced meat Chuck me in a [ __ ] sandwich for good measure and uh you know put a [ __ ] olive on that but it's like I don't know they're they're big spiders no they'll just kill you like they don't like they not they're not sadistic or Savage like when you meet in a mean acted you're just dead suffer I'm going to say not spooky they're just watered down to and it's that's an interesting way of thinking about it I suppose go on red where are you putting them CU we got one we got one for like top middle and bottom so I suppose deci bones that R like they are still giant spiders well that definitely averages right in the middle gentlemen we have our Baseline way a gribi right next up we have phosa just phosex phosex so for anyone who doesn't know how phosex works I'll give you the quick you heard of Vietnam basically basically imagine Napalm except it moves uh and when it touches you it literally restructures your [ __ ] DNA whilst burning you alive turning you into literal mush phosex is [ __ ] terrifying I'm pretty sure phosex was one of the things that the Imperium during the heresy at large said no guys stop [ __ ] using this and the death guard were like n we're going to use it [ __ ] off standard based I don't know about that sounds like a man in needed fast effects in my opinion it's it's essentially like Mega space uh cancer Napalm essentially I I guess it would kind of depend on I'd say not spooky it's it's literally just a chemical weapon and we have mustard gas and if you ever seen that [ __ ] but to use then you yeah just not spooky it's just a chemical weapon guys it's just a chemical weapon [ __ ] the californ the American in you is so powerful right now it's just a chemical weapon guys what's the fuss I I mean comparatively to everything else on the list it's it's not that special there's some there's some poor Vietnamese Japanese people listening right now going yeah the American said that that makes sense Japan no use something a bit more heavy on them I'm I'm going to say bones be rattling personally cuz if you're there and you see this [ __ ] coming towards you you're not not going to be scared it's going to be pretty [ __ ] terrifying to be fair it's not like a and death which a few of these are you telling me the chemical gas is more terrifying than a giant [ __ ] spider yes because the chemical gas kill the giant spider very easily I else the planet yeah we're not how scaling here today though we're talking about fear I think I me despite being a [ __ ] about I think Red's got a point it is kind of and again looking at the other stuff on this list it does kind of make sense to me to be a bit lower down I don't know if I'd say not spooky because if you see it affect somebody else whilst it's creeping towards you your pants are turning brown you know that's not optional that's that's a prerequisite so i' I'd say Jim Jimmy's un rustled I think that's where I'd put it I I agree I I mostly agree with red I I feel like it's it's just an it's just an a thing it's just a weapon it's not just fart gas yeah it's very very have you been let off very spicy fart gas the spiciest fart gas um I think Jimmy's on rustled what about you Aaron we got two for Jimmy's un Russell one for not spooky I'll bump down to so probably bones not rattling so it' be high Jimmy un rustled I think it's the fair all right I think we can safely put that in Jimm's put it now in Jimm's un rustled so phosex not the not not not spooky but certainly enough to make you want to maybe bring a second pair of pants I think that's fair that's fair next up we have the Orcs now I think someone tried to get the Orcs out of this list but ah I don't know man I don't know man if I see an orc that's that's ah damn that's accepting your fate of being turned into a literal pile of [ __ ] mush you know it's like the thing is um and brought the red brought up this point to me when we were talking about this uh when we were discussing this idea Orcs are [ __ ] evil they maybe maybe not they're not morally evil no but they are cruel they are cruel they are and they are very aware of it uh which is what I think terrifies me about it let's let's just take the example of uh what they did during the war of the beasts uh R I think you know a bit more about this than I do during the war of the Beast the worlds of the Orcs took over they basically mentally broke the population to becoming nothing more than overgrown cattle they would force breed them and make them such like Mindless animals that they were no more than actual cattle it was so shocking to what the Orcs were doing that the iron Warriors that came and saw it were sickened the the the iron Warriors dire Warriors I mean they're responsible for something else a bit later on this list that's going to get pretty high up so that's that's saying in the same book series it commented on how the orc me how the orc wave was something that you could not stop they weren't taking prisoners they weren't giving any Mercy they weren't stopping at all they they could not and would not stop for anything and there was no choice other than fight them run away or die yeah on top of that if you look at like you know Orcs the funny Orcs right but like look at them from an outside perspective they're hulking masses of muscle built in raggedy plate M uh plates that they scavenged they have the bones of their fallen enemies dangling around them their claws are literally hydraulic presses yeah yeah yeah I mean best case scenario you get caught in a walking industrial accident which isn't not spooky on its own to be on top of that if you think about it Orcs do [ __ ] like burn people alive and they laugh at it because they genuinely think it's funny when they you dance around screaming yeah and and that's the kind of [ __ ] that actually terrifies me that uh that I think that's why I would actually put them like right on free spooky five me on top of that like if you on top of that Orcs themselves they they don't actively see you like your pain as an issue it's just not even a a thing in their head they'll gladly rip you apart to hear your screens because they think it's funny not because they're malicious no they they they find it incredibly funny in a in a kind of child pulling the legs off of a spider uh way it's uh oh my god I've just realized the Orcs would love Happy Tree Friends they love that [ __ ] they would adore Happy Tree Friends oh no in the godamn is a happy tree friend oh it's a very [ __ ] up animation I would I don't know Happy Tree Friends is more into like the [ __ ] up sadism part of it I don't think that's really the Orcs they just it's the violence that the Orcs like not the like actual pain causes yeah I suppose well I would be happy to put them in Bones be rattling or bones not rattling somewhere around there me I don't think it's three spooky five me man sounds like someone in Destin being mauled by an orc moots you know what to do get away all right well moots what do you think where are you putting them free spooky five me easy for three spooky five me what bones be rattling oh yeah prob the same as you to Bones be rattling bones not battling I'll probably put them bones not rattling to be fair I'm to put them in Bones be rattling that's a high bones be rattling that's a high bones be rattling all right that's fair that's fair next up we have the imperium's god forsaken Emperor forsaken cherubs now a few people don't know what cherubs are if you've seen a bunch of 40K at any point in your life you've probably noticed babies flying around with little wings and or metics and Optics and all sorts of other weird [ __ ] basically to create a cherub you take a baby usually a cloned baby sometimes not and you basically take its [ __ ] brain out scoop out its brains put some [ __ ] robot [ __ ] in there connected to what little little brains you've left behind give it some wings and maybe a [ __ ] bag of ammunition and you send it on its way and and usually some eccentric Inquisitor or uh uh Rogue Trader just goes M yes this will be my pet freaky flying baby pet yeah carry the Mel grenade again it's it's just a baby with some atics that's not really I mean it's unsettling and uncomfortable to look at sure but like terrifying I don't know know yeah I I I agree with this sentiment it's it's kind of the I feel like the um uh ceramic you dull uh creepiness it's it's just it's just weird you look at it you're like yeah no I think that's a fair take I think that's a fair take like there's no chance that like the fos effects is more scary than the baby because the baby's not going to hurt you I mean that's it let's say the cheriff does decide to does decide it wants to attack you I mean you're just going to punch it aren't you really like it is still made of bathing things aren't very aren't very strong it's have you have you ever punched a babyy punch I've never punched a baby but um read the certified baby puncher yeah I'll I'll take your uh I'll take your baby punching skills to heart and and I think I could comfortably say ah I want to say if Jimmy's un rustled for me what do you guys think I'd agree with that not spooky at allir uh I think not spooky honestly well I'm happy to fold and say not spooky I'm happy to fold and say not spooky I think again actually to be fair you're right looking at the other stuff on this list it would be hard to put it higher than not spooky you you can dispatch a baby you can't dispatch the death Cloud it's not spooky it's not spooky it's it's it's kind of the um how how many toddlers can you take out if they like attacked you in waves or something it's just how many cherubs do you think you could fight barehanded at once exactly the answer just like the [ __ ] kindergarteners or whatever the [ __ ] is is I just knock one the [ __ ] out grab him by the legs and just start swinging with him next up we have one of Red's Favorite alltime Things the nekron flade one [Laughter] would you like to educate us a little bit on the FED ones the fled ones are necrons that have succumbed to something called the FL the flare virus which means they are driven to skinning and eating flesh in a desperate attempt to refine their organic bodies oh they eat as well they try to have you read the twice dead King series it's a really maob uh description of uh an entire world that fell to the flare virus it's literally necrons attempting to shove meat into their mouth but not failing because well they're necrons damn like it's described it's described as the nekron are coming to a hunger almost it's described like an addiction that they just feel the need to eat but they can't so it drives them crazy kind of [ __ ] up [ __ ] hell on top of this one of my alltime favorite pieces of Warhammer art is from the ninth Edition codex where there's a bunch of fled ones 's coming over these Imperial trenches and the Guardsmen are so [ __ ] terrified that they're blowing their own brains out with their last pistol they'd rather be kill themselves and be flayed alive these things these things Flay you alive Pence the name I was going to ask is it is it not a kill it's not like a predator thing where it like kills you and does that [ __ ] later it's like yep no stay here I need your skin yeah just hold you down and start pulling oh my God like a b in fact the [ __ ] necrons themselves are terrified of the things well they're terrified I mean they're terrified of becoming one aren't they cuz they just see the the sort of um degeneration of them you know they look at it and it's like that is full regression yeah compl I mean oh that's it as well they're completely [ __ ] insane not true in the twice dead King novel twice dead King reain uh the ending scene spoilers for the book but it's been out for a while so it's your own fault for not reading it um there's a really great scene of um the FED ones being uh leading a charge throughout this Imperial ship and it's it's it's built up to be like this Grand like almost revolutionary thing of their of their phon admitting to the fled ones that they're his people and he's leading in this glorious charge against the humans but then you see it from the humans perspective and it's literally just a mass of metal and Claws and flayed skin coming at them grabbing people ripping them apart [ __ ] the screen spill the ship there's a scene where one of the bigger FL ones teleports onto the bridge and then everyone's standing there looking at this impossibly tall thin monstrosity that Roars and just starts blood letting everybody butchering them at all and at the end they all have a feast on the corpses what the [ __ ] oh they can also tunnel through go something called the ghost wind which means they can basically just [ __ ] teleport behind you what the [ __ ] myu your skin is mine I you had that clip from when um you played dawn of War of Tom red and you just SP play ones and you he Tom just go would you stop doing that that [ __ ] [ __ ] hilarious I was about to say to even accentuate like how [ __ ] terrifying fled ones are I successfully broke a salamander line with nothing but fled ones they are they are very intimidating to to to someone who is uh let's just say somewhat inexperienced at dawn of War that was not a I think thanks literally thanks to that and the other [ __ ] you pulled that game is singularly why I haven't played dawn of war against you in a very long time this [ __ ] mentioned this in one of our first podcast episodes this [ __ ] us some stupid necron [ __ ] [ __ ] and somehow stole ashmantle from me and then for some [ __ ] Bizarro reason kept Ash manle in the back line refusing to let him die so I couldn't spawn in a new one and eventually he did decide to send him forward and all I could see is [ __ ] salamander Terminators getting grabbed by ashmantle and being mulched you're [ __ ] [ __ ] man really opened up like a like a a past wound there didn't I [ __ ] oh my God you oh man it was so great it was like Tom's like yeah this is going great this is going great then suddenly play ones across the board spawn in behind the c I swear there was like 50 of them I swear to God there was like 50 of them so [ __ ] durable man anyways so uh for for the fled ones I would comfortably put them at bones be rattling I think for me that's bones be rattling territory probably ahead of the Orcs or just behind the Orcs I don't mind three spooky five me I honestly yeah free free spooky 5 me these things inspire people to commit suicide Jesus Christ what about you Aaron you going to find us a tiebreaker here uh I put free spooky yeah it's fair it's it's a fair shout you know for the first time ever gentlemen they're in three three spooky five me and for the first time ever gentlemen we've got a tier list with our first five entries hitting all five points damn that's wonderful we did it is great we we we've won Warhammer we've actually set a standard here for like all the ones to follow I just think that's chef kiss that's wonderful right next up we have the adeptus mechanicus just in their entirety so I want to just come at this from like the perspective of maybe a godsman or just an imperial citizen someone who for some reason has ended up on a [ __ ] Forge World and is seeing all this [ __ ] for the first time ever well with that said uh it is a common thing whenever reading about the Inquisition what the [ __ ] am I saying the mechanicus that that they pretty much everyone that meets them are horrified at what they are it's it's not a pleasant thing all these upgrades and just Replacements of Flesh and senu I mean it's it's Immaculate in they the generous they're just the destruction of uh flesh and body it's uh it's it's it's body Horror in a way that is like it's not yeah it's it's it's it's it's just a good oldfashioned body work there's a subcategory of horror called something ah God damn it it's there's a name for no no no no it's it's it's close the Japanese coined it and it was used heavily in Aira it's called something like technog Gore or like iron Gore or something like that when when body horror gets basically joined with overly complicated mechanical uh intricacies so again you can think of like the stuff from Akira as tetsuo is starting to sort of like lose his arm and it's all sort of exploding like near the end in the stadium scene where it's all getting a bit [ __ ] wuy I think the adepts mechanicus by and large do inspire a lot of that and the other thing as well about the mechanicus that I just thought about is because of how shoddy it all is well it's not shoddy like it's not like Wasteland shoddy but it's exactly a perfect science the stench from being there at Tech priests must be [ __ ] horrific oh probably the ABS well the the smelling of rotting skin and flesh conjoined with oils and metals you know my favorite tech my favorite tech priest is actually from the mechanicum and actually in the Omnibus the night Lord's omnius his name is deltan MHM and he has resculpted and molded on uh his atics to look like a human skeleton oh and he was impossibly tall like as tall as a staries but thinner than them because he was trying to be a skeleton and he he walked around in like a black cloak so he straight up looked like death itself o and he just stalked around the ship all the time well that's what you get for spending time with the night L you get you get a sense of edgy fashion one of the things in the book was how delin isn't overtly sadistic however the things he does really shows that he's kind of a nightl lord himself because he does some [ __ ] up [ __ ] to people and like finally when the nightl Lords confront him about it because they're like you are one of us if that's apparent because you keep torturing the [ __ ] out of Everything You Touch he took a Titan PR he took a Titan princeps a a princeps of a [ __ ] Titan very power mentally powerful people not pyer wise but willpower wise yeah he stuck him in a tank and he used basically shocked the [ __ ] out of him to turn it into this thing called the psychic scream that disables machines what the [ __ ] and literally he goes I was inspired to create it like it was a [ __ ] work of art torturing the [ __ ] out of the sky nice what a what a pheasant plucker what a pheasant plucker I think for me personally based on the other stuff in this list I feel like they deserve maybe bones not rattling or low bones be rattling you know because whilst they are horrific to look at and be there ultimately they don't pose the same threat as um four of the five other things already got on this list but they are such a visual nightmare I would definitely say on the higher tier but like they like again you can use examples from like the Bol was Bolter and chains sword animation where Tech priest gladly killed yeah although I don't understand why he had to kill the why she had to kill the guards when she could have just removed it but whatever I'm [ __ ] de making the [ __ ] needlessly Grim dark story more Grim dark for no reason whatever kind of [ __ ] anyway like I like their pursuit of like knowledge is also what drives them to do ab [ __ ] what's the word abominable [ __ ] so I would probably put High bones not rattling because if the tech priest desire something they will not stop at anything less than brutalizing people around them to get it yeah they don't have any compunction about pain either I'd say I'd say high bones not rattling I think I can agree with that that's what I was thinking I think so too or a low bones Beed rattling but it's it doesn't matter in this case I think it decides it it's just the cold calculative nature of the mechanicus that really sure uncaring ma machines but you know it's it's it's methodical and they they do it for their own gain I'm going pleasure I'm going to put them ahead of the mega rachets I'm going to put them uh but in my mind they're religious Fanatics and nothing scarier than a religious zealot that's true that's true and it ain't the usual Imperial religion right gentlemen we have a absolutely disgusting one next the death guard your world gets invaded by the death guard you are it's my good voice let's go go I've I've read a lot of deathu things that's definitely just off the bat without explaining anything a three spooky 5 me situation I'm inclined to agree honestly from what little I know it is not a good time like the [ __ ] that nurgle's disease is due to you you might as well kill yourself as well I mean that even then if you even then like that might not even help you because this is the thing you don't just want to die you need to die and like uh atomize your brain otherwise the suffering will just you will not be dead for long the suffering there's a couple of really good um things on YouTube that describe what the death guard do one of them is done by um Vox in the void and the other one's done by uh Baltimore in Baltimore's video it's he narrates something out of a perspective of a planetary governor on top of his spire and he sees the death guard land and then he just sees their slow Advanced and like the wave of insects are so thick it's like a cloud and when they hit they start degrading everything the world around them rots and like they throw everything at the death guard and they're just not stopping because that's what they are they're just a slow Unstoppable Force that's slowly getting closer and closer like a disease and when they do get there he starts seeing like all the [ __ ] that they're doing to people like reanimating the dead [ __ ] ripping people apart with just diseases just the fure iess of what happens to people when nuro rot touches them and he conss himself to walking into an incinerator and pressing the button to incinerate himself before they can get to him because best decision he made that day best decision yeah the total Atomic Annihilation is way better than the [ __ ] that typhus did to that one dude that was folded 14 times what yeah in in in the in the plague Wars book uh typhus is destroying a ship uh and he sees one human uh one of the humans like beg for his life and then it's it's it's narrated like he's get he's given a gift by grandfather nurgle to where the guy's body literally like contorts and folds but the guy still sent Sapient throughout the whole thing like everything and nurgle is like and typhus is sitting there going you are so uh you were so lucky to be given such a gracious gift by grandfather nuro while this guy screaming in agony and being basically ripped apart and reformed and if You' seen Rick and Morty you know that scene where uh Rick goes Jerry get out of the booth and fold yourself 14 times that's basically what happens to this guy oh no well that's an instant I'm sorry guys that's an instant three spooky five me for me honestly the other thing I was going to mention is I think Vox cast in the void or Vox in the void um narrates the idea of becoming a plague Bearer or a pox Walker is isn't that you you're dead and your body's just reanimated it's that you're trapped inside of the body and you're forced to watch through your own eyes what's happening yeah you lose all of your free will and become Lally just a plague zombie like to the book pretty much it's [ __ ] cool um I'm assuming the the feelings they feel you still have to experience that [ __ ] right yeah they they still feel everything that they do and what and what hits them and like it's it's caused by a lullabi basically the death guard sing it's I don't know if this is actually true in any of the lore but it's it's described as a lullabi and they have to like put earbuds in their ears to not listen to it but then one death guard Marine walks up to this Imperial Guardsman and just like let me help you listen he rips out the [ __ ] the cotton earbuds and this guy's forced to listen to this agonizing song that slowly warps him into a pox Walker damn [ __ ] death guard going around singing their [ __ ] High School Musical and just turning people into pox Walkers damn I will trap you in this [ __ ] pumpkin I swear to God I'll [ __ ] make you explode all right that's that's the top of that's top of three spooky F me that's ahead of the fled ones for me honestly gentl that's right up there not biased I mean yeah I would say beyond the fled ones because at the end the fled ones do kill you and there's a chance you won't die against the death guard what do you say can I put it up there moots yeah sure all right it's going in that's yeah death guard is that's going to be tough to beat our next one won't beat it but this this is one that I really wanted in here cuz after sitting on it and doing a video on it and doing a short on it I realized that it actually must be so horrifying the longer it goes on it gets even worse and that's uh the average Marines in turnament into a dreadn that is a tough one [Music] well I actually I actually read as well that despite what you've just said a good chunk of Marines when they get put in the dreadnut despite the amniotic fluid actually continue to feel pain not just not necessarily pain like that would be inflicted on them but the pain of the injury that led them to that internment in the first place you know so we're talking about the the mutilating of their their whole lower torso their head their arms their legs you know everything that gets lopped off before being put in there and so not only are you experiencing this Perpetual mental decline over the centuries and you know thousands of years what have you but it's also paired with just this immense horrific pain and and again one of the things we mentioned in the video about dreadnots as well that that is very typical is forgetting the horror and the pain the actual immense sadness of being in one as well is is so alien to Space Marines because in between you know going to sleep and waking up again going to sleep and waking up again everyone you know as you you survive that long everyone you know is gone you know you go to sleep you wake up 500 years later and you know nobody nobody knows who you are you know who nobody is and you go to sleep again you wake up again it's the same thing all over again so the existence isn't just painful disorientating it's impossibly lonely it's impossibly lonely it's just so isolated you know all you're all you're doing is stuck with your own mental existence for hundreds of thousands of years with a declining mental state leading to just complete dissociation with nothing to keep you company but your own [ __ ] pain you know absolute nightmare one of my favorite dreadnots was malarian from the night Lord omnius again yeah and every time he talks about being a dreadn he always talks about how hollow Everything feels yeah and he didn't even want to become a dreadn in the first place and he refused to wake up for the longest time he was kind of forced to wake up but every time he talks to Talos not my cat um character um he comments on how it just he tries to like say it was a glorious battle but in truth he's just like it it it was boring it I felt nothing I don't want to be here and at the end when at the end of the books he decides to go off on him on his own and just do what he what he wants and hopefully just die eventually because he's just so finished with living in that box I mean that's that's the ultimate goal of a Dreadnaught though isn't it to die I think with all that in mind gentlemen I would be very happy to put them in Bones be rattling below the Orcs but definitely bones be rattling I think that's the one for me no I I wanted to add sorry um no go ahead that like Dread nort and ter that's [ __ ] spooky yeah yeah like if it's an honor then you realize it's not as much of an hon you think it is is the real [ __ ] up thing is getting put in a Hell brute when you think about it like the opposite uh yeah I mean it's the same thing except times a billion plus Insanity yeah you just suffer more pain you get all of the feeding um I would be willing to say bones not rattling uh mainly because like being in a dread knot isn't the threat it's just experiencing being the dreadnut is the threat but really that's not even that's I mean it's it's more sad than actually like terrifying if you ask me well I'd settle for I would be willing to settle for high bones not rattling because there is always that one thing that everyone always says and that's that Space Marines are trained and indoctrinated to not feel any kind of fear and then they get put in the dreadn and it's the first experience of actual dread and that's that's kind of why I sort of felt compelled to put them in the tier list so would we say high bones not rattling or low bones rattling what what do you think moots well I I I think I I know this is a very personal uh subject but personally the idea of being confined uh and having the all these sense sensory depriva uh things and as but at the same time weird the new experiences uh like being able to both see through the dreadnut as well as through that little ey slit your like your your whole world just changes and become but at the same time becomes so confined and restricted as well as just losing yourself I I'm I'm going to have to put that like into at least low free spooky five me really well I wanted bones to be rattling initially what do you think Aaron a tiebreaker at for us we got three different picks I'm this just you guys aren't going to like this but I'm just going to put Jimmy on Russell it's oh damn okay well that doesn't [ __ ] help we it's really like yeah it's it's a very unpleasant thing but you get used to it and then you end up just being very sad and wanting to die so it's only really spooky for a very short amount of time until you you make a good point you make a good point well I'm I'm willing to fold on Bones be rattling and put it in Bones not rattling then slap bang in the middle yeah see that do you reckon ahead or behind the admech and the mega rids behind probably put a a in front of the mega rack cuz the meid will least kill you you want to die in the dreadn yeah I I can get behind that we'll slap it right in the middle then that's all right new new patreon tier uh $500 will stick Tom inside a sensory deprivation tank so can experience the pleasure of what it's like to be a dreadn sorry I'm got to throw this out I've actually been in a sensory deprivation tank you should have been in there longer uh it was I will throw this out there it was uh it was very enjoyable it was very good uh it's it's kind of hard to explain but I if you're into weird psychological experiences uh you you can we can run away with what you think I mean by that however you want I'd really recommend it it's it's a really great experience uh but if you got if you if you get claustrophobia easily don't do it just don't it'll be guys guys Aaron just disconnected oh we we lost Aaron that he did that we did we don't have a protoc are we all still recording yeah we don't have a protocol for this oh oh he's back he's back Aon he's still recording [ __ ] he died again [ __ ] back to the war they got him God what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my God I think I think they're putting him in a dreadn anyone anyone could be next no one [ __ ] move we don't we don't have a protocol for someone disconnecting mid podcast I don't know what to do [ __ ] warp portal just opened up and swallowed a holy [ __ ] he's [ __ ] dead what happened I don't know what to do I I guess we just keep recording oh no this wait wait he's back he's back from the world holy [ __ ] oh my God what the f my internet just [ __ ] had a Jesus [ __ ] are you still recording how was the war Aon recording is safe hello is the recording okay are you all good yeah the recording's fine my interet is [ __ ] the side of the house that's awesome we have we have a recording of what's like inside the work now how was how was N Garden apparently he wanted his pumpkin boy back unfortunately we [ __ ] paid him for the we paid him a day in advance so nurl can [ __ ] off he's not breaking any deals he he he wanted to smash that pumpkin am I right boys many people do many people do just not women it's it's mostly plague toads oh no dear God we found the thumbnail for the video boys in the middle of the pl let's go anyways gentlemen uh speaking of the warp that is our next thing on the tier list just war in general so this is everything the warp the G Fields going down everything from small demons to Big demons the chaos Gods the whole [ __ ] thing what a [ __ ] transition to the [ __ ] it was it's it's it's all been planned you see we we we knew to throw Aaron into the warp for this like seamless Segway first I'm going have so much fun listening back to the [ __ ] audio coming from his mic this episode with theel get it we we we need a little cutway where it's like Aaron just complet alone disappear like a silent it's like hello hello boys where are you boys anybody anyways Gentlemen let's let's continue continue please uh the wol a [ __ ] portal opens up and alasso comes out to grab it's like all three of us like God he's fat what the [ __ ] well Aron since you've been to the warp uh do you want to quickly uh tell us where the [ __ ] we're putting this thing the warp the warp I'm going to go free free spooky 5 me that [ __ ] was [ __ ] terrifying yeah to be honest at the end game uh in Warhammer when you die you always go to the warp M like there's no avoiding it and the warp's literally just super hell and there's a bunch of [ __ ] inside there that is just not cash money I've never felt so sorry for elar in my life yeah honestly like you'd be lucky to end up in somewhere in K's domain because at least if you show that you are capable of violence he'll let you stay well then then you'll be going to K's [ __ ] gym and that shit's awesome oh yeah Corn's J you get to pet the crocodile you the crocod that's a good like it's either getting molested by chaos spawns crab demons or plague toads on the other ones so even that would get by a plague toad yeah it's not good or Sat On by a great unclean one some people pay good money for that if it's stinky enough The Garden of Noles a pretty cool place I got to say but only Tough Enough I I feel like it's kind of the epome of free spooky five me because it's just it's just all of the horrible things literally almost it's love crafting almost you know like literally almost everything wrong with 4K Universe starts with the warp and for a good reason is just [ __ ] we have a bunch of different [ __ ] that comes from there and uh different [ __ ] that just works because of it you know well I think we can safely put it in three spooky five me honestly probably right at the top yeah yeah yeah it's at the [ __ ] top it is it is the it is the living nightmare I put it in there right now it is the living night everybody's living hell quite literally in it there something if you want a good idea of what being in the warp is like just read biblically accurate hell and times that by like 10 that's the warp yep a great time for everybody involved it's family friendly bring your kids to the warp bring your kids yeah bring them just bring them visit our luxurious uh seshi planets for an experience of a lifetime you'll never forget ignore the things you said about the chair we Stars it will leave upon you or just go to Tom's house Precious Memories anyways gentlemen coming back to something slightly more back you're talking about freezing to death we're talking about going to [ __ ] Sweden the [ __ ] four of us in May talking about freezing cold my man I can't wait Aon is coming early for in January so that'll be fun yeah buddy oh man he's going to [ __ ] freeze his [ __ ] tiny nipples off holy [ __ ] I'm pretty good [ __ ] guys in forgiving Wilderness of Sweden right let's move on to talk about our next one so gentlemen next up a bit more grounded we've got the Inquisition as a whole that's the real five spooky is [ __ ] Sweden in the wilderness come visit the American Woods I'll guarantee you you you've never experienced Terror Qui like being in the woods in the middle of the night yeah they have Californians out there [ __ ] hell now talking about the Inquisition um you the main reason they're on here is this sort of notion that if you're an imperial citizen almost of any kind of rank or station whether you're a piece of Hive scum all the way to an actual Noble or Lord when the Inquisition turns up you know you you you lock your doors you shut your windows and you [ __ ] your pants and you hope to God they don't want to speak to you you know no matter which Oro or anything cuz they what was that what's the the phrase um uh was it innocence is no uh what is it innocence doesn't uh innocence doesn't prove you're not guilty that's the Marine's malevolent [ __ ] motto no Marine's mov one is kick that child in the face no that they have something like innocent just ignorant or something akin to that so with with the Inquisition it's it's it's terrifying but obviously it's not like Intergalactic terrifying but at the same time there's a disconnect with the Inquisition between the fans the community and the lore itself the Inquisition is all varying depending on The Inquisitor that currently that's true interrogating like some inquisitors are way extreme and they're just [ __ ] and some inquisitors are genuinely good people who are trying to do the best they can in a really [ __ ] up Galaxy so it is depending on what type of Inquisitor you are like in inquisitors themselves they're they're inquisitors for a very good reason they're good at their job and they're dedicated to protecting Humanity it's just the measures they have to go to in order to protect Humanity are a bit extreme well they're on this list because of the more extreme examples so let's let's play it by that shall we and the more extreme examples are literally The Inquisitor has pent ultimate power over anything and everything that is below Tera and the Marines like you [ __ ] Backwater planet and quizer comes by no no there's no real [ __ ] stopping him from doing anything that he wants unless the plant a marine Planet well well it it's it's the concept of ultimate power ultimately corrupts I think and it's uh that is in itself a terrifying concept because you have people uh we we can I think we have examples in real life most of the time where people with good intentions who do terrible uh choices and ultimately uh for for what they maybe perceive as the right choice uh maybe for like the better the betterment of all but ultimately you know fall into this deep well extreme and fear and uh uh paranoia where they see enemies everywhere no that's that's a faat point that's a fat point it is definitely I I do think for raing they are in Bones battling just by their mere presence alone doesn't really denote the best [ __ ] I mean the worst case scenarios as well is we're looking at guys that um inflict torture that is on par with if not above the kind of Dark Angels interrogator ship yeah you know the kind of when they put you through the paces when they suspect you of something it is the worst thing you will ever experience period goes against Geneva Convention guidelines oh absolutely I think I can I'm I'm happy to put them in Bones be rattling uh just behind the Orcs right now if you guys are I AG yeah that's what I was going to say like the the threat in presence of them is there but it like there's there's a small chance that you're not going to be [ __ ] with from the perspective of like average hi worlder which is all that's going to be really scared of them a lot I'd probably put them above the Orcs because remember inquisitors aren't just themselves they're going to have a whole host of SC [ __ ] in their retinue and those from body horror [ __ ] ctors SL mechanical dudes to small xenos and you want to get a bit silly they can [ __ ] breaking your door and they can let a um jakaro into your house there's a chance that the Inquisitor is not going to [ __ ] with you there's not a chance that the Orcs aren't going to [ __ ] with you the Orcs will [ __ ] kill you I think I think that's fair enough I'm going to put them B the Orcs right now I think that's where they belong to be honesto right let's talk about the uh the psychu do you guys know what the psy is [ __ ] is this you made that [ __ ] up that is not in the Bible right this one I I found out about these when I was on my binge of a thousand Sons the heresy are a thousand sons while ago Vision Quest the psyo are basically enormous uh man-sized wasps that are native to Prospero wasps [ __ ] [ __ ] dude wasps today are terrifying what are you talking about what the psychon do apart from being obviously giant man eating wasps is they actually have psychic powers if if the Wasps detect someone who has uh any kind of latent psychic ability which again you know Prospero is pretty much everybody uh and they are within ey shot of you they can they basically psychically implant their eggs inside your brain and when those eggs come to maturity they will slowly eat out your brain from the inside before hatching and then going on to do the same and then obviously at some point you're going to have giant wasps cracking through your skull and leaving your head oh yeah that's that's a very Lovecraft type of thing there's a very similar that great old one that will grab you and give you a bargain where they'll go either die now or take my young into you and I'll put this [ __ ] small version of itself in to you and itely connected to the other thing take it out it just bursts out and kills you I am a psychic wasp I curse you with pregnancy I Fly Away [ __ ] I went to Prospero and I got pregnant from by a [ __ ] psychic wasp psych [ __ ] what was this [ __ ] t-shirt the craziest thing about the second ween is they actually despite everything that happened during the burning of Prospero the whole planet basically got turned to a [ __ ] pile of Ash and glass the pyo survived it all oh the the planet was [ __ ] multi- nuked from orbit after it was all said and done not to mention the warp storms going on on the [ __ ] planet as well and all that other Jazz the pyen survived it in fact they actually I actually remember that when the later on in the heresy like I think was like four months later when the white scars arrived on Prospero uh they were actually getting their [ __ ] kicked in by the pyen and they were only saved by um do you guys know who revu Lavida is MHM not he he actually [ __ ] saved them he was the he was the loyalist thousand son that basically long story short ended up being a part of the founding of the grey Knights and he was actually on the planet and actually saved them from the psych and then they obviously sort of took him on as an honorary White Scar after that my boy knows how to party you're good you come with us Fu gets back to the ship K's like who is this he's like he saved us from being pregnated by and K's like what the [ __ ] what are you talking [Laughter] about [ __ ] oh yeah [ __ ] imagine the disappointment of Primark Jack tyon when you're like oh no I just I just went B by to prosper and now I'm pregnant and it's like what the [ __ ] my sons always wear protection what the [ __ ] it's like white girls going to IA except it's Jack on Prosper white se's in the apothecarium so I have good news and I have bad news good news is or bad news is you're pregnant Good News it's a boy several actually growing slowly up your brain I think for me these guys have to at the very least be ahead of the mega rids I think so too after that I'm happy to let you guys decide honestly oh [ __ ] got he got taken away again I'm going to I'm going to say that they're going basically yeah I'd say like after the dreadn in ring because there's a simple solution here don't go to Prospero don't go to oh yeah fair enough true I'm terribly sorry uh lovely audience Aaron has fallen into the [ __ ] warp again again he's not having a good time with it tonight I'm just I'm just going to sit here and pray that his recording is still going like it was before the the th the thirst of the B The Thirst of the battle totes of the plague toads is is unrivaled I'm just looking at the Discord thing he's jumping in jumping he is suffering whatever's going on over there oh my God [ __ ] let who [ __ ] turned off the Geller field in here [ __ ] it's spooky Halloween Shenanigans red spooky Hallen yeah really get yes everyone to get in the mood I opened up a warp Rift and turned off the G field it's only a matter of time before the demons come and eat our ass right I'm put in the Prospero wasps ahead of the dreadn that's where they're going yeah yeah I think that checks out I I was going to end that with um I I I just personally I don't know having my brainos being eaten from the inside the the brainos SE no somebody [ __ ] help AR you back somebody Mother of God not again is the recording okay is it safe the recording is fine looking forward to hearing back this recording just to hear Aaron swearing into didn't know who my dad was in the [ __ ] War oh man right moving on to the enslavers right who here knows a lot about the enslavers because this wasn't my suggestion I saw them as well well the enslavers dear viewers are the lovely psychic parasites that came from well you guess it the warp uh at the end of the war in heaven when after millions or thousands I don't know how long the uh year war in heaven went on for it was a [ __ ] long ass time and after Millions upon billions of deaths uh the the warp having just been agitated by the constant Warfare and bloodshed by the old ones the the necrons and all of the old ones uh War races um well it it just decided to fart out these [ __ ] [ __ ] uh this these technical term I I like to think that they're they're just out there because they're just like all right [ __ ] you causing too much of a Ruckus we're going to make you stop now like they try and psychically control everybody and everyone's like oh the war is like hold still you're cing too much the wars in TS because of you godamn it so pretty much pretty much actually so and and these these [ __ ] things you know they they're like ticks on steroids that eat your brain and your like psychic and feed off of your psychic your well your soul um and um well you will probably throw up this piece of art where they just casually munching on some dude's brain and you know it's it's in their name they they enslave they they they're parasites they they just make they they take away everything from you the makes you you what's that the they're the warp flood yeah much oh that's an interesting comparison yeah well I think they've it almost seems like in in at least a lot of ways in function they seem a little bit like the psycho but worse yeah I think I'd be happy to shove these in Bones be rattling based on what you've just told me they they won't pregnate you that's that's a bonus I suppose but but either way you won't be aware if they do any other funny businesses while you're being on there so I'm happy to let I'm happy to let someone more qualified than me decide where to put them I don't know at the same time they are extinct now they there's only one and that's in tron's gallery oh really well I mean they're warp entities don't they still exist free man I mean there hasn't really been any evidence of them existing in the for in the 41st Millennium or 42nd now this is true I I I just know of one that exists in tason's Vault and that's I know they caused a big issue because even the necrons were like ah [ __ ] yeah yeah don't like that one not one bit um yeah I'd say bones be rattling yep yeah head of I'm going to put him ahead of the inquisitors I think that's fair definitely yeah I see ahead of the inquisitors because they're kind of rare to encounter but at the same time it's rare to encounter them and Orcs aren't rare who encounter they mhm they're [ __ ] everywhere yeah right next up they're in my closet right now there's one standing next to me the short [ __ ] I'm I'm Not The gork Gnome I will hit you in the back of the head with a brick all right next up we have the most what is widely considered one of the most horrible [ __ ] things in all of 40K and that is the Duna now uh I believe it's only right to let red explain what this thing is oh boy oh god oh golly G I love I would like to stand up saying deula is not the worst thing in 40K but at the same time it is one of the worst things that you could possibly experience in 40K for the uneducated if you've ever read the EUR entress book The duny laa was a bunch of uh how do I put put put this Polly a mutilated women that have been Force force-fed growth hormones and Gene seed in our C-section to place adolescence inside of only for those adolescence to burst out as some sort of [ __ ] up pseudo Marine with no skin these things are so awful that when urial adventuress was shoved inside of one he broke out and began to sob a marine experienced something so horrendous that he was crying out of sheer Terror that's how I was born I can I I think I can believe that to make things even worse though it's it's not just women it's specifically pregnant women so you know taking it from the perspective of them as well to add an extra layer of horror and to make things even worse when the Marine bursts forth as whatever mutated [ __ ] up thing it is because of all that's been done to them the women that is they don't die they just get sewn back up and have go in for round two three four five till they eventually do give out yeah this is very much one of those things that is super [ __ ] brutal um like well you can clearly tell there was a bunch of guys sat in a room brainstorming what's the most [ __ ] up offensive [ __ ] we could come up with today yep and someone said someone said the word hm pregnant women and then somebody else said hm I know and then this [ __ ] [ __ ] happened yep all of these people were called hanzu hu and there was like seven mirrors around him and for those who don't know for those who don't know hu is the uh the iron Warrior warsmith that has half iron Warrior half Imperial fist genan seed that came up with this [ __ ] great plan and to that one person in the comments section for our hu short no he's not half iron hands I I tried to Google that to make sure we were like 100% correct I don't know where the [ __ ] you pulled that from but he's not half iron hands he's Imperial fist we even I can't remember the guy's name but we even have like a suspected idea as who which which Imperial fist Captain specifically the genan seed came from we now directly address Our Haters sorry I just had to I had to [ __ ] about that that that comment bugged me cuz it's like I've been corrected on getting law mixed up in the shorts before and I'm like I'm like oh [ __ ] I'll always respond to the comment be like oh [ __ ] thanks thanks for letting me know cuz it's like okay I'm learning but it's like the the the the goal to be so confidently incorrect you know I just read it like oh this bugs me this is going to bug me for weeks and it's still bugging me whoever you are know that you have Tom's ey and disrespect yep the worst thing is I didn't even write the script I'm pretty sure red wrot the scpt on that one it was the what I did yeah I likeu I'm get mad on your directly address Our Haters and respond accordingly I I have to say if you have anything to say in the comments about us getting [ __ ] incorrectly I do not care there is a guy by the way in the comment section for the um the Space Marine versus episode we did a month or two ago and he has put he's made sever instead of making one comment he's made several comments and put Tim stamps uh put basically stating his um I want to say his distaste with some of our comments on it he clearly didn't catch the disclaimer the red butt in at start of I am so I am Overjoyed to know people waste their energy on that and on the fact like if we segue I'm going to say a lot of people said oh we we were talking about Warhammer being the best like did you not hear me like explain how hard Doom Slayer would [ __ ] slap most things in Warhammer yeah one of them there was a really great comment that made me smile when moots was talking about how most briefly mentioned how in one particular scenario malam Kai would have the upper hand malam kaido being the Bol gun guy how malam kaido would have the upper hand on the Doom Slayer and some guy just commented the uh the time stamp of when he said that and just and his comment was the time stamp followed by cognitive dissonance in reference to that is [ __ ] hilarious I I who whoever you are person who commented that I love you that's beautiful anyways where the [ __ ] are we put in the duny laa I'm honestly low too spooky for me or three spooky five me for this one honestly just behind the ring yeah I'd say bones be rattling because they don't exist anymore yeah and just and just the concept but just the concept of their cre of their entire like being is [ __ ] like horrifying yeah yeah this is I don't know I think it's hard I absolutely agree that it's terrifying it's just that I guess me personally I don't find it terrifying as much as I just find it disgusting which I guess that's the right word like yeah he bring yeah mots brings up a point all right where where do you want it then moots where do you want to put it because we got one for three spooky and we got one for bones be rattling how do you want it I I I still think probably at the top of Bones be rattling I I still think it's fair it it is a terrifying concept but for me personally it's just just rather I'm putting it ahead of the right now no that's entirely Fair that's entirely Fair it is [ __ ] horrific and thank God it doesn't exist anymore thank you urial Ventress uh I'd look forward to seeing what other wonderful works of art hansu creat will be we'll be watching you with great anticipation yes I like to think when he went to talk to Perabo Perabo sits across like his like ridiculously long desk because I just imagine Perabo having like a big evil CEO office and just go hu the dula nuts I like the cut of your [Laughter] J anyways gentlemen next up we have the herud now this was mot's suggestion if I Rec correctly now if I if I also recall correctly granted the herud aren't exactly Pleasant to look at with what descriptors we have all they really do is just make time move forward real real fast for a [ __ ] so you just kind of age instantly well yes but it's also the fact that however they do it they have terrifying technology they had technology that made the uh the the [ __ ] dark Angels bust out Dark Age of Technology [ __ ] to deal with them these [ __ ] were not [ __ ] around uh and yeah it's uh they they just slaughtered everything and I don't know it's it's it's the for me it's the concept of this almost Unstoppable Force because they still exist in 4k uh they they're just uh in hiding uh and skull around they still exist which and they are an absolutely terrifying Force they were a terrifying force in during the heresy and just I don't know the thought of having this underground actually this next one after this is going to be touched on the same uh topics as this it's just this horrifying underground force that exists and has way more power than yeah then then we can imagine they did successfully steamroll an iron Warriors fortified base yep I think they get cool boy points because they kind of gave us uh barabus dantioch this is true you get cool boy points because you gave us the the the straightest game man in 40K straightest you know I to be fair I can see why you think they're spooky but personally I I don't they the [ __ ] theory of marine being Immortal proving it false that's true I think for me genuinely I'm some Flack for this I think they're in not spooky but ahead of the cherubs to be honest they there is also a working theory that they might be somewh somehow connected to the old ones uh which isn't necessarily spooky of itself there's every single [ __ ] Theory that's unexplained is connected to the old ones that's that's true that's true fair enough I mean the jakaro are connected to the old ones monkey I got plans the haters be sabotage they don't look Pleasant either it's like taking bugs and centipedes making them extremely slimy and then give them the power to distort time and there you got the CR uh I think Jimmy's un wrestled is the highest you can get me to go honestly I'm going to go uh not rustled yeah I'm going to go I'm going to as well the only scary thing they've got is the time of Celebration yeah they're Unstoppable but they're not like overtly cruel like every like some of the other things on the list they're a species defending themselves honestly I'm going to put them ahead of the phosex right now I'm put them ahead of the phosex that's fair right next up we have another one byot called the sloth the slot I think slot it's like almost Slaughter I could be wrong uh uh I checked it that the the name you put you the name you put in was spelled in the list was spelled slot but then I Googled it and it turns out the tea comes before the eight so it's some weird way of pronouncing sloth it's basically if anyone knows what hunters from Halo are that's what the slot are they are a big pack of worms they are just a hive mind of psychic [ __ ] that takes the shape of the just just m writhing masses of worms that somehow managed to disguise themselves as humans and pass on in regular Imperial society and uh they they are also known as the maggot men and Dre dream eaters or caran Masters uh and uh boy they are they a naughty naughty race they they're also known for I believe they almost they they were one of the races that like uh they they found what are they called uh [ __ ] alarius or omon uh I could be wrong I know nearly next to nothing about these guys so I can't even I you're just making this up as you go along I think you're making this up as you're going along Alaris and omon just kept on Terror from birth like they didn't get on teror and Alaris was the one fling through the warp good job AR maybe next time not throw your kids into the [ __ ] space yeah but B basically what they do is that they exploit humans uh they enslave them and they feed in on them we do that all the time what are you talking about yeah literally me that's nothing I think based on what MO is telling us I'm either I'm prepared to put them like either right behind or right ahead of the harud I don't see them as being like as spooky as much of the stuff on this list honestly see I mean yeah I'd say the because they seem more malicious yeah yeah I mean the Hera kind of shoehorn is like the her have this one thing uh they're both equally awful to look at but the Hera are ultimately justified in the [ __ ] they do whereas these guys are kind of kind of [ __ ] nefarious even nefarious all right well unless anyone's got any complaints I'd like to put them just ahead ofad right and next up we have Red's favorite people in the Universe the night Lords night Lords not spooky yeah yeah yeah definitely they're not spooky honestly if you see them you just welcome them on like yeah you know they're there to um associate yeah let's say associate there's literally nothing spooky about them you can trust them and trust me vampires they can't come in your house if you don't woken them in they're not [ __ ] vampires that's [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] sounds like someone might be getting lost in the warp again yeah no no like okay like for from the serious note um they are pretty [ __ ] terrifying I mean their entire their entire stick is fear in fact one of my favorite things the night Lords did is during the Great Crusade a planet that they went to quote unquote liberate um they rolled up and say surrender to us now or surrender to us now and we will not kill you and then that and then and then that planet sent their entire they said oh yeah no no problem we'll send an a delegation to go negotiate with you instead they sent their entire military Fleet and then they then the night Lords basically cut off all transmissions used the radio on that ship that they they basically murder [ __ ] the entire fleet and then they sent a message back from the ship saying hey we defeated those [ __ ] time to celebrate and then the entire planet was just like woo we we we destroyed the aggressors and then the night lerts took their capital ship flew it over their like this the city the capital city of the planet opened up the bay doors and started throwing the Fayed disembodied corpses of Jes soldiers down on top the celebrations going run the away little ants oh holy sh forunate Sun plays in the background and guess what the planet [ __ ] surrendered and they only really lost a couple military vessels so they get [ __ ] results I think one of the things about the night Lords and we we can say this without providing examples to be fair cuz everyone knows that their entire shtick revolves around they're terrorists literally literally [ __ ] scaring the [ __ ] out of people they're terrorist Marines when when night they fight a fair fight they won't fight you fairly they'll always [ __ ] can use cheap tactics and they will attack the weakest targets and exactly like when they attack everyone's free game even during the [ __ ] uh great Crusade they just attacked everyone with no hesitation at all they wear the spayed skin of their victims skulls and Marine helmets plus they laugh at you when you're in pain oh we forget as well I mean this actually just we didn't say anything but this does kind of include uh Mr kurs himself who if I recall correctly had an entire room built out of people's built out of people's skin the screaming Galler walls if you don't know what a screaming Gallery is it's basically kurs took a bunch of Imperial citizens and I don't mean like a couple hundred I mean like a couple thousand and then took them to Saga and then basically molded them and forced them into positions then poured hot rockr over them to Forever cast them and then he implanted a bunch of people into the floor that were still living and kept them alive with this big fleshy floor and they're alive through equal part in it said in in the Omnibus that it was made through equal parts sorcery and Ingenuity oh no so it's literally a room filled with people molded into a giant flesh wall screaming their [ __ ] hearts out because they're trapped in this hell I think that alone puts them at the high end of Bones be rattling honestly just that I'd say three spooky five me right right ahead of the flares because the flers are doing it because they have a sickness the Knights of Lords are doing it because they want your skin they want you to feel I it well well it it's the same argument I suppose as the Orcs but whereas the the difference between the Orcs And The Night Lords is that they it's well sort of human doing it the Orcs are alien it's it's alien to us although it's you know violence isn't alien to all to any race well it's the purpose of which they're doing it the Orcs are doing it because they're basically pulling the Wings off an insect the night Lords are doing it because they want to hear you scream exactly I think that does actually I take back my my sentiment about bones be rattling that that is actually a perfect example of something that comes between the death guard and the fled ones honestly yeah it's fair points Fair points right putting them in there so next up we have Vindication this one was a a last a last minute suggestion by myself this is the servitors I don't know I feel like they're kind of the sherbs for me yeah honestly yeah they do they do hit a lot of the same beat I think they're probably a bit spookier than the cherubs because with a cherub you just clone babies whereas with a lot of ctors if you commit a crime it's like oh servor time I mean it's not even that it's like even if you like are chaos corrupted they'll just turn you into a servator because they're like ah we can still make use of the body I think some chapters I think I might be wrong about this I might be talking completely out my ass but I think some chapters namely the iron hands if they have failed aspirants the aspirants just yep you're a servant now yeah you failed the test it's it's time for your lobotomization all right well I think we can quickly skip over these ones I think we can safely just put them ahead of the chairs they're they're not really that di mechanicus even yeah well next up we have the Emperor's Children boy so hate those guys these guys know how to party they they sure know how to party and it although this book is considered non-canon now although it hasn't been decidedly uncanonized as far as I know um Inquisitor by ion Watson uh has a very descriptive um passage about some Emperor's Children in a bath house and uh what were they doing uh I um what were they were doing things uh mainly people mainly humans they were doing humans um I don't think the emperor children are necessarily spooky they're more or less just gross well it's the it's the same beats as a Duna isn't it just worse I mean you say that until a marine comes along and says you've got a pretty mouth and then you'd be pretty [ __ ] scared yeah I could H this's thing I could see an argument for them being just ahead of the duny laa but I could also see another one for them being just ahead of the flayed ones cuz I can't see flaying skin being something that would be beneath them you know M it's um I think it kind of depends on what your it is here right fear is subjective but I that was a sentence uh it's um I think I'd still put them on like bones Beed rattling because obviously these guys aren't they're not the most terrifying I think but you know you won't go away with without having shat your pants a little bit at least yeah yeah I think that's fair well I'm I'm inclined to agree with you then so what you thinking just ahead of the duny LA yeah yeah it's a fair take I don't really see them as anything less than a bunch of cry addicts anyway in a sexual deviant well I mean this is the thing as well they are chaos Space Marines and their first and foremost objective will be to just put a bolt round in your head you know you got to be a real unlucky bastard if they decide to fiddle with your funny might put something in the hole that the B went through afterwards You're Not Dead by that point this origin why I wanted just to include Lucius the Eternal because the Emperor's Children as a whole are basically just chaos Marines just a little bit sadistic a little bit more sadistic than the average one while Lucius the Eternal has this whole thing where if you kill him he overtakes body and you become eternally inomed inside of his armor which is [ __ ] terrifying that the eternals a [ __ ] wet white because because it's like they have characters that really do accentuate like how [ __ ] up the Emperor's Children Are it's just the rest of the Legion doesn't really have that same Vibe going they're all just a bunch of noisy [ __ ] yeah I think that's fair well I tell you who isn't just a bunch of noisy [ __ ] uh and that's if you know anything about Warhammer you know about the jari and it's an easy [ __ ] cell for where they should go yeah well I to be fair I still think they'd be behind the death guard I think think they'd be in front of the death card I I think so too I mean these are the guys that make the [ __ ] night Lord's blush right it's uh yeah they they'll turn you into living chairs they'll find new and intuitive ways to make you hurt worse the these guys looked at uh [ __ ] the human centipede and started taking notes this was they do that or they'll turn you into a rack that sucks they saw the they saw the human centipede and said [ __ ] is amateur actually yeah I mean and that's not even getting into the details about like comra and all the [ __ ] we don't know about that place because it's like these guys will like the death guard will turn you into a zombie and you'll be sensient throughout the entire time you're a zombie but eventually you might get lucky and meet a grey Knight that'll just eviscerate your soul and like overall you you [ __ ] are you become numb to it after a while because it's [ __ ] nurgle's entire thing is that you you just get used to after a while true the elar the dark elar will specifically make ways where you will never get used to it you can be [ __ ] M like [ __ ] murderized and tortured for [ __ ] eons they find ways to increase your lifespan just so they could [ __ ] keep you going Y and if you get so used to one form of torture they're just like we'll switch it up now let's make the spicy and if they get bored of you they just turn you into living furniture and good luck being someone's [ __ ] ottoman for the rest of your [Laughter] all right well all right I I submit they're definitely definitely ahead of the death guard I still wouldn't put them ahead of the I think the war in of itself still caps out honestly [ __ ] Jesus and finally gentlemen to finish this video off we have the tyranids the biomass consuming endless swarms of space insects that only exist to consume yeah I have two nouns for you the first being the parasites of morre and the second being flesh flesh borer guns those are good shouts I raise you death leaper and a haris spec I raise all of you that at the end go you always just end up dying to these things this is true this is a good point I got to say like bones not rattling because they're they're mindless well not they're they're not mindless but it's like they have a goal in mind and that's just to kill and consume you and after that you're basically dead and Senter of the war well following that line of logic I think following that line of logic it be the low end of Bones be rattling probably ahead of the inquisitors but behind the enslavers to be fair because it is they are it's like mooch someone said at the start it's the it's like the mega the mega rachets but turned up to 11 you know uh I do believe that was read but uh I I feel like the thing the difference between the mega arachnids and the tyranids and or like any just Mindless thing is that as you said the tets aren't mindless of of course we it's more so we that have this perspective uh but like they are driven by this massive alien intelligence that we have only gotten glimpses at at what they have but unlike a lot of other things in for the we have actually gotten a little more than just nothing so we have actually things to go off of and the things that I have read about the turn hive mind I I I think that's terrifying just this it's not just one but it seems to be some kind of uh [ __ ] uh actual like almost uh what's it called it this collection of multiple greater Hive Minds that together uh like have decided yeah it's that they they looked at the milkway and they were like yeah it's dinner time and the fact that they're so many as far as we know the only thing that exists beyond the Milky Way is just more tyranids and that the [ __ ] silent King spent millions of years just trying to kill like killing sleeping uh Hive uh tendrils and like highve fleets and then just going back and like yeah no it didn't work I'm sorry guys I like I I got to tell you guys we are F I've been try I've been existing for like billions of years this [ __ ] is [ __ ] ridiculous yeah but this is it though you you've got so many ways of looking at this you could look at this from the average Trooper if you're really if you're lucky you just get slashed up and die if you're unlucky you get flesh BS but when you start to look at it from a galactic scale it does become quite love crafty and again like the um and so if you're someone let's say you're someone like like the silent king or like rout Gilman and you're in charge of [ __ ] everything you look at all your problems all of your problems are ultimately little problems compared to the [ __ ] tyranids to that's the issue is that it's so mind-numbingly unfathomably big that's hard to even quantify what that even means and that's and that is that there is the start of any good Cosmic horror I don't say on that note from the god point of view um it's all well and good getting s and diced but when a [ __ ] um manice spor or a Zone fol wants to look at you and hit you with 10,000 years worth of like warp Horror in your mind that actually only takes place in a matter of a second and you wake back up in that Battlefield that's [ __ ] scary to think about the [ __ ] zanth looks at you [ __ ] Vine boom sound effect he just he just blast you with the the P [ __ ] all of the collected Vines from should say leave me alone ding each one of those dings it's just 10,000 years of horror you know that you know that you know that picture of the of the girl with covering her ears and the kid with the trumpet behind her that's the entire Milky Way galaxy in the S rope right behind it well with that I think I would be happy to put them it's hard cuz I would with that I would put them at least on par with the death guard I don't know if I'd put them ahead of the death guard though that's a even of death yeah well just through the sheer idea Cosmic horror that I really like I'd put them I I put them behind death guard because deathu guard's a more personal horror yeah M yeah I I agree on that I mean all I mean honestly the three spooky 5 me guys all seem way more personal than the than the tyranids yes that's true that's true but the only one there that touches on Cosmic horror is the warp in and of itself which is the literal embodiment of cosmic horror I think maybe with that being said it could be the either at the very top of Bones be rattling or at the ass end of three spooky F me in front of the flade ones personally um i' put it I'd put it behind the fled ones it's just the it's just the FL on is ultimately kill you but in a obviously a bit more of a brutal manner but then the tyranids will do that in 17 different ways that are all equally way worse yeah but the tyranids you're much more likely you just die straight away like infinitely more yeah but the the fled ones just kill you as well though no but the the fled ones will do will skin you while you're alive will hold you down and stop pulling things off high Fleet you'll probably get eviscerated by a hormigon and and if you're unlucky enough get [ __ ] Vine boomed by the big brain bug but like they're not there to keep you alive for their own sick pleasure they're just trying to get rid of you so they can eat you later they're going to kill you in the most efficient way possible because that's what the high fleets ultimately are they're efficient yeah as Tom mentioned earlier like we didn't really touch on the powerite of mrex is a [ __ ] funny thing scary [ __ ] thing though yeah that's true that's true but the parasite MX is just one thing and I I do see what the guys are saying tell you what MO you give us a tie break and you decide where it goes I I I think they're be still behind the FED ones rigged okay okay let me ask you this Aaron would you rather be flayed Alive by a big robot skeleton or gored by a hormon in the span of 12 seconds that's just one of many outcomes though tunage could do to you that's not it's by and large the most likely outcome to be fair like if I put you in a room with a Boog standard [ __ ] necron and the Boog standard tyranid the Tyran is going to kill you faster anyways gentlemen that is the entire [ __ ] list holy [ __ ] so so at the bottom we have servitors and cherubs then we've got phosex the herud and the SLO SL then we follow up with the mega rids dreadn internment the psycho and the adeptus mechanicus as a whole followed by the overwhelmingly dystopian horror of the Inquisition the enslavers the Orcs the lovely familyfriendly deuna bring your kids the overwhelmingly arrogant Emperor children and then our top spot we have the tyranids the flay ones the night Lords the [ __ ] death guard the Jesus weeping darari and the god forsaken War place I think that's a I think that's a bloody good [ __ ] list I think this is I think honestly I don't feel the need to change anything here I think everything's in its right place death C entirely what did you say I just get rid of the death guard [ __ ] them get the night [ __ ] fight lose in the W one more time can't get rid of the spooky guys from the spooky list all right we're ingrained in that [ __ ] all right [ __ ] you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] send you back to the warp you [ __ ] abin hi there thank you everybody for getting to the end of this particularly long and cursed Halloween episode if you're enjoying our content be it the podcast the shorts the videos or any of our Homebrew guides we'd appreciate it if you joined our Discord and got in touch with myself or any of the other members of the aarti anonymous team and if you want to help support us or help decide the direction of our content going forward please consider taking a look at our Patron thank you so much for watching see you next time
Channel: Astartes Anonymous
Views: 33,823
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Keywords: warhammer 40k, 40k, warhammer40kpainting, warhammer, miniaturepainting, miniatures, wargaming, warhammerpainting, paintingminiatures, tabletop, paintingminis, minipainting, 40kmemes, 40klore, space marine 2, space marine, grim dark, podcast, group podcast, warhammer podcast, Astartes Anonymous, Astartes, 40k podcast, tier list, orks, harlequins, drukhari, tyranids, magarachnids, servitors, flayed ones, death guard, dreadnought, the warp, inquisition, daemonculaba, hrud, night lords, emperor's children
Id: qLFK452pfz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 27sec (6147 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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