Create Animated Lower Thirds in OBS AMAZING FREE Tool!

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hello my youtube friends today i want to show you an awesome tool for creating an animated lower third just like these oh and it's totally free and works natively in obs studio so let's get to it [Music] my analytics say that only 80 of the folks that watch my content are subscribed am i doing something wrong if so let me know in the comments but otherwise if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you a better youtuber or live streamer subscribe to the channel and click that bell so you don't miss any new content the first thing we have to do is download the tool so let's get right to it there are links in the description to this page so you can easily find it and we just need to click download here and it's going to download a zip file to our hard drive and if we double click on that zip file all we want to do is right click and copy these files and we're going to place them pretty much wherever we want them i have an obs actual hard drive that i use and i'm just gonna paste it into my obs hard drive and then i'm gonna double click on it and we're gonna go in here and we're gonna go into the lower thirds folder now i want to drop this down and i want to copy out this actual address you want to copy out the location and then we're going to go into obs and i'm going to go to view and docs and custom browser docs and i'm going to give my doc a name in this case we're going to call it lower thirds and then i'm going to paste this url in here now we're not quite done with this url just yet so i want to put a backslash on there and i want to go back into the folder and i'm going to just copy out the exact name control panel you can see these are html documents so i'm just going to copy this exact text out of here paste it here and i'm going to add the dot html after it because it's an html file and i'm going to click apply and there is our dock now we just need to drag it and move it to wherever we want it on our screen and now we have our lower thirds installed all we have to do now is figure out how to use it so once we have it in here we need to set it up so it says here name you just put your name or whatever you want the main text to be for your lower thirds for info it can be a subtext and i'm just going to put youtube tools tips and tricks it's kind of my little catch phrase and then once you have all that in you just click one of these boxes over here to the left and it's saved into memory so now if i turn it on why is it red well that's because you have to have the main one turned on as well but it's still not playing what's up with that well that's because we haven't actually added it into our scene yet so we're going to click the plus and we're going to go to browser we'll just type in lower thirds here and then i'm going to click ok and now i'm going to select local file and we're going to browse to the location animated lower thirds lower thirds and we're going to select the browser source one here and click open then i'm going to set it up so it's the same size as my canvas 1920x1080 and i'm going to go ahead and check the shutdown source when not visible in the refresh browser i'm going to refresh the cache and delete the custom css and click ok and now we are set and there we go it automatically starts running and it's pretty generic we still have the your logo here but it looks pretty good now you can see up in the top left it's running down so it has the little number on the top of the two numbers counting down and when it's set up initially this runs 25 seconds and then of course it just counts down the lower number which is the inactive number so if i want to remove one i just drag it out of there and you'll see it flashing red and then i just click it again and it will remove that one so now we've deleted it let's go ahead and add another one and this time i want to add some logos so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take these logos and i'm just going to copy them and i want to move them into our animated lower thirds logos folder and if we paste them in there now we're going to be able to use these logos in our lower thirds so i'm going to go ahead and just type in my name again and maybe we'll put it in spelled correctly that would be best and we'll put that little info in here once again and i'm gonna select the logo choose an image you have to go ahead and browse to that area animated lower thirds logos and i'm gonna select this logo here and click open and okay and there we go and now when you're done you just click the little box to add an inference of this lower third and it adds it and just so you know if you change anything you've got to delete it and re-add it which is why i showed you how to delete it before because once you click that little number button that's locked in that's the way it's going to look so what else can we do with this well we can go into the little plus here and we can change all kinds of settings if you click here you can add an outline to your box or we can click here and we can change the color of our box and we'll just turn it off and turn it on so we can see what this looks like and there we go now we have that bright blue background so in order to change the text colors we can just go in here and modify them and there we go change the secondary text color we'll just turn it off and on again so it brings it back up and it's nice because when you're working on these it will actually modify them on the fly so you can actually physically see the changes happening while you're working on it that makes it a lot easier to do these so you just set them so they're active for a really long period of time in this case i think they're active for 25 seconds by default so that gives you a pretty decent amount of time to mess around with the settings and now i'm going to adjust that background color again a little bit and we'll start it again and there we go that looks pretty good i don't really like my logo with that color but it is what it is let's see if maybe raising the size of our logo helps it out a little bit well it makes the logo bigger but it doesn't really help us so we're going to change the image on that we're going to use the black text and we're going to click ok and there we go you can see when i selected the one again it automatically switches it back to the white one so i'm going to drag that off and then uh i'm going to choose another one click ok and then i'm going to click here again and now it's updated and you'll find that that's not as intuitive as you think so you're going to have to play around with it to update these they're a little bit of a pain and then of course this will put your outline in there this right here is cool i can round off the corners of my lower thirds i can add an outline to my lower third let's turn this off and turn it on again right here if i put my outline on my lower third then i can adjust the width of the outline right now it's four i can adjust it up or down to whatever i think looks cool this right here is a shadow box so if i want to add shadows to the text on my lower thirds this is where we do it and you can see it's pretty subtle but you can change the size of this as well by adjusting the numbers up here pretty cool stuff it definitely does help make it more visible this right here will adjust the space between the two pieces of text so you can spread them out and we'll bring them closer together however you want it now this right here changes the look of your lower third and we'll get to that in a second right here this will adjust the size of the actual lower thirds box and this adjusts the margin for where it is located on the screen you can also adjust the ratio between the sizes of your text so what that means is generally speaking your top text is a little bit bigger than your bottom text and this adjusts that ratio you can bring them more in line so that they look basically the same size or you can make the top text a lot bigger however you want to do it now let's go ahead and change this right here this will change the look of our lower third and some of the features are disabled in this particular one in number two i can't add an image so i can adjust the rounded corners and all that sort of stuff but in version number two i can't add an image can also add outlines and things like that so you just want to be aware that in some of the versions you cannot add everything now in version three we're gonna add our logo back in there and this one's pretty cool this is a nice little kind of two piece lower third i really like it you can add the outlines you can change the color of the outlines of course and you can add your little drop shadow here if you like and currently there are only three versions that you can choose from but they all have their own cool unique look now these down here will adjust how the text is viewed so you can set it up so it's bold you can also set it up so it's all uppercase or it just keeps it the way that you typed it pretty standard text tools for that you can also change the fonts so there are bunches of different fonts in here kind of go through all of them and the best part is if you don't find the font that you want you can add a custom font i'm going to show you how to do that in just a little bit now we're going to go ahead and i'm going to choose another image we'll choose this twitter image and then i'm going to just change the subtext down here and we'll just put in my twitter address and i want to create this as a new one so we're going to select box two and now if we play that one because we have box two selected and there we go you can see that the background is not really compatible with that logo so we're gonna have to adjust our background color a little bit to make that logo stand out just a bit so we'll make it a little darker there we go that looks okay so now we have two instances of lower thirds and we can switch back and forth between those instances of lower thirds just by actually selecting them or we can use these tools over here on the right to adjust how long they're on the screen now this one right here in and out will adjust how long it takes for it to draw onto the screen and usually the default is the best way to go with that active is how long the lower third is active so if i put five in here it's going to be active for five seconds and then if i put five in here it's gonna be inactive for five seconds which basically means that this is going to run for five seconds and then it's going to be inactive for five seconds and then it's gonna run again so basically you can have it run the exact same lower third over and over again every five seconds or ten seconds or however long you wanna set it now if i click this little rotisserie button here what it'll do is it'll scroll through all of the lower thirds i have so it'll play the first one and then it'll wait five seconds and then it'll play the second one and so obviously my durations that i have set here are really low but this is something you can set up on your live stream it will just do it without you ever having to think of it and maybe every minute or so you're going to have a different lower third that talks to your audience about something different now this auto trigger one um triggers or switches automatically slots in memory and i'm not exactly sure how that one works i haven't figured that one out just yet so if you know how that works why don't you let me know in the comments because i'm actually kind of fascinated to figure that one out and you can see if you switch these on the fly they'll automatically switch while it's still on the screen so you can actually use custom fonts you can see there are a lot of fonts here but what if we wanted to load our own font in well if we go up here to the main settings and we go to custom you can see custom font and in order to add one all you have to do is go into google chrome and you're going to go to and we can see a whole bunch of fonts here if we just want fonts that have a bigger thickness well we just click the thickness and we bump this up and we can see we're going to get a lot of fonts that are going to be really good as custom fonts for something like a live stream lower third and then all you have to do is scroll down and find one that you like i like this russo one it seems pretty clean and clear so i'm going to click on it then you just go over here and you click select this style and now i'm going to copy out this font family right here by selecting all the text right clicking and then copy and i'm going to just paint this in the first box for custom font and then i'm going to go back over into my google screen and i just want to click the import button and then i want to copy out this text right here and just select it all and then right click and copy and i'm going to go and i'm going to control v to paste it right here or right click and click paste and then i click the plus and there we go russo won that font is now loaded in here let's do one more so i'm gonna go back into google fonts and i'm gonna go ahead and just remove all over here and then i'm gonna just click the back button so we go back into the fonts or i'm just gonna click browse fonts that makes more sense i'm gonna set up my font properties again and adjust that thickness and we'll just go through here and we'll find another font that's interesting this one actually works fascinate then i'm going to collect this and we're going to select import i'm going to go ahead and copy this bottom piece right here and then i'm going to go ahead and just like before paste it in the first box i'm going to select the second box go in here and make sure it's on import and copy out this text right here and i'm just going to paste that into our second box right here and i'm gonna click plus and add that font so now we have two fonts added if i go down here to the lower thirds menu you can see that russo one and fascinate are loaded down here so let's see what they look like just turn on our lower third thing and there we go now we have these fonts in here if i switch it you'll see the other one boom very very cool it's so easy to load in these fonts so you can add as many fonts as you want and then you can also just click the trash can next to them to delete them it's that easy now if we go up here into the show more you can see there are some options up here in the main settings you can change the theme you can enable a preview window which comes up right down here at the bottom and it will preview anything that you're watching i'm not sure how useful that is you can hide the number of memory slots um so it just won't show the number in the slots you can move the switches from the right hand side to the left and then you can show tool tips with the stored content this is kind of interesting and usable if i go down here and i hover over our ones and twos it'll actually tell you what each one says and that's pretty useful you see if i turn this tool tip off and i go and hover it doesn't give me any information so that's kind of nice because if you forget what you put in each of these slots you can turn that on you can easily hover over and see it and then of course custom is the font family and system you can import export and reset so that's pretty much everything in the main settings you can also add hotkeys to any of these so if you want to just kick them off on your own you can easily do it and to do that we're going to go up to tools and then we're going to go to scripts and under scripts we're going to click the plus and then we're gonna go back into that same directory so we're gonna go to animated lower thirds and we're gonna go into the lower thirds directory and here you're gonna see this lua file we're gonna select that and click open and now our script is loaded in we can just click close and that will allow us to go into settings and then go into hotkeys and we have all of our hotkeys loaded in here so that we can turn on and off our lower thirds so you've got your lower third switch which is the little switch that you can turn these on and off from and you have one for each of the four instances and then of course your load slots the one through nine the little numbered load slots well you can actually set hotkeys to each one of those load slots so that you can play these whenever you want or switch them even while they're on the screen so i'm just gonna put in hot keys for the two slots that i have created when i hit them there we go and i'm just going to go up to the global times and i'll set the global time to 5 active and 5 inactive and then what i'm going to do is remove it out of the local so we'll just use the global and then i'm gonna just turn that off so now our global time sets it to active for five seconds and inactive for five seconds and now when i click my little thing it runs it and you can see when i use the hot keys it'll switch back and forth between each one of those now if i turned off the inactive so it didn't have an inactive time that means that i could just prompt these to go whenever i want or i can just up it and it'll automatically run and then i can just use the hotkeys to select which one i want to run that way it doesn't scroll through them i can be selective if i want one to run because i'm talking about something specific i can select the hotkey for that one and you can see it's going to count to 30 seconds here it's going to run another one and if i change it with the hotkey that's the one that it's going to run now again if i just removed the 30 seconds and made that a 0 or with no number at all it will just wait for me to press a hotkey before it plays any one of these and you may choose to do that as well for the time being if i set it up so there's 30 seconds in between it's just going to cycle and then i can use my hotkeys to select which one i want it to run i like how the boxes turn blue and red to let you know kind of what cycle it's in as well it makes it really easy to monitor this so that if you are using hotkeys to switch it but it's on an automatic timer you know that when it's red you can switch it when it's not well that means it's active and if you switch it it's going to be obvious that you switched it what an awesome tool now for you mac users sorry mac doesn't support custom browser docs just yet but if you're creative and you know a little bit about html you could probably get it to work as a separate window as with all free things sometimes you gotta work with it a little to make it work for you if this video helped you out the best way that you can help others find this video is to give it a thumbs up so please do so and if you want to learn about more plugins for obs studio check this video out and if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you a better youtuber subscribe to the channel my name is michael fire jr thank you so much for watching have a great day and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 49,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lower thirds obs, lower thirds obs plugin, lower thirds obs streaming, lower thirds obs studio, add lower thirds obs, animated lower thirds obs, free animated lower thirds obs, animated lower thirds for obs, animated lower thirds in obs, animated lower thirds tool in obs, free animated lower thirds for obs, how to add animated lower thirds in obs, how to make animated lower thirds for obs, obs lower thirds plugin, how to set up an animated lower third in obs studio
Id: 1Ps3eyPCPB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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