Eric Dubay Sucks at Life (200 Flat Earth “Proofs” Debunked)

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Hey everyone, it’s been quite some time  since I’ve talked about flat earthers,   even if they never stop talking about me. But  although the self-proclaimed champions of flat   earth change over time, most of their brainwashed  flock still seem to bring up one particular guy   as their messiah, and that’s Eric Dubay. If you’re not familiar with this buffoon,   he’s a pointless grifter and yoga teacher  who took a garbage 19th century book by Sam   Rowbotham called “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a  Globe” and shamelessly repackaged it for today’s   gullible masses, with some crappy pamphlets  and YouTube videos collectively entitled   “200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball”.  Despite having been debunked countless times,   flat earthers somehow still reference this tool,  so I thought it would be fun to go through all 200   of his so-called “proofs” and show how profoundly  stupid they really are. Wouldn’t that be fun?  Now in order to do this, showing clips from  his videos would take way too long. Instead,   I’ve downloaded his ridiculous e-book, so I can  simply show the text for each “proof”, quickly   summarize and then debunk it. That will keep the  run time down to something mildly reasonable,   and then we also don’t have to listen to his  annoying voice. Although if you’re curious,   this is what he sounds like. *unintelligible gibberish*  And this guy has followers. What a  world. Anyway, let’s get started.  1) The horizon is always flat! Any footage  shows it to be flat! Except for all the   footage that shows it isn’t flat, which  of course is “CGI” because he says so.   In reality all sufficiently high altitude  footage shows the curvature of the horizon,   whether it’s the 24/7 live feed from the ISS,  amateur weather balloon footage, or anything else,   much of which entirely predates the existence  of CGI. Once you get really high, you see it.   Always. So this is a lie. Gee, do you think a  lot of these will just be lies? Let’s find out.  2) The horizon always rises to eye level! No  matter how high you go, the horizon is always in   the same place in your field of vision! Another  lie. Enjoy these pictures that show the horizon   below eye level, proving that this is a dumb lie. 3) Crazy water stuff! This is where flat earthers   get their dumb catch phrase “water always  finds its level”. First, he has no clue   what level means. It doesn’t mean “flat”. It  means perpendicular to the vector representing   acceleration due to gravity, which points to  the center of the Earth. Gravity is pulling   everything to the center of the earth, so  level means perpendicular to that force,   which essentially means any tangent line with  respect to any point on Earth’s surface. Oceans   are level even though they exhibit curvature, and  this is how all the water molecules sit as close   to the center of the Earth as geometrically  possible. And second, his fantasy flat oceans   can’t even exist on his imaginary pizza land  anyway. Tides are a thing. In his world,   tides are just little hills of water moving around  by magic. No flat water even for Eric. Whoops.  4) Rivers only flow downhill! Yeah. Including  the Mississippi, which starts in Minnesota   at an elevation of 1,475 feet and flows  downhill the entire time all the way to   the Gulf of Mexico at sea level. He just pulls  this 11 miles thing out of his ass and doesn’t   even specify what he’s talking about. 5) More with rivers! Or really just more   gibberish. If the Nile were to flow a thousand  miles with an elevation change of one foot,   then it would do that no matter what the shape  of the Earth. This is not an argument. No rivers   flow uphill. He’s just lying. He could cite  specific locations and elevations but he doesn’t   do that because he made it up. 6) More water gibberish! Again,   he doesn’t know what level means. It  doesn’t mean flat. Water molecules   are not magic. They get pulled to the center  of the Earth by gravity just like everything   else. Oceans exhibit curvature and are level. 7) Trains! He is pretending that train tracks   can’t handle even a millimeter of curvature. In  reality, train tracks go over hills and mountains   and run through valleys and conform to local  geographical features that exhibit thousands   of times more curvature than the curvature of  the Earth. So he’s a moron who’s never actually   seen train tracks. Also, bridges are specifically  built taking into account Earth’s curvature. Long   suspension bridges have towers that are not  precisely parallel and they are built knowing   that they can’t be precisely parallel because of  Earth’s curvature. Ask people who build bridges.  8) The Suez Canal! Again, he’s pretending that  large bodies of water are flat because he doesn’t   understand what elevation means. Boats go from  one body of water to another, and all the water   is level throughout. There’s nothing “parallel” to  anything, and there’s nothing to talk about here.  9) Some engineer guy said a thing! It’s a  long quote that starts with zero context   as to what he’s referring to, pivots to train  tracks and canals which we just talked about,   and specifies that train tracks don’t have to  account for Earth’s curvature which is utterly   insignificant on the local scale, dramatically  outweighed by local topographical features. Also   I can’t find any evidence whatsoever of an  engineer by this name ever having existed.  10) More trains! Random numbers with no  math shown, and continuing to pretend that   train tracks can’t handle anything  other than flawlessly flat terrain.  11) Another fake engineer quote! You can tell  because he’s as dumb as a flat earther. Trains   can only run on totally flat surfaces! Except  of course for the not at all flat surfaces like   the inclines they traverse literally all the  time, but very carefully of course, as though   the train has to tiptoe on those parts. And eight  inches over one mile is ridiculous! Impossible!   Who could imagine such a thing! Insanity! 12) Wow, he’s really sticking with the   train thing and pretending these are somehow all  separate proofs. Yeah, people who lay out train   tracks don’t think about the curvature  of the Earth because it’s negligible,   and completely dwarfed by local topographical  features. I’m already repeating myself for a third   time and we are only on number 12. Unreal. 13) We see too far! A deliberately vague   description of a light on the “summit”  of something but we don’t know what,   somehwere in Spain, which was seen from what I  can only assume he means is the island of Ibiza,   specifically a place called “Camprey” which  doesn’t exist. He pretends the elevation is   the same even though he mentioned the summit of  something but didn’t say what, he lies about the   distance, he lies about the amount of curvature,  and of course this is anecdotal and probably   made up anyway, since I find no mention of  this experiment anywhere on the internet,   including Arago’s Wikipedia page which is lengthy. 14) Another see too far! Which of course is a   fabricated event that offers zero specific  information, lies about the width of the   channel, and the amount of curvature there  should be. Are you noticing a pattern yet?  15) Airplanes! Yes that’s right, planes should  magically be able to fly to outer space just   by going in a straight line! That’s exactly  how physics works! You totally don’t need to   expend energy to counteract gravity! Throw a ball  straight up into the air, that should go all the   way up into space too! This is one of the absolute  dumbest things flat earthers say because it’s just   them having no clue how planes work. When a plane  is flying, gravity is pulling it down, but there   is lift pushing the plane up, due to air hitting  the underside of the body and wings, which are   specifically designed to maximize lift and keep  it in the air. When these forces are equal you   have level flight, meaning constant altitude, and  altitude conforms to the curvature of the Earth.   As the plane flies level, it follows the curvature  of the Earth. A toddler could understand this.   It can’t magically ascend in elevation against  gravity without exerting additional thrust. Also,   has he ever seen a plane land? Does a plane  land with its nose dipped down to get down to   the runway? No. The nose points up as the plane  slows down. The guy really is dumber than rocks.  16) Airy’s failure! He has no clue what this  means. Somebody was trying to substantiate the   existence of the aether. Which doesn’t exist.  So he failed to detect it. He wasn’t “trying to   prove the heliocentric theory”. That was done  several centuries prior. This is gibberish.  17) Olber’s paradox! No, this isn’t what  he said at all. The paradox addresses the   assertion that the universe is infinite,  eternal, and static. If that were the case,   and there were infinite stars in every direction,  the sky would be completely lit. Modern cosmology   proposes none of those things. Billions of stars  may sound like a lot, but it’s not the same as   infinite stars. He can’t be bothered to google the  term and learn what it means, and he’s too stupid   to even read the quote properly, since Poe clearly  uses the word “endless”, which means infinite.  18) Michelson-Morley! Another thing that  can easily be googled to learn what it is,   and which he will never do. They also were trying  to substantiate the existence of the aether,   which it turns out does not exist. Yes, they  determined that the speed of light never changes,   a finding which prompted the development  of special relativity. None of this has   anything to do with the shape of the Earth  or arrangement of the solar system. At all.  19) Tycho Brahe! It’s true, he was not convinced  of heliocentrism, and his reason was logical.   He knew that stars should exhibit parallax.  And they do. You need telescopes to see it,   which didn’t exist when Brahe was alive. It  was first confirmed in 1838, and now you can   confirm the parallax of nearby stars even with  higher end personal telescopes, which is why this   idiot has to time travel to when telescopes  didn’t exist in order to pretend you can’t.  20) Fun with physics! If you fire a cannonball  straight up, it should fall down in a different   place because the Earth is spinning! No.  There’s this thing called conservation of   momentum. The cannonball retains the momentum of  the Earth. This is also why a skateboarder lands   right back on the skateboard when they jump in  the air for a trick. They travel forward with   the skateboard even though from their reference  frame they are jumping straight up and falling   straight down. Same with the cannonball. 21) Same stupidity but switch cannons for   helicopters and balloons. These objects don’t  magically lose the momentum of Earth’s rotation   simply by hovering for the same reason that  jumping inside a plane doesn’t cause you to   fly to the back of the cabin at 500 miles per  hour. And no, it’s not because the cabin is   enclosed. Observe people playing tennis on the  wings of an airplane. Physics. Learn about it.  22) More of the same stupid! The guy was falling  and landed in the wrong place. Well again,   the balloon he was on was rotating with  the Earth, and he maintained that lateral   velocity as he fell. Ever see planes dropping  bombs? Do they fall directly downward and land   on the point precisely below where the plane was  when it opened the hatch? No. The bombs maintain   the velocity of the plane, so they travel forward  with the plane as they fall. That’s why they have   to perform calculations and know exactly when to  release them in order to hit the target. And also,   the Earth doesn’t rotate at a thousand miles  an hour. Rotational motion is different from   linear motion. It rotates once per day. He  uses a tangential linear velocity to make it   sound unreasonable. In reality it’s rotating  half as fast as the hour hand on a clock.  23) Gravity is magic! Yes, the Earth  holds on to the atmosphere by gravity,   just like all other matter. Yes, the  atmosphere rotates along with the Earth. No,   there is no “perfect synchronization”. The  rest is gibberish. There is gravity in space.   Things in orbit are still under the influence of  Earth’s gravity. Gravitized doesn’t mean anything,   and he doesn’t know what a vacuum is. No, basic  scientific facts are not refuted by the existence   of any of the random objects he is listing. He’s  just dumb and doesn’t understand basic physics.  24) More fun with cannonballs! Yes, we can  consider the Earth an intertial reference frame,   so it doesn’t matter which way the cannon  is facing. It’s not that hard to understand.  25) More plane stuff! Pretending that planes  can’t travel east because the Earth is rotating   below them is like pretending you can’t jump  forwards on the bed of a truck because the   second your feet leave the truck it will fly  away from under you at 70 miles an hour, since   humans can’t jump forward at 70 miles an hour.  The plane has the velocity that the Earth has.   When it takes off from the Earth, the activity of  the plane will produce motion relative to Earth’s   surface. Reference frames. Learn about them. 26) Pointless quote! I don’t know who this person   is, but googling her name brings up nothing  but links to flat earth videos and pamphlets,   so it seems pretty fake. Also, pointing to  someone else who is stupid doesn’t make you   any less stupid. Copernicus wasn’t arguing that  the Earth is a rotating sphere because that had   been common knowledge for well over a thousand  years at that point. So 26 is basically 25 again   but out of someone else’s fake dumb mouth. 27) Holy hell, more plane stuff. No to   all of this, for the same reasons. 28) Clouds are weird! Clouds can’t do   what they do, why? Because you say so? That’s not  convincing. Argument from incredulity rejected.  29) Crazy fast spin! He cites this thousand  miles an hour figure countless times because   it’s all he has. When you’re going 500 miles an  hour in a plane, do you feel it? No. Because you   don’t feel motion at constant velocity. You  only feel acceleration and deceleration. It’s   not that hard to understand. As the Earth  rotates, everything moves together at a   constant rate. There’s nothing to feel. When a  breeze occurs, air is moving relative to your   stationary body. So you feel it. Got it? 30) Some explorer guy! He felt wind down   at sea level, and clouds much higher moved in  a different direction. I wonder if different   air currents can exist at different altitudes?  4000 feet of elevation above the trade winds   you say? What’s funniest about this is that it  has absolutely nothing to do with the rotation   of the Earth. The guy is saying there is wind  pushing the ships in one direction at sea level,   and wind pushing clouds in a different direction  at higher elevation. Even if the Earth was flat,   he would still be totally dumbfounded  by this fact. Where does the rotation   come into play here exactly? Nowhere. 31) More big numbers! No, Earth rotating does   not cause wind. The atmosphere also moves with  Earth’s rotation. Somebody should spend less time   flying kites and more time learning basic physics. 32) Gravity is crazy! How the heck do big fat   oceans stick to the Earth while tiny puny weak  little bugs and birds can fly? This is one of   the best examples of how dumb this guy is.  The gravitational force increases with mass.   Heavier things have a harder time counteracting  gravity. Weight only exists because of gravity,   and it depends on mass. Oceans are enormous and  heavy. Bugs and birds are tiny. It’s easier to   accelerate them against gravity, as it requires  so much less force. But much more importantly,   they have these things called wings. They use  them to generate lift, an applied force to counter   gravity. As I have famously offered in a previous  debunk, oceans don’t have wings. Nor do they have   any form of sentience to decide for themselves  which way to go. And guess what? Water goes up   into the sky from the ocean all the time anyway.  It’s called evaporation, you moron. It’s part of   the water cycle. Check it out some time. 33) Fish can’t swim! I really don’t even   know what to say with this one. It’s that  mind-bogglingly stupid. Gravity keeps both   water and fish from floating out into space, and  fish also swim through water using fins. The end.  34) More fun with travel! Ships don’t  take Earth’s curvature into account,   ever! But is that really true? No, and it’s easy  to prove. What are nautical miles? A nautical mile   is one minute of latitude, or one sixtieth of a  degree of latitude, which is more practical for   long distance travel because the curvature of the  Earth becomes a factor in accurate measurement.   Nautical miles were literally invented to take  into account Earth’s curvature. Whoops. All   of this is lies. Anyone who does these kinds  of calculations knows the Earth is a sphere,   and any flat map of the Earth is distorted  because that’s what happens when you try to   project a curved surface onto a flat one. 35) Latitudes! If the Earth was a sphere,   latitude lines would represent smaller and smaller  circumferences as they approached the poles! And   they do. Since the Earth is a sphere. That they  don’t get larger and larger is proof that the   Earth isn’t flat. He basically offers up one  of the best ways to debunk the flat earth,   and just says “nuh uh” to his own assertion.  His justification is “many captains something   vague and meaningless”. Wow, that’s convincing! In  reality, there’s a sailing race around Antarctica.   I repeat. Every year, a bunch of people sail  their boats around Antarctica. That alone   proves this pizza land map isn’t real. 36) Circumnavigating Antarctica! Hey,   that’s what we were just talking about. Once  again, that anyone can do this at all proves this   map is bullshit. So he brings it up, spews some  random vague numbers, and moves on. Hysterical.  37) More Antarctica! Somebody was exploring and  it was a little fishy. No attempt to validate   the numbers, no attempt to contextualize them on  a flat Earth, nothing of substance whatsoever.   Maybe they were incorrectly presuming that the  magnetic pole was located at the geographic south   pole? That’s a pretty obvious speculation.  But no, it must mean the Earth is flat!  38) More confused ships! Any  time navigators are confused,   it’s because the Earth is flat, because reasons. 39) A random thing in Australia! These two towns   are 1,550 miles apart. Well no,  they’re 1,273 kilometers apart   which is around 790 miles. And they’re on  different latitude lines. So he’s lying,   which means there’s no point in even checking  his math which is probably also wrong. Pathetic.  40) The same thing but somewhere else. 10,500  miles, huh? That’s funny, I get 9,140 kilometers,   or about 5,700 miles. Where are you getting these  numbers, from the 1500s? Use the internet, moron.  41) Holy hell, the same dumb lie in  another place. He says 25,000 miles.   It’s 10,268 kilometers or 6,380 miles. Who  the hell does this idiot think he’s fooling?   Does he try to pick up women with this stuff? 42) More Antarctica stuff! The circumference   of Antarctica is 12,000 miles? Actually it’s less  than ten thousand, but what’s this? Cook measured   50 to 60 thousand? Nope. That was the length  of his voyage all the way around the world   zig-zagging around to many different ports. It has  nothing to do with Antarctica. A bald-faced lie.  43) Flights over Antarctica! That’s the shortest  path for so many flights, he says. Except it   isn’t. He just draws random lines on this image  that don’t necessarily represent real flights.   Great circles, the paths that planes actually  take, don’t look like this. Some of them come very   close to Antarctica, or even fly over the edge  of it. Looking at an actual globe, the paths make   perfect sense. Also, yes, going directly over the  middle of Antarctica is not a good idea. There are   storms and blizzards and what not, and nowhere to  make an emergency landing. Go ahead and charter a   private jet and check it out for yourself, genius. 44) More lies about flights! Sydney to Santiago,   why do they always stop in the Northern  Hemisphere? They don’t. They fly direct,   over the Pacific Ocean, several times per week  both ways, usually stopping in nearby Auckland,   New Zealand. Here’s the route they take, and  you can stare out the window the whole time   and see the Pacific Ocean below you with your  own eyes. Flat earthers continue to pretend   that this flight doesn’t exist, and yet none of  them have the courage to go see for themselves,   since this flight single-handedly  proves their map is wrong and dumb.  45) More lies about flights! Johannesburg  to Perth, why do they do the crazy blah blah   blah… they don’t. You can get a direct  flight between these two cities. Fail.  46) Another flight. Cape Town to  Buenos Aires which he can’t spell   properly. Direct flights exist. Fail. 47) Another flight. Johannesburg to   Sao Paulo which again he can’t spell.  Direct flights exist. Another fail.  48) Another flight. Santiago to Johannesburg. I  couldn’t find direct flights, but all the ones I   found connect in Sao Paulo, not Senegal. It’s just  not a popular enough route to offer the direct   flight. Also, it’s important to point out that  in every single one of these fake flight proofs,   he pretends that stops are for “refueling”. They  aren’t. They’re just totally separate flights. Not   every two cities in the world have flights between  them. When you travel internationally, you often   take one flight, land at an airport, get off the  plane, go to another gate, get on another plane,   and take another totally unrelated flight. That’s  how international travel works. This moron is   pretending that for all of these routes, the plane  lands, all the people stay on the plane, they   refuel, and then take off again for the intended  destination they all share. This is what happens   when you never leave your mother’s basement.  Save up your yoga money and see the world, Eric.  49) Weather! You heard it from Eric, hot in Africa  but cold near the poles just doesn’t make sense!   This dumbass thinks a magical substance called  heat is traveling from the sun through outer   space to the Earth. All flat earthers think that  the sun is a bonfire the Earth is warming its   hands with. In reality, electromagnetic radiation  from the sun travels through the vacuum of space,   which then strikes the Earth and its atmospheric  particles, causing excitations that raise their   kinetic energies, which we call heating. The light  irradiates latitudes near the equator directly,   so the heating effect is greater. The light  irradiates polar regions at an oblique angle,   traversing more atmosphere and distributing  the light around a much larger area,   so the heating effect is dramatically lesser.  So it’s colder. Also all the ice in the polar   regions reflects a lot of the light back to  space, which contributes to colder temperatures.   Everyone learns how the climate and seasons work  in elementary school. He must have been sick that   day. This one makes me laugh because he isn’t  just lying or making up numbers, he genuinely   is too stupid to understand how climate works. 50) Polar regions should be similar! They are.   They should have comparable temperatures,  seasonal changes, length of daylight,   and they do. Objectively. He just baselessly says  that they differ in many ways, which they don’t,   and as proof he shows pictures of polar bears  and penguins. Wow, they have different animals!   The exact same animals should magically  have evolved on the opposite ends of   the Earth because reasons. Brilliant. 51) The poles are too different! Well,   Eric, the south pole is found on Antarctica. A  continent. That’s a fancy word for a big chunk   of land. The north pole is in the middle  of the Arctic Ocean. So one pole is land   surrounded by ocean, the other pole is ocean  surrounded by land. That’s pretty different,   don’t you think? Different enough to cause  changes in the way wind moves, not to mention   the higher elevation on Antartica, again, because  it’s a continent, with a gigantic ice sheet,   and mountains and what not. Do you get it now? 52) Animals! Iceland has some animals,   and this other random island in the Southern  Hemisphere doesn’t. So Earth is flat,   case closed! This is so mind-numbingly stupid  it’s not even worth dwelling on. Different places   have differing numbers and types of animals. The  hemispheres aren’t mirror images of each other.  53) Sun stuff! He baselessly asserts that  day length during the Northern summer is   longer than those in the South. Doesn’t mention  specific locations, doesn’t give specific numbers,   just because I say so. And of course he’s  objectively wrong. Go to the southern tip of   South America and see how long and short the days  get. He also just says it makes sense on a flat   earth with zero attempt at explaining how, since  it definitely doesn’t, just like everything else.  54) Dawn and dusk! They happen at different rates!  No, they don’t. The sun’s apparent motion through   the sky is constant because the rate of Earth’s  rotation is constant. He’s pulling this directly   out of his ass, and using words like “wobbling”  for no reason. Also sunrise and sunset make no   sense whatsoever on a flat earth in general,  so pretending that his magic sun circles make   sense is also directly from his asshole. 55) Pizza land magic! No, his ridiculous   concentric circles explain precisely nothing  and are totally incompatible with literally   all observations. If the sun were to be taking  this enormous path around the winter solstice,   it would have to be illuminating nearly the  entire outer section of the pizza all at   the same time while not illuminating the center,  which experiences 24 hour darkness at that time.   And of course he ignores the 24 hour sun at the  South Pole, which is totally inexplicable here,   and just pretends it isn’t real. 56) 24 hour sun can only happen   precisely at the poles! No. Just look at a  globe. The portion that is constantly illuminated   experiences 24 hours of daylight. The end. 57) Antarctica! That dirty lying “establishment”   says there is 24 hour daylight at the south  pole but there’s no uncut video of it! Except   for all of the uncut video of it. Why is there  so much more footage of the midnight sun in the   Arctic? Because people live there, moron. Nobody  permanently lives at the south pole. Although I’ve   been encouraging flat earthers to apply for jobs  there for years, which they totally could get.   Also didn’t he just say that there is no 24 hour  sun anywhere except precisely direcly on top of   the geographic poles? Now he’s admitting that in  the north there’s so much footage of it! All of   those people were standing right on the pole, huh? 58) More Antarctica! The sun disappears for a few   months? That’s crazy! No, it isn’t. 24 hour night  happens for the exact same reason as 24 hour day,   just when Earth is at the opposite point in its  orbit around the sun. Just look at a globe and   see that as Earth rotates this part is never  facing the sun. The end. Also, no, it makes   zero sense whatsoever on his pizza land. Just  because the sun is running the tighter circle,   it doesn’t mean light magically wouldn’t reach  the edge of the disc. Basically nighttime in   general makes no sense on a flat earth. At all. 59) More made up quotes! No, day and night   should not be 12 hours each, because of  the tilt in Earth’s rotational axis. Pick   any latitude and observe what fraction of it is  illuminated at any given time. Then observe how   that changes as Earth orbits the sun. This is so  unbelievably easy to understand it’s ridiculous.  60) The horizon! It’s so flat, you guys! Just  take some wooden planks and eyeball it! That’s   reliable! Except it isn’t, our eyes are not  sophisticated measuring devices, and when we   use those instead we can measure the curvature of  the horizon even at sea level, which becomes more   and more pronounced with altitude. Earth is really  big. If you were a bacterium on a basketball it’d   look flat to you. Zoom in on a circle until it  looks like a straight line. You get the picture.  61) More horizon stuff! If Earth were a ball  we should see lots of curvature on the horizon   even at sea level! Why? Because you say so?  Everything would be like the leaning tower   of Piza! It’s Pisa, jackass. My family is from  there so I get to be mad about that one. This   moron thinks a planet with a 25,000 mile  circumference should be the same as one of   those tiny planets from Le Petit Prince, or that  walking around should be like playing Mario Galaxy   or something. Earth is really, really big, idiot. 62) Bedford level thingy! One time that grifter   Sam Rowbotham I told you about lied and said the  water was flat. He didn’t account for the height   of the flag, he didn’t account for refraction, and  the experiment was repeated a bunch of times since   then and the curvature was confirmed. 63) More lies from Sam! Another   flag thing that didn’t happen. 64) Sam again. For a while here   Dubay just straight up copy pastes sections of the  book he’s plagiarizing just to make it perfectly   clear that he doesn’t want to even pretend to have  his own original thoughts. Here Sam is vomiting   some garbage about sticks and a string and  pretending the horizon is flat, which it isn’t,   as we already showed, and the idiot pretends  a ship sailing 40 miles should be going up and   down a big hill of water, because he’s an idiot  who doesn’t understand scale just like Dubay.  65) Sam again. He’s describing the  process of watching a ship sail away   and disappear from the bottom up, a very clear  demonstration of the curvature of the Earth   that has been acknowledged for millennia, and  pretending it somehow proves the Earth is flat,   because of some numbers he made up. Again,  watching ships disappear bottom up is one of   the clearest demonstrations of Earth’s curvature  that a person can experience. This is the pathetic   way flat earthers attempt to engage with it. 66) Sam again. He used some shitty instruments   to prove everything is super duper flat! This is  obviously a blatant lie because there is literally   nowhere on Earth that’s perfectly and immaculately  flat even disregarding Earth’s curvature. So no,   he did not do this. Also, the idea that the  shape of the Earth was a “hot topic of debate”   anytime in the past several thousand years is  the most laughably idiotic claim imaginable.  67) We see too far! He lies about  the distance between these places,   lies about the required vantage point for  the view, and makes up the other numbers.  68) We see too far! These two places have a  driving route that is already less than 40 miles,   so the straight line distance is way less  than that. The picture he shows is obviously   from a pretty high elevation, and yet we  still can’t see the bottoms of the buildings.  69) We see too far! The driving distance  is 46 miles so the straight line distance   is way less than 60, the picture is taken  from the top of a mountain, and the bottoms   of the buildings are obscured due to Earth’s  curvature. But wow, he spelled Pythagorean   correctly! Impressive! Couldn’t figure out how  to draw a triangle though. Shapes are hard.  70) We see too far! Philly and New York again,  which are in opposite directions from this   location so I have no idea what this picture  is supposed to be, and there is not even an   attempt to show fake math to justify this number. 71) We see too far! Chicago skyline from the other   side of the lake. Since this is right over water  refraction plays a big role here, which he even   mentions but then just hand waves away, just like  the fact that we can only see the top portions of   the buildings, which proves that the curvature  is there. If there was no curvature, we could   see all of the buildings. The numbers are made up,  and he’s so dumb that he pretends the buildings   should be leaning away from us in a way that is  noticeable. 60 miles out of 25,000 means this   distance represents 0.24% of the circumference of  the Earth. Take that percentage of 360 degrees and   you get 0.864 degrees. The buildings should  have a vertical alignment that is less than   one degree off the vertical of the observer, an  amount that would be very hard to detect even if   you were standing right next to something. 72) We see too far! He’s lying about the   distance and the math. There’s a ton of these in  a row, so I’m going to save a little time here.  73) We see too far! He’s lying  about the distance and the math.  74) We see too far! He’s lying  about the elevation and the math.  75) We see too far! He’s lying  about the elevation and the math.  76) We see too far! He’s lying  about the elevation and the math.  77) We see too far, for the fourth time in  a row from the exact same location! He was   really desperate to inflate the numbers I guess.  He’s lying about the elevation and the math.  78) We see too far! He’s lying about the math,  pretending the mountain should be “leaning”,   and baselessly claiming we  can see “the entire mountain”.  79) We see too far! He’s lying about the  elevation and the math, and again pretending   we can see the base of the mountain, even though  in the picture he provides you clearly can’t.  80) We see too far! He either totally made  this up or the guy he is referencing was   lying. Nobody saw a ship 200 miles away, that’s  impossible, which is why flat earthers don’t   just show a ship 200 miles away. Or anything  at sea level 200 miles away, anywhere, ever.  81) We see too far! He’s lying  about the distance and the math.  82 through 89) We see too far lighthouses  lightning round! He’s lying about all the   distances and all the math. Also the way  the beam of light widens with distance   makes the light visible beyond the point  where the lighthouse itself is visible.  90) We see too far! You can see the statue of  liberty from 60 miles away! From what elevation?   Not listed. How much of it can you see? Not  specified. But here’s a picture from right next   to the statue for no reason at all! Also this  statue was once used as a lighthouse, so the   thing we just said about light from lighthouses. 91) We see too far! Another lighthouse because he   didn’t do enough of those before. He’s  lying about the distance and the math.  92) We see too far! He’s lying about the  distance, and the math, and the elevation,   since observations from ships take place from  a crow’s nest, specifically in order to see   farther because of Earth’s curvature. 93) We see too far! He’s lying   about the elevation and the math. 94) We see too flat! Ooh, a little   variety! This 22 mile long flat thing should be  curved! Well it isn’t a perfectly straight line,   there is no such thing as a perfectly straight  line in nature, this is just one of Rowbotham’s   shitty drawings that have no correlation  with reality and don’t prove anything.  95) We see too flat again! No,  it’s not perfectly horizontal.  96) We see too far, encore edition! Some  flat earth jerk lied about seeing a light.   And that wraps up the “we see too far”  portion of the pamphlet, which constitutes   30 of the 200 entries. Astounding. 97) NASA stuff! Tilted “back” doesn’t   mean anything. Earth’s rotational axis is tilted  23.5 degrees off of the vertical with respect to   the ecliptic, or the plane of the solar system.  It’s not “wobbling”, unless he is talking about   Milankovitch cycles, which take many thousands of  years, and it’s not spinning a thousand miles per   hour. It spins once per day. Then he continues  with the big scary numbers game, some of which   are accurate while others are made up. Then he  pretends all of this motion originated in the big   bang because he’s a moron who knows zero things  about cosmology. And then he wraps up his tantrum   with “nuh uh because me no feel it”. I wonder if  he’s been on a plane before. And yes, it is very   easy to measure all of these things, if you took  an astronomy class you’d learn precisely how we   figured all of this out. I won’t hold my breath. 98) Star is far away! But how far away? Scientist   not know! This isn’t a range. It’s two  different figures, the smaller of which is   the revised distance based on better information.  That’s how science works. We learned more about   Cepheid variable stars that revised the number  because we are looking at the brightness of the   star to determine the distance, in addition to  other factors like parallax. No, Polaris is not   perfectly aligned with the north pole. It’s just  very close. It even makes a star trail. And again,   it exhibits parallax which we can measure,  and it drifts over time specifically due to   the precession of the rotational axis that he is  trying to refer to but failing since he doesn’t   even bother to learn the basic vocabulary of  astronomy. Polaris became the north star around   500 CE. Around 3000 BCE it was Thuban, which is  why certain ancient architecture aligned with it   in deliberate ways. Later it will be another star. 99) More Polaris! Since it is aligned with the   north pole we shouldn’t be able to see it anywhere  in the southern hemisphere! If you’re on the   equator and you take one step south, it should  vanish? Again, the star isn’t flawlessly aligned   with the pole, atmospheric effects exist, and  it’s not visible at 20 degrees south latitude,   he’s just lying. At the equator it’s right on  the horizon. But much more importantly, if the   earth were flat you’d be able to see it from  anywhere. In fact, everyone would see all the same   stars from absolutely anywhere. You can’t. Because  it’s a sphere. By pointing out that stars become   obscured by the Earth at certain latitudes, the  idiot debunks himself and doesn’t even know it.  100) More stars! The Southern Cross  should be visible from any southern   longitude! Well it is. He’s just lying. And  furthermore, people in different continents   can all see it at the same time by looking  directly south even though on his pizza land   that would mean all looking in completely  different directions. More self-debunking.  101) More star stuff! The southern pole star  vanishes and can’t be seen with telescopes!   No. It’s faintly visible even to the naked eye,  just not well enough to be used for navigation.   You can see it with any telescope. Then  the moron says that the direction of   apparent motion for the stars depends on the  direction you’re facing, not the hemisphere   you’re in! Ok genius, in the south, star trails  go clockwise. Tell me which direction you can   face that’ll make them go counterclockwise? Here’s  another way to express how unbelievably dumb that   is. Put a clock on your ceiling. Which way can  you face to make the hands run counterclockwise?   Oh that’s impossible and you’re a moron with  zero capacity for spatial reasoning? Yeah.  102) Declination and perspective! Yeah, look  how these telegraph poles right in front of   you converge with the horizon! A star that is  directly straight up above your head should also   do that because reasons! This isn’t a vanishing  point. These objects don’t get smaller and they   go below the horizon. Stars disappearing  below the horizon and new ones appearing   as you change latitude is proof of Earth’s  curvature. We’ve known this for centuries.   That’s what a sextant was invented for in the 18th  century. To measure the angle between a star and   the horizon in order to determine your latitude. 103) Shouldn’t see the star! Anyone with a line   of sight to the star can see the star. It’s not  that hard to understand. And again, if the earth   were flat, all stars would be visible everywhere. 104) Another shouldn’t see the star! Two of these   constellations are from the Zodiac, which are  the constellations that sit in the ecliptic.   As the Earth rotates, most people have a  line of sight to them and can see them.  105) More Zodiac constellations! What is this  idiot not getting? And yes, hemispheres are   not spheres. Hemi means half. Half a sphere. Nor  are they “concentric circles” on his imaginary   pizza land. It’s just a circle and a washer. Learn  what words mean before you use them in a sentence.  106) South pole not real! There is no “barbershop  pole”. This is what happens when all of your   scientific knowledge comes from children’s  cartoons. And the south pole isn’t arbitrary.   The poles are the points on Earth’s surface that  are aligned with its rotational axis. This moron’s   proof is him not knowing how compasses work.  First of all, the magnetic poles are different   from the geographic poles. He has no clue how  magnetic fields work or why Earth has one,   a fact that makes no sense on a flat earth.  But anyway, compass needles align themselves   with magnetic field lines. Those originate at  the north magnetic pole, which is actually near   the south geographic pole, and flow to the south  magnetic pole in the north. At the magnetic poles   there are no field lines to align with and a  compass is useless. Also, what does a compass   do at the north pole? Funny how he doesn’t mention  that, huh? And no, it’s not an “excuse” that the   magnetic poles move. It’s just what they do. If  you knew anything about planetary magnetic fields,   you’d never say something so stupid. 107) Ring magnets! No, a ring magnet’s   south pole is not its circumference. The two  faces are the north and south pole. Just like   the disc magnets we play with as kids. That’s why  one face is attractive and the other is repulsive,   again just like disc magnets. This is just  a dumb lie to pretend that a flat earth can   have the magnetic field we observe, which it  definitely can’t. Then he just whines about   geology he doesn’t understand. That the magnetic  poles move doesn’t mean they can’t be verified,   and the interior structure of the Earth is not  speculative in the slightest. We don’t need to   drill all the way to Earth’s core to know it’s  there. We determine Earth’s structure primarily   through seismology. I have geology tutorials you  can watch if you’d like to learn about that, Eric.   That’s a joke, I know you’re allergic to learning. 108) Compasses are dumb! Again, the compass needle   aligns with magnetic field lines. That’s why  it points toward the two magnetic poles. Yes,   the poles move. They drift a few miles  per year. So what? Stop pretending that   makes compasses useless. And good lord, if the  compass needle was pointing to the north pole,   the other end would magically bend at a right  angle and point to outer space? Why? This is one   of the dumbest things any human being has ever  written. The needle aligns with magnetic field   lines. If this sentence is too complicated for you  to understand, it’s nobody’s problem but yours.  109) Cardinal directions! He’s basically just  claiming the south pole doesn’t exist because   he says so. And then ignoring the fact that  east and west are circles on his pizza land,   which makes zero sense, because ships  and planes don’t constantly turn in one   direction as they travel directly east or west. 110) Explorers! Yes, you can have make believe fun   times and trace Magellan’s path on your imaginary  pizza land. That’s not proof of anything. Sorry.  111) Circumpolar navigation! Meaning traveling  around the world from pole to pole and then up   the other side to the first pole. He says  nobody has ever done it. Except of course   for all the times people definitely totally have  done that. Many times. By land and water as well   as by plane. He pretends they haven’t because  he’s an intellectually bankrupt grifting fraud.   So contrary to this sentence here, that it  has been done is conclusive proof that the   earth isn’t flat. Unless you want to pretend  there are Pac Man warp zones on your imaginary   ice wall. And I wouldn’t put it past you. 112) Days are crazy! If a day is exactly one   rotation of the Earth, then every six months day  would become night and night would become day!   Nope. One 360 degree rotation of the Earth is  called a sidereal day. What we commonly call a   day is actually a solar day, which is a tiny bit  more than one rotation, just enough more to bring   the sun to the same position in the sky. These are  very googleable words and concepts that he’s never   heard of because he’s a willfully ignorant asshat. 113) Upside down craziness! Stupid globers think   people are upside down and sideways and stuff!  Down is toward the center of the Earth. Up is   away from the center of the Earth. Your common  sense sucks and you’re not a “free thinker”,   you’re a gullible moron who thinks there should be  some universal up and down in space for absolutely   no reason. And as an extra bonus, he says  “Newtonian/Einsteinian paradigm” not realizing   that those are two completely different paradigms. 114) More upside down stuff! Quoting a moron is an   argument, right? When these idiots pretend that  some people are upside down, what exactly is it   that’s supposed to be pulling them down? And to  where? These idiots are so used to thinking in   terms of gravity on the surface of the Earth  that when they imagine the Earth in space,   they’re still picturing the floor under it,  thinking that things should fall “down” from   their arbitrary perspective. That’s how dumb  they are. There is no up or down in space.  115) Silly Newton! When he came up with gravity,  it’s just because he was a freemason illuminati   lizard person. Things don’t fall because of  gravity, it’s density and buoyancy! Denser   things go down and less dense things go up! Duh!  But why? Oh right, gravity. The Earth is pulling   things towards its center, and it pulls heavier  things more strongly, according to Newton’s   equation. They pretend that objects magically  know to fall down when the air above them is even   less dense than the air below them, so by their  logic, objects should all be flying upwards. Also,   apart from planets and stars, which he pretends  aren’t real, the gravitational force was   demonstrated by the Cavendish experiment, which  flat earthers pretend isn’t real but won’t say   why. This is middle school level physics. 116) Orbits are dumb! Nobody has done an   “experiment” to make things orbit each other!  Stupid scientists can’t even make stars and   planets, what losers! Hey moron, did you  know that other planets have their own   moons that orbit them? You should check it out.  Gravity isn’t magic, spheres don’t have bottoms,   moons and artificial satellites stay in orbit  because of their incredible lateral velocity,   no you can’t orbit Earth by jumping,  and Eric is the dumbest person alive.  117) More Newton! Earth bigger so it make more  gravity on moon than moon do on Earth! Well,   idiot, the equation calculates the gravitational  force between two objects. This is the force each   exerts on the other. The two experience differing  accelerations due to that gravitational force   because they have differing masses and  therefore differing inertia. The moon   isn’t “superseding Earth’s gravity”. That  would mean the moon was sucking the oceans   up into space and onto the moon. It doesn’t do  that. And then he throws in the phrase “great   attractor” just to sound as dumb as possible. 118) Tide stuff! The gravitational influence   of the moon is always the same, so the  tides should always be the same! Well,   different bodies of water have different depths  and volumes. And news flash, large lakes have   tides. It’s astounding that you didn’t know  that. You want a tiny pond to show huge tides   because you’re an idiot with no concept of scale.  Which is the main reason you’re a flat earther.  119) Planets! Other planets are spheres, but  that doesn’t mean Earth is one! Well Earth   is objectively a planet and a sphere, and we see  other planets which help us understand ours. Yes,   we’ve known about most of the planets in the  solar system for a long time because we can see   them. We didn’t know what they were until modern  astronomy. No, they do not look like stars or   discs of light through a telescope. He’s clearly  never looked at planets through a telescope. They   look like planets. Of course to him, pictures  of planets are all fake NASA CGI Satan magic,   especially the early ones from the 1960s when CGI  didn’t exist. Check out these Mariner 4 images of   Mars, total Hollywood rubbish, am I right? And  all the amazing ones we have today are not CGI,   that’s just the buzzword he uses to dismiss  anything that proves him wrong. There are   plenty of film photographs of other planets,  and digital images are not CGI. Also flat   earthers have no idea how to use cameras, so  they get images that are overexposed or out   of focus and they make up fantasies based on that. 120) Wordplay! The word planet comes from the word   plane because planes are flat, they just added  a t at the end! No. It comes from a Greek word   meaning wanderer, because planets moved at a  different rate along the ecliptic than the stars,   and even exhibited retrograde motion. It comes  from wanderer. He knows it comes from wanderer,   and even says that it comes from wanderer.  He then ignores everything he just said and   claims it comes from plane. He pre-debunks  himself and then lies anyway. Unbelievable.  121) Sun and moon stuff! They look exactly the  same size so they are exactly the same size,   common sense, case closed! Well they don’t  appear exactly the same size. Just really   close. And I guess when Eric holds his thumb  up to the skyline, his thumb is suddenly as big   as a skyscraper. That’s how dumb this guy is.  Has he never seen an optical illusion? Forced   perspective when they film movies to make hobbits  look really tiny? No, you can’t tell how far away   they are just by looking and making up whatever  you want. He wraps this up with a little tantrum.   The Earth looks flat to you because you’re  dumb and don’t understand scale, you can’t   “feel” that something is stationary because  you can’t feel motion at constant velocity,   and yes you are a complete moron that should  be ridiculed every minute of every day because   you think your stupidity is worth more than the  collective knowledge of the entire human race.  122) Sharing the stupid! Another quote. Who the  shit is Allen Daves? Either nobody who matters   or literally nobody, but either way, pointing at  someone who says the same dumb things as Dubay   doesn’t make him any less wrong and dumb. 123) Science changes so it’s wrong! Yep,   because measurements have been refined over half a  millennium, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Of course   flat earthers have their own pretend measurements,  and they can keep them the same over time because   they’re not actually based on anything. 124) Sunlight! Sunlight means the sun is   close! Just look at this. The sun must be like  right there where the cloud is! Except it isn’t,   and a second ago he said it’s thousands of miles  above his pizza land, which is still pretty far,   so obviously a far away sun does this stuff, and  he has zero basis to pretend sunlight shouldn’t do   this. In reality there are no “localized  hotspots”, that doesn’t mean anything.  125) More sunlight! Look at the angles!  They say the sun isn’t millions of miles   away. Because reasons. It’s actually really  close to the clouds! Just above the clouds   in fact! Even though we’ve been up there and  no it isn’t, and again, he already said it’s   thousands of miles away. Make up your mind, moron.  These are crepuscular rays. It’s perspective,   a word you like to use all the time. Also, ever  see sunlight illuminating the bottoms of clouds   at dusk? Yeah. That’s impossible on a flat Earth. 126) Seasons! Summer is when the Earth is farther   away from the sun? That’s crazy! Well no, you’re  just a moron who thinks the seasons have to do   with the distance from the sun. They don’t. It’s  about the tilt in Earth’s rotational axis and how   directly different latitudes are being irradiated,  which changes throughout the year. Also, when it’s   winter in the north it’s summer in the south,  which does correlate with what he’s saying about   distance, so he’s just pretending the southern  hemisphere doesn’t exist for this point so that he   can say it and sound less stupid. Mission failed. 127) Light on the water! How does it happen?   Light can’t curve! This is insane gibberish.  Whatever has a direct line to the light source   can be illuminated by it. Shine a flashlight on a  beach ball or something. Get your life together.  128) Sundials! How do they still work if Earth  is doing crazy spinny wobbly spiraly stuff?   More insane gibberish. Sundials work because  Earth rotates. The precession of the axis takes   many thousands of years, and there is no spiral. 129) Telescopes! When you’re looking at something   through a telescope, why doesn’t it move?  Checkmate, globies! Well they do move. Telescope   mounts slowly move the telescope so that we can  observe things for extended durations of time.   This used to be done manually, now it’s done  with computers. This idiot has literally   never looked out of a telescope before. 130) More transparency about plagiarizing   Sam! Do something stupid with tubes and  all of science is wrong! No. I’m sure he   never actually did this, but even if he did  do this in the early 19th century, the tools   weren’t precise enough to do what he’s saying. 131) The moon! It’s not a solid and it’s not   a sphere, you guys! It’s a little spotlight  thingy! Well people have walked on it, so no.   But of course that’s all fake because reasons. But  I’ve looked at the moon through the telescope at   Mt. Wilson observatory, and it’s definitely a  big spherical rock with topographical features   and shadows all over it. Oh right, you’ve never  looked through a telescope in your entire life.   What else? Oh yeah, that we all see the same face  of the moon proves the Earth isn’t flat. If it’s   a little disc it would change shape in the sky  as it moves, no matter which way it was facing,   and it definitely would never rise or set.  It’s a sphere that’s tidally locked in its   orbit around the Earth, and it inverts as you  travel from one set of latitudes to the other,   again because Earth is a sphere. 132) Light! Sunlight is a bunch of   stuff and moonlight is a bunch of other stuff!  No, it isn’t. Moonlight is reflected sunlight,   and most of this stuff is objectively not things  that light can do. Electromagnetic radiation can’t   be damp. It can’t be cooling. It doesn’t affect  combustion. It doesn’t do any of these things,   he’s just a moron with no clue what light is. 133) More light stuff! It’s hotter under the sun   than in the shade, but then at night it’s hotter  in the shade than under the moon? That’s crazy!   Moonlight must be cold! Well no, that’s not how  light or heat work. Light can’t cool anything,   ever. Light induces excitations and vibrations  in particles that increases their kinetic energy,   and temperature is a measure of the average  kinetic energy of particles in a system.   In reality, whatever was providing shade during  the day is also trapping heat as it emanates   from the Earth while things cool down at night.  That’s why it’s a tiny bit warmer under there,   and that’s why the readings are different.  No, there has never been an experiment   whereby moonlight has caused the reading on  a thermometer to decrease. That’s a dumb lie.  134) More moon stuff! A sphere can’t reflect  light, you guys! That’s so silly! Well go get   a tennis ball. Can you see it? That’s because it’s  reflecting light. Any object you can see with your   eyeballs that isn’t emanating its own light  is reflecting light. That’s how vision works.  135) More moon stuff! No, the moon  clearly is not “self-luminescent”,   or there would never be lunar phases. We can’t see  the half of the moon that isn’t being illuminated   by the sun apart from faint earthshine.  Because moonlight is reflected sunlight. No,   you can’t see sky “through the moon” because  the moon isn’t in our atmosphere you idiot.   Sky is between us and the moon. And no, you can’t  see stars and planets “through the moon”, nor is   there any record of that anywhere. That’s a dumb  lie he made up, which he is why he just baselessly   asserts it and doesn’t show any such evidence. 136) Eclipses! Yes, predicting eclipses with   remarkable precision is proof of heliocentrism.  Sorry. No, eclipses were not predicted thousands   of years ago the way they are today. They  noticed and recorded periodicities and could say   roughly what day an eclipse would occur. Now  we know when they will occur down to the second   and can trace the path of a total eclipse viewing  window down to the square mile. Can you do that,   Eric? Use your pizza land and do some pretend  math and predict the next one! Be sure to show   your work. Also, when you say “heliocentric  ball earth”, you sound like a moron. We knew   the Earth was a sphere for nearly 2000 years  before we developed heliocentrism. Ptolemy knew   the Earth is a sphere. The Ptolemiac model,  though geocentric, is based on a spherical   Earth. It is astounding that you don’t know that. 137) More eclipses! Yes, lunar eclipses are caused   by Earth’s shadow being cast on the moon, which  is physically impossible on your pizza land. Lunar   eclipses single-handedly demolish your fantasy.  Also, even as far back as Aristotle, noticing the   circular shadow the Earth casts on the moon was a  big clue as to the spherical shape of the Earth,   since spheres cast circular shadows. And no,  typically you can’t see the sun during a lunar   eclipse. On occasion you see them just barely  above the horizon, an event called a selenelion,   and that’s due to refractive effects that bring  the apparent position of the sun just barely   into view. You can’t see them both way high in the  sky, ever. There is no other explanation for lunar   eclipses, and you morons don’t even try to offer  one, except the handful bold enough to pretend   that there’s some other object in the sky that  magically appears only during lunar eclipses and   then disappears right away, which is ridiculous. 138) Ships go bye bye! Yes, watching ships   disappear bottom up as they sail away was a very  early demonstration of Earth’s curvature, and   in fact all sailors knew the Earth is a sphere,  since they used right ascension and declination   of stars over a spherical Earth for navigation.  No, just blindly shouting “law of perspective”   will not save you here. There is no justification  regarding perspective that makes the bottoms of   things disappear while their tops remain visible,  and girls with dresses absolutely don’t disappear   this way as they are frantically running away  from Sam Rowbotham, whose drawing you stole.  139) More ships! No, you can’t bring things back  into view with a telescope that are obscured by   Earth’s curvature. Telescopes aren’t magic. And  if you could somehow bring the hull of the ship   back into view, it would also debunk your dumb law  of perspective claim, so this is a double fail.  140) Foucault’s pendulum! Yes, this object does  prove that Earth is rotating. His attempt to   discredit this is gibberish. He pretends that the  initial force matters, which obviously it doesn’t,   since no amount of force along a particular  plane would cause rotational motion,   and the joint is also irrelevant. The rest  makes no sense, Earth turning wouldn’t make   hanging objects suddenly start oscillating. 141) Coriolis stuff! The Coriolis effect is the   deflection of an object moving on or near the  surface of the Earth due to Earth’s rotation.   It’s one of the best and most irrefutable  proofs that the Earth is a sphere,   so of course they have to bring it up and pretend  to debunk a dumb straw man. No, toilets and sinks   don’t do this. That’s a myth. But storms sure do.  Hurricanes rotate counterclockwise in the northern   hemisphere and clockwise in the southern. This  makes absolutely zero sense on his pizza land,   and no flat earther has ever genuinely engaged  with this irrefutable and observable fact.  142) Seeing not far enough! Yes, if the Earth  were flat you should be able to use a telescope   to see very, very far. Not indefinitely far, but  orders of magnitude farther than we do. We don’t,   so of course he just says “yes we do”,  and leaves it at that. Very convincing.  143) Sun stuff! Yes, if Earth were flat, everyone  would see the sun at all times and night would   not exist. The sun is not a spotlight, if  it were it would not appear circular but   rather elliptical and change shape depending  on its position with respect to an observer,   and whatever was blocking it from radiating in  all directions would be clearly visible. Also   this pathetic drawing does not correlate with the  portion of the Earth that is illuminated by the   sun anytime ever. The last bit is gibberish.  The atmosphere scatters light, but also we do   go from day to night very quickly. Once the  last part of the sun fully sets, it’s night.  144) Moon stuff! Yes, the orientation of  the face of the moon depending on latitude   is proof that the Earth is a sphere. He makes  zero attempt to refute a diagram like this,   and just baselessly asserts that it makes  sense on a flat earth, with zero explanation.  145) More moon stuff! Yes, it’s a sphere. No,  it doesn’t appear like a flat disc any more   than any other spherical object viewed from one  vantage point. There is no dark side of the moon,   there’s just the side always facing away from us  because it’s tidally locked, just like dozens of   other moons we can observe. This bit about motions  “cancelling out” is gibberish he spews because he   doesn’t understand what tidal locking means. We  have plenty of images of all of the lunar surface,   the earliest of which are film photographs  from the 1960s before CGI existed. No,   we should not expect anyone anywhere to see a  different face of the moon because it’s tidally   locked. The distance from the equator to  the poles is negligible compared to the   distance from the Earth to the moon. It’s like  having two people face each other, each take   a hundred paces backwards, and pretending one  should be able to see the side of the other’s   head by stepping an inch to the left or right. 146) More moon stuff! No, the moon does not orbit   the Earth every single day. Earth rotates every  day. He is pulling this completely out of his ass   and doing nothing whatsoever to substantiate it. 147) More sun stuff! No, not precisely any of   this. Roughly. The apparent size of the sun and  moon are not flawlessly identical. That’s why you   often see an outer ring during a solar eclipse  called a ring of fire. Because the moon doesn’t   completely cover the sun. That their apparent  sizes are very close is indeed a coincidence,   and there is no reason his magic sky  daddy would make them exactly the same   size on his pizza land in the first place. 148) Sam’s my hero! This is pretty cryptic but   I think he’s acknowleding the difference  between a sidereal day and a solar day,   which proves heliocentrism, and then  just pretending it doesn’t do that.  149) Constellations! They always stay in exactly  the same place! What’s up with that? Well no,   they don’t. The Zodiac constellations change  throughout the year since those are the ones   in the ecliptic, so half of them are obscured  by the sun at any given time. The rest change   very slowly because stars do move with respect  to one another, but they are also unimaginably   far apart. Nevertheless, ancient star charts  are noticeably different from modern ones,   and sophisticated instruments can chart the  changes in the night sky year after year. This is   an irrefutable fact, so he just jumps straight to  incredulity with all his WAHHH THIS SPIN THAT SPIN   BIG BANG IS DUMB script for morons. This is one  of the most stunning examples of simultaneously   ignoring trivial common knowledge and being too  stupid to comprehend basic spatial reasoning.  150) Star trails! If Earth was spinning, how  could we capture star trails? Star trails exist   specifically because the Earth is rotating,  you moron. This is just breathtaking. He   points to something that only makes sense on  a spherical Earth, and just craps his pants.  151) More star trails! Hey, remember how  the Earth is orbiting the sun? That would   make star trails impossible! Well no, it  wouldn’t, since the amount of Earth’s orbit   that is traversed over a few hours one night is  completely negligible, especially compared to   the distances to the stars. Stars are extremely  far away, they are all rotating around galactic   center in the same direction, and the motion  of the galaxy itself is totally irrelevant.   He has to play the big scary number game every  time because he’s too stupid to learn anything.  152) Flat stuff! Kansas is super flat, you guys!  Well no, it isn’t. Not the way he is pretending,   anyway. Flat in this context means very little  change in elevation. Elevation conforms to the   curvature of the Earth. It’s the distance  from the surface to a point, and the surface   is curved. Children can understand this. 153) Quoting more idiots! In this case   it’s another idiot who doesn’t know what  level means, and that it doesn’t mean flat.   Imagine a planet that is an absolutely perfect  and featureless sphere. There would then be   no change in elevation anywhere. Not even a  millimeter. It’s still a sphere. Use your brain.  154) Picture from orbit! When Felix did the crazy  jump, everyone saw the curvature of the Earth,   so he has to pretend we didn’t. One image  had a crazy fish eye lens that distorted the   horizon because he says so, even though nothing  immediately in the frame is distorted in any way,   and we should instead look at the image from  inside the capsule where we can only see a   tiny bit of the horizon through the window, and it  looks kind of sort of flat so that’s what it is.  155) Look out of the plane! Oh you see a tiny  bit of curvature? Well, that’s the window   because Eric says so. In reality planes don’t  fly high enough to see unmistakable curvature,   it has nothing to do with windows. Then he just  revisits other greatest hits about the horizon   at eye level, which it isn’t, yes the Earth is  below you, and no you shouldn’t see outer space.  156) Go pro footage! Yes, weather balloons that  ascend to very high altitudes that are equipped   with go pros very clearly show the curvature  of the Earth. This is devastating for flat   earthers so they just pretend it isn’t real.  It can be exaggerated with wide angle lenses,   that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 157) Atmosphere! If the Earth was   spinning like so super duper fast there would  be crazy fast winds all over the place! Again,   the Earth spins once per day. And wind is motion  of the air with respect to the ground. Atmosphere   rotating along with the Earth is not wind.  Planes have nothing to do with any of this.  158) More atmosphere! Again he can’t grasp  the concept that atmosphere rotating with   the Earth is not wind. If atmospheric  particles were to maintain precisely   the same position with respect to the ground, as  he is pretending is the case for this straw man,   that would not be wind. It would not be moving  at all from the perspective of someone on   the ground. This is toddler level stuff. But  hey, something about fireworks and balloons!  159) More atmosphere! Gravitized super spinny  air has to meet not gravitized not spinny   space! What’s up with that! The atmosphere gets  thinner and thinner with altitude along a very   clear gradient, easily demonstrated by the very  reliable and measurable reduction in atmospheric   pressure as you ascend in elevation, and the  line he’s pretending is impossible is called   the Karman line, which is not so much a sharp  line but just a region around 50 miles above   sea level where the atmosphere is so incredibly  thin that it’s essentially now the vacuum of   space. So this dumb script about vacuum next  to non-vacuum is just him having no clue how   the atmosphere works or what a vacuum is.  The atmosphere gets thinner and thinner very   gradually until you get to a point where there’s  none left. That’s outer space. Your “philosophical   refutation” is actually just you being a moron. 160) Rockets! How the heck do rockets work in   space with nothing to push off of? That’s so  silly! Actually what’s silly is him thinking   that rockets need to “push off” of something,  and that pushing off of air is what makes rockets   climb upwards in our atmosphere. Rockets produce a  backwards thrust which propels the rocket forward.   Newton’s third law of motion. Get on a skateboard  and throw a bowling ball behind you. You’ll roll   forward. Same principle. Now change it to the  violent combustion of 11,000 pounds of fuel   per second. The rest is even more  embarrassing. The rockets also spin! Yeah,   so? Uncontrollably in all directions? That’s  meaningless. And how could we go to the moon   with crazy gravity sucking everywhere! That’s  what the rocket is for, moron. We have to apply   an enormous force to escape Earth’s gravity. 161) The plane thing again. Literally the same   exact thing again about how planes  should magically fly into space by   flying straight. He’s as lazy as he is stupid. 162) More rockets! They don’t go straight up,   what’s up with that? They obviously should go  straight up to go to space! They’re going into   orbit you nitwit. They follow a trajectory that  will put them in orbit. You can’t go straight up   and then make a 90 degree turn to enter orbit. Use  your brain. And what is this about the “few that   are successful”, as though all rockets fail  and fall to Earth or explode mid-air? That’s   directly out of his rectum. And yeah, rockets  in low earth orbit aren’t “free-floating”.   They are falling. They are falling to Earth just  like anything else. They’re just going so fast   that they fall at the same rate that Earth’s  curvature is produced. That’s literally what   an orbit is. How do you not know this stuff? 163) Fake NASA lies! No, none of this stuff   ever happened, he’s just lying. Astronauts often  train in large pools because the buoyancy is a   cheap way to mimic the weightlessness of space.  Flat earthers take footage from these activities   and pretend that space agencies are presenting  astronauts in space, or they take genuine space   walk footage and say it’s fake because reasons. 164) More NASA lies! All the footage from the ISS   is fake, you guys! Everything is harnesses!  And oh man, the crazy permed hair! And green   screens everywhere! No, there are no harnesses or  green screens. Apart from maneuvers that would be   literally impossible with harnesses as they move  about the entire cabin of the space station, they   also play with water and do other things where  harnesses have no application, and for way longer   than the duration of a vomit comet trip. The hair  thing is especially funny to me. Some people have   thin straight hair. Some people have thick frizzy  hair. Different hair behaves differently in orbit.   Flat earthers take the thick frizzy hair and  because it doesn’t float around like angel hair   pasta, they pretend they are using some kind  of product to make it stick up. So basically   they’ve just never touched frizzy hair before. 165) The ISS! Flat earthers pretend that   satellites aren’t real. But the ISS is  visible from the ground with the naked   eye. Uh oh. Time to lie! When you zoom in it’s  totally a hologram or drone or something! No,   it isn’t. But it totally morphs and changes color  and stuff! No, it doesn’t. Here are some pictures   of the ISS from Earth. Can’t get much clearer than  that. Of course any picture that proves them wrong   is fake NASA CGI voodoo because they say so. 166) Other satellites! Arthur C. Clarke came   up with the idea for satellites and he was a  dirty freemason illuminati lizard person! Yes,   radio existed prior to satellites. Then we  invented satellites and could broadcast a signal   all over the world. You’re just reciting  the history of radio. Yes, cables exist,   yes towers exist because they’re interacting  with the satellites, which objectively exist.  167) More satellites! The thermosphere is so  super hot, you guys! Anything made of metal   would totally burn up there! Just more of this  idiot demonstrating he doesn’t know what heat   or temperature mean. Temperature is the measure  of the average kinetic energy of the particles   in a system. Yes, atmospheric particles way up  in the thermosphere are super hot and move super   fast. But what’s the density? Practically  zero. In order for heat transfer to occur,   particles have to collide with other particles. It  doesn’t matter how hot atmospheric particles are   if there are so unbelievably few of them. Here’s  an example that even your tiny pea brain can   understand, Eric. When you bake some cookies for  your mommy as a thank you for letting you live in   her basement well into to your 40s, the oven is at  450 degrees. Wow, that’s some super hot air! But   when you open the oven to get the cookies, does  your face melt? Shouldn’t any part of your skin   that gets exposed to that crazy hot air get severe  burns? No. Because it’s air. Now stick your hand   in a pot of boiling water, which is only half  that temperature. That will go much worse for   you. Because liquid is a thousand times more dense  than gas. That’s a thousand times more particles   colliding with your hand and transferring heat.  Density matters, moron. The thermosphere doesn’t   have it. Satellites are just fine up there. 168) More satellites! Yeah, satellites don’t   beam cell service directly to every single  cell phone. It goes to ground towers and   then to phones from there. Fewer towers  means worse cell service. Come on, man.  169) More satellites! Receiving dishes  should point straight up, right? Um,   why? It would depend on your latitude. If  you’re at the equator and the satellite   is directly overhead, dishes point more or less  straight up. If not, there’s an angle. No, they   are not almost always at a 45 degree angle. He  picked one photo where they are and is pretending   they all do that. Because he’s a lying fraud.  And where is the tower you’re pretending these   dishes are pointing at? Didn’t bother showing  us what that looks like, huh? I wonder why.  170) More satellites! Yes, you can see the ISS  with the naked eye. Also dozens more. They have   to be pretty big and in low earth orbit,  but you can see them. Yes, they’re far,   but they’re very shiny so they sometimes reflect  sunlight in just the right way to be visible. No,   satellites are not planes or drones or shooting  stars or UFOs. They’re satellites. Cry about it.  171) More satellites! Yeah, there are thousands  of them. Yeah, some of them take photos of the   Earth for various purposes. Yes, individual photos  must be composited to get larger images. Low earth   orbit is very close to earth. That just means the  photos are put together like a collage. No, that   doesn’t make them CGI and they very obviously are  not CGI. That’s just a dumb thing you say. It is   indeed a simple matter to take some photographs.  That’s precisely what they do. That the photos are   placed next to each other doesn’t make them not  photographs. If you wanted to take a picture of   a skyscraper but you were standing 10 feet away  from it, what would you do? Take several pictures   and join them edge to edge. Does that suddenly  make the building fake NASA CGI? Use your brain.  172) Clouds! Clouds change shape all the time  so super fast, but when we see clouds from   space they don’t change literally at all even  one little bit! They don’t even move! Not even   on timelapse! Except yes they do. Whoops. And this  little collage here is just him having no ability   to understand how photos taken from different  cameras would have slightly different coloration.   Has he never seen photos from the 70s before? 173) More clouds! Look at this photo with clouds   copied and pasted! Ok, so a flat earther took a  photo and copied and pasted some clouds. Amazing.  174) More clouds! Look, this cloud spells sex!  Yeah, not really. Pictures of Pluto have Pluto   the dog in them! No, they don’t. Which is  why he doesn’t even attempt to include one.   Also, the idea that the super secret illuminati  society perpetrating the globe hoax would spend   quadrillions of dollars per year maintaining  the deception and then also just put sex and   cartoon dogs into photos for shits  and giggles is completely moronic.  175) CGI trickery! Professional analysts have  proven that all those photos are edited and   manipulated! No, they haven’t. No, pictures of  Earth from the moon are not copied and pasted,   as that technology did not exist when  such film photographs were first taken   in the 1960s. Here. Apollo 11. These images are  from 1969. Photoshop was invented in 1987. Flat   earthers either misinterpret artifacts  or deliberately manipulate the images.  176) More CGI trickery! The colors in the photos  change, you guys! Different cameras produce images   with different color tones. Also different lenses,  different weather patterns, different seasons,   different angle of sunlight, different scientific  purpose for the shot. It’s not that weird.  177) NASA lies! Eric tells a fake  story and says trust me, bro.  178) Google Earth! All those photos are taken from  airplanes! No, they’re taken from satellites and   airplanes. No, the photos can’t be modeled onto  a square earth because the earth isn’t a square.  179) Back to the flights! The earth should be  spinning underneath planes! No, it shouldn’t.   Conservation of momentum. We went over this. 180) More flights! Literally the exact   same toddler point again, just  referencing a specific flight. Next.  181) The exact same thing  again but for Tokyo. Next.  182, 183, 184) All the exact same thing  over and over and over again. Next.  185) We don’t feel anything! He already said this.  Again, you don’t feel motion at constant velocity.   You feel acceleration. You feel forces. Yes,  this is easily compared to motion in a car. No,   you can’t feel the motion when going 50 miles  per hour. Maybe you feel tiny little jostles   due to imperfections in the road. Otherwise it  feels like sitting in a chair. Just like being   in a plane at cruising altitude feels like  sitting in a chair. Because you don’t feel   motion at constant velocity. You don’t  feel Earth’s rotation. Deal with it.  186) But seriously, you should feel it, you guys!  People get motion sickness on trains. Why? Because   they can be really bumpy. And it’s also an optical  effect of seeing things out the window go flying   by while you sit stationary in a chair. None of  that has anything to do with the rotation of the   Earth, which is not measured in linear units. 187) Thermodynamics! I sure do love when idiots   pretend to understand thermodynamics. Planets  can’t exist because entropy, you guys! This   moron definitely has no clue what entropy is  or what the second law of thermodynamics says.   Entropy is a measure of the dispersal of matter  or energy in a system, and the second law says   that the entropy of the universe increases for  any spontaneous process. How does that relate   to the shape of the Earth? Oh right, it doesn’t.  Nothing he’s describing has anything to do with   entropy whatsoever. Coincidentally, the Earth does  indeed experience drag due to tidal friction with   the moon, and Earth’s rotation is indeed slowing  down extremely gradually. The length of a day is   increasing by 1.8 milliseconds per century. As you  can imagine, that’s not very noticeable, and it’s   also totally irrelevant to the shape of the Earth. 188) NASA can’t get their story straight! First   it’s a perfect sphere, then it’s an oblate  spheroid, then it’s pear-shaped? What gives! No,   NASA never said it’s a perfect sphere.  NASA was established in the 1950s,   when we already knew that the Earth is an oblate  spheroid, which means it is very nearly spherical,   just not quite a perfect sphere. There is a  slight bulge at the equator due to the rotation.   The picture he shows is just an arbitrary  oblate spheroid, not Earth. The pear thing   is just something Neil Tyson said once to make  the bulge more relatable, he didn’t mean it was   shaped like a literal pear, so this cartoon is  stupid. Pictures seem to show a spherical Earth   because the shape of the Earth is only a small  fraction of a percent away from being a sphere.  189) Old books! Yeah, old books say  a lot of dumb things. Who cares?  190) Old cultures! Yeah, old cultures  had slaves and sacrificed children and   generally had no clue what anything was or why  anything happened whatsoever. Nobody cares. Yes,   we figured out it was a sphere roughly  around the time of the Ancient Greeks,   which was about 2500 years ago. No, it was not  a minority view until Copernicus. Every educated   person knew the Earth is a sphere for all of  the common era. Again, the Ptolemaic geocentric   model uses a spherical Earth. He’s lying. And  Copernicus didn’t “revive” heliocentrism. He   was the first to develop and demonstrate it  in an empirical way. There is so much stupid   in this tiny little paragraph it’s astounding. 191) Freemasons! All these people are Freemasons!   No, they weren’t. You’re just circling random  objects and making baseless claims. And even   if it were true, it wouldn’t change the shape  of the Earth or all the hundreds of ways we can   prove it’s a sphere with naked eye observations  and logic a toddler could understand. Also,   I find it hilarious that he is pretending  Pythagoras was a freemason when he lived 2000   years before there were freemasons. Pathetic. 192) More quoting stupid people! We start with   this moron having no clue what a theory is or  how science works, educated people can answer   any objection you’re just dumb and don’t listen,  and no, none of these scientists said any of this.  193) Earth is flat because I say so! That’s  literally it. He straight up just blindly asserts   that nobody who isn’t indoctrinated  would believe in a spherical Earth,   and that is counted as one of the proofs that  the Earth isn’t a sphere. He actually typed these   words and showed them to people. It’s spectacular. 194) More quoting stupid people! This moron thinks   water should fly off the Earth for literally no  reason, the fake teacher gives an explanation of   water being manipulated by centripetal force,  and the idiot says that’s totally different   because a pail is not a planet. Yeah, it’s a  different scenario and a different force. Earth   doesn’t hold things by centripetal force. It’s  gravity. The point is that objects are subject   to forces. Water is subject to the influence  of gravity just like any other massive object.  195) More gravity! No, zero astronomers  say the magical magnetism of gravity,   because gravity is not magnetism. They are  totally different forces. What an unbelievably   stupid thing to say. No, they don’t call it  magic either. You call it magic because you   want to denigrate it and you’re too lazy to learn  basic physics. An immaculate example of you being   too lazy and stupid to learn basic physics is  presenting a spinning tennis ball and pretending   it should somehow produce a gravitational field  that would mimic the Earth’s. When it’s wet,   the water flies off of it! First of all, it stays  wet, and that amount of moisture pretty accurately   mimics the depths of Earth’s oceans. Second,  you’re spinning it thousands of times faster   than the Earth, which spins one time in 24 hours.  Third, the water falls off the ball and down to   the Earth because of the gravitational field of  the Earth, the thing you are pretending doesn’t   exist. Big thing like planet make big gravity.  Small thing like ball make small gravity. Common   sense is irrelevant, and you have none anyway. 196) More quoting stupid people! It’s just some   moron doing the big scary numbers game, in a  passage that he clearly lifted word for word for   one of his other “proofs”. He actually plagiarized  this and then included the source he plagiarized   and counted it as another proof. Did he think  people wouldn’t even make it to the end of this?  197) Conspiracy! Yes, there is literally no point  to doing this. There is nothing whatsoever to gain   by tricking people into thinking the Earth is a  different shape. Most people on Earth believe in   god. Beyond this, tons of people are creationists,  even young earth creationists who believe god made   everything super special just for them 6000 years  ago. Even those morons look at flat earthers and   have a nice big belly laugh. Get over it, humans  aren’t the pinnacle of creation, and flat earthers   are the most pointless specimens of the bunch. 198) Jews! Dirty, dirty freemason   illuminati Jews. That is all. 199) More quoting stupid people!   This moron thinks it’s common sense that the sun  moves. Actually it’s common sense that sunrise and   sunset prove the Earth is a rotating sphere.  I guess some people just have crappy brains.  200) A final word from Sam! Newton was a bonehead!  His laws are devoid of reasoning! I dunno, F = ma   makes a lot of sense to me, and anyone who passed  6th grade science class. Fancies and falsehoods,   according to the pointless grifting douchebag who  spewed nothing but fancies and falsehoods, only   to be regurgitated in this modern space-faring  era by another pointless grifting douchebag with   better yoga poses. That’s progress I guess. And that’s it for Eric Dubay’s 200 flat earth   proofs, a monument to human stupidity if ever  there was one. Honestly making this video was the   first time I’d actually sat down and read every  single one of them, and it was even dumber than I   expected. Which is saying a lot. Thanks for making  it through this one, I’ll see you next time.
Channel: Professor Dave Explains
Views: 535,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flat earth, eric dubay, 200 proofs earth not a globe, sam rowbotham, zetetic astronomy, NASA, heliocentrism, geocentrism, celestial navigation, physics, gravity, antarctica, earth's curvature, southern hemisphere flights, star trails, satellites, south pole, tides, ptolemy, copernicus, telescopes, eclipses, constellations, rockets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 39sec (5139 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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