Numbers ~ 33:49 to 35:6

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ready to get back into her father's word here at the chapel the fourth book of Moses the Book of Numbers the mid bar in the wilderness in the Hebrew language the Book of Numbers and you know for years many many came to believe that the Book of Numbers the only thing that really went on is the fact that they counted up how many fighting men they had in the nation twice in the Book of Numbers but there is so so much more in the Book of Numbers and I hope that is we have worked our way through this book that you've come to realize that we're not just talking about the warring numbering of the people of Israel there were a lot of events a lot of types if you will even for us especially of this generation the generation of the fig tree as these people people of Israel were preparing to enter the promised land we're preparing to enter the promised land as well and we see a lot of good information for us as we make those preparations now in the last lecture we ended with of course the beginning of chapter 33 we're going to pick it up today in chapter 33 verse 49 and we invite you to get your Bible and join us today but we left off with Moses having written down where the places of encampment work and we didn't I didn't bore you with reading all that to you but we went to the map you may recall by the way I meant to mention for those of you who are studying in the future by CD or cassette tape the map that we were referring to can be found in the atlas of Bible lands a book or reference work that we offer here at our library it was on page 10 in the older atlas of Bible lands page 14 in the recent printing of the atlas of Bible lands so the places of encampment he numerated one-by-one israel is posed right on the jordan across from jericho and we're gonna pick it up there today with asking that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name father ask it open eyes open ears this day verse 49 of chapter 33 and it reads and they pitched by Jordan from Beth Jesse mall even unto Abel shittim in the plains of Moab the wandering over now it's time to make those final preparations as they are ready to move in to the Promised Land verse 50 and the Lord spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho saying it won't be long until they make that crossing across the Jordan and you may know be aware that Jericho is the location once they entered the land of Canaan Jericho was the first victory over the Canaanites now in verses 51 actually through chapter 34 verse 15 we're going to see God telling the people of Israel what their borders or boundaries are in the land of Canaan now don't be confused this is not the actual division of the land in the Watts by families by tribes etc this is simply setting out the boundary of the entire nation of Israel of what land God was given them on the west side of jordan verse 51 speak under the children of Israel and say unto them when ye are passed over Jordan into the land of Canaan now this would actually occur in Joshua chapter 3 and when it was time for Israel to cross the Jordan it was a flood time the heavy rains had occurred and the Jordan was at flood levels but God stopped the Jordan and the people of Israel walked across on dry land much as the exodus began as they came out of Egypt and God dividing the Red Sea so they could cross over on dry land the Exodus ended as well with God stopping the flooding Jordan and they're walking over on dry land verse 52 then he shall drive out exterminate probably a better word all the inhabitants of the land from before you and destroy all their pictures these are figures carved in stone or on walls had to do with their religion and destroy all their molten images and quite plucked down all of their high places their high places of worship and why would God insist on the Canaanites being exterminated keep in mind we had an infant in flux of the Nephilim and there were remnants of the Giants the deburr in the land of Canaan that had mixed most notably with the parasites but all the tribes of Canaan had some influence of the nephilim having mixed with them and the giants the giba were there God wanted him destroyed the people of Israel had been pretty fickle about worshiping the Lord seem like if someone came along with another religion even if it was someone that they had recently defeated in battle they were quick to take up the god small G of the other nations but God's saying here I don't want you even thinking about worshiping their gods the first two Commandments Exodus chapter 20 verse 3 you'll have no other gods before me Exodus chapter 20 verse 4 you have no graven images that you bow down to or that you worship in other words get rid of them 53 and ye shall dis possess the inhabitants of the land and dwell therein for I have given you the land to possess it in many cases they didn't have to even plant vineyards olive yards it was all their form in one place God said you didn't even have to build a house you know you didn't have to dig a well I dig the wells for you and give you that land 54 and he shall divide the land by lot for an inheritance among your families and the more you shall give the more inheritance and the fewer you shall give the less inheritance the more people in the tribe the more land they receive the less people in a tribe the less land they received every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lock fallen according to the tribes of your father's he shall inherit it and of course the locks would be to fall upon the the Urim and the Thummim as Eleazar the priest would inquire of the Lord it was God's decision as to who received what part of the new promised land and this left you know think about it if if that had not been the case you know you'd had a lot of jealousy and strife oh gosh I wanted that land over there that lands about more water than the land that we got that's just not fair well God decided it they didn't dare say that's not fair so that eliminated all the room for strife and jealousy you know when God said well let's go on when I'm will explain 55 but if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you then it shall come to pass that those these are the Canaanites for the sea which he let remain of them shall be pricks or thorns in your eyes and thorns or stings in your sides and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell and to deform the people of Israel would not follow his instructions they were more interested in making covenants or allies out of the Canaanites or collecting tribute from the Canaanites they didn't follow God's instructions Joshua 1313 documents that Joshua 1563 documents the fact that they didn't wipe out the Canaanites chapter 16 verse 10 in fact in Joshua's last one of his last addresses to the nation and Joshua 23:13 States basically the same words that God stated in these last verses if you don't annoy them there's going to be trouble fifty-six moreover it shall come to pass that I will do unto you as I thought to do to them well that's not Moses talking friends that's the Lord speaking through Moses and as I already said they did not wipe out the Canaanites so some of them did a pretty good job of it but they didn't follow through and completely annihilate them and it would take you know and what God's saying here is if you don't do what I'm telling you to do I'm gonna do to you what I intended to do to the Canaanites so you know that's that's the way it goes and it would take several centuries for that to come to pass but think about it after the nation's split the ten tribes to the north Israel went into captivity to the Assyrian captivity that lasted some 200 years and they were basically removed from the promised land 200 years later Judah but I went into captivity to the king of Babylon and more completely for the most part removed from the promised land so God did to Israel what he intended to do to the Canaanites because they failed to drive them out of the land now chapter 34 verses 1 through 15 and we're going to have the boundaries of the promised land lined out this is the property that I'm giving to you is what God is saying let's go with it verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying Moses still in charge he's noticing and the Lord speaking with him directly command the children of Israel and say unto them when ye come into the land of Canaan this is the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance even the land of Canaan with the coasts thereof Coast you could translate as boundaries or borders and that's what we're going to be talking about here in other words within these boundaries will be the land that I am giving to you then your south quarter that's what quarter check it out you could translate it as region or extremity in other word this is going to be the furthest south of the borders shall be from the wilderness of zin along by the coast or border of Edom and your South border shall be the outmost coast or border of the salt sea eastward the salt sea the Dead Sea that lies at the south end of the Jordan River so this is the southeast corner of your lands right there at the very tip of the end of the salt sea and your borders shall turn from the south to the ascent of aqua boom and pass on to Zen and going forth thereof shall be from the south to Kadesh Barnea Kadesh Barnea a name you may recall that is where Moses sent the 12 spies north into the Promised Land to check it out for 40 days and then come back and give their report and unfortunately for the most part it was a false report and shall go on to Heiser Adar and pass on to as Mon now biblical geography is a very controversial subject and some of the locations being mentioned here well known but many of them is a subject of uncertainty at best and you know if you're going to slide out what the boundaries are if you're unable to identify with any certainty where the starting point is how in the world are you going to end up at the right ending point so my point is this is interesting to know but as far as you know being like we would do today send out a survey team to locate where the point this point is and then be able to exactly determine the borders of the Land of Israel there would be you'd be hard-pressed to do that verse five and the border shall fetch a compass or turnabout from asmin under the river of Egypt and the goings out of it shall be at the sea in other words terminating the Mediterranean Sea is what is referred to here as the sea the southern boundary running across from the southern tip of the Dead Sea over to the Mediterranean verse six and as for the western border he shall even have the Great Sea for a border this shall be your west border in that probably the most concrete and identifiable of the descriptions that we'll have here because the coast of the Mediterranean is pretty much where it has always been seven and this shall be your north border and this is the most the least able to identify where it is because as I said a moment ago you can't even know for certainty where the starting point is from the Great Sea you shall point or mark out for you now mount hor you may recall a a mount war was where Aaron was taken to the top of it and that is where he passed away here though that was on the south of Israel this mount war is somewhere in the northern portion of the land that was allocated to Israel and therefore is a different mount hor especially difficult to identify today verse eight from mount hor you shall point or mark out your border unto the entrance of hey math and the goings forth of the border shall be to the dad hey math is well known where it is today but this is not the city of hey map that this is referring to this is the nation a kingdom of payment even at the time of David and Solomon which the nation of Israel grew to the north with economic influence up almost to he mapped the city which is north of the freight ease River but never at this time that we're talking about did their influence of Israel go that far north but into the kingdom of hey man verse nine and the order shall go on to the border excuse me shall go on to psyphon Ron and the goings out of it shall be at hazard evening this shall be your north born or the one of the most difficult to identify if you have the phrase Hema of today would be referred to as the hey math and other places in the word when you said that of Israel you were talking about the extreme northern border of the land 10 and you shall point or mark out your East border from Hazari man to chef them verse 11 and the coast or the border shall go down from sheep am to rib law and the rebel of being a city in hey math in the region on the east side of Ain and the border shall descend and shall reach under the side of the Sea of China wrath eastward now this would be the north east corner the Sea of Galilee in the New Testament called so referred to in Luke chapter 5 verse 11 as lake Jena surrett and if you say the Hebrew word chin arete and then go to a different language you can almost hear the name as being very close to the same Jenna surrett and kena Rhett verse 12 and the border shall go down to Jordan to the river and the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea again back make it I would made a circle here back to the Dead Sea this shall be your land with the coast there of roundabout boundaries established and the most reliable boundaries that were mentioned in this description bodies of water but keep in mind too that we're talking three thousand five hundred years ago that these instructions were given approximately give or take a little but waterways can change you know quite a bit in 3,500 years especially rivers can change course verse 13 and Moses commanded the children of Israel saying this is the land which he shall inherit by lot which the LORD commanded to give unto the nine tribes and to the half tribe remember Reuben and GAD and half of Manasseh asked to stay on the east side of Jordan the remaining nine and a half tribes will give you up the land on the west side for the tribe of the children of Reuben according to the house of their fathers and the tribe of the children of GAD according to the house of their fathers have received their inheritance the lands of jazzer and Gilead remember and half the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance as long as they keep their promise and arm themselves for war and go with their brother and to fight in the land of Canaan then they would be free to go back and take their possession on the east side of Jordan the two tribes and a half tribe have received their inheritance on this side Jordan meaning the east side where they are at this point near Jericho eastward toward the Sun rising Manasseh it's not divided up at this point but the half tribe of Manasseh that stayed on the east side of Jordan will end up with the northernmost portion of the land that they're getting on the east side and in other words the land that the amorite possessed GAD will be more in the central which belonged to the ammonites and Reuben thus more southern point which belonged to media Knights and the Moabites 4:16 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying time to choose a prince from each tribe to make sure that the allotment of land is done fairly and equitably and know who chooses these people verse 17 these are the names of the men which shall divide the land unto you Eleazar the priest and Joshua the son of men the Lord is the one who is going to name these individuals he knows their hearts he knows their minds Eleazar the high priest of course the possessor of the ephod with the Urim and Thummim listed first joshua listed second as the replacement of Moses because Moses won't be making the trip into the Promised Land 18 and he shall take one prints of every tribe to divide the land by inheritance the Lord still speaking and the names of the men are these of the tribe of Judah Caleb the son of Jephunneh Caleb the only one of these that's known already to us because of his exploits is one of the twelve of the spies you went north into the Promised Land he the only one that came back saying that land is ours God to us let's go and the rest were saying there's Giants over there they made us look like grasshoppers in their sights caleb selected by our father to represent judah as the land of israel is drawn lots for two as an inheritance to the people 20 and of the tribe of the children of simeon shem well the son of a-- me who'd and i'm going to go through these pretty quickly there's no sense in spending a great deal of time 21 of the tribe of benjamin ella dad the son of chiselin and the prince of the tribe of the children of dan Buki the son of Yahweh verse 23 the Prince of the children of Joseph for the tribe of the children of Manasseh Danielle the son of ephod and of course this would be for the half tribe on the west side of Jordan the half of Manasseh on the east side would not to be necessary for this Prince to oversee the allotment of land although it could be that he was keeping an eye to make sure that it was done fairly and equitably as well almost directly across the Jordan from the half of an assay who would end up on the east side of Jordan 24 and the Prince of the tribe of the children of Ephraim Kim ul the son of shift Canaan verse 25 and the Prince of the tribe of the children of Zebulun Eliza fan the son of Parr knock verse 26 and the Prince of the tribe of the children of AIESEC our pow TL the son of has an and these must have been fairly you know respected people although not known as far as other places in the Bible but God's the one that chose them so he would their heart 27 and the prince of the tribe of the children of asher a high who'd he who'd the son of Shalom e28 and the prince of the tribe of the children of naphthalene last but not least fidel the son of me who'd verse 29 to conclude the chapter these are they whom the LORD commanded to divide the inheritance under the children of Israel in the land of Canaan and again Moses still in charge at this point but the final preparations to move into the promised land being made with a representative from each tribe there's no room for suspect foul play as this land is valuable and which tribe ends up where you know it's the resources of the land or different in place to place so now you have an individual from each tribe that God appointed himself and then consider the the Urim and the Thummim are going to be used so less chance of suspicion on the part of those involved chapter 35 we come to homes and land a sign for the Levites and we're also going to see the cities that were known as Levitical cities cities of refuge which were called the cities of the priests and also the laws concerning murder as we work our way through chapter 35 let's pick it up verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho saying and you'll recall the Levites were not to receive an inheritance in the promised land just as being elect known as the doc in Ezekiel chapter 44 are not to receive an inheritance in the promised land because God is their inheritance but the Levites have to have a place to live and that's what's going to be being discussed in these first few verses verse 2 command the children of Israel that they give unto the Levites of the inheritance of their possession cities to dwell in and you shall give also under the Levites suburbs for the cities round about them suburbs as we think of them today what this is talking about it and we're not going to give a whole city to the Levites but as you the tribes of Israel receive your inheritance you are required to provide sufficient number of houses from your cities to the Levites assigned to your area the suburbs it's not what we think of of a suburb today as houses around the major city the suburbs were actually rural land where the Levites could keep their herds and their flocks they had substantial herds and flocks as well and obviously you'd have to have pasture land for them verse three and the cities and we'll see that these are larger cities because well world shall they have to dwell in and the suburbs of them shall be for their cattle and for their goods and for all their beasts now land and pasture also allowed a lot of kated to the Levites now in Leviticus chapter 25 verse 34 we learned that these houses that were given to the Levites that was for eternity a Levite CEL is really not a good word I leave I could rent his house that was given to him in one of these cities example if he was in one of the cities outside of Jerusalem and he was called to Jerusalem to serve there for a long period of time he could lease out his home but it could be redeemed at any point in time and every Jubilee every 50 years it went back to the Levites at that point feel regardless verse 4 and the suburbs of the cities which he shall given to the Levites shall reach from the wall of the city and outward a thousand cubits round about in other words if you went and we're talking walled cities here only larger cities so if you went to the very northeast corner of a city and then you measured north a thousand cubits and you measured East a thousand cubits we would be diagramming the line that the land that's going to be allocated to the Levites verse five and he shall measure from without the city in other words each corner of the city wall on the east side two thousand cubits and on the south side two thousand cubits and on the west side two 2,000 cubits and on the north side two thousand cubits and the city shall be in the midst or in the middle this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities and if that's difficult for you to follow along and I take a piece of paper and just draw a square or a rectangle which represents the city that we're talking about here go to each corner and draw out or what and he ever measure you have let's say you draw and you say okay this is 2000 cubits for the city wall and you go to each corner then and you draw out a thousand more cubits in each direction in both directions that then if you look you would be then drawing the squares or rectangular of the land that would be designated to the priest around about the size of this the larger the size of the city obviously the more land that the Levites received to put their herds and flocks were six and among the cities which he shall give unto the Levites there shall be six cities for refuge this word is Mick lot in the Hebrew and means asylum which he shall appoint for the manslayer that he may be three bitter and to them he shall add forty and two cities they'll end up having three cities of refuge on the east side of Jordan three cities of refuge on the west side of Jordan in addition to those you have 42 other cities where the Levites are distributed if you had all the Levites in Jerusalem they wouldn't be able to do a very good job of teaching the people about God's rights and his laws and you know that's interesting to note that they're gonna be distributed throughout a land of Israel because if you go back to Genesis chapter 49 you have the blessings of Jacob upon the patriarchs there's also a curse there and that curse was upon the Levites on Levi because of what well Dinah the daughter of Jacob back in chapter 34 of Genesis was raped by Shechem and what did Levi and Simeon do they went the chuckerman said hey what are you guys doing here and then shechem asked his dad well I like I love that girl diner you get her for me too wife and Levi and Simeon kind of pulled a little covert activity there and they said to shuck them okay yeah I'll tell you what you you guys you know it'd be a good bill you know you could take our daughters to be your wives and we could take your daughters to be our wives there's just one little problem and that is that you guys aren't circumcised so I'll tell you what all of your men will circumcise themselves and we'll just share the land together and share our daughters and can take each other two wives well they thought about it and they all decided well yeah that's a pretty good deal we'll do that so they all were circumcised three days later in states in Genesis chapter 34 while they were so warm and so our II that Levi and Simeon came upon them with a sword and killed them all Jacob put a curse on Levi for aggravating the natives when there's only a few of us you're gonna make all of our enemies mad at us and they're gonna come and kill us and therefore the curse in Genesis chapter 49 or Levi was you will be scattered among your brethren of Israel and that's exactly the way it came to pass a curse turned into a blessing got a short message we'll finish up this book of numbers as we come back in our next lecture ask you to listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,191
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Arnold Murray, Murray, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold, Book of Numbers, Numbers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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