Fourth Dimension

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tension the fourth dimension is an interesting thing you know we have the three dimensions height width depth but then you got the fourth which is time i like to choose time for the which it is has to do with space invisible our father is invisible to us and yet he's there you can count on it jesus would say in john chapter 20 verse 29 to thomas the doubter the twin said you've seen and you believe that's one thing but blessed are those that have not seen and still believe that's you and you didn't walk with christ thomas did but yet at the same time you believe you know that he was and there's a special blessing for that you don't ever want to turn loose of that always hope for it and strive for it is to believe and to have the faith to know even though you can't see you can't see the wind it blows here and it blows there you can feel it when it touches your face but you can't see it unless there's particles or there's precipitation something like that within it but you can't see it but it's there so you can have the same faith to know that your heavenly father though you can't see into that dimension that fourth dimension he's there and just above us always there as a matter of fact it is written that your angel has if you're one of god's elect that is your angel has the face of god at any time that he chooses that's to say if you're in problems open your bibles if you would to the great book of colossians chapter one colossians chapter 1 let's pick it up with verse 10 that you might walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing being fruitful that's very important you got to be fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god if you're not fruitful you're not much used to god or anyone else as far as that's concerned eleven strengthened with all might according to his glorious power not yours his power unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness i don't know does he share that power with you if you deserve it he does you have that knowledge if you deserve it he'll give it to you it's a blessed thing to have faith and to believe 12 giving thanks unto the father do you always do that these steps are extremely important which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light in light of what well light drives away darkness light is truth light gives you that knowledge and that wisdom light is what makes you fruitful you're not just some bump on a log out here somewhere you amount to something you're useful to your community to the people that love you you're fruitful you produce you help you assist why because you have the power of god within you not your power his if you're one of his set aside ones that's what a saint means just simply set aside from the norm with knowledge wisdom understanding and producing fruit who have delivered us from the power of darkness hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son i mean that translation has already taken place right into the very kingdom of the living god 14 in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins that's the beauty of christianity don't ever let anyone take that away from you well you don't understand brother you're a second class citizen you're a divorcee well christ didn't say he couldn't ever forgive divorce that's a bunch of malarkey that makes you a second-class citizen and somebody's playing one-upmanship on you christ forgives sin it's either it's either real you either believe that or you don't if you don't believe it well hey you're in a bad shape friend you're in a heap of hurt because your sins are not forgiven either and that naturally puts you in hurt so always know and understand your father loves the children everything he did or has done is for you for the children always verse 15 who is the image of the invisible god firstborn of every creature though god is in that dimension which you cannot see unless you're in the transition of death then when you see christ he's in the perfect image that that word in the greek is icon looks exactly like him so you can't if you believe in christ you've seen the father because when you look upon christ that is god with us and that that is invisible to many though you cannot see yet he's visible to you through your spiritual eye because you know he's there verse 16 for by him were all things created not just a few all that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him well why for him for his pleasure if something doesn't give him pleasure he has a way of cooling it get rid of it so that's all up to you in your life how you doing friend you're doing all right if you're blessed and if you're fruitful then you're doing what god would have you do otherwise you're probably not so only you can tell that except for god though you can't see him he knows and when you see trouble in the world he knows that also he's very aware of it you don't have to worry about it you know something he's not angry at you he's angry at those that cross him that would try to get in the way that would interfere with his wonderful work he created all things for his pleasure you want a second witness to that it's the last verse of chapter four the great book of revelation verse 17 and he is before all things and by him all things consist now without him then tell me what you are nothing absolutely nothing so it pays great dividends to be in him to have faith in him otherwise i'm sorry you're nothing verse 18 and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminent son and do you know something you ever want to join this church guess who you have to talk to you don't talk to me or anybody else not the board not the elders you got to talk to him because he's the head of this church if he says you're okay we're not going to argue with that we're going to accept you as long as you behave decently and as long as you produce fruit that is to say you amount to something and loving the lord and doing his will but he is the head he should be the head even in your family your life your everything why because he created all things they belong to him a lot of people will say i'm going to get around to giving my soul to god it's too late friend ezekiel 18 4 all souls belong to god he's got it right there in his hand it's his to do with as he chooses snuff it or give it life it's his choice so don't ever try to limit god he is the head he is the father of all verse 19 for it please the father that in him should be all should all fulfill fullness dwell 20 and having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things unto himself by him i say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven he's everywhere everything i mean it doesn't get any better than that he is the top one more verse and you that were sometimes annihilated and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now hath he reconciled and so it is that our father reconciled fine don't ever let anyone take that away from you you're a child of the living god you don't belong to anyone and you don't owe anything except to him unless you've messed around and got yourself in much trouble in debt and stuff then you may owe a lot of people okay but he is the one that truly you want to owe because he owns you if you want eternal life you see that's what the fourth dimension is it's not width it's not height it's not debt it's time and time has nothing to do on us with the spiritual body if you love him your spiritual body is eternal it's ever living it is and will always be eternal life turn with me to the great book of hebrews hebrews chapter 11. what does the word hebrews mean let's get it straight in our minds it comes from the word eber in the hebrew tongue it means the people that cross the river that's the israelites the all 12 tribes and so they have migrated today and then that means you the house of israel not the house of jew house of judah also but you be the house of israel there are two separate houses hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen that's your deed faith is your deed to heaven faith is your deed to things you might hope for you haven't seen them but you know it's real and you know it's there and you go into that fourth dimension which is time eternal forever and ever with the lord jesus christ with our heavenly father verse two for by it the elders obtained a good report verse three through faith what we un through faith we understand that the world was framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear that's the way it is now first off i want you to take that word worlds in the greek it's eons it means time it's ages he didn't change the rets that's the pterophirma he changed the time that's the fourth dimension always with time ages the only way you can understand god's word is to understand the ages verse 4 by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh that is to say abel was his faith still carried him through you can count on it by faith enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because god had translated him for before his translation he had what he had this testimony that he pleased god in other words he preached about the fallen angels that were seducing the daughters of adam trying satan trying to block the coming of the one that is to say the firstborn the only begotten has to say the lord jesus christ and he was one of the only ones that really was a preacher and stood against it the book of jude documents that if you need a second witness and god saw that he was doing a good work and knew he was going to have to destroy what was there at that time that area because of the gibber than the nephilim the fallen angels so rather than destroy enoch or even translate he just took him out he was too good for this earth okay so he translated him that's what faith will do for you faith in our heavenly father not the world not people but the living god six but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him that word diligency diligently in the greek means sincerely if you're sincerely seeking him then your faith is going to be good hey if you don't believe in him you can pray all you want to you're not going to get answered why well why are you praying to somebody you don't believe that doesn't exist only a fool would do such a thing but to pray to he that you know is there is solid that wants you to produce fruit he's not going to withhold things from you that will further god's word he will give you that opportunity you are the one that must do the building though not somebody else in other words god will give you the bricks to build anything you want to build if it's for him and it's what he wants but you have to do the building okay always that's the way the cookie crumbles my friend for without faith you're worthless without faith you're not going anywhere god believes and loves those that have faith in him though you can't see him you've seen the son through his actions through the history through the word of god his healings those that he has helped and even the touch of the holy spirit today and answered prayer to those that have faith you know that you know and he is so very very real all the fourth dimension is awesome in time and time meaning nothing for we are eternal and that eternity is before us to accomplish many many things how precious is the word of god that he loves his own skip with me now on down to to the 17th verse by faith abraham when he was tired offered up i isaac when he was tried rather he offered up isaac and he that had received the promise offered up his only begotten son in other words god himself when that time came he didn't ask abraham to do something he didn't do himself he spared isaac but he didn't spare his own begotten son he let him die on the cross why for you because his only begotten son was he himself emmanuel god with us 18 of whom it was said that in isaac shall thy seed be called in other words abraham had enough faith when god told him to put the child on the altar and to sacrifice him he knew that god had already made the promise that this through this child israel would become as numerous as the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea so he knew if god even wanted the child's sacrifice that he'd bring him he'd translate him right back to life and accomplish those things he had no doubt in other words 19 accounting that god was able to raise him up even from the dead from whence also he received him in a figure he was a hundred years old he was too old to bear children so he had already received him you might as well say from the dead 20 by faith isaac blessed jacob and he saw concerning things to come and those two became great nations the superpowers of the end times by faith jacob when he was a dying blessed both the son of joseph and the sons of joseph and were and worshiped leaning upon the top of his staff 22 by faith joseph when he died made mention of the departing of the children of israel and gave commandments concerning his bones he knew they would be free he trusted god he had faith to know that he would do that 23 by faith moses when he was born was hid three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child and they were not afraid of the king's commandment in other words they were going to destroy all the firstborn he was put in a little old basket and put in the nile floating down 24 by faith moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter that little basket floated into that ferris daughter and she claimed him raised him but he still as his people were enslaved had the faith and knew the reward was with those people for for went all the blessings with pharah's daughter 25 choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season he would not have to it 26 esteeming the reproach of christ greater riches than the treasures in egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward looking forward to that reward well what's that fourth dimension time eternal by faith he forsook egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible and there it is again seeing him who is invisible how could that be through faith 28 through faith he kept the passover and the sprinkling of the blood lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them you got to remember that blood of the cross you got to remember it in your own life we're coming up on a passover of the end times if you're not under that blood you're in a heap of hurt because many things are going to transpire to those that are not those that are under that blood that are in that covenant have nothing to worry about verse 29 by faith they passed through the red sea as by dry gland which the egyptians the sailing to go were round you know it always pays to serve the father i don't care how you reckon it how you figure it always go with him and you'll always be blessed verse 30 by faith the walls of jericho fell down after they were compassed about seven times seven being spiritual completeness and so it was 31 by faith the harlot rahab perished not with them that not with she perished not with them that believed not when she had received the spies with peace i always have to i cannot let that pass rahab was not a harlot it was just that other businessmen called her one it was because she was more successful at making fine linen than they were and people travel from far and wide to purchase that linen and you might wonder well how can you document that well it's written in the bible where did she hide the spies on top of her house under what stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and rows and rows of flax from which you make fine linen verse 32 to complete and what shall i more say for the time would fail me to tell of gideon of barack that of samson of jephthah the of david also and samuel and of the prophets time would just fail of what faith has done for our people how wonderful it is that our father does bless us so and certainly he does go with me to romans chapter one romans chapter one hmm verse 17 for therein is the righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith that's the only way it is my friend what are the just well those that are justified those that have overcome those that haven't made why because god loves them 18 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness 19 because that which may be known of god is manifest in them for god hath showed it unto them how did he do that look at nature look at god's creation quite frankly don't be deceived god has never created anything that is abomination only man brings forth abomination god has always created everything in perfectness basically and everything having a time and a purpose and a season and a reason whether it be scavenger or whether it be a healthy animal for consumption it has a purpose that's why god created it in other words you can tell by looking at nature itself what's right and what's wrong i can put it a little different way the very nature of your own body flesh when you are honest with yourself even then you know right from wrong with your first instinct you may not go with that first instinct but you know that you know verse 20 for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse this applies to people who say well they've never heard the word of god well they've seen his creation they've seen what he's done they know right from wrong that doesn't make one one of god's elect but it makes one know right from wrong 21 because that when they knew god they glorified him not as god neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened this is why we have wickedness in the world perversion professing themselves to be wise they became fools and when you're wise in the ways of the world sometimes you're nothing but a fool true wisdom comes from god and change the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image that's an icon did what they changed it into an icon made like to corruptable man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things uh they they digressed always got to have something they can see got to have something they can sell or deceive people with and they will do it 24 wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen you don't want to do that god created things in a natural way whereby you know right from wrong period that's the way it is and uh that that is perverted is that that goes against god's plan that makes an icon to fit whatever they want let's make us a little god for what for let's make us a little god for dancing let's make a little god for praying yeah a bunch of nonsense we have one father and he created all things both in heaven and in earth there is nothing else would you take something he created and worship it rather than worship him you wouldn't if you want to be blessed i assure you because all blessings come from those that have faith and if you have faith in the father he will never leave you he will never forsake you last scripture we're going to cover second corinthians chapter four second corinthians chapter four verse one therefore seeing we have this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not it'll strengthen you and keep you going but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of god deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth condemning ourselves to commending ourselves rather to every man's conscience in the sight of god and so it is that's the word of god but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost if there is a veil over it and they don't understand it in the simplicity that christ teaches it they're the lost ones in whom verse 4 in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image the icon you can't see god but when you see the christ who is the perfect image icon of god should shine unto them he's not invisible when you look at christ don't ever forget that verse if you've seen the son you've seen the father verse 5 for we preach not ourselves but christ jesus the lord and ourselves your servants for christ for jesus sake that's the way it is in other words paul and others were a slave to the ministry for god who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ and you are the children of that light and that light should reflect from you you are not the light but you should reflect the light christ is the light but we have the treasure in earth and vessels these old flesh bodies that the excellency of the power may be of god and not of us in other words they may see it in you but it's not you okay they see the light reflected from him his word his truth and it draws people it leads people it is precious for it is our father it is the fourth dimension that brings forth that light and that truth which is knowledge we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair don't let it shake you don't let them see you sweat on your first cruise persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed never 10 always bearing about the body the dying of the lord jesus that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our body and and so it is that that's why he protects you when you love him and follow him for we which live are always delivered unto death for jesus sake that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh it may seem like that but he always protects his own that carries forth the truth don't ever forget that so then death worketh in us but life in you in other words the truth brings you what eternal life fourth dimension time time eternal time forever 13 we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written i believed and therefore have i spoken we also believe and therefore speak you can do it god's word is sure it will never let you down the world will let you down god will not you can stand assured he will not that doesn't mean there's not going to be some rough bumps but so what you're a child of god straighten them out grade them out of the road clear it down pave it make it easy don't let satan get away with anything in your life and always make it easy for others to see the clarity and the simplicity in which christ teaches knowing that he which raised up the lord jesus shall raise up us also by jesus and shall present us with you you have that assurity that is delivered right into that dimension if you do know that christ resurrected right then you can rest assured he's going to resurrect you the incident that silver cord parts and this clay pot breaks instantly you're with him resurrected transfigured right into i shouldn't use the word transfigured in that case resurrected right into the very kingdom of heaven into that fourth dimension time time eternal how precious it is that our father is able to do that and um and so there he presents you 15 for all things or for your sakes that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of god it's worthwhile it's all worth it you may have troubles you may have heartache so what handle it get over it stand up to it and be blessed of the living god for which cause we faint not but though our outward men perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day that spiritual that dimension it continues on but strong unheard yes hurt i mean leading the way producing fruit gaining knowledge gaining wisdom serving the living god making a difference cutting awake that others can follow whereby they are blessed with the very word of god because of their belief don't ever forget john chapter 20 verse 29 that i quoted from coming out the gate old thomas was a doubter he had to touch christ to believe and christ said to him thomas you believe because you've seen but a blessing upon those that believe and have not seen that you you've seen the word and on believing that he blesses you why he loves you that makes a difference verse 17 for our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory it it doesn't your little bit of troubles in this world don't compare to the glory you have in that dimension can't even you can't even mention it has nothing to do with it doesn't compare so don't whimper whine or complain when something goes a little bit wrong fix it and fix it now verse 18 while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen can you see them for the things which are seen are temporal it's just a little thing but the things which are not seen are eternal fourth dimension it's forever and ever and ever it is our heavenly father's kingdom it is his promise it is his way though that you cannot see you have faith to believe and to know and to understand so don't mess around with temporary stuff for the big one go for the eternity with the heavenly father but how about do you just think about yourself why don't you take somebody along with you why don't you help them why don't you be fruitful why don't you plant a seed of truth where that others can see and can lavish in the beauty and the understanding and the love of almighty god and they can join you and you can have the pleasure of knowing you produce fruit and you're going to be blessed by almighty god hey it's worth it it's well worth it heavenly father thank you father for the truth thank you father for the living word thank you for being with us father let these be a blessing to everyone they come in contact with father we ask it in jesus precious name amen shouldn't come to that should have come to me when my father passed i want to do what my grandparents and my dad would have wanted but i don't want to disappoint or anger god what does the bible say about this i heard a pastor on the radio say that you are not supposed to sue people well he misspoke you're not supposed to sue christian people anybody that would rip you off from your inheritance is not a christian so you can sue them now i but i have you talked to an attorney you know i'm not all that familiar with kentucky law but in both states and i believe in kentucky also that if a will is not written then the whole property must go through probate and naturally if it were to go through probate you would receive your just part so i think you need to check on that and if somebody short shortcuted the act of probation then somebody's in much trouble you need to talk to an attorney and um don't you're not supposed to sue a christian why well if it is a christian you should be able to go to him or her and discuss the situation and come to an understanding without having to pay some lawyer some slick okay but now and and then if that doesn't cut it you should take a member of the church to go with you as a witness and discuss it again if that doesn't work you are to both christians to agree on an honest arbitrator that's another christian person to decide between the fact without paying some lawyer some slick okay but if the person is doing something as unchristian as this you're going to have to go to court uh shirley from oklahoma surely there's only one baptism and i know you love the lord from the way you write so your baptism is fine you're in good shape uh pastor murray this is selma from ohio i've never heard the question this question you refer to our father and the son using the original sacred names i now do this in reverence uh for the holy names what is the hebrew word for the holy spirit and all i could find is ruach well rock is a spirit the whole the spirit in the hebrew tongue but you to use the word holy is kadesh so for holy spirit in the hebrew tongue is kadesh okay now if if you were to say it in the new testament from the greek it would be hegeos numa pegios numa um okay eric from illinois we have a church leadership that doesn't think it is important to open the bibles during service along with pulling with pulling red scripture out of context people complain nobody is getting anything out of these services services are repetitious and boring further we are losing members right and left i find closed bibles and pulling scripture out of context is violating scripture can you show me in scripture please your advice well your advice is second timothy chapter 2 verses 15 and 16. and and because because um you have um requested and because it is so important let's just turn there for a second second timothy and let's go with um chapter 2 of second timothy verses 15 and 16. this is what god's word says concerning this matter of not opening bibles and church services and it goes like this in the verse 15th verse study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth 16 but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness that's what going without bibles will do for you i hope that helps you uh okay uh in from tennessee i attend a church that believes that any man that has been divorced cannot be a deacon or a pastor i do not believe this is what the bible tells us or am i the one that does not understand i believe if a person asks for forgiveness and the lord has mercy on us and does forgive that sin it is forgiven it is forever forgiven by god we have several good men that attend our church and would make good deacons but we'll never have the chance this says to me that even if god forgave that person the church won't please explain the truth of this well divorce is not the unpardonable sin and christ forgives sin i know that if a person doesn't repent and they wallow in the sin of divorce and never repent and ask god's forgiveness then they're guilty but once they become church members then that would say to me they had repented or should have and that god has forgiven them no church has the authority then to blame them and uh i'm i'm going to go again with first first timothy chapter 4 verse 3. don't let anyone judge you in marriage or food if you've repented there's no way they can tell but god can so you're absolutely correct god will forgive them now what they do they will say well a deacon or a bishop could only be a man of one wife well that's all he has he may have remarried but he still only has one wife because he had probably sufficient reason to divorce the other or she him whatever when they repented it was washed away and he only has one wife and that's what there are reasons even biblically by biblical law for divorce so therefore he puts aside one and marries he's still a why has is the husband of only one wife and so many people are well he's had two women well i'm so big deal he repented it's over done with he's only got one wife pastor murray brian from texas is serving in the military breaking god's commandments directly or indirectly absolutely not read psalms 144 do you know what it says it's a prayer by a military person asking for strength to be able to put the enemy under our feet and protecting our people has always abraham just took 318 men out and defeated about five nations i mean thump their gourd good do you think god disapproved of that of course not god was the one that gave the enemy into their hands so it is an admirable thing to serve our nation these rights we have of freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom to travel as you so choose they don't come cheap they've been paid for by a lot of blood a lot of sacrifice don't ever even dare think about saying that serving in our military is a disgrace or unpleasing to god he loves them bless their soul real people gail from virginia i am amazed at your retention of the word how long have you studied and were you a chaplain in the war no i was i was a combat marine i was not a chaplain however i was raised born christian raised christian and um and um it is not necessary to be a chaplain to have to love our heavenly father no i was a combat marine up at the choson reservoir in the north korean war when we had a little disagreement with the chinese and north koreans at that time in the winter of 1950 it was a cold uh quite a battle and but my retention is a gift from god i've been studying and teaching god's word for almost 60 years and but even with that the retention is still a gift from god with the ability to teach beverly from florida pastor what chapter and verse states that judgment starts at the pulpit thank you first peter chapter 4 verse 17. first peter chapter 4 verse 17. it is time for judgment and let it begin with us let it begin at the pulpit why because they're responsible for what has been taught and it should be this is why that when you set yourself up as a teacher you better realize what you're biting off because you're responsible for every misleading thing that you would teach every person you mislead you're responsible so the thing men don't mislead people and having good retention of scripture is an enabler to bring that truth forth but actually it's the holy spirit that accomplishes it anyway so but but it is a responsibility and it's something you need to take very seriously deanne from the end from georgia i've been studying with you for about two years now and i'm learning a lot i believe in my heart that marijuana sometimes called weed or pot is an addicting drug so i no longer use it for pleasure my husband says it is not a drug please clarify this i'll be listening and waiting for your answer well it brings about hallucination therefore it is a drug and what god has to say about drug users is um sorcery because the word translated into the english sorcery in the greek is pharmaceutical where it's our word pharmacist comes from it you use drugs you're not going to be in heaven that that's just very serious thing well well how can you say that well because that's what the god's word says it says very clearly in in revelation chapter 21 in heaven there will be no sorcerers let's form a theaca that is to say people that get a high spiritually from using drugs you're not going to be there you're not going to make it so that's why you want to stay away from that sort of thing it's a very serious thing it's real easy to prove me wrong all you have to do is take a strong concordance go to go to the the very word that i mentioned sorcerer and see what it says in the greek it's a drug user you don't need drugs to get high you need god's holy spirit and then you have eternal life otherwise you're doomed for hell elizabeth from south carolina can you tell me where in the bible is the vehicle with people mentioned please explain what the scripture means well it means that ezekiel saw a metal highly polished bronze vehicle it had it was circular and it didn't look where it went it just like an ox cart would or a horse it just went wherever it wanted to and there were windows in it and there were people in there and when it turned the people turned naturally or they would have fallen out he gives a pretty good description for a country boy ezekiel does ezekiel chapter one this is uh colleen in pennsylvania i have been looking for a passage i have heard you quote several times in the end times your leaders will have the minds of children i'm sure it's somewhere in the bible but i can't find it even using my strong's but isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 okay isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 and we've come to that time uh sue from tennessee you are doing genesis now and i have a question on page um 1150 or 150 in the strong's concordance the word was says see preface which says if no but i'll tell you what you want to do the word was let me tell you what it is it is the number 1961 i'll say it again 1961 in the hebrew dictionary and the word is become became rather and it is the word utilized in that second verse they're in um the word was is used so many times in the manuscripts that they they basically lump it together and but that in 1961 is the hebrew number of the word was as it was utilized in the first chapter of the great book of genesis doyle from tennessee i've been taught most of my life of the rapture i believed for years that there was more to the bible than was being taught i thank god for leading me to your tv broadcast i love god's word as you teach it my question is is it wrong for a preacher to preach redemption to a congregation of believers god bless you and your staff it is wrong for a preacher to teach a salvation message to everybody that's safe you need to give a meet scripture chapter but chapter and verse but verse something they can hang on to uh and so it is i'm out of time hey i love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all god loves you for it
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,003
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: 6f_g39lJbjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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