The Buddy vs. MEAT GRINDER! | Kick the Buddy

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hey guys just a quick reminder that i am giving away 15 of my signed skateboard decks and all you have to do to be eligible is either purchase the power up club or the charlie backpack before september 15th and you are eligible to win winners will be notified by september 20th and look at that it's signed look okay bye my dear sweet buddy this is gonna hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me [Music] hello everybody i'm kyle again and welcome back to kick the buddy we're gonna kick him and and probably explode him the great thing about buddy is that he just keeps getting back up he's really a great lesson for all of us in perseverance but here have a have a molotov cocktail and um yeah you're on fire buddy let's see if buddy is fireproof is buddy fire proof yes see he's great is buddy bomb proof or fuel tank what oh my gosh no this seems this seems incredibly dangerous whoa that was quite the explosion take a quick little picture why does it want to take a picture of me wait what oh my gosh am i can i what i am the buddy i have become the buddy this looks so bad i love it oh my gosh i had no idea you could do that let's throw some more stuff at me the buddy i'm the buddy i don't know if i like this i'm getting blown up all right this is awesome cluster bomb let's try a whole bunch oh that though those are all going to blow up too oh my gosh it never ends oh that's a little painful how about the holy hand grenade give him one of those this is gonna be a big one oh gosh i wasn't even next to it and it did that okay let's try to keep me slash buddy right next to him it even slow-mo's that's awesome should i just drop a nuke on buddy sure nuclear bomb here it comes oh i didn't stand a chance evaporated in a second holy moly okay that's pretty strong i would say oh a monkey bomb that sounds fun not another nuke i just want a monkey bomb that's all he's cute he's not gonna do anything bad right yeah oh my gosh that was a bit of a surprise i wasn't expecting i thought he would clash the cymbals a little bit faster before exploding nah he threw me off what's this present sure i'll take 300 bucks banana bomb if this is anything like the banana bomb from worms it's going to blow up into more banana bombs let's see why is he smoking a cigar yeah okay he does oh my gosh just devastating let's do a whole bunch can oh no you can only do one at a time that's kind of sad still incredibly destructive because the the bananas that blow up initially turn into smaller bananas and those ones are the ones that bounce all over the place it gets crazy fifteen hundred bucks for a needle bomb that's pretty much all my money but you know what for you wonderful folks out there in youtube i'm gonna do it needle bomb there's nothing good about this oh my gosh they're stuck to me oh oh so much pain it's just oh my gosh there's no chance look at my face did you see my tongue i was just like i can't stick out my tongue for the record in real life i've talked about it in the other videos i'm tongue-tied it's a real thing okay this is like oh i got but it doesn't affect my ability to talk i can still talk a lot because that's kind of what i do i talk a lot anyways let's try out some other crazy stuff how about some science blast them with a fire hose sure that sounds fun those are still spike bombs you fool fire hose when buddies on fire use water to choke fire so we can light buddy on fire then save him with the fire hose i don't know if this is saving buddy this seems more like we're destroying buddy but you know just trying to help him out so let's first light buddy on fire there you go and then i gotta i gotta get back there no no no no no you gotta get back to liquids you gotta put them out there you go okay you're saved i saved you i saved me boiling water do i have diamonds oh i do have diamonds because i have like the premium version sweet let's pour some boiling water on oh that's good that's just oh yeah that's pretty hot why are you running away why are you running away from the hot water what you don't like hot water you take a nice warm bath in boiling water i'm dead the face that i make when i pass out is so good it lines up so perfectly because it covers my actual mouth in the picture and then it just looks like i have my tongue hanging out oh man it's so good how about some acid let's melt i'm melting put out fire with water thanks i'll put out fire with acid how's that work my arms have melted off there goes my head who needs it it's overrated that's what i've always said just melted all of my limbs oh liquid nitrogen sounds fun let's do it freeze them oh no do you think you can like shatter if i or what if i okay hold on hold on we freeze buddy and then we hit him with like an explosive let's see [Music] that that is some tough frozen buddy okay what if i freeze good old buddy slash me and then hit him with some boiling water thaw him out i love that i love the interaction there you're good you're good nice and warm slop oh oh do okay there buddy oh me when i get food poisoning cement what can i encase myself in cement oh oh no no no i'm gonna be a statue i'm gonna become like a fossil i'm now a fossil you can break it apart so good get out of there we can free me we can free me come on that's as good as i can do i need a jackhammer what is the bathroom what does this do i'm just turning the i can turn on the hot water just take a shower man i'm just giving buddy a shower there you go i've only turned on the hot water so that i might not be the greatest thing to do for him how about here i'll cool you down you wanna cool down this is gonna freeze him how cold do you suppose this water actually is oh that's uh that's pretty cold water right there it's a really cold shower why don't you watch some tv there here watch watch watch this tv watch it it's uh it's just one way to watch tv i suppose a little aggressive i got a band-aid on my face at least someone's providing me with some kind of first aid after getting attacked by a tv when tvs attack juicer oh my gosh [Music] oh oh gosh okay get in there bud get it oh no no no no it's tomato juice we've confirmed that buddy is made of tomatoes definitely tomatoes or a meat grinder gonna turn buddy into uh some ground beef huh oh no no no gosh [Music] why my little buddy it's me oh my gosh there's so much ground beef anybody want hamburgers anybody washing machine what let's throw them in the washing machine yeah okay there you go clean them up real good yep buddy was looking a little dirty that's the way to clean him up put him on we got to get through the spin cycle oh gosh well he's clean also covered in bubbles microwave versus buddy i love it and i hate it and we're about to find out what happens set that to grill i didn't realize that microwaves could grill i love that he's still covered in bubbles okay pop him back in there set it to uh to 450 this time that's a toasty yeah i like i like my buddy well done that's a very crispy buddy and we'll set that to 800 just for the final touch chef's kiss oh it's a very well cooked buddy jacuzzi gosh it's so expensive i'm doing it though i'm doing it get in there bud now that you are literally a piece of cooked meat uh let's let's cook you some more we're i guess we're uh well they call it sous-vide yeah sous-vide the buddy he looks happy what happened to i guess i guess i cooked him so much that he turned back into buddy he's no longer me literally turned him into meat let's cool him down there now he's ready for packing and shipping i've unlocked the oven oh i'm gonna turn you into a pie oh my gosh oh oh no okay gonna open that up just cook that guy yep pretty warm in there bud look at that who wants a buddy pie who doesn't want a buddy pie how do i eat this thing oh here we go here we go okay yep add a little tnt that surprise [Music] we went the distance with that one how about parasites that seems disgusting how does this work oh no oh no there are eggs oh oh that is just so gross why why are you eating them just just why stop eating the parasites oh i popped him i popped him with the power of parasites fungus vulgaris you're gonna make me do it aren't you gay yep they made me do it oh no oh oh it's like it's i don't even know is that just rotting flesh or is that like crystals fungus bulgaris it's maybe they're just fungus growing on buddy you look so different you've changed you've changed buddy oh no oh no seemed bad your head is still made of it yep can i can i shatter his head i don't think i can well maybe if i add a little bit more no no yep yep nope you can bacteria just just straight up bacteria oh yep no i think we've done this one yeah he's popping prion a51 okay what the heck what is this oh i'm not even doing anything it is giving him such violent gas that he is being propelled everywhere oh no i'm so sorry how about this nano virus what [Music] is is it doing it oh yeah it's doing something i can oh oh i'm so so i'm so sorry oh he's he's like a he's like a rotting cyborg buddy now oh gosh you're not okay are you you think he's still buddy he's now just nanobots cloning let's clone him what what we can what oh oh oh they're everywhere they're popping out of him it's awesome oh my gosh oh this is so good can i clone the clones i can't clone the clones but i can keep cloning buddy oh that is so good oh no they just splatter like i'm throwing tomatoes all over the place gross let's cheer good old buddy up let's let's give him some uh laughing gas he's happy having a good time there oh yeah he's having a great time look at him go look he's he's having the best time of his life he's laughing he's not actually making any noise but you know he's on the inside laughing yeah he seems fine he seems totally fine everything seems totally fine he's just sleeping too much laughing wore him out i hit him with some acid balloons oh oh the physics oh they're gonna pop yeah oh no i melted buddy well acid balloons seem pretty bad i think we've tormented buddy enough for today we'll save some more for next time let me know in the comment sections what things you want me to try on buddy there's plenty more
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,431,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, the buddy, kick the buddy game, kick the buddy gameplay, new game, mobile game, mobile game new, new mobile game, funny mobile game, funny game, weird games, mobile ads, mobile ad games, weirdest mobile games
Id: fck_HVhSYn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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