I Downloaded 100 Baldi's Basics Mods!

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Baldi is weird and the internet has made him even weirder with the power of moths [Music] hello everybody I'm Kyle McKeon and baldi's Basics is a weird game let's face it baldi's weird all the characters are weird but somehow people have managed to make that game even weirder with mods and we've played a lot of mods so let's check out some of the best baldi's Basics mods ever made this should be a fun ride welcome to Aldi loves chips in fact I think I'll let Baldi kind of explain to you guys the premise and the Deep lore of this mod here that's it he likes chip this is a mod by rapper rep and um I have no idea what I'm getting myself into apparently Baldi has become infatuated with classic Lays potato chips and I mean at one point in our lives haven't we all maybe some of us never stops being infatuated with them they are pretty delicious although if I had to pick I'd probably go with barbecue instead of classic just personal opinion outside of that I have no idea what this mod is like so let's start and play here we go ah seems that I can't really get these chips open can you help me soon you want me to help you open a bag of chips apparently the only thing Bali can do with his hands is slap rulers can't open chips okay all right I'll help you out Baldi so if I know anything about baldi's Basics uh does that mean that we have to answer math problems in order to help baldy open a bag of Lay's potato chips I have no idea all right let's go into our first classroom and answer a potato chip opening bag um so basically use the kind of open chips okay I'll stop you see how to open ship's pad and uh the number buttons don't matter just type on the keyboard I don't even know why we added them hey are you still talking it's happening listen I get it sometimes it's hard to open up these little bags you don't know where to begin maybe your fingers are slippery there's a little grease on your fingers you've been eating too much pizza maybe you just put chapstick on your lips you know your fingers are getting kind of kind of slippery maybe your hands were dry you had to lotion them up and then they're getting all slippery goodness gracious we need to save Baldi and his bag of chips by answering math problems let's use the you can open chips machine one plus zero is one one minus nine is negative not 89 but just know negative eight is good six plus six is twelve get that bag of chips baldy you earned it he looks so confused look at that he's like how do I open this thing oh grab this quarter let me let me just uh let me just try to get this dank thing over here don't hurt yourself Baldi don't don't hurt yourself let's get very upset I get it just put your put your legs into it or something I don't know well do you open it you can't he can't do it he is incapable of opening those chips I'm so sorry baldy I mean he could just get scissors and just cut him open but let's not ruin the fun for Baldi clearly he wants to force us to do math or something I don't know let's answer some math problems and then get the last one wrong is that what's gonna happen one minus two is negative one three plus nine is twelve I don't know what that was but it hurt my brain all right oh goodness oh he's really got a good grasp on those lace potato chips oh gosh oh this is too good look at him look at that big dumb mouth oh man so apparently the the anger of us being unable to answer his math problem fueled his power to open up that bag of lace potato chips because he's eating them right I want to get I want to get closer but I'm scared you know I mean he's still bald yeah he's eating potato chips he is eating what appears to be an endless bag of potato chips to be perfectly honest with you what is what what is happening to bully bully are you oh my gosh bully is moving what in the world bully can can move what he was moving like playtime that was kind of creepy and actually pretty awesome what is that noise oh goodness what is that someone drilling over here or something what is happening no no no no no no no no no you don't you don't see me what is he doing I don't quite understand what bully is up to he might be using a jackhammer somewhere I don't know maybe he's digging a tunnel I'm not here to judge so why are we answering these math problems now if Baldi got his chips open why do we need to do anything honestly here I'm gonna give you those boots there you go enjoy that I don't I still don't quite understand what those do who knows bully is creepy in this mod straight up and Baldi is just continuing to eat potato chips which is great good for him how does he keep such a slim figure with all the trans fat baldy you gotta tell me your secret dude I wanna know alright we got another you can open chips machine I don't I don't even know what we're collecting I mean we're collecting notebooks but are we really oh hello principal hi so I suspect that bully has replaced first prize does that seem right he kind of is moving the same way as first prize which is kind of cool we've certainly never seen a mod that does this they've replaced Baldi with first prize remember wheelchair Baldi it's terrifying but never bully with first prize bully is now mobile he can move around don't mess around with a mobile bully it's what I've always said oh there's Aldi again he doesn't really seem to be going faster even though I've collected several of the notebook I don't know I'm gonna shoot him down the hallway just because I have so much extra soda oh doll get me I'm not in the mood right now I'm doing so well things are going so good oh things were going good but now we have to jump rope I've been eating too many potato chips this is exhausting me five jumps enough jumps for for the week please let me go oh my goodness sweeping time so angry who made this broom so angry I'm gonna grab some scissors in the event that you know I need to open a bag of potato chips make it a lot easier okay that's six of seven we only have one more to get baldi's been kind of going easy on us I guess because he finally opened up his potato chips he's just he's just content and happy with his life at this point and if that's all it takes is a bag of potato chips to make Baldi happy that makes me happy maybe I should have been collecting potato chips instead of notebooks for Baldi this whole time probably would have saved us from a lot of of hurt all right nine minus four is five this is the last one four plus two is six twelve I hear every door you open let's see what he has to say about that we got all the notebooks you gonna say something he's Baldy Baldi are you you're not going to say anything is this really how this whole thing's gonna end can I no no no no no no no no get away from me get away from me okay let's you know oh gosh oh this is bad okay you know what do this okay and then and then play cool here and uh and you know what let's just shoot him away and then let's get our first exit here and uh I don't know what to do at this point because I'm pretty sure that uh the Arts and Crafters is gonna mess things up for us I don't know maybe I can maybe I can play it cool maybe I can survive I will survive no not no no don't look at me oh gosh oh man oh it's over it's There's No Escape maybe maybe maybe go go go go go go go go oh my gosh I can't believe that I escaped I actually got away from Baldi but now I can't get away from playtime please hurry please jump faster please please please wow what sweeping time the hero we've all been waiting for oh my gosh he just swept principal and Baldi completely out of sight oh that was unbelievable so we only have two more exits to get we might be able to pull this off we might actually be able to pull this off I don't know where Baldi is right now but I don't care I certainly can't hear the crunching of chips anymore because this noise is so loud and the screen is so red it's making my eyes hurt oh there's bully he's he's just hanging out over there I think I saw Baldi I think I saw a little green over there we can make this happen we can make this happen right now oh I hear the crunch I hear the crunch no we did it we've done it no one's here [Music] this is hurting my eyes and then the game's gonna crash but we get to enjoy one we escaped from Baldi and his bag of chips bully on the other hand he's an interesting combination of bully and first prize I kind of want to interact with him again I just want to see what he does when we actually get caught by him so let's go back into story mode oh say hello to Baldi who can't open his bag of chips let's just move along I really like the sound cues that we're put into the game it's always a nice touch when people do their own little voice acting it's actually really really good I love the whole premise of Baldi being unable to open a bag of potato chips and then using his rage to open a bag of potato chips alright let's go find everybody's favorite bully I think his full name is this is a bully I think that's what it says on his birth certificate that's his given name from his parents maybe his parents family name a bully he was destined to be a bully and steal our lunch money or our lunches all together there he is the man the myth the legend himself he's turning and then he's gonna push us right gosh that boys wait did he take anything from me did he I don't think he took anything from me but goodness gracious the noises that he makes when he's turning around or chasing us or something else look at that what is that what is that noise I have no idea gosh okay he sounds like a jackhammer when he's turning around it's absurd all right I think this is where I meet my end hello Baldi he's gonna push us right into him and his bag of potato chips yum so big thanks to the Frida lazy Inc for sponsoring this obviously it's not sponsored by Frito Lays but you guys make a fine product that even insane bald Math teachers enjoy welcome to Baldi dice this is a baldi's Basics mod by Baldi is a good and uh it kind of speaks for itself but Baldi will explain the rules for you very briefly [Music] six there are questions that are impossible to answer so basically Baldi is going to die today because of me sorry Baldi you got a knife in your shoulder goodness gracious hey hey Baldi hey how you doing you're doing pretty good dude so as you can see in the upper left hand corner we need to collect Seven Deadly notebooks but apparently Baldi has accidentally attached himself to the yctp machine and basically if we answer a question wrong he's gonna have a real bad day um this poster says it all don't get a question wrong or Baldi dies I'm gonna try my best Baldi but I think you're gonna have kind of a bad day let's go into the first classroom we can answer all these questions correctly oh yeah you can see the little wires oh this is terrible Baldi how could you do this to yourself why oh hi you see those wires down there they hooked up the Unicorn ThinkPad to where if you've got a question wrong a knife will come down and well you know and they haven't figured out how to disconnect it yet don't get a question wrong I'll I'll do my best Molly but uh if you offer me a question that is impossible to answer correctly um a knife is going to come down and you know all right A plus three is eleven we got that three plus seven ten all day give me that give me those easy math problems all day every day I got you five minus nine negative four wow you exist but baldy you may not for for much longer oh gosh I don't want to be responsible for the death of Baldi I mean as much as he's terrified us and terrorized us I I don't want to kill the guy I mean he's just a very passionate math teacher that's he's misunderstood all right let's go to the next notebook and like I said if if this is you know typical baldi's Basics um it's gonna give us a question that is going to be impossible to answer correctly so we know what happens a knife Baldi said it himself four minus seven negative three gotcha three plus one four boom that's right what do you expect me to do Baldi you're gonna die you're good I I mean I have to answer the question there is no other alternative I could close down the game shut off the video just walk away I mean I could do you know what okay let's just okay okay fine bye bye no we have to answer the question we cannot resist the Allure of answering questions that might be impossible but maybe we know the answer I don't know I mean there is a number out there that maybe I haven't tried before like 12 let's do it oh oh no oh gosh oh my gosh okay um Baldi Baldi I don't hear ruler slaps I hear play time but Baldi Baldi I think bali's seriously dead Baldy baldy listen man I'm oh gosh wait a second I see some it's wait wait wait a second we gotta go into the detention room it looks like we got some eulogies some baldy eulogies in here no killing Baldi in the Halls ooh my bad I will avenge Baldi by sweeping you to death player dang dude I'm sorry it's not my fault that I got an impossible question to answer first prize it's really sad because he doesn't know that bali's dead oh first prize it's like a it's like a dog who hasn't realized that his owner has passed away arts and crafts are sad and mad that you killed baldy I was an accident I was you guys forced my hands you're so angry and sad at the same time those are two very scary emotions playtime I'm sad because you killed Baldi playtime I'm sorry I'm sorry okay oh man these guys are really getting to me let's see what bully thinks of things here at here's school we believe every good school needs a good bully that's why we have this kid he doesn't care he just doesn't care he has nothing nothing to say he's just gonna keep on bullying all right bully you do your thing also can't help but notice rip baldy you will be missed I mean I'm gonna try to look at the Silver Lining here yes we've killed Baldi and everybody at the school is fairly upset with us and very sad oh gosh he's gonna murder me don't murder me he didn't murder me I'm glad that that he didn't kill me okay we survived gotta sweep he he spared us I guess he he realized that you know he was really letting his emotions take over and that it wasn't necessarily our fault that Baldi is dead yes we had a huge hand in it why is there a baldy little tiny baldy what is this Baldi plush in remembrance of Baldi may we keep this plush for all times cuddle it Nestle it and never forget that beautiful bald math teacher but as I mentioned there is a silver lining uh beating the game is gonna be real easy because baldi's the only one who could stop us and now we have nothing to threaten our livelihood as as good math students yay if you killed Baldi don't enter well I didn't kill Baldi so I'm going in was it my fault I'm still I'm still sticking to that story was not my fault look I can go in the game's not stopping me no one's stopping me I do what I want take that game oh no okay okay all right apparently everybody else disagrees with my conclusion that I was the one who did not kill Baldi they they still all agree that I was the one who killed baldy and I'm sorry but at least I got a Baldi plush toy oh play time's already sad look at her look at her what was that it was a very sad play time she was very sad I don't even know what she said there but she sounds sad hello principal please don't be mad at me and we still be friends I don't think we can still be friends but can we still like cooperate just be the acquaintances without you wanting to kill me what okay gotta sweep was getting a little aggressive there but we survived it yet again we'll go ahead and grab another notebook four minus four zero it's easy five plus six is eleven and then 12. still not the right answer can we give oh we get done give play time to blush see see we're not such bad people we hooked you know Play Time up with with a plush so she can remember her dear math teacher Baldi see I'm not a monster I have a heart what are these oh these are the big old boots these were just added in an update and I don't actually know what they do I'm gonna try to use them one minus six is negative five five plus six is eleven and the answer to the impossible question is yet again 12. I'm commented in one of these days one of these days is just gonna be like all right you know what you've put in 12 enough times you win you've survived you did it congratulations and that's the end of all balti forever oh oh there's flowers on the tables is that what is that [Music] sad music it's so sad look at the look at the roof rip baldy it almost feels like someone was preparing for this moment have I been framed for the murder of Baldi and someone was just wanting to throw a big event for the death of Baldi I mean look at all this stuff how did they put this all up so quickly there were some pre-arrangements here this is all planned telling you I'm being framed it wasn't me it was the one armed man messed up people it's messed up what do I do with these big old boots maybe I can like smush principle with them Let's Do It smash oh what what that what'd that do he's still here I did not squish him with big old boots okay you guys are gonna have to let me know what the big old boots do because I don't know what they do whoa big old boots are back I don't know they came back that's very strange all right we only have to grab two more notebooks we're home free bully let's just this let's get this last notebook oh it's a tombstone in here too but no sad music so they didn't really double down on the super sadness in this room cafeteria is the true room of super sadness four plus eight is twelve four plus nine is thirteen are we gonna get any kind of message here I mean probably not because it's baldy who gives us the message I don't know if you guys have noticed but he's dead yeah no message but I do have a plushie for playtime if she wants one a second one okay let's get all the exits I I don't know like oh I can give I can give first prize a plushie he wants a plushie too I know he doesn't realize that baldi's gone but let's let's give him the plushie there you go buddy he's look he's so happy he is spinning out of control that's how happy we've made first prize he's dancing in Delight look at him go round and round the robot goes oh no he's coming for me oh oh gosh the noise has begun I was always under the impression that Baldi was the one making this noise no I don't actually believe that but clearly he's not the one making this noise get me a soda on the go thank you hello principal there is zero threat feels kind of nice don't have to worry I just take my time go to the room of super sadness is the super sad music still playing though it's very hard to tell I think it is playing I think I can hear just just The Whispers of a very sad song over the very obnoxious noise of like a race car engine directly into my brain okay let's just let's get the last one let's do it let's get out of here we're done congratulations we've won bother you're back see see was all ruse it was all it's all ruse crash the game that was my reward we're gonna start here things look a little bit different right just just a little bit you might be wondering what the heck is going on if I press spacebar prepare yourself uh we're Baldi we have become the Baldi so we can look at ourselves we can also move around this is why this is so sick and weird when you press spacebar you see yourself and you right click to move yes you can slap that ruler so this is a very strange and horrifying mod so we can just kind of move around the school with our ruler we can move as quickly or as slowly as we want to this is angry baldy mode right here that is so weird you don't actually move with wasd playtime is being very obnoxious what what is she doing she's just like running around the hallways being loud it's very annoying so we can be like legit baldy here like we you gotta keep a good Rhythm right right that's that's good Rhythm yeah slap slap or you can just go absolutely Bonkers and just slap through the hallways as quickly as you possibly want to here let's get a nice straight away and see how quickly we can travel as the Baldi I'm gonna use my thumb to burst slap through the hallway that's a weird thing to say here we go [Music] holy cow okay uh whoa sweeping time he's he's somewhere around here I don't know if he affects us I gotta turn my volume down because playtime is so loud oh my gosh what is happening what the heck is going on sweeping time what are you doing I have no idea what's happening so now in this mode you don't you're not escaping any teachers because you are the teacher so what do you do as the teacher well of course you grade the student's work right so if we go into the classrooms I believe we walk up to the notebook the Doug dab notebook and we click on it what in the world I don't quite understand this it's telling me to click on the boxes so am I actually grading 505 minus 756. I'm seriously gonna need my calculator to figure out if this is right or not I can't do that in my head I don't feel like that is correct though 243 negative 243 let's just figure this out logically 505 plus 243 is 748 so if that were the case wouldn't this guy be 740 I don't know I don't know this is why I'm not a math teacher but I'm pretending to be one okay I'm gonna click the boxes is that it no I can't type letters one what oh okay I'm I'm very confused right now 904 plus 373 I'm so glad that these problems are not in the actual game uh this seems right I think that's right so I'm gonna say one again and then 979 minus 564 equals 415. yes that sounds about right so I'm gonna hit one again some kid complained that you didn't grade their work right the principal got mad at you what the principal's mad at me I'm I'm sorry it was a long day I wasn't really thinking straight oh my gosh the principal is mad at me what no no principal no no no no no let's let's talk about this principle I don't I don't want to get caught by the principal oh my gosh this is terrifying you I can't get through here what what no stabbing people with pencils in the hallway what is going on okay all right we're gonna have to try this again I don't quite understand the grading mechanic it's a little bit confusing to be honest with you we can go into the School faculty though because we are School faculty whether we like it or not uh what is I can I can I grab items no I can't grab items that's fine I just I just want to know how I'm supposed to properly grade the papers so let's go to a different notebook maybe maybe each notebook is handled a little bit differently and it'll help us figure out how exactly we're supposed to do this the principles just standing there waiting for us to fail at grading the students papers so let's click it click on the boxes I don't understand what the principal's mad at me no stabbing people with pencils in the hall I really need to stop stabbing people with pencils in the hall okay we're we're gonna figure out how to be better teachers we need to be a better Baldi be the baldy you want to see in the world I don't know what that means but let's go to a notebook yes we'll face the black notebook once again okay let's think about this logically it says click on the boxes so we can click on the boxes to put a check mark in hey whoa okay if we click it again it turns into an X so that's exactly what we need to do now admittedly we have to do some serious math here and I don't like it but I do want to say that this looks correct to me I wish I had my phone next to me so that I could use the calculator and cheat but I'm not going to do that so how do I get to the next one do I just hit enter okay yes that works this this is not correct it should be 1063 maybe no not even close it should be like 1067 I don't know this is is incorrect all right let's move on to the next one 44 minus 617. gosh I know this is like basic arithmetic but doing this in your head it's making my brain hurt shouldn't this be like 574 574 negative 574 that is incorrect I hope let's see what I thought I was oh my gosh okay I'm gonna need a calculator I'm gonna cheat I'm gonna cheat I'm gonna be a cheating teacher that's messed up that's messed up I'm sorry I just can't control myself I keep stabbing people in the hallways with pencils guess what I have a calculator and I'm not afraid to use it okay let's do this you don't scare me notebook you don't scare me why because I have a friend now yeah that's right one one five minus seven three six equals negative 621 you are correct next question please okay this I can clearly do I can do this 403 plus 13 is 416 that is clearly not the answer that was given so that is incorrect thank you very much I don't need a calculator for that one I think I know this one too I think I can figure this out in my in my Noggin with my Noggin Powers 892 minus 202. that should be 690. it says 698 right there student so you are incorrect you got one question now three correct please we did it we did it correctly oh my gosh it's a new age I only use the calculator once too so maybe I'm not as bad of a teacher as I thought I was hey let's go over to detention let's see what's going on in here anything cool so we can go in and out of detention as we please there's nothing in here for us to see all right let's move along can I go through these doors okay that's very upsetting let's not go through Yellow Doors yellow doors are locked down so I think that we're okay though I don't think any of the classrooms are oh wait what about the starting classrooms we need to get one more notebook that's what we have to do he said we need two notebooks but normally you get the first two that are right there so that's what was throwing me off but if we grab another notebook we should be able to get through the yellow doors after that but I don't know it feels so wrong like moving this quickly as Baldi slapping the ruler like this I feel like I have to have a good rhythm I have to keep it cool play it cool like that you know this is like slightly angry baldy this is like you found four notebooks Baldi but I don't have the patience to be like that so I'm just gonna tap it as fast as I can and get to the next notebook okay I have to admit this one seems pretty easy but I'm still gonna use my calculator I'm just double checking my work all right 104 minus 280 176 you are correct student well done next question please 760 plus 654. I do believe that this is a correct answer and I'm not using my calculator but I'm gonna use my calculator anyways just to double check I'm just doing my due diligence as a good teacher equals 14 14. we did it we did it Team all right next question this should be 509 that is very obvious and you are incorrect student so I'm gonna give you a big fat red X go home go home that wasn't very nice I need to be a little bit more positive with my teaching techniques all right let's see another day's work we did it oh man okay okay so now we should be able to go past the Yellow Doors I don't know if this counts I mean it works so we can go through the yellow doors also playtime she is very very loud I turned my volume down and even with my volume like really really low she's still very very loud all right let's grab our next notebook I'm really really interested to see what happens when you finish all of the notebooks this is such a cool mod like we get to be Baldi that's hilarious so that answer looks correct to me but again I'm just gonna double check with the calculator because I'm weak eight zero one minus three seven seven equals 424. good job 648 minus 567 I don't want to do that in my head I feel like that is right but I don't want to do it in my head because I'm lazy so not only am I a bad teacher but I'm a lazy teacher now too 81 you work correct good job is this student going to get all the questions correct I don't want to get ahead myself but I have high confidence in this student this does not look correct student you really let me down you really let me down but I'm gonna double check your work just to make sure 852 minus 382 equals 470. you were off by just four that's it man you should have just double checked your work but you can't win them all you can't win them all all right so that's three of six which is kind of weird why are there only six anyways let's move along let's just slap through the hallways which is a weird sentence to say but it is the truth it is the only way Baldi knows how to move imagine if you had a teacher that could only move by slapping a ruler against their hand that would be a very strange situation okay so here's the test can we go through yes we can because we have more than two notebooks that's awesome hello playtime very loud please go away forever okay wait a second I want to go back here and so we do have the starting notebook rooms which is weird because if there's notebooks in both of these then is there seven notebooks on the map but we only have to collect six I don't know I'm confused I'm a confused teacher that's okay see this is easy this stuff is easy you can you can break it down in your head you can take the nines out just 62 minus 24. we can do that in our heads it's 38 that is correct good job let's go to the next one 252 plus 5 12. that is 764. good try but not no cigar look at me I'm not using my calculator this is kind of risky though because we made it this far and if I mess up on just one question we have to start completely over which is a bummer I can tell you right now 373 plus 647 is not 1012 because 3 plus 7 is 10. so this answer would end in a zero that's all I need to know let's let's hope that we did that correctly without using a calculator what how did I mess that up so badly I should just use a calculator for everything oh my gosh okay the principal is is coming after me so this is terrible I don't know where he is right now and I don't know if he'll actually find me is he okay he's not behind me so maybe we can just finish this quickly enough so from this point forward I'm gonna use my calculator for everything because clearly I cannot be trusted without using a calculator how did I mess that up I know you guys are gonna point it out and make me feel real dumb but that's okay comes with the territory this answer is incorrect so let's give him a big red X go to the next one 832 minus 774 equals 58. hey look at you smarty pants over here I mean I know this one is correct but I'm gonna double check because clearly I can't be trusted that is correct 9 20 9 20. correct enter how how how did I mess that up maybe because I already messed up one I have to deal with the consequences of messing up all of them no principal ah I was so close okay we're doing this for real this time we're gonna finish the gauntlet of grading all of our students papers without getting beaten up by the principal and I'm going to use the calculator for everything no matter what I don't care anymore okay that's one notebook down we're good only five more to go so even using my calculator somehow I still messed it up I don't know what I'm doing wrong I feel like there might be a little glitch in the system here because I feel like I'm answering the questions correctly or or rather I'm grading the answers correctly but for whatever reason it doesn't work properly it's very upsetting but I'm gonna try again we're gonna get all six okay I've managed to get five of the six notebooks and I think I kind of figured it out I think what might be happening is if you toggle through the check mark and the Red X too many times I think the game just kind of break it doesn't work properly so you have to make sure that you click properly so if you want to give a question the correct answer you click in the box once and that gives it a green check mark and if you want to give it a wrong answer you click twice but if you click more than that to try and get back to like a check mark or Red X that's when things get wonky I think that's at least how I've been doing this run so either my math has been completely wrong in previous runs which I'm not ruling that out or it gets a little buggy regardless this is our last notebook as far as I know so I'm very excited about this so I'll kind of show you guys how I've been doing it I have my calculator on the other screen so 310 minus 329 equals negative 19. that is correct so we're just gonna click once one click that's it and then we go to our next question 650 minus 516 easy enough 134 4. that is correct and make sure that there's no negative there because you know that could throw you off One Click Boom easy and then the last question 748 minus two three one equals 517. this student got all the questions right so hit enter we did it oh my gosh okay six out of six now what what happens what hello are we can we go home now for the day or whoa what okay so the exit signs turned into you know what they do when you get to the end of the game can I can I grade this last paper there's still one more notebook we can still grade it oh my gosh this is ridiculous hit enter another day's work we did more than we should have do we get overtime for this principle please come on give me my overtime oh you need to do is I'm very confused can I get past the bully I can get past the bully the bully has no power over me all right get me the heck out of this school I want to go home for the night it's been a long day teaching grading papers oh gosh this noise I hate this noise and I've only heard it a handful of times is the sock puppet gonna come after me are you gonna Are You Gonna Be My Enemy No you're just gonna run away okay that works too here we go this is it we're gonna beat baldi's basics in education and learning as Baldi incredible stuff let's go get me out of here congratulations you won we've done it we're the greatest teacher who ever lived Welcome Back to baldi's Basics as you can see I am joined today by none other than the adorable little Seth Seth is fascinated by my keyboard I actually picked up a different keyboard specifically for Seth the last keyboard that I had had some kind of sharp edges so I got one that has a much nicer beveled edges that won't hurt him that's the main thing right that's the main thing so he's going to enjoy playing with the keyboard while I do my intro so as you can see we're playing a new baldi's Basics mod by rappa rep it's called Baldi likes cars and it has some weird story elements I guess it's a sequel It's the sequel to Baldi likes chips it's really really strange who would have thought there'd be a sequel for a mod but here's the story so far it says uh oh your friend lost his notebooks again but that doesn't matter it's been a month since Baldi ate those chips since then first prize has ran away the bully has become a chip seller and things have been going weird recently just get out of that Schoolhouse okay okay I guess we'll do that or at least attempt to and hopefully Seth can help us along the way right buddy you got this we got this we got this yeah is that there's a microphone say something to the people say something what do you want to say he said yeah okay let's get this show on the road shall we I have no idea what to expect here I'm kind of oh gosh voice acting um just come on I'm I want to get mad yeah [Music] okay thanks for that that very meaningful message Baldi he just wants to get mad make sure to do grades eat food don't bully go to school okay that's a great poster very meaningful let's grab our first notebook even though notebooks don't really matter he keeps on dropping his notebooks anyways it's not like it's gonna make a difference okay let's answer the questions is he done talking he's done talking wait what does this say what sub sub what this is very strange why why are these letters and not numbers okay whatever let's answer the question Seth two plus one is three all right three plus one is four you got this all day baby math time you got this yeah five minus nine negative four now that's getting pretty hardcore into the mathematics Arena but Seth is prepared regardless of whatever kind of math baldy throws at him okay I exist great let's see what Baldi has to say for himself after that high level math right here have a shiny corner it's pretty good um do the second one yeah come on come on come on I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting for you to do the second one so go do it okay I'll go do it I don't know what he said there he's still talking [Music] oh oh he did that okay all right Seth we gotta grab our next notebook all right now this is the one where things get weird because it's We're not gonna be able to answer it basically so let's just answer those questions and then this you got any any suggestions for this one oh he said 12. like father like son am I right all right let's go he gets angrier for every problem that we get wrong apparently um Baldi is now going to be driving a car through the hallways right that's let's let's see if we can find him I don't you don't hear the the slaps right no ruler slaps Baldi Baldi oh there's bully selling chips oh gosh oh oh oh oh play time she's so fast look at how fast she is oh my gosh she was also a little bit deformed I don't know if moving at that kind of speed kind of makes your face look funny but her face looked funny okay I do hear principle he's he's doing his thing here Seth you take the you take the wheel I'm giving Seth the keyboard here you've got this you've got this okay he turned around oh gosh oh dear you gotta press this one this is the forward one right there right there that's the one do it come on okay that that was good but in the wrong direction you gotta go the other way Baldy's Gonna Get Us I actually don't know where Baldi is I we haven't actually seen him yet are we doing it oh no play time we gotta jump okay we jumped I I did that by the way he didn't do the jump but play time is freaky what what is she doing she's so fast what is happening all right I'm taking back the keyboard um we still have not seen Baldi we've definitely seen a very very fast play time which is scary but where's Bobby at he's got a car and he's not afraid to use it apparently get the microphone get the microphone that's bully selling chips I could go for some potato chips right now bully I think he's really jacking up the price though making things hard for us oh my gosh oh gosh [Music] my controller was plugged in and it made a very loud sound hold on okay so we finally got to see I like cars oh okay thanks for letting us know Baldi okay so we finally got to see Baldi but uh he was being pushed around by by God sweet so uh let's try that again uh but hopefully we won't die so quickly okay let's try and get through the chaos the madness that is Baldi driving a car in a school hallway also very fast Play Time scares me you know how fast he's moving around gosh okay Seth really wants to play on the keyboard so we're gonna give him another another go at it we gotta jump we gotta jump here hit this one this one this one hey he did it you did it good job buddy good job hello playtime hello again oh hi play that oh we gotta do it again this one you know the Drone you can do it you can do it Seth I believe in you right here right here do it yes no the timing was a little off he did it again yeah Seth you're so good thank you you saved us from the The Perils of super fast play time [Music] oh my gosh look at Baldy in the car Seth's not even looking at Bali in the car oh my gosh she turns very fast holy cow he is coming towards us he's laughing oh no we're done oh is that is that by the way go go okay wow um Baldi is very maneuverable in that car I'm actually kind of impressed how quickly he can turn around those Corners that was terrifying wasn't it yep that's my nose you got the microphone you got the microphone oh yeah okay so I think Seth had his fill of baldi's mathematics and driving cars through hallways and frankly I can't really blame him so he's gonna hang out back there while we give it one more good shot all right let's do this you don't scare me driving car Baldi also the sensitivity is super high I should have lowered it I turn around so quickly it's kind of disorienting it's actually extremely disorienting to be honest with you you see Seth in the background mutilating Charlie the spider just eating him one one leg at a time that's fine he likes Charlie and I think Charlie likes him other than the part that he's eating oh here we go now I don't know if Baldi actually makes any kind of noise it's hard for me to tell because typically I'm playing these games with headphones on oh gosh okay hello playtime um but I can't wear headphones because I gotta pay attention to Seth obviously so I can't hear all the sounds that are being made quite as well as I normally would be able to I can't hear play time though because you know she's right there and she sounds like a a car driving by you're like [Music] oh there's Baldi oh gosh okay oh this is kind of scary he's gonna get to the end of this hallway and then he's gonna drive up behind us I think I did hear him he he's laughing he's going oh potato chips what what do the potato chips do maybe I can give them to Baldi I I don't know or I could give them to bully he loves potato chips he sells potato chips or maybe that means that he hates potato chips because he has so many he just wants to get rid of them hmm deep lore oh goodness hello Baldi that's scary is he gonna come into the cafeteria here oh my gosh she's totally driving into the kid cafeteria what the heck man get that car out of here you're gonna hurt somebody that's just ridiculous it's ridiculous what is going on with the scissors What SS huh hey that's a little weird how you doing buddy doing good all right he's A-Okay and we're doing okay I do hear Baldi though and it's kind of scary because it's got this weird like echoey sound to it it sounds like he's really close but he's actually not oh what just happened did gotta sweep just murder us or maybe gotta sweep pushed Baldi into us I didn't actually see what happened so it's really hard to know exactly what we need to watch out for do we need to avoid gotta sweep at all costs I don't know I know I said I was only gonna do one more run but that one ended kind of abruptly so we're gonna give it one more shot I also kind of want to go to gotta sweep and just see if he if he ends Our Lives instantly if he does we'll know very very quickly let's see no he's he's fine so that wasn't it you want lazy hi bully selling us selling us potato chips okay thanks oh we're so done oh gosh please don't hurt me Bali please don't hurt me please gotta run oh we escaped I think play time I don't have time for this I okay I turned playtime blue with the weird looking scissors okay I have one more notebook to get I don't know where Baldi is [Music] and I'm kind of scared all right the last notebook let's see what Bali has to say him and his his car his ride wow you did it I had things to say now um you want to get in my car we can go for a drive I know we're not gonna run you over yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't want to get in the car with Baldi he scares me oh here we go fun noises so fun no get away okay okay I think we're gonna make it I think we can make it I think we got this this is it this is it has he done it there goes my chips you just get sent to outer space you won but the principal has something to say huh principal's office what is happening all right we're gonna check this out together with Seth since you know he he helped us get to this point we are going to get first prize bye look did you expect me to get that there's nothing said about this whatsoever uh I have no idea what he said and it crashed the game neat Welcome Back to baldi's Basics a quick warning this is my first mod not my first mod but baldy makes mods first mod I makes mods apparently let's jump into it shall we um I need some help oh poor Baldi he needs our help baldi's small Basics and education and learning oh nose Baldi looks distressed I would say so as already mentioned this is a mod by baldy makes mods a new mod Creator this is all very confusing let's go into the how to play I believe that there is some story here oh yes story Baldi was using a shrink gun to shrink all the desks and tables for it would make moving them easier however he accidentally used it the wrong way and shrinked everyone in the school instead including you and him now you need to get those notebooks to return to normal size I read that in the most dramatic fashion I possibly could muster and I think it worked drama so let's uh I guess collect notebooks to save our lives I appreciate the fact that the uh the buttons here are smaller than they normally are it's a nice touch shall we jump into it collect all the notebooks and then leave to return to normal size I will do that oh yeah so if you didn't know I accidentally made everything snowball when I used to shrink Gun Room so uh can you get the notebooks and it'll help me get directions please I don't like this small thing Ollie doesn't like this small thing he doesn't like being tiny I can't really blame him could you imagine I mean everything would be horrifying a dust particle would be scary at this size this is very very strange Baldi why'd you shrink us too though I don't know I I hope that we can reach the notebooks that would be that would be good okay so the notebooks are in the middle of the classroom that makes sense because otherwise things would be real real difficult having to climb these desks these are like buildings at the size that we're at right now just go ahead and climb that skyscraper to get to that giant notebook at the top thank you for putting the notebooks on the ground gosh his voice is so weird this is very very strange five minus six is negative one two minus two is zero I gotta get out my my magnifying glass five plus six is eleven that's right he sounds so little you sound you've been chipmunked thank you I appreciate it this is very weird seeing him so little all right let's grab our next notebook gosh she sounds weird Okay negative five we got this eight minus one seven all day bring it and then 12. it's wrong but hey I'm trying to help you get untrunk why can't you just like not chase me that just oh the ruler slaps out so weird oh oh gosh okay um I don't know if I like this okay I hate this actually tiny baldy is way scarier than regular Baldi it's he you don't know where he's coming from and he sounds like he has a little tambourine oh gosh first prize you're so little can you push me nope you went right past me okay I'm cool with that cloudy copter you're not why are you here what why I see playtime I see little tiny playtime also a very tiny vending machine thank you for that you know what they say tiny vending machines dispense tiny sodas that's the way it works hello what are you oh my gosh play time oh she sounds so weird okay uh I gotta I gotta shoot him with the soda otherwise we're finished by tiny Baldy can I get the quarter I can't reach the quarter the quarter is too high I can't get it I didn't want it anyways playtime sounds so cute I gotta say she sounds really adorable hello principal you don't scare me you're you're little but you just you're just little you're just little principal you don't scare me oh grab this thing that could come in handy and grab the notebook getting distracted by stuff that doesn't matter three minus six negative three all day bring it on seven plus four is eleven I really wanna see what this ending looks like do do we get like returned to normal size that would be pretty cool please don't hurt me Baldi I don't know who you are why why are you like a weird sweeping Mario what's happening with that situation it's all very confusing please don't hurt me please don't push me oh he got me this time okay uh wow uh I'm dead I'm done right you think I can sneak past Baldi because he's so little let's try not gonna happen it didn't happen definitely did not happen yeah see this is the part where I get a little confused he's asking for help but he's attacking us well you got some issues dude you gotta work through them I get that you're very tiny man right now and that you need saving but you should think about like actually assisting the people or trying to help you in your situation which is me you're making my job real hard that's all I'm saying all right this is five it's six and it's 12. all right math let's go all right I'm not gonna mess around with tiny baldy because tiny baldy doesn't mess around tiny baldy means business whoa okay just gonna move along here's my theory these characters are always in the school you just can't see them because you're too big see because we're tiny now we can actually see these other characters that's that's my Galaxy brain Theory so smart all right I hear first prize time no no get away get away get away from me don't talk to me it sounds really really silly oh man it's great all right let's see if we can grab another notebook isn't the G healthy notebook supposed to be green it's the Gatorade notebook that's how I remember it why is it light blue messing with my brain so used to the green g healthy notebook hello cloudy copter I don't know why you're here okay baldi's getting a little too close for comfort let's go this way I haven't heard principal whistle I wonder if his whistle is higher pitched than it normally is please stop let me go let me go no oh no poor first prize and his tiny voice why is cloudy copter just following me it's freaking me out oh look it's tiny bully ah playtime get away from me we escaped the play time the evil tiny play time please notebook I oh gosh I couldn't click the notebook that was scary that was a scary moment we survived though and we have a a mouse Cloud friend following us he's he's literally just following us around oh there's a high pitch whistle we got the high pitch whistle it's very exciting can I go under the table you think nope can't go into the tape okay no let's not no stop okay you know what you're done yeah I bet it does I bet it does tiny blade times even scarier than tiny baldy oh oh I heard got a sweet okay that's a little upsetting all right okay gotta sweep sweep high pitch Edition very very Spanish also where is Baldi I hear him but it's hard to tell if he's far or not because of the weird pitch change is throwing me off my game my baldy senses are thrown off not that they're very good anyway away get away okay that was very bad um you know what okay we're gonna do that and then just go for it just run oh we're done we're so done I'm dead I'm dead please please take me to detention I ran here I go in here yeah I'm not allowed to be in here next level strat's right there we escaped from Baldi that was insane now I just need to get out of detention okay where are you first prize oh there he is okay hello I got it oh no this is it this is the end this is the end I knew it ah man tiny baldies scary all right I really want to try to get all seven notebooks so I'm gonna give it another shot 15 seconds first of all we'll hear about this one you're now in detention for breaking the rules of the principal what who that I did zero with prize he was hired by the principal hold on get get away from me Baldi he was hired by the principal to make sure kids don't break the rules if you break rules he will tell pot principle of the thing wow okay so now I know who this little tiny Mario sweeping guy is great I'm giving it another run cause weird sweeping Mario ruined my last one zero with prize it's not even a thing I can't do it yes tiny ball is too fast and too scary I can't do it he wants my help but he won't accept it he's too strong baldi's Basics trap out of control a very cool mod by the wizard Royal now last time we played this we were having a hard time unlocking the the secret ending but since then the game has been updated to make accessing that secret ending a lot easier not to mention there's some new endings I guess so I thought that we would return to this Majestic creation and see what we can find out about the killer a balding but first let's click on the about section because I gotta tell you this song that plays in this menu is a banger it's a good one it's a real good one I I want to say a speech again but I don't know what to speech about I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling pumped I'm I'm ready to find out who killed baldy I hope that this is the music that like detectives hear when they're figuring out a case a case that they've been working on for for months perhaps this is the music that they hear right before they Triumph and find the person who did the deed that's how I imagine it in my head anyways enough of this awesome music let's play the game but actually someone mentioned that my logo is in here on this this main screen I must have completely missed it see if we can find it I don't I oh oh There was it was in that uh it was in the tree in the front I think that's why I missed it because all the other logos are back here but there it is again okay we're driving in circles I guess the bus is just driving in a big circle very exciting let's return to the the school of sadness the school all right ambulance take me away all right we're back at baldy unknown's Battlegrounds I see the tank I never actually walked up to the tank oh you can't actually get to the tank okay just the smoldering carcass of a tank in front of a school totally normal totally normal now as you guys know if we touch the playground situation over there it takes us to this weird mini game we'll do that later the first thing I want to do is just beat the game like normally just answer the questions and get out of the school which I think we'll be able to do because as you guys probably already know bali's not going to be chasing us because he's gonna be but don't tell him that alright let's get our first notebook I love that touch of the cables coming up out of the ground into the desk it's just it it seems appropriate the evil character who has put an end to Baldi is is also a wiring Master first notebook successfully acquired problem now the notebook of Doom why is it called The Notebook of Doom I think you guys know why but Baldi doesn't all right here we go he's gonna get real mad or real dead all right bye Baldi there's more of the wires just sticking out of the wall I guess nobody noticed and there's a dead baldy and does it yeah it's still oofs when you when you step on him the oofed Baldi all right let's collect our notebooks which should not be an issue final notebook it was a very pleasant stroll through the school to be honest with you I had one encounter with playtime I cut her jump rope and made her extra sad she was already sad oh did that happen last time was there a weird clock noise I feel like there was a weird clock noise last time we played this and then there's arts and Crafters he sounds like a baby right let's see it's real sad it's real sad all right the ambulance is Gonna Leave take Baldi away I I guess but I mean let's be real we already know the results the situation would follow me I don't think they're gonna be able to do much for him at the hospital let's go home and by home I mean the graveyard of course so I do remember the floating banana very strange sad music of course [Music] it's a very sad situation Baldi is dead and he wants us to remember that he wants us to remember that he's dead it's weird it's actually weird so this is the same ending that we saw before and we got this ending I guess this is the quote unquote sad ending because we answered the questions correctly now what we need to try to do is answer all of the questions incorrectly see what happens so let's do it principal wants to remind us of something though [Music] so true it's so true all right step two in our deep dive investigation of who killed Baldi answer all the questions incorrectly let's see what happens wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong okay it's all wrong and you're dead I'm sorry we gotta do it for for science or something play time is just she's so sad [Music] feel bad doing this but I'll make her even sadder hey no back off you you already had your fun go away get away from me okay she's not leaving me alone that's it's great thanks you can't stop me play time I'm gonna answer all these questions incorrectly whether you like it or not okay now it's time to very slowly jump rope just come on let's all right okay we're we're doing this I have no way of getting out of it so I have to sit here for the next I don't know four hours or something play time please can we can we can we speed this up I get that you're sad but why are you slow what does the slowness have to do with sadness does sadness make you slower maybe what why why are you doing this to me I just need to answer the questions incorrectly and here we go again we're doing it again okay all right play time great thank you I've escaped finally and play time is after me yet again she's a monster and I don't like her and I would not feel guilty about making her cry again yeah I said it and I'd say it again all right play time I got scissors I'm not afraid to use them bring your worst I only need one more notebook take that cool guess what playtime I got two scissors with your name on them I don't know what that means but your name's on them they probably belong to you that's probably what that means anyways we got our last notebook I think I'm gonna try something a little bit different this time instead of just immediately exiting the school I'm gonna go to each of the other exits and uh just interact with it I don't know I walk up to them and then we'll go out the front door maybe I guess I don't know like is it the same thing going on yeah I mean everybody's sad and the ambulance is waiting let's just go to all the other exits see what happens I really hope this works oh I forgot about you okay well here we are at least we don't have to worry about Baldi that's a plus we just gotta sweep please please just just let me do what I need to do sometimes you don't gotta sweep sweep sweep have you ever thought about that all right first exit okay it does close so that's that's something it's not a lot but it's something exit number two hello okay now we've got obnoxious noises in our brains very good normally I'd say this is very bad this time I'm gonna say it's very good no sock puppets to attack me man life is great actually now I am noticing that the hallways aren't turning red which is kind of weird which is weird to say that that's weird because if the hallways turned red like in real life that would actually be way weirder than them not turning red right so it's weird that I think it's weird that it's not weird that the Halls are red I think my brain just broke let's go outside goodbye ambulance hello boss let's go home same ending we got the same thing happen sad music it's the same dealio what's up with that it's still got that message on the download page that if you hold W and shift for 10 seconds it'll trigger the the ending but I don't know all I'm hearing is sadness Baldi you still super dead my dude super dead what do you have to say for yourself first prize I see you too my friend I see you too okay well so far I am just full of disappointment and this music pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now well there is only one thing left to do and that is trying to get past the nightmare playground mini game okay let's do it or at least try to here we go click to play okay well okay it it's actually way easier than it used to be holy cow okay oh it it's so lenient I ran right into that wall but I just went over that barrier what is this I'm moving the Roses I'm huh what what I am the Roses okay this is super weird I can't move I I am I am stuck and I have become the roses that now inhabit Baldy's grave we'll miss you teacher but the fact is I'm gonna be with you for a long time because now I am just roses and I cannot move much weird is this really the secret ending this is it all right I'm not gonna lie to you guys I'm very confused so I downloaded the latest version of baldi's Basics trap out of control it's called version 1.3 that's what I was playing up until this point it did have a new ending in it where you become the Roses very weird this one however is called baldi's Basics trap out of control version 1.3 secret ending why is there a different version for the secret ending because it saved a whole lot of time could have saved a lot of time anyways here we are let's go to the about section to to rebuild our our morale oh yes yes I'm feeling stronger already why is the sock so good all right I feel a lot better now let's see if we can actually get the secret at it can I just go straight to the playground situation is it still gonna be easy though like I really hope it's just it's super easy mode okay so far it feels pretty pretty easy I'm feeling pretty good about this okay keep it going okay I ran into that wall clearly and still survived and now I'm going the wrong direction and I survived please roses I am just roses moving I am yet again the moving roses this is my life now [Music] I'm up I'm a bundle of dancing roses it did say to hold shift and W for 10 seconds maybe this is like the the place where you're supposed to do that I don't I don't know [Laughter] okay that genuinely terrified me hello it is it is evil Joe what is that what what is happening okay finally we got the secret ending goodness gracious so I figured it out that's where you're supposed to hold shift in W is in that specific screen goodness gracious that took way longer than it should have Baldi didn't look very good but he wasn't dead at least as far as I could tell
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,345,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, baldi, shake, baldis basics, baldi's basics, kindly keyin baldi, baldi is crazy, crazy baldi, baldi goes crazy game, baldi is crazy game
Id: 3cVABqjXVok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 12sec (4752 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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