Nuckelavee Art Doll Tutorial (Halloween Special)

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hey guys long time no see welcome back to my youtube channel and man it's been so long since I've said that I know I haven't uploaded in quite a bit but I just couldn't miss Halloween I mean it's my favorite time of year I'm slowly trying to get back into some semblance of an upload schedule but I want to thank you guys for sticking around while I sort all this out I'll be honest I've had a few deaths in my family this year so it's more of like a mental health break I still post on my social media but editing and filming a YouTube video has just been a little bit too much for me right now but I'm slowly getting back into it I'm slowly getting better and I miss you guys and I really miss making videos and editing I just I really like it but um yeah just thank you guys for sticking around I really appreciate it but enough about all that it's time to get on with this video and in this one I'm going to be making a creature known as and I'm going to probably mess this up a knuckle lady I keep calling it a knuckle eve but technically it it's spelled like this so not believing and yeah but it's a demon out of Norse mythology and is depicted as some kind of skinned horse and man fused together so here is my spin on that creepy creature to make the demon I am using a new type of polymer clay called cos clay it's a clay that stays flexible after baking which is like a dream come true which means that this guy is going to be poseable in the final piece I mean other clays that I've used any other clay really that you would use if you tried to bend it it is going to break for sure so this stuff is a godsend for things like I make and just in general like any kind of sculptures you make little bits little horns or or little tiny hands and stuff you know those were always at risk but with this stuff it's not a risk anymore because it'll always just stay flexible so yes I am so in love with this stuff to start I made an armature and filled in the larger areas like the chest and head with tin foil so that way I'm not using as much clay when I start sculpting and I slowly begin adding clay to the frame bit by bit building up to the thickness that I want I didn't want it too thick because again I do want it to stay poseable so you know if you go thicker the thicker it is the more harder it's going to bend and the more firm it is so I wanted to keep it kind of thin in lanky so that it could still be posed it's also crucial during this stage to gather as much reference material so you know what you want to sculpt towards in my case I was looking at a lot of human anatomy photos a lot of pictures of it like as unfun as it was to Google I looked up emaciated humans to figure out what that looked like and just a bunch of stuff so I can get an idea of what I want whatever you sculpting references will help you better place things like where the nose should go and what shape it should be or if you're sculpting an animal you know if it has forward-facing eyes or side facing eyes you know if it's a predator or prey so things like that and just you know figuring out all the anatomy it's a lot easier to do that when you have references instead of just diving in headfirst which I'll admit I was always the person who did that but now I'm a changed soul so now references references all the dive references [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] also here's a good chance to tell you guys that don't stress too much if a sculpture isn't immediately turning out the way you want as you can see I couldn't figure out what kind of horn shape I wanted and I was kind of getting frustrated with it just wasn't looking right I wanted them big but then they looked we were too big and I wanted this shape that she didn't look right so I tried multiple different horns until I found one that I was happy with so always just take your time this type of art stuff takes a while and it's meant to be fun so if you're starting to get frustrated and stuff just make sure you're taking a deep breath and calming down sometimes it helps to just walk away for a bit and then like in 15 minutes like go get a snack or something and watch a TV show for a minute just to get your mind off of it and when you come back with fresh eyes it'll better help you figure out like what needs fixing or what direction you want to go in so just make sure you guys take any time it's okay you know your sculpture is gonna get there it always will and even if it doesn't for whatever reason you know it's always going to be learning practice and you're always going to gain some kind of skill or learn some kind of lesson from it so it's never a waste of time and it's always going to be fun so you guys just remember that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] so to work on the horse I actually bought a resin skull off of Etsy that I think was 3d printed but I'm not totally sure I just know it's a horse skull replica scaled down I'll leave their Etsy in the description if anyone's interested in looking at their shop but what I did is I started off with the skull and I still wanted some kind of semblance of muscle and like like the animal flesh was being torn apart so I still wanted half of it to have like look like a normal horse basically so I'm adding clay on to that I was nervous as all heck putting this in the oven because I wasn't sure if this resin was going to do well but it worked I wouldn't really recommend it it's probably really not good but I baked it at a really low temperature for long and when it came out it was so cool but it reharden just fine but yeah that is what I did and I like the result a lot I liked I used like a piece of tinfoil nice texture and stuff and I really like how it turned out it's very simple to get when you got to make something gruesome you don't have to be that pristine and smooth with it because it's supposed to be gruesome so those pieces are a lot more fun cuz they can be a lot more relaxed now it's time to build up the body to do this I take a big sheet of quilt batting which you can get at any craft store or like mom where it even sells it and I cut it into very long strips and I just slowly wrap it around the wire over and over until I start to build up the body so how I want I always recommend to build up the body just a little bit less than how you actually want it because whatever fabric you're going to add be it faux fur or leather or you know whatever kind of fabric you using cotton it's still always gonna add a little bit of extra girth to it and so it'll always like say if you did it exactly how you wanted with the quilt batting then it's gonna end up being a little too chunky because the fabric is going to add a little bit of girth just make sure that you're always doing it just a little bit slimmer than what you actually want so that you'll be happy with the result and let me tell you how hard this ended up being with a giant demon coming out of this horse's back it is very hard to like maneuver around that and you'll really see that when I get to sewing you and for sewing um I'm kind of just showing you guys the process that I did I really wouldn't recommend ever sewing something like this I just had to figure out a way to sew around mr. demon boy there so if you want to see like actual tips and footage of how I normally sew something I would look at previous videos but I just kind of wrapped like I didn't reverse how I normally do it I just wrapped it around cut some slits for legs and and sewed it with a normal stitch but it just it was just way more difficult than it needed to be so just don't do it like this the legs are the same as I normally do though so I'll cut a length of fabric the entire length of the leg trim it down to size and then so starting from the feet working up towards the body and I joined the leg fabric and body fabric with a ladder stitch [Music] you [Music] [Music] this guy was way too fluffy for me so it's time to trim him down to use that I use a pet shaver you I mean I think a normal shaver but it worked - I just know a pet shaver has thicker blades to work with like animal fur so that works good on faux fur but I love a pet shaver because it always helps to get the bulk fur off very quickly and very consistently and smoothly and so I really like using a pet shaver and it also comes with a bunch of guards so I can trim like maybe one spot a little longer than I want another spot and I can change up the guards so I can have that different links throughout the body which I really love but I'll always go back regardless usually around the legs just to trim up with scissors any like to make the joints come out more or anything that the trimmer was too big to get too [Music] now I wanted this guy to have same gruesome hey excuse me gruesome flesh coming out of it I wanted the body to look like it had been like I don't know like zombie like and just stuff coming out of it so I cut holes in the body and revealed all the quilt batting inside and I wanted the really big hole to have ribs in it so I took some instamorph which of these plastic pellets that you can heat in water and they become moldable and I'm sculpting ribs out of that real quick I have other videos where it shows me using it a lot better this was just something very quick that I wanted to use but that's what instamorph is good for it's good for simple things like these ribs or or horns or claws and stuff because it gets very hard and sturdy and it won't break and if you miss shape it or something you could always just put it back on the hot water and it'll it'll reheat and become rebuildable again so it's a very versatile material my quick and easy method to add like meaty texture or just flesh and and gruesome stuff like that is hot glue all I did was started pouring hot glue all in the sections you can see me talking to my friend and showing her it was pouring hot glue and all these sections and using the nozzle to reheat it and make it bumpy and stuff like that and you can't really tell now what it's really looking like but as soon as you go and paint it you can see like all the cool easy texture that it made that'll look like I've opened wound so it's a very simple and effective way to get this kind of textures to just use your hot glue gun who would have thought and now it's on to painting I just used simple acrylics you know I have a bunch of different brands and stuff so it's not like I swear by this one brain stuff you just find whatever acrylic paint that you prefer and just go to town on it I started with a base coat of black on everything and then I went back and started adding in Burgundy's Browns Reds just to get again the gruesome like ripped skin texture sand a house kill it's weird saying all that stuff out loud but yes that is exactly what I was going for and it worked out lovely so layering was also very key here because because I started out with black and just in general you know you want to start with a darker color and slowly work your way up to a lighter color to hit like highlights and stuff so that way it shows off more of the detail in your sculpt and it makes all those things like really pop and it looks really really nice so just take your time with your painting you know make sure your layers are dry in between and stuff it's a long process but the reward is like really great if you if you do it right [Music] [Music] to make the mangled mane and tail of the horse I just took some yarn unraveled it and then if you actually run it through a straightener it straightens it all out and then I just hot glued it to the body in the shape of a tail in the mane until I built it up to how I wanted but it's it's really easy and it's really effective so if you ever making a horse or something the unicorn or something that needs that using yarn is a very cheap and effective method [Music] [Music] [Music] if you got through all of this thank you so very much thank you for watching this video thank you for supporting me and still being around to kick it with me I really really appreciate it thank you for your patience if you guys like this content and you want to see more you know maybe consider subscribing I mean I don't know I hear that's what the people do these days and I'm not sure I can't confirm oh if you want to see other stuff that I'm making I do still post regularly on my Instagram Facebook this guy in particular along with a few others will be for sale in my shop which I'll also have a link to down in description along with everything else and if you guys want to support me further maybe consider looking at my patreon I put some extra content on there for that for you guys as well so just thank you guys so much I will be back and uploading awesome stuff as soon as I can but thank you guys and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: KaypeaCreations
Views: 103,459
Rating: 4.9667335 out of 5
Keywords: art doll tutorial, art doll, how to sculpt, diy art doll, poseable art doll, scuplture tutorial, how to make a art doll, diy craft, diy sculpture, poseable sculpture, poseable sculpture tutorial, kaypea creations, sculpting tutorial, how to airbrush, airbrushing fur, making of, timelapse, artisan crafts, bjd, creaturesofnat, bubbly leaf, woodsplitter lee, dollightful, nicolle dreams, diy, diy how to, sculpture, etsy, halloween, scary, creepy, horror, rwby, grimm, nuckelavee, undead, horse
Id: HbDcDQQ92uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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