Making Cerberus l DIY Art Doll Tutorial

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hey you welcome back to my youtube channel and in this video we are going to be making a cerberus and i know this video is really late for halloween it was supposed to come out on the 31st but this guy was like you want me done by 31st oh honey you're so funny so he took a little bit longer to complete but we got there and look at this we're actually doing some sculpting this video instead of always doing resin castings because i know some of you guys really like the sculpting process and so let's talk about the sculpting process i start with a base of tin foil i do this for a few reasons i firstly do it to save me clay clay could be pretty expensive so wherever you can cut it to make it that you're not using as much will always be useful for you it also helps to make the head not as heavy it is very important especially when you're trying to make a posable art doll you want to keep the head as light as you possibly can so that the wire won't fall over on itself and that everything can support its weight so that's another important aspect to think about it'll also bake more evenly in the oven since it's tinfoil it's not going to be as thick if it was all clay and so you're not going to get cracks as often as you would if it was just a solid ball of clay so once i have my tin foil base then it's time to start covering it all in clay and i just cover everything and a nice like not too thick but not too thin um thing of clay layer of clay thing of course and then i start pushing it around to try to get all the basic features and start marking out where i want all the anatomy to go so i'll be pushing where i want eye sockets to go and you know where i how long i want the snout to be and you know where's the nose gonna go and and like cheekbones and stuff like that and it's really important especially in this stage since i'm making three heads to try to keep them all the same size and the same proportions with each other so i'm constantly going back and forth trying to keep them all at the same level of detail so i'm not getting like focused in on one and then all of a sudden the other one's not going to look at like that one because i focus so much on this one i'm not going to have that same energy for the other one so i'm trying to do them all relatively at the same time and just going back and forth making sure that they're all the same because they're all going to have different expressions but i want them to look like they're part of one creature so i want them to all have similar uh features and stuff and so that's really it's a lot easier to do that when you're doing it all together at once rather than focus on one then focus on the next one then focus on the next one if that makes any sense um but i don't know who's actually going to make a three-headed demon dog but if you are that's a good tip to do is to just work on it slowly and each at the same time now this is of course not going to be like your traditional cerberus i don't even know if there is a traditional cerberus i really want to go very stylized with this um i want like him to be a creature that looks like fire is coming from the inside of him so i have a lot of cool tricks in mind for this creature as well as giving him a skeletal tail so i know that's not really common but i really wanted him to have that but as i'm sculpting i'm just looking at a bunch of different inspirations and um just creepy things that i really want to give um to my creature i want that spooky spooky vibe and so that brings me to saying because i haven't said it in a while that you will always need what references people references you will always need references for whatever you're working on there is absolutely no downside to references they will always help you especially if you're just starting out so say you want to make a fox or a horse or something just looking up pictures of them just to see how they look in real life and to get different views of them really helps get the kind of look that you're going for and i'm not saying just for like purely anatomical things you know inspiration photos and things that like stylize photos of things that you want something to look like that is reference that is reference material that is also very good for when you're working on your pieces having a compilation of all the different things that you want i had like 20 different different cerberuses in my phone just looking back and forth at them i like this from this photo i like this from this photo i would like to incorporate this just it there's no downside it really helps take you to a next level and so i will always recommend references if you're wondering what it just did there um i took sewing pins and i chopped off the metal rod part and i stuck them into the sculpture because i actually wanted this creature to have four eyes i jus i i love how creepy that looks and so i just i but i needed really small um balls of because like i have glass cabochons but i didn't have any that small and so i was like well what what am i going to use for this and i looked at my sewing pins and i was like hey you're small enough so i just cut them off and stuck them in hey we are resourceful here on this channel okay we we make it work it's the go for it method all right it's the go for forward method and while i'm sculpting i'd like to sit here and tell you as your daily reminder that if you have been thinking about doing something like this if you're thinking about doing art dolls and you're like oh my god i could never do something like that that is way too complicated hey hey hey now you stopped that right now little little missy mister sir you stuck that okay you could totally do this you could totally do anything you set your mind to even if it's not art dog related if there's something that you've been wanting to do whatever it is but you've been putting it off because either someone doesn't believe in you or you're talking yourself down let me tell you i believe in you and i absolutely think you can do whatever it is that you've been putting your mind to so you go out there and you do that thing okay and if you need to vent in them comments about whatever's going on you vent in the comments if you want me to see whatever it is you tag me i will i will encourage you and cheer you on i believe in you okay i believe in you that is also a perfect segue into talking about um showing people's work on my channel i don't know if anybody saw it but last video i talked about how i wanted to share your guys's work on my channel using the hashtag kptutorials and here are some wonderful works by some fellow fans oh saying fans is weird fellow p p people fellow artists fellow artists there you go there's some wonderful pieces by some fellow artists and i want you to look at them and if you have been making an art doll or if you've it doesn't have to be a new one it could be an old one if you've used my tutorials and you want to share your work just use that hashtag and i will be able to find it but anyway let me welcome you to the bane of my existent teeth uh teeth suck i absolutely hate them they look cool but my goodness are they hard to sculpt so i definitely need more practice with teeth but um you'll notice it's a different type of clay that i'm using because it's not the same color i'm using translucent clay and that actually helps when it's baked to give well you know a translucent look and if you um gloss it and add just like a little hint of color at the at the tips to show like wear and tear it looks awesome it just it really looks like teeth rather than just trying to paint the whole thing now um it didn't really work for me because i'm heavy-handed when it comes to painting so of course i ended up getting paint on half of them and i kind of just had to scrape it off but it's fine but um that's a tip for you guys if you want to make teeth and you want to make them look cool try to get some translucent clay because it it really has a really cool effect [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's hard to see when i'm putting in these bottom teeth but it's a lot easier to see when i'm doing the top teeth of this head that i'm working on i am using liquid sculpey and i'm pouring it into like a little cavity i made around the gum line and i'm just sticking the translucent bits of clay in there i just took little bits of it and i rolled it with my fingers and then i made sure there was like a pointed tip and i made a bajillion of these because you were always going to need way more than you think you need and i'm just using a clay tool to stick them into the little pool of liquid clay that i have bacon bottom might work better i didn't have any on hand i'm just using the liquid sculpey but it just really cemented them in there and so i didn't have to worry about them falling out or or breaking as easily if i just tried to like smooth it in there so that's another tip i have for you guys it was it look worked a lot better than i thought it was going to work so it's a nice tool to have in your arsenal [Music] another great use for the liquid sculpey is i pre-baked these heads at one point because i didn't want to mess up my progress i really liked where they were but i needed to add the ears and i knew i was going to like either smush the nose or smush the teeth or something so i pre-baked them so i wouldn't do that while i sculpted the ears but to attach the ears i'm using the liquid sculpey again as a sort of glue and just blending it into the cooked clay that i already have and it's stuck perfect and it has not chipped or anything it looks like it was just one solid piece the entire time so another recommendation uh if you guys are working on a detailed piece and you're like gotta keep smooshing this eye because i'm holding it to like sculpt something else on the other side pre-bake them for like 10 minutes you know just to help solidify them a little bit better and it just makes your life so much easier i need to do it more often because i keep forgetting but i remember this time thank god [Music] to make his feet i start with a base of just like a teardrop shape and then i have these like four other elongated pieces of clay that are teardrop shape i'm horrible at explaining this and i just kind of pushed them all together why do you guys watch my videos i i have no idea i i appreciate you thank you thank you for watching my my wonderful explanations they're great but yeah i'm just i'm making like two big elongated tear shapes and then two smaller ones and the two elongated ones go in the front for the big front toes and then i'm making it worse and then the smaller teardrop shapes go in the back for the smaller toes and then i'm using a dotting tool and i'm just putting a hole in each toe to make claws and for that i'm using cost clay because cosplay is amazing and it's a clay that once it bakes it stays completely flexible and it oh it's just it's so good for like claws and teeth if i wasn't using the translucent i would be using cosplay for like horns and stuff it just anything fragile looking made out of cloth clay just makes it pretty much indestructible at that point because if you drop it it just flexes with the pressure and it doesn't break it's i love this stuff so i'm just using that for the claws and stuff and then once they look like feet from just pure magic because i don't know how i got here i textured them like i did the face oh my goodness [Music] once all the clay pieces are to my liking and i'm ready to put them in the oven i bake them at 275 degrees fahrenheit for roughly 30 to 45 minutes and once everything is baked and attached to an armature it's time to build up the body and for this i use quilt batting and it's readily available pretty much anywhere you can get it at most craft stores fabric stores even walmart sells it and it comes in these really long sheets and i just cut it into a bunch of strips and i start wrapping it around the body over and over and over again until the body is built up to how i want now a thing to keep in mind is you always want to build up the body slightly less than you actually want the body to look like because whatever fabric you're going to add is going to add additional thickness to your body so if you make it the exact size you want it in the quilt batting when you add the fabric especially if it's faux fur it's going to then make it too big and you're either going to have to trim it down a lot to get it back to the what you want or you're going to have to uh remake the body which can be a real pain so that's just something to keep in mind um it depends on what kind of body shape you're going for so especially if you want to go for like a lanky boy like i'm kind of going for a little bit of a lanky boy here so i want to make sure that i don't build up the body too much because i want to add faux fur onto it and that's going to add a lot of thickness but again if you want chunky chunk boy you go ahead and you go for chunky chunk boy because we stand for him too so it's up to you and your preferences [Music] after the body is all built up to my liking it's now time to do the sewing uh i'm going to be doing this a little bit different than what i normally do because i have to sew for three heads so what i'm going to start with is uh i cut pieces of fabric the entire length of each neck and then i trim it down so that each one is nice and snug but still leaves a enough room to make sure that they're still posing nice and well and i'm going to sew from the head first all the way down to the base of the neck [Music] [Music] once the necks are sewn everything else is pretty normal i lay out the fabric and i lay the sculpture belly side up and then i cut a piece of fabric the entire length of the body of course minusing the heads in this case and then i cut slits like i line up the fabric as tight to the limb as i can and then i cut a slit for the arms to slide through and then i just make sure that it's all nice and snug and then i trim down the excess around the belly just to make sure that it's a tight fit you don't want i never really mentioned this but you don't want it too tight to the point where your sculpture is not going to be able to move so you want to make sure that you're going snug but not like ridiculously snug where you have to really pull the thread hard that it's not going to be able to move after that so that's something to keep in mind [Music] [Music] i sew the legs in a similar fashion i'll cut a piece of fabric the entire length of the limb and then i'll trim it so that it's nice and snug again and then i'll start sewing from the feet first working my way up towards the body and then once i've reached the the body fabric i joined the two fabrics together using a ladder stitch [Music] once the body is also and it's time to trim up that faux fur now for this one in particular i'm not going to be trimming it up too much because i do want to keep that scraggly look that this faux fur has so i'm not really going to brush it out i'm not going to trim it too much i just really want to like accentuate the legs and stuff and like maybe like a where the tummy like smooths into the back legs and just things like that but um i recommend a pet shaver if you're going to be making more than one sculpture because it just makes your life so much easier getting bulk fur off like very quickly and very evenly and you have a bunch of different guards to choose from so if you want just a little bit of fur off you can use a thicker guard if you want a lot of fur off you can use a thinner one but keep in mind this is not a requirement you can always use scissors and you will need to always use this just to go back and just trim up everything that your shaver couldn't get so once the body is trimmed it's time to work on the skeletal tail that i wanted and for this i'm going to be using instamorph and instamorph is just these plastic pellets that you put in really really hot water and when they melt they become moldable and you can mold them into any shape you want and once they cool off they become a hard plastic again and i'm just using it to cut off little chunks and i'm uh sculpting each vertebrae and uh again references people references because i'm using references because i'm not gonna remember what a skeletal tail looks like and i'm just looking up different skeletons and what their tails look like and how their vertebrae work with each other and i'm just sculpting each one one by one by one all the way down the long tail now i couldn't really get in a frame because this tail is massive but you know you start with a really big vertebrae and you slowly work your way down all the way to the tip and while i don't have footage of this because i last minute decided to make horns for this creature i did also make his horns out of instamorph and what i did with that is that i put the instamorph in the hot water but i let it cool off a lot so that when i pulled it out it still kind of kept its pellet like texture but it was like still solid enough that it was one piece and i made horns out of that and it gave a really cool like like rocky kind of lava texture that i was going for it's kind of hard to explain but it just looked really really cool and unfortunately i thought about it last minute when i decided to do it so i didn't really get to film it so i'm mentioning it here [Music] [Music] so as i mentioned earlier i want him to have a kind of fiery he's made of fire from the inside and to do this i want to cut him open and make it look like lava spewing out of him so what i did is i just cut a hole of faux fur the entire size i want this to be and then i cut it away some of the quilt batting just so it had a more concave look to it and to add texture what i do is i pour hot glue like all over this i did it for the oh i don't remember how to knuckle lady knuckle lathe one of my older videos i did it where uh i use the hot glue just to add texture it's it's just really easy and simple and because the hot glue still stays flexible it still poses nicely but it's just really quick to give you that texture that you want for like gruesome stuff and so it just works really awesome and i kind of want to give him my rib cage so like like the lava is kind of like falling out of his rib cage and so i'm taking some more instamorph and i'm just making some ribs all the way down this just to like like it's containing some of the fire inside him it's just i love it [Music] once i have everything laid out more or less to how i want it's time to paint everything and i'm starting of course with the heads and i'm just doing a black uh base over the entire sculpture just all of it except the teeth even even though i still kind of paint the teeth but you know it's fine [Music] one five [Music] i've done this in the past and i want to kind of give them like droll and so i'm just taking the hot glue and putting like little blobs like right around like the corners of their mouth and stuff just to make it like the lava is oozing out of their mouths as they like snarl and stuff and so it gave a really nice effect once i've painted everything black i start to paint all the things that i want to be fiery colors and so you know fireworks where the hot center is always like a white yellow and then as you go further out it goes to oranges and red so i'm keeping that in mind and so i start with a red base coat and i want it to be of course where the lava and the ribs kids are going to be but then i also want it to be on the inside of the roaring one's mouth to make it look like his uh inside of his mouth is also lava which is where i got most of the paint on the teeth but we we won't talk about that anymore because i'm still upset that i did that but i'm just starting out with red and then i start going lighter and lighter and lighter with oranges and yellows and like only like little snippets of white here and there to show like the really hottest parts it's just i i love the effect that it gave it really turned out nice [Music] [Music] crucial [Music] the last step i had to do was to just glue in the ribs and i kind of just glued them in how i wanted and then i strategically placed fur on top of that just to blend it in a little bit better so it wasn't just a blob of hot glue where the fur started um and then what i did is i took blobs of hot glue and i kind of made them like droop on the side of like a metal uh can and then i peeled them off and i glued them like at the base at the bottom of the ribs to make it look like the lava is then spewing out how many times am i gonna say lava in this video who knows but you know that's what i did and then i just painted them to blend in a little bit better and then after that this creature is all finished and we get to look at an epic montage enjoy so [Music] [Music] so thank you so much for sticking around to the end and watching this video i really appreciate it and i'd like to give a quick shout out to my patrons thank you so much for your support it really means a lot to me and i just i can never say thank you enough but yeah uh thank you so much for watching this video and i will see you maybe or maybe maybe not next week for another video we're getting two in this time all right let's go alright bye guys
Channel: KaypeaCreations
Views: 173,410
Rating: 4.9772 out of 5
Id: nJ9eIHE2Vwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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